-. fl fr - . ô -. .~.,r &..-q - 4 * ** -fl~4'%*.~~J' PAGE SIXTEEN TEE CAN»ADIA1N STATESMAN. BOWM&ANVILL.. ONTARIO The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Party Honours Couple On 45th Anniverscury Mrs. Ernest Eryson, 1fr. and Mrs. Milton J. Tamblyn le! t Tuesday for a trip to Fiorida. MI'. and Mrs. A. Flonk and family are moving from Mill Street North to Sixth Line. Mr'. and Mirs. W. L. King and daughter Nancy, visited their daughter Marilyn in Toronto and together attended the Ice Capades on Armistice Day. Ms'. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn bave returned home after spending several months et Windenxnere. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Staple- ton the newlyweds, were given a presentation at I.O.O.F. Hall en Friday evening. Mr'. and Mrs, S. Barrabail and familY spent Sunday with Mr'. and Mrs. Oscar Adams, ]Roseneath. Mr. and MIrs. W. L. King spent the weekend witb Mr'. and Mrs. Gerry Vasey and family, Bradford. Mvr. Frank Brown axid Mr. Heber Souch are patie'nts in Memorial Hospital, Bownian- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and son Chris, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and daughters, Lakefield, Mr'. and Mrs. Har- old Murphy, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Miss Sadie Brown is nurs- ing Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Mr'. and Mrs. Edgar Middle- ton, Margaret and Kathy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middleton, visit- ed Mr'. and Mrs. Leo Hadder and son Brian, Toronto, on Sun- day. Mr. Chas. T. Miler has been! Mr. and Mns. Chas. Wood at- Mi at his home.: tended the private funeral ser- Mr'. C. Hurbert Lowes, prin-: vice ini Bowmnanvifle on Friday cipai of the Orono Public afternoon for her niece, Susan Sohool, wi be the speaker at, Broome, age 10, who passed the Evenin.g Auxiliary regular; away in Toronto Hospital for meeting this evening at 8:15: Sick Children following a car p.m.! accident in which her miother, Congratulations to Mrs. F. Mrs. John Broome died instant- Jackson, Whitby, formerly of: ly. Interment was in Mon cern- Orono, on her 95th birthday,! etery. November 7th. i Mr. and Mis. Ervan Rainey Spr. A. R. G. Ritchie, son et! attended the silver weddng, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ritchie, arriv-i anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.:' ed in Werl, Germany this Charles Reesor at Port Perryl month, where he will be sta- on Saturday evening. About 50, tioned for three years. friends and relatives attended1 Mrs. Elizabeth Olive Cornish, the surprise party which was3 nee Linton, wife of Mr. Henry held in the new public school. Cornish, passed away on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rainey, nesday, November llth, at Bowmanville were in charge o! Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Raîney's confectionery for the, ville,*a few hours after taking evening.1 ill wbile attending Rebekah Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp,1 Lodge on Tuesday evening. Tyrone, Mis. Neil Awde and; Funeral was on Saturday. In- daughters, Peterborough, visit- terment Orono Cemetery. ed MýIr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl is visit- Mr. -and Mrs. Ethan Jones, ing M&r. and Mrs. Robt. Horner, 1 Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa. Ceci Jones. Mrs. Les. Samis and Mrs. Jim er. and Mrs. Jim L. Powers, Middleton, visited f&s. Cecil Larry atnd Douglas, have re- Collacutt and daughter Marie, turned to their borne alter vis-i Hampton. iting bis mother, Mrs. Cecil Mrs. W. L. King entertained, Powers. at a luncheon bridge on Friday. Mr'. James Bal, husband of The out of town gueýts were Mrs. Violet Virtue Bail, passed Mrs. Albert Garden and MrLs., away at bis residence, Satur- Roger Hladki, Lindsay, Mrs., day, November 14th. Funeral M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. We3ley was on Tuesday. Interment in Cawker and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Orono Cemetery. Bowmanville. The W.A. held their regular Mrs. H. Barlow was a patientj meeting on Wednesday after- in Memorial Hospital, Bowman-j noon following the serving or ville last week. th Presbytery dinner et noon. Many Improvements Planned For Next Year's Orono Fair A general review of the Durham Central Fair whioh is held in Orono annually camne up for discussion recently. Around fifteen were present for the meeting when opinions were expressed on ways and means to improve the local fair. It was generally agreed by al present that the Fair o! 1959 was a success and that the in- crease in activities on Frlday bad been a boost te the fair. A motion by John Stone and Don- ald Staples recommended that the Friday activities be eniarg- ed for the Fair in 1960. To ex- Blanchard, appointed a cor-m rnittee o! W-m. Reid, Carlos Tamblyn, Don Staples, Francis Jose and Dane Found. Many suggestions came forth1 for extending the Fai on Tri- day and features by the 4-H Clubs and Junior Farmers were anong the suggestions. D. Sta- pies considered that a tractor driving competition could be held on the first day as an add- ed feature. Wm. Reid stated that pony shows and races were a big attraction at other fairs. He said a number of breeders were' present in the immediate area and thet such a show on Friday could be a big attraction. J. C. Gamey, secretary of the Association, pointed out that the Guernsey breeders had ap- proached hhm about holding their Regional show et Orono Fair. The commnittee set up to look after the new attractionis were instructed to contact the Guernsey breeders. The secre- tary also said tbere was a need to raise prize money through If she can't stop-can you ? Brakes are often the onie thing you don't worry about until you need them ... thçn it could be too late. There are more cars on the road today than cver before ... the horsepower keeps going up, and so do the speed limits. Now it's more important than ever before. Corne in today and let me check over your whole brake system ... Remember, the life you save could be your own. Cars love Sheil... Vou'll love ShelService FRAN K'S GARAGE AN~D SERVICE STATION 1 ur She~n Dealer 72 Scugog St.. MA 3-3231 SHELL DELE N Sfflu. PfODiJCTS 1the entire prize list. This istobe considered at a later meeting. JSpecial consideration is to he *given in the cattie departments, other thon the HoIsteins. Mi. Dane Found was again 1given the controi of the conces- sions which include the Mid- way and displays. Mr'. Found stated that if tbey held a two- day fair in 1960 that he would Lagree to provide a sum o! $200 for prizes for the events on Fni- day. C. W. Bihlingasaidd that Dane Found had done a good job for the fair board in 1959. The Board did however recoin- ment that an aduit ride be in- cluded in the Midway for next year. ?&i. Found stated that he bad plenty of time to work on the midway for 1960 but that this year he only received the go-ahead two montha before the fair. An attraction of a Cooking Sdiool was suggested by Dane Found which was supported by the meeting. Rie was given coti- sent to fry and make necessary arrangements. He stated that this wouid necessitate a large tent to hold not only the Cook. ing Sehool but also displays o! appliances. Bill Reid and Dane Found were appointed ta contact the Tobacco Association to see if they would put on a display for the 1960 fair. It was felt that they would, and it was also stated that there was plenty of room for suoh a display in the Fair Building. Parking, it was stated by Jack Moffat, was a problem at the fair grounds. It is net level and there is also a lack of space. It was reconiimended that the field north of the grounds be opened for parking. John Stone was appointed ta look after baving a cuivert piaced in the road ini order that the field could be reached. The Fair Board Is to, approach the Ontario Government to seek a grant to, assist with the cost o! erecting new lighting and the new judges stand at the fair grounds. The following is a financial statement submitted at the meeting. Tentative Statement ta Octo- ber 319t4 1959: Receipts Donations _____ Grants - Prize Iist adv. Entry fées____ Memberships Building revenue Space rentais Concert Gate receipts Grandstand ____ Bookmakers ____ Miscellaneous Balance frein 1958 Expe"dtume Prizes paid Hydro Judges Attraction* ____ Races Plant____ __ Insuranoe Labour & services- Adv. & printlng- Hall rente Supplies Sta. Postage & excii.- Orono Chamber o! C. Misceil. expense Receipts over expenses GmEnts rec. approx.- 4-H Clubs prizes to psy Orono Hydro Eectrie Salary insurance on building at present $1 1000.00 On Sunday, October 25,, ap- proxi.mately 30 relatives and friends; gathered at the home of Mr'. and Mrs. G. A. Peterson, Courtice, to celebrate the 45th wvedding anniversary of Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Airthur D. Tamblyn. After their marriage in Lind- say in 1914 Mr'. and Mrs. Tam- blyn resided ini that area for about ten years, before moving eo Oshawa where Mr'. Tamblyn becamne employed at the Gen- eral Motors plant. In June 1956, they moved to their new home n Courtîce, next door to their only daughter and ber family. Mr. and Mrs. Tam.blyn re- ceived many lovely gifts, among 'New Officers Installed For Orono Odd Fellows Orono Odd Fellows' og Ivan Bal:- V.G. - Bro. Bruce held an 'Open-House' instla Myles; Rec.-Sec. - Bro. E. R. tien cf officers in their com- Rainey; Fin.-Sec.-Bro. W. J. munity hall on November 4th. Riddell; Treas. - Bro. C. W. A gala night with a grand at- Martin, Past Grand-Bro. Vern tendance cf 135. Graham; R.S.N.G.-Bro. Gerald Bro. Hallaron was the only 50 Shackleton; L.S.N.G.-Bro. Ro- year veteran present and re- bert Chater; Warden - Bro. Ce- ceived a real reception. The cil Graham; Cor.-Bro. Gordon Lodge aise entertained Bro. Watson, R.S.V.G. - Bro. L. Keeler, D.D.G.M. of District 41, Pears; L.S.V.G. - Bro. Russel Oshawa and Bro. Wm. Middery, Major; R.S.S.-Bro. Fred Gra- D.D.G.M. o! District 44, Peter- ham; L.S.S.-Bro. Harold Rans- borough. berry; Chap.---Alex Ritchie; N. Bro. Ray Hutchinson, D.D.G. G.-Ken Shackleton; V.G.-Bro. M. of District 42 and staff in- Roy Patton. stalled the officers o! the Or- Bro. Vern Graham received ono Lodge in a very efficient his Past Grand Jewel from Bro. and dignîfied nianner. Keeler who congratulated Vern The pragram opened at 8:25i on his accomplishments in the with the singing of "0 Canada". Lodge. Bro. Graham in return Bro. W. J. Riddell was the thanked the Lod.ge members for chairman for the evening. (their co-operation during the Miss Marlene Graham and past year. Mr. Peter Loucks, students o! Bro. W. G. Watson, P.G., who the Orono High School eddress- for the past fourteen years bas ed the gatherîng. The two at- been Financial Secretary and tended earlier this year the who has resigned bis post was United Nations Seminar wbich the recipient of a presentation was held at the Queen's Uni- made by Bro. W. J. Riddell. versity in Kingston. Both gave Bro. Riddeil spoke of the loy- a fine, address on the main alty o! service ta the Lodge points o! discussion beld et the sbown by the financial secre- Semninar. A fine and appreciat- tary in ail phases of lodge work. ed ovation was given each Bro. Watson thanked the off i- speaker. The Odd Fellows' cers and members for the gif t Lodge assisted in the spansoi- of appreciation. ing of these two students te Followîng the business par- Queens. tion o! the meeting dancing be- Bro. Ray Hutobison and bis came the order o! the evening staff then exemplified the In- with Bro. H. Ransberry, Ken stallation, ceremony, fallowed Neil and Sister G. Brown pro- by an address by Bro. Ray Hut- viding the music. Bro. Mac Rans- chison, a questionnaire and roll berry cafled the square dances. call. Lunch was served buffet style The new slate o! afficers were whioh concluded a mast sue- installed as follows: N.G-Bro. cessful evening. Cia rke's Fire Protection Cornes Under Discussion Orono Chamber o! Commerce .4193.00 met recently with twelve mem- 2261.32 bers present. Considerable dis- 321.00 cussion centred around a num- 292.85 ber of projects and 'suggestions 98.00 proposed at the meeting. 320.00 A letter of appreciation was 357.00 alse received from Mrs. E. Samn- 355.99 uel th.anking the Chamber for 1793 .21 the tropby which they supplied *248.25 for the best play in the Orono 350.0() Dramea Festival. Word o! tbanks 45-9 was also received from the Or- - ono Amateur Atbletic Asocia- $6636-57 tion for the operation o!a *380.23 booth at the Orono Fair onSteir bebal! and wbich netted the Association $300. $7016.80 The Association al$o asked if the Chamber would be inter- ested in providing a Bulletin $2455.25 Board for the Main Street * 61.15 where they eould post bail and 204.65 hockey games te endeavour to 189.70 increase interest in these sports *1130.00 by the spectators. 287.32 In connection with the Sign 363.00 Board Mr. Tound stated that 156.00 this would be looked after by 352.31 the Intermediate Club which 49.00 was being formed by the aider 274.92 boys o! the community. He sta- 40.55 ted that they hoped to play their 697.*00) home games in Orono and ta 93.15 use ail bome-town players.. I-Tne president, Mr. Donàld $63540)S tapies, informed the meeting 166280 that the chlildren o! the Village 3()0.0()had collected the sum o! $31.00 for? UNICEF Fund on Hallow- S 962 .80 e'en night. This was sponsored 342:00 by the Orono Chaniber o! Coin. 48.1 rce under the direction o! 200.18Mr James Tamblyn. The 20.0Chamber also provided , rizes - for the best costumes and re- $ 1028.18 !reshments at the Orono Muni- cipal Building. Mr. A. McGilU, ohairynan of 4 328-00 tii. Pire Cemmaittee, atated that p fl 0 c m p A Sc b a] tc b, ei ti ir 01 et l'