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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 15

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TRtTRSDA'Y, DEC. l7th, 1959 TICNDM TTSAT OMNIL.OTROPG l~E Children's Theatre TI%. Receation Departmnent's Chiltiren Theatre Group will* be putting on a Christmas play cm- titiued "The Littie Sheef 0f BMehlem", at the. Town Hall on Wcdmssdy, December 23 at 7.80 Thora fa no charge for this Performance anti it is hopeti that thcrc wlll b. a gooti turn out of admisa anti chltren for this flrst peformance by the Chiltren'. Children's Crafia, The Childrcn'a raft classes helti at Memnorial Park Club House every7 Saturday morning, wlll b. holding an open houe. for parents tis coring Saturday, December l19tli. The childu-en have worked liard on a number of projecta anti these will b. on display at the. open house. Dancing Classe The Recreation Department's Dancing Classes will holti their annual Studio Chnlstnma Party at Extra cash for shoupine 1 $hop now, psy Iater-with cash from HFC. Convenience ls yours-speed Mid courtesy, too-when you make an instalment «@M ban at Housetiold. i Drop n or phone for a ban up to $2,500. Life hwwno solb e M"«ailL»»o 64 King Stret East. à à j z; TolophoRA 54526 Oshawa Shopping Cenres. . . ......Tophone RA 3-1139 OSHAWA Decrea lion ÇIkeviewsI By Dougl asR thc Bowmanville Town Xall ti conung Friday, Deceraber 18th at 7.30 p.m. The programme will b. under the. direction of Misa ime Bau,. vey and Mms Shirley Fowier. AUl parents ocf idycutailng dancing blessons are cediaily in- vlted to attend the Christmnas Party. ViR~enVgrtr uis in now Open. You May regia- ter for Uic various session by tel1 h * th Recreation Office atezO= 5,ExtE6or 1yat- teuudlng the. frat session c!7Uic. activity I whlch you are lntcrest- cd. TIi. list of actlvitles spcn- sored by the Dtpertaioent wMl ap- pemr in next mes paper. Girls'Breombéli The Girls'Broonibal! m a got underway baat Monda thiU two liard fouglit gamet. ftint games Uic Fabian and Ava- Ions played tô a 242 tic. Alfreda Joncs and Jaa Crawford vere thc goal scorcus for Uic Fabiens. Sharon Burgess collected both of the Aval» ons ansith Haze! Richards picking up an assist on Uic second cone. In the second broomibail gara. the. Presîcys anti Boones playet t a 0-0 tic. Each team hati many 'opportunities Vo score but juat couldn't get the. ball behiud Uic goalies. Gaines scheduled for uext wcek are as lollows: Mon., Dec. 21-5-15 pm.-Ava- Ions vs. Presleys; 6.00 p.m. - Boones vs. Fabiens. Minci- Hockey The Bowmanvillc Bantam AhI- stars will be taking par-t in thc Peterborough Bantaut Tou-n- amont Vo be helti on Saturday, December 2OUi at Clvlc Au-ena, Peterborough. Thi. exact time of the. firat game hasn't been set Pee Wee Lesgue In the firat Pc. W.. game cf Uic merning Uic Bears came up with their first win cf Uic season defeating the. Rangers 4-1. Law- ïremets......--------__ 1 -1 0 2 Barens.....1 10 2 Rama ..........1 2 0 2 Bisons......... 1Z2O02 W. WL.TLeagu Wings .......... 4 00 8 Giauuta............-3 O 1 7 Leafs............ 2 1 0 4 Canamn 2 2 0 4 Bears...... 1 2 i a Hawks...-....- .O 1 2 2 Rangers .......0 3 0 Bruns.........O * 93 9 0 Bantam Loague W L T Pt& Cubr,................. 3 00 6 Lions......... ........ 3 1 0 6 PirateS . ........_.2 1 O 4 Brv ........2 20 4 !lyers ............... 2 2 0 4 Te e« .. .......1 2'0 2 Tigea ......1 2 0 2 Hus1cig _ ........0 40 0 Lieus Midgeta-Juvuile Leogue W L T Pts )rphaiu -8 ~cmls .. 1 218 2 0 2 Clarke House Burns Restrictions Prevent Firemen from Attending ronce Wright (2), Donald Rogers a&M BiU Semersford were the. goal scozers for thc Beau. David Bar- rabaliLawrececcWright Michael Shuttleworti and Morris Hon7 mmi ck.dup, assiste on m Besu ms Peter Tardiff (Ricky Dcwel) aceoutnted for thc Ran- i ge s l goalI. Richard Bafly of theRanezocollecWedthe 01117 penalty of the game for hoalcing. In the second Pe. We. gara. cf Uic mornlng Uie Hawks held Uic Glants te 0-0 tie. It was a very rthrillng game.-Tensimonrse high ethroughout Uic game as both .teas= ied mauiy opportunities te escore but neither team seemed te bc able Vo drive home a goal and the garas ended in Uic scorebesa tie. la thec third Pc. We. game of the. norning Uie Leafs scored twicc fi thefinal perlod te dc-, ft Uic Bruina 2-. Dennis Home- nmk scorled both the LeqIs goals wlth Bonnus Simpson picklng up an assist. In the fourth and final Pc. W.. gaeue tihe Wlngs cbsIked up their fourth straiglit win by de- fcating the. Canadiaris 3-2. The win moved the Wings into, sole poss ession cf tirst place in Uic ceague standings. Leekie MeNair (Paul Lucas, Guy Parka (Dennis Meceters) and Bruce Barrett (Paul Lucas) were Uic goals get- ters, for the. Wlngs. Peter Van.- stone and Bruce Meadowa (Char- lie Evans) accounted, for the Canadians goals. Bantam Les gue In the first Bantamn game the Flyers handodtheUicHuskies their fourth straight loas by a 6-1 score. Eric Pernlund (2), Paul Peterson (2), Peter Bothwell andi Ted Bates accounteti for the Fly- ers goals. Gene Balson (2), Peter Bothwell and Phillip, Bragg col- leted assista on the Flyers goals. Danuiy Jones (Bill Dcpcw, George BaIl) scoreti the Huskies only goal. The Flyers picked up four cf the seven penalties handed out in the gamne. In Uic second Bantam gaine t'lie Pirates picked up their sec- ond win by defeating the Braves 1-0 i a elosely contestcd gaine. Steven Burna scored the winrung go! arly in Uic final peniot. Don McMurter (crosa checking) of the Pirates anti Fruti Alldreati (charg- lnpc1 of the Braves picked up the goal penalties. in the final Bantara game of Uic mornng Uic Lions handed the Tee P... their second lose by a 6-0. score.Bill Buday (2), Glen 'Clark. (2), 1>ennis Gay anti John Allm wethe. goal scorers for Uics Liens. Larry Hately andi Glen Clark. ecd collected au assist for the Lions.,Pat Viniali of the Tee Pee. colleeted Uic only penalty of tieanme for liooking. AtoutLesgue la Uic tirot Atout League game Bisons dcféated the. second place Indlans 2-1 Vo chalk up their first win of the season. Ron Webb and Vers! McLean (Larry McDonahti) aceomuted fer the the Bisons goals. lKenneth Vance (Ken Mar- in) ucored thc Indians only goal inidway thmogli the f¶rst perioti. Robert Forbes anti Johnny Oyler of the TIdAian pleked up the only penalties of Uic game. In the. second Atom gain. the Bombers defes.ted the Rams 2-0 te move luto solo possession of finit place fI the bag:estandings. Kent Cleland aud William Marri. son (James Robson) were Uic g oal getters for Ulic Bombera. Charlie Cattran of Uic Bomber. picketi up the only penalty of the game for holding Uic, puck. Lions Midgot-Juvenill.Leagne In Uie finit Mitiget-Juvenile ga me Uic Dodgers plckcd up, their rat wIn of the season when the Raiders defaulted Uic game by naet belng abi. te ice a teani in turne. Tn an exhibition game play- cd the Raiders defeatcd, the short handed Dodgora 5.4. Ta the. second Midget-uvenlle ganue Uic Cornets defeate theUi Gmerals 5-1. Don Bagnoll collect- cd ail five goals for the Cornets, with Alex Wisemnua assisting an two, of thenu. Jamnes Finu acoreti the. Generals crnly gocal late in the final period., Th. General picked up four cf Vhe six penalties hanti- ed otut. Tn the. final Mitiget-Juvenile g(amo Uie Roekets chalked up their third utraight by defeating OBITUARY JEBBIE MARY HAWTHORNE Jesale Mary Hawthorne, dau- Shte of the late John Haw- thoneani iswife A.nna May Bai.,pasedaway in Port hop hspialon Fritiay even- ing Novemnber 2th, 1959. She hed been ini her usual gooti health untl.l a few days before ber deeth. The bat. Mue Hawthorne was born at Roseberry Hil in Hope township on the farm where she spent the last years of ber hife, andi received her education at Mon, Newcastle, Port Hope anti teacher training In Toronto. She first taught sehool in Almonte when the m.uch opposed phone- tic system was introduced. La- ter she taught in Stouffville, Waterloo, andi for 31 years in Port Arthur. About 24 years ago she retIreti anti liveti at home with ber sister May, who sur- vives. Sh. was predeceaseti by a brother, Donald. She was born with the great gift of abso1ute pitch linxnusic anti from the age of four years was pbaying the piano in public, andi was well known in the dis-1 trict. She hati her A.T.C.M. in vocal, anti was organist in the1 Presbyterian ohurch in eaoh of un who were unable te attend the lire duc te, a by-Iaw which does not shlow thew dcepartment te ans e ls outside the Vill- age. A seci cal wfs placed with tic Orono Briode but here there must first ibe an agreement signed before they nnswcr out cf town calîs. No such agreement hati been sign- eti withth te Orno Departunent. -Tones. the towns in whichi she tau.ght, and continued as organist li Newtonvile, until that church closed. The high esteem li which she was helti was shown by the newspaper <lippings Iound among her papers, telling of a musicale held in her hon- our by all the organizations of the. ohurch, anti similair honours by the school, when she left Port Arthur. Both sehool and church spoke very highly of ber high ideals andi devotion to service. The funeral service was helti at the Ross funeral ohapel in Port Hope on Tuesday, Novem- ber 24, and was conducted by the Rev. G. A. Scott of Bowman- ville Presbyterian Church. Palibearers were.- Norman and Austin Chestnut, Fred Tuf- ford, Mac Irwin, Art MeKay and Bey Hancock. Interinent was in Port Hope Union Cerne- tery. OBITUARY GEORGE BROWN The death occurred suddenly on Saturday, Noveniber 28, 1959, of George Brown, aged 79 yeurs in the village of Ponytpool. -Deceased came £rom Tu-caud when he was five years old and' resideti with Mis parents in Cart- wright,. About 40 years ago he and his family came »~ reside on ' a farm near Drum School. His wife Isabel McKnight predeceas- DUtWHO! AMILY ed him in December'1943. I O The late Mr. Brown came to re- A T1ROMG!W , aide in West Penytpool 12 years N NE II ago and was mail-carrier for ÀÀÏ,INW 1 Route 1 until about seven years A sister Mrs. W. Hamilton andI William Brown, a brother pre- deceased hixn. He in survived by four chil- dren: Samuel, Orono; Lloyd, Robert snd Ruby (Mrs. Chas. Chapman) of Pentypool. His funeral, one of the largest ever in this district, took plface from the home of his son, Robert on Tuesday, December lat, with Mr. Duif, student minister in £b charge. Interment was in Ponty-: pool Cemetery. Floral tributes were many and beautiful. Palîbearers were Bill Cain, mad-m mm Frank Hyland, George Hamilton, OIi Aif Mitchell Harry Richardson C - iv and Frank bcCullough. r Fairway jFood Market FANCY FRUIT BASKETS also are agents for JACKMAN'S FLOWERS Phono MA 3-5674 44 King St. E. Bowmanville RAD RIS WAY HE 'n FILL EVERY SMITH BEY EU DOWMANVILLE UEs km. fil Ml" %IVE HERA SECOD CAU Ail have been ihoroughly checked ihrough our shop... Recondiiioned and are in guaranteed A-1 shape. 1953 Pontiac Sedans 1955 hîick Spocial 4-Dr. SMu Three fromn which to choose. White waIl tires, two-tone pal Ail have been reconditioned, Automatic transmission. Custq no rust. Vcry clean cars. built radio. A-i condition. 1955 Plymouth Sedan 1956 Chev. 2-Dr. Station Wagi Clean car. White wall tires, custom hi Priced low for quick sale. radio. One. owner. Nice and cli 1955 Chev. Bel Aire Coach 1957 Pontiac Coach Power Glide transmission. Customa built radio. Two-tone with leatherette trim. A very clean car. BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS smaI1 Down Paymeiats - Easy Monthly Paynits ROY W.'- NICHOLS Old.rnbils - ChsvnIet and Corvair Cams 30 V LWILE Clivrolet Truk OVTC pLue ma 3=353Phum a 3LM2 i hm tint. tom j« mat ean. YOUNG HENS 1O.Ilbs -t. 16-ibs YOUNG TOMS 18-ibs to 22-ibs COOED, READY TO SORV - No Ce@&*e SIc.,R.md SHANKPORTIO SMOKED HAMS r45c BEEF ROASI SALE' BLADEBLADE 10141REMOVED SHOULDER FUCI Christmas SpecIlS MINCEMEAT Clark'* Fancy Qualt TOMATO JUICE MeLarme tuffed Mameaaillh OLIVES Ann Page CHILI SAUCE Nluo Si. Paokff MARGARINE Rom. Un 43o--SAVE Se 28-oztin 40c Roc. Un t28o-SAVE 4o 48o i25 c Res. W MW-SAVE 16-ozke box gui 65c Rte.h« 5e-SAV L 4c 11-z ùï21C obe. 2-K» SSie-SAVE 15. 4 1-1bpkgs 95 c Dakery Features DAKED IN AAPm OWM BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS jweParke Rog 40c--SAVE 4s LIMON PIE ech45c .80. Parker' Roe.Seo-SAVE 100 MINCE PIE each 494 STOCK UP VOUR FREIEZER AT T4ESU LOW PRICES! zANGEL iFOOD CAKE R.g. No-BAVE 1% "ci39C JAME PARKER FAMOUS o FRUIT CAKE Il q.4 »ý4o1.I9 amT PORT"O SHORT or CROSS RIB ROASI Lean Meaty Lb59C PP'Odfuce Fawe ASunkist Sesdless Sugar Swet Large sir» 88, Nèvel ORA NGES dozen *5 a*"s Colwnba Extra Fancy Derlco, APPLES 6 for 3 9c Ml P$%-M«In TMis Ad Gusrent0d Trt Sa*urday, D.OeMb.W ,19 E- 9 TIre on Thursday afrreu Dec., 3rd, totally destroydUi hume ot Mr~ and Mrs. Rbr LenoRMrdon Uicethirdcoes sion of Clarke, bocateti othle olu Giibsan property. The cause cf tih. fine lim na-t been deter- nmmcd. lhe homne waa necently ccm- pletély remodeleti. A call w«s placed i rst with ifie Newatle Tire Department IF SANTARI CHRISTMAS STOCKINII WITH m.a. Refreshing ... m-w SMITH DEVEAKIES Mode and Dottled b? TENDER PLUMP GRADE 'A' OVEN READY TU RKEYS ý v -, , - 'J ý 1 sila %, MM CANADUS STATZSNffl. BOWNANVILLlF. ONTARIO PAGE FIMEM

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