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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 20

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PAGE TWENTY TEE CANADIAII STAT~MAN. DOWMANVILLE. OUTAIUO T1W~flAV flWC! 1,7*, lORO -.-, -w-' I LCSTC W.M.S. Meeting B LAUPU NKT Br. oy Taylor was ots III-~ AM-M-SW meeting in her home Wednes- day afternoon. There were 14 ladies and two children prescrit. The president opened the meeting with a readling, "No Room in the Inn", and offered prayer. A carol was sung. The roll cail was answered by, "a favourite carol". Reports were heard from al departments, corresponderice, thank you letters, etc. Decided z for ail secretaries to nieet at the home of the president, Dec. 29, to f ill in ail report forms the Mrs. Ralph Larmer, in charge AMAZONAS-Hi-Fi Stereo of the Worship perjod, gave a splendid paper on The Christ- Superb fuil-stereo console mas Story, Are we planning for occupies minimum space. Ex- Christ as our special guest o! cellent stereo reproduction with our Christmas festivities? After 4 speed sterea record changer, the snging of a carol by the la- 6 speakers; Wave-bands SW, dies, Mrs. Larmer offered pray- FMA, AM. Tape recorder, remote er. The offering was dedicated speaker outlets. Hand- by Mrs. Frank Butt. rubbed walnut cabinet Mis. Stuart Dorreli deait with the chapter. The Drift, of Afri- ca Disturbed. Mrs. Ernest Lar- $3«.00mer gave a reading, "Christmas Carols and Christmas Stories. Meeting. closed with the bnjoy a moment 'with singing of another carol and the ty lunch was served by the host- ess and Mrs. E. Larmer's group. A social haif hour was enioyed. f ~ h t Prize winners at the L.O.B.A. euchre Tuesday night were Mrs. Wilbert Werry and Charles Smith, door prize, Ms-s. David McLean; and at the Anglican party Thursday night, high lady, Mrs. Arthur Leighton; second, Mrs. Mervyn Graham:; high gent, George Crozier; second, Osmond Wright. O.N.O. Club The ladies o! the O.N.O. Club C~JLLI ~ entertained their husbands Fni- CO LLESSday night. Ail the grandmothers and some others baby-sitting that night. Members were al ELECTRIC present and Doris, a xnember untl tis ear. a nd Gilbert 44 King W. MA 3-5901 Marlow were guests. A delicious banquet was en- Bowmanvilie joyed at the Flamiingo Dining ___________Hall, Port Perry. This was com- A. PROC LAMATI ON- Saturday, December 26th 1959 BOXING DAY Whereas at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Town- of Bowmanville, held on the l4th day of December, 1959, it was resolved that Saturday, December 26th, 1959, Boxing Day, be and the samne is hereby fixed as a Civic Holi. day for the current year and that the Mayor be authorized to publish a proclamation in connec. tion therewith. These are, therefore, to make known that ini compliance with the aforesaid resolution 1 do hereby proclaim Saturday, December 26th, 1959, Boxing Day as Civic Holiday. Wilfrid D. Ca rruthers, Mayor, 'own of Bowmanville. J GOD SAVE THE QUEEN fi I ti E D SI r( h. m in ci an c eJ Trees Glisten in the Sunlight Another photo of a glistening tree top covered with ice on Sunday. This stormn was reminiscent of one last year about this time that transformed the entire countryside mnto a shimmering paradise -except for those whose job it was to keep the -telephones and lights working. menced by singing the National1 geant wili be presented in the Anthem. and Rev. P. Romeril Anglican church Sunday at 2:00 asked Grace. i p.m. followed by the children's During the meal a card was' Christmias tree in the Panish signed by ail to be sent to Neil Hall. Malcolm in Oshawa Hospital. Sorry to report Miss Ethel Ren But popoed tostThompson and Harold Wright, to the husbands and John Bal- 15. L ld sno r n Lingal replied. Harvey Graham Mira LlydWright, in Port proposed the toast to the wives, Perry Hospitai; Mrs. Glen Ten- nant and Mr. Neil Malcolm stili which. was responded to by i Oshawa Hospital. Glad to Ruby Van Camp. On behaîf of say Messrs. Tom Hoidge and the club, Marion Carnaghan ad- Stanford Van Camp are home dressed some words of appre- rmTohlHspt. ciation for her assistance at all Cnrtltost ta te special occasions and present-Tongpanlaonse 8th Mirsthay ed her with a little gift. omsnnhe86 brda A sing song followed with Eleanor Werry at the piano and Dalton Dorreli leadin.g. At tbis point ail came back to the Com- nunity Hall, B1ackstock, and spent a social time dancing to records, games and chit chat. o Anglican Bazaar Although the weather was terrible and streets slippery Saturday niglit and not as many as planned were poesent, th e Anglican bazaar in the Parish Hll came off quite successful- [Y.iesonpcue i o T The gentleman who was to OT 2iake it, so an impromptu pro- grammie was presented, consist- Ig of carol singing and a solo y Leonard Saunders. After ail had viewed the dis- High way 115 Playa and purchased to their cearta content, a delicious lunch ras served and a happy social *W âme spent. Christ*mas service ini the United Chuxch at 10 ýa.m. followed by m open session o! Sunday ohool in the auditorium o! the 'n xurch, when ecdiclass Wi11 )resent a number on the! pro- xamme. The children's Christmas Pa- OUTDOOR SHIRTS AN] last Wednesday and te Mis. jas. Ginn who wili be 89 Tuesday, December l5etl. It ia expected that Mira. Ginn. Mr. and Mrs. Isaah Irwin of Seagrave, will Isaiah Irwin o! Seagrace, wil spend the afternoon with Mi&. and Mis. Clarence Ginn, Cad- MUS.. Mr. and Mis. Benson Dunn, Oshawa, ?Mss Vera Forder, To- xonto, Mir. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Port Perry, Miss Hazel Wright, Oahawa, were Sunday guests o! Mr. tand Mis. WiII For- der and Joyce. -Mmr. Edith Muxphy, Tyrone, spent the weekend wîth Mr. and of Mr. and Mis. Alfred Randél, Mms. Roy MlcLaughlin and fam- Hamnpton, Saturday night. i]y. Mrs. Jack Purdy, 1&. and Mrs. Edna MeLaughlin, Bur- Mrs. J. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. keton, spent the weekend with Jm- Galliger and Miss Gaie Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-Laugh- Woodward, Toronto, Mr. and. Uin and faxnily. Mirs. Richard Van Camp and Mr. and Mirs. Norton Van Louise were Sunday guestso o! Camp and Mrs. Glenny, Listow- Mr. and Mirs. Stan! ord Van ci, were wpekend guests of Mr. Camp. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Mgr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mrs. Edna Gibson spent a few Clara and Douglas, Enniskilen, days with Mr~. and Mira. Harold were Sunday guests of M.r. and Crawford, Janice and Kenneth. 1%&s. Bruce Ashton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers, Mr. Doris and Denmis, attended a and Mis. Herb Swain visited Christmas party at the home 1&. and Mis. Austin Franklin, CH URCH Oshawa, Sunday. Mr. and ?&s. Maurice Sain' ells and Sharon, Peterborough,- visited Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Sameils,_Sunday. Celttour price.* For Your Livestock through STATESMAN C LA S SIFIE DS PhnoMAlu -30 STREET WASH -O-MAT The pasi few 'Mont hs have been busy ones trying bo make sure that ail coin operated laundry equipment was available before siariing on building modifications. . e. on the site across from Sieinberg's new location .. . in front of the pumping station.and water tower . .. The original sug- gestion for a sel-serve coin operated laundry in Bowman- ville was madeby Walter Frank of McQuay & Kidd some three months ago .0. INSTALLATION SCHEDULE .. . The plant supplying equipment reports they are starting operations on December l4th . . . we do not know our priority . . . but it is expected the dryer and washer equipment . . . ail Maytag custom made for coin operate service will be used . . . should be ready by mid-January at the latest ... we will sec. .. EXTERIOR DESIGN ... Haif a dozen different designs were studied but it was finally decided that an exterior similar to The Canàdian Tire in color, finish and treatnxent wiIl bcst fit in with the redevelopment along Church Street ... and a very fine renovation programme is underway .. expected to be finished by early January. INTERIOR DECORATION We had to start with available equipment and as turquoise drycrs were the only ones in stock . .. this is the basic color . .. with pînk, beige and a bit of yellow being used . or so the color chart tells us It is hoped that some new equipment flot yet available in Canada wilI be obtained ... more about this later . OPEN HOUSE@@*. As soon as the front modifications make it safe to go in and out ... an interior display board will be put up ... This will show detail of! the layout . .. trim ... equipment . .. and services which will be pro- vided ini this self-serve wash and dry center .. . Those interested in browsing around or being a sidewalk superintendent are welcome to drop in ... ideas appreciated ... More news bulletins will follow as soon as the modifications are far enough along for us to estimate when this wash and dry self s6rve center will be ready to service Bowmanville. SALE TRAD1NG AND CONTINENTAL COFFEE SHOP M- 3 miles north of Orono 1 mile north of Kirby o>mmences Wednesday, Dec. 9th Open every day 1 p.m. until 12:00 midnight icluding Sundays until and includling Dec. 24th, Quite a guy, Charlie. Tail, bandsomne, everybody ilced him-and Charlie wau the life of the party whenever tclin crowd got sogether. Talce Christ.. Mm. They were ail dicte. It had been quite an evening. Ibe parcy finally broke up around two.chirty. "Sec you ail at our place tomnorrow,"' called Chale. But tomnotrow neyer came for Chaulie. He had madie the mistake of having one more for the road. Oh, sure, lie fekt O.K. But bc wam'c. Alcoboi had dulied is refluxes and changed bis attitude toward diving. At any other ânme Charlie could have avoided the ac- cident. But this time le did't move fast enough; What Charlie didn't realie was that a few ounces cf alcohol bad slowed his reflexes, nnpaired his ability, changed bis driving attitude. Your Ontario Departmnent of Transport asks youn fot to take that chance. You ca lose out so easily, just as Charlie did. If you intend drinking, don't drivcd YoUil haveraeasy conscience and more funu 9ma The ludion Prinocu fine and sleeping tee. Regular prlce $2.00 Tour cholce - Oaly - &RIO M~ BLOUSES for girls and boys. Up to 14 years. Tour choice - $1.29 SLIPPERS Fine hand embroidered or Damask Slippers for ladies, with leather sole. Many colons. Ail sîzes. Pair ----________ 89e FINE MEN'S TIES - SCARVES Silk and 100% WooI. Regular $1.95, $2.75, $2.95 Tour choice ___________ 990 Fine Engllsh Donc China CUl> and SAUCER Many te choose fnom. Tour choice - -__ ._______89c BOYS' TIES Tics, Dows and Hankys ln many authentîc Tartans. 3-piece sets ln Gift Box. Reg. $2.75. Tour choice -_-_---- - 99c Hundreds of Fine French Jewellery NECKLACES eg. $1.50, $1.75, $1.95. Tour choice - 49e WATFORD CRYSTAL The world'u meut famous crystal, Watford of England - Eeduced by 33% SCOTTISH JEWELLERY Handmade. Priced np te $2.95. Tour choice -- 99e FINE TARTAN CAR DLANKETS 54"1 x 6811 ln the handy carrylng bag. Reversibl'e. Ideal for camping, toc! Itegular $3.95 and $4.96 Your choice ---- _____$1.99___ NEN'S SWEATERS and CARDIGANS The moutfamous genuine Tony Day and Huntleigh of Lon- don Sweaters and Cardigans for men. Alil wool, wool and cashmere wool and nylon, orlon, etc. Regular $8.95 and $12.95 Yorchoice _____$5.95 NqEN'S SHIRTS Ail first, brand name shirts. Wool, fine cotton, jersey, etc. Regular $5.95, $6.95, $8.95 Tour cholce for only$39 Only small sizes left. <Three for $10.00) TEAPOTS The famou Wlnton of England Teapot, Sugar and Cream Regular $4.95 Tour Choie ____________ CUP AND SAUCER CUTI ES Finest Stratford Engilsh Bone China Rteglan $3.95 *four____ e$1.981 SERVICE Gonulus Vyeila WHERE WT H oilbFMo Boys" and Girls' Jackels GGOD DRIVERS CITIES SERVICE (If it shrinks, wc replace> For up te 12 yeana A charming gift for childrn or &duit wit& Net aIl sises left STOP Foisan hs epm Eeg. $12.95 and $14.95 prh»o «m hgepu Tour cholce $6.951_________Ll BD0L LIS AND IL Genuine Toledo (Spai) and Aurora Dorealis complete JEIVELLEET SETS lu leather and velvet bores. Regular up te $26.95. Tour choice - ----------$5.95 MEN'S CUFF LINK SETS la fluent leather and silk bores. Reg. te $6.95. Tour cholce -____ $ 1.79 LADIES' RINGS Reg. up te $2.95. Tour ohoice for only 49e SAILOR CAPS Boys' and' Girls'. AIl Wool. Eeg. $1.50 - 91,95. TFour choice - ca. 49e CHINA Royal Winton famous PIp the Panda Cup and Saucer, Bread and Butter, Candy Dishes for car children - Eeduced 50% PILLOW CASES Ail hand embnoidered. In fine gift boxes. Reg. $2.75 te $3.95. Tour choice $1.99 Hundreds cf other gltts reduced up to 60% ALL PURCHASES GIFT WRAPPED FOR CHRISTMAS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE OUR COFFEE SHOP IS FAMOUS FOR VIENNA COFFEE AND VIENNA PASTRY ffuy Nr S GlU Items Too Numou le Ne"Ihm dolla, 89C INDIAN PRINCE AND PEINCESS GIt orci - Regular 99oh Pair 39e M ICE A-YEAR Meet Charlie, lite of the. party À PAGE TWEMM IM CAlqADM STATESU". BOWMANVU.L& OlqTAPJO TRU MAT. DEC. 17th. ig» v POST f

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