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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 3

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TNUBSDAY, DEC. 17th, 1959 TE CANADIAN STATESMAIi. OWMANVILLPl. OITARTO J ~AflU ~UUR COLLETT - KING 1 St. John's United Church was1 decorated -with white clirysan- tktemunis ÔnSaturciayý, Decem- ber 5th, for tihe marriage or! Diana Gail King, daughter of ..»S. Williamn S. King and the late William S. King, 55 Mar- két Street, Georgetown, when s1e became the bride of Rob- cnt Ernést Cpllett, son of Mrs. îonm Kennedy and tihe late Mx. Ernest C'ollett of Orono. Rev. Morgsan McFarlane of- ticated at the double ring ceremnony at tihree o'clock with Xernneth Harrison at the organ and Miss Marilyn Churcher, Guelph, classmate of the bride at Guelph General Hospital, the voloist She sang "The Lord's Prayer" pior to the servce end "The wedding Prayer" rdur- ugi tihe signing of the register. The bride was escorted up the aisie iby lier uncle Thomas Morton and given away by her mnother at tlhe altar. She chose .at gowu o! white velvet fash- loned witih MiY point sleeves and a full skirt o! unpressed 'Pleats which formed, a éhapel train. Her elbow length veil was four tiered, o! silk illusion with hand rolled edge andI fell Irom a cap o! guipure lace acalloped at the hairline with abow of chifn velvet to match ber gown, adorrslng the croWn aand featuring a centre , rosette of mother of peari and brilliants. The wedding bou- uet et stephanotis was centered with a white orchid. Mrs. A. J. McGIllivray, Ajax, siSter of the bride was matron o! honour, Miss Carol Benharu, lier cousin was bridesmaid and Shirley Kingi a cousin was junior bnadesmaid. AUl were gowned ideutically in street length red veivet with tihree- quarter leugth siceves and fuil skirts of unpressed pleats. They wore match ing accessories and their flowers were white car- niatiorus and white ostaich plu- mes. MIr. Garnet Collett,bohr Of elle groom, was tihe grooms- Man, Wayne Kennedy, brother Of the gromsu d John Ben- ham, cousin of the bride, were ushers. 1The weddinfg reception was held lu St. John's Churcli Hall and 'Mrs. King received for lier daugliter iu a gown of minki toue peau de soie and lace witli1 m'atclvlng accessories. Her cor-« sage w'as of talisman roses. She was assisted by the groomn's mnother in a gown o! dank green with matohing accessomes and a corsage of yellow roses. Mn and hMrs Collett, wlio will reside at 25 Joseph Street, Wes- HA Ë O H A D H S O E Holidays Are on Their Way,.. TRUST YOUR DRESS SUITS AND EVENING GOWNS TO EXPERTS Look your very best' this holiday season ini freshly dry-cleaned clothes that have been given the gentie, expert care they require! Garnients not only look better, they lait longer, because our scientifie methods neyer put a strain on the fine fabrics. Cail MA 3-5520 Today For Pick-up and Delivery I CHRISTrMAsi I 'i ton, lefi on a honçymSon trip to Maderia Beach, Florida! ?&s. Collett travelling lu a brown wool suit-diress with olive green accessories and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Clara King, Gait, was an hon'oured guest at tfhe weddiing. Guests also attended from Toronto, Guelph, Oreo, Ookville, Gait, Ajax, Napanee and Georgetown. Mirs. Collett is a graduate of the school of nursing at Guelph General Hospital and lias been on t.he staff there and Mn&. Col- leit is employed at Disher Steel, Malton. BRASH - WALLACE Tali standards, and the alta: banked with white 'mums formed a beautiful setting fo: the double-ring marriage cere mony on Saturday afternoon November 21 at 4 o'clock, a Mary Jane Wallace, younges daughter o! the late 1%r. an( Mrs. William J. Wallace, t( Alan Godfrey Brash, sou of! Mn Brash and the late Isaac Bras] Oshawa. The vows were taker by the Rev. A. C. Herbert lu St John's Anglican Church. Mr. Kenneth Hockin sang th "Lord's Prayer" prior to the sen vice and "The Wedding Prayer during the sîgning of the regis ter. The bride entered the church to the wedding m.usic played by organist Mr. Clifford EvanE and was escorted and given ir marriage by her brother-mn-iaw Mr. Forrest A, Dîllîug. ShE chose a gown designed in white nylon sheer over corded taffeta, Chantilly lace applique formed the portrait neckline and froni panel of the princess line gowi to the hem o! the floor-length skirt. The gown was fashioned with long !itted lily-painl sleeves and was buttoned down the back to a deep point. The skirt fell gracefully !rom in. verted pleats and bustie side fullness to the bouffant, crin,> lined liemlîne. Her chape] leugth illusion veil was caught lu place by a crowu o! pear]s aud orange blossoms. She car- ried a cascade of white carna- tions and satin ribbons. Her sister, Mrs. Forest Dilling, as matron of lionor, worea waltz-length gown of sapphire blue nylon velvet, fashioned with the same portrait neck- Une and pnincess lirne waist as the brides'. It was desigrned with tiuy sleeves and lad a deep pointed waistline at .the baci emphasized with a self-bow anc a full-flared, crinolined skirt. Slie chose a small white feather hat wîth stand up curled -plumes ou the left side above the elbow length white gloxes. Her jew- ellery w 'as a three-strand neck- lace and peari earrings identical with those of the bride. Her slioes matched lier gown anc she carried a -cascade bouquet I cy$leical Mirror Advice,,for Tired Mothers Q. Câau 1poeson be tired au dam aim wrei:iout actaaily &b M s aak? Tihe children get a-4 my D eaver and 1 often jea ie th-M lfow u thae apong& -dur A. Check WMtbYour doctor te be S sure tha nothmng s wrong physi. * caly. Th odd are that you ham ~us mnoctof teaff. In a study o f 60 Cleveland mothers who * complained of fatigu, aniy 12 ucre found to bave any orau * dàoase. They often had fnna S worries and wcrc burdened with bousework, club work, fund S drives, eidren and pet&. fIb doctors estimate that in term orc work for the lady of Ade hous#. one puppy dog equals about p6 children; a cat wjth kitteng about 2 children. Tire d. but otherwise healthy housewives were advfle to say "No" to new re,.ponsibili. tics. A new hat migbt help, said the PhYsicians, especially if it îs really fancy. A day off workg wonders. Sec a show or go to a football game. or better stilI, lkt somneone take the children oit and yon get a quiet day at hom. W. W.a apetioualas wd aes Pr". i éOd feto ihtest ln yow preibp tom. WB know jon irot yom. M nedicinue qckly and w. -n flua >on get il Iust as fast asWki&M ake pouuldean sd palnataklng cm uâsows. mE <0'GN SWm à Nv 1 ,1 is, s. n, st 'S. h, 5h le ýe a. ýd t ;h ie 1 E tJ Recently Wed in St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Alan Godfrey Brash are shown Ieav- [ng St. John's Anglican Church, Bo*manville, following their marriage on Saturday, November 2lst, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Brash,- the former Mary Jane Wallace, is the youngest iaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wallace. Mvr. Brash is the son of Mrs. Isaac Brash, Oshawa, and the- Late Mr. Brash. -Photo by J. Wallace Dilling "l1o! red carnations and white a 'murus. Two wee nieces of the bride, d littie Misses Heather Anti Ford :- and Jo-Aune Dilling, were cap. 's tivating flower girls lu ideuti- ' cal carnation red velvet, on the Psame princess line waists and 1very full crinolined short skirts dwith huge sashes aud back bows.. White fur halos, with a r red carnation caught by a tiny ýwhite bow ou the right side of V each, were woru on their blonde -curls. They ware white slioes, - short white gloves andI a single lstrand clioker o! Uiny pearls î which were designed small cas- cades o! red carnations witli white pom-pom 'munis knotted iu the white ribbon streamers that feli to the hem.o'! their fui] skirts. 1he best mani was Mr. Gary M. Wall.ace, brother of the bride. Ushers were - Mr. Leorn- ard Brash, Oshawa, brother of the groom, and Mir. H. Gary Dilling, Brampton. The reception was held In St. John's Parish Hall. Before a beautiful settlng of tall stand- ards of white 'munis aud cliver streamiered wedding bells, Mr. and AMirs. Forrest Dilling receiv- ed the guests assisted by the mother of the groom, Mrs. Brash, lu a green crepe gown, the draped bodice caught at the throat with -gold trimming. She wore black hat, gloves and shoes, and a mirsk stole. Her corsage was ci bronze andI gold $muni&. The master of ceremonies was Mr. Rou White, a friend of the groom. ?&. William Clarke, pro- posed the toast to the bride and o!fered best wlshes and congra- tulations ta the happy couple. Guests were preseut from Batawa Newmarket, Brampton, Cornwall Toronto, Scarborough, Whitby and Oshawa. For travelling the bride chose a two-piece sheath dress o! roy- ai hlue ail over embroidered crepe, with blue feit bat ta match. She wore a black Per- sian lamb jacket with suede purse andI shoes to match and lier corsage was o! pink carna- tions. Pnior to her wedding the bride was presented witlt an electric pop-up toaster from the staff o! the office of 271C andI a pair of beautiful living-room reading lampaý by ail the em- ployees of 271C Dept. of the jGoodyear Tire and Rubber Co., .with. which she lias been a long service employee. .Mrs. Fred, Cole was hostess at lier home çrx Edsal Ave., when the bride was guest o!flionour. Ou lier arrival she was present- ed with a corsage o!'mnis andI led týo the seat o! bonour, be- * side a beautifully decorated . container full o! mi9cellaucous gifts. The hostem was assisted by Mrs. Ted Bagneil, Mi. Wal- lace Dilling and -Mrs. John Ford. At the home o!f Ws. Glen Martyxn she was again guest o! honour andI necipieut of many beautift4l cups sud saucera andI other .gifts, when mie 20 friends gathered for a cup and saucer shower. Mrs. Martyn was assisted by ber sister, Mirs. B. Abrarna and Mrs. James Ma-r tyn. Again the bride was ýguest of honour at the home o!flier sis- ter, hIrs. Forest Dilling, who eutertained at a trousseau tea on Friday. Nov. 13. Receling the guests the hostess was gowned ln a sheath dress o! light blue sijk orgauza sewn over taffeta with peari andI se- quin embroidery-and corsage of mauve 'maxus. Mns. Isaac Brash, mother of the groom, received wearing a black *l.k gown with corsage of white 'munis. The bride-to-be chose a -dress o! rose taffeta with pleeted ne* interest aud ful !lared skint, beige accessorieà and corsage o! yellow chrysanthemmn. In the dinlng-room the tea table .was beautiful with silver on a lace cloti, mauve sud white 'munis snd tail tapera. Mrs. Glen Martyn andI M". Clarenoe Hockin poued tea in the afternoon. Mrs. Ray Dilling, Mrs. Wallace Dilling and Mvrs. Gary Wallace attended the guests for tea. Mrs. Fred S. Cole and hMrs. Leonard Brash. Oshawa, were in charge of the gifts and trou- sseau roins. In the evening Mrs. William Clarke, Oshawa, and Mrs. Jos- eph Taylor poured tea. Assist- ing in the dining-room with Mrs. Ray Ulng was 1&s. Johni Ford. S BETHLEHEME The beauty of the Easter niglit, Did simple Bethlehem adorn, Wlien in a stable's soft di.m light, The littie royal Babe was born. And o'er the stable glowed the Star,.: Telling -the place where Jesus lay, Bringing the wise men from afar, To lay their gifts upon the h.ay. They brought.ntyrrh, frankin- ceuse and gold, Stili, may we hear the angels sing, And may we uow, as they 0of old, Pay homage to the Heavenly King. --Marjorle Cunningham ENFIELD ]Rev. and Mrs. N. F. Swaclc- hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tre- win, Oshawa, spent Saturday eengwith Mr. and Mrs. GereBowers. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bownian Bruce, Laura and Erie attendedâ a family gathering at the J. T. Brown home at Newcastle. Mr. L. Bradley, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon, Hamp- ton, visited at the M. Samis home. Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, Manilla, spent a week with the Samis'. Glenn Prescott, Kemptville Ag. School, was home for a weekend. There are a few cases of mumps in the community. There will be no Sunday School here Sunday, but a *White Gift Ser-vice and a special children's service will commence at two- thirty. Give Kodak FUim on a smart GIFT PACKAGE JURY& LOVELL *'YTour Rexail Sterçie MA 3-5778 a15KIUG ST-W SUIOVA HIRCULII 8 Transistors. The mut owerful ail-transistor radio of FIts aime «ver created. Available '.4u Ivory or ebony unbreakable plastie. Carrying jiandie bmcoue a table. stand ... or tà-Fld opletely away.. COSTUME JEWELLE.RY lîeokic l haeeht Erru14u es $1.,0 ap ADORNA' PEARLS. (Simulatel> Ster1ing ulver claup ln adomegi tbox Strand ______$5.00 Strand ______ .5 Strand _____85 CULTURIED PEARLS 19]k iold filigree claspj $26.95 SEE OUR LARGE GIFT SELECTION: Sierfing Silver Dresser Sets r. -Diamond Rings -Jewellery Boxes Flalware -Etc. I I. SALE CONTINUES 10% OFF ON ALL Dresses Blouses Skiris Sweaters -Coats -Slacks Jeans -SnowsUits -Etc. D EN H ERTOG'S CLOTHING 43 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5041 varSo is Pepsi-Cola! For today's L.Pp i goes with modern ideas about elim good looks. Neyer heavy, never too sweet, it refreshes without filling. Put Pepui on your shopping ist. B4Y fa ntic aandy. 6-bottle carton - UBtH BEVERAGES -LTD., 12X Chute!,S4 Bowrmnvfle,- Ont. MARR~ JEWELLERY & GIFT SL~.~N3 -1 l - F" r

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