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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1959, p. 6

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- 2~ ~ -~ ~~~:r~&t J -y,- 4' PA=E SEC J. Cooper M.C.'s Children Xmas Party ut St. Joseph'sl More. than 250 children and their parents had a Wonderful time at the Parish Children's Chiistmas Party held in St. Jos- eph's Hall, Liberty Street South, en Sunday afternoon. Joe Coo- per, president of the Holy Name Society, was the M.C. The large hall was attractively decorated with silver icicles suspended from the red and green strearn- ers that extencled from wall to wall ail acros the*ceiing. A large and beautifully decorat- ed Christmas Tree dominated the stage. Best wishes for Christmas and the coming year were ex- tendd b FaherF. K. Malane, ELECTRIC CONTE ACTINO RE REFRIGERATION MOTOR - SALES i.- RADIO- A 1 0e : the parish priest,' "Our anniual treat for the clilidren has grown bigger and better each year, and today's is by far the best yet."' He expressed special appreciation for the work donc by the men of thc Holy Naine Society ta prepare for the en- joyable party. Father Malane pointed out that 53 babies were born lu the parish this year, and that next year they, too would be eujoying the annual party. Talented Children Favourite Carols were Sung by ail present with Joe Cooper, the M.C., as leader, and Mrs. Cooper at thc piano. A delight- ful prograim of entertainnrt was presented by several of the children. Michael Regan, who opened the programn singing a Christ- nias Sang, made a hit. Much applause also awaided the four Mitchell boys, Ncwcastle, who sang ",Nuttin', for Christmnas;" Maria and Auna Sweep, who gave a Christmas Recitatian. and wcre joined by their sister Coreen, and their mother, Mrs. John Sweep in singing "A White Christm.as". Little Hns Reit- muller was charming as he re- CHILD'S CHRISTMAS H-e is altogether lovely, Came, the loveliest thing on earth, Just ýa baby, in a stable, With a Star ta feU His birth. What a gift He braught that Christinas, Boundless love with arms Sastretched wide, LTD. the world of littie childreu, EMIR " INced no more be left--outside. [-LCRC That s why, on evcry Chri.st- -SERVICE mas, SPLIES ht no matter where we live, APPLINCES Prompted by His loving spirit, Ofl We just give, aud give, and give. -Marjarie Cunningham ROYAL BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 THURS. TO SAT. DECENDER 17 - 19 NaIiRee Saturday - 2 p... WALT DISNEY'S "The Missouri Traveller"f in color Starring Brandon de Wilde Complete shows at 7 and 9 p.M. ROYAL THEATRE CLOSED Mon. Io Thurs., Dec. 21 le 24 Coming Chrisitas Day, Decembor 2 là December 29 (Friday la Tusday) 'The Sleeping Beauty' Waterm~an Pen Set- $4.95 to $15.00 Waterman Pens $2.95 - $9.50 B.il Point Pen 49e, 98c, 2.49 Genuine Leather Billfolds $2.50, $3.95, $5.00, $7.50, $10. Men's flair Brunhes- 81.00 - $2.95 - $6.06 Men's Fitted Cases- $3.98 - $6.95 - $10.95 Key Cases $. 1.30 - $1.95 Shaving Brunhes 98e to *5.00 t ~ shavlng After Shave Prelectrie Gillette BowI Lotion Lotion Ad instable Ladies' Yardley Sets Ladies' $2.50 - 3.95 - $6.50 Platie Toilet Case $2.98 Manicure Sets ln Cases Soap Massage Sponge $1.00 $1.98 - $2.25 - $2.98 Duuting Powder Mitt g1.1 Cutex Sets- $1.25 te $5.00 Crepe Chiffon Ferfume- $2.00 -$3.00 -$5.00 Evening ini Paris Sets Yardley $1.25 - $325 - $3.50 Cologne $1.50, $2.50, $3.00 Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror 3 or 5 pieces - $3.95 Io $11.95 Fisher Table Llghter $2.98 Yardiey Soap Box $ 1.75 Cigarette Llghters- 49e, $1.98, $2.98. $5.50 1Bath Saie -. $1.00, $1.75 - - aO Fresh Chocolaies - 1,- 2 bs. $1.00 - $1.25 - $2.00 - $2.50 COWLI NG'S 'P-o Ma84Mf WB Vil' IrauUE h I !ECANADIMI STATESUM. EowMNuvIL.= flWI'AT M IURWUAZ, LDIE&.. 1JUi loi cited "The Night Befere ,ChrItst- mas."y Everyone also enjoyed "0 Little Town of Bethlehein" sung by Frances Verlysen, and "Corne Down Sweet Jesus" Sung by Lynne Fair. The Schooner- «beck girls' joyful voîces were admired as they sang" "Ting-a- Inmg."P Mr. Cooper on behaif of the Bingo Conmittee presented Fa- ther Malane with a substantial1 cheque for the Building Fund. Tis is the 5th cheque present- ed ta Father Malane by the comnmittee since May. OBITUAR,. RUSSELL VIRTUE The sudden passing of Mr. Russell Virtue, Wednesday moening, Dec. 9, camne as a great shock ta his famnily and -friends, far and near. He had been sick only a few days, having had a heart attack the Frioday before. Th'le deceased was the son af the late William Virtue and Annie Thampson. He lived his entire lufe in, the vicinity of Ty- roue. He married Myrtie Moore on April 9, 1924. They lived on a farm just east of the Sault school for some time, then mov- ed ta Tyrane where he farmed for a few years, later doing cus- tom work and carrying mail on Rural Route 5 and Tyýrone Ru- ral Route 1. The deceased wvas a good neighbour and friend ta aid and youýng, ever ready and wiil- ing ta help, conscienious in all bis uudertakings. If we leave behind loveiy memaries what mare can onc ask? ,Mr. Virtue is survived by his wife and four sisters, Lillie, (Mrs. W. Rideil), Violet (Mis. J. Bail), Edna (MVrs. H. Mer- ver), Grace (M\,rs. W. Coch- rane), ail of Oshawa. Two boro- thers and onc sister predeiceas- ed hi-m. The funerai on Friday froin Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, was conducted by his Pastor, Rev. Fred Jackson, who spoke comforting words ta the bereaved. The funeral was largely at-' tcndcd by relatives and friends Who came ta pay thelir hast tri- bute of respect ta a very dear friend. Six friends iovingly bore the ýremains ta bis hast resting place I-Lance Phare, Lorme Phare, Lionel Byam, Albert Hlns, Will Staples and Bill Reid. The ifi- ferment took place in Bethesda cemetcry. The marny beautiful floral of- fcrings, canried by bis nephews, bore sulent tribute of the love and esteem in which the de- ceased was held. OBITUARY W. J. SNOWDEN The dcath occurred at Mcent- orial Hospital, Bowuianvilie, on Friday, Noveruber 27, of Wil- liam James Snowden of Màple Grave. Borru in Darlington Township, son of the late Sami- uel and Sarah Grace Snowdcn, thc deceased was in his 9th year. A Lie long resident ai Maee Grove, wherc he farmed suc- cessfully until bis mûtrement twclve years ago, Mr'. Snowden was a devoted member of thc United Church and was alw.ays keenly interested in local and world widc Politica.ILiS wif e, thue former Alice Amelia Ever- son, predeceased hini in 1949. li - is survived by two sans, BEber of Courtice, Ray of Toron- ta; five grandoilidren and cie- yen great-grandchildren; also surviving sg o nc brother, Char- les af M&Phe Grave. The Memnorial service was hehd at thec Morris, Funeral Cha- pel on Mbonday, Noventher 30th, iollowed by interment in Bow- manville Cemetery. Services wcre conducetcd by Rev. Har- old Stainton, Mnister of Maple Grave United Clhurvh, assisted by~ Rev. Stanley Snowden of Millbrook. Palibearers were Ralph Lai'- men, William Snowdeu, Ross Stevens, Charles Osborne, Laui- rence White, Robert Bothwell. OBITUARY ROBERT HALL 'JIhe death of Robert N»ati, lor- rnerly of Cartwright, occurred in Uxbridge on Thursday, De- cember lOth. Born iu Cartwright on May 1888, the deceased was a son ai the late Mr'. and Mrs. James Hall. Iu 1916 he married Edua Beale, who had been teachiug school in No. 1 Sevtion, also at Burketon. For a few years they i-atm- cd on concession one, lot ten, Cartwright. For sane ie re he had been empioyed an a far rn near Goodwood until failing health caused hlm ta retire anc year ugo. This fall they mioved it the village ai Uxbridgc. The late Mr. Hall i8s urvived by his wife; a son, Dr. James E. Haoll, of West Orange, New Jersey; two grand-children and one brother, Floyd af Toronto. A brother Fred predeveased héiz. The Halls werc meinbers ai thc Presbyterian Church Black- stock, whien in Cartwrit. Funeral service was held la the United Church, Blackstack, on Saturday, Decem*er l2th and was conducted by Rev. P. Rornexil. Interment was in Union Cern- .'tery, Cadnms. Pllbearers weree W%.Johp.. Mo. Goodwood; Earl Dorrllý HryVani Camp, Will Farder LwgSwain and Earl Brad. burn. Rem, fr= 2dsi igs a w rowea~neer fliriveti un-! engr ute pon stock nt; known and reciproca Imnt. Lord Cheetei field. Dry Site Needed for Basemen fless, Ho use (This is the twelfth in a 6eries of articles by Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- Business Directory Âccouniancy RAY 3. DIILLING ý:ertifjed Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WMw. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 TALE, FRIEDLANDIER, SHUNTER & CO. Accountapts and Auditors Llccnsed Trusteq iniBankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. IF. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEfTR RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cali ZEnith 457501 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, P. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R.. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C h îr op r a ciîc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. SPhone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment i D entfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowrnanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta. 6 p.m. daily Closed Satinrday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Hlouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ini his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.rn. daily * Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 ..-ing. St. E. - Bowrnanville Office -Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, BA. 40 King St. W.* - Bowxnarviie Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King st. W. - Bowmanvifle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. RODGINF Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointrnt only. W. KAT LYCETT. B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. 'Main Street, Oronü, Ontario Frday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to & p.n. Morigages SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Fuis Reuidences - Farni s Business Properties Op to meifr y KEITH A. B1LLETT, O.D. iptornetrlst 141 1XuîgSt. E. - BowznanvMle Office Hours: By appointmnt Telehone MArket 3-32«1 1 mondayto Saturday 9 a.mto 5 pin. Wednesdays- 9 ta 12 Thursday evenhigap poration, Federal . ousing agenvy, on building a house.> 1-buses without basernents are more prevalent ln arezus whcre the winter ciimate is moderate, but with today's im- proved heatîng nîethods, sueb homes arc practicabie even in coldcî' regions. Basementless houses are of two main types, those built on concrete slabs, in which the concrete floor rests directly on the ground, and those with a "crawl spacell be- tween the main floor and the ground. Otiier types require special consideratian by CMHIIC if fi- nanviug under the National Housing Act is being considcred by the owner. liouses built on concrete slabs are suitable for high ground or well draiued sites where there îs no likehýhood of water callect- iug at the base of the structure. The bcd on which the coucrete is placed shouid be carefully prepared sb that there is no danger of the cancrete floor ab- sorbing ground moisture. Vegetable ma-tter such as leaves,, top soil, 'humus and roots should be removcd ta pro- vide a firm bearinig surface. The e.art.h should be built up toaa level ,;1Whtlýr highcr than the surrounding .,ground and then covered with-six junches of bro- ken eone or coarse gravel. Fi- nally, an effective vapour bar- ruer shouid be sprcad over thc entire surface befare the con- crete is paured. The vapeur barrier rnay be. polycfhylene film over a layer ai 'building paper. hcavy rail roofing or equally suitable material. Ail joints should be happed -at least six iuches. If ýthe nuaterial seiected la not rigid enough ta, withstand the weigfht ai the cancrete with- out tearmng, it should -be back- ed with same other, more te- sistant, material. There are a number af goad'vapour barriers ion the market and many oi them 'have been accepted for use ini NHA-financcd bouses. The edges ai the si-ah should also be iusuiated to prevent ra- pid loss oi -heat at this paint and ta ýavoid. condensation along the base ai the wails inside thc house. A special type oi insul- ating material is required. one that is sufficiently tough ta te- sist tearing or scuffing, imiper- vious to moisture, and not sus- ceptible ta rot or deterioration. Initia te Three New Members Into Legion Pîrst Vice-Presideni, Friank Burns presided at reguler meet- ing of Bra.qch 178, Canadian Legion,4 Thursday eveninig. Three new rriembers were lui- tiated înto membership: Com- Tades Douglas DeGuerre, Frank Calver. an-d Jonathan Beers, by the presiding officer. assisted by Past President Ross Mc- K ni g ht, Sgt- at-A.rms J'ack Kriightf. Comrade Joe OhIlds was reinstated. jSpecial &vents for the Brancth Iduring the mont.h. Christmnas Party for children, Saturday af- ternoon, Dee. l9th; Christmas Dance, Saturday evening, Dec. 1Pth., New Year's Dance, wilth ail the rrilis, Legion Hall. Tick- ets may be obtained fromn Com- rades G. Grahami, J. Firth and J. Fair. Comi-ade JackL Adarns report- ed an Public Speaking Contest to be held at Legion Hall Jan- ,uary lS5th, ithat he is being over- whelmed with contestants frorn bath town and rural schoois. Memorial 'Hospital Weekly Report F'or the week oa' Decembes, 7 to 13 inclusive: Adraissions - ----- 45. tirths--1 maie, 4 female -51I Discharges . ~59! Major operations, 13 Mînor operations g Em.ergeicy Treatinente 151 Visiting 'haurs 2:30 ta 4-301 P. m d 7*Q(> ta 8:30 p.n, I If the house is being financed under the National Housing.Act the insulatinig material must. be accepted for this purpose by ChSC. With conerete slab construc- tion, sorne form of footing or support for the exterior walls and bearing partitions is requir- ed. This can be provided either by making the slab thicker at the edges or alternatlvely. rest- îng the edges 0f the slab on an* independent support. It may. be only a surf ace footing,. or ït may be a foundation wall ex. 1- SAVIE'6c CASH ,Mi xed'Pickles -SAVE 4c CASH Fru*it: Coclktail tending down ta a point below level. Where there is a f ou the liue of frost penetration. dation wall, the insulation is There are varlous methods serted between the foundati of nsuatig te foorto re-and the slèbah ad extencla sorde 0f nsuatig te foorte re-distance under the edges of tI*e vent heat loss, dlepcnding on the 1îa type of slab construction. If' a to provide an effective heut conventional foundation wlth retainer. footing is built independently The heating ducts, as well iL of the slab floor, the insulation plumbing pipes, and elecÏtrical should be placed between the conduits are burie«. in, the'con- foundation and the floor. If the crete slab. Reinforcing rode rêh footing is a thickening of 'the .inibedded in the slab -ta sfreg- > floor itself the insulationshouid then and prevent cracking 'bt 7 be placed aiong thc outside edge the conorete. In sane, cases' 'I- of the slab and should extend sulation is provided under the, at -least six inches below ground lentire floor ýsurfae.. Swift's Premiumn Sank Portion Swift's Sliced . Dilb Side - Rindless E-versweet Bacon pkg.-5 Swft's PrminB rown'nt Serve Sausage6p :g 33c Swift's, Premium Delicious, Part -Pak Chubsrieti 99 Par'tY-Pik Chubin each pkg. 99 -e - M-- BEST BUY Rose Sweet BEST BUY Del Monte Fancy J3EST BUY Niblets Brand BEST BUY Stokely's BEST BUY Stokely's Fancy -SAVE 4c CASH Kernel Corn ",,z. 2for 33c -SAVE 6c CASH Honey Pod Peas 'ti.o-2for29,c -SAVE 6c CASH Tomato Juice tin 25 9 oz. Ice Box Jar 25 fi. roll 37c 29c 2 for33c 28 oz. tin, 48 OZ. jar 43c 69C 2 lb. box~ 89C 89C XMAS NEEDS I3EST BUY SAVE 6c CASH Aymmfer Manzanilla Olives FEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH Reynold's Ai Wrap Alumoenum .-oil FEATURE - SAVE 4c CASH Libby'o; 28 oz. Fany umfp.kinth FEATURE - SAVE 6e CASH Libby'% Mincemeat FEATURE - SAVE 10e CASH GiSbyt Gherkin Pickles FEATURE- Aunt Mary's Christmas Cakce* 'i"- 59c FEATURE - "Hand RolIed" Golden Hour Assorted Chocolates FEATURE - 51 Gauge 15 Denier Supreme Nylons pair FEATURE- Ritz Biscuits plg: 25c. "Stock Up for Christmas Golden 1 ilb. Fancy i*ixedNu pkg.47 "For Better Dressing" Br"age or Pou Itry Seasoning 2tins 2.5C BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOOD STRAWBERRIES, 15 oz. pkg. __ 39c GREEN BEANS, 10 oz. pkg. - 25e Sweet GREEN PEAS, 12 oz. pkg. 22c FRENCHI FRIES, 9 oz.- pkg., 2 for 39e THERE'S A' RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YO U BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN M" ORONO - Cornish Mark.teria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market 16 z jar 20o, 27c, 29c i wzjý-1 ý -P" i.r- ,... .. rm-. n SM I FRESH XMAS PRODUCE Fineist California. New CropA Navel Oranges .Junbosiz o.c Ocean Spray L Llb. Government Inspected rresui Cranerrees 2'S'k. Ontarie Waxed, Turnips No. 1 Grade IL.6c YeIIow Cooking Onions p'lbg 21 BEST XMAS BUYS DRUG STORE 4. 1 - 4-w- 4v-Wý -,l»pwý ivmwv L -1l"e Il ý», ý, , i -, ;- » , Jt' 1 l; , ý .-t , ý , - ' -'ý 'N r- 1- ý 7q 'tý It :" 1 - , 2 - 1', je À é ýýk f, cýýÈ " %.ýl l' Abt ýl, É ý È ) , à et 'l 1- - . - bà--eý bà--4- b.L-0eýA 1 :. 1

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