* j? * PAGE IGET 4, y, Chiarlie boughf A Christmas trne That was dry As it cpuld bel He didn't put The trunk in water- He didn't even Know lie ought 'onl He didn't check The ights before He strung them round The tree-the doori On Christmas Eveý While smoking, be Set fire ta the Christmas ire., He burned if And his residence, And lost his chance For Christmas presents;i 'Cause Santa couldn't End his tip- Fine had ruined His Ianding stripi Christmastime brlngs extra fire hazardsl Remember to take extra precautiens. Best wishes for a happy accident-fr.. helidayl IACO-OPERA TORS CL ASSOCIATION OFFICES INBELLEVILLE, OIIELH, HAMILTON, LONDON, OTTAWA,, OWEN SOUND, PORT ARTHUR, SARNIA, SAULT STE. MARIE, TORONTO AND WINDSOE BAR MB mQ Phone Newcastle 4271 Situated on Highway 115 One Mile North of Newcastle We ivili be pleased to accept your advance orders NOW for the holiday season ... DELICIOUSLY FRESH SANDWICHES Egg Salad - Hami Salad and Cheese 65c dozen Baked Hami____________ doz. Chicken Salad doz. Sliced Chicken___________ doz. .75 $1.00 $1.25 Ready - To - Serve DARDEQUED CHICKEN $2.50 each Real Homeniade Scotch SHORTBREAD doz. 50e Christmas FRUIT CAKE (light or dark) ilb. 89e For Further Information Phono Newcastle 4271 Our Large Dining-room la Available for Banquets Reservations Now Accepted TME CANADMM STATESM. EOWMANVIL U fl'!AWTn DonrOI1Y UARKER -4 When the chIldren were littie we encou.raged arguments, and I don't mean just discussions. As long as they were flot heat- eci or vicious, we considered tbem good mental calisthenics. Wben I paid a visit ta the home of No. 1 son recently, I was in- terested to discovtr he is con- tinuing the practice with hia own family. They were arguing the bene- fit of group travel by rail as against a motor trip planned as a visit ta an aunt in London. The three bairns had neyer been on a train and were there- fore excited at the prospect of this mode of travel. Mother and wife of the f amily contended it would be difficuit ta pac~k for so m>any for tbree days. In a car she could just pile the stuff ini the trunk, she argued. Father replied, "But think of me, li get eut of driving in winter weatber and perhaps ar- rive rested enough to enjoy the visit for a ch-ange." My two bits worth was the reasoning, "How do you know anything about it when you've neyer tried traveling by train as a family?" Resuit was that they promised ta meet me in Hamilton and we would ail tra- vel as far as London together. Three lîttle noses were plas- tered agabnst the coach win- dow as the train drew into the Hamilton station. Their owners willy beckoned me to join them. I felt reasonably conli- dent by the look on their faces that my suggestion for the trip had had no repercussioliSs s fan. The youngest breathlessly re- galed me with her success with the ice water faucet. Before we were ta arrive in London I could only conjecture how many gallons of water she consumed. The nddle chid, who is neyer without pencil or paper, drew cows, bouses, barns, con- ductors and trains with a rea- sonable likeness ail the way from Hamilton until the train pulled into London station. Huddled under bis father's great coat, the eldest put his Cub lore ta good purpose by building a "tent" shelter in his. adventurous railroad wilder-ý ness. In this hideaway he layl prone on bis stomaech on theî coach seat most of the hours of! the journey, readmng com.ics, playmates bad presented to hima on departure. Mother of the brood knit hap- pily on sometbing that resemn- bled a potato sack with needles that looked like chop sticks. Every now and then she would glance at ber peacefully sleep- ing busband, arch an eyebnow and inform me that the shape- less creation was "a bulky for Pete" for Christmas. "I can only knit on it when he is asleep. I neyer get any time at home and I certainly couldn't bave accom- plished much during a trip in the car," she remarked. But probably the one who en- joyed the experiment the most was tbe head o! the household. He was guilty of snoring a littie during the long naps be took between telling bis own chiid- ren of bis cbildhood ini London and tales of the first wagon trail across central Ontario aver this very same country. Ris fruitful imagination drew pîctures of Indian raids an the pioneers who braved the then deeply wooded land in order tbat tbey might settie where they hoped there would be peace and plenty. If not completely authentic, at least the companionship o! this story telling was a pleasant addition ta their trip. Fa.r from being cranky as the chlldren usually vtere at the end of a long jaunt Dy car, they were as chipper as they always are on a holiday mornlng. A car rentai agency wUs contacted fromn the station and the family arrived at t.he doar of their great aunt refreshed, in high spirits and looking as though they had ail juat stepped from a band box. Are they sold on «'group tra- vel?" So m&ich Sa that a prom- ise lias been made. Christmas holidays this year will be spent "Mieng the Laurentians by tiqain." Yes, and skiing a bit too, for I know a secret. Those long, queer looking parcels in my hall cupboard can ibe checked just like baggage. 'rTPJAV. DEC~. I4là4 lM Town Will Advertise For New Works Supt. To Replace Quinton Bowmanvllle Town Couneil ta remove the diacrlmnatory at the meeting held ini the Coun- practice of consldernng age a cil Chamber nn Monday Dec. 14 detiment ta empîcymnent. The on motion o! Councillor Ivan en rement wil be sent to the Hlobbs, seconded by Councillor provincial and federal repres- A. H. Sturrock, endarsed a re- entatives o! Durham. solution made by the Town of Deputy-Reeve Jack Brough, Acton that action should be seconded by Councillor Hobbu, taken throughout the province mnoved that Town Council en- dorse a resolution cf the Town of Orangeville recammending to the Mlnister cf Education for Ontario ibat ail Public Scol buildings to be erected ini 1960, and t.hereafter, be at least two atonies in height. This was also carried. On motion cf Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor 0. J. Presson, it was decided by COUnCil to advertise for a new Board of Wonlcs Superintendent. Application for the position must be received by Decernber 22nd the Town Council declded. The recenimnendation of the Bowmnanville Planning Board that Town Lots 53 and 54 in Block D, Grant Plan, Township Lot 13, Concession 1 b. rezoned. Orono Lady'"s Poem Published The poem printed below was written by Hazel Cowan of' Orono and appears in the cur.. rent issue of the Canadian Poetry magazine. fram residential' ta commercial was adopted by the Town Coun- cil. These are the south eastern lots fronting on No. 2 Highway, just eaat of Waverley Road. The lots are better known as the Patterson and Wilkins proper- lies. Avoid the parched Party. 0 in a stock ofsaklina se0 0 C0 ~a DRY GIN QER ýL& . ail three oftem. The distinguished Schweppesman says, "Holiday entertaining without Schweppervescence is like Christmas without a tree"! Only Schweppes bas this unique form of locked-in carbonation that doesn't waste itself in the bottle or glass. Schweppes well-bred littie bubbles reserve their exuberance for bursting refreshingly on your tongue. It makes each' sip a delightful experience, so fill your refrigerator immediael with this famous Thirst-quenching Threesome - 'le TONIC WA TER v ..SOe e e e e e CLUB SODA b e e 3 ee e e e e e e e e SCHWEPPES DRY GINGER ALE, regarded by connaisseurs as the "Emperor" of ginger aies.. dry, buoyant, delightfully piquant. SCHWEPPES TONIC WATER9 the essential, deli- ciously bittersweet ingredient of the authentic tonic drink. SCHWEPPES CLUB SODA, the smart host's choice for its spirited Iittle bubbles Iovingly known as Schweppervescence. Don't risk a Schweppesfamine over the holidays! Order now by' the carton or the case from your local store. Schweppervescence lasts the whole drink (th rough SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED, 124 diurch Street, Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone MArket 3-55Y< FIRESIDE FAut MAL4PLE TI=U We watcbed you battie la t0 nigbt By ligbtning's vlvld chain When ail outdoors was battenti by Cruel wind and Iasblng rain. Your thirst is quenched, Mi new you stand, More proudly than befmr Though part of ,yoIu mu crumpled down Upon your earthen floor. No artist's hand shah et' portray Such strengthy and dlgnty. Most bumbly I have d.ne mp best For you, fair Maple Tree. -Hatel -Cowas