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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 10

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g. t.~Z.+'$ ~ ~ - ~ - - -. s - - ---.. . - TRI AWADAW TATESM. DOW UANVfLE. OUTARTO ?HURDAY, DEC. 24flh, 195 Gardai Âgew, Edilor Phone 3621 Lions Happy with Response to Turkey Shoot Waltona Park was a noisy but exciting scene on shows one group of ninirods posing for the photographer Saturday when Newcastle Lions Club held their first while Lion Frank Hoar holds some of the dozen of turkeys annual turkey shoot, with wonderful success. This photo that were won. J iewcastle cSoca/ ana' rsna Mr. Raiph Murray, who has succeeded localiy by Mr. B. E. been the senior clerk in the Gen'oe of Georgetown. The local Branch of the. Canadian transfer is expected to take Bank of Commerce for the place in the near future. past five years has received Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter Word that he has been promo- and son Bob spent the week- ted and wiML be transferred to enid in Niagara Falls, Ont. the Bradford Brainch as as- where they visited with Mr. sistant accounitant. He will be Porter's mother, MErs. W. T. 3 0 Turkeys, 6* Capons Won ai Lions Shoot Safurday A ftern oon A good turnout of village and district sportsmen were an baud at Waltona Park on Saturday afternoon in perfect winter weather for the Christmas Tur- key Shoot and Draw sponsored by the Newcastle Lions Club. The Christmas $500 Draw on which the Lions have been seli- ing tickets for the last couple iof months at $1.00 per ticket iand of which no more than 1000 were to he sold was won by Roy W. Woodward, 18 Brown St., Bowmanvilie, a real Christ- mas gift. Thimty lucky marksmen went home from the shoot with their UChristmas turkeys and a haîf dozen more with capons. Al Plan Christi twere dressed and ready to cook Lfor the festive dinner. There were shoots conducted for both 12-gauge shotguns and 22-calibre rifles with eight men 1competing for each turkey or capon and members of the Lions Club were kept butsy from 1:00 until dark conducting the shoot and passing out the turkeys whiie a most enjoyable after- noon was spent by the sports- man competing in the target shoot. According ta reports received the event was most successful from ail angles and a most hap- py experience for the members of the Newcastle Lions Club in their first venture in a project of this kind. nos Pcurtv This Afternoon ut Hall At the rcguiar meeting of thei Newcastle Lions Club held on Thursday evcning plans were discusseti for the annual Christ- mas Party sponsored by the club which will be helti this aftemnoon at 2 p.m. in the base- ment of the cammunity hall for the chldren of the community when Santa Claus will be pres- cnt to distribute goodies to the children andi a program sup- plieti. Lion President Chas. Megit presideti for the busi-ness meet- ing after the delicious dinner IPorter andi Mr. andi Mrs. Muir B utlecr and son Gai7y. I Mm. andi Mrs. Harry Daley andi family of Newmamket, spent Sunday in lihe village ivisiting with Mm. and Mrs. C.' fG. Gould and family. hA surprise party w-as held re- ~cently at the home of Mm. and IMrs. Jack Delvin anti Mary in~ h oueur of Mrs. Delvin's mather, jMs-s. Merkley Clark of New- icastle te celebrate ber 8tb ibirthday. Mrs. Clark is enjoy- jing good health and bad a fine evening with the members of hem family. Guests pmcsenst included Mm. Ianti Mrs. Clinton Burley of tWaubuasheeu; Mir. andi Mrs. , Don Burley andi Mrs. Clark's two geat-grandcildren of Scaborough; Mr. and Mms. Ray Reidi and family of Shannon- ville; Mr. Jim Broad, Mrs. Gor- idon Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Tomlilson andi Miss Myrtle Clark of Belleville anti Mr. Ar- Vthur Clark and Mr. and Mrs. ILloyd Stephenson of Newcastle. jFive meznbers of the local iLions Club accomspanied the District Deputy Governor ta iKeene Lions Club on Tuesdlay, December 15th, wbcn he made bis officiai visit te tthat club. They were Lions Chas. Gilkes, qJohn Rickard, John Koro>patva, Chis. Megit and Howard Toms. Mr- anti Mrs. Ted Belsey and Idtiughter Pat and Mrs. George Col-ther and son Jamie visit- I d in Toronte an Sunday with Mms. Walter Crowther ai-d Mr. andi Mr. Robo-rt Crowtbcr. Mr. James Townsend of Re- gina Sask., visiteti the Rev. andi Mrs. M. C Fisher andi family on Thursday. Mvr. Townsenti is a brother cf Mirs. Fisher. Mm. andi Mrs. Ivainsan Muni- day anid daugfter Mary Lau of Bowinanville visited on Stin- day with Mm. an-d Mrs. D. M. Bernard andi Eric. The Rev. M .C. and Mrs. Fisher werc Surnday evening dinner guests with Dr. Stanlcy and i Mms. Osborne at the Ontario j Ladies College In Whitby. served by Mrs. J. Brown'.s group cf the Woman's Associa- tion of the United Cburch. Ther wasconiderblediscus- sion cf the proposeti turkey shoot ta be helti on Saturday aftemnoon and plans were com- pieteti for this project and a grant of $10.00 was mnade ta the Hospital for Sick Chiltiren in IToronto. It was announced six members of, the club wre at- tending the &Christmas meeting of the Lakefielti Lions Club in IYoungs Point on the same even- ing where Lion Brenton Rick- ard was makin.g bis officiai visit to that club. Others visiting the Lakeficiti Club were Lions Frank Rickard, Gerry Duval, Bill Storks, Fred Couch and Irwin Colwiil. Lion Howard Toms conduct- cd a draw amongst the mcm- bers present with each member receiving a gift of a pair of socks and two iucky members receiving a iovely sports shirt. The draw netteti the club treas-. ury $13. SALEM Salem W.A. held their Decem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Barrie. In the absence cf President Mrs. Gemaiti Shackle- ton, the meeting was in charge, of Vice-Pres. Mrs. W. Craig. Mrs. S. Buttery andi ber; group were in charge of the1 program. Bible lesson by Mrs.! S. Buttery. Devotional and Christmas readings by Mrs. Bob Craig and Mrs. Buttery. Read- ings were given by Mrs. J. Hall and Mrs. Doug Reynolds. Mma. F. Heyland was guest speaker and gave a very inter- esting account of a recent visit to England. Mns. S. Buttery spoke a few weil chosen words after whlch she presented Mlrs. Wesley Werry wlth a Life Mem- bership in the W.A. It wau decided te give $25 ta the M. & M. Fund and also te send some Christmas baskets as usual. January meeting wil be held at the parsonage. A social time was enjoyed after the meeting. The annual Christmas concert by the sebool children was heid last Wednesday. The audience, whlch fllled the church, enjay- ed the slnging, dialogues and recitations. Mr. Ross Meteaif was present and accompanied the musical numbers on the piano. Santa made bis usual visit and helped unload the tree and distribute candy to ail the ehilden. Mrs. P. Cator has gone ta Windsor ta stay with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cator for the winter montbs. To the editor and staff of The Statesman and toalal its read- ers: Sincere best wishes for a Merry Christmas and health, happiness and prospcrîty in the New Year. PONTYPOOL The Orange Hall was crowd- ed on lday night for the An- niual Xmas Trce Concert spon- sored by the teachers and pu- pils of Poni0ypo1 School. The teachers Mrs. Orme 'Miller, Mrs. Reg Edmuncls and pupils de- serve hiigt pralse for the grand concert. The chaimman for the occasion was Mr-. Wilfred Ri- chardson and Mr. Audy Sutch done a fine job as Father Xmas. This writer enjaycd several post election cigars but re- cently twe from happy recent fathers. Mfir. aînd M.rs. James McKee have a young son and Mr. and Mm. Ste. Clair Dam- rcoh a Younig dlaugjjter. Our heartiest congratulations. At time cf writiffg several lo- cal tree growerslave consider- able cut unsold Xmas Trees in their yardts or plantations. No doubt these can ibe purcbased very reason>able by Dec. 26th. The draw fer the doil andi Xmas Cake at Mri. Harry Van Wieingen teck place on Sat- urday with Mr. Chas. Rusk winning the <Ibîll and Jimmy Rusk the cake. Ali profit on the dwraw bas been donated to aur new Juvenilie Orange Lod- géMr. and Mn. BUll Patrick cf Durzffiord were Sunday visitaisi with the Paynes. We are glad te report thati one cf tihe twin sons cf Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley is home' again aifter being in hospital for observation. The Jundor Choir with Mrs. Clifford Fllis as orguamnst fur- nished a finie service cf song at Xmiar Church Services on Sundiay. Mr. James Sommner- ville student mintister preached a suitable Xrnas sermon. To al My m'any fiends and neighibours 1 extend my sin- oere wishes for a joyous Xmas and a very Happy New Year. j* . i yL E Nel GREETNGS àfgti me exend tht Sea.ron's Gretigs aid our Bea rWishesI . C. PEDWELL BROKER wcastle Phone 3856 Arena Hopes To Have Ice for Xmas Skating According to information re- ceived from Fred Couch, chair- man of the Newvcastle Memor- ial Arena on Tuesday, barrlng a sudden rise in temperature children receiving new skates £rom Santa Claus wvill ot have to do any waiting ta try them out as the ice on the arena shouid be ready for use during the Christmas holidays. Fieoding was resumed at the arena last weekend with light spraying and a firm bottom had been buit up by Tuesday and flooding wiil be continued as long as the weather remains caid and shouid be ready for skating by the weekend. Other- wise everything is ready for winter sports of hockey and skating to get underway imme- diateiy. b Community Bowling Resuits NEWCASTLE-The foilowing are the top scorers in the various bowling icagues on the com- munity bowling lanes iast wcek: Wednesday Atternoon Leagze Ladies' Jean Stevens bad the high single score of 213 while Dorothy Whitney had the high triple score of 480. Ladies' Monday League The foilowing had scores of 200 or more: Alice Rowe 204 and Barbara Aildred 200 even. Men's League (250 or over) Bill Harrison ----------284 Chariic Gianville _____265 Shecm Shields -_____254 Bert Keiscy -- -- - 251 Friday Mlxed League (Men 250 or ever) Jack Hoimes ---- -- 274 (Ladies 200 or over> Mary De*tdney - 216 Marilyn Walton -_____215 Jean Rickard ______201 Teenage League The high single in the teen- age league last Saturday after- noon was taken by Jon Fisher with a score of 216 while John James continucd to be high man ini the triple scoring with 508. iMerry Marri ed Couples Hold Yule Banquet NEWCASTLE-The members cf the Merry Married Couples' Cub heid their Christmas ban- quet in the Sunda2y Scbool haill of the United Church on Wed- nesday evenîng December 4th. Between courses of the delicieus meal served by members of the Woman's Association, Glenn AI- lin led in the singing cf Christ- mas Carols with Norman Wil- liams accompanying at the piano. After dinner a shadow plan- tommie "The Operation"l was presented by Charlie Alldred, Seldon Parker and Stan Powell and the President cf the club outlined its activities during the past year and a iinancial report was given. Charlie Alidred acted as mas- ter of ceremonies for the pro- gram which inciuded two vocal duets by Messrs. Glenn Ailin, Ross Allun, Bill Raynsford and Norman Williamns. A speciali "keep talking"l contest on the subject "Christmas Shopping With M&y Wife" by Ron Munira, Murray Paterson, Gardon Gray and Brenton Rickard which preved most entertaining and1 amusing. Jim and Bill Scott favoured with two weil rendered instru- mental and vocal selections which were much enjoycd by ail and Florence Tillsan, Earla Jase, Jean Holmes and Evelyn Smith participated In a "Name That Tune" contest which brought the pleasant evcning te a close. WESLEY VILLE The ainnual Christmas con- cert was helti in the cburch on iWcdinesday cvenýin'g, December 16th. The ohumch was weil fil1- eti with people, a lovely pine trec, andi Christmasy atmos- phere of gooti cheer. There arc 22 children in the school and ail shamed i the excellent programme, except Michael White who hati the misfortune tao break one of bis tocs, and Jimmie Parmnell who hsntbeen well for a month. Simiclay andi day scbcol chiàld- ren of other days, now grown andi mamieti, were 'back with their little ones ta share i the aid Christmas tmee thmills. Truman Austin was bis us- ual cntbusiastic self as chair- man; Mrs. Westhleuser, music teacher, led the chiltiren in their first number calleti the "Hiking Sang", whîch was sung unaccamp'anied. Recititigne were given by Cheryl Clarke, Lewis Thomndykc and Gwcnnie Ford; Piano duets by Valerie Austin andi Ruth Nichols, Glor- ia andi Joan NichaIs. Vocal trios: "*Silver Bells" by Gloria, Joan and Ruth Ni- chois; Christrnas hymn by Glor- ia, Joan Nic'hcls, and Barbara Dinner; vocal solo, "The Nigrht was Still" by Bai-bara Dinner, a!l accompanieti by Mrs. G. Ni- cho'z, "Ten LteIndian Boys" %-.as a costume'l action sang by t1li in'niors; and seniors sang two vt.oruses, onc, being the îI urc n Carol, Canacia's carlies' carol. 'lhe inta-eqtir.g story of1 the :atter waz weil told by U p. Clarke ') piay-. one very enlictht- enin~g for those who dislike homewo'rk, was presented iby Wanda an-d Gwen Ford, Sharon Thomnidyke, Paul Austin and Glen Clarke. Sharon manages ta get ail ber famiiy engrossed in her homework whîle she slips out ta skate. The ot.her play was a parody on rural concerts emceed by Paul Austin ai-id included a burlesque of severai numbers. This is not easy to do, and they did it very well. Johnny Tufford and Larry; Dinner were very efficient cur- tadn puilers. At the conclusion of the pro- gramme, awards were present- ed for Sund'ay school attend- ance by Truman Austin who is assistant Superintendent and Berniece Best. Marie Austin was presatut 49 out of 50 Sun- days, four others 48, and a to- tal of 48 aver 40 Sunidays. Santa Claus was unavoidab- ly detained in Montreai, of al places, but was horoughiy wel- comed when he did arrive, not on'iy by the chil&ien but aduits as well who were ail delighted ta, see once agamn this aid frienid of other years. Even the wee tots had sufficient courage to shake his hand when he gave them the bag of candy which each cihild received. The chairman expressed ap- preciaition ta Mr. Deremno for bis fýine effort, to Mrs. West- heuser ta Mrs. Nichols and al others Who had helped. Every- one showed hearty approval of thier work and the children who entertiained ail. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke anid family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Fiett in Fenelon Falls. The annual candie iight ser- vice was held here on Sund'ay evenig, Dec. 20, wîth 'Light", as itis theme. Tail white cand- les burned in front af ihe pul- pit and in the windows, and the service opened with the eleven member choir singing a pracessional hymn as they en- tered tihe church frcm the back carrying lighted candies. A very lovely seil rrange-î ment of Luke's Christmas story,1 was sunig by Mrs. Allan Clarke anid John GSroneveld Rev. A. W. Harding spoke of its many aspects as he used hynins ta work out tihe story. Besides the1 Christmas hyne, "Lead Kind-1 ly Light"l, "Let the LoWer Li- ghts be B'umning", and "ýThe Light of the World is Jesus", were sung.'I On Christmas Eve the yeung people or-e plannndg a worship service in the church starting at 8 p.m. There were 52 at Sunday sehool with ail officers pre. sent. andi teichers for z'! clas- ses. Roy Austin read the Scrip. ture. LONG SAULT Mrs. V. Since has retui-ned te ber home in Port Perry after having a week's rest at ber par- ents' home, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, due to ber recent 111- ness. Best wishes for better health in the future from the community. ' M. and Mrs. F. Johnston and MVr. and I'Mrs. R. Osborne were Sunday visitors at the J. Johnston's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr and Brenda mwcre Sundav visitors of Mr. and Mýrs. Lycett, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron were Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker in honor of Mm. and Mrs. Fletcher's anni- vemsary. They werc Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cam- eron, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfmed Sander- son and Ray, Columbus, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mr&. Bert Johnson. Staff and Management of CARVETH MOTORS NEWCASTLE, ONT. PAGE TM 9 à MM 04- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - ý. 1 su

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