r y ~ .~ ~. PAGE TWELVEC ~$ SORopicsd < /vJ By Frank Mohun NA 3-7234 i C mie A1"" Town League Hockey' Star of the Week MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE I "MOR"RCAD DOUG TAYLOR AND HAP PALMER w1 Mort" Richards, n tagrt oa as stewne r SET BOWLING RECORDS of this.-week's Bowmanvil upu Sls wr, steTw Two weeks ago we stated that a member of the MeniLau's Star of the Wee. eddntpitMo'sfrt ae Major League rolled 370 to take the highest single ever rolled at____ as is the usual custoni, ipybcuepoal vroetik Liberty Bowl. That was John Ford. Last week ve mentioned dcsxmjr adsvnni-it*s Mort. that Bill Hearle had an 867 triple which was broken when AI'nrs Richards is bcst knnfobispd.esradbrdho Osborne racked up an 877 total a week later. r I Briaii Huglies oaced the Bu'v- as hie patrolled lett wing ntoOtroCaminhpJvnl Osborne's total didn't even last a week, as Doug Taylor iu ii nll ~ ariville attack with f ive goals, Legionnaires. Howeverti erMothatundnoa rolled a triple of 948. That's quite a score, but if anvone breaks'Of c a s Cl o t s including three w;thin a minu te starry defencernan. ah'vaxspaigascd me that one within a week, it should bc worthwhile watching. Doug and 12 seconds. Defencernan Richards led his ta1 ovcoy husa ihwt started off with a low t?) of 292, thon rolled '-97 and finally Bil~AI hl bre adeMfou lo< j, hat-trick performance, aselasepigthodhepoitn knocked off a 359 game. Years ago, whcn 'ýCa.soy" Martyni had VV II nI rI V i B rea ks (Du t e s ian anai, 'T ervBa to a single goal. When r eecmnbg he olta' the old alleys, we have been told that Taylor registered a 991 each <ontributed a pair, and good in any league. triple, lonri to be beaten by none other than "Goose" Osborne, who'5 *5 * singjles went to Doug James and Honourable mentionge(oBbFiey o atr n knocked off something like 997. 11DonI1 fhI Bfl Cf Hwi Mshntr Ford's single also was eclîpsed îast week, when Hap DEE ia sco H acsn oudlietos ore ahitr Palmer spilled the pins for a fine 386 mark.i the visitors' lone miarker in the middle session. afler Boxvman- Afternoon Ladies' LeageinsMColc 4 This reporter had a top game lastwc, not rnissing the A ineiecnethtencle îbuieoe iueldt îdbalbtenville liai ranunu an 8-0 bulge. Are centre throughout the ten frames. Total score - 168 aftcr haîf a Uxbridge and Bowmianville was ito play, xvhen stick -swingin cl oth clubs. As far as the ae The three stars. picked bv y ---------------91ar.MDnl dozen head pins, one corner and a few strikes. But one of these played here Saturday nigh:,JaeOwreHli, - Ea tfel- ------------18 eeeRnl 3 days Fll was concerned it was strictl u and Jackson.Ohilev Davis --...- 13DiyBl---------***13 t t te nnso contest, as Bowmanvilie loghiSadiey 13 ille hit l1 Ste he 's and H o e ruedUbig 71 M adg ieBcnll---------- 18V ot 3 BOWLING DURING HOLIDAYS I xrde11 ag ig-------13HlaMoe 3 As we were writing about the record bowling scoresw ~ The game, in which the visit- I Bonnie McDonald ---------18NliMFets U weW n T.ow n L1 - o me hes ibegnninghe w s ro ui Ladis"Maris o Wisn-a--------16VlaKtr . 12 realized that Liberty Bowl will have the entire 12 lanes available theaL e rbdsegarded te rfls from 'Do) mrionsemany i7.Mar..Cyl...- for open bowling during the holiday season. A lot of people Sc' er nI ntot~i 'wlen Jackson apparently edont- ! tr Aura Trewin ----- ---------Ih ~s- 2 don't bowl in leagues, so here's their opportunity to take advant- Sten Fuels contmnuea hï pit n onto ooper's and cd Joe Bothwell on the ht-ad Aftern on L * Hilda Simnick--..-----------l' 'te 12 lg'fte ralnseeue.i winng lays atop the Town1te Dept. of Works. Dan Girir. witb bis stick. Boibwell cbar' ; Barb. Courtnev . ,y alo rw 2 ag ftebra nsheue.1Leagur' last Tiitc,ýdax- night. ý1di an -1SILSqeak" Brooks put cd back and both plavers.swun On Fi iclav aI lc nonDc ce;n- I Ace -lodgo -- 14ilbl ilas----- Manager George Elliott bas informed me Ibial, itl ill be scmrn,,gfil.-e limes in the second !Noniis in front imîd-way tboutistck vcoulvrBoo \assiî b-i13hj bel*w gan veynLrg - -- 31JucCirk--------2 possible to make reservations, if a group would like to go 0on a anid aiding four more in tlit" thet- oucner, w!ehonBrg.S d btrirausl od P usttbstck~ -f i pl in tht AI-aîne lm rer________ ________ bowling party. One of the finest sports for ail ages is bowling, lr thir ledoýn t:.e Dept. ofj<illeggcithe- fance Jwefler tll ere euircd. £1v oîîx'lîtd erno Lîiu'i Je Af 3 Lla ufna-i--- -2 and ait the spaclous new lanles, both ten and fivo pins are avail- o\\nr )- l Tw eaumnar-te nerive jtand Jtchs' erotivndmn e ons rn h - obins. , <4 able. Don't say we didn't let you knoxv. adBhLyemr tth id ndmthpnlteadu - other t int saititn g U -~ -~ J rntched first period mye sultpî; i Oîi~~ît~~sens2i\î j2 ~ ot î ige lD ~ I T JUVENILE BASEBALL BANQUET antd tîten the- Fuels wxent tý i thcemicdle FUsso't and xvc', assesscd live more majors.,xv'rh ours wih a 2c:3ýI nue. Slte w a*BER Y 'y The date for the banquet, bonourîng the Bownianville v 1.rpugi orscn iet h-gl o i 1uo t-telcaspcigu orÉ'cfloel peu-od oalsun he irsi(ixe tr pentalties.Mot Richards 1 minute sentences. Goalie Grantiloîiel with a '-6-1,:Indi added to BS LN Olympias - Juvenile baseball chtamps for Ontario, bias been minutes. before Lylo otheifounid the range mt the- second, Wrigbt was tho ciulv player ty- a second gaanteof'236 gave Sa- officially set for Wednesday, JanLiary 6th at 6:30 p.m. Tbe play- bis second, and thue lone D\Vý picking un a hs-re.w-ile tho ice who didn't get the gale. die high double fi- the after-wishaiterfinda speaker will be prescrnt, and ontertaini-enî xiii also bc providcd. Qu nvstre the alrî-t gv lcMn Wear Club a off the bench, but didn't g rt Agne5 'Vl-Collocli 24' er wllreeveprsettinsasatuibtetotoi efot, ge~ and oF aiho pc--led oi-d lo-l HîIiîntî nir ovvr tlas opecno nn ýof 98lOi 0 a Anyone wishing te attend the banquet sbould contact Abl in". aurdTled Fainuy te Twoj ig6- l-a.cauglit. Bni coa 2363, Evolj Surcorpatclyaloth ecatwowlhaeMin luthioerarîne. therr jBol)Alubott made it, 7-t ati ILu 235. Ena Et' heu- 919, D JI.,.., ( L . *a.- ticets Soe o tesefelowsalo payo onth cbmpinshp galant scrodant3e1l0e 1 -Jackson, sltowi.ig utc lavour- is Hetlruo d 207, Aiy -ce -lodgsi trck.Soor practicallosah of Ibe ehan texvhpo shighave anderscuikbaddethe laej 10 of the final satzzu, and CZi-ites. bt-came involved in a bigi-2),5 elnAdew23 Midget hockey club, wbich certainly speaks xvli for the fine the sianzt--. rritls- hecti ihsticking and fighting seti odfns oi 'eodva' Ted Fatire.%- eonpleîed bis bal- bis secolic! -go]altt- int tht- 'iO-with Alan Woodloi-k arlicri od iihfi- unc l calibre of athletes in town. ~-. ~ ~ 'iWî~ test. A i'iug ie Fi cni eo -.tt t"o it î nxIetgirls. Lt, el's 5t-t ailcotu t nlJani-ana Don'asersa IWOu- îai-v Otittestart offlt 90 secoDdn and Cal 3hi e li'(idi- .,oLn itlte ice a couple otf uiuiltt"s, secoît. andCal ~3ake binkedstandintgg ainot- i gtSi toi-e tak-,it!Eothwll. n. Merrx- Cliriistntas antd lte e d i-tc nait lxice-ii inte fintal 1 ' ', 1 . I1 i eoe tc l oh el l w,, o m in u te s , B -r t P e r f e c t a n d a s is t . H p y N w Y a O a l )9 cally insure thomselvos of wi- I Norm Fostcî- scor-e-d for the los- lT-ar Standings telo e aciamles ouaiîlsoT tnig Goodyea r ni hefirst schiedule. The' er.i îihca - W L T Pis we e nte ari- TeaiTI -- - -- I th e ROffice 7-0 lei k ep an Jeeiit In f nie 8-1. e n 'mov e foui- H o phe n i-'s.,Je w - - 3 6 O 6 I - er p rj xs- - - - ,O e n B w l n ( a o eg -il -e-ladrs-12p7ui2 bt-nAtotherfi161iiinut s parrWus--------_ _----------- T h B o d e r L e a u e b op os i n u lger d os tn t e o T i e . eaLtr_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p n a tilierebu n e d o u , r R e ut - - - - - - - ------ - 8 han gru h ti elst T usd y P e chi e a 4-3 d eia e, te i tot.'*'D pt ofWo ksa l i b c u l ea siolforbvs an ris ------ ------------ho___e1 M A 3-5663iab night, coming Up xitb perbaps b-o bgto i f tîtlde asplya-e lluo _-------__ ......_-_--------- _6_ the entîre boop's worst performi he dFan ae.ts bThmne teri ft tht- beuicît ad been naile i. l >y i- ance lever. Arnold Lobb tool resd forlb ac43 e. T -ioen s vinI e dge-dew a nmatch, a rmis- Lov iete. For Reservation for higli triple honours witb a com- dwelliuug Boîts pulled offa 52 M e s Mjor Bbidosvn taos îd1 liiVnesmx.isawxs u~-- paralively Iow 614 total. OnI upsot wiît clver the Brd iurwtlYb'loaswr ugat tve osutd oi our at Bwig three other bowlers hit the 600 1wiesIhe5-Coot oin dhe e Lastwo k Pc e Dobbins was pie 781. Mcl Dale îecou.dtd his tabbed withi a match, a miscout- anies Tauler. a. mark-John Stainton 612, J'inm Ting eb a5cont n Okno ked oftetp rung in Itehug rpe74Wl lOe I __________triple_____________________________________Bill_______________ Murphy 605 and Jim Houck 600. ann one. averagos and thus arunoyed Poeol] one- pin si-ort et Dale, 753. jvie Pal Amstrog's 23 washigh Tean Staning e ntid. This woeek Dobbins'Jack Gax.- iad 744, Pal Yeo antd Pollowed by on 23Whi 248 ose ---------------------- ------- 54 cante roariîtg bac-k wiilb games A] Osberne hulb 1tad 718. Ja'-ki Lawson Kirkton 246, Art Spi- Combines ---- --------- - 46 of 267, 304,269 feu- a bigb triple Louider 716 aîtd Dave McKnigbî C cor 244, Bill Holroyd 241, Frank Machine Shop ---o-8---.Titisjurned bis av'2r- 707. Mohn 20,Muray rat 28,Lead Press ------ - .:36 ugo front 243 le 246 tb regain 1 On],tiv%, -o)bowlebrsc so ts ~re u n i Tîersg 33an-tavllng3,5 tho lt-ad frein AI Osborne wtio) 300 mark. Pote Dobbis a r e BebNoblKeng233 ndtav.in1Office -----------3 hlsdoxvn second spot wilbtophvt 0 olwdbM BbNbe23.IBraiders --- ----------------) 245. loy Varistone .302. The Hose Room edged the Fan Betls --------- 301 Eu-uie Pci'fectl had bis bets Keith Stac-Idelo a f I Combines in ail tbree games tel1 Comels --------98 nigbl tof lte seasei aîtd finish-! Iv low triple 391. Bob Kentt 4:30. 1:fromrn r' ocal take a 7-0 victory, and practi- 1 Boits ---------------- ----- - 17 ed up xith lte second bighi tri- Bort Eniglex- 431 Pa-id Lontg Johtu Moorcraft 433. Keith aise won low' single prize 104, Johtn JýMoorcraft 108 and Bill Oliver :' 113,.NIe'C r~T K SWitlh out vo q EL IIIM IUUI *in ~jtjjg ~'i~uiuitU i tht- first seheLdule. VurryLar-~fh f UI l I * I mors leaîtt ltas tI ...a - e g ~gle-hold out firsi placewit9 dpoints. Russ RalaIra lyn -Ducîtitten itave 17Poins for ?~r~t 3î~1~3second place.~-r jjwas over it Wt-cuusday rigit.16Cga R I A Ellioli autd Wild Bill Oke were . h aving a batîle toyalai atit 3wwe.:; - - i~ pins xilb a ood riomber 0..uf-uwfw u.-u .. Sspoctators lookuutg ou0.1, 1Thte major legin bowlers are gointg te luave a J'est ovor tle li olida: ationieu bciii ouc s~utocl on Wedte.day, Jan. 61h. The exct-toive of tîte ntajor a legtue etxendtd 0aIl boxxlers a l Very MurxCitnssat wisli Io ex-t-ivolOc- foi- a bolier aeage un 1061). Team SItandings W ~Teai PIs Jsor e 1.511ý _ Xi B. 0k.- 14-i 1) 1r ïïA iegr r- - ----.... 27 23* Jack Hughes- Stewart MeTav,.ish Pauline Labrecqite Roy Stonebur GodnWlae. for their loyal patronage 7. o AIJ i Bates - 2--------')7 2) Hap Palmer- - 27 207ýý Clarence Oke 26 207-, I.* -A Very ~ aPaker -- ---- 1 2071 .Afi uis lime o the year we tink if mosf fîtting fieprs MERRY CHRISTMAS Jiae Lnd--r-- 27 20' ur gratitude for your patronage during ihis JohSiFTrd - -27 20)6 Frank Williams 2 2,or irf3 r nbusiness Russ Hlmn27 25 BILL STEVEN AND STAFF Billimstan I -ur-f--s27 205! SFrank Lewins 27 205 n Fred Coxvle .....--- 27 203 / L Bob Williarns 27 203 L Vu -R B ON M T RS L D Frank Blunt 27 202; John Stainton 27 202;Poreo PONTIAC - BUICK VAUXHALL - GMC TRUCKS Russ Lane------ ---- 27 20! 'i,- v ,Frank Samis -- ----27 2W0 . * . . . . SRalph Kelly 27 200 &,,. *. . ... . . THURADAV- lr)V.r e4fh taitik ip =3 CANADIM STATZS«N. BOWMANVn.L& ONTAWO