k PAGE FOURTELPh TEE CANAIAN ~TAI~MAM RlWMA7~3flT .T n r~M'PA Dfl THVffV F?%'~*A Letter to the Editor - Commission ers Submit Report on Utilies Com. Omitted in Oversight ~ Dear Editr:- Allow me to congratulate you on your leading editorial1 last ... week. It was constructive and of this we get too littie today ~'in our so-calied "high standard of living". However, qpay I gently chide you for not always giving al the local news as it happens, and, as you state in your edit- orial, is the constant objective' of your newspaper. I arn sure it was unintentional and was perhaps crowded out by more important items. 1 can also as- sure you that the local commis- sioners personally do net give a "continental" but they do feel that the- affairs and assets of .c the public utilities in which the rHRITm~~ municipality has approximate- ly a million dollars investeci, shouId be brought te the atten - tion of the public when a re- port h as been made as was To ail who have been so dea t the municipal nomina- tion meeting. 0 kind to us throughout Your reporter took notesof Sthe report and should be writ- the year. ing this but here it is in capsule form: Mrs. D. L. Childs On behaif of the residents at STRATHAVEN I NURSING HOME Water and Sewer The waterworks department mnade a profit last year despite rates that are comiparablv low- ethan mosct along LakeOn tario. Our sewer rentais to al eus-I tomers were not high enoughi. to meet operating and capital costs and a loss of approxi- mately five thousand dollars oc- N.J.Allun & Son BUTCHER SHOP Nec - z Jury & Love!! "Your Rexail Store" BOWMANVILLE To wish you every blessing 'l As the Belis of Christmas ring, Contentment, Peace and Happiness And Joy in everything. and A wish for Happiness and Cheer Ail along the pathway that you follow Through the year. DYKSTRA'S Variety Foods 77 KING ST. W. Our sincere gratitude for the privilege of serving you. curred. This loss was paîd by waterworks and pnmctically wip- ed out its profit. There may be some justification for this as most of the water afer it orner.- ges frorn the tap becomîes, suo!- er or later, sewerage. We pay to the town annual- ly for debenture retiremnent andi interest about forty-five thou- sand dollars which is about evenly dividcd between prin- cipal and interest. In addition of course w-e Pav-)Peration aA maintenance costs on both sys- tems. We have a surplus of abouti forty-five thoiusaiid dollars bu iht up in watcu \orks as a first step in payving for a filtration plant whic-h is inevitabie as our constimption increases andi which xii rost (four hundred thousand?) plus. Work commences this year on the expansion of the sewcr- age disposai plant which is hopelessly overloaded and the estimate for this is well over (+h,-ee hundred thousand?) dol-I lars. Eet~ Most people when thev pav their bill at what, they caîl the!~ Hydro Office do flot stop t think that this amotunt is for'y ail three services and also that!9 it covers what they have use-1 I for the two past months. I customers would bv the symr-iy bols on the bill extract the V divide by two to reduce it to a monthlv bill and then cm pare it w.ith say their monthly telephone bill, paid b v the wayý in advance, they inay get a V shock at the small cost. of their1 electricity. Since 1945 the customers use y of electric energy has about. doubled because of increased use of various appliances. Thef, býlls have far from doub-ed. In Y tact t.he cost per kLilowatt liour »É of use bas 'ocen reduced. This year with the new rate reduiction, which places Bow- manville well down in the loy;- er echelon of rates for Ontario, the customers paid $11,917.09 less foar more enprgy than the years hefore. No matter how you slice it this is a direct sav- in.c for our customers in Bow- manville. The assets of the electric utility have increased since 1933 from $71,000.00 to $960,- 852.00. No debentures save for the payment of the original as- sets hiave ever bu-en issued. It has been ail donc from earnings. This is not because Bowman- ville bas had a super-duper commission. It is common to a host of local commissions across the Province. It is because On- Elgie Harnden LornE For Fast Depe during Christmas Diai MA 3-5822 100 King St. E. tario is blessed with the world's best public utility system and proves beyond a doubt that we ail can "Live Better Electricai- ly,,. Yours faithfully, M. J. Elliott, Chairman, W. Carruthers, W, Ross Strike, Commissioner. There is one home in iBow- manville whc, te Christmas decorations arý--aI,.ays dif- ferent because thiey are homemade ard ireflect a great deal of t1ioutigi-and energy. For several years,I Donald G. Wilcox's home, 58 Lambs Lane, bas been so colorful and attractive that hundreds of residents make a point of taking their child- ren to see "what MVr. Wilcox has added this year". Our photographer was unable bo, show the full scope of the! scene, but took these three'i photos to illustrate the type'ý Df decoration which is in use this year -at the Wiicox 1h1ome. S OBER IN G THOUGHTS By WiIs Harrison, Midland, (Ont.) Free Press Herald. For most Canadian families' Christmýs is the most joyous Homemade Decorations Draw Many Visitors I lEST CHRISTMAS WISHES IDENHER'lOG CLOTHING BOWMANVILLE E~ERRY CHREM No words express more sincerely at this time of yeair what is in our j hearts for aur many friends - than the good aid fashioned l"Merry, Merry Christmasl' A. H. Sturrock & Sons IMPERIAL ESSO DISTRIBUTOR MA 3-5516 Bowmanville derate amounts of alcohol. And that, it seerns to us. should be the most sobering and convincing thought of ai for even the most seasoned of cele- brants this Christmastide. the signal fer a gay round of intemperance that extends into the New Year. The problem, however, arisezi when -the party-goer-s climb be- hind the wheels of powerful motor cars and start for home or other social events after havingr ý.one or two just to be social- able." Few of these rnotorists prob- ably could be classified as drurak or impaired drivers but sur-1 veys show those who havei- of the United States repoir t th 22 out of everv 100 automobile drivers involved in fatal acci- bibed only moderately and are supremely confident of their abilities to take the wheel are the most darigerous drivers. The National Safety Council dents "had been drinking. " In Ontario in 1957, there were 2,084,468 persons licensed to drive, of whom 1,950,000 were 20 years and older. It is further indicated from liquor statisticsi that at least 70 per cent of this number consumed on the aver- age 2.72 gallons of absolute al- cohol during the year-the equi- valent of two shots of whiskey, or two pints of beer, or 21ià glasses of wine per day. ]Juring that saine year, police report that 31 per cent of the drivers who caused fatal accti- dents had been drinking. They were al.so responsible for per- sonal injuries to 3,095. Research workers and traffic experts belleve enough studies have now been made to prove conclusively that the ability of1 people to drive a car is signlifi- l' cantly impaired by the con-1 BLnrPasn Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bow manville Sun Life of Canada jEditor's Note: - Dear Corn- time of the year. missioner: Truly you have It is a time of homecoming-s, caught us in a grave omission of renewed friendships, of gaily1 for which we submit humblest, wrapped gifts and ligbted trecs,1 apologies. Our sincere thanks! of tinsel and baubles, of shining forthecasul rnor xvic xv Ichîldren's eyes and of festive1 publish above. With Nev Year's boards laden with the handi- îcoming up, we have already re- work of culinary artists. solved to do better by you in 1960. It is a season of checry greet- --ings exchanged with friends 'n1 ~ homes and on the street. It is happiness. It is -ail this and To Ail Our Friends more-for it is also our mastI and Customers. sacred of religious festivals. xiUnfortunately, however, flotl We Say . .. inah homes in Canada wihl have' cause to- celebrate this happy jfestival. For some families, 't'heé :1 dismal spectre of urnempioyrnent Illerre l already has taken the edge offt à festivities. In others, sicknes.s c?~risîna ~the day less joyful and the ob- XIAnd, if statistics reieased in and ~1 On tario within the past few xeeks are any criterion, there 2Wil be a goodly number of Il ouseholds where Yulctide pre- lew ti earrations and celebrations start- .1~ A ed out on a gay note and ended: Sin grief and trageay. iSt TA X II os?t of these instances, lhoeve, t wll otbe because, of poverty or because some e Stevens Jack Miller member of the family is lying at >dbeSevc death's door in a sick bcd that andbe er's the day will be saddened. Sta- s an N ew Y ears e,. tistical tables show it w ill be or1 MA 3-7201 somea person or per- Bowmanville 4 bued with the spirit of the' se;-W - son. For Chri-trmas a,ýo ;5;a Y tine for partying andc, for some,j ------------------------------------- Our best wîshes faf the very happîest of Holiday Seasoras Na.m lu -------------------- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvnix oNTAmn etlaTlpqnàv nv.r 1)1+lk iantà m il EM