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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 17

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.6 1 , V . ~IUU~TDEC. 24th, 1959 TffE CANADIA14 STATESMA!If. BOWILANVILLE. ONTANIO PAGE SErEN' 0f Many Things Trouble in Milk'? By Ambroroe Hll%' )In. November, Country ud lagiuzine broke a story about bu!C lauling of n'ilk. It said a War- of attrition is being fought, i t lie Érantford milk shed. t lugilested some farmers zre Very much afraid of the daiîws. lt W-as a frightenine story. and it triade me ask f-ils question: "Wktat is the situation in thr., Wirixnipeg milk shed«?' 1 heve a big family and wc uset a lot of milk. It is a subject of -very real interest to me. 1 FAIM qSERVICE I>Hg.AD, OLD and CRIPPLED1 FARM STOCK I Iemoved Free of Charge Inimediate 24-Hr. Service A SK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEnilh 66550 No roi; Charçr 1. ick Peconi - Peterborough kîïow tilat a great înany city people take the milk that reach- es their doors very much for granteti - they forget that it cornes from cows, and must be s-hippeci and bottlcd. Even our own milkman seemns to forget where it cornes from, because whcn wc complained about a batch of it recently. be said, "Wc gat a ncw rnanriixing it" My %vife :aîd, "Youd better get a cow!" 1 hopc to finti out toi- readers what the situation is in Man- itoba. Are the farmers in these parts afraid of the dairy inter- ests? They seem to gef together solidly with the dairy people whenever the subject of mar- garine cornes up, but are thcv, as the Countrv Guide article suggested about Brantford, afraiti? The article quofes farm leaders as saying that "while the control whi"ýh dainies seern to have over produicers bas corne bo thc surface in Brantford, il cxistz.sin man.v oýher markcts Whenii 1reati that. 1 calleti Joe MER.RY CHRISTMAS, FRIENDS... and thRlk yoiI Sfor your kn . .. ... .. .patronage this past year. SCHWARZ BROS. LIVESTOCK DEALERS R.R. 3, Bowrnanville MA 3-2895 -~JL - - ~, ~ -. .---. --- I 'w JO/u fseI/ LÀARK y TIEAE for Gristimasi >rBonus Gif t."M If you buy before end of year FRE E customi >CAR RADIO Te Ail Our Many Frieuîds and Customers We Say MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR GRAU"m's GARAGE .Colfax 3-2061 R.R. I BOWMANVILLE1 Durham tçjrmers' County PHONE 137 - ORONO Wce wi sh I take lhb opportuility to wish ail Membelt s and CuLstomerb . xVe; y Galorîski of the Manitoba Farmers Union. He referredm f0 the Winnipeg and Disrc MiIk Producers A-ssociation. They told me that a committee of two had been appointed bv the government to study the situation in Manitoba anti make recomrnendations to the Minis- te r. But this comn-ittee is a pri- vate one and there have been no public hearings that I can find out about. Everyone tells me that the situation here is in a state o! flux. would sure like to hear rorn sorne dair f armers, somedaiy owners, and some of the fruck- ers. What is the score in the ;Winnipeg milk shed? Improve Poultry Processing Standardzed mrethods of pro- ldu cing and processing poultry, long advocated at the Federal level. arc bcing widely adoptcc This îîîîîtorrnibv was evident in flic market poultryý show at jToronto's Royal Winter Fair, ac- cording to, E. D. Bonnyman, Poultry Division, Canada De- i partrnent o! Agriculture. [le latider] the efforts of "row- cirs air] processors in standard- 1711 ing ehob-.emloying the nmost tip-to-date techniques thai have been tievelopeti. Entnies in the -big show were down slightly fromn last year, but bhc quality was gooti, Mr. Bonnyrnan said. Judging was baseti on the following factors: (1) Packing, package appearance and mark- ings; (2) Bloom;~ (3) Conforma. tion, (4) Flcsh; (5) Faf; (6) Dressing. A total et' 164 exhibitors this year representeti six provinces from Alberta to Prince Edward Island, reflecting the wide in- ferest that bas been generafeti in thc Royal Winter Fair's mark- et poultry display-wbich bas become the show window of the national market poultry in- dustry. Eviscerateti geese submitted by the Community Farm o! the Brethren, Bighf, Ont., made up thc grand champion box of poultry. They solti for $2.30 a pound. Harvey Beatty o! Lon- don, Ont., liad the reserve grand champion box. It container] eviscerated fowl, which brought 75 cents a pound. United Links Class The Unitedi Liniks Class young people met on Tuesda evciig at the home o! Mis.1 Bisihop. Eleanor- Mount.ioy le in worship and presitieti 1 the business meeting. A bowl ing party is being planneti fo Friday evening. January 15. Ms-s. H. Wcnry presidfetifc election o! officers rcsultin as follows: Past Pres., Gra-r Spencer: President. Eleanc Mountjoy; Vice - Pres.. Ala Francis. Secretary,. June Dav is: Tre-asurer, Robert Spencei pianist. Gaile Hitchen; chef comnmitee, Keith Tregunn-a an Ç.i vnSpencer. Games wcre enjoycd and re frehments serveti to concluti theh program. There were 1 present. Christînas Services Christmas services at Ked ion wcre attentiet by ca-pacif, congregatioss. lu the morninj the service was condtucted b: the ministen, Rev. R. H. Lovr. Iwitlh special usbens uby tih regular choir. In the evenirxg bbe ca-rol am candlelight service under thi auspices of Ketiron Double Club was conducteti by Williar Sniowden, \with Kediroît <'ol pnoviding two numbers - "Ma n-ger Lulilaby" andi "The Shep I .erd*s Christmas", anti Mr IDouglas Love, contnxbuting; vocal solo. "O HoIy Nighf' Choir director, Jeanine Wef'ry organist. Mrs. R. E. Le. j tbers wno assisteti in th( cjindloeligbt _serv-rce were Mîs Wi. Woodward., Mrs. Stânle; Ui.Mrs. G-"-i.if Glover ara MrsW fl~î-~W-ho read Seri phî-j:e asqa,-,LFanti Mrs. W iSzt'--'z!den w- ecuin, Prayer. uc Christ" r» - e-.n 4jose'pî and ithe NatiN îty*ý. 'an show' by Derek Barnett. The o!ferinï was receiveti by Be, Hitý-ens Douglas Love. Elmer Parks--,< Derek Barnett. The choix- of Columbus Uni. ted C'lhunch anti director. Mis coffOlOP OUII Ilerry eC/istnas atid a Jappy and1 £Prosperous 17)?ev j'c f f-r o ti t, 1 P 04RECTORS AND STAFF 1 ----------------,--à d it t o! DY n T-. r id ti le Federation 'E Properties D For a number of years there has existeti a Land Acquisition commnittee o! the Ontario Feti- eration o! Agriculture, wbose function bas been to give advice and help when possible to farm- ers with problems of expropria- tion of lands by Highways, Hy- dro and Pipe LUnes. These problems have become so numerous and demanding that at the last annuel meetiag of the O.F.A. a resolution was presenteti. asking for a special department to be established to deal with these matters. The decitiin.g factor in establisbing such a department binges on available finances. ? After a close 1-eview of the budget anti considering how im- portant hati become the need, the executive deciledte t estab- lish a Department o! Prober- fies, and engaged Wi. Don Midi- dieton, a former Middlesex county fieltiman with extensive experience in this fieldi, te be full tirne superviser of this de- partment. This department of- fers its services to every coun- ty in the Province of Ontario. There is however one rule which must be strictly adhered f0 by any farmer wishing to use fhe services of this departmcnt. Formai application must bc madie through thc local county Federation of Agriculture. Such application was madie through the Durhiam Federation by a group of farmers who hati failed to reach a settlement with Ontario Hydro in the re- newal of an casernent for a fwin pole Hydro line passing through the county. At the timne this line was built an easemenf had been given for a oeriod o! thirty years. This perioti had cxpired and Hlydro hati succeedeti in ob- faining an casernent of perpe-- uity fromn a portion of the flarm- 1 will recognize the necti to re- -__________ vise its agreements anti bring 1 ifs offer o! settiernent to a ,MqjNVERS STATIONM more realistie aporroach of pres V-L L ent day standards', was the Ilope -e'xpr-essed -b-y--all who -attendeti this meeting.1 Canadian Climat e Demands Varîeties Vegeta bic breedjng occupies fa prominent role in the research activif les of the Canada Depaît- ment of Agriculture. The reason? Canada's wide 1widc range o! climatîc condi- ttions ineans there is a need For varieties o! vegefables develop- ed for particular aTeas. iResearch work is being caij-1 rieti on in thc Geneties anti1 Plant Breeding Research Insfi- tufe at Ottawa and at a number o! regional Tesearch stations across the nation, reports Plant breeder L. H. Lyall. Tomnatoes, for instance, arc susceptible to the effecfs o! Iweather anti disease. fInfhe prairie provinces, sev- cral ncw varieties have been developed anti arc now widely useti. An intensified effort is being made by several prairie research stations to combine early ripcning wif h larger fruit size. In British Columnbia, Verticil- liumr wilt, a soil-borne disease, is being attacked successfully by Summerland. researchers. Resistance to this discase is be- ing breti into new varieties for the area. In Nova Scotia. early ripen- ing andi resistanice f0 1ate blight are important objectives» at the t erilIwilt in both sliciilg a " pickling types. At Vineband, Ont., they are breeding glass- bouse cucumbers resistant to powtiery rniltew. a serious di- sease in the greenhouse. Mechanical harvesters ro r pickling cueumbers are now in use experimci nta]lly. anti this m.ay require tieveloprnieni of 1 varicfies urith long- sfernrned fruits andi long vine-sections between the crown o! the plant anti the first fruits. Very little breeding bas been donc witb snap beans in Can- ada, says Mi. Lyall, but the needs appear to be resistance f0 bligbls anti other discases anti adaptability to m.,chanical har- vesfing. For the more efficient machine operatioiî. eoncentrat-I cd maturity, higher pod place- ment anti reduceti branching are of value wben combineti with highcr rates o! sceding. Bebinti these new develoin- ment s are the plant betir Who musftidesign and 1fit th new varieties to meet the spe - cifications o! modern farmin g anti marketing as well as the tiemantis o! the consumner, ýMitchell's Cor. [lie fecember meeting of the W.A .was helti on Thiursday afternoon at the home o! M-s. Fe oungman with a very gooti atfcnd'ancc. Vice-President Mrs. A. Joboston presideti. During t'he worship service, Mrs. A. Olan reati thtc 'Scrip- turc lesson. Mis. F. Youngman gave the topic "Perfect Har- mony" anti led in prayer Vhenj read the last chapter ffrom the study book on Japan. Secretary Mrs. M. Logan read tbeh minutes and, roll caîl. Reports were gilven o! year's activities, the Treasurer re- porting a nice ba1ncc on baud.-i Trhe same offîcers were re- electcd for 1960. Prcsidenit, Mis. F-. Cax'ano, Iice-Pres-denl.., NMrs. A .Molinsfoni :ecordinig Secretary, Mrs. M. Logan.; Correspond inig Secretary, Mrs. F. Youngmen, Treasurer, Mrs. M. Bradley; Visitiug Committee, Mrs. E. Ar- gue and Ms-s. W. Bradley; Pia- nîst, Mis. N. Porter.i Ms-s. Youngrnan gave a hum- oroue ree-ing, "Dowti on the far-m", andi a very interesting contest. The meeting closeti with the singing o! Silentj Nigbt. -A tiainty lunch was served and a very successful bake sale was beld, Mrs. Sydney- Powers sp àt 1 few days with ber daughter, 1! Ms-s. Wm. Shepherd in Peter-1 borough - Mrs. E. Argue, teacher at Falilis School iis holding Christ- mas party at the school on Monday affernoon for the pup- ils andi thei27 mothers. Mr. anti, Mss. Wm .Magill LU *L cal duel, Lindia Rowan andi Establshes June Kerr: piano selection, Marlene McGill; Recitation, Claie Robinson, -My Secret", llq m rtm eI Chairman's Remarks, Ray Ro- binson; Dialogue. "Trouble in ers concerned. Senta Claus Landi". This group flot being willingj Recitation, Janice Stacey; fo sign an eascment of perpet-; Piano Duet, Elizabeth and Lin- uitY and flot being willing to da Rowan: Candy Stick Pr accept the settlements offered,j ade. h by;PeayC rs-! which in some cases were lower; mas Parade by the girls: Re- than those madie 30 years ear- citations~ by M,tzi Malcolm and lier held a meeting among' Barbara Wilson: Dialogue, 'Lets themiselves with the resuit that have a Quiet Xn-tasl,, foflowed a formaI request was made by pageant, -The Xmnas Story'. through the county to the De Santa Claus appea'red to dds- partment of Properties of O.. tribute the gdifts A. Subsequently arrangements SYmpathY is extended Io Mrs;. were made to have Mr. Doni Annie McQuade in te deatih Middlefon meet with the groLlp of ber sister and the Dàvid Wil- in the counicil chambers of the sonîs on the death o! their Necsl oruiyHall on airnf, Mrs. Sam Arche, of Port Tuesday evening, December 15. Hope. Mrs. McQuade is spenti- Mi. Middleton outlined to the ing ttiis week in Port Hope. group the negotiations w'hicbl Severral from this vîcinity the O.F.A. Land Acquisition attendeti the Býonspee~l sponsor- Committee have been baving ed by Cartwright Curling As- with Ontario Hydro over a per- soc,. in Port Perry's elaborate iod of some twelve montbs. He Rock Gardens on Saturday p.m. alSO tolti of meetings held in Messrs. Jas. Gray of Lotus, other counities and the demands George Black aind Davidi Wil- beîng made as regards ease- ,o eeo heta hc mens ad bsisof ettlement. we1s successfui in winning pri- As a resuit of thLs meeting thc es o eodpae group appointed one- of its nurn-zsfiseodpa. ber, Mi. Irwin Colwil, to ai- A good atteiidincc was ppe- tend a meeting of the Depart- sent On Sunday at Yelvertxon's ment o! Propertie. along with Wihite Kirk to hear Mr. Du~ft the Durham county Sec. field. deliver bis Christmas sermon. man, Clarence Alhil. -Tor.onto 01, esd orcMi 'dî Decrnbr 1. hismeein fo!P age able W0 be out on sunlday. ail counties concerned lhad bel'n Hope she has t'he asthr-na ick-I calleti by the I,qindl Acquisition ed.A speedM ovIseteas Committee of O.F A. to foruni- to Miss Nansey Moore, late a policy with which !he Our wish that cach and ev-_ cominittec will nlegotiate in its eryone may enjoy a Very Mer- next meeting with Ontario Hy- xmsatAHpp Ne drshldear lvi.teNevYear- Ye Editor andi Staff and Year. sncre everyone else Who happens toi "Itis increy !hoped HydrO readi this stuff. I I i i i I f It's such a pleasure to say thank you e t.oir many friends and ciistomers at Christmas. May this Yale be filled with wonder and happinets for everyonie. -- Necwcastlie 31341 Lwhich nccently introduceti Sco- H. & S.fV1et un yg fia, ai-i early varicty, but not gy blighf resistant. S In Ontario, where productioni The rcgulaxr rneetixxg ol Mi- s, is eaviest new early strains are chell's Corners Home a nd, le being developed for the market School Association was bcld 1 dgartiener anti lea! molti resistant recently witbi Mrs, William Nr. If varicties bave been introduceti mis presiding. ifoi- the greenhouse. For the pro- Mrs. Arthur Peelinlg rici thtc 'S cessing frade in Ontario ant iminutes of bbc last. meeting. ". Quebec, the varieties Ferguson. The tneasur-cî's report was givf ir Vineneti and Viscount have beexi en by Mrs. Harry Oylen. %I>a.iL-~L ~ 1-introduceti and bneetiing pro- The nigbf of cards belti:i l is na grams are untier way to devel- the sebool was a sîicces.s. op varieties resistant to wilt (i- Tt was df-cideti a duplicati1, a seases, late blight, fruit crack- machine would be hotughb ani' 'ing, sunscalti, anti blossom end presenteti to thc -&bool. 'M M cIrutm.as and a During the past 25 years, the cd by pupils from the sebool' Ie sweet coin variety list has compefîng on Public Spcaking,. . changeti com.pletcly, with hy- Their orations werc intcrcstin. '11~h y britis almosf entirely replacing The pupils and their subiecîs W--II d the olti varieties. There is still werc Jane Fisher. Electricity: (J t (OI) U ? ew ..5?ja r Io tj iroom foi- improvement in qual- Sharon Fisher, Canada; Lorna J.ity, earlincss. tolerance fo wea- Duf!, Dairy Cows (Milky Way); ther extremes, adaptation to Ross MeMaster., Hawaii. n mechanization anti resistane , M-rs. J Tanibivi, or! Oiio.*a n~ fo irsrcts anti discase. savs Mx-. ijur ai fl ic ilite ýp(a df d - tifi- f ' g Lyall. otç ,gai-c ;m inlpîçstii - We would like in take i his opportumiîy :,of t ilanking al pj S, In cuLcumbers. bedr r speech on th nîÉportance 'ut d scarching for a variety that will reading for cbilidren anti adul4z of our woneul riens for aanother successti ear ofI~nt' combine resistance fo mosaic Lunch was serveti by Mi-. ini this conhrnunit. -virus, cucumber scab, and bac- Michael Nemisz anti ber com- mitfee. McF'rlae. sate li a bdy i IAt (bis time we think il appropriate tua express special te front o! tIhe chur'ch, as-LV R N thanks and congratulations (oa: - fsted in îeatiing the carol sing- YE VE TO I 'Tie DoubleS Club commiftee 1 Xelvertoi-s S.S. No. 1 hit Town of Bowiiiaiville and DIarlington T1ownship wl-o arrangeti the evening ser- mnas Concert lhelti on Friday *vice were Derek Barnett anti evening was a mas-keti sucres- 4; (Dog Pouti) iIMis. W. Rosna.k. In charge o! fs-on- every aspect;- the pri- lighîtmng anti tecorrating weîe, gramme given by the childieni M.anti Mis. Elmen Park-s, Mn. undeir the capable direction o! Northumiberland & [)urhaiti Counties Counicit anti Mss. Ben Hibchen. their scbool maîm Ms-s. Robert (Registry Office and Health Clinie) Sunday School Christmas Party Sisson, assisteci by ber co-oper day Scbool Christmas Party piano, was both well presented onavlePblcSho or Jw as helti in the Lewes' Hall anti well attenjiet. (Lord Elgin Public School) jwîth rriany heving to stand Over $40M wa£ take i ii at Ithroughout the program. In the tthe door. Efficient chairman YÉ oi Lsai - absence o! the general super- for the occasion was School ý hinteudent Howard Farndale, Trustee Ra-y Robinson. Progiamn (Ken"s Men's & Boys' Wear) Jack Francis was dhairmun for as follows: A Wclcomie, by the following numbers. Charlie McCullough, A medley I'I Mr. Frank Mate Mrs. Ted Maitiman's large o! Christin-as numbers by the class of preschool child.x-en de- School, Recifation -by Clarence Sotve ietHoeNwal) i pcted -The Manger Scene"; Stephenson. r SuhvaRs onNwate Ms-s. W. Woodward's primas-y Christ mas Tîee- spelleti outb class enacteti a seasonal uum- by the 8 Grade 1: Piano duet- adteiueos"iaehoeonr chv a h 1driiil Alpabet in' Christmas Stacey; Recitation by Pamel- privilege and opportunity to serve during the past year. Rhvme". la Stinson: Panade o! Br-okeni Ms-s. B. Recv&*s class o! girls ToYs by thxe -In.: Pamplla Sin- 9 sang -Winrteî- Woiesland"; the son and Mitzi Malcolmi, the iboys class. taught by William Terpsichoîdtietes; a short tap; 1Wery, did a dialogue: andi El- dance routine. 4 the Voui;g People. gave ai piano duel. Varexa anid Vai V group o! tbree readings, 2hn MeGiil: Piano -4)10,i W . A INILA IKICI i PianîstF -.eie Mis.'i StiarMcGili: \>ocal duel, r u 1anti Eleanor Motuntjoy. A col-ý and Vaneeta MeGil! a ýi1 Ioureti film -The Christmas musical farniy, Reciîati, nr.Plmog& et Storv" was shown befoi-ethi Gwen McGilI:- flie Ryln-m1 arvlo! Santa, who distnib-1 Bandi provideti a numben with LM >JA uteti a small gift andti reat 1their rmolle'.'26 Lberyortmete.nAt3o61 iro ri the Sinday School to al I instr-uments b" M the chiltren Recitation, WVarida Kcri, o-10% FFI rEff~ AS LOW AS $25 5 8001 TRADE-IN ACCEPTEII AS DOWN PAYMENT 114'IT' COVERS ONE-THIRD VALUE. Corne ini soon! Take aund test the LARK by Studebaker DeWith & Mou ntjoy INSURANCE AGENTS Bownianvi.1le MA 3-3950 'MU amor4mr4mffl --j IbZ ,>, andi family. Barrie, are &pend- ing the Christmas holidays with Mis. W. Bradiley. MYr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell andi John, Bowrnan-ville. visited with Mr. Douglas Logan and Jolni n ~.Fridav' rlgbt. Mr. and Airs. G. Derusha and, farniy. Clareniont. spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Derusha. Congratulations tu Miss Jean- ne Coulter, Pontypool. on win- ning the Silver Medal at the Conservatory o! Music in Tor- onto. for obtaining the highest marks in Eastern Canada on ber singing examinations. Jean- ne also won the~ Fredrick Har- ris Scholarship of $50. WC attended fllc Christmas Carol service at Trinit-y Uni- ted Chuich in Bowmnanville on Sunday afternoon anti enjoyeti it very much. Toe-ihe Edifor and Staff of the Canadian Statesn-an anti al isreaders I would like to ex- tend my sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas anti a Happy New Year. rb7 àî

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