mur-, PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE CANADIAN ~TATESMA-- V wMN V V.U.U!OTÂY qUTDfAVV Veteran Odd Fellows Presented with Jewels The members of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., year jewel recipients: 0. R. Bragg, W. W. Hor, Sidney J. Morris, S. R. honoured veteran members on December l7th when they presented one Jackman, Luther B. Nichols; back row, left to right: Joseph Highfield, 50-year jewel and f ive 25-year jewels at a meeting in the lodge rooms. Wesley Cawker (50-year members previously presented with jewels); The chairs were occupied by Past Grands for this occasion and presenta- Russell Gay, 50-year member. A complete report of the event is publish- tions made by P.D.D.G.M.'s. Pictured above, front row, lef t t right, 25- ed in another column. -Photo by Bro. E. Rehder Nearly 200 Canadians 1May Die During Holidays: Nearly 200 Canadians will die drinking, get _a sober friend to on Canada's streets and high- drive you, or call a cab. ways over the Christmas and . When you give a party, î New Year's holidays if past rC- rovýide your guests with coffee cords follow truc, according to or similar beverages before theyI the AUl Canada Insurance Fed- leave. The drinking driver, late par-, vi ln rp, seiU ties, early darkness and ad- when you have had too littie vers wethe coditonsail sleep because of holiday festivi- combine to build this annual ti. toli, but careful driving and 5. Try to plan your travels common sense could preveniti for the Urnes when traffic is almost ail the death§. The Fed-' light. eration, which represents mor 6.'Drive a littie slower and, than250fir, caualy id au- more carefully; you may be so- tomobile insurance companies, ber, but the other driver may offers these recommendations 1flot. which wilI help make a happier 7. Keep special watch for holiday seàson for everyone: children who are out of school 1. Do not drive after drinking;, during the holiday season. even ope or two drinks can. 8.'Watch for pedestrians; they seriously impair your driving may flot see cars if they are abîlity. bundled up in winter clothingi 2. If you must travel after or carrying -an armload of par- P h .~farm n at least two occasions I I rsrredurîng the summer. He tde the number of animal unirs, Cornes Third inl that being the numnber of mia- farm; also the use of iae Zone C ntest supplementary pasture. care taken in grazing procedure, such Winner of thý- 'Durham coun-, as rotation, use of lertilizer, use ty pasture competition was of irrigation, where it was in Gloriadale Farm owned by Roy use; ciipping, harrowing and Pýhilp, Port Hope No. 1, with a other factors that ail go tog3> score of 259 out of a possible1 ther to make a satisfactory pas- 320. The Philp program includes ture management prograra. rotational grazing, cippin., A. 0. DlymlAgrîcultural begun ac-j~ er. ±Representative, nas b cepting entries for 196( Bonsma of Burketon No. id second with 251 points. sa dairy herd, and' since over the farm in recent has remodeled the barn, Id lis pasture and hay m, and has adopted a first program of fertilization tture management. Third vent to Lawrence Mal- of Nestieton who has a dairy herd. Judge wiàs Reynolds of Bowman- arn had by far the iarg- ..... rn.ber of competitors of W Linties in Zone 4. Mr. farm piaced third in the )mpetition. The counties sing the zone are: York,!I Durham, Northumber- qipissing, Lennox & Ad-1 1Victoria, Peterborough ith Cochrane. ntation of the Durharn wilI be Tucs. Jan. 12 in inviile at the annual et n gof the county crop and t n iprovement association. )Reynolds visited each Mve i 1959# Fiappy fertilize John1 3 placed He has takinýgc years,h .find yusl ntewogedchanged of a goal termn. pSIJJ( Ira vw c rate pr heeare people whlîke-LJBrownisC lb a eadp to hve hapy Crismasandplace 'w ln M g s r t s C u t be a live for New Year's and the colmo rest of the year. There is no iC r s m s S a o large d; ( ite yA. Kurb) reason for anyone to jeopardize Wle (rte bythat right." The Brownîes of the lst Bow- mothers on Tuesday, December vle Tuesday, December 22nd, 1959 and the only explanation I can A Newcastle youth who has'manville Pack held their Christ- 8. The party ended a happy and Durha Two Oshawa men were sent- find to your position on the heen driving since August of mas Party in the Scout Hall re- successful fali season of Brow- est nun enced to probation for one year road is that you were impaired. 98 was convicted of careless cently. A delicious lunch was nie activities. the cou on a charge of attempted theft I so find. Your licence will be driving on the unopened section prepared by the mothers of the After the opening cerernon- i Philp's1 of a tire and wheel from a car suspended for six months", said of Highway 401 at 2.30 in the Brownies, and the pop had been ies, fivz new Brownies, Pain- Zone c on eore Sree. Tey usttheMagstrte n dlivrin morning on Nov. l5th. He had donated by Bill Smith of ela Lawton. Patricia Turney, comprisi pod Georeret. Tey must thge Mgtrae n deiern been driving at 90 m.p.h. He Smith's Beverages. Janet Austin, Linda Johnson Ontario, proid fo teirwies:mut jdgent ten ad awas fined $10.00 and costs of The large number of mothers and Maureen Wood were n land, Ni keep the peace; must report to The Magistrate te maea$2.00.wh eddreevdawr the probation officer once per short statement to the press. h teddIeevdawr rolled. Golden bars were pres- dington, month: must stay away from "Generally at this time of the~ He told the Magistrate that he welcomne, and Douglas Rigg, ented to the Browniejfýs who had and Sou each other, and fifth, they must year, I am asked by the press to had been visiting his girl friend Director of Recreation for Bow- earned them, and the Gnome Proser Stay out of the Town of Bow- mnake a statement regarding the in Port Hope and this w as the[m anville and C. Welsh, were Six was named as having pre-i awards, manvi île. season and the dire penalties shortost way home and h e was also special guests. Santa Claus pared the best scrap books Of Bowman A 52-year-old Orono carponter that might befali the errant going to save some gas. due to the Christmas rush only the faîl activities. meeting was convicted of impaired driv- driver. Commented the Magistrate in had time to drop gifts clown the The Brownios gifted their soil imp ing and fined a total of $61.60. "I have nover seon fit to issue handing down judgment, "II chimnev to the jingle Of nis mothers with Christmas candies Mr.1 He was representod hy counsel a statemont because of the warn- cannot agree with Mr. Hum- belîs. Ail the Brownies were de- that they had made during their and pleaded not guiltv. ings that are issued by the phries. your counsel. The De- lighted with the gifts they re-metns "I must find that ),ou are not police and various othor agencies. partment of Highways cannot bo ceivod. Luetnchs. peaed h too sure of where you were at because I might prejudice a expected to fence in every felO A Brownie Stor.v was acted mthranfor ro isa- the timo of the accident. You case before I heard it and that highway that is going tohebyKrnBlJic oessiteind frvig.Bfornesthe admit you had two draughts of would be wrong in law. bu1t.Jennie Stout, Jili Nichois, and closîng ceremonies, present a- cANDA beer. You didn't think it necos- "I will say this, with the 'Everybody knows how ta Pack Leaders Jacqueline MWar- tions wore made by Mrs. Moon- sary to rail the doctor or the iwarnings that we ail have had, get on the highway and nO0- tin and Jane Oliver. Jane anîd eonbh-f0f4e;rwn police and here there wero do not drive if you have had a body knows how to get Off. Jacqueline also presented a cie-toherlars people injured. You offered the1 drink. Be forewarnod as you You may have been confused. 1 ver Puppet Show. BUe R eN driver of the other car M10.00 for migbt be taking a chance on go- don't tbink y'ou should have Golden Bars were presented damages. l'hère was plenty of ing to goal. Remember that been driving 50 m.p.h. The to Joanne Collacutt, Borea Lun- room to pass the other vehirle;1you are going full tilt loto the speed limit hasn't been set on ney, Christine Marsden, Susan B R E O you didnt use common sense face of the law and you mnigbt this stretch of road yet. The Mitchell, Nancy Welsh and police have laid numerous Na ncy Willia ms. Brownies en- Our Christmas concert heldý stretch of road and I donit Crombie, Marlene Cuddabee, ber 16th, in the churcb was weil '-uiw know of a more dangerous Lus an on onjy attended. A very special thanks tbing you can do. 1 must up- LoutsNolannDodleaSot.y and appreciation was given to observed." The Brownies said good-byeMisKghanhrpuian Alocal man paid $103.00 for with regret to Mrs. D. Russell, lo id tessc.Lewopo failure to remain at tho scene who had been thair Brown Owl vddtemsr of an accident. The Chief for the last three and a half The C.G. lT. haci a Christmî.s TO N F OW ANILEConstable told the court tîhat years. Mrs. Russell is now Cap-! party in the ehur' hl n Fr Ww TOW 0 B WMAVILEthis was his second convictioni tain of the 2nd Girl Guide day night. Everyone reporting a this year for the same offenro. Company. gond time. Ho bas offered the saine excuse The second Bowmarivil'e Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, on both occasions - his throttle Brownie Pack held their Christ-J and family. Bowmanviîleý Mr. M n c p lstock, mas party last week at the home and Mrs. Kenneth Cargwil andî An Oshawa man pleadod of Mrs. Ken Nicks, Loyers Lane. John, Toronto; -Mrs. A. Carter, guilty to the theft from a iroral Whon aIl the Brownies had air- Burketon, met at the home or mail box of a Family Allowanco rived, a very impressive enroîl- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter and G arb ge oll cti n cequ in he mout o $1.00ment ceromony was conducted family, Whitby, wvhen they pro- adtetetoanolcompany yBow w, n lewsnroîî ater, case ý crodit card from another rural11Tene eeerle n ihalvl ete ae box. Ho was romanded on bail welcomed into tho Pack. M~qr. and Mrs. Bernard Spence, There %vili bc no garbage collection on until January ]2th, 1960. This Ninoteen Brownies sat dowiî Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne NEW EAR' DA , JA UARY 1sf investigation is continuing. ta a dinner of roasi ,urkeTy ith Weston were Saturday eveningI for alowmnv is dogman p aid$0 room was tastefUlly decorated Lowrey and family. llowng is og t ru atin red and gold, an.d Lynn Fair large. wo h uk lc ubr Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith New Year's Garbage wilI be picked UP AwrontnTwnbpm nrwa the tkyabe nm and Chris, Oshawa, were Sun- Wedesdy, December 3th 1 pleaded not guilty 10 tbo sanie After dinner the Brownies daS uemiotrhad.r Jc charge and was convicted. Ile wero showni colored sldes of~Sih In aditon t th aboe cllecionwas fined $15.00 and $9.00 rosis the Brownie Revel in Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cargw il In ddiio toth abve olectonfor a total of $24.00. "You came whicb took place last June, alsoi and John, Toron to, wero Satur- 1 the Department will provide an bore today to overwhelm the pictures of their weokond camp day guess of Mrs. A. Cartei. Aditonl re Pckup~prosecution in numbers. You at Camp Samac in September. Miss L. Knight spont the Addiionl Fre Pck-u ontold me that it wasn't your wife Several gamos were playod, Ka- weekend with relativos in To- Monday, Deceniber 28th. who was banding the bricks UP; ren Morris being the winner in ronto. to y'ou, but another womnan. one guessing garne. Exchange Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard Your wife stated that no other of gîfts took place and Mrs. and Janice, Trenton, Mr. and R. B. REYNOLDS, Tmnwspeet idYONks and Mrs. Bennett were Mrs. A. Bryan, Courtice, worc, guilty as charged." The de- eacb prosented with a gift from Sunday guests of Mi. and Ms Town Clerk. fendant announced that ho would the Brownies. Bonnie Mathew- B. H ubbard. appoal the decision. Anothe" son tbanked Mrs. Nicks for op- Miss L. Kniglif spent the ______________________________________________________aP- noingy ber home for the Brown- woekend with relatives in To. ___________poar. Personal service \vas 1ile Party, and the festivities ronto. wore elosed witb several Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Coin-' mas Carols and Taps. m ack and familv, Oshawa, were 4 On a recent afternoon the.3rd Sunday guests 'of Mr. and Mis.h Park Brownies heid an en.îoy- George Allison and famîly M j able Christmas Party at Moîn- Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Hicks! anial Park Clubhouse. Al l oin- and Robin, Oshawa, were S3un_ REPA M E NI 0 lAES d in the siflgiflg of favourite day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pe-! Christmas Carols, and Christ- ter Gatchell. mas stories were roadi aloud by Mr.BMoisnadD ad the Brown Owl. Games were wore Sunday guests of Mî's also enjoyed. Esther Carnochen and famil,-/. Santa Claus accompanied b\' Mr. Lloyd Slingerland ad Taxpaer wshn re frs dseon 1two of bis elves ai'rived and a so, Niagara - on - the - lake, 's Ta aeswsig Ioppay fr and eon însfalments present and bag 0f candy wa5spnngafwdswihBl of ieir196 taxs wll eceie Ie -given to each littie girl. A de-land Chester Hoskins. of her 160taes il rceie hefollowing discounts:1 liclous lunch was served. Prior1 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott to the party eacb Brownie had and family, Bowmanville, vîsi- January 1sf la January 151h inclusive - 2%,'-pec for ber mot'er. h ott on Sunday. /0 TheGreen Rooin. Lions Ceni-! Your correspon~dent wouldi tre was the scene of a Christmas î like to take this opportunity. cf Party loir the membors of the1 wishing The Canadian States- '0 Sth Brownie Pack, and their man, editor, staff and readers, Febrary151 b arc 151 inlusve 1%a Very Merry Christmas. "God Janruary 11h Io Mbrark 151h inclusive - 1 /% oriered bv the Magistrale. bless you al'.h one man was remanded out o Marck 161h Io April 151h inclusive - 1/2 ai 1%e- untodl Jan 5th.. 196: the thir ,0 ~utodyJano ther 19as; remanid Receipts for sucb advance payments shall be issued in multiples of Five Dollars ($5.00) PAYMNENTS TO BE BASED ON 1959 TAXES R. B. Reynoldsi Town Clerk. one was rernanded out of custody, the fourth one was sentenced to five months def- inite and one month indeterm- inate in the Ontario Reforma- tory. He bad been remanded out of custody. Had been ord- ered to stay away from bis wife and to abstain fromn alcoholic beverages. He didn't obey the terms of bis probation. A juvenile case was adjourn- ed Sine Die on a charge of theft of money. Restitution bas been made. Court adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Eltotpq MA 3.3303 ti. i_____________________________________________________________»I1I~1i8lIMI qIn- AV n a.& A . M 2**ï=** - ceIs. .When in doubt, yieldl right-of-way to other driwi It is better to avoid an aci than to insist upon your ri' oa RAY GIBBS SERVICE STATION and Staff BOWMANVILLE -lu-- During thisFcv' Season I take ihe opportunity cf exý"'id- ing Sincere Best Wishes Durham County and Ail in [) for a rry Christmas and a and Prosperous N4ew Year M.P.P. for Durham. 4*1 db..Mo a 1 TRI CANADIAIÇ STATESMAN. BOWMANvnjz 019TAPJO