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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 3

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- -- bi .. .P à THURSDAY, DEC. 24tii, 19 'ME CAIIADIAN STATESMAI<. EOWMANVDZLU. OTAMI PAflU ~rwwuu IVecdiiiq BELL - COUITS White 'murnx formed a pretty setting i Hampton Unted Church on Saturday, November 28th, 1959, at 3 o'clock when Rev. Fred Reed united in mar- riage Isabella, daughter of Mr and Mrxs. H. S. Coutts of Hamp- ton, and Mr,. James Bell. Mr. Bell is the son af Mr. and Mirs. Clarence Bell, Bownianville. Appendix Has No Known Function mAmnB* -qr. 1 have ae n*Iersaoo5 j"i mhere thse appendix is, whet I's good for, or uhat t looks lie. Cam fflexpiain? A.L The appendix is a linger-like r projection measuring. up ta se',- «ai inches in length which lies in, Ihe lower rnght part ai helb. lda- ,men. It ns attached othe lb.bind 'i cof1he large intestine and smay :bo.foand in various positions in zclatian ta the bowel (nte ilustra- tian). When the appendix b.- cornes inflamned we have thec wefl- known condition ai appendicitis. ¶lie appendix is a sort of leftaver structure that has no known lune- omms' b - MW owwPée-1 &MS Auwhy -ussuas'peope bel.q tbeh, bet poles' k to brdng Awk pruscdpàteo m.nTas' u&swe'I Pm eue y Ug SMr q m. le tum*iim dWwlned Io Sene e~ lors, P.. Box 396, Madison 5<. $MI . . Y.10, Na y. MW Zh. lW, arogo~d h m him b --Wàm IThe wedding music was play- ed by Mise Mary Niddery and the soioist wasMI&s. Donald 1 Stiles. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose a floor length gown ai white satin over which was worn a w'hite net redingote and featuring lon-,g lily-paint sleeves. Her ffrsger. tip veil idl from a peari triai- med crown and she carried a white Bible crested with red rosebuds. Mis. P. Jeyes as matron of honor for her sister was in beige peau de soie wi,.h natching or- ganza jacket trinxned with peau de soie. Bridesmaids Miss su- zanne Srnith and Miss Sharon Cautts, the bride's sister, wore gowns identical ta that of the niatrbn ai honor in ccii ce shade. Ail ware feather ixeadbands ta match their gowns and carried nosegays ai bronze and yellaw 'munis. Mr. John Keys was best man and the ushers were M. Plia Jeyes, brother-in-law ai the bride, and the bride's brother, Mr. David Coutts. The reception was held in the Township Hall, Hampton, where the bride's mother received the guests in a black lace afternoon dress and corsage ai red and white carnations. To assist, the groomn's niother chose an aiter- noon dress oi brown crepe and corsage ai yellow carnations. For the honeymoon trip ta Buffalo, N.Y., the bride donned a beige lace dress, brown hat and acoessories and corsage of pink carnations. Mr. and iýs. Bell wiii reside at 229 Nassau Street, Oshawa, Ont. The bride is a Bell Telephone operator and the groom is em- ployed by Dunlop Tire, Whitby. North Nestleton Tfie United Church Sunday School party heid on Thursday evendng was weil atteidèd maid the childien andi teachens did lihemr parts weil. Santa Claus arrived in due course and iound out that thie Christmas anid birthday partyv coincided for a couple of Young ladies and ane gentleman. Sorry ta> hear Miss Myrtle Haaey broke heu, leg en Thurs- day and isf in Osimwa Hospital recuperuting. Now that Mr. Neil Moialom - - - - - - -- - - lat ug rejoice n t«ortbe »rùm of tct id born maint briugrnga ug a rtntloal of faitb aub bopS. LLC ALKER'S 0F BOWMANVILLE" q >YD ELLIS SHOES Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellis and Staff BOWMANVILLE Af ay the loy of the Holiday Glàow Nrgbtly for You and Your Family J, H, ABERNETHY AND STAFF King St.. W. Bowmanviil. j j j M rs. J. Watson Celebrates 8Oth -Birthday Mas. John Watson, 164 Bruton St., Part Hope, ceiebrated her 8Otix birthday oni Sunday, Dec- ember l3th. Until Noveniber lst of this year, Mis. Watson had resided ail ai her lite in Cartwright Township. 1&s. Watson was bornAnnie May Pollon at Cad- mus, where she resided untîl her marniage ta> John Watson Jr. oi Caesauea on Decemnber l3th, 1898. Mrs. IWatsou nesided in Cae- sarea until moving ta Port Hope on Novesaber lst and naw niakes heu, home with her son «LIew" and family. She enjoys very good health and lias full use of aah her faculties. Mrs. Watson'a 014 iriends and ac- quaintaxoes are expressly invit- ed ta drap in tb see her when mast welcaSne. In hanour aof txe occasion open House wsas held at the home ai her son, Lewis H. Wat- son, 164 Bruton St., Port Hope, on Sunday, Deember 13th. Friends and relatives from Nes- tieton, Oshawa, Cobourg and Part Hope ealled ta citer con- gratulations and best wîshes. Hostesses were her daughter- in-law, Mrs. L. Watson, and her daughter, 1&s. E. Green. mns. H. MicLaughlin ai Nes- tieton and Mi. A. Orchiard ai Cobourg poured tea. Flowers, cards, telegrans and gits were recelved ironi friends,« relatives and well wishers from as far distant ms Victoria and Vernon, B. C.1 CADMUS 11e ladies of Cadunus W.A. and W.M.S. met Tuesdey even- ing Dec .15th atthie home ai MTs. Howard McMuilen. There were 18 menibers and 2 visit- ors presenit. Thec meeting was opened by the neading ai a Christmas poani by Mrs. Same.lis and the singing af Clxismas Carols, "Oh Little Town ai Bethlehemi" andi "It Camne Upon. a Midnight IClear".Mira. Semells led in prayer. Mrs. Lenner gave the tiieopie being had ai bright touch ai color. The,> wed ge caps bore a crest on te rigb.t sides, and the centres a, the, caps were ai the same red silIR: as the cape linings. DIrs. Albert Bothwell Is the~ dieeêctor ai the Junior Choir. Mii. Cecil Alil was the pianist.yj H -- R after it's over, than if Ch rist-J mess had neyer corne.e 3EU.al, lasting joy, Ch.iristmasý joy, ornes only ta the person# wl-s spends a part of every day,A evim~ the busy holiday seasoni in quiet communion with God,b Wl-La loved the world Sa, mue tluiît He gave the best Christý- mass gift of ail, His only Son,e tii at whosoever believethen H im should flot perish but have eireriasting life, eternal life. blfost People are not happy,~ evren at Christmas, because they arte afraid. They are afraid o4~ ,taid age, sickness, unemp1oy~ zuxent, they are afraid ta be un- biaLppy, afraid ta die. There fit siothing that brings freedrJ fUom fear, but the 0hIld c iethiehem, that's Christmas. 1:1 lare have peace with GodT llhrough the Lord Jesus Christi i.hen we have joy, eternal joy. Peace with God, ail my sin3 -.,are forgiven for Christ's sakel .My sins . . . yes, if there wer no sins, there would be nl ;Christmas at ail. Jesus cameaj Bethlehem, came on earth, tc suifer and ta die for sinners.13 We se hie shadow of th4 cross oi Calvary hanging ovee the manger, and we know tha the purpose af Christmas ca4 be iound only in Calvary. This season has a special purf pose foon those who believe if~ unites them with ail the peoipsi So f God of ail ages and leads U ý once more to Betblehem's manî ger where we behiold the gel gift ai God's. love for sinnes. And it makes me glad whel 1 hear the Christmas anel s' once more: Fear nat, I brn& y ou gaod tidixxgs of great 'oy0 Christ the Saviaur is bon. Minister of the Christia Reformed Church. 4 "Perfect -IrmnWi". Carrespon-j machine had been purd-uased. dence was read by Nmir. Pas- The memibeirs decided to don,- sant and Mrs. Samelis. The ate $20 this year ta the M. and minutes were irend and thie M. funid. The Christnmas Party treasurer's repart given. fo the ohildiren is ta be on the The parsonage conimittee re- 1 in11h hHe chiurdh. The ral parted that a new washing cail for Janiuary is ta be ans-I wered with sorne new ideas or improvements for our W.A. The meeting was closed by singing "Hark, the Herald An- gels Sing" and "Silent Night"I and the Benediction. The program was made up of a reading by Is. Sweet, a piano solo by Miss Linda Gray, a readiing by Mrs. M. Gray and a piano solo by Mis. Ken Gray. We had aur Christ- mas exchange of gifts and a delicious lunch was served by group 4 and a social hali hour spent. hs home framn houpitaa, hope he Contihues t. lnçxrove. The Vie Malcoiu visited Grandunaan Walter Kerr, Saturday evemng. We welcome Mms. dna Gib- son back ta> the conununity. She will be staying at Dr. Bow- les helping l Mus.Mukie. Winners at the Farniers' Union Eudire party Tuesday eveniang were: high lady, Mrs. Jenrie Bailey; second lady, Mus. Miiriel Lawrence; conisoi- ation lady, Mrs. Hodgaon High gent, Victor Malcolmi; second gent, Janm Hedge; consola- tion gent, Lesble Taylor. Mr. anid Mus. Relçh Sadler, Mna Wiifred Williame visited Mr. BaIl Brown in thie hospital at Newtonbrook on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier, Gloria and Janiioe, were Sun- day dinner guests of hMi. and IMr. Robert Sadier and Vivian, Bowmaawille. Mn,. H. Posfeous, Mr. Fred Philp called on Mir; and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson on Satuwday. Mr. and Mrs.. Meboelm Em- erson attended a family gather- img at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Edar Emerson, Don Mills, an Sunday evenang. Mr. anid Mrs. Wiibert ?MXn- stry and Mus. Broie Brown, Osawa, visited Dr. Bowles anid Mrs. Mackie oni Sundtay. Prof. and Mus. Sinsons, Or- ono, caiied on Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Mackie during thie week. Mr. and is. Ken Sameils and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Jackson visited the Vie Mal- calais Sunday evening. IKeeping Christmas I From The Salvation Army's Bowmanville Digest Better than the observance of Christmas Day is the idea of keeping Christmas. Are you willing, for example, to forget what you have done for other people, and to remember what other people have done for you? To ignore what the world owes you, and to think what you owe the world? To put your rights;im the background, and your duties in the middle distance, and your chances to do a littie more than your duty in the foreground? To see that your fellow-men are just as real as you are, to look behind their faces to their hearts, hungry for joy? l To own that probably the only good reason for your existence is not what you are going to get out of life, but what you are going to give to life? To close your book of complaints against the manage- ment of the universe, and look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness? Are. you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas. Are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and the desires of little children? To remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old? To stop asking how much your friends love you, and ask yourself whether you love them enough? To trim your lamp so that it will give more light and less smoke and to carry it in front so that your shadow will faîl behind you? Are you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas. Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world-stronger than death-and that the blessed Life which began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love? Then you can keep Christmas. And if you keep it for a day, why flot always? But you can neyer keep it alone. -Henry van Dyke. Meeting Trinity Evening Auxiliary held their Christmas meeting in, the Sunday School on Tuesday,j December 15th with Presîdent- Jean McMurter in charge. Dur-I ing a short business session,, Jean announced that the exec-1 utive would meet at her home on Monday, Jan. 4th. At rol cali group leaders reported 45, hospital cails, 38 home calis andl 22 books read. The new siate ai officers was reported by Hel- en Park, convener oi the nom- inating comniittee. The worship service was takc- en by Group One under the Jean Darch. The Christmnas stary was read by Jean Darch. Margaret Allen gave a reading entitled "Let us put Christ inta Christmas" followed by prayer and Martha Sylvester read one ai Peter Marshall's beautiful sermons "Let us keep Christ- mas". Ulva Lathangue favaur- ed us with a solo, "Infant Haly, Infant Lowly", accompanied by Ada Sadier. Many ai the la- millar carols were sung. A special collection of white gits was taken, to be sent to Miss Ada Sandeil, missionary nurse, ta aid her in her work with children in Korea. Helen Pet-. ers closed the worship service with prayer. Ater the bene- diction a tasty lunch was served including home made Christmas cake donated by Martha Syl- 1 Bowmanville Clea ners Ed. Leslie cari Lean*e and Staff extend to ail their many friends and eustomners ,./ Verg Nlerry C/hris tmas and a E/+appg Ilewy/ear j ieactersip o> i ActaUd Dd.UJr ad i ---U. ---- ---- ---- ---- --- - --m We wIio bring tiu llght refehmt your way wigh yoei the most light-heartedl WM Aoe L 124 Olu ré bst.. D<>wanavifle, nt. S)i the Oreshmont a Memorial Hospital' Weekly Report For week of Der. 14-20 inclusive Admissions 36 Births-4 maie, 3 female - 7 Discharges-------------- 33 Major operatians 12 Minor aperations -___101 Emergency trcatments - 5 Visiting hours: 2:30 - 4.30 p.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. Trinity Evening Auxiliary HoIdsil 1 Xmas 1 1 1 PA(M

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