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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1959, p. 5

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e - -- - j? 4. ~ -e TME CANlADIAIISTATSMN, OWUMNVHLE, OUAIM PAGE PMV Leg ion Ladies Receive Life Memberships. te corne to Bowmanville from Solina in ail kinds of weath- er. Comrade Minnie Wiseman and Cornrade Mary Hayes, who were unable to be present on Monday evening, will receive their Life Memberships at a later date. A corsage was sent te Cornrade Elsie Bruton, who aise was unable to attend the Christmnas Party. Comrade Bruten has had 25 years service in the Ladies' Auxiliaries te the Canadian Legien, in Kyle, Sask., and Bowmanville, but was unable to receive a Life Mernbership because the service mnust have been all in one province te count for the record. Saivation Army Junior Cho ir Entertains Rotary Members During Annual YuIe Meeting Captain Norman Coles was in Mrs. Cormeil is Mrs. Both- The entire Junior Choir then charge of the most enjoyable well's assistant, sang "Joybells", a lovely carol Christmas program presented at A lovely seasonal song, written by a Salvationist. the 1uncht-on meeting of the "Christmas", was the first num- The benedictory song, "If We Bowmanvilile Rotary Club by ber on the prograin. The sweet Ail Said a Prayer for Each the Salvittion Army Junior voices of the children blended Other" was sung with true feel- Choir, Bovvmanville. Luncheon as they sang explaining the Iing and harmony by the choir. meeting vias held in the banquet meaning of each letter in the Bandlad Loyal Hepson showed room of the Flying Dutchman word "Christmas". The song declamatory talent in the read- Motor He. tel. stated that C stood for the ing "Did You Think To Pray". Judge I Iarold'Lang, Past Dis- Christ Child; H for the Herald. George Vice, the president ef trict GovE ýrnor of Rotary District Angels; R for the Redeemer; I the Bowmanville Rotary Club, No. 633,. who is a member of for Israet; S for the Star; T for expressed his pleasure in thank- the Stradtford Rotary Club was Truth; M for His Mother; A for ing Mrs. Bothwell, ber assistant, a special guest, and Rev. Basil ail ail people, and S for the ail the young girls who took E. Long, Orono, was the guest shepherds. part, Loyal Hopson, Mrs. Aibin of Mel Staples. Bill Coggins The beautiful carol "Sulent the pianist, and Captain Coles, brought Ycordon Myles, El Paso, Night" was sung weil by Cheryl on behaîf ef the club members. Texas, ais his guest, to the Forsey, Linda Bothwell, Dayle His remarks of appreciatien for luncheoni meeting. Other guests King and Ruth Hoffman. Eight the delightful programn were present were Rotarians Bob Young girls, Ruth Hoffman, seconded by Keith Jackson, a Brown,, Norman Sisco and A. Dayle King, Shirley Carter, past president. Armstronîg, al of Oshawa, and Marjorie Henry, Isabel Henry, Mr. Vice announced that the W. R. Knight, Port Hope. Cheryl Forsey, Patricia Peter- next luncheon meeting ef the son and Linda Bothwell, took Bowmnanville Rotary Club wil "At this season when men part in a remarkably enjoyable be held on Friday, January Mt. ing to ti terth of od the on Timbrel Display, "D e f e n c e He extended his best wishes te in oUi at fGd theSo March". ail for happiness at Christmas as the 18abe ef Bethlehem, ti Donalda Drew, Joanne Mitch- and in the New Year. our wÏish that the favourite el,, Elva Kinnear and Debbie The Bowmanviile Rotarians carols -aung by the girls ef the Adams formed the quartette looked festive at the luncheon Junior Choir had been form- that sang the children's carol, meeting as ail were wearing Army will bring to each mem- "Away in the Manger". Their Yuletide holly bow ties madle by ber o f the club that samne glad- young voices were very effect- Mrs. George Vice, wife of the ne: which came te the world ive. presiclent of the club. Ap- whep, men sang on the first The saine eight young girls preciation was expressed by the ChriFtmnas morning," Captain again gave a joyeus Timbrel members and Mr. Vice was ask- Celes. told the Rotarians. Display, "Montreal Citadel" j ed te convey their thanks to his He informed the club that the with perfect timing and rhythm. wife. Junior Choir had been inform- ed aïbout a year ago. He said ___________________________ this chýoir has been deing very well a nd has become in demand.I The young members were excit- N ed a1>out coming te sing for the N rthumberland - Durham CoravleRtr lub, he R e or1 expia ined. grse h hi Heulth Unit R p r lookied smartly attractive in their' trim uniforms of navy blue Report for November 1959 smnallpox. plealed skirts, white blouses, Pbi elhNrigDr navy- blue capes and matching Communicable Disease-The Pbi elhNrigDr wed re caps. The red silk îining 38 cases ef communicable dis- ing November there were 689 of th e capes, wbich were turn- ease reported in November in-vst e~mle y pbi ed back over their shoulders, cluded eleven wbooping cough hadmthlyur childt heaith con had fi bright touch of color. The and ten chickenpox. Five casesan otlchdhet o- wed ge caps bore a crest on the Of dysentery (shîgella sonnei) ferences, mothers had 434 inter- rigli.t sides, and the centres of were reported durin>g the views wîth the nurses. The fail the, caps were of the sanie red mjonth, ail in Darlington Town- series of prenatal classes in sill as he cpe inins. sip.Bowmanville, Port Hope, Co- silkas te cpe lnins. sip.bourg and Brighton were cern- DIrs. Albert Bothwell is the Tuberculosis-One new case pleted. The total attendance for dihttýtor of the Junior Choir. of tuberculosis, extra pu1rnon- the nine weekly classes held in Mrs;. Cecil Aibin was the pianist. ary, wus reported. One patient each of the four centres was was discharged fromn sanatorium 239, and the number ef women after it's over, than if Christ- te continue treatmnent with who attended was 34. nWshad neyer came. drugs at home. enhuddadtiryoe1 n.I~~~~.s ~Immunization - Immuniza- Svnhnrdadtit-n I]teal, lasting jey, Christmas tien clinics held totalled 57 school children were given1 jOY, cernes only te the person Protection was given against health inspections by the pub- who spends a part et every day, cough and poliomyelitis, and in lic health nurse, including 516î even the busy holiday season, addition there were 425 vaccin- vision tests. In addition, 439 in quiet communion with God, ations or re-vaccinations against school beginners were given vi- Wtio loved the world se much sien and hearing tests, weighed thiit He gave the best Christ- and measured in preparation for mas gift of ail, His onîy Son, medical examination by their tIiat whosoever believeth en own physician. Him should net perish but have General Sanitation - Semi- eiTerlasting life, eternal lite.- annual inspections and reports Mlost people are net happy, te the Provincial Department on even at Christmas, becauety frosted food leekers were cern- .rne atraid. They are afraid ef pleted, with eight inspections 'bldage.sickess.unemlov-being madle. There are 19 frost- NE WTON VILLE Mr. and M2rs. Geo. Skelding of Prince Albert spent Sutiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skeld- ing. Misz Ina Veleke is home frôom Belleville school fer the holi- days. Mr. George Elliott went te Port Hope Hospital on Thurs- day for treatment. Mr&. and Mrs. Don Vinkle spenit Sunday with Mrs. Mar- garet Vinkie et Belleville. 16&. Leon Boleau, garage me- chanic, wtio works for Mr. Harold Burley, bas purchased the old sdiool pl-operty. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruoe were Sunday visiters with ?r. and Mrs-.Hilton Avery of Bal- timore. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- son, Debbie and Jïillof Clark- son, spent thc weekend with Mrs. George Ovens. Mr. Jenmes Nesbitt of Isling- ton, Virginia, bas arrived to spend the holiday season with the. home folks. ed food leckers ini the United Counties. 188 inspections et private sewerage installations were made. A total et 424 inspections were macle during the month and 160 interviews given. Ins- pections et school buildings con- tinued, and 56 scheols were in- spected and recommendations for improvements macle. Plumbing Inspections - Ins- pections for the month totalled 117, most of these being for dwellings. General Remarks Miss Rosella Cunningham, senior public health nurse, at- tended a four-day Supervisors' Conference in Orillia, Ontario. The Ne. 5 Regional Area San- itary Inspectors, comprising York, Ontario and Nerthumber- land-Durham counties, Oshawa and Peterborough, held their Area Conference in the Cobourg office of the Health Unit on November 28. These are initiat- ed by the inspectors for the pur- pose ot discussion ef cemmon problems ini their work. One et a series of post-gra- duate medical education meet- ings for the Northumberland- Durham Medical Society. was held at the Cobourg office et the Health Unit on Wednesday, Ne- vember 18, 1959. On November 20, 1959 the second et a series et three nur- ses' staff meetings on the men- tal health programme was held, at whioh Mr. Cyril Greenland, Chiet Psychiatric Social Work- er, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, was the guest speaker. HÀYDON Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- Uin and family, Columbus, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family. Mrs. Edna Mc- Laughlin, having spent a short time with the Ross Ashtons, re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlini and family, Cartwright, were Sunday callers at the Ashton home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Straw- bridge, Hampton, at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge's. Sun- day evenlng visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Loveridge were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm at- tended the Walmart Limlted, Christmas party at Pontiac Inn, Oshawa, Fridpy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon were supper guests et Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Enniskiilen, Saturday evenîng, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trew- in's wedding anniversary. Mrs. Alfred Garrard was sup- per guest et Mr. and Mrs. Ciem Rahm, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham were supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham's, Bowman- ville, on Thursday evening, the occasion being Mrs. Leslie Graham's birthday. Mr. John Graham aise attended the birth- day party. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowiing, Blacksteck, called on Mrs. Rich- ard McNeil, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Potts, Tommy, Debbie and Mary spent the weekend with Mr. Potts' parents at Collingwood. Kathryn Rahm is coing nicely atter ber tonsil eperation on Saturday. Congregational meeting wili be beid in the cburch, Tuesday evening, January 12th. A full bouse greeted the teach- er and pupils on Friday even- ing when they put on their Christmas concert, which con- sisted ef recitations; play, en- titled "Out et Window is Down"; Chorus by the Junior and Senior Classes. Brian McQuinn was acting chairman for the evening. Rev. F. Jackson gave a short speech. Community carois were sung with Mrs. Read at the piano, ending with "Jingle Beils", after wvhich Joily Santa Claus arrived with presents and ail the smaller chidren received a bag ef candy, etc. A larger congregation than usual was present at the Christ- mas service on Sunday evening. Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. Read at the organ and Miss Ina Beryl at the piano. Rev. F. Jackson gave a Christmas Mes- sage. Mr. Milton Rainey sang a couple et solos. Sunday Scbool at 10:30 Sun- day morning; church service at 7:30 Sunday evening. Haydon correspondent would like ta extend sincere greetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year te the Editer and Staff et The Canadian -evpr-,W In sincere appreciation for your patronage, we wish Yom AgaVERYMERRY CHRISMASI ELLA'Sp GIFT SHOIP BOWMAN VILLE Hooper'ps Jewellery & Gif t Shop Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper Mr. Murray Larmer Mrs. Ulva Lathangue Statesman, and ail readers of this column and to these 'Who have kindly sent in their news this past year. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vanstene, Whitby, visited theïr aunt, Mrs. Richard McNeil on Sunday. Sorry te hear Mrs. Howard Stevens et Enniskilen is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. Nothing se needs reforming as other people's habits.-Mark Twain. Talents are best nurtured in solitude; character is best form- cd in the stormy billows et the world.-Johan W. von Goethe.

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