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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 11

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TITYRDA, TAW 7b,10 TE ~YiffAW TAMA, OWMANVfLLE,014TAPJO PAGME Uw* New Yea's Day guests witli Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose were Mn. Frank Cryderman of Bow- nanville, Mr. and Mrs. D. W Jose and family of Brampton and Mn. and Mïrs. Francis Jose. Mr. andl Mis. George Allin ad daughter' Helen were New Yeaî's guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. Gatcheil and Susan in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- row andl Glen of Newtonville and Mr. Stan Bowen wene New Year's Day guests with Mr. and Mns. Henry Bowen and Dar- lene. i\4r. and Mrs. Stanley Hodg- son of Bowrnahville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg- son on Sunday. Sunday dhaner guests with Mn. andl Mns. Henry Bowen and Danlene were Mn. andl Mrs. Haroldl Crawford, Janice and Kenneth of Blackstock. Mn. andl Mrs. Douglas Wright andl Jamie of Trenton, spent the weekend with Mn. andl Mrs. Aif. Garrod and othen rela- tives andl friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown and family were New Year's Day guests with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Watson and family in Orono. Mi. and Mrs. Milton and Mr. and Mis. Jack Kimbaîl and fam- Ily of Newtonville; Mn. andl Mrs. Vance Cooper and family of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mra. AUf Graham and famiuly were New Year's Day guests with Mn. and Mis. George Kimbal and family. Mn. H. T. Manea, Miss Old- field andl Mrs. Embley were New Year's Day guests with Mr. andl Mrs. H. A. Gray ia Oshawa. Mis. G. T. Manes of Leaside, speai the weekend with Mi. H. T. Manes and family. Mn. William Beman was a New Year's Day Ahaner guest wth Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Gikes and family. Mi. and Mrs. J. E. Hawke of Leskard were New Year's din- zier guests with Mr. andl Mis. Fred Couch and family. j..and Mis. Arthur Ham- 2n,1of Rochester, N.Y., wère lqe'w Year's guests with thein *uni and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown. Mrs. Wrn. Gibeon, Mis..Floyd Two Local Boys Attend O.A.C. Course NEWCASTLE - Two local lads attended the midwinter short courses ai the Ontario .Agicultural College ha Guelph duning the Chniistmas holiday week from December 27th to 3 laI. They were Peter Lake, son of Mn. and Mis. William Lake and Paul Coates, son of Mn. and Mis. K. G. Coates both of R. R. 3, Newcastle. 0f the six subjects offered In these classes both Peter andl Paul chose to study "Soils andl Land Uses". It is understood Peter and Paul were the only boys attending the classes frorn Durhamn County. i Butler and Mn. Hanlan Park- ,er wene New Yean's guests -with Mr. and hMn. C. R. Car- Sveth. 1 Mr. and Mis. B. A. Hoog- kamp andl Bian apeni New 1Year's with Mn. andl Mns. G. *Kupney and family n Embro, Ont. Messrs. John and Albert .Hoogkamp of Fergus spent the weekend visîting wth Mi. and >Mis. Ben Hoogkamp and Bian. r AU. and Mrs. Ron Hockin en- 1tertained a number of friends .at a New Yea's Eve party ai thein home on Thunsday even- .ing among those present were 1 Mn. anAl Mrs. Eastman Steeves, Mi. and Mrs. Znak, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock, Mi. and Mrs. D. E. Bernard, Mi. Stan jPowell, Mrs. Rose Osborne and .Mr. and Mis. George Skelding Lof Bowmanvîhle. 1Mn. and Mns. Balfour Le- tGresley andl family and Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Vierkoetten of Toronto, and Mi. and Mrs. Farncomnb LeGresley andl Mis. P. F. LeGresley wene New Year's Day guests with Mn. andl Mis. Reginald LeGnesley. Mr. and Mns. D. M. Bernard and Eric, Mna. Alan Spencer and Mn. andl Mns. Ray Benne t of Omemee wene New Year's Day gucats with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bernard and Terry.. HAMPTON Chrigtmes visitors with Mr. and Mina. R. J. Hodgson were, Miss Nina Hodigison, Washing- ton, D.C. Mi. and Mirs. Dean Hodgson, Mr. and Mns. Gien Hodgson and David, Bownian- ville; Mi. andl Mn. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone, and Mi&. and Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount- joy, Miss Rose Mountjoy, Mia. McCalden, Nestleton; Mr. Chas. Bnhggs, Mirs. Mabel Duckwonth, Toronto, were guestas of Mi. andl Mis. Cecil Slernon. Mr. and Mis. Raymnond Petit and family were Christmas vis- itons.with Mi. anAl Mrs. W. Chapmnan. Mis. Anne PhiUlip has ne- turned to Kingston aften visit- ing lier daughtei, Mrs. J. A. Burrows and Mr. Burrows. Mi. and Mns. Ray Smihth and family, Newcastle; Mr. and Mns. Donald Prescott and fam- ily ,Enfield; Mn.- andl Mn. AI- iyn Taylor andl Linda, Pow- inanville and Mnr. and Mns. Gien Smnith andl family, were wtih their parents Mr. andl Mrs. Hos- kex: Smith. Mis. Theron Mountjoy spenit Christmas witih Mi. and Mns. W. Challes, Bowmaiviile. Mi. andl Mis. W. Chapinan wene with Mi. and Mis. Gor- don Shackleton, Salem. Mr. and Mra. Menwin Mount- joy attcnded a Chinsimas galli- eqhag ait the home of Mn. and Mis. Kenneth Samelîs, Nestle- ton. In the accouni of the Christ- mas Day churcli service in lasi week's pape- the naine of Jimmie Widdeconibe - who read a portion of the scripture passages was omitted. Mr. andl Mn. GenalAl Begin andl daughter Charniaine Ton- r iv Newcastle Citizen s Invited Io Attend Council Inaugurai NEWCASTLE - The inaug- ural meeting of the Newcastle village council for the year 1960 will be helAl in the Couni- cil chamben of the Newcastle Community Hall on Monday evening when the Reeve and councillons and othen newly elected civic officiais will take their oath or office andl the Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. Geonge's- Church will address the newly installed officens. The genenal business of the first meeting of the year wil be conducted when' council commitee will be appointed for the coming year. Reeve Cunninghamlias suggested the, appointment of three new coin- mittees this year, a by-laws Committee, Water Supply Com- mittee and a Dog Control Com- mittee. In the past, according to Reeve Cunningham, no par- ticular councillors have been appointed to supervise these items, and each member has left it to the other fellow, thus leaving it undone unless the Reeve looks after it. Citizens of the village are welcome to attend this or any regular council meeting to see and hear how the business of 1the village is conducted. Regu- 1lar meetings of council are held on the second Monday eveni-ng of each month. ,fÎlewcastle* Social and1 /eersona/ NEWCASTL-The weathen- man finally co-openated with the management of the Newcastle Memonial Anena ha making ice for skating andl the public was given free skating on New Year's Day with mone ihan 150 peopl6 taking advantage of this holiday oppotunity for public skating. A similan cnowd waa out for the public skating in the arena on Saturday evening. With the anena now ha full swing we are publishing below a achedule prepared for the arena in the weeks te corne, providing ice is available. Monday: 3:30 to, 5:30-Figure skating classes, andl fîom 7 to lt,- -Minor League Hockey. Tuesday: 3:30 to 5:00-Skat- img for public school studenta, andl ha the evening from 8 to 10-Public skating. Wednesday: 5:45 to :45- Midget Hockey, andl froin 7:30 onto, were New Year's guests of Ifr. and Mrs. John Carrigan. Mir. and Mrs. W. Challs, Bowmanville, were New Year's guests of MIas. Theron Mount- joy. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bolton, Toronsto, were receni visitKons wiVh Mr. and Mas. Lorenzo Trull. Mr. and Mrs. K. Caverly and others of their family were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mns. Albert Cole, Bowm1anville. Mr. and Mn-s. R. J. Hodigson spent New Year's w-ith InI. and Mrs. Dave Hoopen, Orono. Mr. Morley Hastings, Tor- onite, ai G. Adcock's. Mr. and Mi4s. Bruce Semiple of Bowmanville werc guests of Mr. and Mns. Austin Banron on Saturday prior to leaving for their new home in Edmon- ton, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemoný acconpanied by Mr. Len Binad-1 ley, Bowmanwilce, were New Year's guests of Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestieton. Mns. Hazel Ruttan, Graven- hurst, spent a couple dia.ys lasi week with Mrn. and Mrm. Lo- enzo Trull. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Far- row and farnily spent New Years with Min. and Mns. Lav- enne Farrow, Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison and daugfhten Kim, Coîborne, with her parents, Mr. and Mra. G. Adcock. Mr. and MIrs. Lorenzo Truil were Satiurday evening guests ai a social evenàng ai the home of Mir. and Mis. Roy MetjoaUl, Maple Grove. Mrn. aind Mns. Raymond Far- row and family visited Mr. and Mis. Clarence Allia, Woodville, an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pres- cott and Roger, Enfield, and Miss Marie Prescott, Tororuto, speni New Years with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott. Mr .and M"r. Mountjoy ac- companied Mir. and Mrs. Ken- neth Sameils and Anma of Nes- tleton, to Oakville on Môndtay from where Anra left frorn bhere on a trip to Califona. Mr. and Mns. Joe* Gallant and Ronnie speat New Years with Mir. and Mnr. Arthur Sul- livan, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scott, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, Ar- va, Ontario, wene holiday yis- îtons at A. L. Blanchard's. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cle- mens and Barry and Mr. and M!rs. A. L, Blanchard, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and W.ns. Norman lemens, Toronto. Mr. Ron Clemrens speni the weekend With friends ini Roch- ater. S. Y. on-Town League Hockey. Thursday: 3:30 to 5:30-Figure skating classes and from, 8 to 10 -Public skating. Friday: Has not as yet been scheduled. Watch the bulletin board. Saturday: Open for rentais ail day with public skating £romn 8 to 10 p.m. Sunday: The arena wifl be open for family skating for 1those families, holding season tickets. Weather permitting, a fine season is expected in the New- castle Memorial Arena and persons wishing information re- garding tme available, etc.,' should contact Arena Manageri Al Gray, or the Conimittee. Chairman Fred Couch. OBITUARY MRS. HERBERT X. SCOTT Following an lllness of sev- eral monilis, the deaili occur- red in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvile, of Mrs. Herbert N. Scott on Friday, December 251h, 1959, in her 73rd year. The ate Mrs. Scott was born Forence Pearl Trewin in Hay- don, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. She at- tended Haydon Publie Sehool and Bowmanville HighScol In 1914 the deoeaged marriedl Herbert N. Scott. For a turne Mr. and Mrs. Scott lived ini Enniskillen and for the past 45 years have resided on their farm property, R. R. 2, Orono, in Lot 1, Con. 6, Darlington. Mrs. Scott was a member of Orono United Church. Survhving, besides her hus-j band, are four children: Tre- win, Tynone;, Roy, ai home, Helen (Mrs. Wm. Rudeil> of Newcastle and Dorothy (Mrs. J. A. D. Little) of Markham. Indicative of the affection, love and esteem in which the deceased was held, were the many beautiful floral tributesi from neighbours, friends, re- latives, Clarke Union Section, Leskard W.A., Neighbours fromi Leskard, Tyrone Friends andi Neighibours, Branch 178 Cana- dian Legion, Boevmanville and District Red Cross, Orono 1.0. O.F., Bowmanville Rotary Club, Department 271A anid 271B Goodyear Tire && Rubber Co., and Newcastle Horticultural So- ciety. The funeral service, condurt- ed by Rev. Basil Long, was held hn the Morris Funeral Cha- pel on Mlonday, December 28, 1959. Interment was in, the famniiy plot, Bethesda Cemetery., Palîbearers, ail nephews of: the deoeased, were Earl Trewin, Art Trewin, Frank Smith, Ray Smith, Harry Collacutt and Neil Smith. ELIZABETH VILLE Due to the sever-e ie storin, hydz-o aind telephone service lbas been ibadly broken up. Most of the Uines are iback to normal now . The girls of the 4-H club gattiered at Mirs. McAllister's home to plani achievement diay I on Tuesday aftennoon. On New Yeoe's Eve several attendied parties and dances in the sunrounding aiea. New Year~s guests were: Mr. sand MmIL.H.Sheppaed and faniiy, Ia~elcft with Wt. andM Mis .sheppfard. Mr. and Mis. uldirew, Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew, Mer- ilyn Muldrew and frlend, Osh- WS# Mr. A"4MM .IL Muidrsw I Gordon Agn ew, Edifor Phone 3621 Hein z Ketchup IGA Coffee m KELOG'SSpecial "K" Save 4g IGA Cheese Sf ices toya' 1TABLERITE GUALITY NMATS IGA Royal Guest Sliced Rindless SIDE j BACON IL.m A Real Breakfast Treat Royal Guest - Small Link Pure Pork Sausaige 16. 39c SHOP AND SAVE ATa00 Bowmanville IGA Mur ket srnhYw Toms' IGA Market IEwcasz, SIUE an twnüamy witlx Mn. Wle and Mirs. Smith. Mr. and Mis. Lewko, Mr. and Mrs. Thickson and famlly and Bob Wilson with Mr. and Mis. E. Fow]er. Mr. and Mis. C. Beatty, Mr. and Mns. McAllistcn and Leta, Mns. A. Powell, Mr. E. Powell, Miss Mary Powell, Mr. and Mis. D. Powell and baby, MW. and Mis. Ken Trew and family, Mr. ands Mrs. Mac Walkeir and family, 34r. and Mis. J. Pea- cock and famrily with Mr. and Mns. Rosa Beatty. l Mi. and Mrs. W. Longyear Iandl family and Alex Kelly with AUM. and Mn., M. Brimacombe. IMr. and Mis. Longyear and f amily were whth Mr. andl Mis. Thorndyke for Christmas. Miss Shirley Scott Campbell- croft, visited with Miss Gloria Quantrill durin.g the holidays. Miss Gwen Mercer visited witih Miss Donna Scot Camp- bellcroft, during the holiday's. Miss Beryl Thickson returned to Tornonto New Yean's Day. Mr. Alan Mercer, Misses Ruth andl Donna Mercer and Miss Darlene Thickson returncd 10 Toronto Sunday niight. On S'aturday evening, Mr. and Mis. Milford White entertained the girls Sunday School clas when Miss Darlene Thickson was presented with a New Test- ament as a going away present. She doesn't expect to be home much now thet she attends Uni- versity. Misa Ruthi Mercer was also to receive a New Testa- ment, obut she was unable to be present ai the supper. She works in Toronto now. MnI. and Mrs. A. Gilmone .and Mr. and Mis. Les Fallas, Mill- brook, spent Cliristmias with Mr. andl Mis. W. Beatty. Suniday Sehool andl Chuncli Services -were held as usual. Young People's was ai Gar- dcn Hill on Siunday evendng. When only five fnom here and Rev. Wright were ali that gath- ered, they calleAl it off. Mirs. Kniox andl Mr. Wood spenit Christmas and N e w Year's at Mn. and Mrs. A. Wood's, Osfhawa, and Mi. and Mina. Reid's, Starkviile. NEWCASTLE - The final meeting of the Newcastle Re- creation Committee for 1959 was held in t.he council cham- ber Gn Tuesday, December 29th, when the final business of the year was conducted. It was announced ihat the Ballet Classes would begin again on Saturday afternoon, January 9, ai 1:30 lai he ion îoom of the communiyhal CHANGE 0F OWNERSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenier have purchased HONEY HOLLOW RESTAURANT NEWCASTLE and announce the restaurant will remlain open ail winter -Day and Evening- SPECIALTIES: Souihern Fried Chicken French Fried Shrimps Deluxe Hamburgers Hot Dogs ALL ABOVE ORDERS PREPARED TO TAKE OUT We are prepared to cater to Family Sunday Dinners SmaIJ Banquets and Family Receptions Ph.. one asIlo 3M0 FOR RESERVATIONS TMUMDAT, JAN. 7th, lm Anyone wishing to john these classes should register Saiurday. It was also aecic5ed that any- one wishing lessons in Baton twirling should contact eithen Mirs. D. G. Cunningham or Mrs. Stan Brown. Thene is no age limit for ihese lessons and cither boys or girls can apply. These ladies will be pleased to give funther Aetails on these proposed lessons. Enjoy Free Skating At Memorial Arena On New Year's Day REVENUE SCATTERED or ud unexpected places and can cre- Froin a bushel of corn the dis- REAR WINDOW -Vso oaeagethzrfeunl tiller gets four gallons of whis- the rear ha just as necessary as where it is least expected, pos- key, which retails at $9.48. The to the front, so take trne out sibly hidden by a light fali of government gets $5.64, the farm- to .keep the rear windows clear. snow. Wateh for these skid a*e er, who raised the corn, gets Many a fatal crash has resultî spots under viaducts, on brid. 56 cents. The railroad gets ed from a driver's ignorance of ges, around curves, in the lee $2.28, the retailer gets heli, the rear. Wipers and defrosters in ESCAPING-When your car consumer gets drunk and gets the rear can be a great com- is temporarily stuck in snow, o SM i $10.00 and costs. fort and aid. If vision, side or siart it slowly forward in low 1- Recreation Committee Winds Up Year's Act'ivity 1 :

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