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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 13

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THURSDAY, JAN. 7th, 1950 THE CANADIAK STATESMAK. EOWMM<VILLE, O?4TAI~TO Lions Midget-Juvenile Hockey Due to the fact that we have lost an hour of ice time on Sat- urday afternoon there will be a change in the Midget-Juven- j 1e Hoackey Schedule. Instead of being able to play three games per day as scheduled we have ta cut down to only twa games per afternoon. Below is the new schedule for the Mid- get-Juvenile League. Teen Town News There will be a Teen Town Dance at the Lions Centre this Friday, January 8, beginnmng at 8:30 p.m. Ib is a hard time dance and we hope to have Mr. MVaster- son return for part of the even- ing so we will have plenty of square dancing. The prices are: Members 35 cents and non- mnembers 60 cents. There will be a door prize and also several other prizes for spot dances. Our ChrisÉimas Dance w a success as there was a large crowd and everyorie seemed to be enjoying themselves very rnuch. Decorations consisted of a; beautiful Christmas tree high- lighted by streamers and tissue pan)er beils. We danced to the music of the Bel-Aires and during their break records were played. Prizes for the spot dances Nýere record albums and a giant Panda xvas won by Mike Kirkton who had the lucky riumber for the door prize which was drawn at the end of the dance. Don't forget the dance this Friday night. Air, Rail or Steamship TI1C KET S TO EVERYWHERE Consuit JURY & LOVELL 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Bowmanville Game Times 10th gamne-2:35 p.mi. llth game-3:15 p.m. Jan. 9-lOth game-Raiders vs. Orphans; llth gamne-Maroons vs. Dodgers. Jan. ld-iOth game-Gener- ais vs. Rockets; llth game - Raiders vs. Cornets. Jan. 23-lOth game - Dod- gers vs. Cornets; llth gamne - Maroons vs. Rockets. Jan. 30-Playoffs begîn. Girls ETooniball League In the first Brooinball gamne played on Monday, Dec. 28th the Presleys won their gamne by defauit when only 3 of the Fabians players showed up. In the second gamne the Ava- lons defeated the Boones 1-0 on a goal scored by Sharon Burgess late in the first per- iod. The win moved the Ava- lons into sole possession of first place in the league standings. Broombali league standings as of January 4th, 1960. W L T Pts Avalons _____2 0 1 5 Presleys 1 1 1 3 Fabians 1 1 1 3 Boones 0 2 1 1 Registrations Registrations opeîied this wekfor the Winter Actîvities of the Bowmanville Recreation Department if you are interest- ed in joining any of the activi- ties you may do so by attend- ing the sessions or by telephon- ing the Recreation Office at Arket 3-3335, Ext. No 67 MONDAY - 3:00 to 5:00- Children's Skating (8 and un- der)-Memorial Arena; 5:00 to' 7:00-Girls' Broombal- Mem- orial Mrena; 8:00 to 10:00- Choral Socety-Town Hall. TUESDAY - 7:00 bo 10:00- Adult. SwimTming Classes - B.T.S. Pool; 8:00-Senior Citi- zens <2nd Tues. each rnonth)- Lions Centre. WEDNESDAY- 3:30 to 9:30 -Chlldren's Dancing Classes- Lions Centre; 7:30 to 10:30 - Reading and Discussion Group -Lions Centre. TEEURSDAY - 7:00 ta 8:30 - Ladies Keep Fit Class - Memorial Park; 7:30 to 10:30 - Drama Workshop-Lions Cen- tre (lst and 3rd). I GO a.0 Regardless of Snow 5, CHURCH ASHMC BOWMANVI LLE Self-Serve ..-. Coin 0 1 u invwn mw.e . - nns -m M@ m - (,RecreatiOun .Çevi'ews 8y Douglas Rigg F'RIDAY - 4:30 to 6:00 - Childrens Theatre-Lions Cen-1 tre; 7:30 to 9:30 - Aduit Art Class - Lions Centre; 8:30 - 11:45 - Teen Town (every other Friday)-Lions Centre. SATURDAY - 7:00 to 4:00 - Minor Hockey - Memorial Mrena; 9:00 to 12:30 - Chil- dren's Dancing Class- Lions Centre; 9:30 to 11:30- Chlld- Park. The Recreation Department wil be pleased to make arran- gements where possible, for any additional activities desir- ed if sufficient numbers are interested. Minor Hockey Most of the Minor Hockey teamns will swing back into ac- tion this coming Saturday, Jan- uary 9th. Listed below are the games scheduled for this corn- ing Saturday. PEE WEE LEAGUE - 7:00 a.m. - Leafs vs. Hawks; 7:45 a.m. - Bruins vs. Bears (Clean Ice); 8:35 ar.. Giants vs. Wings; 9:20 amn Canadians vs. Rangers. BANTAM LEAGUE - 10:20 a.m. - Braves vs. Tee Pees; 11:05 a.m.-Tigers vs. Huskies; 11:55 a.m.-Pirates vs. Cubs. ATOM LEAGUE - 12:40 p. m. - Barons vs. Indians; 1:40 parn. - Bombers vs. Hornets. LIONS MIDGET - JUVENILE LEAGUE - 2:35 p.m. - Raid- ers vs. Orphans; 3:15 p.m. - Maroons vs. Dodgers. IGoodyear Hockey Lge. I The power-housc Fan Beltsj buck ail the way, until Pau; showed why they are the class McCullough fired the winningc a! the league, downinig the 0f- . marker with little over four fice 7-1 in the opening game1 minutes rernaining in the game. of Sunday's Goodyear League. Bob Sheridan opened the scor- double bill. In the second game, ing for the Mats in the first the Hose moved righit back in- minutes o! play, but Dan Gi- tai the playoff picture, on the rardi knotted the count 50 sec-: strength of a close 4-3 decision onds later and "Buck" Cowle' over the Mats. put the Hose in front within a The league - leading Fan' minute. belts were in command throu- Howard Quinney fired the ghaut paced by two goa per- 1ying marker at 11:05, how- formances by Raye West, Lo yd ever, John Miller broke away Hamilton and Don Farder, apttewnesoti rn Bob airey accouneted anr d for the second lime. Quinney romaiing arke. Weaarn cannected for the equal- Hamilîton also picked up a pair 1e an-fer1 intso of assists apiece, to increaseen taed laMClug their one-two lcad atop the ed t en ner,.culog scoring race. bge h inr Defencenien Ron Burgess The losers pulled their goal- spailesi goalie Jack Mantle's, le in the final two minutes, but shutout bid at 30:22, as hie went1 rival goalie, John Fowler came from end bo end for a picturei up with a big save an Terry goal. i Masters' blue line bullet-drive,' The nightcap was nip and bo preserve the win. piano duet by the Fisher sis-! cS> ree izters and our school dance bn S 'reechplayed a few selections in the afternoon and some others la- teronin heevening. We also had a skit put on by the (9 wi teachers which was very goad. A basketball game between Dave Milne 12A the staff and fifth farn follow- Well B.H.S. is back in ful cd the supper. Fifth fanm was, swig aai afer fli we.vevictoriaus again which appar- days' holiday. It certainly wasetldeihe th o-oke. a welcome rest after the long The dance started at 8:30.1i haurs of study and tension over The music was recorded on a the Christmas exammnations. tape and played aven the P.A. Most students have ah o! system, This was a new idea their papers back and some of for aur dances. bhem are sadly deciding that Margie Brewder sang a few' they had better start studying sangs during the nîght and re- now if they're going tai do bet- ceives large applause. ber at Easter.- Sevenal prizes were given out Dur holidays began on Tues- for spot dances. day, December 22nd, and many The assembly hall was de- students wene able to attend conated beautifully with bright our annual Christmas party. green niistletoc hanging above It started at 2:30 in the after- the centre o! the dance floor. noon with carol-singing and Finally the dance ended and later on we enjayed a couple so the end o! the day. but o! movies and a cartoon. We eeveryone had enjoyed them-, also were entertained with a selves. 1 would like to bhank fifth formn students and fanm teach- ers for their fine job in run- ning this party. Student Council ls now busy' f planning the schaol's formai STREETdance which lB to be held on IT E TFebruaryl12. The teei ber and the art students are busy working on the planning )-M ATd h mkigon h icu and thecomaingo!nte urso thm ti year.Thsite scoo' only fI lal and w -O NTAIO would like to sec a go rw attending. )peraed LandryTickets will be on sale soon, so boys remember toi ask yuur, perte Lunry dates early!1 1TWAS [THE SEASU[1 TU SE NLEY.... The last two weeks found everybody in top spirits . .. but somewhat difficuit to try to get a few schedules running on time . . . so it looks as though progress will be a bit slower than we originally thought . . . but the time bas been used to make a few improvements to the interior design., PINK WASHERS ... FIRST IN CANADA...* Yes it bas been confirmed . .. Our shipment of Decorator Pink Washers is on its way . . . This is the first coin laundry "Pink" installation in Canada and should make a very pleasant interior for everyone ... Getting a bit of a holiday spirit into things.. "NIAYTAG#" EMIMENT IS DEING INSTALLED.. There are twenty washers and eight large capacity dryers . . The washers will be set up in three groups for convenience and service . and the dryers will be in two banks of four ... SGFT WATER IS DEING INSTALLED ... And this permits a 20-minute cycle for the complete wash mncluding two rinses . . . The water is 135*. to 160* ... The combination of modern detergents ... hot water ... and sof t water .. . makes the most delightful wash ever seen . .. One caution though . . . "Non-sudsing" detergents or soaps have to be used . .. otherwise the combination of bot water and soft water tends to foam . .. also a little "less" than normal detergent or bleach should be used . .. DITERS STAND ABOUT SIX FEET BIGE.. Use two cubic feet a miute ... run for ten minute cycles . tumble and fluff the clothes dozen cf times a minute . kids in particular like their soft, fluffy and downy pyjamas. .. RECREATION IS DEING CATEHED TO . About twenty-five sets of badminton racquets complete witb nets, birds and four racquets are being used as opening montb door prizes .. . keeps Canada healthy ... good and growing sport for summer and back lawvns ...maybe a few champions will come out of it ah . more on other prizes later ... even something for men ... NORE FIIENDLY NEWS AS PRGGRESS PEOCEEDS Walter Frank continues te assist and January is the target month te have your Church Street "W"s-O-Mat ini service .. . Keith Kingsland NE WTON VILLE 1m New Year's visitors:: Mir. and Mrs. Beverley Hen-' derson of Bo'wnnville with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wadie. Mr. Milton Brown of Osh- awa with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Donoghue. Miss Carol Reidhs-ath with Mr. and Mrs. MeMurdhy of Hillsberg. Mir. and Mrs. McQuaid, Miss Bertha Thompson. and Miss Alice Nesbitt of Toronto with Miss Anne Nesbitt. Mr'. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton' and family of Bowmanville;, Mfir. and Mfrs. Wm. Stapleton and Mr. and Mirs. Lor'ne Todd witb Mr. and Mrs. Don Staple- ton. Mir. and Mirs. Roy Burley o! Oshawa; Mir. and Mnr. Clarence Burley of Clarke and Mrs. Rob- inson and Johinnie of Orano with We. and Mirs. Wi]iis Far- row. M4r. andi Mrs. Harry Wlade with Mr. and Mrs. Harve Hol- man of Port Britain. Mr. and i Ms. Geo. Hender- son of Port Hope with Me. aind Mirs. Fred Henderson. Mir. and Mvrs. Bud Jones and son of Burlingtion; ýMrs. Zena Carlaw of Whitby andi Mr. and! Mirs. Carman Cormdsh and famn-1 ily o! Orono with Mr. and Mrs.: Wllis Jones. Mrs. Rose Brown bas been; seeured as teacher for Shaw's school. Mir. Jas. Nesbitt of Islingtoa, Virginia let for home on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrm. Perey Green- field of Bowmanville brought Mr. Andrew Reichrath home fr the hospital on Saturdav. Il Teenage Pollowing last Saturday's action the first schedule cham- pionship in the boys' division is stili very much in doubt. Jim Moorcraft's tearn took over the top position on the strength of a 7-0 win over Lowell Hîghfield's club, as Dou.g Shirk's team lost a 7-0 game to Howard Rundle's team. Now only three points separ- ate Moorcraft, Shirk and Run- die. Vmnce Molloy's cellar- dwellers pulled off a 7-0 shut- out win over Don Bagnell's bcnvlers. John Phillips paced the bowlers with a 665 triple in- cluding games of 298 and 203. Jim Moorcraft had 605 with a 222, with other top singles1 going to Mike Charles 247, John Oke 241, Jim Callan 221, Tom Mason and John Carter 218, Woodrow Perry 212, Lar- ry Thompoon 205, Doug Shirk 203, 201, and Bob MeManus 200. Boys' Teamx Standings Pts Jim Moorcraft _______50: Doug Shirk _____48 Howard Rundie _____47 Lowel! Highfield ______35 Don Bagneli _______29 Vmnce NMolloy -_____22 i Every suit in the store 15/o OFF 5 P'OY -,:OAT :l NB.O W N E1R 9 fil' Boys' All-Wool Sport Coats Ibes liead 200. Toronsto; Mr'. and Ms G. Flet- Girls' Team Standings cher were New Year supper Brenda Oke -._____ 50 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme B o li gI nia Brovn __ 38_Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphyan In btte or irt laeKaren Beauprie 36 family. Mr. and Mrs. James In btte or irt laeConnie Osmond_____ 36' Woodley and famdly, Mrs. Wo- Brenda Oke's league-leaders 1 Helen Vanstone 28 odley's mother and brother, edged Virginia Brown's second' Aurora, were Saturdiay evening placers 4-3 to move seven T I ('e TT1 guest of the Kovacs. points in front. Connie Os- LONG'1U >LiULT. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter and niond's outfit pulled off a 7-0, Mes. Jean Saw<aen an.d Miss family, Toronto, spent New upset win over Linda Brook- Isabella Sawden, Oshawa; hIVrs. Year's holiday with Mr. and ing's~~ -olr.I h ea Mildred Simpson, Ajax: were Mrs. J. SaWdlen. ing' bolers Inthe em t - hristmas guests of Mr. and Mr. and Orme Miller were xig clash, Helen Vanstone's Mrs. James Sawden.1 Saturday evening gues-ts of Mrt. bail-enders went down to. a Mrs Hazel Ruttan. Wilbur- 1 ansi Mrs. G. Baker. 5-2 loss to Karen Beauprie's force; Mira. A. J. MeLaggan and iMir. and Mirs. C. Penwarden crew. familywere New Ya' guests and family were Wednesday Virginia Brown led the of Mir. and Mrs. G. Baker. evenîng guests of Mir. and Mirs. with a 560 triple fallowed by Mr. andsiMrs. G. Kovacs and G. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. Linda Brooking 519 and Jean! Mirs. Sophie Kovacs weire New Orme Miller were New Year'i; Thertell 505. Linda Brooking's!lYear's guests of Mr. and Mirs.1 Eve guests. 232 game took high single hon- H. Partner, Tyrone. i r. and Mrs. C. Brown and ours whle Vrgiia Bown Mr. ansi Mrs. Wmn. Miller,IM. and MrTs. F. E. Alexander, rolled 223 and Shirley Caom- Orono; Mr. Stanley, Fletcher, Bowman'zille, were New Year's ÇOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING ... Mr LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES For That llcavy Snow .. . We Can Cut Your Tires with Snow Cleats We can make your old tires into Snow and Mud Tires For Only $215 0 per tire EXAMPLE Eeg. 59.50 Eeg. 69.50 pm1e. ee ,6 8.88 SPECIAL i . -- - THURSDAY, JAN. 7th, 1960 THE CAMADIAN STATESUM, BOTZIL&NVnAL& ONTAIUO

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