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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 14

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Highway No. 401 from Newcastle to Port Hope WiII Open Next Spring Work on Highway 401 bet- Grafton, Cobourg, Port Hope, ween Brighton and Newcastle Welcome, Newtonville and continues, the Departmerit of Newcastle, reducing the driv- Hfighways of Ontario reports ing time by approxirnately hall ini spîte of cold weather and an hour. snow. Over and under Highway 401 It is expected that the whole between Brighton and Newv- of the 45-mile section will be castie will be nearly 40 struc- opened for traffic from New- tures, the largest being a steel castle t0 Brighton by next Fail, and concrete bridge over the with the section from Newcas- Ganaraska "River at Port Hope. tle to Port Hope in use in late Access to ail the towns and Spring. Highway 115 near New- villages will be provided for by castle, is the present eastern interchanges on Highway 40 1 end of High-way 401 from To- and the highway has been ronto. bridged at several points to From Highway 30 north of carry township roads. Brighton, Highway 401 runs Nearly 40 contracts have north of Trenton and Belleville been let over the past three to a point near Marysville, years by the Department of nearly 35 miles. Highways for construction, car- Closing the gap from New- ried on under the supervision castle to Brighton will mean of the Department's District Ontario motorists will be able Office at Port Hope. The Dis- to drive for nearly 130 miles trict Office is also supervising east from Highway il at To- the construction of a by-pass on ronto, comnpletely on Highway Highway 7 south of Peterbor- 401. ough. Work is also continuingr on Even with several contracts the uncompleted section of the stili to be let, construction fig- highway betweeen Marysvile ures are staggering: more than and H:grhway 38 near Kingston. eight million cubic yards of At Hi hway 38 the newly fin- rock and earth to be excavated ished high-speed bituminous and moved;, more than 30 miles pavement begins again and of assorted culvert material in- runs through to Gananoque, a stalled; more than six miles of distance of about 23 miles, bridge piling to be put up, in Newlv rebuilt on the south addition to thousands of tons lane is the section of Highway o! reinforcing steel, gravel and 401 from Ganarioque to Crystal crushed rock, concrete for Beach. and from that point to bridges and asphaît for paving, Prescott is an entirely new and millions of gallons o! wa- portion of the Trans-Provincial ter for compaction. Highway, covering 18 miles, the Estimated cost for the 46- South lane of which was open- mile section is about $35,000,- ed earlier this Fail by High- 000 ways Minister the Hon. Fred In addition to the obvious M. Cass, Q.C. Much of the effeet Highway 401 will have highway east froma Prescott is in the Brighton-Newcastle dis- also under construction. trict o! making road travel The new section to be open- more pleasant, speedy and e!ffi- ed between Newcastle and cient, the new highway will Brighton will eliminate a great also free the very important deal o! congestion on Highway tourist areas along the lake 2 which winds along the north shore from heavy, noisy through shore o! Lake Ontario. It will traffic, increasing its potential carry the heavy, non-local traf- as one of Ontario's most fam- fic past Brighton, Coîbourne, ous resort sections. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beckett and Garth, Foxwarrsen, Mani- toba; Mr. and Ms-s. John Beck- ett,-Scugog Island-, Miss Anne I-oldstock, Toronto; Ms-r. and Mrs. E. Holdstock, Bowman- J ville:, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beckett, Tommay, ,Barbara, Bs-i- an, Tes-sy and Harvey, Maple Grove; Mr. O. Beckett and Ar- villa, Mr. Fred Pýige, Mr-. and Ms-s. Lloyd AII( .ead and Max- mne, Tyrone; ' 't. and Ms-s. Hen- ry Becket' Stratfos-d; Miss Joyee Fa-vuett, Meaford; Mr. and Mm-. Donald Lamib, Ennis- killen, had a famnily gathering at tshe home of Mr-. and Ms-s. r.Floyd Beckett andi family. A r happy event wstefc ha Beckett's dhldren were able to b thhim on tlhis day. M.and Mrs. Doug Thonion, Ves-milion, Alta; Mr. antiMs-s. Geo. Oliver, Toronto, were Sat- us-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeates-. Miss Lorna Wearn, Grace Hospital, Toronto, spent New Year's weekend with her par- enits, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. andi Mrs. Wearn, Lus-na and Susan wes-e guests on Friday with Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Wes- tern, Guelphi, and on Satus-day evening with Mr'. and Ms-s. Dean Parrott, Brantford. Mr'. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Miss Nanscy Wood were New Year's guests of MT'. and Ms-s. E. O. Pethick ,Torsonbo. Nancy has returneti to sehool at Gue- lph. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa, wes-e New Year's guests of Ms-. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. The National film 'boaird -Pic- tus-es wi]l be in the basement en Jan. 8tih at 7:30. 0 9 0 0 JACK BROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Dlvisin Street Soutb MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE tMs-. ansi Mm. Fred Toms, Ms-. -antiMs-s. Earl Tsewin, Doreen .anti Donald, spent New Year's ewith Ms-. antiMs-s. Lloyd Slem- 1 on, Heydon. Ms-s. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa; 1Misses Louise anti Mari orie Mcntosh, Whi'my; Mi'. ansiMs-s. Alvin Scott ansi femily, Keti- son, werse New Yeas's guests o! Ms-. andi Ms-s. Geo. Is-win. Ms-. anti Mvs. Bruce Mont- gomery, Solina, were with MvU. antiMs-s. W. J. Ferguson. Gas-th McGill bas retus-neti to Kempville Agricultus-e School for the Spsing tes-m after spenti- ing the holidays at home. Ms-. antifM-. Adem Sharp, wes-e with Ms-. andi Mvs. Cecil Robinson, Newtonville. A.C.2 Modlyn Howefls anti boy friend, Clinton, Ont., we're New Yeas's guests of Ms-. anti Ms-s. W. Howells. Ms-. ant i M-s. Loi-ne Griffin, Blackstock; Ms-. antiMs-s. Al- fred Gers-ard, Haydon, were New Year's visitors at Mr'. anti Mvs. John Griffin. Mr. antiMs-s. Angus King,. Little Bsitemn, -were Sunday vis- itors with Ms-. antiMiss. Cler-- ence Avery. Mv. ant iMss. Edigar- Wright, Betty, Laur-ence, Doris, Gloria anti MW. Jîm Muller- wes-e New Year's guests o! Ms-. antiMs-s. W. E. Sanderson, Columbus. Mr. and Ms-rs. Edwin Sandier- cock ainsi family, Orono, wes-e wtih Ms-. anti Mrs. C. Fes-gu- son. Mr. andi Mss. M. Tabb, Ken- neth anti David4, Bowmanville, were recent tea guests o! Ms-. anti Mvs. A. Leesibeater. Ms-. and Mvs. Carl Ba-unt anti family, Bowmanville; Mr. anti Ms-s. Clavre Pesigoe anti' girls, Port Penny, wes-e with 1\&. anti Ms-s. Ted Wes-sy. Mr-. Bon Clemens, Hampton; Miss Cas-ol Wsight were New Yeas- weekenti guests o! Ms-. and Ms-s. Frank Spry, Roches- tes-, N.Y. Ms-. antiMs-s. Ross Lee, Ms-. anti Mvs. Bsian Lee, Kedron, were Sunti'y dinnes- guests o! Ms-. anti Mvs. Allen Wes-ry. Ms-s. E. A. Wes-sy, Betty Jane, Bes-t anti Grant ,Enniskillen; Miss Elenor Leig'hton, Bowman- ville, wes-e Sundey tea guests o! Ms-. and Ms-s. Allan Wers-y. Ds-. anti Mrs. Clark Wers-y, Tor'- onto, wes-e callers. Mr. Fr'ank Borland, Eow-j maiville, was a recent celler - at Mr. Al'ber-t Oke's. Miss Elsie Oke eccompanieti bim to Osh- awa to visit Ms-s. Frank Dos-- landi at hospital who is improv- in g Sors-y to report Ms-. Asthur Brunt bas been taken to Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, with pleui'isy. We wish him a speedy recovery. Pleaseti to report Ms-s. H. Stevens bas retus-neti home from hospital. Ms-s. R .C. Wal- ton, Kingston, is with her presenio-. Mr. Howard Stevens receivi thie sad news o! the passing bàs aunt, Miss Etta Brown Telles-ville, Alber-ta, at the &4 monton Hospital on Dec 5t She was a former.residenit Enniskillen. Miss Lois Ashton spent 1week with Miss Judiy Gree Brighton. Recenit visitors wtih Mr. as- Ms-s. Ralph Vis-tue were Mr-. A. Wers-y, Mr. andi Mrs. Ha vey McGill, Joe anti Garth. Mr .and Mrs. J. Bos-rowda: and Bs-ian, Oshawa: Messrs. A ian, Grant anti Bert Wes-ry, M and Mi-s. E. A. Werry and Beti Jane, Mr. J. A. Wer-y, Ms-. an Mrs. Ralph Vis-tue, Eiiniskillei Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toi onto; Miss Elenor Leightoi Bowmanville; Miss K a t h i Brown, Port Credit; Miss Kai en Ormiston, Courtice, wel New Year's guests of!Ms-. an Mirs. H. J. MeGili, Joe an Ga¶rth. Mr. and Ms-s. Russell Ws-a andi Wayne, Mr. andi Mrs. Alla Wray, Bowmanville; Mr. an Ms-s. Ralph LamlS wes-e Ne, Yeac-'s giuests of Mr. and Mr Lorne Lamb. Mr-. and Mrs. Do Lam'b were Sunday visitors. Mr-. and Mrs. Wallace Griffi andi family were New Year' guests o! Mr'. and Ms-s. Russe: Griffin and Mary. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Langmnaic Mr, and Ms-s. Cliarlie Lang maiti and fam-ily, Solina; NMi and Mrs. Lloyd Preston an, boys, Bowmanville, wes-e wit Mr-. andi Ms-s. Roy McGill. Mr'. anti Mrs. N. E. Wrigh wes-e with relatives in Oshaw, over the hioliday. Mr'. andi Mrs. O. C. Ashtoi andi Char-les were New Yeas-' Eve auests o! Mr'. and Ms-s. 1 Ts-avell,Oshawa, Miss Cheryl Rowan spen Sundlay wtih Miss Doris Wright Mr'. Albert Oke andi Miss El sie Oke spent New Years witl Ms-. and Ms-Is. Stanley Turner- Oshawa. Mr. and iss. Jim MeLaugh lin, Union; Miss Elenor Leigh ton, Bowmanvilie; Ms-. and Ms Wallace Griffin, Mr'. and Mss Haroldi Ashton anti boys, Mr- Grant Werry wes-e Thus-sdaý evening guests of Mr'. and iss Allan Wes-ry. Miss Muriel Griffin with Mis,, Carole Begley. Versy pleased to heas- Mrs. E W. Begley is imps-oving. Mir. ant iMrs. Nor-man Moore Trenton, wes-e recent visitor., at Ms-. antiMs-s. W. Howells. Mm-. and Ms-s. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Chas-les, were New Year guestis at Ms- and Mrs, Stanley May's, Toronto. Mr'. and I'Mrs. Ar-thur- Jack- son anti Stanley, Tor-onto, werE recent g'uests at R. J. Os-mis- ton's. Ms-. andti Mm. A. Leadbeater Sr., Mr'. ant iMss. L. Lead- beaiter, -Mur-ray, Dale and Erie, Trîonto, were Sunday guests wilh Mr. and Ms-s. AL Leati- beates, anti! boys. Mi. andi Mrs. Gos-dion Wes-ry and June, Mr. Graham Hughies, Mrss. A. MeKinno>n,, Miss Louie YlcKinnon ,Toronto; Mr'. and MIss Boyd Werry, Lynne anti 3onny, Malton; Ms-s. Muriel 3rownlee, LeasidJ; Mr. and MrIss. Lloyd Ashton, Ron-ald anti Ray, Mr. and Mir-s. Ross Ash- ton andi family, Hayd)on; Mr'. and Mss van Sharp and Lintia, Enniskilien; Ms-s. Ves-na For- syth andi Renald, Weston were New Yeas-'s Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Oriston's. Mrs. Ves-na Forsy'th and Ron- alt remainet for the weekend with the Ormistion's. Sos-sy Mrs. E. Sts-utt bas 'been es-y iîl again. We wish her back to health. Mrs. Mabel Rowan., Miss An- nje Rnwan, Yelverton; Ms-s. ElIa Pater-son, Lindtsay, were gew Year's guests o! Mr. andi llrs. R. Rowan and. remamneti Eor a few ticys visit. New Yeas-s guests of Mr. anti Irs. John Slemon were Rev. ind Ms-s. R. B. Green, Judy, Eaphne and Glenyth, Brighton; e 1 c a s ti s b n X m ai El c3 Mr-. andti ss. Douglas Love entei-laineti members o! the s-e- gulas- chois- at a Chistmas party at theis- home on Wednesday evening. Court Whist was play- ed anti prizes ewas-ded to Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Jeanine Wers-y, June Davis anti Robert Spen- cer. Os-ganist, Ms-s. Ross E. Lee, anti chois- director, Jeanine Werry wes-e presenlteti with gifts from the chois- by lhe president in token of apprecia- tioli. At the close o! the regulas- sas-vice o! woshsbp on Sunday mornin.g, conducteti by the min- istes-, Rev. R. H. Love, a brie! congregational meeting waes helti. Alvin Spencer presidesi, anti a nominatinig committee was eppoînteti to act, in prepas-- ation for the annuel meeting later in Jais-tary. Lynda Hiop- kins was soloist for the ser- vice, anti was accompanieti by Ms-s. Lee. A joint officiai board meet- ing is to be helti in Raglan Chus-du on Fnitiay even'ing prior to the first Communion Service fer 1960 to be obsenvesi next Sunday, Januas-y 10. Miss Elle Down, Peterbor- ough, spent Satus-day as guest o! Ms-. anti Mvs. William Werry., Seves-al Kedron couples were1 guests o! Mr. ant i Mss. Haroldi Bennett et a party on New1 Yeas's Bye.1 Fs-ank Hancock, George Pan-. try anti William Spry as-e stili confineti as patients in Oshawa< lGeniesal lHospital, anti Howas-di 'arnde1e is stil suffes-ing fx-or1 he effects o! the leg injus-y sustained a few weeks ago. 1 Miss Elizabeth Rowan o! Yel-1 verton spent a few days withj relatives in the William W"erryi home. MsL-. anti Mm. Mýurray lMount-i oyàrhad a guesta on New 1 j TEE CANADIAN STATESMAR. EOWMANV1LL~ ONTAWTfl AX1UA~~.L~ZLI, UZL&~. 1141, J ait BLACKSTOCK, o! The annuel meeting of the landly, Mr. and Mm-. of Sunday Sch.ool o! tihe United Murphy and Cary,E d.- Chus-ch was helti but attend- ville; Ms,. anti Ifrs.Hr ýh. anoe was not as large as would . Hads--rily Ln ofb wsed.wlth Ms-. an-d Ms-s. Roy Treasus-er gave a very gr-at- ghlin andi family, 0fr a ifying report. 7%e average at- Mr and Ms-s. Ross Asi m,, tendance, not includding Christ-. family, Haydon; Mr.a mas Suniday was 122.2. A vote HamId~s Wright, Osham jd o! thaxths was tendereti by Bey. andi M&s. Roy McLaugi J. Romeril on behaif o! the chus-eh family with Ms-. and r- to the faithful workes sOf the McLaughlin anti lan-fly, Sunday School. De:cideti to not after Christmas--.Mv.a le holti Sunday Seh'jol on Nestle.- Has-oldi McLaughlin and j- ton anti Cadmnur, annives-sanes with 1%r. and Ms-s. Han r. next summes-. Decideti tha+ tihe ghit, Oshawa, New Yeai ty Primas-y departmnent have ttie'r ant Ms-s. W. J. Peas-cei .d own opening andi closing exer- Geo. Crawford spent C- l; cises, when thte new addition is ,'ith Mr. antiMs-s. Fs-e r- reatiy for theis- use. The elec- lord, Port Pesry- Mr.a n, tion o! offices-s then took place. johr, Pearce andi Timn e Supesintendent- Ralph Las-- Pers-y on Sunday ai ter r- mer, Assistant Superintendant mes andMs-. anti Mn e -Dalton Dorreli Secs-etas-y - Crawford', MaryLou ar id Jack Swain, Assistant- Ro Helen Csafword Port Pe id Hoskîn, Treasurer - Ernest Mr. and Ms-s. Harold Ci Swamn, Primas-y Superintenti- Janice and Kenny viith y ant- Mrs. Ivan Thompso.m 3&s. W. Peas-ce andi Mrç in Due to the poor attendiance and, f os-c New Yeas- Ms-.a id saine who wes-e suggesteti not Richard Van Camp and W aeeepting the list o! teachers is with Mi'. and Ms-s. Ce, s. neot complete. son,, Miss Gwen Wilson n1 There was an attendance o! Norman Lyons, Satus-da 141 at the Unitedi Sunday School anti Mrs. Albert Abbc Ln Suntiay mornnng. 37 pupils s-e- Miss Wiila Robb, Ottam es peateti menos-y work anti se- Mie. and Ms-s. Chas. Sm Il ceivecl promotion certificates. Oliver for Christmasv Most of these were in and fs-om - Mr-. ant iMrs. Walla- 1, the Primas-y department. low. Ms-. and Ms-s. Ivan - Holiday visitors:- Descen- sn lzbtBl n r.dants o! the late Mr. and Ms-s. Ms-. antiMs-s. Jim Marl ýdRobes-t Ferguson helti theis-an- Anne, Mr-. andi Mrs. Hi nual se-union in the Recren2tion Camp anti Arthur, Mi'.a Centre New Year's Day. Trhose Glen Viin Camp and( kt attend.ing were- Mr. antiMs-s. with Mr. and Ms-s. Ewar 'a J. A. Johnston, 'Ms-. and Ms-s. and i ldtren, Solinao Roy Aver'y andi family, Tillbus-y; Year-s-.Ms-s. H. Bailey n Ms-. and Ms-s. Keith Johnston few days last week in esandi family, Belleville; Mr. Ban anti Miss Cather-ine Bai Dons-elI, Ms-. anti Mss. Dalton Chippawa- Mr. andti v Dors-el andi gis-ls, Mr-. and,' Mrs. vyn Graham with Ms-.a LtStuart Dorreil, Ms-. Harry San- Cecil Gibson ant i ln tdeson, Mr-. antiMs-s. Fs-ank day- Dr. Bil'hey anc 1- Hoskin and, faanily Ms-r. antiMs-s. PearlTright, Tos-onto;1 h Harvey Graham anti chiltiren, Mrs. Dave Rutledge, B Mr. eand Ms-s. Loinie Wannon., 'with Ms-. anti Mss. -Donald, Carol anti frienti, St. Wsxiht this w e e k ei -Cathesines; AU. ands-iMs. Mur- - Dr. John antiMs-s. ray Byers anti family andi Bill and Anine, Bowmnanvîll( Abbott, Ms-. and Ms-s. Bruce srs. Roy Wes-sy anti Han Mountjoy andi family, Ms-. anti dieson, Mr. anti Mrs. Ms-s. -Ivan 'l'ouijoy andi fam- Hooey, Ms-s. Jos. Fonci ily, Ms-. anti Mrs. Eti MeN\eil anti Ms-s. eiarry Mcl, anti childtren anti Miss McNeil, andi Laurence with Ms-.ai Toronto. Geo. Wolfe anti boys. Ms-. andi Mis. Zack Adams, Yeass- Mr-. anti Mrs. Blain andi Bryce, Bowmanvilie Webb anti family, Toron and M1iss Margaret Gootison and Mvs. Merrill Hanr with 'Mv. anti Mrs. Fred Dayes family, Bowmanville, w: sandi famly:- Mi'. anti Mrs.Yatrs-s. LeisIens-- Weir Swain, Toronto; Mi's. 0O ntYeamst Mk iss sae Casley anti Anne, Whitbv and sPe nts- st kWitesle Ms-s. N. H. ei'low with Iý-parent- r.Wse antiMs-s. Clar-ence Mvailow:- bus-n Ms-. anti Mss. Don Tie Carleys remaineti for a few son, Miss Ethel Thoînps days- Messrs. Roy anti Bill antiMs-s. Jim Fallis and Ferguson wi th r. -,an.d Mr with Mr. anti Mvs. Joe Roy Drummonti, Tosont- M r btsnani fmr.i, Ne and Ms-s. Waltes- Wright and- M- an M irs. M Leity Bye girls, Mr. and Ms-s. Lloyd Wri- fantilyMIa. Mram y ght anti family with Mr. anti fM.lyb MinsttMira Mrs. Keith Wsight anti family WMs-Mr. B ennet sa 5anti Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa boys, an M-MHrs. 5w with s-. antiMs-s. Gas-net Wri- os uda-M-.C ght, Port Persy- Mv. antiMs-s. guoM-. antiMs-s Elmes- Arches-, Marilyn andi Jim Whitby, with Mr-. antiMs-s. WVil- bert As-cher anti Mr. Deves-- Mr. -ant irss. Arthus- Rahm, Tyrone; Mr. and Ms-s. Stan Rahm ansi fa.mily with Mr. andi Ms-s. Cecil Hill, Mrs- and- Ms-s. Albert Wr-ight, Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys -with Ms-. ani :M-. Edger Horne, Oshawa -Ms-. ainsiMs-s. Russel Little anti family, Little Bsitemn; Mr. ant iMss. Murray Little anti family and Ws-. antiMs-s. George Little an-dcifemily, Mas-kbam; Ms-. antiMs-s. Bruce Little anti femily, Scas-bovough; Ms-s. W. J. Cas-naghan anti Miss Alice Cas-- naghiane Tos-onto, with Ms-. antid Ms-s. John Cas-namghan andi fem- ily- Mr. anti Mrs. Has-vey Yel- lowlees andi faxnily, Soline; Ms-. andi Mrs. Ralph Larmes- anti femily, Mr. and Ms-s. Glenn Las-mes- andtIDougilas, Ms-. and Ms-s. Eber Snowtien, Courtice, wtih Mri. ant iMss. Ems-est Las-- mer- Ms-. antiMrs. Mes-vyn Grhanm anti Roy, Mr-. ansi 'Mm. Don Pas-geters, Donna anti Billy,I Pont Pas-sy; Ms-s. COs-iMcLaugb- Mvs. Mersil Van Camp anti Vauxhalis, for yea f amily, Fred andi Walter S'tei- ges- spent New Ye-s with ML. tneme of Canada's anti Ms-s. Stanforti Van Camp typ of rmail surfai anti D)oreen- Mrs. Edith Mur-Actccl .o pby, Ms-. anti Mss. Walter- Mur- rtc od o phy anti family, Tyrone; Ms-. Lane ... VauxhaE anti Ms-s. Hugh Murphy anti for Canadian driN Year's Day members o! the family o! Mrs. Has-oldi Mount- joy of Oshawa. Mr. antiMs-s. Has-iy Rose anti family were Chsistmnas week visitons at the homne o! Ms-s. C. Knowles o! Dundas. Guesis o! Ms-. andi Mis. Harolti Wei'sy on New Year's Day inclutiet members o! the fos-me's family. Helen anti Patsy Knox, El- dati, were Suntiay visitors with relatives in the Gi-ast Gloves- home. 1 Members o! the Junior Pas-m- er-s chois- for Ontario County, Ms-r. antiMs-s. Murrsay Mount- joy, Gail Hitd-ien anti Jean- ine Wes-rv will ibe among those tl1 -'g Provincial ~~ îng a- the King Edvaru Jiotel, Toronsto, on SatuzôVa. M BR N CA SULT A D S CKED DY S NER L MO ORS SO M C EVE W R R ON E N RTH MERI AN ONTI Eff ROBSON MOTORS Ltd. 166 King St. E. Phone MA 3m3321 r PAGE FOIRTEEN VIGOR OIL CO, LTD. BEST QUALITY ... FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For Delivery PRGNE OSHAWA RA 5-1109 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA âým- TIM CANADL4N STAT&SMAN, IBOWMANVnIX ONTAlUO

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