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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 15

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THTJRSDAY. JAN. 7th. 1960 TEE CAKADLMi STA1'ESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, OwrAmo PAGE FIPTEEN fioneer Alberta Pharmacist Reviews a Colorful Career T.H.McCready, Sr. 'i DES VOUR PIGGY-BANK RATTLE? Did yo save as much as you anticîpated during the past~ year? Hlow much have you saved in the last ten years? If your savings plan is bogging clown you need a systematio rnethod -something along the in/nkof an endowinent policy of 'the Sua Life Assurancq Company cf Canada. B3tart saving this sure way today. Banner ]Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanville Editor's Note: The follow- lng article appeared recent- ily in The Lethbridge Herald. li deals wlth the interestlng career of T. Herbert McCrea- dy who is celebrating 60 Years as a druggist. Mr. Me- Cready was brought upi Bowmanvile and apprent- fced with Stott & Jury, local druggi3ts who were located at the corner of King and Temperance Sts., where the Library now stands One of the longest contin- nlous subscribers to The Can- adian Statesman, Mr. Mc- Cready wvas well known as a fine soccer p!ayer in Bow- manylile around the turn of the century. He was a mem- ber of the famous team that Included Dr. Wes and Bob Clark, BiIly Inch, Dr. 3. C. De'vitt, Dr. C. W. Siemon, Art Baker, Art Morris, Frank R. Kersiake, Byron Vanstone and Dr. Geo. W. Jamms This team won the chaniplonship of the Midland Leaguse, in- cluding teams from Peterbor- ough, Bridgenaith, Oshawa and Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. McCready were recent visitors in Tor- onto and Bowmanville, ivith their two daughters, Roma, (Mrs. Don Mason) and Bea, (Mrs. Byron Vanstone). - 60 Years a Druggist We are very Plesseil te ne- produce this article as a tri- bute te a former Bowmanville boy who bas acbleved great ouccess ln bis ebosen field. By Fraser Perry Herald Staff Witer It ls almost 60 years ince T. H .McCready Sr. flrst went behind the counter et a drug store, -as an apprentice pharm- acist. For tbe last 50 ef these years be bas been ln business a3 a drugglst lu Lethbidge. Now he is about te retire, and the tratie is ibusy reviewing his cancer, which is inextricably in- tertwined in haîf a century cf Lethubitge history. It takes enly a question te bing eout Mr. McCreadys mern- cries such as those of a doctQr who always carnicti a revolver since bis practice eften teck him inuto rouguh parts cf the city. Has the drug business chan- geti? Mr. McCready has only to leaf back thnough his 320, 000, prescriptions (even 500,000 includdng repeats) to the penioti when opium andi cocane wcee common ingredients. One of the earliest in bis file is for a mari, probably a miner at Fernde, who requireti treat- ment for wbat was in those drays (if it was mentioneti even in husheti tones) referircdtt as a "social disease". Tbe prescription file aise in- cluties those takeri oven frorn two predecessons, J. J. Jobriston and J. Nicheli. There is crie in this collection written iby Dr. F. H. Mewburn, pioncer Letb- bridge physician, foc 'Mr. Gaît', probably Elliett. The formula was for stomach powtiers. The files are ful cf pioneer names. Andi weve he net a drug- gist himself-, Mr. Mcçreatiy's migbt well be among tbem. S. T. H. McCready was boni in Ottawa in 1883, but he grew up in Bowmanville. There, aften complcting higr sc(bool, lie ap- prenticeti for four years, then enrolleti in the Ontarie College of Pbarmracy in Toronto. Fellowing bis graduation in 1905, he retunneti te Bcwman- ville, eventually becoming man- ager cf tfhe drug store wherc he was empîcycti. Thon be de- cidedi to meve west. He arriveti in Calgary in Jan- uary 1906-sick with the grippe. Reocvened be went on te Car- stairs. Tben lie wcnt te Etiron- ton for a year, andi finally, in 1908, te Ferie, where he avriv- c d just aftcr thc disastrous fire 1which hati razeti the town but for two ibuildiings. The druggist who had cngag- cd hlm neopencti for business in a makeshift siiack, -anti Mn. Mc- Cready stayeti there until 1909, when ho movedti t Lethbridgc to enter partnership la a dnug anti bock store, anti he bas been la business here every day butI Checkthesre Extra Specials Ail Varieties Reg. 2 tins 29e*-SAVE Os ANN PAGE PORK&BEANS 41-ztn Cas. of 24 tins $2.94 - SAVE Me. Chaice Quaity A& &PTOMATOES Case of 24 tins $4.75 - SAVE 77. Jane Parker PUMPKIN PIE -Reg. tin 23o--SAVE l6e 5 28-oz tins 99 C Reg. 55-SAVE 10o «aCh 45 Super-oR ight QugalftY iMeat Specials B EE FR o u nd OtNELBkso'Ro as tlb1 ROASIS uiUMP KOaSt or Point Sirloin Roast Fresh ruiît and Veetbe k~unkiat, Fancy Grade, California, Large Sim. M NAVEL ORANGES Florida, Marah Seedleus, No. 1 Grade, Six. 96, Pink GRAPEFRUIT do 59C 10lo49C In Magistr< (Wrltten bj one silce that time. There were three other drug stores in town at tic tinie, these cf Alberta Dnugs, J. J. Jolinston andi John D. HigiribothEani The latter is the noteti amateur bis- tonian, who was preznIdent cf the Alberta Pharmacuetical Asoia tien at the turne andiMr. Mc- Cveady's certificate cf member- sbip la that organdzaution, the 45th issueti, beavs bis signature. He is now a life memben of the association. The McCready store was orig- inally calledtihUicRed Cross Drug Store, but the designation was droppeti following a pnotest 1by the International Red Cross. It is now% the oldest rctail bus- iness in Letb4anidgefç, and. the olcest dnug busress i Alberta urffler its onigin'ul managemeni. Wben Mr. McCready's store (it was bis by this time, the partmer having dropped eut i 1911), was destroyeti by fire la 1918, be bought the Jackson and Cc. business the same nigbt. The deal teck five miniute-s, Mn. McCneady recalîs. New Store For 34 yeons the business was canrieti on in the 'new location,' but n 1952 a newv store was opencti on the site of the orig- mnal one. It is a large store, anti bas a large pharmaacy. Mr. McCready has continuued to place greaten emnpbasis on tItis aspect of thc business than db nmany prescrit- dlay druggists. Not that be bas neglecteti cameras, gnecting cards on cesmetics. There is a sales staff cf four including bis ycungest son, Tom Jr., te look aiter "the front end," anti a se- cond gradluate pbanmacist as- sists Mr. McCready. They tien't mix "Vegetable Cancer Cure" as they dilti bock in Bowmanvillc, but mnrmjof the olti nelialyble ehem-iicals are thene on the shelves alongside the latest antibiottdcs. Thcy dont mix as rnany things, in proportion cf volume cf busi- ness, cîther. Many duugs corne from the înannfacturer alneady prepancti andi in standard doses. Heurs are differenut, tee. It was Mnr.McCready wbue "solti" other druggists on the idea cf establisbing an association te arranuge su ch himgs as the no- tation cf weekenti heurs. Anti this w'asn't solel:' because he is a fisherman I unten, golfen anti a hockey fan. He las al- ways been a supporter ef, im- provement la, public service anti the gooti cf the drug lrade gen- erally. There ¶5 history in thc stoe- tbings like thec dock, safe and cash register which have beeri there througfhout its, 50 years. Brut Mr. McCready's linkis with Soutuherr Aliberta bistony cx- tend juta bis pensonial Ide aise. Mrs. McCready is the fermer The suddcn passing ot Mr. Egerton Hancock, Saturday, December 5, 1959, came as a great shock te Mis famlly and friends. He had been in appar- ently good health but teck a heart attack Saturday cvening. The deceased was the son of the late John Hancock and Su- sari Bye, and lived his entire life in the vicinity of Orono. with the exception cf three years when he farmed at Pick- ering. He marricd Norahu Wonna- cott on March 20, 1901, and lived two years on the farm now owned by Whitney Bcyd. Thcy then moved te Pickering where he farmcd fer two years, moving te Providence on the f arm now owncd by Harvey Barrie where they farmed for ten years. In the year 1916 he bought the farm at Antioch, the pro- perty cf the late John Robert- son and now owned by Bruce Yeo, where he farmed until the fal of 1946 when they retired and moved to Orono. They had twelve ycars that they enjoyed with their neigh- bors, friends and family, when his wif e passed away on Oct. 12, 1958. Mr. Hancoek is aurvived by his seven children, Victor cf Bewmanville; Mýyrtie (Mîrs. Wes Wood) ci Orono; Harold cf Belleville; Robert cf Orona; Marlow cf Newcastle; Bruce cf Orono and Glen cf Warkworth; aise 27 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. His daugh- ter Leta, Mns. Fred Holdaway, predeceased hlm 17 years ago. The funeral on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1959, from Orono United Church, was conducted by his pastor, Rev. Basil Long, who spoke confrting wcrds to the bercaved. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends who came to pay their last tribute cf respect to a dean friend and neighbor. Six cf his grandchildren 1ev- ingly bore the remains to his last resting place, Gary Han- cock, Allan Hancock, Marvin Holdaway, Keith Wood, Ronald and Bill Hancock. Interment took place in Orono Cemetery. The nony beautiful floral offerings bore silent tribute cf the love andi ezteeem in which the deoeaed wasbel&.- Utes Court y' A. Kurb)1 was the penalty for 70 in p.h. on 401. '«A speedi limit cf 60 wtuch 1is permitteti on 401 shoulti bel liveti up ta. It is plenty fast encugh cemmenteti the magis- trate. 45 m.p.h. la a 30-mile zone brought anothen young maen a penalty cf $17.00. No truck cwnersbip la Uic v ebhi cl1e breught anothen man a fine cf $10.00 with $2.00 costs. Anether speeder paiti $12 for 40 m.p.b. in a 30 m.p.h. zone. A Newcastle lad was assesseti $18.00 for Caneless Driving. The rnagistrate b-ati taken bis lie- ense fcr o month anti then re- manded i hm fer sentence for 2 mon>Uhs te see bo.w he ic- haveti. Wben Uic police repert- ed -favourably hbe imposeti the minimum penalty. Another young moun pleadeti Net Guilty te a charge of Cane- less Driving. He was convicteti anti fined $10,00 with $15.00 costs, a total of $25.00. Magistrate R. B. Baxten suin- mcd up the case as follows. "As 10is court ha!s saiti before on mauny occasions, Uic stan- dard cf cane that must be useti con cur highways tetiay is stead- ily incneasing. Eaoh of us must stop up aur own standard cf caire anti attention,- an error in jutigement cannot be useti as an excuse for an accident. This Accident would not bave hap- penedt t a person wlho was ob- servant anti paying attentioni. "If theire was any doubt In ycua- minti, ant iby your own. statement heme this mocn.ing there was, thds doubt shoulti have been resolveti by waiting for the otiher car te pass before yeu starteti youn turri. The cvi- dence of ail pwrties was that there was sufficient distance for yon to bave seen the otihen car- about 225 yards. "Tihis accitint coulci have been avoided. The other car was in fact thene. It was there to be seen. Fafilure to sec it consti- tuites lack cf duc cane anti at- tention as it is laid down la the Highway Traffic Act. I must finti you Guilty as chargeti. "As there is no evidence of ligb speeti, racing or dlrinking, the penalty will be the nmini- murn plus the costis." North Nestlelon I. - t PARTY DRESSES Reg. $24.95 - $21.'75 $17.95 Nov - $9.98 HURRY! - HURRY! DRESSES Reg. $14.75 - $13.75 Now $7.98 LADIES' ORLON SWEATERS $1.98 NYLONS Ail Sizes 59C BOYS' SHIRTS Ail Szes__$1.00 3%/2oz. -KNITTING WOOL 99C il IMr.. Mildred Colley andi girls Ivisited Mr. andi Mrs. Elmer Har- ris of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me- Laughlln and Lawrence anti Mns. Jos. Fonder werc hcliday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe andi boys. Mrs. Forder han clesed ber home and will spend the cold weather with thc McLaughlins. Friday visitors with Miss Rose Mcuntjoy anti Mrs. McCalden were M. and Mrs. Lorenizo Mountjey, Mr. Bradiley anti Mn. and Mns. Cecil Siemen, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and son Paul anti Mns. Ford Sr., Toronte, visiteti Mn. andi Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mrs. Wesley Campbell spent the holiday witb the Dr. Benncy family cf Gaît with Mr. anti Mns. Grant Campbll. Mr. anti Mrs. Larmen Hyland and Johnnie Reynolds were New Year guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Ballyduff. Mn. William Pbilp and Mer- lin spent the heliday in Toronte with the Ross Philp family. Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Honnis wene guests cf Mn. anti Mrs. Russel Senley, Port Penny, on Fritiay and on Suntiay the Sonley's paid a return i vsit te the Honnis'. Miss Christine Supple cf Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with Mn. and Mrs. A. Ellis. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland wene guests cf ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. William McCabe, Cati- MUS. Mr. ond Mrs. Annold Williams anti thnce children anti Mr. and Mns. George Bowers were guests cf Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Pont Hope. Mn. anti Mrs. Ivan Rohren drove Arthur Huibent te spenti the weekcnd in Toronto with Mr. anti Mrs. Perce Hulbent n and Mrs. Howard Leedrv R.R. 2 Nestîcton mail route in bis absence. The Howard Lee family jein- cd a happy gathering cf How- ard's family at Brooklin on Fni- day. Mn. anti Mrs. Bruce Hcaslip anti Mns. George Forder visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Knigbt, Port Penny. Fnientis will be sorry te learn that Mrs. Knight suffeneti a fail on the slippeny street and is norw in Community Hospital, Pont Perry anti ail wish ber a specdy neturri home. Mrs. N. C. Marlow was a guest cf Mn. anti Mrs. Gilbert Manlow, Blackstock. Recent holiday guests witb Mr. anti Mns. Anthur Hyland were Mn. anti Mns. Clifforti Hy- landi, Gloria anti Patricia, Tonon- to; Mn. anti Mrs. Victor Beattie andi Aileen, Mr. anti Mns. Han- olti Beattie, al cf Dunsford; Mn. anti Mns. Harolti Stinson cf Yel- venton anti Mn. anti Mns. Eti. * Staples, Mn. Ben Page anti Mn. Craig Dickenson cof Fleetwood. Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur Hylanti were guests cf the MeCabe familles for Christmas anti cf Mr. anti Mns. John Nesbitt on Saturday. Holiday visitons witb Mr. anti Mns. Cccil Wilson wene Miss Tuesday, January 5, 1980 Another Bownanville man paid $8.00 for allowing his dog to run at large. A Juvenile was remanded out of custodY umiji February 9t2i on a charge of theft. He is going te go back to acol. A local man was remanded for one week on a charge of assaulting hàs common law wife. He wias convicted alfter evidence of an altercation on King Street early on the morn- ing of January 3rd. Four cases of impaired driv- ing over the holidays were be- fore the court. Two men asked for a rmand one unâtil January 19th, the other uzutil January 26th. The third onie had tie charge against -hirn dismissed. He ran into the sand box at the corner of Concession anid Liberty Streets on January lst and demolished the sand box. He had been hospitallzed for the past 8 months and claimed in his defence that the drug he was taking, together with two pints of beer was responsible for his condition. He admitted tthat the combination of drugs and alchol was responsible for hds diriving. "I arn going to dismiss this charge. You are warned now that you know whet this cern- bination dces to you. Don't corne back in front cf me with this excuse again, said the magistrate. Another man rann into two parked cars at the cerner of Libertuy and King Sts. at 7.25 the mnorninig cf December 27th, dlarnaging them slightly. He was fined $5b.00 and costs cf $3.00 and his license suspended for 6 months. -This yman offered ms his de- fence lihat he was heartily ashamed and sorry andi that onie drvink is onie ton many for him. He is going to inake a sin- cere effort to totally aibstiain from liquor. A Toronto woman was con- vic-ted of driving without a driver's license. She was in- volved in a minor accident and then got out cf the car and van away down the road. She was assessed a total of $12.00. Speeding on Scugcg Street cost a local youth $12. An area youlih was assessed $12.00 for 60 m.p.h. on Highway 2. $17.00 Muriel Macleod, a grand-Wuece of Col. J. F. Macleod. They have four childtren and Il grandchildren-all cf whom cari expect to see a littile more cf Mîr. and Mrs. MjcCready frein now on. McCready cu.stomners anud the rest of Lethbridgoe en Vthere- fore expeet to see a lifttle less of thein-but they wIll still be- long to Lethbridge, as McCread- y's has for 50 years. OBLTUÀRY M.EGERTON HANCOCK 9 a aWe Destroy Them Completely 1 BLOUSES Reg. $4.75 - $4.25 Nov $199 CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Reg. $6.95 Now $398 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 8 to 12_$3.49 DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6 $2.49 m a - - WOOLLEN BLANKETS ]Big Sizes Nov $9.75 - $12.75 GIRLS' CAR COATS $5.00 BOYS' SOCUS 39c BOYS' LINED ]pANIfTS Reg. $3.89 Nov $2.98 MEN'S PYJAMAS $2.89 MEN'S VIDER WEAR 98C 3-PIECE SNOW SUITS Reg. $13.75 Nov $9.98 SOUnD& god oal, to.? Yeu ses the. nonna l ob of the. kidneys is te renioye excest wastes and acids -se often the cause of bachache-fron imi system .Dodd's Kidney Pilla sthniulate thl...... kidneys in "bis hction and so may bring yon that welcoane relief freni backache they have many cthers Try juat 3-a-day. Yeu can depend e o's - in theue box ith the red band.u DENHERTOG'S * '0 CLOTHING e ~43 RING St. W.Iv DO WNAN VILLE o# Biggest Clearance Sale Ever! WE REOVERSTOCKED SO EVERYTHING RAS TO GO FOR WHOLESALE PuICES. ""Honesi Ed" Culs Prices -Y' LI, MEN'S MEN'S FLANNELETTE AENT LADIES' DRESS PANTS SHIRBTSNA RIT CAR COATS Reg. $8.95 Reg. $4.50 Tops - $2.50 Reg. $14.75 Now Now - - - $2.98 Suifs . . . $5.00 Now $49 - ov . $269 $1.89 Suifs - - $7.50_ $11.00 ALL PRICIES IN THIS AD GUARANTRED THROUGH SArTURDAV, JANUARV OtI, 1960 ALL WOOL BARGAIN MENS' DRESSCMQI SKIRTS SKIRTS CAR COATSCMEI Ail SizesRe.$27 AND LOOK Reg. $8.75 AI Sizes 1eg. $22.75 Nov $2.00 - $3.00 Nov IT SAVES $6.75t $4.00 $13.50 YUMNY Gwen Wilson, Toronto; Mr. andi Mrs. Herman Rodnian, Little Britain; Mrs. H. Samels, Mr. Norman Lycris, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beaceck, Glen adGordon andi Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and Louise. Mrs. Herman Saniell enter- tained the fcllwlng folk te New Yean's turkey dinnen: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Miss Gwen Wilson, Mn. Norman Lyons anti Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Rodinan. Master David Ellictt was able te leave Port Penry Hospital on Monday having necovered from a virus infection. Mr. anti Mrs. John Arscott, Michael, Nancy and Donald were holiday guests cf Betty's parents, Mr. and Mns. Arthur Howardi, Toronto. Mr. anti Mns. Donald Thomp- son and Miss Ethel Thompson wene New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bratiburri and family. Ralph Bowens was hespitaliz- ed ofter receiving a eut above his eye in a car accident on Sat- urday evening. Five stitches wene required te close the wound but he was able te ne- turn tei High School on Monday. Mr. anti Mrs. Gordion Metcalf, Cheryl, Douglas anti Elaine were Sunday guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Hannam cof Brook- lin. Mns. Edna Gibson Is assisting Mrs. Annie Mackie at the home of Dr. R. P. Bowles who is net se well this winter weathen. Mr. Ernest Herron, Presby- tenoan ministen, who spent the Christmas vacation at home, was unable te return te his studies at Knox College, Toron- te, due te a bout with sciatica. Friends hope he will soon be well. Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Agncw wcre in Toronto visiting thein families over both holitiays and Mirs. Agnew was pleascd te find her 94-year-old father Mn. John Mornison, in excellent health, save for his failing eyesight. MORRISH regular Chur'i Service was helti on Sunday, Janruary 3rd, at 10 a.m. This wvas Sacrament Sundey the Rcv. A. W. Hard- ing offiiating. There were very few prescrit as the icy condi- 1ions of roads lýept mony away. Mr. Dawvson Beebe assisted with ser%,irg the Sacrauî'ent. Te ther.tj of IMr arding's scrm,7- wes a New '"eari Thiou- ght and We* cbvoard, GUctis ev#er rear us in ay andi sonrow byr night and day, let -God with us" be oun watchword. 1%e ser- vice closed with the benedice tion. Sunday School was hcld at Il a.'n. Mir. George Hatrness, Superintendent, condu c t i n g. There were 23 prescrit and four teachers. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Tues- day, January 19-th, at 2:30 p.m. in the home cf Mrs. William McHoIrn. A very enjoyable pot-luck dinner wvas helti on Tuesdiay, December 29th, at 12:30 p.m. for teachers, parents and child- ner cf our Sunidlay Sohool li the Church Hall. There was net much pot-luck about this dinner, there was abundance of turkey and chicken, botb bot andi colti. pies, cakes, cookies, chocolate milk andi soif drinks. After ddnner grimes andi con- tests were enjoyed until 3:30 p.m. Oranges and bags cf nuts anti candy were given toech chilti. It was a jolly party andi altho' Santa was mot prescrit, the chiltiren bad a gooti time enjoying evey minute cf this unexpected Christmas party. A family gathening for New Ycar's Day dinner wa.s helti b3' Mrs. M. J. Osborne. Guests pre- sent wcre Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and family, Miss Joyce Jones al cf Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Allun and Marion of Wclcome; Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Osborne, Karnr and Linda, Morrish; MT. andi Cecil Williams, Port Hope. Mrs. D. Haines was also prescrit and able toecnjoy thàs happy get- togeiher. Miss Joyce Joncs is the fiance cf Mr Francis Cowan,. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mc- Holm, son Jimmy anti Mrs. Wil- liam McHolm were dinner guests cf Mr. and M.rs. Harold Payne, Port Hope, on New Year's Day. Mirs. Ciharles Best was gucst cf ber son, Mr. Roy Bcs,t Mrs. Bcst andi family on New Ycan's Day. Msrs. Frank Anderson, Mr. Neil Anderson were supper guests cf Mrs. William McHolm on Mcnday, December 28th. Mirs. Mary Simpson cf Toc- ente and Miss Minnie Beckett wcre guests cf Mrv. andi Mrs. Harry Beckett on New Year's Day. TE£ CANADIAN STAMSBLAN, BOlýý ONTAPM " PAGE FIFTENS IIPJRSDAY, JAN. 7th, 1960 1 '

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