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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 17

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-. - --.--~-----..- -~ TRUBSAY, JAN. ItIs, 190m ~ Inugurl Adrss A MacDuff Ottawa (Continu.d from page one> ten year pnlod. With the op- an early date. There art stilFou i *1g=af the Post Office a new some wrlldsta be lroned out T e 1 Cmercial Area has been in the aae collection sys-T hR 'y, established which Includes the tem mangeol disposai. W e b :mew Toronto-El3minion Bank, realize it iâs not 1perfect bu t how Over the past 10 yq *stablished ln 1958, Canadian many citizens would want the changes have taken place Tire Asuoclates Store and Coun- service discontinued. It has been -f cillor Nlcks' store opened in decided tc have the garbage political stage. During the 1959. The opening of the Wash- bis pald at the to~Wn's offices there could be revolution. O-Mat business and Stein- thus saving a collection charge Politicians of ail stripes, j berg's new store will add ta of about $1700 now paid t0 te eye on.. ittie else, are al the development of tliis area. P.U.C. Our garbage collection The ten yean perlod ha& seen crew are ging excellent ser- thing - Canada is moving bac the addition of many new ne- vice. If al residents are will- party system. sidences and improvements ta lng ta bring garbage ta the One party - Social oider houses. A number oi new curb we can pravide a~ good already been lpnocked off churches and schools and a new service at less cost. In fairnesa bowling alley have been coin- to the system the coit oi spe- platform. Is one of the rer pleted during the past few. dm1 plck-ups must be adjusted. destined ta follow it into ot years. A start has been made A trench and fil method of "sixties"? on a storm sewer programme disposali h a must in thie near Up ta a few years ago th with installation on Liberty St. future. Cnevtv at ol In 1959. Some streets have been Dog contrai is a sore poi nevaienarywtl widened and improved. Under with some citizens. The fart like the most probable cand: the direction af P.U.C. an ade- that aver three quartera ai the observers. For much of thE quate water supply was as- home owners do flot keep a they held only Ontario pro, sured by providing a new dog entities them to fuli con- under George Drew their pumpîn.g station and water sideration in the matter. The parimn eerdcdt mnain from Lake Ontario ini presence oi rabies in pets and rimn we ede t 1954. Plans have been coin- wlld animais has made some guard. pleted for an addition to the measure of contrai urgent. For But new life has been1 sewage disposai plant ta pro- the protection of aur children the once sick Conservative vide for a total population af and aduits as well; we ask the revewi0hatha co-operation ai aur citizens. In Brnswick, Nova Scotia, 1 The rve fwa a order to ease the cost we have Prince Edward Island havee transpired and what has been worked out a co-operatîve ef- their camp. In the federal accomplished in the p:ast de- fort with the Township ai Dar- Diefenbaker led the party tc cade presents a challenge ta lington and over the years we poifical victor nthecu this Council and other councils trust it will prove its worth.orin ecu In the sixties. Even wîth very Our cemnetery has been grea- The Liberals are reduc rnoderate growth Bowmanville ly improved in recent year. shadow of their former sel could have a population ai 10,- It has been deecided ta have provincial arena they have 000 by 1970 and experts pre- the cemetery under the control back ta the island bastionc dict it will be higher. ai a commission ai five mcmn- land commanded by Prei May I outlinie briefly a fcw bers, twa from, cauncil and problems which face this coua- three other interested citizens. Smallwood. cil. First. We must provide This systeni af contrai is On the federal stage mosý good sound government and workîng satisfactonily in some great captains are gone. LE 'lot ovcrspend. We must seli other municipalities and usual- remains as a notable Canaý debenture issues to provide for ly provides more continuity ai numbesbhn i r the payment of the Liberty St. personnal enabling the commis- bes ehn i ar storm sewer, fire truck and sion to carry out a long term small and 1h is by no mean arena repairs early in this programme. that Mr. Pearson can adapth year. We have committed the Bowmanvilîe is still in a internatianal leadership to fil town to pay at a later date for saund position financially be- politclsee the scwage digposal plant; our cause a large share ai aur de- itclce. share ai the hospital, and new benture debt is self iiquidating How about the COF? TI Jhigh schoal area building pro- on water and sewer services. their strength from 23 to 2p gramme. Uniortunately, interest rat-3s election, but their victory w. Our industrial expansion bas are very bigh at a tume when with the Conservatives cuttin flot kept pace with aur resi. we must add to our debenture dential growth; due in part debt to pravide essentials. If ta a mere eight the followir perhaps ta the lack of ioresight debentures are soid below par If the politicians are i of some of we council members the deficit must be picked up these three parties may £ai ini the early fities in flot estab- in the tax rate the follawing scene and Canada will again lishing an industriai commis- year.. two-party systemn that existe sioni at an carlier date. It takes Due ta the volume ai business a long term. programme ta se- and in order ta provide more depression spawned the CC] cure industry. It is a highly efficient government, council Credit. competitive field and only by wiU hald two regular meetings For many years the Libei keeping the department and per month generally on the ta hold office because they the personnel on the job can we first and third Mondays. Board hope ta remain in the hunt. A ai Works will meet on the last cut a wide swath dlown ther lot ai ground work has been Tuesday ai each month at road, with the Tories hugg clone which includes a bro- which time department heads right and the CCF the far IE chure containing vital informa- may present their problema t What adds to the present tion and aerial maps. Fully Couneil in Committee. At this serviced industrial land at com- time any confidentiaÏ matters that ail three parties todaya petitive prices is a must if in- may be discussed and necessary into the middle. The Conser' du'y is to be attracted to action taken. Prime Minister Diefenbaker BovýrnanvilIe. Our 1960 Coun- We can be proud that Bow- far to the left. The COF is s cil must make a decisian on m.anvilie has a record of 8 servicing an industrial area at years without a trafîic fataîity signs of moving far ta the r:j an aur streets. Let us continue Thus the great danger tl k bthat record into the sixties. Liberal party is being squee, j Çh e (Bowmanville enters inta this in the middle. __ I P C ubdecade af the sixties with op- O h aeo t h timism. We have a good dlean O h aeo t h N ~ v G~ entown, a moderate dlimate, an appear to be invincible, but i! Now O penabundance ai water, cheap by- dro power; gas; excellent trans- For Me mbers hphartand ilt mpriland- Year End Message 4-H lub embrs iteretedour educational and recreation -______________ 4-H lub embrs iteretedai facilities are ahove average. In the breedng and promotion In other wards, we have what of sheep ini Durham County ne- is luiown as an attractive indus- cently beld an organizatian trial climate plus what it takesco f c meeting in the Department c1fta provide living at its best. Agriculture in Bowmanville, The Department ai Planning with James Coombes, Club and Development is including Leader and A. 0. Daîrymnple, aur area ini an economic survey Agricutual Representative for beinig made ai the so-calleld e s Gv the organization ai the Sheep fnom Hamilton ta Bowmanvilla. Club.I Being at the far eastenly end Montreal - Canada's recov- The of~.sa the sheep club, ai the shoe aur development ery irom the recent recession are to create greater interest may take a littie langer in com- now appeans ta be in full stnide among young people in the car- ing but if we plan carefully and Canadians can look forward ing for, feeding, developing and the sixties may be a period ai. ta a healthy year ai economie marketing af shcep. To devclop great expansion, expansion in 1960, President H. a better general knowledge ai I ask the whole hearted sup- Gardon Love ai The Canadian breed type and the judging and port ai this council, ail other Chamber ai Commerce said to- selection 'ai shecp, ta encour- elected and appointed bodies; day in a yean-end message. age the adoption ai better fec d- every town official and cm- "Preserving a favourable cli- day, 100u points fon judging' anyone except aur close neigh- Mr. -andMUr-s. _G.-Langstaff competitian, 100 points for an-* bours. The icy condition ai the1 and Mr. and Mns. G. Metcaljf swers ta ten questions based noads made diving very haz- 1 and Roseanna epent the week- on club work and ieeding and ardous, especialiy on these end in Bunk's Falls visiting Mn. management ilock, 100 points Kendal his. and Uns. Metcalf. ior showmanship, the condition Mr. and Mn.. Lea Fails and Dinner guests on Sunday oi the entry and the manner' family, and Mrs. Fred Falls had wlth %fn. and Uns. Bob Young-" in wbich the club member Christm.as dinner in Kendal man were Mr..and Mn.. J.t shows bis entry in the ring, 150 and went an for supper wîth Neal and famiiy.1 points Mor care and ieeding Mr. and Uns. A. Stewart in Pc- Mr. and Unrs. G. MacDonald methods noted ah the time )f tcrborougb. spent Fridav evening with Mr. Vîsit, 150 pointà for regularity jMns. George Clark, Toronto,. and Mns. Bob Winn. and accuracy in fonwanding ne-i spent the week in Kendal. Mn. and Mns. Allen Irwint parts and 100 points for attend- George neturned iast Monday spent the weekend in Port Col- ance and iatcrest shown ah with Gary Smith. borne visiting friends. Mîeetings and judging classes. New Yea's guests with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yolungnian AThe prize money is ofiered and Mrs. Cari Langstaff and visited with Un. and Uns. T. âïthe basis ai $4.50 for each daughters were Ur. and Uns. Bennett ai Oshawa and Mr. exhîbit, a dollar and a hali, Ray Moore and sons, Toronto, and Urs. D. Black. Courtice, each, supplied by thc Canadal and Mr. and Uns. Eddie Cour- an Fniday. Department o! Agriculture, the aux. Ray and Marie. Master Wayne Yendnlek had8 Ontario Depatment ai Agricul. ?&Ms. Mary Luron, Mr. and his honsils removed an Monday ture and by the local spansar-1I Uns. John Thompson and fani- in Port Hope Hospital and we ing onganization, whlch ini 1959 ily, and Roy Mercer, spent New are sorry ta hear that h. 1, flota was the Durham County Junior Yea's with M.r. and Mrs. Ray feeling better yet.t Fanmers. Hughes, Port Hope. Mr. and Uns. O. Zealand,1 In onder ha form a club, there Mr. and Uns. C.y Elsey, Ca- Campbellcroft, visited witht ràu t be ahlIast ten members rol and Marilyn, Oshawa, end Uns. Mary Luxon ane day last 8 iî- that club. At the present' Mrs. W. Mercen, were gucsts! week. ttie-we do need a couple more with Mr. and Mis. George Mer- Visitons aven the New Year li znembens and it is suggested cen. Iwlth Mr. and Mrs. Martin Man-' that anyone who is iîterested Uns. Mary Luron, Uns. Wm. ders wene Harvey Weirmeir,a jn baeep shouid contact cithen Mencen ,Mr&. Eddie Couroux, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weirmeir, Mr.d Jn--- Coombes. thc Club Lead- Uns. Varice Allen, Uns. Harry and Mrs. .J. Jillison. l oe,iar A. 0. Dalrymnple, Agri- Mercer, leit Saturdav morning' Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Turanskv cultinal Repretrentative, Box for Floridn. where Mns. Luron and famllv visited Mr. and Mis. b 18%8ov»mmv" -, J and Mr& Mercer plan to apend i J. Turansky of Whitby. o THE CMIAD!AN TATZSMM, EOWMANqVfflAt MTAM AG rVOZC -son, Toronto. . Report ~~Mr. and Mri. Lloyd Snowden Sa dP sue i Report an~~d Mr. and Mm. Alan Snow- S isa dP sue den were Saturday dinnor of Mr andMn. Roy Mr0 ad Mr.uAIVIOfl-deWiII reature Meeting .ace to O lvo vfd Ur. an od ten - yearx massive Son Canada's g nexh decade s, who see eye agreed on one ack ta the two- Credit - has the national rnaining three )blivion in the lie Progressive have seemed lidate ta most e past decade ,vincially and .numbers in to a corporal's breathed into party. New Manitoba and ail fallen into il field, John ao the greatest [itry's history. ,ed ta a tiny ilves. In the ebeen driven of NewfQund- emier Joseph ýt of the once- ester Pearsan dian, but the L-pathetically mis established bis talents for it the national rhey increased 5 in the 1957 ,as short-lived, ýg them down ng year. right, one of ýde from the ireturn ta the ted before the 'F and Social erals managed were able to middle of the ýing the far lef t. it confusion la are squeezing vatives under rhave moved showink cdear ,ight. hat faces the ezed ta death Conservatives they may flot be as strong as they look 'In the anchor province of Ontario, thei.r government ha. been in power for 16 years and time is running against 1h. As a parhy, the federal Coiiservatlves really no longer exist. What is function- ing under the name today is a party based on the philosophy and outlook and hem- perament of ancezman - Prime Minister Diefenbaker - and what holds office in Ottawa today la a Diefenbaker party. This could prove over the next decade te, be a house built upan sand.. When he goes the party could go with him. The CCF may appear ho be highly vulnerable. Certainly its attempts ta, strengthen its position by allying itself with organized labor have been belithled by most outside observers. But this may well prove ta, be a short- sighted view. Over the long haul a re- canstituted party linked with the Canadian Labor Congress may provide a strong base for financial and electoral support Which party will drop fram the scene? Like a hanse race, it's impossible ta be sure until the race is over. Capital Hill Capsules The application by five companies ta expont Canadian natural gas ta the U.S. is going ta run into more opposition than ah first anticipated when hearings are held before the National Energy Board during January. The Northern Ontario Natural Gas Ca. is ready to battie any expant by Trans- Canada Pipe Lines Co., which wants ta ship up ho 408 million cubic feet of gas a day south of the border, on the grounds it will raise the price of gas for Canadian consumers. The Saskatchewan Power Corp. has also expressed strong reserva- tions about approval of any of the five applications on the grounds that supplies ah present are anly sufficient ta meet Canadian needs over the next 30 years. Two of the companies, Alberta and Souhhern and Westcoash Transmission may run inha heavy weather with their present plan, for financing construction of a joint pipe line because it will permit only minar participation, by Canadians. Canada's consumer Pnice Index, the mirror of aur cost-of -living, is ta be brought up ta date in the noh-too-distant future ta make its nef lection more accurate. The present index went inho effect in 1952, but was based on maherial assembled be- tween 1947 and 1948. As a result, many commodities bought by the average Canad- ian family today are excluded from the present chart - small European cars, the compact North American auto, automatic washing machines and dryers and frozen foods. These will likely be worked' into the new index ta provide a more accurate measure of changing living cashs. Head S uggests ernmenf #Spending ncedcd ho be wahched carefully. ",As for gavernmcnt spending, it is tume that governnients at' ahl levels started ta tighten their belts," bhe said. "Less gov- cînnient spcnding is tic surcsh way ai rcducing thc tax bur- den. High personal. and corpor- ate income hax rates discourage initiative and sales and simulan taxes add ho, the cashs ai man- ufacturens and ho the prices we pay as consumers. In thc field ai labour-management relations, stcps shouid be haken ta ensune that bath labour and manage- ment arc equaly nesponsible unden the law. On trade, the governmcnt must adapt policies that will encourage the devel- opment and expansion of. bath domestie and foreign markets for Canadian pnoducts. As for inflation, we must continue ta accept certain disciplines which bave been imposed ta ensure a sound curnency. If inflation is baitcd and a sound currency ensured, existing cost-price pat- tens may well be altered with benefits ta the whoie country. "Throughout the yetr ahead, the Canadian Chamben wil continue ho interpret and ta present the business viewpoint ta government and thc genenal BROWN'S Several young people in the neighborhood spenh a lot ai their holiday. in the hosDital on convalescing at home. Miss Nancy Laaja had an appendec- homy just before Christmas; MiÎss Linda Cmli had her tan- ails nemoved an Wednesday and Misa Wendy Wilson had ber appendix out an Tuesday. Glad ho know that ail thnce are pro- gnessng nieiy. Uns. -Call hadher sister, Uns. Downs and Garry spend a icw days wlth ber durng the hol- day wcek. Several ln the nelghborhaod attended, Uic wedding af Miss Peggy Simpson ho Mn. Eric Baikind on Decemben 26th. Mr. and Uns. Balklnd retunned froni their trip to ]points cash on Thunsdmy evenlng and have taken up residence ah ,thelr apatient In Toronto. M.r. Tommy Masters spenit [ast wcek wlth Uic Simpson's. Mn. and Uns. M. Camipbell and Launie spent bath bh i- days wltli thein parents in Col- lin gwood. School resumed an Mondav, but utckness keepa a nuniberi out of the Junior rooni. 'public and pness for action on the policies which Uic Chamber believes anc for the bcst inter- csts ai Canadians 'as a whoic." Some bigbligbts ai the econ- omîc outlook ion thé year ahcad wcne outlined by Mr. Love as faliows - Grass National Pnoducs-to- tal value ai ail goods and ser- vices iikely ho reach more than $37 billion ini 1960. Plant and Equipment - in- crease in spiending on plant and equîpment in 1960 should be about 6 percent. Hausing - housing stants In 1960 cxpected ta came down al. most 15 percent ho about the 125,000 level. Inventories Z- investmenhi inventories will probably be about $300 million hîghcr than lin 1959. Prices - prec'sure on pnices during the cunrent upswing should flot be strong; the ne- hail price level is unlikcly ta show an incnease in 1960 much in excess af 1 percent. Employment - expected thati trend in unempioymenh wil continue ta decline, and that there will be an improvement la the winter employment sit- uation aven 1959. Foreign tnade-foreign trade shows areas of bath weakness and strength. Faccd with a lange trade déficit this year, Im- parts ane likely ta outweigh ex- ports as well in 1960. Howeven, the continued économic growth in the United States and moreI prospenous conditions in the United Kingdom and Western Europe suggest that the ouhiaok for exports may improve in the months ahead.j MAPLE GROVE Uns. E. Ashton Io spending two weeks holidays with Mn. and h'fts. S. May, Toronto. Janice and Bannie Beach spent a few days with thein uncle and munt, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Bragg, Providence. Mis. Eva Bragg, Mn. and Uns. W. Bragg and famnily, Pro- vidence, were New Yearla guests wlth Mr. and Uns. Gar- don Bcecb. Holiday guests with Un. and Uns. Alan Snowden were Mn. and Unm Howard Hagedorn and fmmiy, Petersburg, Ont., Sandra Snowden, Kitchener, Mr. and M.».Reg ReveIl, Cam- don, Mn. and Uns. Wm. David-- I I P. We, at Oshaw'a' Wood Products, are pleased to have taken juî> smail part i this progress by supplying the materials and informatic. for many building and renovation pnojects in Bowmanville and District. Our goal for 1960 is simply ta maintain the high standard of quality OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. *DOWNTOWN SHOW1900M OPEN* FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M.

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