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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 2

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TB~ eANA~nTAIf MAW~*IIAW ~E~WII&MUTT 2? V dMq' A ~ THUR5DAY, JAN. Ttft, XVII la readIng the life of Jesti as recorded ini the four GospelE we are iznpressed by the spiril of appreciation, which he ai. ways manifested. Me was al- WaYs Iooking for the good in ~>others, even in his enemies, and the bigoted Jews, Pharisees, and the Romnan soldiers, and always found something tc commend. What encouraging words he spoke to the ricl- young ruler who came runnîng to himn for help, and to the jSyrophenician wonian - "ýo woman great is thy faith."1 The Roman centurion, much of whose liue could not have been acceptable to Jesus, wa.s com- nended beyond anyone in lsrael for his faith. When the apostles found fauilt ,) with Mary when she anointed Jesus wlth "the very preclous Bowmanvilie Brandi: Oshawa Bmacbg $ r i t ( 4 t 'I a aa 90 00 e e e g o I.,s weu That's right -y!u r $100,000.00. For, believe it or not, you'll likeiy earn more than that during your working years. Question is: how much will you keepb? Righ: seow is the turne to resolve ta keep a larger part of what you earn thrcughout this new year. And the place ta keep it is in a B of M Savings Account. Make saving every pay.day your Na. 1 New Year's te solution this year. The B cf M can't help you resolve ta stop eating between meals or gçt you to work on turne, but it can help yau save. Why flot stazt you-r account tomorrow at UMYf BANK' - it's a good place ta accumulate a portion of the vast sum you wiil earn during your working years. It takes just one dollar - and thre minutes - to open your B of M Savings Account 0.0 0 h a9 e e e e r.' e e BIUE-PRINT lu sumbi ul Pn om* uwlq 1 e C. Here's a reýçOlUtiOn- keeper . .. Asic ac your neighbour. hood B cf M branci for a copy of aur booklct "Blue-Print for Successful Personal and Fainily Financing"'. It wiIl show you how ta make up a workable budget that will keep your New Ycar's resolution intact. e e e e e e e e e e. JAMES BELL, Manage, JAMES McCANSH, Mmaa s ointment", Jesus rebuked them, s and warrnly commended Mary t for lier ioving deed. "Let her -alone," he said. "She hath -wrought a good work on nie. ri She hath done what she could." Prof. H. T. Rall says "Jesus was quick to see God's Spirit when it showed itself in men. He notices those who do the little helpful things, giving the drink of water or the bit of bread. He sees what is ricli and fine behind a simple deed. The widow's mite becomes a glor- iofs gift. We know the faults ofthe twelve aposties, but how finely he pays tribute to their friendship and loyalty: "Ye are they that have contin-i ied with me in my tempta-1 tions. And thîs appreciation ex-1 tends even to those who were despised and hated, and looked upon as outcasts."l Now this tender, unselflsh and generous interest in others, this supreme goodwill and loy- mng service, is what we mean by "the spirit of appreciation."1 Everybody likes encourage-t ment and yearns for apprecia-3 tion. Even the greatest and thee mrst distinguished men are up-8 lifted and hclped by it. It is i said that on one occasion Rob-d ert Browning, at Oxford receiv-s ed a great ovation, and when I someone hinted that he must hate ail this, he said: "Whiy, tI I've been waiting for it ail my f life."e Appreciation is a true andk adequate estimation of any- f( thing. To crave fromn somebody,y somewhere, a just recognitionu of your toil, suffering and fi-d delity is natural and flot wrong. rr C rr h i i a re ap ki hu gii hi sa3 ini lat i wa wil she pra gizi apr w] the ed North Nesflelon f I (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson, Glenda and Suzanne spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lockyer Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur McCoy and family with Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Steel with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Addùson', Toronto, for Christmas. Viioson Chr.!stmas Day at Yx. and Miir. Malcolrn Em- erson's were, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird andi faqnily, Mr. and Mrs. flriîce iWiiherly andi Stephen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Em- erson andi girls, MUr. und Mrs. Kelly anvd Mr. Wilton Creeti. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samn- ells and girls, Mr. aMt Mrs. Merwin Mauntjoy w1tih Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sameils end Anna on Christmas. Mr. and Mui Steward and Mary, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs .Gran~t Camnpbell and fam- ily for Chinsbnas. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Gloria andi Janice, Mr. anti Mrs. Wilfred Wiliams with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadier andi Vivian, Christmas Day. 'AMr. aniMrs. Haroldi Aimas, Waterford, spent te weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Min- shal Wèîyne endi Ronnie. Mr. and M.rs. Rae Malcolm with Mr .and Mrs. Vie Malcolini and famiiy. Mr. andi Mrs. Granit Brooks, Mrs. Satin Brooks, Bowinanvlfle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Malcolmi andi faniily, Christ. mias. Mrs. Annie M'ackie spent Christmas with Mr. andi Mrs. H. Mackle ln Oshawa. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wlfred Bowles were Dr. Bowles, Mr. anid Mrs. Doug Sleep andi boys. Mr. andi frs. ~John Lockyer and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lockyer and famlly, MNfr. Betty Suggltt and chlldtren, Mrs. Ma. rie Hamilton anti Kay, Mir. and Mrs. S: Lockyer were Satur. day visitors wîth Mr. antiMr&. Alan Wilson andtig rls. MI. and Mrs. Geo. Samels andi jean were Sunday visitors wlthi Mr. and Mm , ea a=. ella andAnas. BS Voyage Wiu An= fSai- eUsa Who Is Ieaving for a trip tô Collfonnla with friends for a couple of month&. Sailvation Army Holds Sunday School Party Claus, ably acteti by George Bowen. At the beginnlng of 1959 each member of the Home ,arn tai n a recein eIng Mrs. E. Neil was the caneo for the successful event. She was assisteti by the Willing Workers Group.1 Tne Sorrows and burdens ol life are always lightened wher we know that there is somne. body who understands anc cares. Appreciation always en. courages, inspires and streng. thens, but, alas, in modernhife there is mucli cynicism, anti dis- paragement, and far too iittle appreciation andi encourage- ment. Carlyle looketi at bis fe1l. low countrymen, 30-millions of tliern and tieclared tliey were mnostly fools. The great> business in life af some people seerna te be ta keep other people humble. They constantly depreciate. They speak disparaging andi dis- theart-ning worcls. They cri- ticîse and find fault. They look for the mote in their brother's eye, but neyer do they speak the inspiring word, "Be of good cheer' Many years ago a Young stu- dent minister was as'ked to sup- ply the pulpit of a large Metn- odist church, in New Ontario for a few months, because of the lllness of the minister. The Young man was earnest anti eloquer.t, anti his preaching arouseti corniderable interest in the community. The comme- tiious churcli was fllled at every service, and the people were blesseti. Now the leatiing officiai of the churcli was a solemn, long- faceti Christian, wlio consitier- eti his special talent was to keep othen people humble. Me feared that the success of the Young preacher would leadtiet indue elation, andi i was lis duty to keep the Young man meek and lowly in spirit. Ac- cortiingly, every Sunday when he would shake hantis witli the preacher, lie would ruake some discouraging remark. "Well brother," he would say, l'You were not up to the mark this morning," or lie woulti shake his heati sadly anti say, "My dear brother, you titi not give sufficient time last week ta the preparation of ycur ser- non." Neyer titi he speak any heipful, inspiring words. Tbe prabationer titi lis best, but bis efforts Were alwayâ met with barsh, pitiless cniti- isin. At last lie coulti endure ino longer. Me feit he was Rfailure, se lie besougit flie uthonities cf the Church ta rlieve bim of bis charge. Sometimes we express aur ippreciation anti speak the zid, cheering word wlien It Is >0o late. 1 have hearti cf a îtiy who was dying. "George, ny dear," slie whispered ta ber iusbanti. "I amn a poor silly i, but 1 have always loveti ,u." Then site was gone. Her .isband triedtiet prevent lier aying more, and hle was go- ng ta tell ber ail she hati een ta him, but it was toa ite. Deatit preventeti him, anti ow deeply lie maurneti after- rards, ta think she bati gone ithout knawing how precicus e hati been ta lin. How mucli betten It Io ta aise the living than ta cula- ie the deat! Let us speak the preciative, encouraging words ,hie aur friands can hear ien'i and their hearts be titrili- 1by them. Fund. A. nearty vote of tflanks was move i by Mrs. S. White- headto't Mrs. E. Neil flie con- ven>on for the event, for aIl lier work, andti aMn. Nell for lis lelpfulness anti gooti spotsm'an. slip in lielping by pouning thie tea. Mrs. Wliïte'head was in cherge of tàlic, Dev'otional Pericd, whîcli open<'d with the singing of "Joy ta the World.ý' The Christmas Story framn St. Matthcw was rtead by N Mrs. M. Henry, anti a Iovely tiaem, "Your Christmas Cantile", was reati by Mrs. E. r<erfect. A vocal duet."i~e BiAls" sung 'ny Mrs. A. Bath- wvell ind Mm. R. Parker, was muclu enjoyeti. Mrs. Whiteheadi rendi "Three Trees, a Christmas story. A carol sing was enjoyed with Mrs. C. Albîn at thie piano. The closing praver was said by Mrs. Hl. B-artlett. To the musiecof "Jingle Belîs" played on the piano by Mrs. C.e Aibin, accompanieti on the tambourine by Mrs. M. Bart- lett, Captain Coles reati a "'tele- gram" tram, Santa Claus an- nouncing lie lad reacheti Osfi- awa. After.r a short musical pen- ioti, special music henaldod- Thifty threeg.?fK -ne W! e Stanley Corden 25 Yrs. Service At Goodyear Stanley Corden, who last montit carpleteci a quarter cen- j tury of service witli the Good- year Tire and Rubber Co- pany Limited, was iîonoured recently at a gathening helti in the Conference Roorn of the lo- cal Goodyear Plant. Charles Cattran, tlic manager, present- eti Mr. Conden with a diamonzi stutideti 25 Yean Pin. Mn. Corden first jaineti Good- year on Mardi l4th, 1934, anti starteti work on the cord base moîts in flic Hose Room. Five months later lie was laid off, but was recalledti t work in the Fan Beit Department on January 14th, 1935. Two years later Mn. Corden was transferredti t Mouldeti Gootis anti worked cri the sin- gle teck presses until JanuarY, fer ta the M«I Roomn. Wlth the ecpin of six weeks in 1942 when lie was on the moulded goods cure, Mr. Corden bas worked tontinuously in the Caiender Rooni. Me has served as a Calender ipperator for the past several years. When lie was six years old Mr. Corden moved to Bowman- ville from Kendall where lie was born. When lie left school he first started to work for Mc- 15 King St. W. IMurty and Company, agrmy store -at the west endi of the town. Me also worked for Va stone's Flour Mill before JO~ ing the staff of Goodyear. >F Mr. Cortien is an ardent fishermnan and is also fond of cruising. He owns an attractive cottage at Fenelon Falla where lie spends his vacations and summer weekendis. Mis son is * a rnember of the office staff of General Motors, Oshawa. bold fbr 1'601 *rhatla your new A quiet new ride ..,. a dashing new spirit ... a aleek ne* look. Small wonder the dazzling new Plymouth is in a class by îtseif- this year with a whole array of new Plymouth features to make it no! Like one-piece Unibody construction'. And Plymouth'$ new inc1ined., economnical six- cylinder engine. Automatie swivel seats. And a Torsion-AIREm Ride that's botter than ever. Seo Plymouth soo ... the car that maIres the'big chansge* in the. Iow-price field 1 20 King Street E TESTDORIVIE VOUR EAVOURITC TODAYI' MOTOR SALES Bowm anville Phon eMA 3-54R7 1Religion for Today Th e Spirit of Appreciation A Weekly TaIh By Rev. [R. R. Nicholson i r Tire claver reproduiction of a luge Yule Log lighiteti by tali reti tapers, which highlilgted replicas of hruman figures, was mueli adm-ireti by allih mem- bers of the Home League. Thi attractive decorative grouping lad been matie by Mrs. B. Henderson, anti dominated ane endi of thue large hall. Ail joined inthre sinýging cf Grace. Those at the heat table ,were Captain and Mrs. Norman Coles, Mrn. George Chering- tan, thle Morne League treasur- er, anti Group Leaders, Mrs. E. Perfect, Mrs. E. Neil andi Mrs. A. Hapson. There were 52 people present at the enjoyable Party. LeSe a beIdvn h Neariy 100 chilàren enjoyed photograplis for the slides lad name of another member anti the the Sunday School Party held ail been taken by Mr. Bartlett. diate of her birthdlay andi wed- at the Salvation Army Hall on The audilence found the scenes dîng anniversary. During the a recent eveniùg. Favourite Ca- of th%~ great city of Vancouver, rois were sung led by Y.P.S.M. anti picturesque Victoria ex- înterven!ing months cards and Harry Bartlett, who was the ceedingly interesting. rememibrances hati been sent, MC. The cbildren sang Jingle signeti only from "Youn Un- An interesting series of col- Belîs to greet the arrivai of known Sister". Mowever for the oureti slides was shown by Mr. Santa Claus. The interval after Bartlett depicting the motor his arrivai was filleti with ex, Chuistmas gifts distributeti by trip le lad taken last summer citement andi laugliter. Bags of Santa Claus at the Home Lea- to the Pacific Coast. Pictures candy, nuts anti apples were gue Turkey Suppen eacli mem- cf the immense mid-western distributed by Santa Claus to ber signed lier name, so the prairies contrasteti with breath the 96 chltiren present. The1 recipients learned for the first taking views of the beautiful delightful party closeti with1 tirne wîia tlieir unknown sis- scenery of Lake Louise, Banff, the Benediction by Captain fers weq-e durig the year. New fLthe Rocky Mountains. The. Norman Coles. flames were again distributed to be used by "Undcnown" Sist'ers" tiuring 1960. Homne League Ladies A vote cf thanks to the il ing Workers for their share ini preparing the lovely party Enjoy Christmas Party was moved by Mrs. Amy Tait. There were speoial gîfts unider A delicéious Turkey Suppe half of the ladies of the Morne the beautifuilly decorateti Christ- was enjoye i by the HomeuLea- League presenteti'a chieque, to mas tree for Captain Coles E. 1 Neil, anti Santa Claus, George gue laduies at the Salvationj Captain Coles for the Building Bowen. Arrx ,.. -.. l fl.111 ____ .A - t Your Pharmacist Studies to Keep Abreast 0"f Science Like your doctor, your pharnracist puts in years of study taobtain his license. Then he continues his studies to keep up with the latest scientific discoveries. Pharmacists are the only licensed professionals that seli drugs, vitamins, as well as fi prescriptions! Buy Your Vitamin's Hers Jury and Love!! Your Rexali Store BANK o.F'MONTREÀL e"44 7~M 4a a WORKfl4G wM CM4ADIANS RINEVMWYWALK 0F tIP! SINC! 18"7 ol aEL VIBIT OUR B)MOWROOMSI PALMER 1 1 1-- A sumptuous repast was serveti. Ift eatuneti a deicious turkey witli a fine array cf veg- etables, salatis anti fixings. Dessert was a fine fruit jello tapped, with whipped cean. Eninerson Neil assistect by pouring the tea. Mrs. George hrinigton on be. i . »Mm Two THE CANADL4» STATESMAN. IkOWIKANVTTTZ- MmTAwrn MA 3-5779 Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5487

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