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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 3

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THU~SDAY. JAN. 7th. 1980 THE CANADIAN STATLSY Ml, EOWMANVIL1,E, ONTARIO PAGE THRED Q -anta ThriIIs Youngsters At Rotary Club P art y for Crip piedChildren of District One of the nost enjoyable 'events of the X'uletide season was the Chri--tinas party given by the Bowmanville Rotary Sedical Mirror Migraine Explained O il tat ion (P'«f HeadCChe) crue Treatmorf INo Ogiiloion Normet (No Hecdache) Constriction Q. Would you -please explain migraine headache?-R.W. A. Migraine headache is a special kind of head pain which occurs at more or Iess regzular intervals. i some persons the attack may start with some type of transient disturbance of vision. There may be other warning symptoms such as chilis, sweating or dizziness. The headache, often involving only one side of the hcad, soon follows and may be associated with nausea and vomitîng. The ineck and head muscles are often tense and painful during and after a migraine attack. The warning symptoms are possibly due ta constriction of head arteries. The headache itself is thought ta be produced by dilatation of the vessels which stimulate nerves in the vessel walls. Treatment pre- scribed by doctors is directed toward preventing attacks through use of drugs. At the present time there is no completely effective cure. Wbat dnigsii your next prescrip- tion caU for? Because Do onle can answer this question, we carryr thousands of prescription drugs la' stock so that any one prescrlbed for YOD will be lnstantly available. 11E~ STORE IOWNAN VILLE, Club for Crippled Cbildren ai ithe Lions Community Ccntr( irecently. The chairman of thE iCrippled Children's Commit. tee, Forbes Heyland, had com. pieteti the arrangements bul had the misiortune ta break hiý ieg, so Mark Roenigk ably sub- stituted for bum. The spaciaus hall was ettrac- tively decorated witb greenery and Christmas arnaments, anc a tail Christmas tree near the stage wae mucb admired. The tables werc festive with Yuie- tide decorations, and the cen- trepieces were original and effective with perky caloured birds percheci emidst green boughs. Mrs. W. David Higgan, was the talented decoration convenor. A deliciaus dinner was scrv- ed by Mrs. Forbes Heyland's Group of the Wamen's Auxil. iary of Trinity United Church. The children aiea enjoyed pull- ing the gaily coiaured crackers that had marked their places. After dinner two amusing film cartoons were shown, and an excellent pragram af enter- tainment was presenteci by sarne of the young gucsts. Debbie Bothwell sang "'Rudolpb the Red-Ncised Reindeer"l with clan, and the iovely Christmnas sang sung by Michael Regan was specially 'enjoyed. "The Lord's Prayer"I was recited with distinction and feeling by Elwin Bacon, age six. Francine Verîcysen, a pupil of Central Public School, who was one of the winners af the recent Public Speaking Conteet, gave the address with which she bcd achieveci success in the competîtion. She told of ber famuly's decisian ta came ta lîve in Canada, and described the parting with relations and friends before seil.ing from Belgium. A graphic account was aeas given by ber ai the long sea voyage, and thc seemingiy interminable trip by train from the port of entry in this coun- try ta Bowmanvilie. The difficuities faced by new- corners ta Canada at first, wha arc handicepped until they learn English, were also out- ined, by the speaker. She spoke Smith Beverages Limitedi Bowmanville AUTHORIZED'DISTRIBUTOR kt' Lt s e e ai ofchekindncss and tnelpfuiness shown by Canadians, and cmn- phesized ber pride and jby in beving become a Canadien. The children grcetcd the ar- rivai of Santa Claus with much joy. Don Morris was specially gooci in the raie. Santa Claus deiighted the yaung gueste wîth bis jolly commenta, and taikeci ta eaclî one af thent in- dividuaUi'. Attretive gifts wcre distributed by Santa Claus to ail the children et the perty. WEDDING ROBERTSON - ROWAN White, yeiiow and brai munis forrmed a loveiy settii -ini St. Paul's Anglican Churc sBethany, on New Year's Ev *December 3lst, when the Re G. E. Meades aificiateci for tl ceremnony uniting in marrias Brende Joycelyn Rowan, youi gest daughter af Mrs. H. Lai ra Rowan andi the late Wali iHenry Rowan, and Alvin Vi *tom Robertson of Ornenie, sc of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Rcl ertson. Given in marriage by hi brothcr-in-iaw. Clifford W. Fa 3lis ai Pontypoal, thc bride w; 1iovely i a floor length *goýN 3of nylon andi acetate lace ar 1nylon net over rayon taffet 1The bodice of her govin wi embroidered with cup sequi 1 and simulated pearîs. Hem fit gertip veil af nylon net wi wide scailopcd ecetete la edge was ceught ta a tiare Pearl and sequins. She wci yelaow satin shaes and cerni a cascade of yellow and bran2 'MUMa. Miss Colleen Durham 1meid of honaur was in a cire! ai rose nylon chiffon over ta: fete with matcbing shocs, bar deau and- gloves and carrieci nosegey oi pînk and whil emumns. Bridesmaici was ber niec Miss Caralyn Fallis of Pontý pool, weeing lime green n. Ion chiffon over taffete wit tnatchinig beaci bandeau ari giaves and she carried a nosE gay of yellow and white 'murr The charming littie flowe girl was alsa the bride's nic F.iaine Fellis of Pantypao' wearing yellowr nylon arganz with metching heaci bandecu and carying a yellow muf with yclaow and white flowerx The groom was attendecib: Laverne Thornton oi OmemeE Howard Robertson was ushe for bis brother. The weddir, music was playeci by thi church organist, Mr. Jae Gay. At the reception fallowirý the wedding, Mire. Rowan ne ceived the guests wcaring, nevy rayon lace dress witl matcbing bat andi corsageo yeilow 'mums. Aiea receivin was the groomns mother, Mns Robertsan, gowned i Mariný blue with corsage of piný 'munis. Guests were present frai Toronto, Highland Creck, Orne mec, Mount Plcasant, Panty3 pool, Iroquois Feuils and Peter. borough. Leaving on a maotor trip tf points East, the bride worez twa-pîece dress of wintcm whitE brocade with brawn v,41vet bul andi bmawn eccessaries and 2 medium brown Borg coat. O.l their return they wiil live à Bethany. nze ng ch, ýve, ,ev. the ge ter ri- ;on àer .ai- ras Lnd ýta. vas ns ith ice of ire ced .ze as ess af- a te ýce by- iy- ith rid ;e- as. ,er e, 01, za au iff -s. ce. sg le .es s- e bil i p CLEARANCE SALE DOUBLE OUR USUAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRICE 29«95 39.75 49.50 59.50 69.50 79.50 89.501 1100001J 39 King Si. W. JANUARY ALLOWANCE 6.00 8.00 1000 12.900 1400 1600 1800 20.900 MARR'S Jewellery & Gift Shop Bowmanville 1Wide Awake for Bright-eyed Brenda Elsie, on November lst last, is the dai Glenn Prout, 36 Concession Stre are Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzalc Mrs. Alex Prout, R.R. 2, Newcastl Newtonville M 0Of Golden Ploti The Christmas meeting ai the Ncwtonviile W. I. wes beld et the home ai Mrs. C. Brown with an attendance of 17. Mrs. Brown, the president, openeci the meeting wîtb al joining in Uic Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Caliect, and Lord's Prayer. Mrs. M. Semis reaci the minutes and the fij- nancial report. Mrs. Mihligen reported that a park bcnch is being donated for Newtanvillc, and she bopcd it wauld be de- livereci soon. Mrs. F. Hendersan, leader ai the group, began ber program with ail joining in singing "Si- lent Night". Mrs. Percy Brown gave a reeding of two paemis. KEDRON e- (lntended for Last Week) Services for the New Year wcrc helci et Kedron Churcb or to Sundey morning. Albert Wood awas su:perintendent for Sun- te de School sessions. Jchnny a thc affeiring for Sick Child. ýn ren's Hospitail. Alvin Spencer ýn led tbe Aduit Claes meditation. On Januery 10, thc first Coni- iniin of tihe cNew Year will be obscmved. Christnmas gucats of Mr. anc, Mrs. W. L. Mountjay included their daughter, Miss Beiyl Mountjoy ai Londan; Bert andi John Luke and Miss Olive Luke ai Toronto; Mise Beetrice Mou- nsjoy, Oshawa; Mr. andi Mms Evenson Norton and femily ai Merkhem and Mr. and Mire. J. StaTr and sans. -Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Love, Neil and Leure - Mec spent Christimas with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Booth, Oshawa. Home for Christmas witb Mr-. andi Mr. J. Glever were Mm. and Mrs. J. K. Glover anid baby Steven Strathroy. Steven was chnistenied. during the holiday et home by Rcv. R. H. Love. Misses Mary and Margaret McDermott Londan were holi- day guests et Uic W. L. Mount- joy homTe. Home from Ryenson School ai Techinelogy, Toronto, for bol- idays wcre Douglas P'ascae andi Sidney Trevail. John Morrow. Oshawa, spent tihe Christmias holiday with rel- atives et the Harvey Pascoe home, Members ai the 'Fletcher Werry fanîily wcre dinner guests ai Mr. and is. Maur- ice Jebsan, Beaveirtoan, on Thursday. Mm. andi Mrs. Rodige'r Bisbop, Ruth andi Anne spent Uic Christmas holiday with Mrs. Bishop's parents in Floanida with air travel taking litie ai Uic holiday turne. Mr. and Mrs. T. C .Smillie, MT. andi Mr. Robert Hencock and Robert Jr., Toronto, were dinner guests an Setuiday ai Mm. and Mrs. Haroldi Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Huglh Beeton, Oshawa, were Seturday guests of Mm. an~d Mre. Harvey Pas- cae. Mr. andi Mme. Ren Werry werce mong Cbristmas guets of Mr. an>d Mrs. I. J. Bail, Ux- bridge. On Christmas Day, Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Mms. W. Scotit, Mr. and Mme. Alan Scotit, Mr. anti Mrs. T. W. Scott al ai Colum- bus, 'L&. and Mmc. Walton Pas- cae, Bowmanville; Mm. and Mrs. Grant Pascae, wcrc guests af Mcfi. and I Mm. J. H. Pascoc. Femiiy gatherings were beici et Uic bornes ai Mr. anti Mre. R. E.Lee, Mn.. and Mvrs. C. F. er andi othena.4 1 1MI prese corsa intrc er.1 emd's Planj werd bad1 deel wheri we whic, bave The moda craWý the p tics prîde home 't pietel tom The helpi the bowe prave ta t] their told, c al these fortable, and -m'any -ai- Uiém happy. The rail cali was ta tell the contents ai the Christmnas gifts which each heci brouglit for the residents ai the Golden Plough Locige. Prectically ail were different, but ail gifts thet any- anc could enjoy. Frank Stapleton came ln aiter sehool and played four' selections on bis piano accor- dian. Mrs. Brown ciosed the meeting with ail joining in an- other Christmas camai, andi the benediction. Whiie the hostess andi group were busy in the kitchen for a few minutes, Mns. MvcCul-1 lough conducteci e contest, then ail enjoyed the social time witb a cup of tea, sandwiches and mincc pie. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett andi faniiiy, Saline: M . and Mrs. Amthum Youngmnan and sons, Tyrone, visited et Norman Leachs. Mr. end Mrs. Elmer Down end sons, Ebenezer, visited atet Pcmcy Davidsons. Mn. andi Mrs. Henry Dant visiteti et William Dart's, Wood- ville. MN&. and Mms. William Pres- tan, Courtice, visited et Wes Cemeron's. Launie Stainton was over- night guesti at Harri Polos, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. Jaeck Cenieron andi family, PontypTool, visited at Wcs Cameron's, Saturday. Mrc. Ronald Jeekson, Paris, visiteci at Jini Steinton's on Sunday. The Ncxghbourly Doubles lied their Christmas party on Set- urday night. They lied apot luck supper when theïr fam-' ilies werc guests anti ater- ward Santa matie bis apipeer- ance ta naeke evcrybady happy. Mr. John Shackleton, Bow- menrilîle, wes a recent caller et Norman Leech's. Mcr. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and daught.er-, Mrs. Russell Stainton, wcme Sunday supper guezs t eRfoy Thamnas, Scar- borough. Mr. andi Mm. Fred Ward and faniily were Monday visitors et Wes Ceamerons. Mr. andi Mms. lenry Dart and I 40 m % %#JW& ma Example: Single Ral TOP GRADE LATEX PAINTS To Clear 2 Lines (Rubberized) GALLONS Càr $8.40 for _______ _ $59 QUARTS$ $2.65 for ~19 Matching Enarnels also$25 Reduced - $3.00 for-__$25 THIX FLAT GALLON 65 $8.30 for $6.25_________ QUARTS $2.60 for ______-$19 THIX SENI-GLOSS GALLON$65 $9.05 for $_____.50_____ QUARTS___ ___$2l $2.85 for $2.10__ _____ THIX ENANEL QUART $3.00 for- $2.251 PAINT& 33 King Street West 55C the New Yea r bulKennth ovisgehtSi North Nesileton Several of the men have been l ending a band to help Frank Mrs. Malcoini Emerson had1 IPascoe tear dovrr the barn he a tea party an Wednesday ai-f boupht and get !t home. ternoon. Marie Ashton, Leona A MrryChrstnasta heSadier, Helen Campbell and Edîto Criadstas d ahepyWinilda Malcolm were. there. Edjor ndStaf ad HapyWe had a good time anda anci Prosp-. ous New Year lovely lunch. ahe.ad in 1 1 tcW tie Canadin i Stat~man 1« iNewmny rend-Day visitos Statrma ar.I is rnny ead-Nesleto asfollows: Dr.an (Intnde fo Lat Wek) Mrs. Bonney and faniuly, Gait, (Intnde fo Lat Wek) at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camp- Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Mrs. Alex bell's. McMaster, Joan and Robs werulM.r. and Mrs. Robert Sadier Christmas Day guests; at George and Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Hilts, Oshawa. fred Williams with Mýr. and Miss Janet Naylor, McDonald Mrs. Ralph Sadier andi girls. CollgeGueph, s sen&ng r. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson1 the holidays with her parentsadbosDnMilwhMr Mr. an'd Irs. Charles Naylor. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mrs. Clark Moore,Mran Mr. and Mrs. Vic Malcolm S Mrm. George Gordon, Oshawa. and family with Mr. and Mrs. were Christmas Day guc.sts at Raipli Malcoilm, Peterborough, Keit Stinto's.M:r. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowles ~ Keth Saintn'swith Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Mac- Mr. and Mrs. James McMas- kie. ter and sons, Millbrook; M r. r.acMs.W.Selwh andi Mrs. Charles Naylor and Az n r.W.Selwt Jane, M. ad r~1Ir. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Addison, Jane, M. an Mr. WaterToronto. HaayStae and a Dey M.an, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- Harr StaJeyand eanMr.son spent Sunday evening wîth Jim Murray were Boxing IY8y Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Witherly iguests at Mrs. Alex MeMaster. and Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Stephen, Rev. J. E. Griffith is being Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hambly and heard this week on morning Cheryl Anni, M!r. and M3rs. Har- devotions from CKLY Station, ry Poloz and Stephen, Mr. and Lindsay, at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Grif- Mrs. Ted Collis, Oshawa, were fith is a former minister of Christmas guestis at Ross C. Cartwright* and Bowmanvile Stainton's. cags Ir. and Mrm. Clifford Naylorcrgs ard Stanley, Colurnbus: Mr. and Mrs. Gordoni Pascoe, Gait; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, Solina, O T P O Mrs. Haïrvey Crossman, Ked- ron, Mr. and Mn. Boyd Ayre, This cistrict was hit by the jStuart and Louanne, w e r ice storrn eausig considerablei E Christmas guests at Charles discom-fort through loss of pow- U Naylor's. er, telephone, heat etc. 32 hrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and was the longe-et anyone locally Sfaçmily. Oshawa, were Christ- (includisng yours truly) was mas Day guests at Wes Cam- without hydro, but a lot of eron's. phones are stili to be put in Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, order. Fortunately roads were Davy and Douglas were Christ- open (icy in spots) and things 1mas guets at Leonavd Shaw's, are getting normal again. hawa.Anyone wishing to get a Mr. adM.RusselSan Xma.s Tree for next year eariy A 1 f. ion were Christimas guests of~ may apply ta several grawers Mr. Russell Perkins and Mar- who have a few hunclred unsoid garet. trees (eut) that can be pur- who was one year old Mr. and Mirn. Jack Cameran chased at your price. We hope ughter of Mr. andi Mrs. and farnily, Ponitypool, were 1960 wiil be a better ycar for Boxing Day guestis at We-s ail. eet East. Granciparents Cameron"'s. New Yeair's Eve saw our ci- I of Courtice and Mr. and Mr. andi Mrs. Clifford Swai- zenis ringinig in the New Year le, Ont. iow, Mapie Grove, werc callers -Photo by Irelanci Studio at Russell Perkin's. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul A E SO ,HE -I were guestis et Russell Perkin's I rS on Boxing Day. M . H urs Miss Laurie Stain ton i "My' husband thinks he's a race- spending a few cinys with her horse," the worried wlf e con- il...grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. fided to the psychiatrist. "lVhat igh Lodige F. Ste phen, Oshawa.eabcdn ohlhm? Mirs. Imez Henry, Torounto, cnb oet ei l? ýrs. Garnet Riekard was was C'hristmas guet af her "A most unusual case," the ;ented with a Christmas Parents Mr. andi Mrs. Ray Camn- doctor replled. Treatment will age, and Mrs. S. Lancaster cran. be costly."1 :duced her as guest speak. Mir. andi Mr. Wlfred Frank The subject of Mire. Rick- andi Davidi, Toron1bo; Mr. and "Oh, don't worry about the stalk was "The Golden Mrs. Tom Currie and Tommy, money, doctor. He's won his rgh Lodge". As wife of the Hamilton, were Christmas Day last three races." den during the year, she and weekcnd guestsa t Robert Yui eoft h aeto been able ta iearn a great Killen's. YuI eoft h aeto about it. She said that Ice je everywhere and no as far asL your clothing care goes a we give care ta thse aged, hydiro Power et Ziogi tonight. vn royeou ryo usryen are only paying a debt A Happy New Year toalal. nprbeeortau.W ýh we owe ta those who _________ pamper every garment froni paved the way for us.stttafnh ..5yocet aid home, buiît ta accom- MEMORIAL HOSPIITAL help but corne out a winner ate 57, was sonteturnes IVEEKLY REPORT Give us a tryaut soon. rded with 100 or mare. For people of the United Coun- For the week af December LIONS CLUB CI the cost wiil fade from 28 ta January 3 inclusive- EN R mincis, as wc think with Admissions 61 LIONS C N R ? o the beautiful new Births-3 maie, 2 fcmaee 5 e, buit for 90 residents. Discharges -------68. has three floors, is com- Major operations5 iy modemn, and an eleve,- Minor operations 28/ jj replaces tiresome stairs. Ernergency treatments -----1 i rW bed patients and more Visiting boums 2:30 to 4:30 ~ ~" less live in this building, p.m. and 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. others in the aid, which, ver, bas been rnuch im- ed. ARl who are able corne he ncw dining-room forIOt AN V RS mels. As Mrs. Rickard 0 h A N V R of the many impravements, wrere glad ta know that senior citizens are com-I A k IID RD tH S Ed Leslie IlANT BINGO m SAT., JAN. 9 &RY - Double Roil 56c OIL PAINTING SETS (By nuinhers) To Clear $5.25 for only --$3.90 $2.75 for only -.-$2.05 $2.50 for only ~ 9 $1.39 for only .99 Nirrors *Paint Brushes VaIspar Varnîshes Sturgeon's Producis Spray Bomhs Wallex (Spater Paint) A large assortment of Odd and Endis at Give-away Prices Be sure t. look these over WALLPAPER Phone MArket 3-542 I JANUARY ONLY BU LOVA 90 PATTERNS WALLPAPER TO CLEAR BY ONE CENT SALE REGULAR ALLOWANCE Corne at once .. . even if you do not need it inirediately, as this is only in effect to Jan. l6th. Papers for every roorn included, also many remnants. ABERNETHY'YS in diifferent places. Dances 1 i Bethany, Millbrook and Orne. mee and house parties were at- tended by local celebrities. Ev. eryone reports a good Urne. A post Xmas party was given to the members of the Juvenile Orange Lodge No. 444 on Wed- nesday afternoon after their Lodge meeting. Besides gifts% candy. ice cream and pop the members had a beautiful lunch served by W. Sister Jean Rusk Guardian, W. Sister Thelma Payne, Assistant Guardian and W. Sîster Kay Olan, W. Mïistress of Pontypool L.O.B.A. 1314. We extetnd our sympatlty to Mr. Lou Williamson whose bro- ther passed away recently ini Toronto. To ail my best urishes for 1960. THIM SDAY, JAN. 7th. 1960 THE CANADIAN STATUYAN, BOWMANVnJF4 ONTARIO %qep ot for Ma Hubbarcl Whose cupboord was bare She had plenty of milk in the frigidaire. PAGE Villa 4a

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