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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jan 1960, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ~E CANADIAII STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, JAN. 7th. 1960 1959 ffighilights fromn SIatesza~ a,, Files CContinued'from last weeký JUIFy s - New St. Joseph's Roman Ca- tholic Church was officially opened and blessed by Most Rey. B. 1. Webster. Bowmanville R et ail Mer- chants voted against Monday closing. A ncw pension by-law for all town employees ai the tawn waa passed at a special meeting, of Bowmanville Town Council. Sid Little retired after 43 years' service with the Good- year Tire and Rubber Com- pany ai Canada, Ltd. July 9 - A large crawd was present at the gala Community Picnic held by the Bowmanville Re- creatian Department at the Cream. oi Barley. Perfect wea- ther prevailed for the after- noon program-rain disrupted the evening entertainment. Extensive damage xvas done to a number of ýapple orchards in the district by the sudden hall storm on Monday. The amended Zoning By-law was passed at the meeting of the Darlington Tawnship Coun- cil held in the Township Hall, Hampton, on Thursday aiter- nioan, July 2nd. July 16 - The huge new bowling acad- emy, Liberty Bowl Limnted, took on a new appearance ithis week when the roof trusses were erected. Two beds and a wheel-chair were added ta the Loan Cup- board by the local branch ai the Red Cross Society. More than 4,500 Bowman- ville citizens received Tuber- culin tests during the eight day program. Juiy 23 - During the 1O4th annual communication ai the Grand Lodge ai Canada, A.F. & A.M., in Toronto last week, it was announced that E. F. Russell Osborne, former Master ai Dur- ROYAL harn Lodge No. 66, Newcastle, has been appointed District De- puty Grand Master for Ontario District. A new storage warehous9e has been erected by Preston Transport. Miss Barbara Brown, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, was awarded the titie "Miss Lions Carnival" following an interesting display of baton twirling by major- ettes. July 30 - 50,000 welcomed Her Majes- ty Queen Elizabeth II and H. R.H. Prince Philip in Port Hope. Waltona Park, Newcastle, op- erated by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walton, is installing a beauti- fui new swimming pool. First Warden's picnic held in Darlington Township enjoyed by over 200. August 6 - Over 100 children were re- moved and taken to Children's Aid centres in a carefully but quickly planned evacuation of Whytehaven Mission on Friday evening by provincial officiais. Test drilling for a new wa- ter supply starts this week in Newcastle. Bob Henry, R. R. 2, Bowman-1 ville, unearthed a penny token dated 1854 of the Bank of Up- per Canada while digging in the garden. August 13 - Howard'Goodin and Walter Dempsey had a narrow escape from injury or death when the Dempsey home north-east of Hampton was gutted by fire. Approval was given for a $336,000 addition to the present sewage treatment plant in Bowmanville. Clarke Council approves new Memorial Hospital wing using equaiized assessment. August 20 - Mamwers sets Mill Rate at 31 milis for farmers. Bowmianville Bantam base- bail team 'wins Lak-eshore BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5589 T HURS. TO SAT. - JAN 7 -9 Natinee, Satur.day, 2 p.m. Extra - Color Short Features Complete shows at 7 and 9 p.m. MON. and TUES. - JAN. Il - 12 "The Wind Cannot Read" Feature in color Igtarring Dirk Bogarde and Yoko Tanî Completè shows at 7 and 9 p.m. WED.I JAN. 13 Io SAT., JAN. 16 WALT DISNEY'S "Darby O'GiII and the Littie People" Clr Geritol One-a-Day Brand WIth Vitaînins and Iron Multiple Vtamlns Liqiaid or Tahiets wlth Essential Vitami ns 1.35 a 3.29 - 5.49 14927-. -8 5 Dritan For Coughs & Colds Vacuuni Tablets Botties 1.25-2.25-3.75 Creophos $1.50 79e Pertussin -- 75c, 1.25 Dristan Buckley's Mixture 59e, 85e Noxzema Spray Vieks FormL;la 44 - 1.19 Speclal 1.25 Vlcks Syrijp - 69e 1.1o0-1.35 Vicks Rub -____69e. 1.09 Privine Vicks Cold Tabs. 69c, 1.10 Ipana Paste Drops Bromo Quinine - 59c, 89e 1.29 value 95C Bayer'î Noie Spray - 99o for 99e Wampole'u 39e Tek Extract -___ 1.50, 2.75 Tooth Brushe, 2 for 39o scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 630 colgate'. Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Tooth Pasto 2 tubes 99o Phospholecithln - 1.75 1.95 size Halo - Now - 1.29 COWLI NG'S MHON£ MA $-Sm8 WB m League Championship. Dr. R. P. Bowles ai Nestîctoi celebrated his 95th birthday o Monday, August 17th. In the Legion Oratorica Contest Bernard Baltus, 15 Concession Street, Bowman ville, and Peggy Milison, 8, R R. 1, Enniskillen, won th( branch contest, the zone, thi district, the regional and madt excellent showings in the pro. vincial finals at Kitchener. August 27 - Charles Cooper, Orono, wor the boat, trailer and motor ir the draw heid at the Oron( Chamber of Commuerce streel dance. Mrs. J. Hillier wina Welling. ton Foster cup at Horticulturd Show in Newcastle. Keith Albert Billett, O.D. was among the 25 Canadiar Optometrists recently award- ed the "Doctor ai Optometry' degree. Sepember 3- A surprise announcemeni carne Tuesday when Norman J. Scott, owner af Broakdale- Kîngsway Nurseries of Bow- manville, announced that he had sold the company ta Elmei T. Banting of Bowi-nanvil)e, John E. Chester and Ian H. Smith, both of Toronto. Reeve Roy W. Nichais of Darlington placed first offi- cial eall on the new "COlfax' Hampton Exchange at 3:01. Sunday morning ta Mayor Ly- mon A. Gifford ai Oshawa. Bernice Cochrane af R. R.2 Burketan was chasen "Surnmer Queene' at Blackstack Fair. September 10 - Larry Henderson, popular television newscaster and coin- mentatar, will speak this even- ing at the first meeting af the uewly organized Canadiar Club ai West Durham. Darlington Reeve startles De- puty with sweeping Zoning al- terations - mncluding abolition ai $400 fee. Fire comapletely destroyed the Holiday Inn, a restaurant and dance hall, in Caesarea Uàsi Wednesday evening. September 17 - The tig Rotary Car Wash was a great success, realizmng over $500 when 225 cars were wash- ed by club memnbers. Bill Tamblyn, Orono, was tops in showmanship at the 4-H Cali Club at the Black and White Show at Orono Fair. Miss Hazel Webber was awarded the A. H. Campbell Scholarship for post graduate study ln nursing. September 24 - Bowmanville retailers hold Festival oi Values-merchants ready for big shopping spree. Eight records were broken at the BownLanville High School Field Day held yester- day. The eiglit municipal councils in Durham County District Higli School Board Area meet here this evening te settle school problem. Former head of B.T.S. here, Albert R. Virgin retires from Reform Dept. Staff. October 1 - Six ai the eight municipal councils agree on location of two High Schools. Bath questions-dining lounge and cocktail lounge - defeated in liquor vote. A bagua $10 bill was caught at the Post Office here. It was detected by the alertnesl 'ai Bowmanville Postmaster Geo.ý Vice. October 8- The recammendation ai the Bowmanville Ratepayers Asso- ciation that James Coyle re- present themn on the Arena Management Commission was accepted by Council. Club 15 raises $2417 from year's projecta. A report on the Dog Pound submitted ta Council states 23 dogs and 10 cats were picked up from August 24th te Sep- tember 3Oth. Works Dept. Head, Lloyd Quinton resigns--plans to join engineering fina Bowmanvrýille Olympias by [efeating Strathroy are one game ahead in the Ontario Ju- venfle "B" Basebail Champion- ;hip series. October 29 Sunday niglit thievea forcib. [Y entered and nansackcd three ornes on Churcli Street. Juvenile basebafl team-the >ut-of-season kida--were ainew- !d eut of their third gamne in trathroy, Jack Buttonshaw, Bowxuan- 111le, and Sain Dewell, Hamp- on, hlders of tickets drawu in he famed Camibridgeshire ;weep, did net have winning iorses, but won lesser cash Arards. Seven municipalities approve 00 pupil Darlington Higli hoel and 15Q Pupil MMlbrook fovember 5- 'Early Saturday morning somel àoUhles vandala saw fit to 1 destroy the beautiful blue spruoe which lias been a part ai aur Higli School for 30 years. Miss Helen Cryderman lias been promoted fromn Assistant Registrar ta Registrar ai the Rcgistry Office here. Ted Bird will be the new assistant. Former St. Joseph's Church on Church Street has been pur- chascd by the M. and K. Laun- dry Investments Limited. A Washomat will be installed on the premises. Noyember 12 - Edward Kowal ai R. R. 2 Bbwmanville, a student in his second year in the degree course at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, was awardcd the E. A. Suinmers Memorial Scho- larship for 1959. A champion Southdown ewe and 10 other valuable sheep owned by Lloyd Ayre, R. R. 4, Bawmanville, were killed by dogs and ten others badly In- jured. The first Blood Donor Clinic ai the local Branch of the Red Cross Society was attended by 378 prospective dotiors. November 19 - Over 100 were present at the animal meeting of the Bow- nianville Boy Scout Associa- tion when the new Bawrnan- ville and District, Boy Scout Local Association was forrned. Well-known Sauina couple, Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Werry, celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary. Manvers Township Road Su- perintendent, A. B. Sisson, re- signs after 25 years' service. r Business Directory Accouniancy RAT J. DILLING Cert.ified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS t Chartered Accountant t Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperarice Sts. s Phone MArket 3-3612 r YALE, FRIDEDLANDER, * HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors sLlcensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. IP. Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Sinicoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 5Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: 1Hon. J. W. Montelth, F. C. A. 1A. B. Monteith, B. Corn., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C. A., R. I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Ch! rop r a ciîc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Ilours: By Appointmenit D e ntal DR. W. ]NI RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9.a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.DS. Office ini his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays DI. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 ý ing St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MýA 3-5459 L ega STIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Soicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. « Bowmanvifle Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, HA.L Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINEP Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Tetuperance St. - BowmanvMle F. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 consultation y appointaient W. KAT LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices off RR. Waddell, Q.C.c Main Street, Oronci, Ontario b Priday, 7 p.m. te 10 pan. a Saturday 90 a.m. te 5 pan,î M o r g a ges BADIE HAMILTON - OIRONO Phone 1 r 16 irat Mortgaize Funds Residences - Farina Business Properties OP to m e r y November 24 Peter Reynolds gives valed- ictory address at Bowmanville Higli Schoal commencement. Lieutenant Jack Kitson, scrv- ing with the Finît Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry at Victoria, B. C., has been promoted to the rank of Captain and posted ta Headquarters, Saskatchewan Ares, Regina, as a general staff off icer. At last the basebali Juven- ile "B" Championship has been decided. The local club receiv- ed word that Strathray bas conceded the title to Bowman- ville. December 3 - Election fever runs high as contests for ahl positions fea- ture Darlington Township nom-' inations.i Bath the United Churcli au- ditorium and the new Christian! Education Centre were packed' at Hampton on Sunday for the dedication ceremonies ai the' recently completed Centre. Two bowling veterans, Cecil Osborne and Frank Williarns, roll first balls ta officîally open Liberty Bowl Ltd. December 10- Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers was rcturned by acclamation and Ivan Habbs received an acclamation for Deputy-Reeve.' Sid Little was elected Reeve and councillors elected were Ross Stevens, Keith Lathangue, O. J. Presson, Glenholme Hughes, Wesley Fiee and Ken Nicks. Garnet Rickard sweeps Da- lington ta win Reeveshii in - Darlington Township electian Comrade Millie Bates was elected president of the Bow-; manville Ladies' Auxiliary ta' the Canadian Legion for 1960.' Deceniber 17 -1 Lloyd Ayre was installd as Worshipful Master aifJerusa- lem Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 311 at the annual St. John'sNilt Sa far, at least one radio, a camera worth more than $100, ash trays and a hast ai other articles have been removed fromn local retail stores by shoplifters. Juvenile hockey teani opensý sêhedule with big wim aven Stoufiville. i December 24 - Winners of the annual prizes given by the Bownianville, Chaniber of Comîmerce for the best outdoar Christmas decora- tion of private homes were: first, Jack Brough; second, Dr. John Werry and third,' Donald G. Wilcox. Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Ltd., was the win- uer of the award for the best commercial window. Comrade Annie Wright, Corn- rade Isabella Poulton, Com- rade Annie Clapp, and Cern- rade Violet Somnerscales were presented with Life Member-1 ships by the Bowxnanvifle La- dies' Auxiliary te the Canadian Legion. Doug Taylor had thl bg gest night anyone has hadi since, the Liberty Bowl opened1 when he smashed the pins for! a 948 triple lu the Legion! League last Tuesday niglit. December 31 -1 The terrifie ice and windi storm. that swept Ontario dur-1 ing the weekend left a glitter-, ing crystalized winter wonder-1 land, but wreaked havoc with, hydro lines, telephone wires and telegrapli service. A graup of iuterested Cour- tice citizens are probing thel inerits and demerits of separ- ating from the Township ai Darlington. Mr. and Mns. R. R. Stevens! celebrated the 60th anniver-1 sary of their marriage on Sun-J day, December 27th.1 Doug Shirk set a uew single1 game record at Liberty Bowl Monday niglit when lie ran up a 399 score. WESLEY VILLE On Wednesday afternoon a i happy party was held at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols wheu over 30 piano pu- pila and friends were entertain- ed. Each boy, and girl played a number, then gaines were enjoyed until dainty holiday refreshnients were served. The annual school meeting, was held on Weanesday even-! ing in the school house. The' school board for 1960 has the following members: Ail1 a n Clarke, Harold Austin, and George Tufiord, Archie Ford retiring. There was a day when church officiais hitched a horse on Monday morning and called on homes whose members had been absent from churcli the previous day. We always thought it was a check on! churcli attendance but lait Sun-I day morning when a couple of families of regular Sunday School people were absent, the first supposition was, they miust b. ill. The only way te flnd out was te go and see,! for there le still ne telephone communication. There is ne horse and cutter te hltch either, and it would be slippery going i there were. There was a very goodat- MA 3-3303 tendance at Sunday School in, installed by next Sunday and spite of icy roads and preval- Iheating the whole building. ence of mucli sickness from! Rev. A. W. Harding, toa, was colds. Bill B irocluh was' recovering from a severe coid arrowou.gbut conducted church service acting superintendent. The as usuaL. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, church basement was comfort- Mrs. Percy Snell and Mrs. Ken abIy warm, heated for the first Dinner sang "Take Time Ta Be time by the new ail furnace. It, Holy" as a quartette. is expectcd ta be completely The usual winter birds are; SAVE Libby's - Fancy - 48 oz. tin 8c0 CASH Tomato Jice SAVE Cheer - Giant pkg CASHDeter gent SAVE Heinz - 1.1 oz. bottle CAHKetchup 5 SAVE' l6c Purify Flour ~CASH~ providing their usual cheery spot ai colour and interest for these wir.ter days, as well as some unusual feathered folk for this time af year. Two robins were lu the Reeve's orchard the other day, and a very wide awake owl was perched ln a tree on the lakeshare road on~ New Year's morning. For 79C 79C For 100 5 lb. bag 7cMargarine 1lb. pg CASHW Swift's - Fresh - Meaty PORK I39c SPARERIBS lb Swift's - Presh - Rib Loin Pork Chops Swif's - Fresh Pork - Boneless Butt Roast lb. 55 c IL 59cl Swift's - Eversweet - Sliced Side - lb. sealed pkg. Rindless Bacon 59C 39C For 67C SAVE 4c CASH Granulated - Pure Cane SUGAR 10 IL.bag 79 c SAVE 10c CASH Lynn Valley - 48 oz. jar 14 Apple & aspherry J AN 1aq*69C SAVE 10e CASH Lynn Valley - 48 oz. ja Apple & Strawherry j A m - - -69C i FRESH PRODUCE Crisp, .Juicy, Fancy Mclntosh Apples Sunkist California Lemons New Crop Texas Carrofs California Iceberg Lettuce SAVE 46c CASH Red & White Homogenized - 16 oz. PEANUT BUTTER SAVE 10e CASH Gold Reef - 20 oz. tin SLICED PINEAPPLE SAVE 8c CASH Red & White - Taîl tins EVAPORATED MILE a 29c1 3 3For 65C 6 Fror 79c SAVE 4c CASH Libby's - Fancy - 48 oz. tin PINEAPPLE JUICE -wa33c General Electric - LICHT DULES Sifto - 5 lb. box ICE SALT 25-40-60 watt 0 a w4 For 99C = w a a a 6 qt basket 59C Larg 6or3 20 oz. ceilo bag 2 for 25c .Jumbo '. Si»e 24's ea. 17c "Supreme Brand" Soup Mix 12 oz. celle pkg. m am 15C 12 oz. celle peuli Barley 2 Fo- pkg. 25c 12 oz. cello pkg. Green Spli Peas 15c 12 oz. cello pkg. 26c 1 YelIow Spli Peas 17c BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - FAST OF TOWN UNE ORONO BLACKSTOCK DRUG STORE -0Wm. H. Tate m Maple Grove Groceteria M Cornish Marketeria m BIytb' s Market à BIRDS EYE Birds Eye Ocean Perch Filets, 12 oz. pkg. - l FROZEN FOODS Birds Eye Green Beans, 10 o.pg 5 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU QUALITY MEATS PAGE SIX THE CANAIDIAlq STATESI&M, BO-IVILANVnl.ý& ONTAIUO THUPMAY, JAN. 7th, me a

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