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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 13

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PAGE ~fEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAWTILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JAN. l4th, iSOS jicv. 1silE. Long anti the1 ýM ! ro<io United Churcli1 111beguests of Albert Street '~tdChurdu, Oshawa, on àlUÉlmy evenùng, Jan. i7th.« ...~1Ts service wiil be bnoadcast over Oiuawa Radio Station C. LB.at 7 p.rn. Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Chant '-andi family, Hampton, spenit - daY with Mr. anti Mis. AI- ,W't Mitchell anti fanily. Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. D. Dey, Buffalo, N.Y. anti ler parents Msr. anti Mrs. Russell Rosbon- ougli, Niagara halls, visiteti eMis. Wmn. Cobbletiick on Sun- day. Mr r neMs G. L. McGee retuned omeiast week f nom vW»ting their son Douglas in South Dakota. * Miss Viola Gilfâllan returneti home last week from visiting -her nephew Mn. James Gil- fillan, Mis. Gilfillan anti fani- ily, Montreal. Mr. anti Mrs. Clark Williams, Pont Hope, visited Mr. and Mis. Wm. Robinson on Mon- day. - Mis. James Bail visiteti Mis. Russell Virtue anti Mrs. Otto Vitue, Tyrone on Sundtay. 1Mn. W. L. King underwenlt -surgery in thue Private Patients Pavilhion Toronto General Hos- pitali on Moniday. Mis. Harold Cobbledick has returned home after P. lengthy stay in B3owmanville andi Osh- &wa Rospitals. >Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Van - homne, Whitby. visiteti Mrs.i P red Tamblyn on Frhday. Mr. anti Mrs. Jhîn Lamb andi Kanen, Scarborough, spent the weekenti with Mis. Thonton1 -Wilcox anti Mrs. E. Grady. Mrs. Margaret A. E. Bige-i low, wile of Mr. Philip Bige- iow Part Hope, passeti away on Monday, J-an., il at Princes Margaret HospiWa, Toronto. Funeral was on Wedncsday from St. John's Anglican Chu- rci, Port Hope anti et Lang Memoriai Ohapel, Orono Ceme- teny. Mr. anti MTs. Len Pears, Lynda anti Alan visiteti Mr. andi Mss. Ken McQuarrie anti fan-tily, Bowmianville on Sun- day. Mes. Wm.. Robinson with Mr. anti Mns. A. Gens-y attendeti the funeral o!f the late Mr. B. J. Hancock in the Uniteti Church, Pont Hope on Saturday. Mr. anti Mrs. E. J. Hay anti sons, Don anti Bill, Isiington, were holiday visitons wtih Mr. anti Mis. R. E. Logan anti Mn. anti Mis. Normant Allun andi family. Mr. Cyril Knliglht and son Douglas, Palmerston, wene hol- iday visitais with Rev. and Mrs. Basil E. Long andi fanuihy. Mes. John Morris, Mn. Gea. Morton anti Mi. Penc. Morgan, attendeti the funeral of their cousin the late Mis. Robt. Ruth at Omemee. Mrs. Fred Tamblyîu attentiet the funeral of lier sisten iýs. H. J. Hoidge, Bowmanvile, on Wedînesdey. Intermenrt Hamp- ton Cemetery. Mis. Chas. Prust anti daugh- ter Lynn, '.i-..onto, spent the weekend with Mns. L. Hamu- ilton. Mr. andi Mrs. Marshall Chat- terton spent Sunday with Dr. anti Mes. Keith Taylor. Bramp- ton. Mr. and Mis. Robt. D. Bar- nabaîl, Judy anti David,. Maple Free .1Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at your Vigor 0ï1 SERVICE STATION "We Specialize ini Personal Service" CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Stamp Day Every Tuesday -Corne Out and See Our Display of Gifts- * Completè Lubrication at a Reasonable Price ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Grave, âfeotSunday with Mx. anti Mrs. Luther Barrabail. MT. and Mis. F. Parker, Mis. W. P. Rager. Mx- andi Mis. Stanliey Brown anti fanuiiy, Newcastle, were holiday din- ner guests o! Mr. andi Mis. Gor- don Watson anti fanily. Mr. andi Mis. Gordon Lea- men, Judy anti Paul, Scarbor- ough, were holiday visitons with relatives anti friendas in Oron'o. Mrs. Fred Tambiyn, Mr. anti Mis. Chas. E. MIler, Lanry and Wayne were holiday dinnen guests of Mr. andi Mis. Russell Van Horne, Whitby. Mn&. anti Mis. Orville Chat- terton, Carol andi David spent Sunday ffith Mn. anti Mrs. John Cook, Scarborough. Mi. Alex Drumnuonti spent the weekenti with bis parents, Mn. anti Mis. A. A. Drummond. Miss Amy Schaufflci, Miss- ionaqry ln South Africa- is vis- iting Mrs. E. ýW. Scl-auffler, anti Mir.Schauffler Who is stdIh a patient i Oshawa Hospital. SALEM The annual Sunday sehool meeting was held at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Gerald Shack- leton last Thursday evening. Rev. F. J. Jackson opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of iast year's meeting were given by Miss Marion Buttery. Treasurer's report was given by Don Welsh. It was decided to purchase a blackbow.rd for use in the Sunday sehool. It was decidedt to give attenclance pins to those Who haci 80%. or over at- tentdance at Sunday school djuring 1959. Election of officers resulted as follows: Supt., Gerald Sha- ckletcmn; Assist Supt., Bob Cra- ig; Sec., Ron Welsh, Assistants, Bob Backurn and John Twi- st; Treas., Don Welsh; Flower Committee- Grace Blackburn anci Mrs. L. Welsh; Song Lead- ers- Marioni Buttery and Mis. E. Twist; Pienists- Misses G. Blackburn, M. Buttery. B. Caig and K. Pra.5,zienka; Cradie Rol- Doreen Richards, Tea- chers- Beginners, Miss G. Blackburn and Mrs. D. Rey- nolds; Primary-- Misses B. Craig anîd M. Buttery; Junior -Mtis. L. Welsh and Mis. E. Twist; Intermedate- M.rs. S. Buttery and Mrs. K. Shackle- ton; Senior- Mr. B. Craig and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton; Aduit __Mr. W. Craig in charge of getting teachers. Meeting closed woith Bene- diction and a social time en- joyeci. Don't 2orget the Congrega- tionial meeting next Monday evening, Jan. 18, at the church. Misses Grace Biarkbumn, Ger- dia Craig and Mârion Buttery, Messrs, Glen Blackburn andi Don Welsh attended the Jun- ior Farmer's Corference at the King Ed~Waid Hotel ,Toronto, Mr. andi Mis. Sam Buttery were in Toronto lâst Thursday andi attended some of the ses- sions of the Milk Producers meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson Whit- by; Mir. and Mrs. Herb Craig, Oshawa, were Saturday even- ing visitors wt1h Mr. and Mrs. W. Graig. The 'Orono News Mrs. James E Richards, Editor her father, 1\1. Phillip Finney in the absence o! Mis. Finîuey, Who is a patient in Bowman- ville Hospitual, followtnlg sur- Synip*îîîy of the cownnîunity is extende t ta Mi. Don Brooks, whose father died. recently. Couples, Club The Jaliuaxy Meeting of tic Courtice Circuit Countr.y Coup- les Club was helti in the Sun- day school room-s of Maple Grave Cinarcli an Thurstiay evevniýing. 'Retiring President Howard Crydterrnan openeti the Pîcet- ung with a luymn anti condu.ct- cd a short business penioti. He expresseti his thanks aid ap- preciation ta the executive and, memibers for thein support. Rev. Haroldi Staunton led ini prayer, afteu- whlulh the meet- ing was given over ta fthe new Presidents, Mr. anti Mis. Mac Daugali o! Courtice, who calleti on those in charge of the de- votions and irpogeaau. Mrs. Cash Down anid Mms. Russ Decoe gave a Scipture reeting andi led in prayen. De- votions cioset i wth a hymn with pianigt Mss. Lloyd Down at the piano. Russ Dccoe introduceti Mn. Dave Lowe whe is inr charge o! the safety progran for al General Motoes cmployees. Mn. Lowe gave a veny interesting, andi informative talk on thel many ways G.M. tries ta eti- ucatie anti protect those who womk initheïr lactories. Carl Down calieti on a m'aie quartette who gace sevenai de- light!ui numb>ens la barhershop style. Messrs. Raymon i anti Munw Osborne. Elmer Down. vÏsiteci on '11ursday o'f last week witb Mr. and Mrs. Samn Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ho- garth also visiVed witfh her there. Mr .land VMes. Bif] Wid'lde- combe, son 13411y andi d'augiter Karen, Oshawa, were Sunmday visitors with his parents, Mr. andi Mis. R. Widdecombe. Miý. and Mrs W. Hutdhison, Bowmanville, are at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Keitih Smith, while Keith and Beulaih are on a trip, to Floridea, laving let early lae week. Fîrst Officer Gary Chant, Malton, suent the weekend with hi s parents Mr. andi Mrs. T. M. Chant and ibrothers Roy and Verti. Miss Betty Keilar apent Sun- day at ber home ait Marysville. Congratulations to Mr. Keith Smitih who had the honor. of beinig the top sales manager for the Downhiam Nursery Bow- manwille and won a trip to hlorda. Sunday Church Services were fainly well attended. Our pas- tor presenteci a practicai and impining :message on prayer at th'e mnoing service, andi the choir selection was also an ap- preciated contribution to tlhe service. The lovely flowers were frors the SaIter famnily i mnemory of Mr. T. Salter who passed awtay last' week. The ainnual congregational meeting of fthe chureh wil be heldi on Moroday evening next when reports of thie work of th aiusdeparfiments wiil be received and other business trarisacted. A good attendanoe is anticipated. Her many tniende wd be glad to learu that Mrs. FP. J. ,Council .z£" ' ro-oh Lundi wm sei-ved by Mr. Appo ntsandi Mrs. How'ard Bradley, MT. Mm s.Jack Humre. During lunch a ]ively discussion of the New Committees Year's party took place. Next meeting wiII be helt at Cour- NEWCASTL-At the inau-. ice- Churcli. gurai meeting of the New- Maple Grove W.M.S. castle Village council helci on The January meeting of W. Monday the following stand-I1 M.S. openeti by Rev. H. Stain- ing comrnîttees wene named !ton installing the officers for and council appointments 1960, aften which the President made ta other civic bodies, opened the business part with first naee in each to be rendiug hymu 571. Prayer by chairman. Pies. followed a moment af sil- Village Road Comniittee - cnt prayer for oui deceased Councillors Murray Paterson merniben, Mxs. F. Swallow. andi Frank Hloar, Property Reports wene given by Trea- Committee - Couneilor Fred suier; Christian Stewardship; Couch; Finance Committee - Supply; Recordiing Secretary;I Coundillons Paterson andi Fioweî Oonmittee. Business Hoar; Fîre - Police - Civil De- being over, Mrs. M. Burgess fence Conimittee - Reeve D. took charge of worship- Hy- J. Cunningham andi council- mn 372; Soripture, John 4, 7-21 ion Fred Couch; Welfane Corn- Mrs. S. Tyier: re.iding. Mis. mnittee - Counilors Hoar Ross Stevenis; Prayer, Mrs. M. andi Coucli: Industriai Com- Burgess; Hymn 373, reati in mittee - Councillors R. B. unison and offering. Rickard and Murray Paterson; Mis. M. Burgess gave a pa Recreation Cornffittee-Coun- per on Angolia andi meeting cillons Couch andi Rickard; close'd by al iepeating' the Lake Ontario Development iuizpeh benediction. Association - Counicillors Ri- Officers for 1960 are:- Pre- ekard and Couch; Village sident, Mrs. Charles Greenham; Sidewalks -Counicillor R. B. Vice Pres. of Youngeî Groups, Rickard; To Memorial Hospi- Mns. H. Brooks; Recording Sec- tai Committee -. Mn. J. H. retary, Mns. H. Freeman; Cor- Jose; Memorial Libnary Com- respou&ing Secretary, Mis. S. mittee - Mr. C. R. Carveth; Morton; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Village By-laws Commrittee- Burgess, Secretany Chrnistian Councillors Rickard and Hoar; Stewardiship, Mrs. Ross Stev- Villac Water Supply Coin- ens; Community Frien'dlship, Mitteê - Councillors Rickand, Mrs. C. Jeffery, Ass., Mrs. -A. }foar and Paterson; Village Beech; Supply, Mrs. H. Wri- Dog Control Committee --_ýt, Assn'ts, Mis. C. H. Snow- Reeve Cunningham and Coun- den, Mis. M. Munday; Assoc- chllors Rickard and Couch. iate'rmembers, Mis. H. R. Fol- Delegations Heard ey; Temiperance and Christian Two men addressed couri- Citizenship Mrs. C. H. Snow- cil on matters of village busi- den; Missionatry Monthly and ness. Mr. J. Dlugosz, proprie- World's Friends, Mrs. L. Colla- tor of the Queen's Hotel ad- cutt. dressed council rcgarding a Litierature Secretary, Mrs. P. letter he lîad received telling Stevens; Press Secretary. Mrs. hlmn of bis sewage being run H. Freeman; Finance Commit- into the cellar drain and cin- tee, Mrs. Ross Steý-ens. ",irs. ptying on town pnoperty. H-e M. Burgess, Mrs. S. Morton; asked if they h-ad had this Programme Committee, Mns. C. trouble before and if so w%ýhy Jeffery, Mis. A. Beech; Rep. was Mr. Walker not notified. on officiai Board, Mrs. H. It was explaineti that the of- F'reeman; Mite Bx, Mrs. R. R. fensive odor had been noted Stevens; Flower committee, beforc but that no proof Mrs. R. L. Worden Mis. S. Ty- could be found of where the ler, Mis. C. Jeffery. trouble emanateti fnom until Birtlîday box, Mrs. A. Beech; the sanitary inspecton of the Piandst, Mrs. A. Beecb, Ass't, Counties Healthi Unit flushed. Mrs. C. H. Snowden: Audiltors, dye down the hotel sewage MIrs. 1-T. Frecinanl, Mirs. H. R. system last fali andi fourid !t Foley; East Mission Band, atis. cam-e out the mouth of the Doneen Doyle, Mis. Jean Both- drain. Mr. Dlugosz told cotm- well, Mrs. Fred G.ow, West cil lie would have the mattet' Mission Bandi, Mis. McDoniald. attendeti 'o before the endi of Your correspondent is being June. He couldn't do much pestered by t.he Editon to send withl it during the winter in the Maple Grove-news as months. This w-as agreeci upon early as possible on Tuesdoay. by miembens of the council. Residents wh'o have news for Mn. Rudolph St. Amand ad- libis columun are requestedti t dressed council complailIg phone on Mondlay so hs uew of the way village streets deadiline miay lue met.. Man'y were sandeti after the recent thanks. ice stornma. He said a lange nurnber of cars had ta be pushied on Emily street on two Sunday mornings. Hc HAMPTON saiti other streets bati been sandeti but no sand had been Mr. and Mrs. Rtay Campbell, put on Emily street between Johnny aind Connie, Tor;onto; Mil andi Beaver. Councillor Mrn, anti Mrs. Tom Rogers andi Paterson, chairman o! the fanily. Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Ro- roads committee, explained it gers andi family were Yule- must have been an oversiglit tide guests of tiheir parents, on the part of the driver andi Mi. andi Ms. John Rogers. lie would look into the matter Mi. andi Mrs. Dennis Mar- aud see that it tiidn't bappen shafl and son, Brampton: Miss again. Ethel Gilbert, Chalk River, ___________-- were guests of their parents, Mr. ant iMs. Geo. Gilbert dur- MAPL GRVE ng the holiday season, Mis. FIetda Dresser, 1)unr- andi family spent New Year's dal, i vsitnglie dugherwith Mi. andi Min. Bruce Yeo, dalk is isi n herfanuly. Orono. Mis. Fred Gow adfnày Mr. and MVrs. Kenneth Samn- Mn. and i Ms. Mel Edwards mnelis. Nesleton: Mr. andM. aid famnuiy were tea guests of Melville Sanueils, Joan andt Mes. Ross HaUlowel1l, Bowman- Kathy, Oshawa, spect. New ville, en Sunday evening. Year's Day wîth Mr. andi Mns. Mi. and Mis. Haroldi Cîaw- Merwin Miountjoy. lord. Os'haw'a, were recent Miss haura Lee Snales, Ogh- gujests of Mis. L. C. Snowden. awa, spenit a few days with ber Suniay visitons with Mr. andi grantipairents Mr. ard Mrs. Ja- Mis. Cecil Miuta were Carol mires Su-raies, recenitly, a-id Brucre Begiev. Chester anti Mr.and Mrs. James Sae Bruce Milis al of Enniskiller' Were iccent visitors with then' ai Miss Shirley Milîs, RN, daughter Ms.K tLoub Kingston. Toroqrf o. Miss Mldred Srrowclcn visat- Mr, ald Mis. Binyti Wîlcox cd i. ndlVIns.F.Muno atiandi son Doîualdi. Cobourg:, Mr. edIffMr. anti Ms. EMmen H aes,_ M n M -. o -er W -lngo 1 I RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO FINISH YOUR RECREATION ROOI YO UR WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY IT Thal. wasted space ini your baseient cati bc inexPensively and easiIy converted into a cosy recreation rooin, bedroomn, den or play.- room. Start now and have it finished during the winter rnonths. Do-il-Tourseif or have aur H-ome Improvement Division look aller the complete job for you. No Down Payrnent... No Payments until April 1 FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFEB OSHAWA WOOD PRODUTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. S. -RA 8-1617 9 Oshawa Telephoues To Serve You EOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FIRIDAY MTL 9 P.M. Main Office and Showroom. COURTICE-RA 8-16111 AJAX-ZENITH 2-900 M * O R IEthe guests, asking each one ta to donate the li ig for tiis nx etighnaiob eld Mrs. Alex. Muin gave a very An executive meeting will be on February 3rd. World Day Mr. andi Mis. Harry Gay, fine devotional, using as her held an jânuary l2th at the of Prayer wili be held this Year Jayne andi Ricky have returned theme "Big Men andi Oreat Mrs. H. Gay, Mns. C. Efliott, on Mardi 4th at Maple Grove from holidaying at Alpine In, Men". During the short busi- ýMis.-G. Chartran, Miss Atm Churdi. 1The offering wus re- St.MaruerteQueec. ness perioti, the Laiterature Hait andi Mrs. E. Geaiing. celved andi declicated by Mms St MrueitQube. Seeretary Mss. E. -Gearing, Mie meeting ck)sed wtlh si, Ha M. Gay. M.andi Mrs. Poben Cook, gave a book report on "Thdngs etpqe Fart Walton Beadh, Florida, Fall Apart" which she recom- etpae and proyer by the The second ciiapter of the mendeti to the memters for presidenit forn a missionary, Study Book, entiliec "On a and Mi. Ronald Cook stationed reading. Miss Beuah~ Sergent. Bridge", wes prepared by Mis. at Picton visiteti wtih Mrs. oeo h rsdu n h .Bon h a sitdb Cook's sister, Mis. Charlie El: Iu the absence of the Suppîy meoteprsds aiUiW.BwnShwsasitdb liofit. Secretary, Miss Jean Gay, the president asked that e a c h Preceding the January meet- member bring a "ýCrazy"1 quilt' ing of Ebenezer Eveninig Aux- block, 13" x 16", to the next iliary, 20 niembens and pros- meeting. Miss A. Holt offereti pectîve memibers sat down to a ______________ deicious Pot Luck Supper in tie Sundiay School. The newENOF Y A presidenit, Mis. Wilfred Brown, opened tihe meeting with a New Year's verse andi welcomed C E AN E 0 Rend returned home on Sunday M JSTGIVEGI N from Memoràal Hospital, Bow- Am ~YOM 61 ET manville, where she, has been unider cane for Vbree weeks or more. We trust sue may con- tiu oimpinovean wili soon- . USED CAR*S Smith out agaîn also, after suf- 1958 PLYMOUTH fi-cyl., 2-Dr. feigfrom an alltack of mumi- ps. Miss JuLie Payne bas also ~ 1957 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl., 4-Dr., radio. been on the sick list but is flow 15 AO -,4D. aiPwrFi someWhat improved. 1956 SVYV8 -r. aiPri. The sympWthy of the coin- 195 PLYMOUTH, 6-cyl., 4-Dr., rdo munity is extended to Mis. T. Salter and family in the loss of 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. 4-Dr. Suburban, radio. husband andi father. The funer-I ai service was held at the Nor- 1954 BELVEDERE, 4-Dr., radio thcutt and i Sm 11hFunecr a l~ LcRCL 94FR - -r Home, %oWmanville, on Thuirs- EM Cfe 94FR - -r dyatroon andi was very 15 LM UHf-y. -r largeiy attended. RfIIZAI eLECT94RLY OTH1Cy.,2- Rev. F. J. Reed. Rev. T1ed' a MTU-SALS-SERVICE 1950 DODGE 4-Dr. $100.00 Kersey and Rev. Frank Cry- tXý-RAM OAPPLIAXCES derman partîcîpateti in the P Scripture readings and prayers là, Good clean cars, ready for the road. andi the inispirig andicm __ forting messege. Burial was in the North Cemetery, Hampton. Cet Cash Today Mr.Salerwas of a kindiy and friendly disposition and For Old Appliances Pam rIlf rS le very hi'gly regarded by ail, P l e o o a e and the memory of his fine through CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO - SIMCA Christian life and. helpfuli- fluence inthe church ancom_ TA TE SM ANDELR munitY will be dherished and C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S 0 ig DEE BwAniLES oeMA358 will live On in the heants of the Phone MArket 3-3303 2 igS.E omniî hn A358 people. _____.___1 -i i 'if i 't. 'g-Abc 0F 1 9 59 APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS AND RANGES 0ea. PHILCO TV AND RADIOS ae.. BLAUPUNKT RADIO AND RADIO RECORD PLAYER COMBINATION (FULL STEREO) Ail at Greatly Reduced Prices 1 USED TV iG.E. HI-FI RECORD PLAYER (NEARLY NEW) COLLISS ELECTRIC, 44 ilug si. W. Bowmaimville MA 3-5U1 Tes ... Oshawau Wood Pvoducts IS CONDUCTING ANOTHER FR11 INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE IN RECREATION ROOM BUILDING DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. . . ENROLL NOW To Le held on 3 consecutive Monday evenings cornmencing on January 25 at 7 o'clock in our Courtice showroom I. 4 i i - -J ~1 il -I THIE CANADIAN STATESMffl, BOVIIIANVILL19, ONTARW THURSDAY, JAN. 14tl4 IM PAU Tm?= 1 a

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