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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 4

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PA(U WÀTTP TEE CARADIAN STATESMAK, BOWKAZqVILLE, OZqTAIUO TMURSDAY, JAS. l4tIs. W ,EDIORIAS A Major Critic at Work 'Aiter liste ning ta Major Geucral Mfacklin at the West Durham Canadian Club last week, It is a wouder tbis town Jias't been filied witb suicides. The picture he presented of aur bopes for ,survival certainly was uot a happy anc. Fartunately, most af bis listeners 4ibave been througb so many crises of a liational and international character lu 4he past few ycars, that they are flot Jeasily aroused. Noue* ai the politiciaus, 4trying ta defeud their expenditures on arins, 'planes, ships, and manpawer, bas ticoled thein for a minute. They kuow ,as weil as Geucral Macklin that if a .hydrogen war gets underway, tbe best tbing that can bappen ta tbem is ta be 'blown ta bits quickly, so as not ta pro- long the agony. *Is They realize too that Canada bas lostsom ofitssovereiguty by becom- 'ýgau auciilary, a "colonial appendage" *-ta the United States Air Force. But, ta ~date, it basn't burt tbem any so why sbould they worry. There is no easy escape anyway if there is a war and it Is far better ta be tied in witb a strong "big brother" than ta be proclaiming the indepeudeuce we can't afford ta pro- tect on aur awu. Somehow, General Mackli's re- mnarks reminu s of ther aid soldiers, Montgomery, Simmonds, Churcbil- Mann, wbo sem ta deiigbt iu viewiug with alarin something they've bad a m~ajor part in building. Until General Macklin and General Simmonds retir- ed, they were good soldiers, excellent leaders in peace and war ai aur perm- anient force and aur defence department. No sooner dld they retire than every. thing was wroug about the place they had just leit. Did tbey retire because of their views oh defence matters which were contrary ta those politiciaus wbo were lu office? We uevcr heard that tbey did. It la an easy raie for auyoue ta play the great critic. In this day and a ge, we bave ail too few of them ifor tborougb discussion of probleins. De- fence strategy aud pollcy generally always need crlticlsm. The major p rab- lem is for lay people te decide who is on the correct course. At Ottawa and lu the other western capitals of the world, the best brains available are con- centrated day and night on this per- plexing situation. These are men of great skill in miitary matters wbo arc constantly aualyzing aud assessing, with their advice beiug relayed ta the poli- ticians wbo, lu the final stage, must make the decisiaus. We doubt if even General Mackliu would suggest that cither the military experts or the poli- ticians are deliberately trylng ta place their countries lu au impossible situa- tion, dci ence-wisc. No, in aur opinion, Geucral Mackliu feels be bas a great cause ta espause. Onily time wil tell If bis views are correct. But, surely after ail tbe speeches he bas made aud the articles be bas writteu, be must feel that the people ai Canada are as stupid as those at Ottawa. Otberwise, tbcy would risc Up aud join bis crusade lu great num- bers. Maybc sanie day we shall wisb we had. f Between the glares oi garden loyers and the restrictions that have beeu placed on dogs because ai the rabies thrcat, the poor canines wbo ive lu town aren't baviug much fun these days. Nor are their awuers. We bave a dog at aur bouse, a riend'y mixture ai police breed and e le four or five years aid sud a oveable nuisance. "Lucky" was acquir- ed when a cute pup for ouly $2.98. The ,veudor at that time was a amaîl sized youugster who bad drawu the lucky ticket at a Royal Theatre matiuee. Unfortunately, b. aud bis parents lived ln a front street apartmnt wbere animals were taboo. Sa, we bought it at a bargain - - we thaught. There was some confusion aver the established that Lucky's name shouid have been Lucy, sa the dear girl bas been lying around the bouse ever since until she is quite wide across the back, due ta faoo much food sud too littie cxci- lue.I the intcrveniug years, Lucy's original cost bas skyrocketed due ta hleedles, operations, heat lost iroin open- ing the kitchen door a buudrad times a day, spots ou the, broadloom, etc. Iu addition, the other lady oi the bouse- hold bas becu weariug berseli out, ai laIe, trying ta keep Lucy from roaming up sund down the streets and juta the arms ai the dog catcher. We did speud about twa days lining tbe lot with chickeu wlra, sud anoîher couple ai days building a picket icuce. But, Lucy always manages ta find a hiddan hale ta crawl Ibrough and, one ai thesa dlays that zealous cotroiler ai canines will grab ber for sure. That will be another $2 plus ta bail ber out. Fiually, we decided that sometbing had ta be doue. A town wbere so, nxany people bate dogs roaming through The inability af the Durham County Jistrict -igh Scbool Board to find suf- Jficient water on the proposed site of a iiew high school at Courtice brings to the public attention a problem which iray bedevil us more and more in the future. Modern1f e demands such enormous quantities of water that shortage of this v.tal requirement of our civilization wiil become more crucial as our popu- lation expands and more people are living en eachi square mile of land. The provincial goverrnment bas recognized the problem and the powers given to the Ontario Water Resources Commission indicate officiai awareness of the potential crisis. But the people aLs a whole, lu this area at least, are nat sufficiently coucemned. Living as close ta Lake Ontario as we do, we can be sure that we shall with whlch in lncorporated Th.e Jowanviiis News Th. Nwcastle Independent and The Orono Nws l(th Y'ear af Cantinuous Service ta the Town of Bowmanville and Durham County SUESCRIPTON RATES $4.00 aeYeczr, strictly iu advanoe $5.00 ci Y.e luthe. United Stats Authorled a« Second Clama Mail Poat OMfce Department. Ottatwa Pubilshod by THE JAM[ES PUBLISHING COMPANY LU4ME Eowmanvill, Ontario IONN M. JAMES, EDmitO their gardens, and wherc even the towu council forbids theni ta wauder during the wiutcr mouîhs, la no fit place for "man's best irieud". Yes, wc've tried tying ber up but those souiful, hurt eyes, the mouruful sauuds she lets forth sud the trips we bave ta make to un- wind ber at frequeut intervals just break aur beants. We icît the childreu should be waru- cd thal "Lucy bad ta go." This, ai course, brought ou a fast reaction. Even the litîlesI, wha cau ouly say "Mum" began ta pat the poocb foudly, Iustead ai bashiug ber aven the head or pulling ber cars sud tail. "Maybe we can find ber a good home away from towu, wbere she can romp ta ber beart's delight aud you children eau go visit ber cvery now aud then", we suggested. That sug- gestion weut aven with a dull tbud. We thoughî we had such a home aranged but, apparcutly, the kindly soul who was ta take the dog, cbaugcd bis mind. If was unthinkable that aur prizad animal should be taken to the pound sud disposed oi. This was a member ai the family. If would be coid-blood- cd murder. Sa, we carry on, sweepiug up hairs, mopping up footprnts ou the kitchen floor, with tb. kids ready ta pounce upan us with ail the vehemeuce at their command should Lucy not be around the bouse wben tbey came home irom school. Honesîly, dog catcher, we are doiug aur best ta keep ber under con- trai but sbe doesn't sem ta have read the by-law sud just docs't give a boot about rabies. If auy ai aur readers bas a borne for a real ouldoor dag - except whcn it's raining or suowlng - pîcase give the editor a ealan sd mayb e we eau make a deal ai saine kind ta briug au end ta this dilemnia. We've gven up! aiways have enough water right at the lakefront, but pumpiug water out of the Llake is more and more costly as the )distance froni the lake increases and Lwe should be miudful of the difficulties attendant on any substantial expansion away from the shore. One good thing about this is the fact that people will be remiuded that man cannot create his environment, no matter how much he may be able ta alter it for bis own benefit. As one of the basic renewable nat- ural resources, water must be conserv- ed and if substantial further develop- ment is to take place in Outario, every step must be accompauied by provision for adequate water suppiy. The iucreasiug pre-occupation with the need ta conserve water, like most conservation movements, cames after rukuch harm has been doue which could bave been avoidcd. The conservation- ists of eariy days, pitifuliy small in numbers, bemoaned the fact that men were abusing the earth aud their warn- iugs werit unhee4ed until recentiy. If a shortage af water lu the United Counties makes people more humble about aur relationsbip ta the basic ele- meuts afi lue on eartb, it wifl have been a blessiug in disguise.-Evening Guide. "I live by my peu," said au editor wishing to impress a young lady. "You look as if you lived lu one," was ber reply. He who bas anything, does any- tbing, or is anything. lu this world, la sure ta bave enemies to slander bim. He wbo spends all be can get is ou the bigh-road ta beggary. The looking glass reveals defeets te ourselves ouly; the wine glass, te al about us. A woman's pride and a sailor's guide -the needle. Carpets are purchased by the yard but woru by the foot. Cou rtship is bliss, but matrimony la blister. A.MD AWAi WR GO.é Cod Junqman 's 3o/umn. One y car, we know fiat oui elucidate: The. big diulng- Marrîed childien waut ta room table i. quite a size speud Christmas Day with , when four "leaves" are added; thidi respective "in-laws"; the then we lugged lu two picnic next, we invite tuem ta be tables; used a couple o! hirgh our guesîs. So, on Christmas chairs, and parked Gail ini Day, 1959, thirîy of us gaîli- the go-cart. ered srouud the festive board We had ne plum puddin' andhadan njoabl lme, because Jean offered ta sup- especially as lhe roads ýnd pl mince pies, sud apple pies weathen ca-operated so mice- smotherejd lu Devonshire ly. cream-the latter delicscy is In spite o! aIl thc wise- patent enough ta make a bar- cracking sud fun, w. stilli rnaid bite a bishap. The car- !ound tume ta remember those cass o! lhe tuurty paund lui- who could not b. preseut, as kcy was quite baie by the end well as the three empty chairs. of supper. When Bulci gaI Iu case any. reader wonders ready ta stuf! the monster how we nianaged bo feed thir- she wondered how iniuch iti ty people at anc siîting, in a wouid take; by tue time sic modest alzed house, let me had used up two boaves o! In the Dim and Distant Past, From The. Blatesmau Mies bread, two pound oet acusageý meat, six axions, sud otuci seasouing, sie began to wish she iad taken me up on my o! fer ta use e plank sud wheelbarraw toi f111 the cavily which looked about as big as tue Windsor Tunnel, wlth the ligits out. The girls a11 wondered if "holding Christmas" wouldn't b. too great a stralu on my wife. Outside of a feeling ce lassitude on Boxlng Day, il didn't tizz on her. She la a bain organizer, and takes pride lu successfully planning and executing a gaod sîzed ealing project, espccially wheu it's aur own kiufolks. Christ- nmas Day was juslt t her 11k- iug-to provide pienty o! goad food, sud see il devoured with appreciation. I didn'I get a chance ta develop s feeling a! lassitude on Boxing Day be- cause, lu a weak maoment, I offered ta swab sud wax lie decks of the diuiug sud liv- ing-rooms sud kitchen. Butci ual ouiy concurred, she has- tiiy hauled ouItich bucket, mop aud wax, so rallier than "chickcn out," I did the beasl- ly fleors. ,A.lhougli wc were the ap- 49 TZARS AGO 25 TZARS AGO peitv eiiuso! many q cards, letters, and gifîs, the (January 19, 1911) <(Jafluary 17. 1935) anceIliat we pîizcd tue mast Mr'. Gea. E. Heury, Kiugs- T. H. Kigit was on Tues- was, spcnding those few pleas- ville, was lu town Friday. He day re-elected Ciairman af sut, preciaus houri witli our haspurhasd fom is o- he uble Uiliiescom i oved anes, some o! whomn ther theHenr homstea onsion aI ils inaugural meeting. mint b ion acet thner ticHe r h ostheou Mis. E. V. Scobell was el- ivtainfor Christmas, 1961 Manvrs Rad, ortho! leasd we may ual be eble ta town wlth ils splendid or- elected Presideut o! tue Bow- .,ost," iî. We wcre delightQd chard. nianville Horticultural Sa- t eev rm Ms er Messrs. T. Boîtrell & Sonceyfo195aMud. Richiardson, a member o! the were exiibitars aI Peter- Mis. F. A. Fitchette, Mon- DiaiCuî lb n bore Poulîry Show last week ticsi, spent lhe weekend withDuhm C nt Clb ad carryiug of! 14 first ri.s lier parents, Mi. sud Mrs. Wm. curnIly staylug aI 1515 He- five seconds sud seven thhrds an. len Sîreecî, E., Tucson, Ariz- besides thîce silver cups RndA Engagement: Mr. sud Mis. ana, U.S.A., a copy o! thc tire. specials on tliu pou,- A. B. Werry sunounce t hr imas. his o "Ari try sud pigeons. engagement o! theur daugh- is 9 x 12 inches, sud contplns .Mr. E. C. Southey lias been ter, Vers Izet, ta Mi. Mel- thirty-îwo o! 1h. most beau- appointed Managing Director bourne Wesley Teiry, son tiful coloured photographe o! o! tlie Durham Glove Co. oaf Mr. George W.Tery PC. Arizona Ihat your scribe lias Miss Carrne Cherry, piofes-shaa adti laeMs ever seen. Mis. Richardson -Terry, 1he uxarriage to lake hopes htw a .al sional nurse, Toronto, bas place quietly tie early part tah vsiht Arzoa soon.ablIe been home aI Cherry Cottage of February. ovstAinaso.Wel ton s few days' rest. - Birth: Woodward: Iu Bow- we have thc car, thc des,.re, Senator R. Beilli is at East- manville on Friday, January some iolidays duc, but -. ern Ontario Fat Stock Show Il11h, ta Mr. sud Mis. Murreil We sîsrted 1960 off ln good aI Ottawa judging hoises. Woodward, a son Ronald Rab- style, on New Yearls Day, by Mi. Ezzie Kight has gone erI. having a milk baIlle o! wa- ta Hamilton la reside with hie Biackstock: Mr. Cecil Hyde ter break in tue "fridge", motier and brother. was hast ta a number o! and mnake a mess o! eveiy- Oron: Hi Horay!Thefriends aI an cujoyable social thiug, including 1h. nice dlean Oroo: ip ooiy! iceveniug ou Fniday. Misses kilcien floor; theuthie speed- 1h51t railway locomotive ever Mabel sud Marion Argue, ometer of the Austin wenl seen in tnis buîg arrived Jessie Knox sud Leous Wea- capul on our jeurxey ta Richi- over the C.N.R. sud crossed therfit; Mr. Percy Hamilton mond HiUl--ýaiu't lite tedious? aur Main sîrcet Saturday af- sud Mr. Jo. Bradburn were A good way ta staît 1960, ternoan, Jan. 7th, 1911, and among Iliose preseut. would b. wiîli Editoi Bob Ed- was met by a large crowd o! Nestleton: Mr. sud Mis. wards' prayer: "Lord, lct us oui citizeus ta sec 1he.casi. Harny McLaughliu enlertain- ual talc. the worid nor oui- Thc train brougit lu a big cd ah dinner sud cuchre on selves 100 seîlously. and grant gang of steel layers. Saîurday. us more people ta laugl i wlh, Courtice: Mis. Wyboîn aud Cadmus. Ou Wcduesday aud fewer te laugh et. Let us Della ixtexd spcuding lie x'e- evening a number o! frieuds naltiuckle tathie high nar mainder a! tie winteî with fîom Blackstock sud Cadmus buildoze the bow. Let us eau- frueuds in Grand Rapids. ield a surprise party et Mi. demn no man for calai or lan- Daîlinglan: Mi. sud Mrs. E. Sauderson's. Tie cvening guage, sud ne nation on ec- Frankc Blackburn sud son was spent in dancing. count o! ils marais, neither ai- Wilfîîd, who have been Salins: Congratulations ta ways beiug responsible for spending thrce months with Mr. sud Mrs. Clifford Nayloî elther. Pieseive aur sense ef relatives here, lefI Monday ou the arrivai o! a baby boy. values sud of proportion. for thein borme lu Denver, Enuis1cillen: Mass Mabel Whilch le about al toi'tlils Colo. Green, R.N., Piatsville, Miss lime, Lord. "Amen!" Hampton: Mr. I. L. Brown Edua Rickard, R.N., Dorches- bua becu re-appoixlcd esses- tci, visilcd Dr. sud Mis. H. sor for the yeui 1911 sud Fergusen. You ca't ait on theIlid of sharîs work at once. Hampton: Congratulations pragicass. If you do, you will Zion: Whule drawing ice la Mn. sud Mis. Cliffard Al. be blown ta plcceL-Henry MT. John Clark gaI lis, lean len on thec cuvai of s baby Kaiser. aud -aleighinlutue water, but girl. Justice ln the lusurance we by timeiy aid thcy weîe Maple Grave: Mr. sud Mrs. have on oui' lives, sud obedi- saved. Ross Stevens aud Mi. and ence Is lhe premlum w. psy Solmna: Mr. sud Mis. Chas. Ms. Stephen Jeffeiy receul- for it.-William Penn. Blanchard weîe pleasantly ly citcrtained a tew ta card Obedlcuce ls the malier a! surpiised by a number o! e- parties. succeis, sud ls wedded ta latives sud frleuds Monday Orono: MIr. Sain E. Allen safety.-Aeschylus. evcning, it beiug lie Icuth had lie 11111e finger o!is No principle la more noble, suniversany of! liu maîriage. riglil hand ueaîly seveîed this as tiere [s none more holy, Tyrone: Messrs. J. H. Mut- week while sterling bisnia- tien that o! a truce bedieuce. hou sud W. H. Moore are tor car. -Henry Giles. atoring Ice for summer use. Newcastle: Mi. Walter Far- Wicked men obey tram Birth: James: Iu Bowman- îaw wss recently elccted e fear; good men, frein love.- ville, at "Lorne Villa", Jan. school truste a! Brown's sec- Arstalle. l7ti, ta Mr. sud Mis. Nor- tion in succession te Mr. Gea.1 Obedience [s ual truly per- man S. B. James, a sou, (John' Stepieuson who had comple- 1!ormed by Uic body, If tue Matson). J ted a thrco year ter. Lhcart Jà dssatisfled..-SaadL ý 1 A e«rd perty has been ar.' renged for later lu Jenuary, lu Kedron Commundty Centre ta begin at 8 p.ni. Everyone welconie. Word has beoen received from Mr. and, Mrs. E. Mountjay thet llhey have settled for a fcw weeks in Phoenix Arizona, ber. coutinuing tueur motor trip lunthe SouthieruUniited States. Mr. and Mrm. Howerd Brown eutertailned memt>-ers of Mr. Brown's t amily with c d1iner Party, at whieh all the tain- ily were prescrit. Mis. Reg- inuaki Blackmorc, But!falo, snd fam±ly were among those Ini et- tendance. Mr. and Mmtr. lHoward Brown were visitiors during flhc holi- day week wlVh Mr. and Mm.. B]ackmore et their home, Buf- talo. Mrs. Robert Fraser cutertaiu- cd c f ew frlcuds most pleas- antly on Tucsdiay eveuing. Fred Densaei was soloist et tue regular rniiung service accornpanied -b yMrs.R. Lee, orgâanist. Rev. î. H. L1ove con- ductcd Communion, esslsted by eiders Walter Davis, AI Spe- ncer, Ross Lee and Clarence Werry. Mrs. D. J. GIbson was received into the meuibershilp o! Kedron Unitied Ciiurch., Albert Wood presided lu the Suniday School heur, Elearior Mountjay pianist;, Mas t e r s Ralpli Barnett and Robert Smith received thbe S.S. offer- ing. Next Sunday attenda n cee awards are ta be presenited. The aunual meeting o! the congrega',don wIll Aie held on Tliursdèay evenLing, Jauuary 21, in. the Lower Hall- pot luck lunch. Doubles' Club Kedron Doubles Club were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee at their home, "ICloverlea", on Saturdaey foliowing an ev- enirig of bowling. Bill Snowden presided for a brief business meeting. A let- ter of thauks ta the club for providiug thie ncw light eit the argan was read. Deliclous sefreshmerUtawere served cafeterla style tram the diniug table, wtilch was ccxi- tred witih an arrangeTnielt Of tulips. The hosteo.wias pre- sentcd wlth c cup and saucer as c smal token e! epprecia- tien for graclous hopltaiity. New members werc heartily weccmed ta the club. WomcnueAssociation The Woman's Association met on Wednesdey afternoou iu the Lower Church Hall. Mrs. Clarence Wcnry was leader for a devotionai service whîch had been prepared by Mis. Harvey Crossmau. MTs. Grant Glever re a d Scripture sud MNi. William Werry assistcd with readings. 7te thesue was "'The New Year". Variatimofnset chyn "O Master let me walk wxih Thee", we". piayed by Mrs. Harold Werry, planilst. Prcsiderut Mrs. William Wbod- ward, presided for business. Recordiing secretaay Mrs. dlit- ford Hopkins read minutes, Correspondàng secretlary, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, read myauy let- ters of thanks«ta tue W.A. for kinduesses donc. Treasurer Mirs. Harold Werry gave a detalled report o! 1959 finances mid reported net re- ceipts of $1,270.34, expenses $751.69 and bailance of $518.65. A donation o! $500 was made ta thic generai fund o! Ked!rou United Church inl December as the major single expenditure. The bazaar, provided the major portion o! money made for the year. Mrs. C. Hopins gave a de- taiedi secretary's report cev- ering the year's activities and repos'ted 29 Paid members. M'rs. Douglas Lo>ve reported for thbe flower committee. In thec absence o! Mrs. E. Moutjoy, Mrs. W. Werry pre- sented the statemenit for the speciai missioriary funds for thec affiliation witi W.M.S. A total o! $77.30 had been recelv- cd which inicluded Uic World Day a! Prayer o!fering of $17.1 <fetters <cL &Jihe 4140 Mulberry Lune, sprin oes er early here Sacramento 22, in thxspartoCifol. California. In closlng 1 would like ta Jan 6, 1980. wlsh you and yours a very The. Canadian Statesman, Happy and Prosperous New Bowmanville, Ont. Year. W3.Joh E. Hopps Dear Mr. James, I anm writing to let yau Bwavle know wl recelvcd your card BwalVle at Chistmas inforning.us that Jan. . 1960. rry aunt, Mrs. Seward Tyler, Dcci' Editor, lied eenewed aur subscrI*p- Please Indulge MY wlsh, tion to the Canadian States- that through the mediumi of man for another year. I your eesteemed paper I speak would like ta take this oppor- brlefly ta members of Dar- tunity to thank her, and aima ilngton Ratepayers' Associa- you for your very intereating tion, caso to those who are ini- paper wlth ail the home town terested In gecaniing meni- news whlch we enjoy se much bers. aIl through the. ycal. Membership tickets are val- 1 have just flnished reading Id tiil June, and niay be ob- about the severe snaw stormn tained tram any member of you had just after Christmas, the executive. thus la what the. officiais cf the The resignation of Robt. winter Olynipica have been Tremble, the president, has hoping would happen In been laid on the table tili Squaw Valley lu the Seirra after the election, et whlch Mountains just anc hundred time he was approached by miles east of here in Sacra- thc executive to return ta his mento, but ail fal tic wea- post. He cansented, and [s ther has been very warm, no back, servlng es president rain In the valey or snow in again. the mountains until recently, It is the poiicy of the asso- there has been some snow fail ciation to have at least one Up there but they stiil hope member present at each of for mare before Uic games Uic council meetings, thereby start in February, as a tre- Weng able to give Informa- mendous amount of money tion cf current happenings to has been spent in the prepa- any intercsted persan, who ration, fabulous buildings, la not able ta be present. roads, etc., and ta ninke the No anc need wait tili the whole thing a success tiiere regular meetings ta 'fînd out must b. lots cf snow. the latest news, just pick up W. have had roses bloom. your phone and cail MA 3- Ing In aur yard up until 2776. Christmas, and now we have The first meeting 0t the azaieas and cameilias lu bloomn nw council aeemed ta get and soon ail the sprlng flow- off ta ai good start, aud we ers will be coming iii bud as hope will continue iu that di- KEDRON Manvers Station mrs. Vance Allen sud Mrs. Sydney Powers left an Satur- day for Florida with sanie Kendai friends. It's a goodi place ta be this coid bluste1 weather. Saturd'ay maruinig the. thermometer was dowu te, 18 degrees below zero. Several trom tus district at- tended the. funcral ou Wed> ricsday ot Mrs. JOhn i TOMP. son trorn Porter and Turuer'u Funeral Homne, Toronto. JoAn,, a retired C.P.R. conductor, lu a I&uvers boy. A formner resident of Mani- vers, M"s. Sydney Landy, (Laurea Bray), passed away on Thursday evcriang ln Civlc H-ospital, peterberough, aiter a lengthy iilness. Thne funeral was held on Saturdiay afler- moon fom ftic Kae Funerel Hie. Interment ln ,Tal 11 m Cemetery. We were pleased ta receive a long, interestdng lettes' froni Rev. Linidsayr Vogan, now a Professor at St. Steplien's Col- lege, Edmonton, Alberta. Mr. Vogan was the mIndter on the Pontypool, Manivers charge ln 19,53-54. Least ycar he spent in Boston studying for his Dec- tarate Degrce. The youngcst of theur 4 ohildren was bari ln Boston lu.t March. The uew owuers of Kannd Badluck's house are doing eX- teusIve remnodeqing àef oarn moving In sometime SPMardi N&. and Mrs. Lynch aud tain- ily, Toronito, are moviug IntO Clifford Hudson's house lu near future. 30, sent ta fthc Wonesis Inter- Church Council, aud a dona- tion to W.M.S. o! $60. Officers for 1960 we'e ef- tici'ally iustalled by menibert of the Board of Sessiou% C. Ir. Wen7r. Mrs. R. E. Lee was thie speak- er o! the nfternoon with an in- teresting paper based ou tihou- gfhts from Gladlys Taber's writ- ings "Diary of Dornesticity". Excerpits from the originel were reud in illustration. Hostesses werc Mrs. Grant Glover, Mrs. Alvin Spencer aud Mrs. John FYrmnis. Mis. Harvey Pascoe and Mrs. J. Starr were appointed ta ar- range committees for 1960 progranms and lunci. Special donations ta assist ln W.A. work aI Kedron were received from N&. Jesse ArnatI, Loni- don, Mrs. Ted Dixon and Mns. Russel Dawn. -:,.SUGAR and SPICE:.o Dipensed by Bill Smiley Bougit about mny .leveuty- seventh sweepstakes ticket the other day. I cauld Ue the wall.s of my sludy wlth aid ones, if I iad a study. They're sait o! preîîy, tao, witli tuat chubby dame on lie front staing aI you quizzically, sud piactically ssylng: "SuckeiU Every lime 1 buy one, 1 kick myseif. "Why are you dolng this?" 1 csk me ln disgust. "Flrst of ail, it's against the law. Second, you dont give a tippler'. tart about belping out the Iish bospilals. Third, If you have th. odd quîd ta thraw &round, wby don't you gîve ILta somethlng warth- whîle, Uike the establishment of a sehool whcre people could leara to amile, in twelve easy lessons, attractive part- ners, 1no experlence iacces- But every Uie1 give my- rself! a going-aver likqt tuaI, e stiil, emall vaice wlhhin me says: "Aw thaddup. This time we're gonfla wlu 'ci. Seveuty tuousaud singles ef the glarious green. Can'h mnies, Galle feellu'." Thils tlny voice ià kuown as Humer Nature or Airant Greed, depexding on wi.tuei' it's your awu or sauxebady' elsc's. n' a tt to e ta IL * *ct '0ug. a evei'7 liane I1 parover Part et the greeery moner foton ee01 thome 11111e off -pluk sheets with aHi- the flne priaI e« them, I do have a sudden, Gaz- zding vWislor etwlnulng $v0,- 000, or whatever iL lM ther give Fou. It must b. »moe- thlug like ene et tiose sPeils lu whih a Holy zelier secs Lhe vision aud ssalst. r IL. Trouble id, sometuIng al- ways jars me ouI o! MY trauce before I eau build up thc ith snd reelly gît Auto IL I'm sittiug iluthe office, clutcig my sweeps ticket. l'm looking out the window. I don'l se. tic snow belting down sud misemable fellow- lownsmen ciauching their way Iliroughiti, nases dîlppiug. No, what 1 sec la the whîite gleamlng beach at Rio, as the plane dîps Ils wing ho make the circuit of Sitgar Lest mountain. Or the flrm, brawn, SPanish serving-wench . set- tlng up breakfast on the ter- race over-looking lhe Medit- erranean. Or the agile frizzy- headed kid scrambling up 1he palm. ire. ou Koalahuao, ta fetch me a fresh cacanul. And Just about lien c me- talllc Canadien voice cleugs tta ny reverie wit I "say, I wanua pudda nadeutia papes'. I got morne reai good pigs fer sale" and I know I'm back, I haven't won the sweeps, ll's suowlug outside, sud it's tic mniddie a! Januany in lie truc north strong sud frcezing. Howuvcr, Hope eprnugs .1er- ual on thie human beast, as th. old Norse folk-song bas Il. 1 wlsh Fath aud Charlly would make It a sister set Nothlng wll ever couvine me that Ilm net going to wln tic next sweepstakes. And I don't mean one of those pld- diUng consolation pnîzes, elth- car. I mean the bundle. Il'. gel te happen sean, while 1 have a modîcuin of healthsnd a vestige of yauth lefI. or Il's tee late. Next summer, 1'il be 40. Atter tiaI, who canes? The first tuiug rrmuol go- iug te do with the moucy Is buy a house. Thal's ail thase dopes can ever say who are iuterviewed afler tliey win anc. I've gaI a house, o! sorts. Why waslc money building s faucy uew one? And have nmsnebui, living luIn t fUty years tram flow, cuise me up and dowu because 1 made suci a mess o! building iii house. The second thîng l'an nt gaing la do le put Itlnh a trust1 accotant 80 My kids eau go tg college. -.my- kids --can -get thiaugli callege 1h. smre way I did, by borrowlug tie mon- ey frmeinaue of! heur uncles. Non do 1 plan la investitI for my aid age. If I gel hold of that $70.000, l'il never lîve toa ripe aid age, I can guar- anîe Ihat. Witli a baukiail like liat, l'Il live like s millionaire. First, l'Il gel credit cards, good enywhcre, for everythlng tram dinuers ho dancing girls. These won'l cost me a nickel. Tien l'Il buy a whole !lock ot plane tickets, an tic Buy Now -Pay Later plan l'Il outtit lie whole tamily tram top to toc, usiug my ciedit cards. * e 0 Then, away we go. Triv! around th. world and back. Visite te aiU the exotlo plaes, the lush spahs lhe fonbldden fields. Tulor fer the kids. French mald for Main. 5we- dish masseuse for Dad. ~eV salaries would be thce nly 41c pense, as everything '-wse weuld go on th. credit carda. * * 0 We'd see Uic world ln hîgli style for about two years. At tie end o! liaI lime, I tigure tic FBI sud the Mounties wouid b. closiug lu. We'd ship lic kids, C.O.D., back te one!fthiu aunti lu Canada., We'd sack tie rcmaining $50,- 000 mbt a Swlue bank, endtý retire ta live iappily ou the, interest, for Our brie! remnain-r iug span, ou tue golden IsY* a! Majores. Our only extrav*- gance would b. the occasional dispatch, fa enectlcard coin- panies sud sirlines, ot cableS asaylug: "Se, sue me! No Fun for the Dog Blessing in Disguise THUP.SDAT, JJAN. 14tbe lm THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELL& ONTARIO ý PAGE VOIM &/ditor arection. W. on the association do flot wlsh to criticize, but ta work ln acCOrdanée with council, If and when it 18 deemed nscea- sary or advlsable. Four conimittees have be appointed by reeve Rlck;rf ta do the tact flnding and r ? search work, but the. final decision mnuit be that of the whole council. f There are a lot of wrInkklea yet to, be ironed out, but if they wiil proceed in theene. getie way they have str& congratulations will be forth- comIng instead of criticisu. However, no one uhould tae -offence at constructive criti. -cism, unless they prafeas to be fpeerfect, and I for one have neyer met such a persan. We wish the new councl 9much success in their endea- 1vor, and strongiy urge the 1public to take an Interest lu their municipaiity, Notices o! regular meetings will appear in the local pa- per. Sincerely Mérs. B. Budai, r, ~Sec. of D.R.P.A.-

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