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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 5

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vs I'UMDAY, SJAN. l4th, 19850 TEE CANADIAN 8TATE~MAw. UflWMAMViTT.U' #~MI'A~Tft -- --------. .. --'--5 a r....,» a' * v a cal] "Th Xms prsen tha wih Iù *upeedy recov.ry. 1lad with ahymn-sîÀng n Red Cross BloodaBank y thMarch of Dimes Needs Mr ndMs.ltn Tn jwip ervicele Red Cross B ood Bank 1Mr. Wheeler read the mini1Au o 1M.adMi.Wle ikad1'eteews" Ltsoth atmeeting. Tt wasl A il lu 14 Brnai. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tink Door". The next meetn il woas edaso- decided lia send our regular' ..elp v ilal O al tP1~n, ezr, wZ eo aui.2.Cutfo h td ok"e a donation of S10 to the Sick' ýSuinday dinner guet ofMr Whist and contests wr n i' r.M ieldi h Children's Hospital. Tt also andr ieý rî. Bruce Tink and fam- joyedfo the remainde f h1wri*i evc n ed %vs eiddtohaea uhrî i. n jlfs Bue jý(Il-ments served by thegrpifjse.Te olcaiornt pati aiàya lrOver 170profi oith oreoftreiiet r.charge,.etn 'l b Afc bu $ 9 0 M llio S in c 1 9 4 ~Shepards: luch t cases wvere reported in Ontario il started now, they wîll only Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and The Explorer$ met nSt'Arc" viches t arts; Ms ThiCkduring 1959 agaînst a total of just become ful effective family. "9 i l o i c 97i onr waspu in ta ibuy the pri- 240 during 1958. wvhen the danger of polio is at Ms akWsîk r i ___________________________ iComnmentting on this today.I its height during the late sum-1 ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Representatives of the local altirhe saine timne shocked with. aware of Ille important rale* Mrs. Preston spoke on all Mrs. S. Dunn off the local mer."i Branch of the Canadian Red! fthe financial situation. Toa, played by Red Cross todaY. 40 j the standing committees. giv- March of Dimes Committee, MqTs. S. Dunn made thesere F. R. Cook. Bowmanville. Cross Societv attended the an-' manv peaple wrongiy believe cents of' every camipaigo dollar i ing svnwiesadabl t.e ha h nai ac ak aarr c e r e w Mrs. C. Johnson and Hilar. g~ia campaign mnetinganela at thetRedeCrossttahbeOatario Marco marts ardoui ntreponterhe o wasanodon..vvsitedd eevralldays aa Soalcpi H eaduatilers. tor the RedCrosatio it e hausli- Red5;o t owad itiu terl-idea of . the meaning of the off Dimes were making a con- checking up on prcgress al, the1 n o aes oncidy, auart. Toontm- oal ndsactuafy th ehutuc Sed rvice which Transfusion varjous commîttes whic'h in- siderable effort ta eJuaeloa a a ie*h a nd-' M r's.o Bkrvi- î q a n r e on Fida, Jnuay'8h. em-abl fuds.Actall th tre'Srvie wichsupplies free celude. - Historical Resea r c h, aduits to become immunized, quartiers. This year 1.50 M'archi- M.an beres «i Branches throughouî picture shows that in the past ýblood ta the hospitals across Health. iiesiPbi ejadtercn eayicdneigMteswl erqie ited Mr. and Mvrs. J. Smales Ontario met ta learn of newv '5 years nat one of the tell div- [Canada. -'00,000 botties of blo-i lations etc. !of polio i atr nal a acvreeyhm nBw.a~fm]' saa n quotas, campaign aids and isions of Red Cross in Canadaiod will 'oe collected inOrtario! j i-aterneOtaioed to comnverlle drr omeing dis- -and Mrl, sh. sWrvv branch campaign prablemrs. ýhas been able ta meet its fin-jin 1960. Valued at the old ratel Mrs. V. Peacock gave us an emhsz ded iedt o-mnilean dn i- Mr. R. E. Davey, Ontaria, anciai objective. j off $25.00 per bottle. this repre- excellent papeir on .urn tinue this project en a top pri-J tricts in their efforts ta raise' ited Suilday eveniing with Mr. President, gxeeted the delega- Mr. Taylor went on ta tel of! sents a saving of' S.5million l ct s itn ii otalîn rt ai.ioi haeofteetmtd n r.A ur ori *.e ad reened th gesjhi fartht edCrssisinthe people of Onvario; and a I ding events of 1959. A pp10 8css nCrwl ni$634,500 required in Ontaia Mrad Mrs. DontTaylor, s dp er, Mr. tJ. Aiyn sTaylorj ag r of losing Cits s i ni saving off $90 m illion ta the on Citizenship prepared b v1 19 in Ottawa this sum m er al ta carry on lthe work of the Re- an d eildn st d M . a d National Campaîgn Chairman.! due ta the ever increasing people af Canada silice this Mrs. A. White was left to be[ were paralytic ai-d several habilitation Founda-lion for Po- 1Mrs. Milton Samis. EnIfield. MVr. Taylor, although a new- number off united appeals and Red Cross service wýas inaug- read next finie, as timne wasi needdia ugs h ac liomyelitics and the Orthopae-ý Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith, Osh- camer ta Red Cross brings wýith- individual canvasses each yea. Iurated in British Columbia in getting short and the road be-! of Dimes provided five part- dically Dioabied during 196C.awa, visited at E. Cryderýman's. himi ani ngrsaO ial-bl. able' respirators in these coin- The Blitz here will take place,! Helen an'd Pat Knox were offvaualc H îpiessd po te el-lmunities. H-owever. il is signifi- Monday everding, Fe-b. ist.. li Toronto an Saturdas' ai- H anc business experience. gates the importance off an a iý Mir. lr -Nffor n ario iMr.llserreda ant that verv ffew orf ie vîc- Extra Maroliig Mother vol' tending the Jr. Farners Con- d ad Bd He said that lie lia, ben out effort ta put Ontario averJ hetolo Otr o iro pet on hints and ideas for the tims h'ad recelved an-t Salk va- tînteers are still requlired loi entian and also siîîging in die, genuinely impressed b'- thc; the top in the comîng crm- infornicd ihose preserit tliat 1-omemaket-. Lunch was served ccine aI adi. fili the 'anks, and if vo cati;Ontaria County Jr. Farmer-s' 9Pirit off Red .iosandI its paign and ta make the peooic[ 19601 quotas are 5.81>,h' e1bYiV Mrs. MeAli xsgoD eorsso htdri pr utoe oro oreiir. Heeila. rpetL otion mnany dedicatcd worlkeîs but is'off this province iincrcasingly- 'la"s las, %7eai wîth a total ofi The next meeting ta be at Miss Reod hwta uigth the spaebulionchut of yurkîng contest li - - $l2591.9 V.00 required Iaornain-[ Mat-v Powellfs home on Feb. past ffew x'ears polio seems ta time on tôle evening off Fe-bru-sesodi it tanth 8 e C-sssrvrs. rd have -shifted ils attack and is arv' Ist, pie-as, telephone MA which h t nsh plare. n There ts no substitute toi-lharod' e .. etig i o w b a o mng uitsInt!e 0 o 40 - C-â769.an S EC 1 L Tie 0. eewg oi 'eo mî dlt n thei20 coo40 579.and children visited Mr. and! V'ILATING NEW work.Mr. Neff said. and each a- 1 Es A .Wry shwo £ILW and P field t aIVis. H. Quartrilî's fle e gon,,,In OntaMriC.oJ.Wra, Oscwa . n i v e ' v [ e d C r o s s m c ! n e r 1 3 t 1 h o f f J a n ult a rý v , t a g e 7 0.'- .o f Ç f l TTpe o p l e S ttv eria v . - o z s i z e HAS BEEN ADDED mLt tir teir utniost Stnda shooraId tan (1'of Ihsepeaiehav t d atrd'avvBil wHarriM ~ t Pm 5 BAS B EN A DED . .to te coing ainpign.so vial:SLiicia\ schol ad chrch'oteceived o o shteofsiatwipi-a.i rio Red Cross services wiil hiave services wcre lheld on Suîîday. tertton yet. The nîissiantai y ,pi ograni on and Mrs. Stati Millsot. S2.25 v'aitie- i la be critailed dute ta a shurt- 1c n r.T' ul reeeyoe.e- ud orîgiildda 'leWmn nttîewl spentorwo da"s I pecially those parents wii.h slory read by Mrs. Mut-car, Vice meet on Thucsdav afleriiooîî.' A opndiscuîssion~ follo\\,ed, vek. y asinTrot as!vung faj-nilies- ta sce their a receitation. bv rreHlsadJiuy14al2oco-.P- T H R F T H O Pageofftune. delegates e: octors right away and stant a sang bt- the Explorer giris, gram incharge of &C: ta chaîîged cam-rpaiguI suggest.ions Mr. and Mrs. S. Minis aud. We are pleased to knaw that Millsoiî's groin). Mrs. E. Cs- I D ~I I and prohiet-s. Most prob1ims.ffmily. Oshawva. wvît'l Mr. andi i~T<T7T~Mis. Reed oui- miniister's wife,jder JUviRYiea ete f SECTION WHEBE had beeti met by oterbL1-rs C Mrcr.EN ISKILLLVEette' ineo utd fJthe Tweedsmuitr History. ches and tlîeiî solutions xvere M.ad r.C.Balvat e- speiîditig sevet-al weeks in,- The Three M's met ai thelý a greatl help to tlioS se xvîtMr.adMs. R.W. Beatty výisîled Mi-. Rau Cletiietîs, Hampton:iMenionial HospitaL. home off Murray aîîd Faye Vice Y u eai Du tr wihMp.R .Beatty. wlio is Miss Cartoi Wright, wei'e Sturi-, !MI?. Jacký Kivellis in1 To'ronto on Moîiday.Jaut- 4. The PH-ONE MA :-77 O ANiL O DDS and ENDSn a t-est haine al MillbrookJ duy tea guestis of Mr. and Mr1-s General HospHlawher ieun- rograi Cla-a Leask anrd bpEn- -___ niçIrr)iTIr i r im i JJJJWrJJc±IMrJjLI - .i-_-----__-- (PAINTS - ENAMELS - VARNISHES) %viii lie soid at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Wallpaper lc Sale EXTENDED ONE WEEK Last Chance to Bus' at this Low Price! A BERNE THY'S 3KigPAINT & WALLPAPER 3KigSt. West MA -1-5431 BRES1 LADIES# DRESSES [l is [.*s st\Ilcs in Iigît-.veghîvoonis.ce(s anid t.uieri Sizei, 7 to 2412 Reg. to $25.01)8~ FINAL LET GO!8 CAR COATS Sorne parka sivie. others I* ut -tlrimmed In sizes 12 to 210 Reg. to $16.95' FINAL LET GO! 8 8 LADI COI IThe savings are great in this ex6.rntional offering of beautiful taiiored and dress coats of imported -fabrics 1 Reg. Io $69.95 ALL SIZES .. . ALL CULURS BRESLII 7 KING ST. W. BO WNANI 1 M;r. atd id rs. R. Wtîîn x-jsjted: vir.and ir. ,.tuaLd[ 0t1 W'edî.esdia ' the- Wontîîe.s wîîh Mr. and lVhs. E. Foxs 'r xsere Sundayv e-eiig visitai-s Ilisttutenietat te hom or unda. wvth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hl ,Mr. and iMis. Il. Quantrîll I toyd a' tn 'About a 'ozeI "athlered il Mis. Lewko experts to havei Mr atnd M's. A. L. Wearn! was ual. a vet-y nice da. I he casIt-retnoved from het1 we-e* with Mi-. and Mis. A. M. Oui' District Ai-ca president. ,wt-îst tlîis xveek. Wea-IClaien-iott. Mrs. N. PýI~et of* Bethaiiy. The nien who Fthiie big McNI. atnd Mt-s. Oswald Peth- was there. She fiad lier lit' le buldozers andd machines C(oiOn- lck. Barrie, svere recetît visit- i girl anid bov xti her. Piesi- t iiînced work agai on PoplarI;aIs ili lus parents, Mr. andý detnt Mrs. Quîaitî-ill opeuc the ý Hill this past week but if it M;-s. S. R. Petiik. Jmneetinîg witIi the listiîute. stavs raicod they may have ta Ode ffolowed willî ie ,-oIll1! ce ase a gai n. Mrs. Reg. Weaving, Thorn - hiilI: Mis. E. J. Harrison, Toc- auto. w-e-e with Mr. a-nd Mis. ""NEW DAY " W. H.ooe 1Pleased ta t-epor.t Mr'. Arthur; 11 [ ilttai sti t], iysteriaus haut'. Bi-int lias -eluî-ned home from1 As îigb gîes av t peî-l darihospital, impt-ovin~ icely 1 A% nghtgivs wy t perl y a ri Miss RUby Virlue, MiSS Violai 'l'le great deep pulse of Nature stilis, Williams, Toronto; Mr. andi A fair, sweet sumnmer dav is bain. - Mrs. Earl Masters, Gail anîdi And ow a deeeusHeavns bne.Darietue, Mir. and MVrs. Johin And ow s depen Hevensblu, 1Nimigon, Bowmaniville, weî-e The sky is bathed in x-asx light, 1thM.adMr.RlhVr And lo\,elv, shades of evet-v hue tue. Pcoclaim the dav-stai-'s comning might. 1tNi-I. endi Mrs. R. Rowan eud At <)ce sp-ing' up azepiîr bî'ezefam--ilv weî-e visitao-s ai; Mrt. and Ai oce prig'sup zehyrbreze,'fMrs.Hîb RLnd'le's, fHamrpton.! .Rustling the triees and I grasses ga, M. adMs oadBa And wakencd hidden songsteî-s praise lev anid Brian, Maple Grove:; The g tory of the bi'ight new day. MËiss Clara Page, TPoronto, wae with Mrs. E. Page. MaijoieCuninha. Mi'. and Mrs. Floyd Petick; and Robin. Toronuto. were St-J day \visi tors with M-r. and Mr'. S. R. Pethick. Mir. and Mrs. Lloyd SIenIn iLfax',doi Mr. ail Mr's. Ea-Iý Tî'ewln, Dot'een and Donald Mr.end 'as Roy Hope atidý amily. Mc. C. Mills, Port Pet-- Mt' wete SLînda-y visitors with: m and Mrs. Leonard Staîn- 1 taoi. Mr Itaud iVhs. StinTut-uer - Oshawa. w-et-e Suuiday visitons' £ 1 G'. Jat Mi. Albert Oke'. NUIr.anid Mrts. F'loyd: 1Becket and fani-iy were Sunday tel. g uests at O0. Beckett's, Tryrone.. Mrs. R. C. Wallon h-as re-; .uî-ned i-tome t tgt o ;Mrs.:; H1. Steve-ns has gone witkt herî for a camplete res.<ý.ý ~Mr. and Mrs. 0r Jefl'er',. Oort. Penî-y weîe Suinda\' visil- REVER E I !i ai-s with Mr. and Mrs. Ar-tfhtti- M fanuily. Baw-man'ille. were viS-, htors ai Mr. anud Nb-s. P. Ellis'. 12 KR T S veeed svith MssBetty Jane Weri-v.- Mi-.iaiid Miy,. Adamn Sharp attended the furir-ýra1 off biisbro-' th.e-ii- r. Mi l-aru-y Mci IN O N E Comb Toronto. Sympathy ta Designd h~Imanvtîle. was Maîuday lea guest witN Miss Elsie Ok- nuid (1 11C Alber-t Oke. Mrs. Dorlànd is doing nicely expecliîîg ta came of British columbhia home from hospital soln Mr-. and Mrs. Alla--t Werryi I0O'i pure wool worsted . . , spun, dyed and land familx- wene recenl callers' woven in the Highlands of Seotland. al Mr. Mr'Vi-.5 Har-ald Ash. Eac-h skii-t individuattv hand-btacked lts and hand-pleated tor i- beauîv Mr-. and Mis. Ro shlai-p lasingand Kath\- were Suuda tea guesis off Mr. anîd Mis. Wallac-e Reg. $25.01) Cri ffi ii. Master Teîîy Cox spenl Sui-I ON SALE $188 i awtoc te hals - I da~~~ wit h ater-are.Ah The fit-st regular meeting off the C.G.1.T. for the îîew yearý took place in the S.S. room on, Jari. fth al, 7 p.m. Pres. Doris Wright way; in c;har-ge. MIur- eet-tMrNair arnd Pat Ellis can - ES' ducted the worship. Mrs. W. A. Logan compleled the Bible, Study on Worship. Cheryl Ro-j wan, was winner in a game of, 1.musical chiairs". Plans wvere! T made ta invite the ladies orf aur community and Buî-keton nSa etifeng Jan. 9th.. * !the C.G.I.T. Happy Gang e-,- ON S L- 8 oe the first social event for 196yednatheat-v tr offotg liavei in-s. hegiopj ,and Laderswihto erea ap- pcrers iathto MeWright Jhe lo.O H. ieon aen - W ILLED NA 3-5854 owniaand esrs, i Ete .Sfor Wvroymand .W. Logled n prvyi sn . oThe ione KETCHUP m.MR PORK &aBEANS ~ A&P -TOMATOES- A& P PEAS APPLE PIE (mmU Wmif G... ai 2 tgms $21" - uw3ne Reg. 2 I69s V3c-*W6c Wi 31C 5 2lis 99cý Eeg. 2 beqe Wîc-$AiWE k 14 M m9 c Rng. 4c-S .W JADE PAIKE I _____ Supe-aRîght QaiyMeat 4p0iaLu.P -PORK ROASTS STEAKS « ROAST! Shankless SHOULDER b. 31c-ORME BUTT ROAST [kAN tAw b. 39c SIE1O620W. LRO. For Braising SIHORTRIBS BEEF Sweet Pîckb.ed r-33c BACK BACON 2loi1. dué N5 9, Country Style Sficed POIRK SAUSAGES 2-, trypak69C BEEF BOLOGNA Emmx Brand WIENERS Famcy Quaielty, glicad BEEF UVER Extra Lan MINCED BEEF 1-6 «X40PW4 S MAC.& CHEESE LOAF i1i5 9c cook.ed 49,HADDOCK PoarION r431 SMELTS #»49e SPECIAL 3 SATYS OnTy 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE SAWf 5Sc 'wf12k .49 j-Par k.,Dily Datai, Wh*&i. Sld Breadz.2 2 9< A&LMi" si M oo^ *fl S. uao SA1v>ROA, à.wm UMéI lm CaIiformia4 Fa.my radme, Naval--New At Th.w ou* ORANGES tn 49c Wadmd an~d Tri,md, tNe. 1i rade, Taxas uwiy a *SPINACH 2 bagsl9c Oochwi. Geuow ,Fmy Grad%, . .&Mut.. kfflt. APPLES "akU9 ".id".. i. 1 .i rm" BANANAS vol9c t , ýý ;ý-T TMI CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWIUMVII.M. ONTARIO I»Arýx 7ME JE IS 100 pkq 3 9c

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