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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 6

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f , 1 PMAGEs a ..--.-as--MX____ importance of Keeping Balanced Lif e Stressed ,by Speaker a! Rotary Club r t T' 'n MNNE Y AVAILABLE FOR MOETGACES RALPH S. ONES Barrister and Solletor 130 Klnt St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 home, o! their familles. ComplicateTheir Lives lie spoke o! one case e! a man Who le traced ta îthe psy- chaîne ward o! a Naval Hos- pitl. This poor man was su!- fcriag from lass o! memory, Mr. Housiander said. The speaker tld o! talking witl Uic docter in charge Who tld hlm that thc ward was fui1 af mca Who lad camplicated their lives, yet life was really simple. Mr. Rousiander re- marked that the ward o! that lospital represented some- tI-ng in modern 111. 1 BO WMAN VILE ROYAL MA 3-5589 NGW PLAYINC - IJITIL SAT.g JAN 16 Malines Sa!. 2 p. "Darby O'GiII and the Littlç Peo pie"f (Color) Excellent Walt Disney feature Complete shows at 7 and 9:05 *UI SCINI. MMN stAnta Sand$ hItOT W NAIUINOORstlamring Jody Ronald faster * Chris Robinson Fair * Martin Braddoclc e Russ Bender Mi AMER ICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE AN AUERICAN INTERNATIONAL PICTURE One-a-Day multiple Vilamins 1.49 2.75 4.49 - 8.75 Geritol- Liquld or Tablets 1.35. 3.29, 5.49 SPECIAL 98e BRISK TOOTH FASTE and FLASHLIGHT Both for 98c 2 tube. Ipana Faste 99e Take Extra Vitamins Wampole'à Extract - 1.59, 2.75 Scott's Emulsion - 1.00, 2.00 ffaliborange 1.25, 2.10, 3.65 Halibut 011 Capsules 1.15, 2.29. 4.29 Aphametles --1.00, 1.85 Paramielles 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Ced Liver 011 90c, 1.50 Tri VI Sal 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 NyaI Creophos 1.50 bot. Buckley's Mixture 59C - $50 Syrup Fines .65C - 1.00 Drisian Wampole's Tbes- 1LU, US2, 3.75 Vi Cal Fer Spray - 1.25 Vitamins and Minerais 1.95 - 4.95 Bayers Spray 9e Nyai Multiple Vitaminig Privine Dhopt 95e 100 capsules 3.50 HOT WATER BOTTLES - Guaranteed 1.29 - 1.99 - 2.50 - 3.95 COWLI NG'S MHONS IA 2-Sfll DRUG STORE W m TRUSSES Fail te Head Familles describing a brilliant doctor, a "The tempo of 111e lias jn- specialist ini a large city who creased ini recent years. became neu.rotic through the There is fast travel over great complications of lis job and distances. Men are involved his own ambitions. Another in many interests and pres- case mentioned bv Mr. Hous- sure is on all the tirne", Mr. lander concerned a wife who Housiander explained. He had telephoned hlm for help added that the resuit of su-hi finding lier husband who if e is that men'become tired lad been missing from home and their homes and familhesfor several days. This young suffer. Some men fail to take man was a clever lawyer who their place as the heads of could have lad a briglit fu- their families, he had discov- ture, the minister saîd. He ered in lis pastorates, and mo- pointed out that lis action had thers complain that their hus- lead to hi.s being blackmailed. bands leave the correction of The young man began to drink the children entirely te them. heavily, and in the end--was disbarred for fraud. Corrective Measures Mr. Housiander aise told o! -~ several cases that had been rectified through discussion and advice. Out of balance with life from pressures and Business Directory Rev. Wm. K. Rousiander Mr. Housiander told lis au- dience that he was not speak- ing from theory but from practîcal experience in the ministry. Many people put too much effort inla obtaining what lhey want witlout re- cegnizing wly they wanl it, or the best mei7mod of obtain- ing il, le said. He ilustrated lis point by Nestieton Station lhc January meeting o! Nes- leton Women's Institute was held aIt th home o! Mrs. Grant Thonipson with good atten- dance and Miss Ruth Proutî, co-lostess. Foilowing tle read- lag o! the minutes and Treas- urer's report, showing a bal- ance well over $100.00, a great many letters or tîanks for Christmas remembrances were read. Replies were received from miasî of tle 47 Chris.imnas cards sent te shut-ins and distant friends. Mrs. Davison reported1 on the pleasant visits she and« Mrs. Bowers made delivering 7 Christmas parcels ta île homes o! il folk, and chauf- feured iby Mr. Bowers. Dona- tions o! $1.00 weîe received from Mrs. W. E. Beacock and Mr. aî'd Mrs. Wilett and carda were signcd by ail present tc. two sick members. Replies were on hand from aur petilion and letters re trad- ing stantps, and members awaît resulta. Mrs. B. Heaslip, con- vener o! Korean relief reported a fine Est o! danated articles, but as mare have corne in a comnifete tabulation wiii be macle for the February meet-« ing, with parcels to be shipped via cheapest means. Mrs. R. Davison rer,»td lon thc Public School prties for most imfpravement in wrîting which sIc presented-from Nes- tieten W.I. at the Christmas concert. Elizaz-beth Archibald received the Gradle 7 prize and Alice Taylor that for Grade S. Members are saving labels te procure a coffee urn and lias of labels required were dis- tributed. The completed quilt is for sale and another begun. One already in pvocess made of donated materials is ta bc quil.. ted, and for wh4ch Mrs. Hea- slip gave materials for assem- hlm-g same. Mrs. Vine explained equip- ment nccessacry for the rug ma- king course whicl will -begin this coming Friday in Nestleton Presbyterian Çhurch Sunday school room. A radio is ta bc nrocured for a local citizen through thc kindiness of! île Toronto Tclegýram. Mrs. M. Emerson Fcderated Board Member, anrounced lIaI Uic West Durham District An- nual will be hcid on May 1811 ln Blackstock. As there are no young girls ta form a club Ibis matter was droiPped. The list for Port Perry Pair xvas read but left until next meeting. nhe Rail Cel mas answcred hy ail members placing a wril- ten cookie recioe in a lat and drawing anc in exchange. Mrs. W. Bowles deait with the dav's motta, "Merrinient is tihe yeast o! the bread of hife," incorpora. ting some jokes af her father- in-iaw, Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowies. Mrs. H. Vine, convener of Home Economics and Health wvas ini charge of tle program. Mrs. W. Jackson read a timely "Reoipe for a F!appy New X'car". A fine paper uGood Fod Makes a Dffference' was rel by the Converer Mrs. Vine who also gave an intereat- ing demonstration aofifower makintg with sponge ru-bber. She provided thc 25 ladies with ail materiai necessary and cach anc finished a iovely corsage. Mis. Kenneth Sanicils and her group served thc usual del- iciaus lunch and ail enjcyed ai Thc importance o! kceping music, and mentioned that le at balanced life was enipha- lad been a choirmaster, and uizcd by the Rcv. William K. before enlering tle ministry Housiander in an inspiring lad been the leader of a Beys' New Year's address at thc Band. first luncheon meeting o! the Four Main Suggestions Bowmanville Rotary Club ln 1960 leld aitle Flying Dutch- Mr. Housiander statcd that man Mter Hotel on Friday. he lad four main suggestions Seve Oslwa Rt.aransta gîve for the coming year. wceve sawa raItnchonHe advised the Rotarians ta îeretig, eg Ga teeln Tom- endeaver to keep a balanccd :meeingReg tenTo, ife. He remarked tIat on look- Dobbie, Ed Storle, Georgef ing out lis study window that Charlton, Wilburt Charlton, morning le lad scen a young George Sîreve and Ross E. squirrel securel.y balaxiced oný Mils. George Shreve's son, a very fine tree branch, andl Ted, was also a guest. thougît that G-ad lad endow-1 Held Two Pastorales cd this kind of animai witl ai Ia introducing thc guestf special sense o! balance in speaker Dr. Howard B. Run- Icertain respects. Squirrcls bal- ie outlined Mr. Housiander's ance by instinct, le remark- outstanding carter in the mnin- cd. istry and aise bold o! hisl Men however have a spe- years at University and hi ciai facuity given la them by tleologic?î studies. Mr. Houa-'God, tley can think, Mr. lander held two pastarates !n Housiander stated. Mcn not thc Hamilton Presbytery in~ onîy accept 111e tîey can ask the 13 years before he came questions about it, le said. te Bowmanville te take over This ability can unfortuflate- thc pastorate o! Trinity Unit- ly sometimes become almost ed Church, Dr. Rundie said. a ctirse because many men He also tld o! M. Hous- complicate life ta, a large ex- >ande's work for Chriatian tent in this generatian, tIe Education in tIc Hamilton speaker explained. area, and spoke of lis chair- znanship a! thc P.roperty Coin- He told thc Rotarians that n-£ittee o! tle Hamilton Pres- durîng Worid War II le was bytery. Dr. Rundie aise re- stationed in Halifax, whieh ferred ta tle work Mr. Hous- at tlat time was crowded with lander lad donc as a council- almost twice as many people loi for summer camps. He as its normai population. He told thc Rotarians of Mi. said lis task was leoking after 1Kousander'a great interesti ý folk, and te, heip wlves re- ___________________mmnd tîcir lusbands, who wee L1JUiendz nf mu± .c fo L e ga1 STRIKE and STRIKE- Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephane MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanviile Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODffiNS- Barriater, Solicitor Notai-y Public Temperance St. - Bowfnanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Plone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only.______ W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddeil, Q.C. Main Street, Orano, Ontario Morigage s SADIE HAXMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farnis Business Praperties Opifo m eir y KEITU A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appaintment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Manday to Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday eveninga misundcrstanding these pea- pie lad enable 10 diew1pe ple adboee rblet ies otce mre s oa clear lpattcrn e morid. lerpttr, Acceit Limitations 1 He urged his listeners to ac- cept their limitations i 1960 and to try te keep a balanccd1 lie. He also advised thcm te maintain a sense af humour.i "Try te cultivate humour.4 Our Lord, Jesus Christ ladi a scnse o! humour otherwise le would not have said 'Do not put aid winc In new bot- tics," Mr. Housiander statcd. He also asscrtcd that Our Lard must have had Hia tan- gue in His chcek when Hei spoke of thc camel and thi cye o! the needie. No One. Indispensable No one la indispensable, the world wiil continue ta go round without them, le said. He speke of the great leader- ship o! Winston Churchill dur- ing World War IL. When Churchill was .de!cateJ i an electien after the war people worried as te what would happen te his country, but Engiand continucd on ta pros- perity and success. He men- tioned the loss e! Mackenzie King ta Canada. 'II wonder what will lap- pen if that chap Nixon be- cames president of the Unit- ed States? Mr. Hcuslander in- quired, but added 'II believe tlat God fils the man te tle occasion." Benefits ef Laughter The speaker spoke o! the benefits of laugliter, and said tlat thc ability te laugl at oneseif la an asset. He also tlid o! several humoraus in- cidents he lad came across during his years in the min- istry. r Medtatlon-A Lest Art Récreation was discussed by Mr. Housiander, Who said that it should mean te recre- ate. Methods of recreation are taught te chidren, but ail tee aften they arc not taught te meditate, le assertcd. People today because tley are cem- fort loving have lest the art and comfort o! truc medita- tion, le expiaincd. "Tley have lost tle spirit e! Ilcir forefathers, and have neura- tic fears whicl wcre unknown la, their ancestors. Who lad se many real and Immediate fears," thc speaker ciaimed. many Afrald To Thlnk "Home should be thc cen- tre of strcngth, not a weak Spot. Meditation uncvers the superficialities o! life, but the majority o! people are afraid ta think," Mr. Housiander tlid the Rotarians. He aise advo- catcd thc reading e! geod books te' stimulate higlier thoughts and te serve as i- spirationi. Falth 19 Important «'The maintenance o! faith in God la most important a! ail," Mr. Housiander advocat- cd. Too many people try te live witlout steadfast failli, le added, and cxpiained that human beings arc contempla- tive and must have a G-ad. "Man la made for G-ad and is restless until he finds faith i Hlm, he said i clasing. Bob Stevens moved a sin- cere vote of thanks te Mr. Housiander fer bis uplifting address sai~d that lis advice would hclp te get the Rotar- ians off on the right foot for 1960. George Vice. president of the Bowmanvile Rotary Club aise expressed lis 'ap- preciatien ta Mr. Housiander. Âccou ntancy RAY J. DILLING Certif ied Public Accountant 93 Churcli Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartcred Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIIEDLANDER RUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHIL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville ,Cali ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Montcith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C hirop.rac tic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D ent1al DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 1House Phone - Newcastle'3551 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville .Office Hours : 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 ;Closed Wednesday - Sundays DR.ÙI C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanviile .Office Hours: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Teleplone: Office MA 3-5459 On December 5, 1959, Miss Henriella A. Brown o! Tel. fordviile, Alla., passed away aI the Royal Alexandera Hos- pitl a athe age o! 84 years, 3 montha and 21 days. The late Misa Brewn wam bora at Enniakilien, Ontariq on Auguat 15, 1875. SIc was tle last member e! tle !amily o! William Brown. SIc came ta Alberta in 1907 and livcc witl 1er sister, Mvrs. S. S Gamaby, until 1912 when shE went back ta Ontario te be with her mother. Shc remain- cd la Ontario until 1920 wlcn aIe came back te Ai- bei-ta la makc 1cr home witl, her siater, tle late Mrs. Fred Grant, who passed away jr 1952. SIc made 1er home witlh tle Gi-anIs and was very ac- tive until about a month be- fore ber death. Better known te everyane ln île eommunity as Aunt EII, she took a great interest ir loi WILLEC s 14 s y e d L e e 0 Block ani Dy Lewb Na m fIf At lunch in a Toronto res-1 taurant tle other day I sat opposite two mcn wlo wereN talking about South Africa. One a! thecm I judged te be i lis twenties, thc othci, about fifty. The yaunger man« lad just arrivcd on a visit ta Canada and waa beig qucstianed by lis companion about missienary work -n Natal and Rhodesia. The men- tion of Natal reminded me of my boylood days i England when my family uscd te re- ceive letters rcgularly from an uncle i Durban. I asked the young man if le knew that town, and le replicd that il was flot a tewn, but a large city. I asked hlm if there were stiil many Kaffirs, or what my uncie used ta cal "b1oys", thcre. "Ycs," le said, "but they don't like being cailed Kaffirs or boys cither." He said same of the natives were better dressed than he was and lad gaod jobs. 1 asked hlm wlat he thougît o! the apartheid lawý in South Africa. He said the segregation laws were "very fair" and that the wlole trou- ble was incitcd by communist agitators, many e! whom he said were trained fer that purpose i Russia. He gave an exampie o! this. When le was ia bondon rccently le met a negro whom le knew, and he asked him what le was doing s0 far from home. The negro replied that le lad been la Russia wlere le lad taken a course i political econon-vy. While ln London, the yeung man said le was "shocked" at the way in whlch immigrant negraca from Uic West Indies wcre mingling with whte people in seme districts. He lad neyer seen anything like it ln South Africa. He him- self was the son of a Pente- costal missionary and, ai- thougl as Chrîstians tley were opposed ta racial hatred, they wprc against integratian. .He said that intermarriage o! iblack and white not oniy 1caused famiiy estrangements. but that it intensif ied racial latred on botl sides in thc social sphcre. Strangely enaugh, when T came eut o! the restaurant there was a littie throng of1 negraca of bath sexes on thc sidewaik araund the entrance ta an adjacent building, in whicl some sort of confer-1 the churcI, bclng one of thc original members of the Tel- fordyvlile corigregatian. Shc icaves ta meurn 1er passing two brotlers-in-law, Mr. Fred Grant o! Telford- ville and Mr. Sid Ganisby a! St. Maries, Idaho, one sister- in-iaw, Mis. Alberta Layman o! Bewmanviile, and rnany nieces and nephews. Thc many beauliful floralý tributes and memorial dona- tions la variaus charitable or- ganizations were evidence o! île eateem and affection ia which thc deceased was hld. Funerai services were hld at the Telfordviiie United Church en Tuesday, Decern- ber 8, 1959, with Rev. G. Hut- chinson off icialîng. Inlerment was made in thec durcI cern- etery. Palibearers., were George Bentley, Ted Shubeit, Albert van Aistyne, Wil!red Jalnsýon, Paul Haller and Bruce Mor- den. PONTYPOOL We regret tu report that Mr. Keith Bradley is confined to his bcd with a heart condition. Messrs. Colin, Joe and Cli!- fard Ridhardson and, Mis. Bru- ce F'iak attended thIe funeral o! Iheir aunt Mis. Jack Thomp- son o! Toi-enta lasI week. I wish te correct an errer I made ini lasI weeks report o! a Juvenile Lodge niecln.g:Il shouid have rend, Wor. Sister Kay Youagmnaa (net Olan). Sorry folks. Duc ta weatVIcr and road condâtions the monthly meet- ing o! L.O.L. 82 was cancelled. WESLEY VILLEj People with bad coids, and pno telephones do not sem la make mucl newa. An effort was madle te contact all mcm- bers o! tIc W.A. executive for an annual planning meeting, but oniy a few met ai the lame o! the presidenit, Mms. A. Austin on Wednesday after- noon. A programme for the year was dtnawn up to be pre- sented ta 1the regulair meeting on Jaî4uary 1M,3t1,th e sanie home. Because officials of the Sunday scheol were uniable te arrange a meeting durrig the pasl wcek, tlhey, with the leadhers, held brie! meeting aller mori- ing dhurcI service te reconi- mend a siaibe of officers and tcaclers for the annual con- gregiational meetàn~g next Fni- day nigUi, <healîli, weatler, and reads permitting).MTI re- tura of normal phone service la indefinite but Il certainly will be epreciated when il does caine The church was entireiy healed by the new furnace on Sunday morning and everyaac was qutlte conifortable. Thus conwletes th1e cycle, when th1e dhurch was built la 1860 il was leaed frein furnace rooms la thc basement. Shirley Clarke i-ed thie mornting acriplure ai Sunday school, 11ev. A. W., Hardàings sermon on thIs cura-' munion Sunday was based an thc well lovcd aloi-y of the pro-, digal son, expressing the gi-cal joy over finding that wIîich, was bai, espccially wlien teI lesft was a wenl lved person.' 7hc cominunity was sadden-: cd te hear o! the un'tdmeiy death of Mr. Bey. Hancock and' p-xtend sincere sympatly ta lis 'bercaved famuly. THRSDMAY..JAS. l4th, 196 which impressed me more feriority,--indeed they seemn than the classical paintings of ta be laughing at the conceit id W hite Itallan rtsta. and assumed superlorlty o h Here, I thought, wu a de- miserable white race. It la liglîful example o! aelf-im- the hl!-white man who posed segregation. One white dissatisfied with' himself. 1 ence or social gathering was man ammc1 that coiored la canfuscd between t1c bcmg hld. Tey wee ailthrong woul have spoiled the alties and alternatelyloete chatting laughîngly, and onc picture. I have always regard- anc and despises the otheýr. very prctty Yaugg woman lad ed negroes as the happieit He Is an exaniple o! physical a new-born baby in hcr arms. people on this carth. They are integration. There are many The young Madonna and the Chldren of the Sun, and 1o! them in Africa and thcy Chiid in the midst presented whcn amongst their own peo- ail suffer more or leass roen a charming colored ýpictureIpic they have no sense o!, in- a rebel complex. BEST BUY - SAVE 6ce tbU Salada Orange ?ekoe Tea oags -o60Bags J3 ~g~y~~p nstant or Quakr 0 ts ýLarge pkâ BEST UY - AVE 4c CASH Cadbury's Choco BEST BUY- SAVE 9c CASH White Cross- White or Coloured' Toîlet Tissue BEST BUY - SAVE 10e CASH Success Heavy Duty Liquîd Wax Tendergrown CHICKENS Lean Bec! Plate - Boneless POT ROASTS-- Fresh, Meaty, Lean PORK HOCKS Oriole Swift's Brookfield SAUSAG E * . M * M Kg. Juick .39c 11h. tin53c 4 d9 4ittn 9c - tJven-rcady 2-31lb. avg. lbo mu. .b.39c IL 1 By the piece b25 Skinless I 1 lb. pkg. lb 9. RI ~doz. Calffornia NaGvES FREEwi~th the purchase of 2 doz.O AN E ALL THREE DOZ. 79c ECONOMICAL - NEW FRESH - TENDER - SNOW-WHITE GREEN CARDAGE 'lb. 9c NUSHIGONqS - Lb. 49c NUTRMTOUS PARSNIPS - WASHED 24 oz. 9 «110o pkg. 19 FMATURE - Save 2c Cash 15 oz. tin TORR FANCY PEAS 2 For 29c FEATURE - SAVE 10e Cash Red & White INSTANT COFFEE Jumbo jar99 MEATURE - Save 4c Cash Brown Bear CREAE» ONET 1 lb. 25 cup25 PINE APPLE a. 29c Save 2c Cash Culverhouse Cream Corn 20 oz. tin 2 Fer35c FEATURIE - Save 4c Cash Kraft Old Cracker -Barrel -CHEESE 12 ez. En_ wedge lg FEATURE FPAS DETERGENT Ruy Glant pkg. at regular price- Get large package for only le Both O 1for u89C DAILY FRESHcrfl DIl AutMary's LIIEL.BEAD.1 SAVE 6c 6c l Off Pack Our Own Blend I LN11hb. bag W- o-Nà d : Yellow1 24-os. loaf lac 65c Labe! - Early Riser COFFIE r 11f 111hb.bag 5 9 C ii eiii U 'resh From the Ovens" Christie's Premium hanuy Eroom Sale! M ~Clein Sweep Ea. 79c Velvet Tip BROOMS Sturdy , ta 1 4-String ma2 FROZEN FOODS ]Ruapert Brand Danlsh 10 e.. RMNBOWTROUT pkg. 39c sç ~FRENCH FRIES 9 Oz. Plkig 2/39e THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN MINE ORONO- Cornish Marketeria BI.ACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market qlWU -!AAfL« S£'A'nAVEI4. BUfVIIANVYT NUTAU.Tf OBITUARY rMSS HENRIETTA A. BROWN Vicks Byrup Vlcks Formula 44 Pertussin for Coughs '15e - 1.25 RIEIN COMFORT ... CAL STEVYENS" TAXI tSafe, Satisfying Servicer TWO PHONES TO SERVE YOU RA M-822 - MA 3-72 All Passengers Insured 100 KING ST. E BOWMA1N Wb-MW -Mun i _- - »ven-ready ý, 1 y

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