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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1960, p. 8

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-. -, e t,; N 'I PAGE ETGHT t! CANAmAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTA~TO THtTRSDAY. iAN. l4th. 1085 Shlould Y correct ttiôse three little inips when they call me "Sport" or be flattered? TYRONE OBITUARY The axmual meeting of Tr heM d liurday, Januairy 21 at MAJOR - GENERAL 8 pan. The 1959 Hall Board H. F. H. RERTZBERG -have put in maniy hours of vol- uniteer labour in the past year Major - General H. F. H. to improve your comniunity Hertzberg, C.B., C.M.G., D. hall. Plans are underway te S.O., M.C., older brother of amalgairnate the Commun.ity Olaf P. Hertzberg, R. R. 4, Hall and the Mémorial Park as Bowmanvile, died in Victoria. a Community Centre. It is B.C., last week. He had been hoped that it will be possible il for some time. to improve the park facilities General Hertzberg, a retir- and. set up some playground e d Commandant of the Royal equiPment. 'Me board hopes Military College, Kingston , that you wil show your inter- Ont., had a distinguished miii- est in commuriity effairs by tary career. During World attendliig this meeting. Your War 11, lhe was Quartermas- support and suggestions for ter General of the Canadian further imProvements wil be Army, and later was appoint- greatly appreciated. ed Commandant of the Royal Jainuary meeting of W.M.S. Milit College, Kingston, was held at the home of Mis. t he office he held until bis Florence Scott with 16 ladies retirement a f ew years ago. present.ViePedntM. In World War 1 General !Iercy Werry opened the meet- Hertzbereg served with the ing with a Poem on the "New Royal Canadian Engineers in Year". Several rep~orts for the .~when skilled men and France and Belgium. Follow- year were given, owing to bad materials are available. In irigth ale served with rasan e the te execu- addition to interior renovations in various Military Districts regulair meeting, Mrs. C. H. of Caada.McQuinni, group leader was ini to homes, plants and businesses, Cnd, charge cf meetiing and called tht He is survived by his wife, on Mrs. W. Rahni, who read a there are many other thingsat two daughters, Mrs. John Na. poem "My Greeting". Mrs. can be done to advantage during tion, Victoria, and Mrs. Dug. aiClar edteSrp the intr-manteanceof gan Gray, Vancouver, and his ture and Mns. McQuinn thie thewiner-ainena1e f oungest brother, Olaf P. devotional on I"We are ail Brc- lawn and garden equipment, Hertzberg. Bowmanville. An- tiiers". Mis. Ralph Glaspeil, the other brother, Major-General sxhdatrc h td electrical appliances, outboard C. S. L. Hertzberg, who died Bock, has eryofnteStgur inokIndia towardsertheiend of motors and automobiles, iWorldiatWard,ws h endEn- Travelling Basket for 1960 got off toagod' IIar t atCtis meEt as well as dry cleaning of gineer of the Canadian Ar- f Oago!stx tti et my during that war. ing. Delicious lunch and social drpsand rugs, replacement time was enjoyed, xiext meet- draesThe thrce Hertzberg broth- ing at thie Manse. of upholstery, etc. ers earned the outstandig 4-H Meeting distinction of each having The fifth meeting wus beld been awarded the Military at Audrey Wood's, January 5. Cross for Valour in Action. We opened witlh the 4-H pledge WThiWsTFO SP IN ? bteZieedto be are: fOllowed bY:e mntsoh W ,P.Y W A T FO SPR NG? ord for one family i the previeus meeting read by ious decoration. Olaf Hertz- was answered I»r ten girls. berg, Bowmanville won his We discu&,ed book covers and M.C. as a Lieutenant with the decided that everyone would, Canadiaxn Arniy in France i have yellow Ibistol board cov- For advice and am m World War I. His two broth- ~ n etmeigi ob ~l1~ aso ecive thir î- held at Shelegh Murphy's, Jan- EmlymnbO»C General Hertzberg was a tables and Planned four sup- json cf the late A. L. Hertz-1 per menus. A few were read * ~MoIss R nAUrniMiYvOF berg, Consul for Norway and 1alou4 Tivrs. Yeo talked about T u mu OF u me. OMA Sweden in Ontario. He was Bsalada and we made Baked educated at Upper Canada 1 Beme, Vegetiable Salad and ,o5o College. St. Andrew's Col-i1 Tomate F'rench dressing. We _______________________________________ ilege, and the University of! took thie "home assignnient"t ST oronto, w'iere hie rec axdiad lad lunch. iàScience Degree.. À d ÂMeetiug 09 the C.G.LT. A-U& - .SYIC- ARYOJVE VER- *"' - LD FORIGO ÀFINEST ÀUNE 0F NINETY-EIGHT HOLIDAY SCENICOUPE DIS7NCTION!9 Tu SevanU VOIS àwr - Im ROO VOIS REO-ImmE THrUPTVO iSAKED ~-VOUSlaNOLDS FootR so Obl.ulaie igaM eries Of magnificent achievements. And e moim -Dynmic 88, Super 88, the luxurious Nincty-Eight-shares OldamuMIe traditional qualities of fine workmanship and deep-_ dowm coMforL. Yet to own a dîstinguished new Olds is probably «Bier "Dia e might imagine. Your Oldomobîle Quality Dealer hum 89 the fis Sc him so... and have hîm arrange for au -d drâvoey. 1UR8 CONVtRTIBLE C>EIe~ - - 9 d ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE COURTICE was thxe farnier te greet un. L oriest a eiiey He stold beside a fiat sleighIM V qV Ijk W k piled hi1gh wîth straw andE n o a1 Darlîngton Hig School. Reev drawn by two bay horses, endcdduo o h e -~~~ *4 ~~~whose breath made softt îttle hdbe oedfiut <D~91UJG~ V~? clcuds as they tossed theirA sI IIlI Ta e nDr n tootaînsufcntatr? fl~ heads and jingled t he belis s Nw.mund u es VeI iia«noatin, ut hatt on their harness. We alDuhm ontDirctHg IIIIIIIIIJAIIL scrambled aboard after fath- The Reeve of Darlington' Mrs. Smith were unable to at- vote hi's energy and industryIMr Rundie, te ¶nŽtructed toe Could Reduce Borwn cho or wr o n DOROTesHYd rtUARKEski fromn tertaie at an enjoyable The inaugural meeting o Darlingtoii's population has Public School Board and ac 1would like te sece tw-wtri h iiiy f the check room and bouncediluncheon in the Community arngton onhpCucl nrasdegtprcn u uint thern with the facts! ship's borrowing reui yj Apy o xr rn BYDoVr mm ti along between icy ruts forliHall, Hampton, prier to the opened at one e dock on jîng a rei ent period, the De- regarding the possiîbility cf1 one third through sc a h severai miles. This was once inaugural meeting of Darling- Thursday afternoon. The cofl- puty-Reeve remarked. H,! extra representation on thej repayment plan. Dept-evTo sipCrk Mi *There is one thing my eld-i arranged for five hootirng I was glad that holiday gorg- tan Township Council on gratulatory address given by;also peinted eut that the Durham Count.v District High;Blanchard suggestedtathRule sinrcedcap est son is farnous for, it is'youngsters and five enthusias- ing had added to my padding, Thursday. The table wa.s at- Rev. F. J. Reed is reported intown-hip's increased assess- ýSchool Board and te ask the1 Finance Committeeinaeapyfia diinlgatc procrastination. Because he tis adlts to bed down and' for even the straw didnt tractively centred with a another colunin, and the in- ment- is bringing in an addi-!Public School Board te take study of ether townhpstx$350fr itewck failed te make carly rescrva-. beard in the big frame house soften tic ride toc much. lovely arrangement of tlow- Igua speech cf Reeve Gar- tional $40,000. Deputy-Recve'action on the information. 1 prenaymnent plans adc h ,, tiens, our anticipated trip te for three days and two nights.' a tenxtdytht ers, and a delicious meal wasInet Rickard is carried in f uli lnhr adh a k'SlecCmmttesiActs gerning them. the aurntins drin th Thee i àbolutîy othng ws t îcrn wat wee toro sevedby ldie ofUic ampte]cwhee i ths isue f te, ig Thead tetheappicatonstTandoiongg sandig cm- lRul 33wassuspnde an Christmas holidays had te be quite as exhilarating as a ture it is o b a goo sport, ton Service Club.î Canadian Statesman. of îiew ideas te the preblemns'inittees for 1960 were appoint-i, the Bank BorrowingB-a exchngedforoneforCllone toai Coad of kier. WihaTereload ofarci cfkTheguetsWpesen'wTeheDput-ReetsArhur L. n6ngcounil, nd mphaiz--d bethecoucthuFinncewas ive Firt, econ an -Wood, Ont. equiPmcnt stached in thesnwadsig Deputy-Reeve and Mrs. Ar- Blanchard congratulated the ' cd t1 e importance ef co-oper-i Counicillor Harold Muir. chair- Third Reading. Perhaps this was a goed' baggage 'car, they haul euti mostly te the onfin wedi thur L. Blanchard, Rev. F. J. Reeve and his fellow mcmr-latien ind tearrI.-,rk. I man, and Councîllor Fred G.1 Plan FinanceMetn hing, for our little group of~ from knapsack and wcekcnd gre hr Reed, Councillor Fred G. bers of council on their elec-1 q wli doin ,bs uig nih od, euyRee It was decided t ae. the grcw te ten befaoraiweS kit everyttypeicf musicaloain- Df tii-heedd -sxgrwto enbfrewlktevr tp f ui thin oe ind fth had n a airSmihCeuncillor and Mrs. tien as the representatives oUthe ceming vear te servee Blanchard, the chairmaxi, and, council meeting te pcal , entrine atTornto or hertruenofromkrzo t bo- cvcrig emuc nec Harld MirCoucilor ndote-ctiznsofdDnlintonforpeole t DalintonasndhatheCuîîillr Mir.PublcfPo- onsderandoiscasorn'cia blue mountain country. When'go drums. If their veices are celd stuff. For the advanced Mis. Sidney Cornish, and the Uic coming year. He offe e ope iofhe antonIhvocillor etya Arcul re. Con ater and te ave th neighbours learned plans had a bit off key, who cares? This skier. thîs was torture, but for Township Clerk and Mrs. his best wishes foi a success- Fe .. mt tte. Il ile iny ons. thc twsipand itor, bn bee aterdthy dciedis one time they rcaîîy mean the ,,oungsters it provcd net Walter Rundie. Mrs. Reed and Iful terni, and promised to de-' * 'G.Sit- ae. e clrS d e onst-R -wnhp' slii been ltere, thy decded.M l tee much of a challenge for____ spoke of the condition of some1 chaimdn, and puty-Reve manager, assessor ndauitr te join tic trek north and it as they bellow errnîyj their early corgeeteito the roads in the township1 Arthur L. Blanchard. Legisla- present. try eut their gift skis as well. we rocll along". Wc found t h c aîong to uage . I w o erit group was held in Tyrone Uni- andi also cf the narrowIture and By-laws. Councillor', 2 Back in his bachelor days, hundred odd miles spcd by for cones and weeds I in- NorthAA ±estlefon ted Church, Jan., 7. The meet- bridges. and said that seme- Fred G. Smith, the chairman, o2Dgs Pîcke ix No. 1 son spent almost every much toc fast, garnished with tcnded to, paint for winter ing started with recreation.i A thing must be donc te im-iý and Counciller Sidney Cernish. ' Tle report of the o Cn miwner wnd s aiy thifa-suWh e caricya u decorative arrangements, and Executive meeting cf W. A. discussion on "What we could prove them. He alse mention-j Two Meetings a Month trol Officer showedta mercinv iter amilon dis- dean w rIvhoug t ekd1wsstin nalti u-and W.M.S. was at the home d'o in the following nionths" cd the dangerous ice condi- It was decic V o hold txvo' esh enpce p' vicniy. ftr alog ds-desintio Ithogh th kdsmcck watching the fun when of Ms-s. Victor Malcolm te was finished. The t'est of our tiens on the'roads. andi advo- meetings of Darfington Town- Darlington from SptmL tance phone cali, it was ail would flip with jcy. There the eidest demon grabbcd make uP programns for coming Pi-ogram was speiiit practisiflg cated the purchase cf a santi- ship Cou~neil every mot'i siý 1959 te Decembr3s me. Before 1 kncw i t a pair year.Wc had a very success- for oui- "Initiation Ceremony ing machine. One meeting will be on the *Eight dogs we rederoti D s urn nêv of those dcadly slats were fui levening. ARl ladies present wihich is to be heid on Jan. 14.1i Big Business fi-st Thuî'sday afternoori of twe were sold andeitwee . i r -- bcing uckiedever m snowbut one. Hopes are fer a good The meeting clesed with 'TapI onilrHrl o ad aimnhadwl tn returnie theroe theisrac boos ad wat eemd lke earthis Diamonti Anniver- Mvr. and Mirs. S. Buma, Bov-j the counilwasfotntein 1.30 oclock. The seconîd mon-, repor't stated. bcotdsh au htegemed hke yarof Nestieton United manville, 'jjsîted their tiaughter having a Reeve who hias had thly meeting in .. Lar, t was movetibyDe1 c U D X U SI N ai-s as No. 1 son lifted me to Chus-ch. Mms. J. Reyenga and Mi-. Rey- extensive experience in mun- March and December will be ReeviBla corhdha an upright position. MT. and Imir. Lawrence Mal- enga on Sunday. icipal affairs, andi in other ofl the third Thursday atter- by Counior Co , to clmn visited Mrs. Brooks in r n i.H upyad raiaint ielae-nlI ping u rReeGarnet Rickr.adiyuhae~ a rp The object apparcntîy was Ms. ad Ms.H. urpy ationraniatinsrtegiv l ade-ndo tn. i thstnesucnd er eeTownship l te give me as mucli pca.sureBom vieciSauay fanmily, Bowmanville. visiteti ship te the ceuncil. He told aniatmnmnhutesc nde, tt e Wte as the i-est of the family was Mi. and Mrs. Fred CrIw-his mother, Mis. Etiith Murphy. his fellow members that hýe meeting will be helti on the!iRunventndrthe anulI ryisracchcpii enjcying. I recalied that I ford and Mary Lou were re- W&I. and Mi-rs. F. Colbary, had served with Reeve Rick- evening of the thirdti Tu.rs-I onvera nti cripeascain h atsvr!ya surviveti being young with cent visitors with Mi-. andi Mis. Etobicoke, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. ard on the then newly formed da.Bcue ftehe Ru ral olniclto iest e cacsaeyu r T O R O A IT O 1 my o~~~wn youngsters without se Allan Wilson andi gîrls. K. Colbary Public Sehool Boarti 14 erofteUidCuiisCun mueli as a crackcd r, even Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Kester M3&. A. H. Brent is spending age. anti remarketi that hie 's cil- this nmoîth, the second 1 5th anti l6th. Thsmtoi ie prga desft thoghIu ashuttIouhwtes putlnM thobreouranthawtkhet aM.nndiMF. os9gltitehaeihngs is os metngcil b hetid ascariei.covr heprsen vlu o 1" i y o r at lant r. etrS. eeSFakant ioo icsionTus a ternoon, January The $400 Qsioyu ossin.D& G o d go n c d re u in ai e Sa u da flYag n o ry n t ea n te M s. K st a S- w r unday Po cley, O shaw a. l t M rs. B. B uday s ec e a y e EXCURSION PARI PROMe ride a bicycle, swim, dive, visits- with Mr. and, Mi-s. Ai- Mr-. and Mis. John Carrigan, will solve preb'lems, Council- thMaeApiirnsteDrlgo RE skate, golf andplaOnba motiona WilCounaidlorrssoHamtionaskedSunhatyhadebeelorfor a sompaedehup-tsedtk Belleville . $4.65 bowmanvlle. .85 ss ton, none cf which I hati M\. anti Mis. Robert. Sadiering caliers cf Mn. anti Mia. J.that Dai'Iington lhas become Fre G. mithn the Coucil dscidtite be don ocenwnhzac cckp Coor .0 Ohw .0 lvni t buskngfwdaswihmr ndMI-Ms PylsMynrSl ineso s. stvotei iiîanimous1v te re-ap-1 ing the $400 lantipnh Cobourg. fo2.a0 Oshawm oment, 1.40 even in Mes.aWilgirls. point Reeve Gai-net Rikard'tax payTients. Reeve R c at bac fr bie mmen, etRai~ Stilr nt grl. m; Mrs. Edith Walkei, Bow- As a resitient of Darln-adA.E hntso smm nformed that at themetn PortHop . .65 hify se e 1.5 ac cfthee shitsseeeti Mn.antiMs-s. Ken Samneils manvillc Miss Viviaîi Cham- ton foir 17 vears Counciller bers of the Lake Ontario De- ef couinci] when finanilmt half as tertucus as that aw- visiteti Mi. andi Mis. Meville 'berlain and Leslie Huniten, Sidney Cornish saint he is velopmnnt Association foi, thel ters would bie discust h A E Crepnigfrsfo teieitponsfui moment, when I looked Sameils anti girls in Oshawa Oshawa, visitI Mr. anti Mrs. keenly interested ini the af- coming year. i question of the dispi c h S U R Ccrepodig ars ro itemeiae Oilt town fi-cm my precarious durring the week. Roy Ma"'ard. fains of the township. He sta- 1$her0ppoînmentsmaiat iost$400 paymentsane n Ohewould bens adeat FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS psittel ede g e balno n od Mi. ant iMis. Vic Malcolm 'Mn. a'nd Mrs. HaroltiSkin- ted that counici] mnembership thic inaugura] meeting cf- cleareti up. It willbeecdl N RAC RALST E steeledge piccs 0f wewre Sunday visitors with Mr. ner, Mr. antiMis. James Woodi- is a new ventur'e for him,' Darlington Township Coun-' theni on what this mi e wl eigit feet long and kcep two and Mmr. Bert Gibo. cly'anti family, 'Mi-. C. Woodi- andi he pledged him.self te dol cil were: Fence viewens, Peri, be spent, or if it 1ilb ~Iil S.E omnil CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PtaCFIC sk poles fromn getting betwecn ________ ley, Tyrene; Mri. andi Mrs. Lor- his best to assist with thle cy Werry and John Breorne. tulined te the peeple h ad Ofc eiec TO2 my legs. What had appeared nie McCoy, Brooklin, Mrs. work tiuning the vear under Livestock eautr Keith O-tic payments, he ztdei T02 as a gentie siope, wherc theV TT, Ethel Goodman, Bovrmanville, the leadiership et Reeve Rick- mso cf the family even the STA visi ' mist ndt Ralph Glascoe,ý New High Sehoo ie M -58 A359 _______________________________________ chtren, c te am te a graceul KL LE visi.ited Mr. and Mrs. Norman antianti Deputy Reeve Blan- anti Weed Inspecter, W. R.1i Mis. Buday a se fte ____________________________came_____a___________WocdlyIlst hurstiay even- chard. i ckell. stop at tic bettom, ncw scem- Ms-. and TM&S .Cliffor d Reidi ing, the occasion cf Mr. and One of is Biggest Ycar To Study Warble Fly 4' d like thc icicst glacier on anti Elizabeth movedti t their MieS. Woodlys40th wedding Reeve Rickerd thanketi the il. vas moveti by Councillor Mount Everest. new home ini Bowmanville last annmversary. Congratula tic Il s Deputy-Reeve anti the coun- Smith, secondeti bv Ceuncil- ~~G O ... ~~~1 idn't have trne te won- week. F'ricntis anti neighbrs and Best Wishes from Tyrone cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ie de i Iwas cairying ti noydasciltm wt rens hîîcnienei im. H abefystainb ee-O r d business of being a good sport tiien at Starkviile school and Soi-iy Vo heer Mis. Doneen seiti that hie feit certain that i ed te the Property anti Agni. Vtoc far, not to, consider that prcsented tiemn with l'anps anti Park dislocatcd lier shoulder their deliberations woulti be culture Committee for study, Rega rdless of Snow mygr doterboie m ghtaicture witha spcial mess- New Year's Sundey. sincere and wouîd result in a report te be made ta coun- Is S r to P e e .e* not beas uppe a tey ge ein - eadbyMrs. A. Ms-. andNMrs. Haroldi Skinner sounti legisietion. "Darlingtoil cil in the nea fuure. D VIGwere during the trials of my Debso*n. wcre tee guesis cfMrad will have one et the biggestj The appointment or Corn- FOR SAFER WINTER RVN ... mothcrhood. After final in- Mr. andi Mrs. Liew Halle- Ms-s. Don Lake, Newcas'tle, yeaî-s it ýhas ever experienceti," munitv Centre Boards fer LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES structions 1 was given a gen- iveli, Jîm andi Maurice anti Sunday. Reeve Rickard predicteti. Haipten, Tyrone, Solîna anti se ls if yoLtwn uetigwe lcre tle push anti what scemcd like Misses Norma and Beulah Hal- Ms-s. W. A. Goodfellew. Ced- An Extra Representative Zion wes left te a future w ~~~~a siidc te deom commenccd. lowell were dinner gucsts at xingtn visited the home et meeting cf the counicil. The tcenn ct ' Wt s~~ Fe TatHevySn w. *As I watched thc snew-cover- Mr-. Orme Falls. Mr-. andi Mis. H. Phîlp. Darlington hian thnee re- . o g cen. e garance assaer We Can Cut Your Tires with Snow Cleats cd hill whizz past me at what Mr. Russell Savery' visited Miss Elizabeth Knox, Bow- presntatisonct ih Duham weeeatoizCeTed o inasur..er, rs I estimated must be 100 MM..WCounty DistrictsHigh School were authoiizeMr.tensigrsalBoard. yetvourisuperiorimethoTownshipyouenues. aW. can make your old tires into m.p.h., 1 coulti iuar someone ing a Saciyw c i spewa. L.-knanervistîci Mi. at r.Bec.ReeRcat one onsi qus few weekndyurkee! Mr ndMs Ci oshae. L.SknnrSudaout. He e x PIain edtithet Paying 5¾Percent penny more! Tyu o 0nW amd Mud Tires s3&mn bn crkes u. ii ss lfodFn u. and Mis. Walter Park the municipality with the DLîing the diseussion et the -atta girl, you'rc a natural." enjcYed a holidiaY with frientis Sr. spent tic weekenti with Mn . largest nuniber of Public Bank Borrowing By-law, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~Te chorus echced "Don't sit at Burk's FaIls, antiMss Arnoldi Geisberger, Sc,' uisi niit eRev ikr ttdta h 1For OnIy $2 .,50_____ '~ per tire down, kcep going." But I hati Mr. anti Mira rls-os Tamn- Zioti hve apextr rers enttve township Rikas w aymg iv te Ml enti this agony as quickly as andi Mrs. Goitrdn Poweir anti Courtice, were Sunday guests oarhediort Hopehsh ol abe ndteesqt er pieceut re t C 'Iefer onlyonedesre, hatwasta byn ntilauiiiy Orno;Me. i-.ant Mes J.Meiieoareditrt H i Schdtiol e ntre t pinter p 'cet i ' 4 ~~~~possible. 1 aim suie every James, Clarke Union, wci-e en- o! Mr-. anti Mrs. A. Youngrnan. extra representatîve for some i that there are people in the 7 IGS.E O M NIL sncwfleke ini that gorge set- tertairseti ai dumer ai; Mr. Jim Mi. aniMira Abner- Lang'leyy71 KINRevGRc rSTo.sipwthmoe o h1 * teticiter i m slcksor taik's Fo-reterwhchanMis. Albert Naylor anti Kathy, saiti. He stateti that lie be-j1 who are only able' te get alM down thc back of my ncck. I Ms-s. EllaFe se hha Newtonville, visitet MUr. andi lieves thet Delingtcn n auc mallen rate et interest *Ipluc gingerîy i-oUed aver, specu- been visiting et Mi-AlDb r. odnWie lating on how many bones AIo-Ms odnWie lias a langer number of Public! on il. Reeve Rickarti atvocat- cire broken; but aside from soris, has gone te Florida fer Mr. anti Mrs. W. Rahm 'werc School students than Port cd a systemn whereby peoplefo t~1I&/SER VICE STA ION muscles on mr n ps .a nd diHonrdraruests Sunday of Mr. Hope, and is therefore entitiecicut a hii nr ersPC P A D D LV R where he haness ived u s. Rnald ahm. toe extra representative. itaxes in atvance, anti the PC - wier the huarntess livet u row visiteti Mr. anti Mis. Geo- The annuel Congregational t was moveti by Council-t township ceuld then pay themn X- te of iieguarisaned bpu re gKnox, Sln.Meeting will be held iTFidaylon Muir, adci ertiby th the aeamount of interet 1 *RMWUaiu* sui7vived with only my dig- aniMr.Rse Svr vnrga ..i yoeunaimu vote cf the coun- as At wouid have te pey the LREMQARE rp WdVWULWV nity suffering any great dem- anti Betty were Idânner gucats United Ohurch. cl, that flhc Township Clerk,ibank, _______________________ -age. with.a nd yMT5*John Mur- - ..-- - - - fi f. twI~

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