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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 14

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PAON FO~~~M~~i THE CAIqIDLMq STATESMAN, EOWMANVnLLE, ONTARIOTURDY AK 2lt 9 HAMPTON ~mer highly esteemed resident 'i (n uta neal)K n lrd HAMPTON of Ham ton h fneralhser- YELVERTON 'pecitionsuorphuprsellfoere- ] NDALMre rl oefo viewshl tte*otet odings. Ushered irto a cold Mr.W.Mr adMs u n e ~ ,ro n o r~ e w ~ Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Dewell, and Smith Funeral Home, The humble woodchuck has andi unkind world a little (Initended for Las ek ayLxnsaîgt a h r nN esMrs. Joe Chapman and Mr. Bowmanville. on Wed.nesday been credited with the super- lambkin with its advent en- Mr. andi Mrs. G.Cnaf no tefn d ete and Mrs. Clarence Tink atten- afternocon. Burial was in the, natural power of being able to courages us, (supplemen t e d Mr. and Mrs. J.Nelad MsLon Pedn pe, deti a gathering at thie home of North Cemetery, Hampton. We prophecv corne Feb. 2M~ the with a new seeti catalogue) to family visîteti wit. n nMfdYatronwt M rs. James E 'Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, extend ypah to her rela- iength o the remnairnng winter look forward to Spring being Mns. A. Langstaff faxy.Tomsn OsawonStudy eenigtve lswer ls.9 as.Hre t acoi ls js aondte onelserokdCre 1which was held in honorof Recent callers at the Pres-. Mondas'. Jan. Il. we hati OUi Coincidental wiljl-ithe ine Weekend visitonswthMs Ln- vd Mns. Lyall Lowery and Heating business in Kum-' were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brown's sister's and hus-J cott home were, Mr. and M rs. particj.lar four-footed prognos - to f hJ.ermn'snw Martineli on Satudywn left o Sudayfora mtortnp rie Bdg.fo soe tme. Mrs MitonGra, M .ad Ms.band's 25th wedbding annivers- John Malette, Tyrone; Miss Ev- ticator make their ownres '_- Policof theficxrenPa's enwMr. anti Mrs. P. Mrie o Kennedy Gray andi David, ary. Mr. and Mrs. Everett El- elyn Pascoe and Mnr. Carl Saxr- for 100 hogs, and reflecting in-Rsnat n nSudy r to California and Florida. Miss Josephine Armstrong anti Mrs. A. Colan o aitn Mr. W. L. King- the manag- of West Dennis, Mass., U.S.A. Cadmus. liott were the honoureti guests. geant, Peterborough. M i s s Mrs. Laverne Clemens; Devo-1 cidenetbaly somewhat on its pos- Asoe n ac a er o Orno Bane of ana- bas returneti to he'r home after The pupils of Grades 12 and A pleasant evening was spent. Marie Pr scott, Toronto, spent tiional Convenor, Mrs. Bert1 sible affect on' us anti neigh- A hel o atrdayngtfrte SS* IanBa of o mera ce rtun- eCdn g eerlwek i l, Orono High School attend-! -Xe welcome to our village, the week:nd at home. Hoskin; Social Com., Mrs. boring producers. a real live neleds, Mi-.ati Mr.A ced home on Sunday from P.P. her sisters Mrs. Thornton Wil- e "Ben Hur" in Toronto Iastl church and community life, Sunday mnorning church ser- Clarence Yeo, Mrs. Barrv'oltrtearssuithe-Irn (n Rh Jckn. P., Toronto General Hospital. son and Mrs. Earl Gratiy anti Thursday. Mr. andi Mrs. Haroldti -einstra vice hati a very gooti congre- Candis. Mrs. Fred Payne; Tea- holti so to speak. sizing up the The atidress wasnedbPa 1%&. and Mrs. Geo. Armnsrongbroher Mr. Wm. E. Armstirong The annual meeting or Orono anti family fromn Columbus, gation anti full choir who con- chers, Mrs. B. Killens anti Mr.! situation, no doubt picking Out Foster, followetibya thn .i .ns hvebrn i andi their families. Unitedi Church on Tuesday ev- who hav purchased the home tributeti an inspiring selection- Haroldi Balson. wihdose opr nfrt o"fo la Timsohabes on i-rtn- Mr. and Mrs. Atkin Archer, endng wasý again precetird by Of Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees which "The Lord is My Shepherd". Mn. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul wThisch tioorste ow ark on Aft you" roAn ad uIoi 'bs otrLidaMaitio rs. J.hn E'- a pot-Iuck supper, which was was formerly occupied by Mr. Oui- pastor's message on Com- were recent visitors with MVIr., a bit of a hurry as he was be- lovely gifts they rciei Mr. and Mrs. Sid BarrabalRichards on Montiay enroute .ejoi b eeron . 1anve rs. n Paove. tohey mion aso cntanet indpir-anti Mns. H. M. Brooks, Osb-1 ing pursueti k' a hound owned fine lunch was serve -ant faiiy Mn.ant Mr. Fy toa sx weks oto tnxtoSuntiay at the morning have recentKyroreti to theioing thoughts.The Sundav awa ,an faniy, r.andMrs Faylo si weksmotr riptoservice at Orono Unitedi Çhui-cb i new home in the south end of1 School session too bati a splen- MssMryy Ke.Bwm Cnrtubaostso Maurertnd Las eent M.h.eose Adams, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ad- Florida. -Rev. J. I. MacKay, B.A., B.D.,I the village tiriti attentiance.MisMrPtesBo an.C gaulinso Maicatiatpnthew kndn S ems anti family, spent Sunday! Mn. anti Mis. Clarence Yeo D.D will b thegues speakcer. MrYmPatihy is extendeti to~ Newly appointed officers ofý ville, was a Suntiay visitor'Bi-adley of Mpnve-s Stn. dis.. Buffalo, shopping,anivitg ~vthMn atiMr. .Adms atifail er hliaygust r.MaKa i c-sp nined r.Wl ibrat i.Le-teLde'BbeCasae-witb the Salters. trict wbho receivet the appoint- with Mr. anti Mrs. G us. .s Rosennath. of Mri. anti Mns. Bi-uce Yeo and ent of Home Missions for the is Orytierman in thetiahf President, Mrs. Merwin Mount- Mrs. Walter Beath,Com- e of vRoTi Spenfrin thne11nt M iati Mr. Bboui ireant fmii ati is P 1sy Mn. anti Mrs. Loi-ne Thorno- Quinte. ___late of Bowmanville anti a for-, Dnew; Secretary. Mrs. Dave Mrs. A. L. Prescott. applicants for the job at the Baler ntvi n. S mytio ic adfaiv n Ms Ptylýinaugural meeting of Manve-sDonve onutay Jones, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. son, Blackstock, anti Mrs.AI Hall; Ass't. Secretany, Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mrs. Fern Foster r.M bei-t Morton visited Mis. Wim. . Thenon Mountjoy, Treasurer. TruIl, Os'hawa, were supper Council for 1960. E. Foster anti Mrs.Maatar XLiflbrd ookton Snd aJa.Id.Cbldko una.U guests of bis parents. Mr. and Due to the stormy' evening spending a fnw daysi Tte G. Hroko unaJn.ICbbeik o opera MissOJ 1 I Farutiale presenit at community Mns. Lorenzo TriiI lasti week. andi resultant condition of oui- ville visiting frienti.c ROI . Mr. anti Mns. Jim Bruton Mrs. D. G.THoorntonMis -TanalSniyScolat oulsJ.cktcvs events again. following recov- Mi-. anti Mrs. Merwin Mount- rural roatis the Congregational Mrs. D. BlackofCuic t on Clfords aveien t ed Armlt stongd ,rs Eau-I Grady visit-I meeting was belli on Wdnes- iteti Mr. anti Mrs. Don Taylor ey from bis leg injury, anti o joy wre in Toronto on Satur- Meeting in foim of Pot Luck1spnt Friday visitingwt e'PUBN n ETN hyM.FodNcosnne,<tJmd Mrs. Arthur Zavitz, Peter- day night. Reverenti F. J. Ree nýdchiltiren on Suniday. know that Frank Hancock is day. Mr. Mountjoy was guest supper was not as well attend- daugbtnr, Mrs. BoEon- DvsinSre ot much better foflowing bis îre- at a banquet at the Royal York eti as ruer t'sual. Sorrv no i-e- man. M '(o bis residence overlooking1 bonough. W.Cre openedtithe meeting, Murray Mn. andi Mrs. E. Lai-mer, cent critical illness in Oshawa Hotel. They matie tbeir'ttnp by pot- we got stuck 'in snow Mrs. Eddie Couru 21 Hghay nrt e 1iof Mr. anti Mis. W .Cre Vice gave hue trnasurer's i-e- Blackstock, wr-e Suntiay tea General Hospital. rail. too. Vance Allan antiMsdan 115Ii Street. ed O spent Tbursday in Toi-onto. port anti the report of secre- get fM.at n.H e---- Miss Caroln MarAntr. antidi-at Mrs. Brooks Cowan, tai-y Lloyd Broome revnaleti lowlees and family. Misal y~und ororno .i anti Mrs. Cecil Jones spent that Suntiay School was belti M.at ur.DnTyo [Saturday in Toronto te, cele- 42 Sundays in 1959 with an av- anti chiltiren visited at Manîlla spent the veekend withbhis brate their wedtiing annivers- mrage attendance of 89. o ody i.F breh parents ;MT and Mrs. A. A. ýary. nMn-y r.F breh Drummonti în - assisteti the;MsMaioMclvTo Harvey Yellowlnns was el- returneti to her home witb Orono Choi) at Albert StremU onto, spent the weekend wit ti stpantenden flo 90 bm 'Unitedi Church, Oshawa 011 Mrs Fred Brim'acombe. anitPeassistah ts Stan Mils Mrs. H. E. Tink was a gunat Mi-. a ninMr. HnvyPat rs. Roy Patton is a pat- at en ec.Oie-ofc- at a birthday party for bei' M.adMs av*vPatlient in Mmra optl1eetdaesflos-Sce son Clarence on Suntiay night. T H IS JldBEI< nier anti family, Tyrone, have' oravll.Hsîa tai-y, Lloyd Broome; Assistant, rnovmd into tibeir home on Main H dyvstn ihM.at Frank Wnstlake Jr.; Treasurer, M- niMs rc ikat Stiet wiih 'hy urchaset ida yGivile C hManfa Murray Vice. Mrs. H. E. Tink attentietia from Mii-. HespeT Dean. Mn. - Superintentient or Cratile famnily gat;hering at the home Parnerha i-n aPlmbigiily were Mr. anti Mrs. E. M. Roll Dnpt., Mrs. B. Tink. of Mr. anti Mrs. Bryce Brown Parter as un aPlu-bigiOhallice, Mr. anti Mis. Harvey Committen to airange music in Oshawa on Saturdey niglit. Aiken, Tom anti Bai-bai-a, M.ri. for the S.S. annivei-sary, Glati- Gumst of bonor on their 25th 'anti Mis. Warren Challice anti .s Yeîîowînes, Mis. E. Crytier- wetiding anniversary wmre Mr. daughter. Mrs. A. Cbapman., man, M-s. M. Vice anti Mrs. anti Mis. Everetti Ellintt for- 1.74 1rok -s * IKlenBoM.andile:Mur. Jo.nDon Taylor. merly Margaret McKessock. i-ile omnil- (.W Pianists for Sunday Sehool' Their Solina fnientis extenti Fallis andi daughter Miss Jane chosen by G5adys Yellowlens best wîshes andi congratulations WREN iTC0iMES TO NI.ATNG~ Fallis, Bethauns; Mn. an't Mrs. are Pat and Helen Knox, Gail to Mai-gai-et andi Evei-ett on ' WE QUAJFY-Mi-.e John atn ati on' Baker, Dianne Tink, Anne thiis happy occasion. OURZ PRICES FAIR, M ..JhnPato.ad on Werry anti Pat Davis. Commit- Mi-. and Mirs. E. R. Taylor OuRSTNft~R NIW! Roy visiteti fnuends in Ponty te a -n1 isonr visiteti Miss Lillian Hoar, Bow- OUR STANDRP NiGw! pool, Millbrook anti their cou- e oarnemsinr r- avle g, in Mrs. Russel Smith anti Mr. grams for Sund'ay School. Mrs. Mni. nIr.PryWslk Deibert Olan botlb patients in son at nevsteio uta Civîr Hospital, Peterborough. Committer to arrange Tem- witluMr-. andi Mus. Frank West- Holiday guests of Mr. and praceEdUcation programs, lakte, Sr. Mrs. Kennedy Gray anti Davidi pri-a n lo nce pg,, jMi-. anti Mis. Frank Cook were Mr. anti Mis. Fred Dayes, Mrsco. DnTyo niMs a1and chiltiren, Mr. anti Mrs. Siti Lorraine anti Jim, Blackstock, ace Mitchell andi Debra Mutton, M r. anti Mrs. Reg Sutton anti Teachers : Nui-sery Class,' Bowmanville, visiteti on Sun- MTr. anti Mis. Milton Gray. lett.BRosns C ias, Mrs. F. day at Mi-. and Mrs. F.rank The Clenke Township Teach lu- ttBisn M is.J.snowen; FWestlake's Jr. lers heldtitheii' Janiuary meet- Primi-y as, Mis. . nwdest- Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Os- ing at Newcasttie on Monday. lriakJr. s, Mrs. . WesJu- bonne, Bruce anti Dale, Eben- Mr. anti Mis. Colin Taylor, ion Girls Class, Mrs. C. Lang- ezer, were recent guests of Mr. Bowmanvilln, wnre wenkend maiti, Mrs. B. Tink; JnoradMs.E.Sres noattndtsots. o 'Mituelol. at r.W.Boys Class, Don Taylor, JFr antiMi. any no atisos.m Micel.cis Jobnston: Intermediate funeral of ber cousin Wm. HF Girls Class, Mrs. W. Ynllow- anti Mis. Win. Carmen wbile lees: nemdaeBy ls, Mr. andi Mrs. George Gilroy Mr anti 1r: RaeePascontantiyMONT Hs, * uuooe HM* lier father was in the TorontoBrcTalStn iisn and sons, Columbus, visiteti k CO 3-2281 1B Mr, andi Mrs. Reg Suttoun Young Peoples' Class, Wns family. Hilîs, Mis. B. Hooey. Mr, anti Mrs. Rar Pasce anti The retiring superintendent ebiltiren wr-e Sunday tra ______________________________ John Knox ,was thanketi b'y us oMranMs.JDy, Wes Hilîs fur bis faithful ser-- usao M.at1rs yi100M SIZE 10OM SIZE10 M SZ vices tiuring tepas ree Oshawa. ce 0w Cougmegational 'Miss Sharon Lucas, Bowman- q12x4016x24 metn1ville, was a wenkend guest of 12" x 24' 2 x4 .~~' '\CANADA will be belti Tbursdav night. il ake.DeLUXEPE January 2 1. A gooti attendance M.Cifr eguoSs- ~PER ~PER I ~ ~ ~eLÀ L INDUSTRIAI ~is requesteti. Plan to attend,ý atchewan, visiteti at Br~uce ~ 1 U OT 3 7U M NH~J U OT I ""~'-Won't you? Mn. ant iMns. Hans Snolks $2 7 -00 *IUTEQ1IPMEN'T The Eltiati C.G.I.T. met in'n aiBomvle is the ehurch basement on Sat- iandtie amily Bowanviosllvi- urda.y aftennoon witb Dianneie h e-' tRslni TRADE SHOW Tinkpr serentnth an Mrs. S. E. Werry was a e- CO M PLETE LIST JANUARY 27, 28, 29, 30, 1960 rca mserice reprtib Cutir.o.s...b.t.0 MT R I L (10. m o 6 p.m ~îIy>Phyllis Westlake was openeti' a EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO by Arînne Westlake giving the K D O o urnedFudlo cal b t wors'hip. Sharon Spires K D O o urnedFudto a eadtihte seripture i-nading. A Local dealers have a FREE ADMISSION key chain fer' yo stoi-y was rati by Juanita Fra-, Doubles Club approvedth le* Walerproofing afI-purIpuoe ser. Mis. Knox introduceti the~ slate of officers presenteti by SPONSORnD IUT mission study on Angola, Af-, the Nominating Committen, ne- Suficent Vapour Carrier DAVID BROWN (CANADA) LIMITED riea. sulting in the following exer-* ,. I. CASE COMPANY On Sunday vening, Janutaiv utive for 1960. Honorai-y Pi-es- Floor Primer ... COCKSHUTT FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED .11, the group will be guests Of itients, Rmv. R. H. anti Mrs. GOODISON (OLIVER) INDUSTRIES LIMITED Enniskillmn C.G.I.T. group to Love; Past Presitints, Mr. antidPa;v~A!iê4~ I.IIs, INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY sen a special film on Afi-ica. Mis. William Snowden; Pi-esi- ExteriLI and IieioStu dd . . . . . . 07F CANADA. LIMITEDTevugpol njyt etM.atiMs on r-*nVlf.J ,a 11 2 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK 2-DR. SEDAN ly the five groups hati prepar- Smih. t On we alwiieae i odtoig id variaus kintis of salads Keduron Boy Scouts are hav- FOR THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER Oiseowne car io~ inieage aircondtioing wbicb were rnjoyed for lunch. inug a paper drive on Saturtiay. 196SUEAE HMINThe next meeting wl b onl Januany- 23, andi requrst te Y( .. OS A WAA W OO~r~D DrPrO îrTS 1956 STUDEBAKER CHAMPIONJanuary 23. be co-opr-ation formerly givmn in L m r-vr with overdive and airconditioning $1395 i The Soli na Women's Institute tbis pnoject. S C N U T G A O HE !met in the hall on Thunstiay The Commuunity Club hope 5ON CTN ANTE 1951 STUDEBAKER V9 atte-noon with a smallen atten- for a gooti attentiance at the 191autornatic, radio, air conditioning__ $ 4501 dance than usual. carti pai-ty planneti for Satur- IFREE INSTRUCTIO NA L CO URS Roll raIl was answeird byl day evening, .anuary 23, in the 191STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH naming an article wbicb is Conimunity' Centre. air conditionting ------------------ $ 375 now obsolete. A short roui-sel The Adult Bible Class willUN R C E T O ARO M BI DG on making mats was tiisrussed. 1 ment on Monday evening, Jan.IN R C E T O A O M DR 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN Anyone wishing to attend isI 25, at the home of Mr-. andi Mrs. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED ... ENROLL NOW! heater - - - ---------------- ---- $ 375 requesteti to notify Pearl Leachi Harold Werr-. or Mrs. Ratiovir so the necess- Albert Wood was superin- 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN ai-y supplies can be ortiereti. tendient for Suntiay Seluool, oh hed ntrecnsulv nay vnig radio and air conditioning, The' Girls Club ,vili holti June Davis, pianist. MastersTob hedo trecnsclv Mo ay veig $40 their Actievement Day at Or- 'Ralph Barnett a n ti Teddy omnig nJacr 25h...i7o'lk one owner -- 5 .o eray2) h Ds rc eevdii feig On nytrict Annual Convention willU The regular cbuicb service Cmmn in o aury 25h . a 7 'co One O nly , ~~~~ be helti at Blackstock on May, w as onduteti at the usual E S r C u h e S o r o 1959 NEW STUDEBAKER 12'-ton TRUCK 18. Mrs. AM-bton inviteti aIl the b oui- of 10 a.nu. by thue minister, air cnditining.i ladies to a supper sponsoneti byi Rev. Ronald H. Love, for a air cnditonin.tIb Girls Club on Januany 30! large congregtion. Theregu- in the hall at 4:30 o'rlork. ; lar choir provideti the special OSHAW A W OOD PRODUT Mrs. Stan Milîson took charge music. Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories of the progrzm wbich was un- Local Junior Farmens attend- available at der the hading of Historical rd thle annual meeting for On- Downtown Showroomn Resear-ch. The motto *"Stutiy tario County at Uxhiditge on Mai Ofic ad Sowoo the paost o th resen, St:rlay wih te tnqu8i4MSJMCOE ST. S. -RA 8-1617 L M T D -CUTC-A811 G rauam s G arage ~ ~~ menteti on by Mrs. Murray the At Home dance in Uxbrid- 9Ohw eehnsT ev G a a s G a a e Vice. Ms-s. Robert Pari- favoreti ge Collegiate Auditionium. BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130AJXE TH260 STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICEi with a piano solo. A paper on Mr. anti Mm. Murton Waltmr! DOWNTOWN OFFICE (OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. 1Current Events was given by ententaineti a few frientis mort COlfax 3-2233 'i is. Bill Ashton. The group 1 pleasantiy at a card pai-ty on ReydonR.R. 1, Bowmanville in charge serveti lunch during! Saturday evening. the social half hour. Many frientaisi the commun- Mr. and Mml, Gien Larmer ity are happy to »e Howard V J', +-~, ~40lr~ t'- ~ - ~ -' cou Col Car Kih pra me thit Ne' T 2 per; on Boy Bar cesi andi nmei ciot. the tari wol Thý of car Pîp Seni r

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