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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jan 1960, p. 4

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TEKCMADIZ<STAW!1iEO MAKILEONT1OTH8SD-, A-M21*1.9 EDITORIALS Two Excellent Addresses Thase who were privileged ta attend the Men's Canr.dian Club meet- ing here on Wednesc îyý of last week and the Rotary Club's luncheon on Fi- uay were fortunate. Magistrate Ranald B. Baxter tald the former meeting sonne interesting detaîls of his job and Eric Hardy gave an excellent address an municipal affairs at the latter. We doubi if this communitv bas heard two more timely talks peviausly. in one week. When the thought-pravoking speech the previous week of former Adjutant General Macklin at the Canad- ian Club of West Durham is încluded. this bas certainly been an outstanding month for Bowmanville. We were most interested in Magis.- Irate Baxter's comparisans. In 1941. fines during the year in the United Counties amounted ta $9,000. In 1958. $120.000 was collected. Less than 1,000 cases were heard here in '41, but ini 1958, therc were maie, than 8,0M0.fie said. We doubt vcry much if our onulation has grown in propor'tion. For A WeII-lI ton pers that citizens of Darling- tnandB wmanville wl have ample opportunity 'this year ta become well- informed about their own affairs. With bath councils setting up machincrv foi' two open meetings a month. instead of one, practically every edition of this paper will carry news of counicil pro- ceedings. In town, we beluev.e this witl be inuch better for ail concerned. Oui problem fommerly was that once a month we reccived a copy of the minutes af two Board of Works meetings. plus committee reports. plus the deètails of a full council meeting - ahl at anc time. justi two days before aur paper wvas <fPrinted. Wèfound it impassible ta give a dquae oveagetoahl the important disussonsanddecisions whicb bad taken place. Naw, under the new setup. ~I we believe we can do a far better job #)of rcportiuîg tharoughl.v and analyzing the situation. W. lav no laim ta perfection buit One reason for the increase was that in 1941, there were not more than 10 or 12 police officers in the two counties,- whie now there are over 70. Certainly, law enfarcement hasflot only become big business, it has became a major problem of aur generation. Mm. Hamdy's address had several main points, possibly the fact that Bow- manville in 1958 paid $75,000 in debt charges and had a deficit of $25,000 be- ing one of his mare striking statements. We also doubt if many people are aware that the operatian of this municipality is approaching a million dollar business every year. We sincerely hope there wiII be r-oue addresses af this calibre during the Year - and that as many people as possible will be an hand ta hear them, or will take as much time as necessary ta read themn in this journal. These facts should be known by cveryone who lives ini this cammunity,. They are everybodv's business. nformed Public 'Ne do trY ta be as fair as possible ta (Yovernments at all levels, while stili carryiuîg out aur responsibility as "the cyes, tlic cars and vaice of the people" as anc erniuient publisher has put it. He also suggested that "it is a healthy sign that ýwe as newspapers are doing our Job Mi1en mast of the complaints receiv- cd at the newspaper office came from the politicians. Beware of the com- ununity wheî-c there is nat at least a slight air of mistmust between the local ncxvspapeî- and the afficials of gavern- ment," lie said. We don't agree cam- pletely with his sentiments on this subjeet. Over the years, we have had excellent coaperation and a mutual gaad understanding wîth municipal councils especially and we expeet that tbis will continue. But. we are pleased with the mîew ai-rangement and feel that our citizens should be happy that they will now have a better opportunity of knowing haxv their councils ar'e funetioning. &Iyouflgman's Co/umn . e Ever siuîce the bit, stcel sirike iin the JU.S.A. Nvas settled we have devoted a great deal of preciaus lime ta readiuîg everythiîig we could find abbut it. Frankly. xwe now are more confuseul than ever. Undoubtedly, it was a great political coup for Vice President Nixon who appears la have played a niajor part ini rthe settiement. H-e should have little <ifficulty now in taking axoer froni Presiderut Eisenhower and the RLepub- licans can dlamr with justification that they are pro-labor. The Democrats inust bc in a terrible quandary. not ol i.n trying ta find a suitable leader but also in preparing any attack ou i Nxon frforcing this settlement upan the ateel companies. They will mot be tan anxious to appear anti-labor in an elec- tion yeai'. One thing about the settlemeuit apascertain. It will bring praspenity to ge numbers of people in the inn- mediate future, including many Canad- iaris - us, annong tbenn, wc hope. No one can complain about that. One other factor seems jusi as sertaîn, the price of steel will increase. possibly $16 a tan. Thiis, of caturse,. wilI l e felt keenly in almost exciy sectionu of the economy af thîs cotnt'y. anid, we believe. must Iaunch anal her round of inflation. There appears ta be nio a'orkable method of "holding the line'. Steel also bas now established a pattern for those whose union contracts it was cica ' bv the tiie- Parlia- ment at Ottawa opencd last week that agriculture is due for a less constuructijvc and more critical treatnient thari was the case with last vear's extensive legisiative' prq4ýain. B3th govcrnimei-it backbençhi.'fs and apposiCon members are pu'ejaring ta criticize tu,- goveruu- om4 n deficiency payments -'or ecggs (see below) and hogs. Lack os de- ficiency payrneflts on prairie gramn 15 also due for strong censure. Farnwmrs' eriticismns of low egg prices, - sonne markets are ynuch belo\v others - and fears about future hog prices have stecl ag>reememît was signed, it musti have bad an effect on the plans of every major union ini thein demands for thîs v eau. [Tle precedent was set, the dam brokeuu anîd 0w the f lood waters will stau't ta spucad far and wide. It is nat a new stary, it's been hap- penimg for N'ears - ever since the war, and there seems ta be no end in sight. Lookinlg ahead, we can sec the value af the dillai duopping lower, the f ixed incarne people being hit a bit harder with the government being called upon fou more help by way of increased peusions and otlîeu welfare payments. Ilawever, wc can rest assured that large indlustry will continue ta survive becaLuse it sets the prîces and must make a profit ta satisfy its sharehoIders and attract capital. In Canada, with a new, ligher wage level, we believe we may bave stili more trouble disposing of our exportable surpluses. But, the steel- \vorkei's xiii be happy and s0 will the athers xvho will gain wage increases because of theim' settiement and Nixon probabl 'y will bc the new President of the Unitedi States. To many, these ihings are marc important than the louiu-termieffects. Our countries will guadually adjust ta th(, nexv plateau and wonder when the next step) is due. Thece seenns ta bc nothing much that any aifus can do about it. Sad, but truc. Mr. Nixon may yet wonder if il was worth the effort. stiiiiulatecd a sti'ong cuu'ueuît of dissatis- J'action that wiil bce mnnnediately refleet- cd ir)iecciticisnus ['nom the floor of the 1 bouse. Ji nthe nmainu. tue attacks will be tucussed aoi the beliet bv farmers, and mnembers, tlîal the stability and uni- tommity tutt the gaveument was able ta in jeet imta the whale national market b>' its purchîase programs, bas been lost. Naw fammers iii some markets receive extremely Iow prices. Every farmer faces the possibility that the market may be extraardinarily law on the day lie seils his paîticular produet. He no langer tuas the price certainty be enjay- cd befliuc. 'This ioss of price stabilitv is the pi mcc the farmer bas ta pay sa the gov- cunîent can ireduce its lasses, avoid stîrhltuLses anud avoid giving support ta the auge scale aperatars. Sa runs the criticsmn and il. is strong argument. Sti-ouug etiuglu ta make Agriculture Ministem' Harkness guarantee, in effeet, ami inteii paymcnt an eggs at the end of 'Maircl. Thue goverrînnent cao expect this lui countinueu with increasýng vehemence itulcss tlicv give sonne floor ta these prices lac- eggs and hogs. It is hardly possible at thîs stage for the govern- ment' ta withdraw from the respansi- biilit.%-il has assunncd in this respect. Observations and Opinions A lacaunotivt' al, an average speed 01 30 miles an hour would reach the nmiana un Il m-omths, and the sun in 3592 Vxecl 1 t- Lull travels from the sun to the cai îh imi eight minîutes. (Even thinking af the moon in 1870 as tûday). -:SUG4 Went to see a Tarza.n mua- vie with the kids the other night. I looked forward ta the evening. I hadn't seen Tar- zan in action for nigh onta 30 years. &R Oand SPICE:- DispeSed by Big Smiley1 ing but my knlfe and a last-f ing up our heels i.n âympathy,. rminute assit from Tantor the j* cElephant.i This locker-room burn the% s1 other nlght waasImI My Tarzan was a mature enough, but he wasn't prou man, wmth craggy features, He had about as much ditY wearing a shaggv anitnal'sý n.. u - t'... - INN I Weil, sir, il was like goingskn his sbtraight black hai.r ig through the jungle as ~2back to see an old sweetheart1 fallîng almost ta his shoul- thougb he owned lt, ho skulk. aiter 30 yea.rs, and flndlng thc ders. The Tarzan in this nio- cd around like a Juvenile de- alim, pretty wench turned Intel vie the other night was ai linquent Iookint for an old *. a gros., gap-toothed old bat baby-faced pretty-boy wcaring man to bout up. ln a solled blouse. a taiiored leopamd-skin, andi * * *1 * * *he had OIL on his carefully- But what gat me was the 1 don't mind teiling yuu, 1, curled bain, plot. In the aid Tarzan fls came out ai that theatre " **axumals were killcd, bu oi shocked, bewildered and dis- i My Tarzan swung thrugh in self-defence, or for fod. illusioned. No experience iii the jungle, fram tree te, tree, In this epic we saw the other recent years has so.expliciti.y: in great, swooping arcs that. night, there wcre no lcss than eonfiimed my crceping suspu- had your heart in your throat five horrible deaths, all peo- clan that the world is gaing'wlth envy. This jerk the other ple. One got an arow through ta, the hogs.i night made oflly one swing on the heat. A beautiful girl * 'a vine, a little hp of about was impaled on stakes in a "k Naw. 1 was flot sa nalvc asi fourteen feet. pit. Another fellow was push- fX to think I'd bc seeing the same' * * - d down a mine Ahaft. A f Tarzan as the one ai my chlld-1 My Tarzanî was a friend ofj founth was shoved aven a b ood, or that the story wouldi most ai the auimals in the cliii and landed fiat on bis hard-eyjed uatbethoolignstha flo be.jzze uia it or h'jungle. But hie didn't hesitate back on a rock. Even yaung haunt ethe oigabuns wta-] o stab an ornery lion ta Kim, case-hardened by many dayunt ths Tarzan wse o death, ou' crack the neck ai a Saturday aitemnoon ai cow- more like the ancrza watcheo an owly gorilla. This beach, boys and Indians cutting eacli inme lad daysne1 than athîcte the other night could- i other dowuî, flinched at the Jjilyn Monroe is like Mar-yln't kill any'thing but peoplej sight ai a man stumbling into viI Rooney.Mcky and hie shiot at theun with ar- quicksand and sinking, sereaun- raws, froun behind a tree, If ing horibly, out ai sight. Tarzanu was anulifluenîce of you can believe il. I blushf-di * * l f almost overwbelming dimeti- fan him. InJf my day, the movie-rnak- sians, whcn 1 was a kid. Wei ers didn't have ta rlg up trou- reaci ail the Tarzan books.' My Tarzan Ivas a simple, ble like that for Tarzan's en- Every Saturday aftemnoon at îproud man. Hec ouldn't even' emies. He taok care af it hlmn- the matunce, we saw two speak Englisbi. Whon he was'self. There he'd be. tied t aa reels ai a Tarzan serial that! wlth the girl, she'd try ta stake, the native warrlors left us limp with excitemit. teach hlm. The words would dancing around hlm, sbaking and tear, as oui' hero strugglcdi be flashed an the sereen. She'd, torches in bis face. Old Tarz in the coils af an anaconda, say: "Me Jane. You Tarzan."j would just rare back, bellow or went tumbling aven a mile-'and he'd repeat: "Me Jans. bis ape catI. and in a few high cliii as the episode end- Yau Tarzan." And sbe'd gig- minutes, bundreds of bis bro- cd. But xve didn't worry ail gle prettily and say: "No. Me' ther-apes woutd pour aven week until next Saturday. We Jane. You Tarzan." And be'dI the palisades and chase the knew he'd beat the rap. finally get it. black feltows, while a horde ~ * ~ * of bis elephant friends trami- 1 dreamed about bim. 1 sul-1 Buut lie ueally wasnt imter-'Pied down the whole Watusi fered Innumnerable contusionsi estcd in girls, and at that village. and sprains trying ta swing timie, ueither were we kids. __------ tbraugb a mzple tree the waY'ý We'd scuiflc and gi'ab cacb' Maybe i'ni just gctting he swung tbrough the trees othens bats and hanrse around crankçy and old. But when of the jungle. In the privacyl until the "lave" part was' savagemy and vigarous via- of Tbe Sandpit, -1 practised over, and aur liera was back' leuice a«re repiac-ed by sadisun calting the apes as be did.1 in action. churniîîg acmoss thei and psvclîopaths, I think it's Befone golng ta sleep at night,1 niveî' witbh the crocodiles smua.p-Itime Uic crocodiles finally 1 fought my way silently but ping at lus heels, and us sit-1 canglt up ta Tarzan, and fin- Indonitably, through hardes ting en thie edge ai aur seats,jished hlm off, once and foi, cof black warriars, wth noth-j teeth andiists clenched, pull-lail. 'I During the past year, quite buying that saine farim, a !cw 1 out 0i lier way to have a chat 1) anumber of people have left years ago, for the Ganaraska and enquire about Our health, e t rsc 1ze&lo thls vale of tears, with whom Authority. It was niy privilege etc.£ ett rs c oJeé;d tor we were well acquainted, and to visit the brothers mally 1 first met. Art Robbins. onu it leaves us rather sad to think times' during the past 40 years June 26, 1919, at M\1cCrea's Dear Sir: inote that we liave lhad, a the effort. is appreciated, that we won't be able to say and enjoy their splendid hos- strawberry festival, and we 1 may perhaps, be a littie number of farmers attend! As we continue on.into 1960, "lhello" to them, any more. pitality. instantly took a iiking ta each late, but 1 would like toatcol- meetings and make the com-i l would againi like ta say, we Each one is associated, in When we xvere narnmýed, other, a feeling that. strength- vey my personal thanks, as ettmt ii oî esn oapecaeyu ooea memory, with some particli- Mrs. Bob White gave Lis a ened with the passing year-s. well as those of the Ontario mn ttith 11Yra on and e i h oi' ou pa lar ncientlik firt bcom-Roc henandand 0 feshly H-e always had something en- Department of Agriculture, thev were there, was that they yOurs, swî sth aa ing acquainted with "Wib" hatched chicks. Maybe that couraging and pleasant ta say for the wonderful ca-opera- saw the Agricultural Calen- dian Statesman. continued Luan, when he and brother doesn't Sound like rauch, but ta nie, and was One Of the tion we have had frorn the dar, in the Canadian Statesman, success in 1960. Andy lived on a gravelly farin ta a newly married, penniless most loyal "fans" of this col- Canadian Statesman, during We sometimes wonder, if aYorveytu just north of Tower Hill, 40 couple, trying ta become es- umin. We differed ini politics the past year. lot of thec work we do, is A.o. flaey tr , years ago, and I bought 10 tablished on a sandy farin, and enjoyed manv a lively de- It has beeri of consîderable orh the trouble, and un- A .Dlype breeding sheeep fromn thern. an.d anxious ta acquire saine bate on that subject, but ne- satisfaction ta us, and proDb-Idoubtedly you feel the saine Agricultural Representative, Frorn then, until now, we have fowl, it seemed like a Gad- ver a quarrel. He once asked ably of interest ta you, ta way at tmes, but apparently Durham County. been excellent friends. My send. During aur long ac- mny eldest son if hie thought last "deal" with "Wib", wasiquaintance, she otten went hce would ever be as good__ _ _ _a_ _ ~ repeated that, "ijf my son isn' a. darn sight better, then myC a k i e w e i i g i n th E ~period af teaching has be We knew Mrs. Henry Cor- »J nish for a long time, and were$ 7, 4 oi sudden death. She was a plea- si.Hl lomi i ol ecnaeo rnsibad t sant, unselfish. self-sacrifie- ORONO-AL the ?Township hpHlasoadh oudecnteofgasigrd Listan.t P ac st ing lady af the tinest quality, Councîl meeting on Tuesday, consider pick-ups.tless of class. Counicil stated who will be sadly missed by Jan. 5, Council started the Councîl also reviewed a that this would assist the ln- - __ -~ rom The Statesman Files hier liusband, family, lodge,,year off by making their an- road program, ot wark as suL-cafim elinOno ac _______and large circle of close nual appointn-ents of repres-Imitted by the Township roadcafirhlin ro eh friends. entatives and also by passing supeintendent. fail. 25 YEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO Wc had livecd ini iis dis- a resalution ta purchase thelAItc a ccvdfon TeDprmn !1lgi <January 24, 1935)trict about four years beforene Carpla Gae. thc South Darlington Public Ways asked Council ta receive Russell Osborne was unaini- (January 27, 1911) mny wife met Mns. Jini Rans- Stone and Savery maved School Area Board asking ap- same parcels af land in the mously re-elected president aof M E. C. W.Met berrv. who, it, transpired, bý- that the Caterpillar Grader proval ta issue debentures in north af the Village. Thiis is the Durhami Central Agricul- Tuesday onabMiessth pf long'ed ta a family narned be purchased at a price aOfUtcearnoint of $60,000 for 4 new to be referred t h rn turl ocet a is nnalthauh heWet a 'uP learîî, who operated a store $21,820.00 which includecl classroomis. This affects same Horticultural Society taO c meeting in Part Hope last cii Cai n far fromn mx' wife's To- trade in. The Township is ta areas in tle SoLith West ai if any use could bp mnade aof week. i e- Mr.Her rouitohorne. and wbose sister pay for the machine in two Cîau'kr which are a pari ofi. Catchiîîg lire from. y x- Hn . A. Iairno.vc- .ttendcd Uic sainc public payments, anc in July 15, th Darlington Area. il1 E. l"uelidngl; were gîveui ploding coal.-oil lantern, a tertained his Stinday school al as BLltch: wbicib facr 1960 and Uhc aihier on October Miliopttd ta on aUcb-ast sals h largemarn bar, ownd byclas Wedesday a fternaon alwavs ýmade NVirs. "Y,' fccl1,5, 1960, H. E. Walkey point- hugîba bcn ivntOd FeowsHlan th Williami Cann two miles narth ta giving the aslibrdeta er and Mrs. Ransbcriv cd out tiuat thc Department have this aiea withdrawn Oi'onn Municipal Building un- of Canton. was campletel'y ty Osbawa. Aftcu showing weuc suit of -counrtiy, cou- subsidy was allowed on the froun the Darlingtoni area and der the Commtrnity Centres' destmoyed by fire on Sunday them around the "Manchester sins." $19,500, btut there was a POS- included in tbc Clarkc Area. Act. nigh'. Loss nealy $5,000. ai Ontario". Lunchi was serv-, In ail the ycacs 1 knew Ibim,isibility this may be extended Furthcr consideration is ta be Çoiilaseth layo MisCoaSotTroted at D. M. Tod's restaurant 1 neyer called Ruddick Wad- as the lowest bld did nat in- given ta this. thCoil ad Seritendenty o was guest ai Miss Florence and cach boy was given a delI by bis given naine. With clude a mould board which teRa ueitnetb Werry over the weekend. pound of sweets. me, lie was always "Mr. Wad- wou'ld have increased the 10w Three thob 'id dollars lias $250 and the clerk's salary by Miss Marion G. B. Warder, Mm. Hubert C. Illgginboth- dell. His dignified scbolariy tender. Charles Stapletan' been approve, for the Wini- $500.--rono Times. University ai Toronto, and arn, Chatham. soni of Mc. T. beamîng, plus bis widc knowl- thought the grader' would belter womks pro., -n un Uhc Miss I. Dempsey, Minesinig, E. Higginbothani of this town, edge of law, seelicd ta set delivered within three days.} C);I.kr Township. spent the weekend with Mr. has been in Chiatham Haspi.- himn in a categoî'y al bis own. The Reeve and Deputy-' Twa r-cadings wcce giveîî in Air, Rail or Steamshlp and Mrs. R. H. Wardem. tai stiffering fraun blood paci- He was affable, belpful aniev pcapinc ate ylw acieb ee-T 1 C K E T 8 Male bostesses arc now the soning in bis riglit arun.' kîîd. and saved many a per- Clar-ke Township High Schoall turcs $78,140 ta support the iT0 EVERYWHERE vogu attheBadintn Cub.caued y ijureseccîvedi son f rom going ta couirt !)y Committee: Savemy and Dent addition to the Bowmanvillc osl Wednesday aitemnoon a round whiz playing hockey. "-Hig "I histinc]y advicc. At canvey- ta the Township Game Corn- Meiorial Hosuital. JURY C Lonsul robin tounanient and aftem- was anc ai the promioters who1 ancinig work, his advice and mission: Clarence Allin asý Coinil suppated a c - 15 King St. W. A357 noon tea was staged with intradnced O.H.A. hac1kc\1 Ù1oj decisions were neveu' quest- livestock valuer at a iec qof'rir ibrywee i o MA 3-577 quite successiul results. Hast- Chathamn thiis year and i','c-ap-j <)qd.$.0 eîtpale ad fai'ssonlu'd rycverequal______________________ esses for the accasion weme tain of the Interniediate tean. George Brovi.u farnned on Dent to the Orono Pa rk - - (Miss) Allan Knigbt and (Ma- His teain heads the district the next concession; bis chil- Board; Dr, lVtcKerizic as Me-1 dame) Cecil Dudley. Thev withant a defeat. drcîî attended the saine sehool dical Officer; Foster ta the were charmingly clad in ai- Miss Helen Joliiîstolu ;s as ouIrs. We aiteli met in the Federation af Agriculture and temnoon frocks of daubtinîr canfined ta the hanse sufier- normal course af neigbbours. Waikey and Savery ta the age, and wbicb fitted justi ing icom a fail on the icy He started, in Canada, as a Recreation Camniittee. wheme they touched.r sidewalk when she hurt bier penniless immigrarnt; reared Considerable discussion was Nestleton: Mm. Gorgeke badly. threc sons and a daughter, ail held over the appaîntment ta Black is enetiig a orge Mis Rub of wbom he ercauraged ta replace the late R. R. Wad- entmtinnga um MssRuy P. Gale, Roches- establish their own business. deil on the Durtîam District ber oifmfiends ta a dance Fmi- ter, N.Y., spent Satumday f- He died, far froni penniless, Hâgh, Sehool Board. Deputy-! day in honor of his birthday ter'noon with hem aunt, Miss and was, by hi& thrift, and Reeve Savery moved that F. Cadnuus: While diving ta J. Gle and other relatives. idsroses mdt~E yetb pane n Port Perry last week Mrs. nutiunsa rdtt .Lcttb pone n Jas. Nesbitt eceived injuries Oronu: Ms. Thos. Vinsouî his native Ireland, and bis commented that he did not ta hem back and is confîned got an acu nimjued wbilc aelopted country of Canada. know where they could ab-! ta bed, womkin.- in the T. Eaton fac-He was a very bospitable maianabte' ponueta Sauina: Deputy Reeve A. L. toy1Trnt.Wrcner'ded a woodsbed butjone wha was mare intemested.' Pascae is in Cobourg this Newcastle: Mrs. McNaugh- didn't have the price af Uic E. Dent seconded the motion' week attending County Couni- ton and hem sister, Mrs. Mc. steel roof, and no agent would which was cafried by Coun-'r cil. Laughliiu. left fou tbce eiy. triusILIS. Jiu-n Nixon quietly cillor Fostemr. Haydon: The Rainbow Girls Mrs. Lockbart and Mrs. Mc- offered us the rani; we ac- held a vemy suecessful crokin- Naughton go for a prolanged cepted; lue was later paid. We The Clerk, H. E. Milison,' ole party at Mr. A. Beec-h's sajourn with fiends in New have neyer fargatten bis gen- pointed out that when ail re-' on Saturday night. The prîzes York. c rans, friendly gesture at a ceîpts were in for the road, were won by, the ladies, Mrs r time wbcn wc badly ncedcd accounit that the road expen-!; ~* ~ ~ am T. Cowling, and the gentle- Enfield: Mr. Robs 1llealcyl help anud encouragement. dîtures wauld balance the ta- B l n 'L U R T mien, Mr. S. Tewin. bas gane ta Toronto ta attend Wben 1 go ta Orono 1 wilî tai ai $96,316.73 for the year, E R G T W E O R T Tyrone: Little Miss Bemnce Business Collage. îmiss Sam Berry's cheerful 1959.-111ke sure that the ad5oesses on your lettors and paroeh Indui Warren entertainedi a number Enniskillen: Mc. and Mns.isaluta'ion. He was neyer tired Councillor Foster stated that afiliem little friends at a Alex Smith entétamned the of kiddiuîg me because 1 live he would like ta see sandiuîg! f1h..5 points: bithday party on Thursday Methodist choir lately, giving on Flic "Ridge". and often donc in the smaller centre's1 a Full namne of person to whomn yow' mail is evening. ýtheun an oyster supper. cniquired, facetiously, wben 1 in the Tawnship on bath thelades. Ebenezer: While playmng iI1i Haydon: Mr. A. H. Moorec js intended ta move ta Orono, oads aund sidcwalks. adesd the barn with his brotherltaking a course in Horticul- and live with civilized peaple. Coundcil met wth W. J. Hale a Correct street address, rural route nunibe Murray, little George Osborne,l ture at Guelph Agricultnral We attended the funcral ai Jr., concerning the establish- or post off«c box number. son af Mr. and Mis. Chas' lee and visited with my brother-in-law, Gordon ing of a dump. Mr. Hale sta- Osbamne, fell and broke tnfiends at Owen Sound. Lerch, anc of the nicest guys ted that hie would provide a e City, town or village. bane un bis rîght anm, neces-, Satina: Mr. George Vice lias Imaguiable. He was generaus, dump in the sautb ai thc a Province, state (or equivalent) and country. sitaingthecarringai he'affable, even ternpered ta a Townîship ta be open two siarin h a ing oftime scured apositiornnMcLau- fault. and coulct always find days a week. He would loak a Your namne and return address in ufper Ieft Baktk:CongratulatioS .. -1od mn thc worst ofLs. aiter it and operate it under, corner. ta Mr. and Mrs. Courtneyý Zion: Mn. Harry Bennet There werc others, who Sanitary land fui regulations.ý Grahami on the bith of a son,' had bis collar bance broken in passed oi during the past 12 The annual cost ta tihe Town-, RoIer, Postal Zmning operates in Vaucouvoî1Wiuipê Friday, January lqth. a runaway ini Osh'awa. rmnutb>. whom we knew quite ship would bec U.000 a yeur.' Torono, Ottawa, Mont" an ad Quobo. Whon wlng te ilium *Orono: Major J. 'C. Gamey,1 Hampton: Mr'. Wmn. Oliv,,el, h.but spacc dloes flot per- Counicil are to give this fur- de .si aild b otlZn ubr ýM.M., who was ecently nam- near Indian Head, Sask., huis jnit ai fLirther mention. How- ther consideration. Foster *______________________ ie ythe Pastmaster Geuicral been visiting bis mother. Mms.,!eveu. t heiur passing serves ta painted out that one dump in __ tstcceed Mm. R. Z. Hall, su-1 Gea. Oliver. He looks wi enidvaur ,cribc that. bis the south was flot enough as CAN DA OST OFFCE perannuated, as nostmaster for, and lîke many af aur West, tnnn is drawmng dloser. "May the residents in the north -,.- i Orono, took over the duties!Durhamn boys bas been very1 there be mia maaning at the could not be expected ta tra- vyis oit Wednesday, Jmnuary l6th.1prosperous in the. Weat, bar, when 1 put out ta se.]' vol the lenzth of the, Town'l Climbing Up the Ladder Faces Hostile House Esuablisued 1854 wih which is incorporaiedi The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent and The Orono News 1061h Year af Continnous Service uo the Tawn of Bownianvil)e and Durham County SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00) ci iv un advance ç,5 r Unted States --,,rnd Çiass Mai .JIi(..O Doartnient. Ottawa Published by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED bowmanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES, EDITop TIM CANADIM 8TATESMANI BOWMANvn-Lx ONTAM TRUPMAY, JAN. 2U4 le« ipAr.r. rntm i4c Qýiltaùialt -

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