THURSDAY. FEBR 4th. 1960 r 7k VewcC4/le 9I«iepme4tts Gordon Agnew, Edilor Midnie Prankster Catis Brigade to Wm. Lake's Farm Heavy Traffic Bloc ks Return TRB CANADIAN STATESMASIi, BOWMNVI.LEONTAiUiO Phone 3621 John Rickardi Director of Shorthorn Club' Newcastle - At the annual meeting o! the Ontario Short- horn Club beld in the Royal Newcastle - Local volun-' a false alarmi turned their ve-' son wbose name had been Agricultural College in Guelph i on Saturday, John Rickard of teer firemnen ai-,ýwc-red a cail hicles around to return to the given when the elarm was, on Saturday miclnite te a nal oniy te find that the long put in denied any knowledg Newcaste was elected one of reported fire at the farm of narrow road up the hill was,of the incident. the five Ontario farmers on Win. Lake at the south edýt locked with traffic, and, dueý In discussing bbe matter the Directorate, bhe Canadian corner cf the villa-le on the te the recent ice and snow ý with members of the Fire De-, Sh.orthorn Association andI sbores of Lake Ontario, onÂy sterns the road was open toi partment and with ReeveW te find that the cal] hâd been one way traffic only. It teck'Cunningham, chairman o! the NVW be attending the annual placed by sorne prankstcr more [han an hour te sort eutlIFixe andI Police Comimitteei meeting of the Association in ]eeking for somne fun at the, the heavy traffic jam se thati we werc infârmcd that a tho- Edionton the last week in expense cf others. ' the Fire Departient vehicles! rougli investigation o! the n F* uay The alarrn. placed by teie-! coulci return te [the hall thus cident is being made andI the A h aemeigi Phone at 12:20 arn. Sunda , leaving the citizens e! the culprit if apprehended will Athesiemtngn set off the sir'rn on a ' shrill,!village xitbout fire protection face a serious charge. It was Guelph, Mi. Rickaid who is a long wail and brouglit eut' in the case of an emnergency. also suggested that we warn!Polled Shorthorn breeder was haîf the vehicles in the v'l-1 On hus return te the hall citizens of the seriousness oflectdadrco nIscn lage and district te help cx- Fire Chef Frank Miller check- tic situation and request thein',lce ietradscn tinguish the rcported Eire ed with the telephone opera-1Inet te take cars too chos ti Vice President o! the Ontario consumning the Lake barn.: tor te f ind eut who gave the 'aà rcported fire bampering the'1 Shortborn Club, the only The drivers of the fire trucks alarm and on investigation on free movement o! the fire de- meinber in Durham County te vit tinding they bad answered' Sunday found that thbe per- partment vehicles. ireceive that honour. Minor Hockey At Con gregational Meeting I Resu Its 1"m Necste- Bowmanville Qf Newcastle United Church ment ber Atoms into the vil-; lage on Monday at 6:30 strik-! Newcaste - Approximabely organist, accompanyin.g at bbc ings te bbe Missionary andI Ing bard with eleven scori-ng,, 100 members of the Newcas- piano. Several quartette num- Maintenance Fund andI sug- plays while the local Aterns: tle United Church sat down bers by Messrs. Howard, Ross gested thc members should wcre only able te retaliate te a deicieus pot luck supper -andI Jack Aflin andI Jim think o! others and do what once. Net being able t eat-Ion Wcdnesday evening, pre- Barnes werc also enjoyed they can to hehp tbem. tend bbe fracas, vie are only ared by members o! tbc prier te the business o! the Members elected te the able to give the score repr -Friendshiýp Club, at tbe an- evening. Board o! Stewards for th.ree ed te us, but we are quite sure nual congregatienal meeting. Following the rcadingi of bbc years were H. C. Bonathan, lb miust bave been quite a, After the supper, commun- mainutes of the last congrega- W. B. Allun, Seldon Parker, isight te ee~. ity singing was enjoyed, led tional meeting, the Bey. M. David Gray, and Francis In tbe village miner league by Mrs. Raye Smith with C. Fisher read bbe names of Jose. Those rc-elected to the the Cubs outscored the Rock- Norman Willianis, bbe church the members o! bbc congrega- Session were Garnet Rick- ets 3 te 1 andI the higli flying tien wbo had passed away ard 1 year, Charles Glenney Rebels were takc-n down a during bbc year andI askcd fer 2 years, W. F. Rickard, How- peg in the standings when the OBITUARY a moment's silence in their ard AllUn and J.' H. Jose for Jets handed thcem a 5 te 1 memery. The 1959 report four ycars. Memnbers ef the shellacking. MISS BERTHA MeNEILL showed there had been twelve Board of Trustees arc Boss tIeaths, eleven baptisms andI Allin, Jim Barnes, George In tbc firsb game the tbree A dietitian at bbc Ontario twelve mariages andI eighteen Kimbali, John Rickard andI Cubs' goals, Fred AlîdreatI Hospital, New Toronto for 30 new members had been atIt- Wr' lngton Farrow. Auditors witb assists by Harry Cuffe, years, Miss Bertba McNeill, cd to bbc congregabion. r J. C. Porter and Charles Dennis Rudrnn and Stanley aged '67 years, formerly of Ca- Mr. Fisher spcake on bbe wan. Representative for Cobbledick. The ]one Rocket; van township, died Tuesday, work of bbechcurch saying tbc United Cburcb. Observer geai was scored b3' Ted Znack January 26th in Peterborough that the results o! tbe Sector is Miss Ruth Hancock. or'an ssst rei Rc Gode ICivic Hospital 1follewing a six Plan visitation bad bcen very A vote o! tbanks and ap- The ~l eat [i ae months iliness. gratifying. Be said that it bad preciation for their services was ,ý_ven te Fred Alî1dreatI. She was born in Cavan and created more intercsb in the during tbe past year, was ex- * *educated at the Whitfield pub- cburcb andI bail elped te in- pressed te the 11ev. Mr. Fish- In bbe final gaine cf the lic scbeol. Miss McNeill wasl crease church attend&nce as er andI!amily by Mr. Bren- eveîngtheJet deeatd 1te raduated fromn Macdonald1 well as enabling the cbureh ton Rickard and was very fit- first place Rebels 5 te 1 en: Institute, Guelphi. Her parents1 te meet its budget. He aise tingly replied te by-Mi. Fish- -1ý l- D - (9.,i,,were the late. John McNeilll referr:ed .,ote cincreased g- ex. goals uy rete 1vkuullougn ().nd his -,wife ag t- ar Wayne Pearce, Bob Bandstra e sa e Mrare t î.~ and Jim Alldread with assists Sh waammeroSt bv Jim Alldread, Bob Band- Margaret's Anglican Church, stra, Pete McCullough. Gary Newv Toronto andI a member Forgit, George Hendry and of [lie Durham County Club. Wayne Pearce. The only Be-1 She leaves two sisters, Mrs. bel goa1 was scored by BilhalsMNi (ar)o Scott and the only penalty of' Pontypool and Mrs. Leonard the game went to Jim A11-IS mith (Sarahi) of Millbrook, dread of the Rebels. and a brother, Leonard at Fraserville. Teain Standings The funeral service was Team P W L pts held from St. John's Anglican Churcli, Ida on Friday, witth 1ebels 4 3 16 the Rev. E. Paifrey officiating, Eubs 4 3 1 6 -assisted by the 1ev. A. A. 4;Chote, of Toronto.' ets-----------_ 4 2 24 Honorary palibearers were hockets ----- _4 0- 4 oWilliam Howden, Eugene ______________________Touchiburn, Ross Swain, James Fair, John McNeil, Howard FINE QUALITY Fair, John McNei], Arnold Me- Acting palîbearers were M~ONUMENTS AND S. Simmons, John Sutherland, MARKERS Lloyd Sutton, Leonard Mo- Neil, Roy Lough and Donald 4 IeifrNÀsd.rmy. tevens. *WO,-f Neil. OF STAFFORD Bitrial was in the family BROS. plot at St. John's Cemetery, Ida. Dealr iThanks S lalford iBras. 1Iwish to sîfcerely hn castle Fire Dept. for their Monumental WorIkS Prompt response to the fcail to my property even 318 Dundas St. F. Ihitby though il was a false Phone lVhitby alarm. MO hawk 8-3552 I BILL LAKE Freel Freel BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at you Vigor 011 eSERVICE STATION 4'eSpecialize in Personal Service" CORNER 0F 31ANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Stamp Day Every Tuesday - Cone Out and Sec Our Display of Gifbs - Complebe Lubrication at a Reasoixable Price ýSK ABOUT OURù SPEËCI-A-L-PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. -il îllewcaâstle Social anad£/eersonalý Mr. and Mis. Howard Tomas Jose and Harper Kelscy ac- andI Mr. andI Mrs. Charles cempanied bbe District Depu- Cowan left on Sunday for aty Gevernor Lion Brenton monib's holiday in Florida. Rickard on his officiai visitý Mr. Holly Kernohan and, 1 teb Millbrook Lions ClIub son Boss of Minden visitedimeeting on Monday evcning.1 with Mr. andI Mrs. H. C. Den- Miss Jean Youn.g has re- ais on Thursday. 1burned te the village follow- 4Mrs. Elizabeth Patterson o! i!ig a two weeks' visit with Bowmanvillc visited for a bier sister. Mis. Stan Clark in few days lasb week witb Mr. Baltimore. andI Mis. Albert Pearce andI Flowcrs werc placed in the family. United Cburcb on Sunday by Mr. andI Mrs. Ian Heeken- Mrs. George Smith in memory demn of Burford wcre Satur- o! lier busband wbe passed day visitors wîtb Mr. and Mrs., away on January 3th 1953. Gordon Agnew. Mr. andI Mrs. William Storks left on Friday for a three weeks' holiday in Mexico. Four niembers of the New- castle Liens Club, Liens Chas. Gilkes, Frank Hoar, Rarry COURTICE A number are on bbe alck list. Mrs. C. Fulton is confinesi Vo besi; Mr. Archie Muir is a patient in Oshawa Hospital andI Mrs. Harry Couoh in Wel- lesley Hospital, Toronto. Friensis werc sorry te bear thc news o! the dleath of hibtlc Christine Newton, clevcn-yer- oltI daurobter o! Mr. antI Mms. Murray Newton e! Sarnia, who formerly lived here in Courtice. Chris basi been sick for soe time, iandI eut of Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto; andi laber in St. Josepii's Hos- pital1, Sarnt.a. wbere she pas- sed aw-ay Friday. Courtice Home and School Association recently heltI its January meeting with Mis. Jack Gay presidinig. lb was announced that a card party would be belsi at Courtice School on january 29. BlootI Donors Clinic te be belI ait St. Grcgery's Auditor- ium, Tbursday, Feb. 4. Enitertainment for the even- ing was providesi by Misses uinda Martin and Lynda Scott frem Maple Grove singing "Wint'er Wonderland" and "Meonligibt Bay". Tbcy werc accompanied by Mi. Boss Met- calfe, Superviser o! Music in bbc area. Health convenor, Ms-s. Wilf Brown who was in charge o! ffbe program, introducesi Mss. Julie Roberts o! bbc Bowmnan- ville Branch e! the Durhami andI Northumiberland Healtb Unit. who explained bbcernany servic-s prov.idesi by the Healtb Unit in the sureunding com- munities. Ms-s. Roberts parti- cula lys tressed the importance of dental cas-e as early in life as possible. Mrs. Harold Grahani thankesi tbe speaker andI those who bad taken p-irt. ReŽ",e -himents were' served by Mrs. N. Adair ani HAYDON Mr. andI Mrs. Eigie andI Terry Thompson, Tororlie, calletI on AVLLQ WV LIInLI5'kf.fl- Mr. and, Mrs. Roy McLauigh lin andI !amily, Nestîcton; Mis. Edaa MeLaughlin, Burkcton; Mr. and Mss. Harold Wright, Oshawa, werc Sunday visiter, ait Mi. andi Mrs. Boss Asbton's. Mr. andi Mrs. Bon Morrisor antI family, Oshawa; Mr. Geor- ge Berti-im andI Georgie, Taon- ton., visited Mr. andI Mis. M. Bertrim andi!amily. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Parker o! Oshawa, te our vil- lage baving meved labo the Bcrtrim Aartmenit. New cupboards have becs lnstiailed in thec clurch'by the W.A. Ladies. Mr. andi Mis. Lloyd Ashton and Beith Ashton, Mis. Ivar Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen, callesi on Mi. and Mss. J. D. Brown, Orono, Sunday. Mi. andi Mis. John Hoyland, Oshawa, have moved inte tthe Grahamn Apartmnent. Mr. Hoy- land la employed at tbe Gra- ham Garage. Mr. antI M-s. J. Pobts, Tom- my, Delibie, Mary, Billie and Mrs. W. Martin, were tea gue- abs of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Trcwin andI William, 'Sunday the occasion belnrg Mary Potts' birtbLlay. Mr. andi Mss. David Morrow antI Alexander, Tor- *ad e~dt AU ALL Wheu mby tanbled by backache, dut tàrd eugfeelin g or ltre tt, moq, many wem E te Dedda K2 PRIla.Thm .ceoii .eu h Mby meneuacids nid vaite& in the "stem &M Dedd' " FlUa uIaaab te mkwdnya and =- uaoeal actimof . removiag dm»ies.eca a"id amd vstea. Thenlite seema brighter, houewor l igterl Wlij don't Y e, etr, Doua? 6 s i i onto, also visited the Trewin home. Mr. and Mns. Clem Rahm and faniily, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Lakefield, Sunday. Mrs. W. Thompson visited Mrs. F'rank Osmond, Bowman- ville, and calledi on Mr. Os- mond, Sr. Mr~. and Mnr. D. Cameron, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davey, Tyron-e, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siernon were Saturday evenàng visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- rard's. Mr .and Mrs. Ron Rahm and family, visited Mr. Robert Closs, Perth, Sunday, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daws,-n, Orono. Community Bowling Results Newoasble - Gary McCuI- lough topped the Teenage League on Saturday aiternoon witn a score o! 605 la the three games. Those bowling gaines o! 200 or over were Jon Fisher 246, Gary McCul- leugb 230, Larry Pearce 220 andI John James 216. In the Wednesday afternoon ladies' league scores o! over 200 were rolletI by Alice Rowe 260, Ruth Couch 240, Mlyrtle Pearce 227, Gracc Couch 223 and Bessie Dean 211. Albert Pearce was high man in the Mens League ast week and scored the highest number o! points yet record- cd with a high single o! 313 and a total o! 745 ini bhc thre games. Teant Standings Typhoons-----------~ . 64 Arrows --- . ____-44 Hurricanes ____39 Spitfires 36 Sabres 34 Avengers ~-28 Mustangs ~____.24 Bill Harrison 235, Gary Barchard 229, Jack Perrin 228, Clarence Melvor 208 andI Eleanor Perrin 200, were the high scorers in the Thursday Mixed League. Team Standing. Imps .il Brats ___ __4 According te our reporter everyone went wild in the Frids -v Mixed League. Scores over 200 follow: Ken Whitney 325, Irv. McCullough 312, Ted Belsey 282, Alice Rowe 275, Deug Walton 262, Bon Mun- ro 245, Albert Pearce 237, Do- rethy Whitney 232, Jack Lees 230, Tracy Embley 229, Mary Dcwdney 223, Jean Biokard 217, Velma Parker 217, Bar- bara AUldretI 214, Marj. Dick- inson 213, Helen Hancock 209, Jack Hoînies 204 andI Jean Mc- Cullougb 201. Following are the tcam standings in the Monday La- dies League: Thunderbirds ______48 Comets 44 Cadillacs ________40 Leftovers .27 Wildcats 22 Aces--------------------..15 Grace Couch 203 andI Anne Treleaven 201 were thc oni1y Ibowlers to score over 200 last Monday. Junior Farmer News The bighlighb e! bbc Junior Farmers' meeting beltI last Wednesday evening was pic- bures sbown by Walter Clarke. Walter was on an exehange visit te Britain recently and he had seme beautiful picturesý andI an intercsting talk te, pre- sent to our club. Wc discussed bbc annual banquet andI decided te boltI it on March 11. The next meeting will be heltI at the Arcna andi plans are being matIe for the boys te play hockey andI breombail for the girls. We were glatI that a !ew were able te attend thc Junior Farmers' convention in Toroii- te andI I knew that evcryene present a very enjoyable day. LONG SAULT Don't forget te attend the Long Saulit Home andi Scbool Club on Friday cvening, Feb. 12tb. lb la going te be a social evening soecveryone bsings lunch andi if yen have a card ebable, also some cards, please -bring those along tee.' Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Penwar- dea andI family wcre SuntIay supper guests o! Mi. andi Mrl. IR. Cameron. Mr. andi Mrs. Eaul Penward- r n ansi !amily wcre Sunday SUDper giest% e! Mr. and Mms. Morle3r Kellett, Janebville. Mirs. L. Pcnwarden spent Sunduay with Mr. and Mis. Clayton Brown. Mr. andi Mss. W. Came andI Breadia wcre Sunday ddnner guesbs o! Mi. andI Mis. Dellan Lycebt, Oshawa. Mr. antI Mrs. John Archer and family and Mrs. David Archer, Bumketon, wcre Sun- day visiters o!f Mr. ansi Mes. Bll Jobnson. Mm. andI Mrs. R. O. Gibsori, Miss Sandra Gibson andi Mr. Norman Davis werc Saturclay evenuing visitors e! Mrs. George Dyce, Toronto. Mi. andi Mes. Bye Gibson were Sundey evening visitera of Mr. N. Hammorit, Oshawa. Miss Sandra Gib.moii andi Mr. Norman Davis were Suaday supr gucsts o! Mi. ar.d Ms suppineOshawa. Counties Select New Committees United Counties Coundil onI Friday approved the appoint- ment of Reeve D. Cunnin- ham, Newcastle, te the advis- ory comntittee or% equalized assessment. Others appeinted te this comnittee were Reeve F. E. Goodricli. Brghten, and Deputy-Reeve Jack Ers- kine, Cobourg. The continuation of theý warden's special committec oni the re-organizatien o! the ceunties was approved by Counties Council. Reevt Gar- net Riokard, Darlington, Reeve R. Budge, Port Hope, and Reeve D. R. Dingwall, Cra- mahe, were appointed to the special cmmittee. North Nestleion Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camzpbell and family, visited Helen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ste- wart in Toronto ca Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Blackstock, were Sunday ev- endng dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mi. and Mis. Blake McCoy. Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbua, McCoy on Sundiay. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur MeCoy and family were Sunday even- ing dnner guests with ,\r. and Mrs. Alan Wilson andI girls. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lacey and Muriel, Millbrook,_visited [. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier and girls Sundâay eveninrg. Rev. Griffith, Dunsford, vis- ited Dr. Bowles and Mis. Ma- ckie and Mrs. Gibson on Sun- day. Mi. and Mis. Malcolm Emer- son visiled their diaughter and husband on Saturday, M.r. and Mrs. Bruce Witherly and Ste- phen.1 HAMPTON Mrs. Lewis Truil; Senior Boys - Mi. Lewis Truil. Mrs. Russeil Orniston, En- niskillen, was a recenit visitor with Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Mi. and Mrs. Herbert Presccitt anid son, Roger, Enfield, visiteci his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott on Saturday evening. Mis. John Carrigan and Miss Marie Prescott, were Saturday afternoon boa guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glover, Oshawa. Mr. Will Westlake, Oshawa, was recent caller on the Pres- COttS. The annual Sunday School Mer. andi Mis. Samn Keene meeting was hcld in the new and Douglas, Oshawa, were Suniday Schooh room on Jan. Saturdey evcning supper guests 21 with Harold Balson prcsid- of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, Mr. ing. Jackson Wray, Oshawa, visited The piadn item of business isi parents on Sunday. was the election o! officers for __________ the coming year. They are as folhows: Superintendenri, Har- old Balson; Assistant Supt., o nis P s Laverne Clemens; TreasurerC unis P s Mi. Jack Macnab; Secretary,~g.. Ronald Luke; Asst Secretary, 5 0 r n Supt., Mrs. Dave Hall; Mission- For H s ia ary Supt., Miss Diane Macuab; H s ia Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Ted Chant; In charge o! Projector, A grent amounting to $56, Gordon Smahc anid Ralph Luke; Wpybeoe he er Musc Cmmitee Mr. Lwisto Memorial Hospital, Bow- Truli, M'rs. M. Mountjoyan manville, was approved in the Mrs. K. Caverly; Representa- finance committee report read tive to OfficiaI Board, Mrs. te Counties Council recently. Wilfred Green(away; Class Tea- chers, Beginners- Mrs. R by the finance chairman, D. Farrow, Mrs. Eatrh Luke anirà R. DingwaUl, Cramahe Town- Mis. Jack Lyon; Primary girls shiip. - Mrs. Gea-ald Balson; Live Approval was also given to Oaks -girls- Mis. Perey Dew- other expenditures: Northum- ell; Primary Boys- Mi. Gor- berland and Durhami Health don Chant, Junior Boys- Mr. Unit, $73,300; Canadian Insti- Harold Wilkins; Senior Girls- bute for the Blind, $1,200; Sal- -Mrs. Jack Rice; Junior Girls- vation Army, $10(); St. John PAGE ElEVm2 Ambulance. $100; Ohildrens Aid, increase of per diem rate to $1.43; Jutnior Farmners, sl-at- utory grant $500, and exteri- sion grant S300): eight counly fair boards, $2,500 to be distri- buted according to size; and soul and crop improvement, $100. The future belongs to them, They can look ahead with con- fidence, because already tliis enterprising young man bas laid the foundatien for a program that will protect his bride-te-be and his own future years through the planned and systematic savings of Sua LÉeÀ insurance. Banner Passani Rtepresentabive WA 3-3258 53 Brown St Bownianville SUN URE 0F CANADA £YOMI1N il is tbe pbS - oe WATSON POTATO CHIPS JUST ARRIVED 16 Oz- &9 PKG. j9 m DIRECT FEON ISRAEL Jaffa Oranges DELICIOUS SERVED ON TOAST-ST WILLIAMS 2-FRUIT MARMALADE HANDY FOR SAND)WICHES - BOSTON BRAND CORNED BEEF LOAF JUST HEAT AND SERVE - CLARK'S WITH CHILI SAUCE 151 BEANS with PORK TI REAL VALUE - VAN KIRK CHOCOLATE OR BUTTERSCOTCH CHIPITS SOFT, ABSORBENT - GREEN, BLUE, PINK OR YELLOW PUREX TIS.SUE IT'S NEW - REVOLUTIONARY PROCESS SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT MASHED POTATO. FLAKES 5 LB. POLY BAG 24 OZ. fr10 JARfo 12 OZ. TIN w9c UN. for 4 7c 6 OZ. o ZG. 2 or4 C 27c 33c ALLAN'S GOLDEN Aý HUMBUGS MANNING'S PETITE MALLOS FIRST 0F THE WEEK SPECIAL MON., TUES., WED., FEB. 8, 9, 10 ONLY NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES 50-LB. BAG 1099 le OZ. PKO. c TOUE CHOICE f 30 BISC. PKG. MAPLELIX" - SMOKED Shoulders Afl merchandise sold at Your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100%/ satisfaction Values effective In Bowmanville until closing time, Saturday, Feb. fit!, 1960 'DOMINION STORES LIMITEW Success fui Reports Heard 2 ROLL PKGý Zc OFF a oz. PRO. Redeem Veur Coupon Rere 1