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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 13

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,Ladies' Major. Bowling', Goodye~r~u¶ia faJ ýTeLadies' Major League Lola Wright -.... __ 2 HockeyS oie' swung into the -tecond -.ched- Donna Preston 2 In the final doubl-i ae oe asoyc O uI vile iast Monday rîght, wii Bernice Buday - -- 2 of the regular achedetesenhashelau-adr Dot Brooks' bowlers ail l âtncOnie EtcheT 1I Oeeffie 7-2 the o h ls - bti."ot ih atap fthe heap, oii the strenii 'tiJoyce Lyle -~______1 Oiff d ice2n a lyf oi ad ie ai fuasse of a 3-1) win it ui le Pat- Doris Jolil - ---- _ 1tidn f inalhe atswom es ih Td Fie fields pin sp lIers. Kay Beauprie 1- we r wa te - yNecutrigoc u h The o lier fi' t winnci-, arc Normia Norris -1 --. ower ague-led 9-a2eIs h a Bîabc i ae One point off lb. îpace. Hilda Ollie Patfield . ... i Hoe, who hdng a bn iibeTm ono1otta Brock's teani cctged Don;z Averates Hgwohv e Joll's crew. Lois Wîîglt'. oui- Hilda Brock-.......... 253' cellar for a dozen Nels e akamnueltr n lh ifit downed Normia Norris, Onie Etcher 233......-2-3;- feated the Mafts a ltwe oarscakduihstid Bernice Btîdav bested Joyce Loba Wright 232'g keep their hopes alie n aei -.Gr oprad Lyle, Donna Pr ---on defeatpcd Dot Brooks----------3, iE n4w i fow afler Sundtay'swi eydantrwbhnwo i. Onie EtcFier and En Stringer Kay Beauprie"------ ----------u vnws R op t 5 t i ft r o nwilme teOfc Miade it a flth 2-1 score, Joyce Lyle - 213 ,,r I M ~E E E~U I - e n o den-death clash with h m d i eod over Kay Beaunric. Shirley Davis -«----- «---- 209 uIj ners moving into lb. ina. crn hmin R Peggcy Ha.vies topped '.e Km Stringer ......- - --------,---E209"Buck"' Cowle tiegv et olce a-rci 300 mark with a niftY 320 Mary Wilcox -----209 e e11 i l ~ ri ii The Afternooni Ladies' Led- Mai-ion Wiseman ---- 150 the Hase a lead in theoee ni iuesa u h Onie, Echer 299,and ida Jea Dn naPresso ..... ..7 00 U o ob r de 4 gue fiished their firsb sched-- Agres McColloch ---- 149 but Uie Office came akiýgm nicadDnFre OneEcer29 ndHIàJa- anss..20uic on Friday Afternoon J-an- Hàlda Simnick------_ 148 tie the count bath tre ncmltdUcsaigi l Brock and Shi-iey Davis,lSadie Buckneli 1961 afinalit te20 am minuteags.6golsb Bl Ll both with 298 scores- j Audrey Osmond- --....i.. 196' Bowmanviile Juveniles ram- the puck rickled insidethie iland Bagnell îwo minutes la- uary 29thwi.ths ell20 ae e lnce amre-----146 Tgolsoby Bih LtleadSm Hilda Brocks 759 took hi-,h Bernice Terry .....-. 196 med in four third periodi post, after Wright had si idt ter an d McCullough, a liard- beng bowled.2These we He- Nanc e Clmer--- ------- 146 Tompson. it the inetve Fnl emStnig trpl hnors it ohe bgla S1pen Ii.'goals ta hand Woodbridge anI out of bis cage ta ma<e the- warker ail nigi was finally leeond28 0;l afe24 le d7, g- isy B l 1426 bo k Uc lo ff, i W to'tals going ta Qîtie Etcher Marion Slaght-... - 193 -sebbaek, Saturday night aI save, Robinson apparently î-ewarded, cashing in Brent Sonrle22 as209 ,llEnPtil 2,ag MDnl ---. 1421ougok te fiae frlveF 1ls 04I2 700, Lola Wrignt 696 and Dot Joyce Major .. 92J the Memorial Arena. The la- forgot about playing hockey Hughes' pass at 16:55. Don 218, Muriel Crough 214, Boii- Marion Crowe --- 139 for the important twpi tsOfie-21 Brooks 690.j Helen Piper ---------- ----- 191 cals displayed a fine beam cef- during the remainder of the Jl3agnell raced in ta drive a nie McDonald 209, Bea Sel- Marg. Coyle 1371 ào-le tri-ggered hstid o.-~~1 Games of 200 and ovr-P. 1Thelnîa Forrester-- 191,oî fort, running their season'sj gaie, picking up four minor1 loose puck into the corner, ta lers 204 and Barbara Collison Mille White --- --1,36 1-o Hayes 20,H.Brok 28,233 Noma oris------*- , ttbe-ate skein ta 15 in a row. penalties. copete the scoring 22 sec- 204 Higli Single went ta He- Meta Moffabî ------------ -136 Don Prout bagged a pi n as-------. 1i 228, J. Major 2:A, M. Slaght Audrey Bickell ----190 okerce amk e 0g rcmie ihfiuet sitdo ~r n lc ee Rundie with her 243 game Helen Rogers -------- -133j o crr 25, . avs 9a . icel BbeBaw -l85ýply and hi'gh double ta Alyce Vi Poste-------------- 132 23, 1. . rsin23. 0, oyeTeîan----.-186 ti8Ops. as the delence turned i flood the ice surface between Two forward lines account- Hodgsn with 437. The Spar-- Hilda Mootîey ------- ------ 130 E. Cox 222, J. Tennani 225, Helen Dunn ---------------»-186! in a sieady performance. AIl periods, slowed the mniddle cd for three goals, and the rw headed up the- standings Marlon MacDonald----127 Raye West, (FB)-----2 64 221, . Bahga~c209,H. Dua Pa Barlls .18~thre forward liries werc dig- stanza ta a walk. Osborne cal- third might have had a cou- b oigoio o il eluMnetr-----2 224, B. Chartraii 224, O. E,- Mar.g Perris --- .... 134! gin-g, and except for the spec-i lected bis own rebound aI 2:25, pie, as Brian Hughes went 18 points ta their cî'edib. The Bea Wilson ---------- ....124 Lloyd Hamilton (FB)i- -1 03 cher 299, 237, E. I-lolroyd 203, Pcggy Haynes ...13 tacular play of Woodbridge's, after being thwarbed on a in alone bwice, but fired over nexî sehedule commences on Vel-ma Kitson ---------- - -124 Don Masters (0>) _)163 H. Piper 227, 2017, T. Forres- Doris Holroyd 182 bwo goalies, the score would beautiful solo rush, ta put the' the net the first. lime and W31Fis 7 18 25hMbe ilims14Bo aie (B ter 222, V. Cowan 201, J. Lyle Beth Chartran17 have widoubtedly been higi-ý locals two up. Brent Hughes stopped by substitute goalie, FdyFbur t.MblWlim 2 o ary(B er17o9apssfo vGî clGn arnc nhsscn Team Standings Muriel Cudahee -------120 Ted Fairey (M) 0 42 26,23 .burent Hughes was again ieln front and fired a perfect bry. Bill Lyle (O)---------.-.. Norris 224, H. Niekolson 203, Myra Hopps --- 178 Sarw ------------- 8 Tem o n Shdl a Mrersn( L. Wright 241, 234, 221, N. Eleanor Larmer 177 big wheel in the Bowman- drive ta the lower righi hand Brian missed the early paritpros--------8 TaaFr2dShdl o ajrio O 42 Gay 231, B. Terry 229, S. Mary Harrison ---«--.-176 ville atack with a pair of corner, making the score 4-1 of the third, when il was aI Bluejýays .- - -14 Tearn No. 1, Catiaries-Ena "Buck" Cowle (H) 12R2 Brown 226, D. Brooks 240, Essie Cox-------- .--...--- 174 goals and bhree assisls. BiJil at the end of thc second. 1 firsî feared that he had a Canaries ------ ------------ 12 Etcher, Alyce Hodgson, Eve 1 71 22,22,B Bon 0.M.011 afil-----. 13Osborne, a consistently ex-, The ice was flooded for thec broken jaw, however, il w-as Wrens ------- ------------ ---------12 lyn Large, Daisy Bell, Bea Howard Qulnney(M- W22cox2,2 00.Brwn20A .Os ond NormatfeGa -----y 172 cellent rushing defenceman final period and it was justi happily diagnosed as a bruise. Bluebirds - ------------- 12Wisn Velma Kibson, June Dan Girardi (H) ~981 224, 206, K. Beau prie 276, 270), June Baker ...... 172 bagged a pair, while Ter-ry made ta order for the high- icle te'rsan had severalRois .0ClreRby uchnnS Frn Mon()- ----- 791 E. Larmer 208, D. Holroyd 218, Bernice Buday------. 171 Blaek, Scott Essery, Gary Me- flying threesome of Black, Es-, teeth loasened in a cenîre-icelAeagsIslie Levetî. Clint Ferguson (M)- --------61 E. Stringer 27., S. 'Buckncli! Eilcen Holroyd--.------Y 170 Cullough and Don Bagneil sery and Bagnell, who eacb collision, and did*n't make aniEna Etcher------ 183 Te-----, <4 .5 14-BabShrian(M 233, 224, . . -a rnes.s 241), 204. Ena Etcher 1.......... .1691 each scored once. Iblinked the red light ont-.!appearance in the third. IShirley Davis---------- --76' e aviNs , Dois-Shr- B "ot"Rherds () Team ,tandings Betty Westlake .......17 Brent Hughes opened flic After a scoreless first hll!f j Nelson Yco, Doug James, Y ancŽ almr, ar. MDa- Dn Pou-(H-------- 1761 1 Pi-.mBoel -- - 16 crng ai 1:36 on a solo cf- Black flipped a centre ire _pa.qElAlex Wiseman and Jim Rick- Betty Richards---------l171 DnaPodt(H Dot Bro<oks 3 Wilî-'a Bates----------.... 1661 fort, and after play had con- ta Brent Hughes, roaing downj ard wcren't in îîniform, DonurelCrugh16 ;da Mooey(RFB)I - daBocltinuably see-sawed back and rîght wing, and was ail alone "Mike" Osborne continues ta Betty Kelly -------_------- 1671Gown uil Cdhe o adr(B Hidrnr2 tla Brown 1812ShileyBieeilIbiBill Osborne blasted - in front ta bake a return pass, try oui different combina- Sadie Bucknell -------'aro1isn54eeCx "rh"Come M EmaS igel-- 2teljiw 11 drive ai the 12:4011 from bellin-d the net at 10,13. lions, prior ta the playoffs. Alyce Hodgson--------------- 6,Tearn No. 3, Wrens-Ollje Jerry Marjerrison () .551 mark which goal -keeper Julian1 AI Woodiock started the1 John Clark and Bill Crassey Bannie McDonald 160) Patfield, Bannie McDonald, "Hank" Lane (H>) --- -- - ( IOW iH1 on Robinson picked up the 1 fect pass deep in his own end,ti have joined the club, and Aura Trewin ------------ î,,I Helene Rundle, Audrey Rowc I oser's, only bally in the final! but wasnl't given an assist l. ye on a Une with Brian Bea Sellers ----- - )Jean Lobb, Doraty icol' Paul MeCulbougli (R)------- mod e rinute of thc period, whenl Essery combined with Blatk'Hîughes. Barbara Courtniey ------ 51Mariha Woolley. George Heath (FB)---------- I - ___......_ Teamn No. 4, Sparrows __ Samn Thompson (O)- 5 aa g ~Bebty Richards, Sadie Buck- Ron Burgess (O) --- --- 'he two IatcIucsbath Blackburi, 674, Ai-t SPicer _ l I IPnL I ~ ~ L . neli Agnes MeColloch, Marg. Gary Cooper (FB)------ wenî down b -n feaf. labi 661 and Alf Randlle 643. EIEte P e o p lI I EIe" HldF oChol e fmain V iacDab, Cl O Thuirsday nia4f.or ic standr-'.John Siainton took liigh ueenage ~ii W ~EWE LlaLfmn n ie Butchi;iCoea(M)........ ings ttghtenecd considct-ably.! sni aor ih a28~m RRb Sie.Sano.Terry Mb) S () The Olfice,. allet rolling 12571ganie, whflle allier top scores ~VER ~Te mi No. 5, Bluejiays-Muyr- In the firsi, slippcd to 771i n i tan Frank Mohun 2B3, 1 Bo ling i~(fY 1 W1 f ci Crougîh., Aura Trewin, Lila Grahaim, Barbar orny Mt oft th ecn b15c43 aih 52, Bill Nicholson 278, 246,1 E U U I E I I E M arion Wiseman, Millie son. ol.aI RgrAn Wte Lead Press. Tht' Ilose Rooty1 Jimn Allun 268, Jack Bond 264,ý The first schedîtle caine ta' White, Nelle MeFeeters, Ma. Team No. 6, Bluers -Roe ownEsiRchds (iowned flbc oter Icaders-1.1 Kari Piper 262 and Arnold a close ,Saturday afternooil , bel- William-s, Ruby Munday, Betty Kelly, Bea SleslCzteNas 34achine Shop, 5 2 ta f ie th , obb with a pair of 621's. j ith Howvard Rundle's team ___ouIUIe -Uffice for the lcadt, with thieý emStni capturing the boys' title, n LJj. I I Ieu i uvv îI machniss lai]ng v Ow'.Virginia Brown's team endring, The Beits upset. lie ComTbines,~ Pts on top of the loop, in the girls'! By Jim Clarke hier, Gilhooly, Bothwell, De- Syrnons, O'Brien, Baker, Pal- 4-3. with a total dilfcrence oflOffice .------10---i division. Pins made the dif-lpw ysrMorsn a-loh ry ihill in, onlv 10 pins betwee c ttwoIHoso,-- 10 1 i IIreland, may Ioast o JfJ c. ysra orioWa-lch ryHgfilMin clu os. Mahie--------erence in the boys' league., den. Baron, Ham, Van-Hinsberg.1 McieShop-----....... 9 Heading into the final after-: mystifying doings of their h!- Cbug Lnup Ga, TeBatmBti lic Cuniett (vcaniI a.,t. Con.bincs- ---------------- 8 noon, Rundie, Shirk and gendarv l'Little People", bLit.Quinnll. Cruw. LL!cas, Vander-I Gene Balsoni and Talbot, WCCk*s goos-eg,, tîIlimcfii Lead Press ------------------83 Monterait were deadlocked last Wé'dnesday evening, Bo\v- ]Hp, Wýoods. Caine, Olsen, Gli- Thompson combined with less, handing fil(, F11 fltýs a 5-2 B7t for first place. Runidie trounc- manville's ice palace was thic diînuS, Guttridge, Campbell, than two minutes rernaining,1 1o~. 3î"ceî ~Io it h~~ed Ai lum rscrew 7.0. imeeting place for' anothOr Lucas, Thonmpson. Kelly, St. to enable Bownianville Ban-! T ~ th, rrst în"I', ies----------'wil ogSikdeetdt.k ssrba f"Ltl.CatRobinson, - Williams, tams to secure a two alda on th(à strength of' a 4-3 dcci- Fani Beits ----...------ 4 Vince MnIloy's outfit by the People". While an cnthusiastic Oulankcr. with Port Hope, in the event- llinover the Tigcrs. Bries ----- _...._ sanie score. Jim Moorcra.ft's gathering of nearly 400 voiced I>ee Wees i Action ing's final hockey action.ý Frank 1\_________________he club edged Don Bagnell's ther delight, Minai- Hockey' Thc combined tIwo goal cf- Thornpson hit Balson with a pins for a bg 741 triple to> bowlers 4-3 to drop out of Nighit allowed the pint-sized forts of Stephen Burns and perfect pa a. the right of pace a group )cffine' scoiuý.jT te io' Mail the running. Rundie took the shinnyests to display theli<Doi MeMurter, plus the ad- the Port Hope cage, and Gene1 Arnold Lobi) rolleci 726, fol- In th E iors hmpionship on the strength talents. ditional single tallies by Don, ealmly lifted the disc homeý lowed b P.ill ichol-«n 710, f a 395 pin margin. In the thre gre, ov Wilkins and Richards, enab-' as the crowd roared theira- Jack Bond 683, Farewell Bowmaenville, Ont., DogSrktk high tri- manville's Atoms ouitcýlassed a led Bowmanville to overpow-' proval. Febriuary 2. 1960. pie w ith k 72tota olw game Cobourg club 4-1, while er Port Hope Pee Wees 6-1. Port Hopcs Terbenche h-ad SINCERE THANKS ed by Lee Rackham 643 andj the Pee Wees s.nowed Port Bowr-nanville completely eorn- given the visitors a 2.-O mar- On bhal of he'xec Tielom Mason 610. Hope under 6-1. Bownanville's' manded play in this scrap, as gin with less than five min- Ou ehaf o th Excut;elbattu ng Bantams î-allied williî they fired five first period vIes rernaining in the lasi' of the Bowmaniville Little DoLIg Shirk Sol. the Pace1 less than two minutes rernaiti- goals, over ai) unorganized 1 framne. John Hughes sliced the N.H.L. Association may I eN-i with games of 2)48 and 24in ntefnlgm anPr oecu.lead in haif ai 11:0)0 of theý 24 iginte inlcaetugirPotHoeclb press our sincere thanks toiw.hile other 200 gantes were a wcll deserved draw w Port Hope's Bradshaw in thielthir-d, whcn lie caught thn' -WE Iiir-flic rnanyv individuals andlirolled b,ý, Lee Rackham 245 Port Hope. visitor's twines was sensation- lowcr lefi. hand corner, on a WNENgroups who by their co-oper-ý and 217. Bob 1-ellam 237. Jiit SkiIl With tire Broonîs al, cdespite having six beati pass fromn David Kerr. Bow- k' HEN7~Oh7hI ation contributed irmmenselyl McK.n-ight 233, Tom Mason IP hini. With Bowmanvi]le's sii;-, manville were granted a pen-: PRDt o the success of our recenti 219 and 209, Don Bagnell 219.! senaigat tatis B hcývI pers constantly invading the 1 alty shot aI the 12:30 mark, 16OU PIE ougCanada Nîght. 1nDon we,Rnetche 200. genirgae r n of v ib1c ePwsforcHdpecitadel, Bradshawj ýbut Kerr was outguessed by lit ddiionoutwajeý,,ý nd on Seettato grsgavew vïny of h pcwhas or to pull off sorte Portl-opc's Stephens. thik othe many parents' Bys'Ta utbomr unholievable saves. Balson ,s goal at the 13:35' Bu s'. thanksStandings Gran-Maw's ds ro iy 'ORad hockey fans who attend-b -df I- ai Without the protection or alclimaxed the 3;coring for thel - cd the games and also putr- Pts bc used or. In two broi bÏi gaaltenider's face mask, Brad- ' night, and was a gond indica-' chased tickets on our drawv H. Rundle - 711onetsbtharsend r shaw received a nasty blow Lion as to the territorial pic-i resulting in our association D hr--------7 erls eiin. Tge on the nase, in the third per- ture, with both clubs having liaving the best Young Canada j. orcat----------ih oayspouarrckad when Steve Burn's riser equal opportuinities i h Nightà thus far--------- 681 roll ("Racket and Ruin" 1 felleci him. Goalies are a gamne. Nig, he tufal t.ig enon-o-----r 0 vu' pe-r artists names,ý hardy breed, and the Port Bowinanv'ille Lineup -Goal,< ThIoloig eAnsdn the girls displaycta ra ated prizes for our draw: A.ID. Bagiiell---...._---------- _-- 34 deal of gusto. a,ý tîicy un-Hoeyugtr pel teNi.Brgs, owilNc- T V.- - 3. P""' tt' radition. as ho continued foi- ois. Archcr, Clarke, Gay, Bail,l Fltee. osrlNreîy: Mftyh hi, vllyhl the reniainider of the game. Kerr, Balson, Brown, B-' -1 Dave Higgon, i-iggon Electriý;, Virginia Brown's bowler-s. with mightv swooshces (rmayllt' Bownianville Lineup-- Goa!, ley, Hughes, Sleeep, Thomp-i !Wni. Smith, Smith Beverage!i;i arter tak.bng over the Icaguc that should be swishies.') 0j Veitch. Wallon, Puk, Rundle,ý son. Forsey. Nelson Osborne, who very: leadership 1ast week. defeat. their broonis. Mothers in aid - Short. Bur-ns, MceMurter, Down, Port Hope Line-up - Goa. kindly donated 'flic cost of i cd Karen Beauprie's tearn 5-2o. tendance must have lakeri ua erWlknLre tpen.B ud.B &A nitngte rw ikes to capture tlic titlc, wheiin licari. with the a-ilitý 1)"(cl1-Boooper, Richards. Webb. Paedon, Terbenchie, Taylov, RamRnle Bed k' oli poi finesse, with whîch Maw* L Port Hope Lineup - Goal. Johnson, Etcher, Davis Ba;- President. 'a 5-2 decision to Linda Brook-,hle wsb:g ilc Bradshaw. Rowden, Baxter,, ley, Jag, O'Brien, Wall co -281 7S BornnvîlcAssc.ing's pin-spillers. rn the ne-' lin what was perliaps t w - S_3_2281_1782itto.nieNHL. ntincotet onnie 0Os_ outstanding displ3y of hockey - - nond's team huAn? a 5-2 set - on ýhe evcning. Bownanvill'-Y - j1 I back on Helen Vanstone's cci- wee, weunes, thlt Atom-i lar-dwellers. outelassed Cobourg 4-1. iii ia1 T e a eIoln Lind Brokigî hd ahirreal pip f a cont-st. Jcfl Gi!tý Lina Bookng fid ab igihooly, took only 1b) seconds tci S42 ingE Cd a194tAiL'.christen Minior -lock\\Ninlît. 'Tle tcod ai I of Uth-, ni-Anti L,nter, Carolvu Ca ri', S P E C IA L r~~~~~~~~~~olloit'd lhy Vir2ù1ii;iB rro\n snosi, gw~,fir i~? it;~iIb'bs t ~ ~ wl - rdy Frdy -Sauda 204 an O5fli011-1,-'200 ~-Moins bIntheir \tl'ttoit¾ D,1avt'tat-es tk hniver thfl LpMnrx iX AlA wClt - on Dyki ea, a ici li I f2l9.-.I 1)c- weks. 1SItatoti M 'Murter. Lircla B Platiidavs- --------r------E98 iîere Rbii206.ndJe idock achlecl sînglctonis. lAi h Boys an, Sandtra Dilling, Virgitiuz Plasic Pih, - - .98 Thetel]206.Paul1 Guttridge, Cobourgýs T I Ji1MonruiOsmionid. Steip-on Wastc Bm - 2.89 Girls' Teani Standings G -' !. îl Ilc- for Tan1 i ioo ' Tearn 6--Mai-il\-ii Monte. Pet'igeratir Boxes----------------88 V. Bowiî - .-Chu te visitons' lotie matrkut-. Bo4h Vincent Mol]oy. Tom-riCallao ýAudrey pi-, hrryl Ati« Refr------------------- ---------- -- ------------------ -----------.8 V.Bon------ f5,Bown:is.nvi.ad BoWi nn' olGary McDougal. Richard Lan - Luxton, Carolyn McIadciw , 15ýowîavi1e ad obQunnder, Bull Cronibie.- Da'rlene McCulloch, Judy Pae-i Tea Tray S .8 B. Oke -- ---------- --.ý.-61 of Cobourg, performed in fine den C. Brooking ---------------59' style in their respective cages Team 2-- John Rundie. Wo-dn Dish Drying Rack ------- ------- 1.49 K. Beauprie 52 Bowmanville Lineup-Goal* odrow Perry. Don Tordiff, Don' 1Wright; dlef., Rogers, Wilson' Brown, Rardy Beauprie, BobNe c H ky ----- --- 6iFinney,Ca erAIe;or Dunin, Ronnie Etcher, Rickie ew asile Ioc Drain Boards ------------------- 1.39 C. VOson-21-----46e; w_1Brmel H.Vntn 2wards, Manduck,_Brown, Wou -wcatre--mell. ù - - _ - Team 3-- Don Oke, Haward Necsl -Ago 7rwd Midet-uveilePlaoffSchdul -Rundie, Michael Chiarles, Nor- was on hand on Sunday nightý Midgetan Vanstoîte. Paul Sweet.e. to sec two good hockey gaMtýs THE G IFT & TO'iHhedmanpVbystherfourulteains T E IF & TZ~ S C) Oth garne, 1:35 p.m-: 101h game, 2:25 p.m.; 1llth gaine 3:Io111. Alen Plummer, L. Taylor, Rion' in he leue. I the orpeing (1uho Kn ai Feb. 6 1th game - Orphans()vs Martis (3) Teani 4- Tom Mason, Lee tic in a cleanly fought garne! _______ -llth game - Generals (2) vs. Rackets (4) Rackham-, Scott Rude-Il, John7 o4 ___________________________________ Feb. 13 - 101h ganie - Cornets (l) vs. Maroons (3 Oke. Gary Griffin. Lorne Tho- ' Orono goals were scored 111h game - Rackets (2) vs. Raiders (4) msnWanBues.îcy by Carleton, 2, Carruthers 2, Fe.20 - 101h game - Rackets (1) vs. Orplîans (31 Dolan. Cooper, William.s and Van- Feb. Team 5- John Phillips, John soe Trim and Ellis wiVihl V IG O R OV IL CO . LII . - 111h game - Cornets (2) vs. Generals (4, Carter, Don Ellis, Taullie Tho- two apiece were the scorers Feb. 27 - 1lOth gamne- Maroons (1) vs. Raiders (3) mpson. Ted Gould, Doug Hate- for Newtonville. There were 1 y, Steven Oke. no penalties handed outi ný BEST QUAL1TY ai-. - 111h game- Orphans (2) vs. Cornets (4) Team 6- Larry Thompion, the game to cither teani. Ma.5- 101h game - Generals (1) vs. Raidcrs (3) Bob Hellani, Jim CaUlan, Bob~ In the second game of the - 111h game -Rackets (2) vs. Maroons (4)I McManus, Dan Marshal. Don double header the Pansier ~I L O LMar. 121- ith gane -Carnets (1) vs. Rackets (3) Swee'te. Tom Carter. ioutplayed the Clippers for a OU L O L-It ae Raiders (2) vs. Orphans (4) i Girofs6ta 2 with Gary Mc- Team l- Lindtti Brooking. Cullough the star of the game Mar. 19 - Little N.H.L. Zone Playoffs in Bowmanvulle Karen Beauprie, Mary Lowery, scorîng four goals for the Pan- Mar. 26 - 9th game - Maroons (1) vs. Generals (3) Ileane Rahme, Marie Che-nit, sies with Paul MeCullough ST V n O L Mar. 30 -* MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Sarol ugssdi.aMeo-.n Earl Foster scaring the, Apr. 2 -MUG TOURNAMENT Tai2 ignaB own, twogoals. Tean 2-Virini BrwnjShildsand Rowe werc the! ATMOT EAON BL PICSAny tics ai the end of the playoif I chedule will bel al S lilandRvr, ShrHon .u marksnien for the Clippers i decîded by the best goal average. The two top teams ai the GalMloin, hrnBu1with one goal euch. Penalties'j F'or Delivery en1fte lyfs ceeteia Hce igt a Rickie Taylor., for misdenieanci-~ in th is gane 1 end f te payofs wll nterMinr HckeyNigt. oiiTeamn 3- Brenda Oke, Jean-- were mare plentiful with Aif' avertime will be played during the playoffs, with the excep- ne Thertell, Patsy Thamps On, Gray sitting out threc two' PIGNE G HAWA SA 5-1109tion of Minor Hockey Night and the Mug Series. AIl playersýý Ceeule Par-k, Denise Wessells, mnt eatis ad Bb must use dressing roonis ta change int their equipment. Ail Karen Oke. Lorraine Taylor. Stephenson two for the Clip-j Te->rr 4 -- lort( VanstOnle, - pers while Rickard. Dickinson Uf BOND ST. W. . OSHAWA i teamrs iiit be ready ta play 10 minutes beforp scheduiicd sh't-. . - 11,'2,, Siz a n il 'nri Fný-f- ' ,nt ouf penalties gaetie Bali, l,-aine Bennett, Maîryfoi' fthe Pansies.- "LET GEORGE DO IIl YEAR END CLEARANCE ALL WINTER CLOTHING MEN'S PARKAS Zipper Front SplitIHood Heavy Quilted Llnîng Ail colors Ail Sizes Reg. $1.6 6-ç09 MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS Iieavy Quilted Lining Al color,% Ail sizes Ail Wool Reg. $11.85 $7.77 Prices Slashed This Week Onlyl Alil Sizes Ali Coiors Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 Kiig Si. E. MA 3-3211 w 1 1' i 1960 rFlITRSDAT. FER 4th. V 1 TM CANAIMW STATMUM, BOWMANVn3.% ONTAMO PAGZ THMTEM,

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