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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 15

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- - - ~. ...............--. r TEUR8DA'Y, FE3. 4th. 1980 tJohn's Vestry Meeting ears Many Fine Reports The Annual Vestry Mleetingl in tunners, banquets, teas, the Church meet on the first of! St. John's Anglican Church1 turkey tinner and wedding anti third Mondays of each was helsi in the Parish Hall ireception was their program month. They catered to din- on Montiay evening, January for 1959. As in past 16 years, ners for Lions, Masons, B.& 25, at 8.00 p.m.1 birthtiay moneys had been!P. Club and helti a successful The Rector, the Rev. A. C.i Baking sale. They presenteti J-Herbert, opened the meeting.teWreswt 450 n withthe esso of he dylthe Restoratian fund with and prayer for the tielibera- -- $100.00 and $50.00 to the AI- tions anti guidance on the terGuld busiess t hati.The 'Little Helpers' met each Population Growing month. They had a ruxnnage The Incumbent's report sale andi a baking sale. To the pointeti up the advancemerit j Diocesan W. A. they sent te- Ii the whole church in this ceipts £rom Mite Boxes of Parish of Darlington in that r4$0i0>he etiapcnci Our- general church population th early suniner andi were continues to increase grati- entertamned at Christmas by ually. The growth of the town the Afternoon Branch of the and surrounding township f~~ W.A. presents a great potentiel for- A Growing Concern growth in the Parish. TeSna coli t "It is with a sense of satis- Johe'sun ay Sow o nceSt. faction toalal of us that many' The renovations tr, the Par- iniprovements have been matie lsh hall and basement has to aur Church and Parish given themn the extra space Hall this past year. It has in which to spread out, but taken several years to reach with a Junior S. S. at 11.00 the point where aur incarne a.m. andi the Senior S. S. at andi funtis have been sufficient l0.a.m., it is felt that the need1 to carry out the program of Rev. A. C. Herbert is apparent for further addi-1 renovation andi repairs. Now, tianal space. The kindergar-1 that we have started improv- collecteti and presented hy ten hati been provided with1 ing the physioal structure of Mrs. John Gunn, amounting ta new little stacking chairs. our church property, niay we $129.53. They had given $600 Bath Sundiay sehools hati their be determined, by the Grace tor the Wardens, paid the Rec- Christmas gifts anti parties andi help of Alnùghty God, to tory telephone anti taxes, sent in their own particular fash- continue this necessary andi $300 to Restoration Fund, ion and time. Each chilti re- important work sa that the served refreshments at* the ceiveti his or lier bag of ceni- church anti hall may be wor- Vestry meeting, et Confirma- dy anti orange anti gift. Froni thy of the titlc. This is thetion reception, and for special their Lenten boxes they pre- Hause of Goti, this is the Gate Choirs for Harveat Sunday. sen ed the Church Mission ac- of Heaven, 1' he said. Total receipts 1959, $1621.40. counit with $108.18. Total re- Expresses His Thanks Ail obligations were met. ceipts in collections $1,175.11. The Rector expresseti his Choir Leader's Report Miss 1. Flaxman reporteti the1 th.anks to each organization Mr. C. E. Evans, organist Cch Restr atian18Fun6.23. - anti the Wardens, for their as-,anti Choir leader spoke on be- ceipsesor ate $18,65 fur-. or theirfanciael onatio, ns ha-If of the choir. saying they nace, constructîng chimney tortthe new he dation s had been very regular et prac- anti furnace room, re-wiring temn anti renovation oftctc nicuct siti hurch basement, parish hall Parish Hall. He was looking thewrhpsrie ec-anti basemnent, churvh lights forwrtiwit caernsa a apresseti his thanks to the Rec- anti organ, $9,129.59. Porarchi Missioness b helt tor anti Wartiens for then- as- Mn. B. L. Burk reportet on eary i LetMarh ~ta 8.sistance anti the menibers Of the Brotherhood o! Anglican TIhis Mission to be under the th Coi. hurchmen, newly organizeti lecadcrship of the Rev. Mau- Met Ail Pledges in the Parish. rice P. Poole, of AIl Saint's Av opeesv e fiesFrYa .Church, Peterboro. (The last'Avr cophnsv r- Ofce Frer rnisio tobe eldin hisParpart on the activities of theý Rector's Wartien, Mr. Elmer misio tabeheli n tisPa- Afternoon Branch of the Hcnning; Church or People's i.sh was in Holy Week, 1920, Womnen's Auxiliary was given, Warden, Mr. George Carter; anti directeti by the late Bish- by Mrs. H. Smythe outlining Sidesmen's Convenar, Mr-. Gea. op of the Arctîc, Dr. A. L. the work untiertaken. Their Webster. Fleming, assisteti by Bishop pletiges ta Diocesan Board of Lay tielegates ta Synoti Wilkinson, as Rev. F. H. Wil- the W.A. was $ý155.15; dona- Mr. M. L. Raenigk, Mir. Antoan kinson. Rcv. C. P. Muirheat tion ta the Altar Guilti $25.()0. Delange, anti Mr. Earl Ander- was rector but was on leave They soit 250 Church Caleii- son. Substitute lay delegates-1 of absence due to a seriaus tiars, gave a Christmas party Mr. W. J. E. CYrm ston, Mr.3 illness.) to the "Little Helpers". Mem- F'rank L. Hooper anti-Mr. Gea.e Warden's Report bers atlentied the Deanery Brown. Envelope Secretary- The Wardens, Messrs. E. Hea- meeting ini September. The Miss Betty Flaxinan. Parocin-a nii.g anti G. Carter, thank;ed Board meeting at the Angli- lal Tribunal - Rector, War- 1 the Rector for his spirituail can Centre in October anti tens, Mr. W. J. E. OrniistonS guidance anti assstence at ail the W.A. Annual in May. They anti Mr. F. L. Hooper. Vcstrya *tiùes throughout the past helti thein annuel spring tee Clerk- - ys. Farrest A. Dill- eans. tWie Wartien's account anti sale of work in May. All ing. o 1$8810 .31 hati been re.- pletiges met in full. Acivis * Couricil - Rector, îve~î~ th curen, atiWardens, Lay delegates ta Sy- #65.39 in savîngs accounis.j Eei 1rnhofWA nod. Vestry clerk. Appointed ."eMission account totalleti The Evenng Branch of the by Rector-Mesars B. L. Burk, $203.14;$750.00 had beei Womea's Auxiliary like the Howardi Gibson, Gea. Brown,a paidt t Church Extension anti Aflernoon Branch attend these Dr. Ivan Woolsey. Elecleti byS $1273.00 ta Dioesan allolment. Deanery and Diocesan meet- Vestry, Miss Betty Flaxman, The Altar Guild ings andt hey hetId e rummage Mr. W. J. E. Ornîiston, Mr. F. Mir. ary uttn eprtcisale, bake sale, cateredti t a L. Hlooper, Mis. V. H. Starey.g the Altarr Gutiti breren wcdding. To the Wartcns Representatives of Guilt- the ltarGuil hadbeenthey donateti $120 for Church Mis. R. M. Mitchell; 'Guild-0 faithful ta their tuty every extension. Their pledges were ettes, MVrs. Owen J. Pessson; Sunday anti for al] weektiay $105.001. Wardens' Savings ac: Aflernoon W.A.. Mra. R. M. Wserce. hV ioet urfonasdcoun.. $25.010, a b&le valueti Cale; Evening W.A., Mu-s. C. Worite5.&4Viotsuope fowalsa $27.00, $10.00 each was vo- Bettles; Choir, Mn. J. W. Ber- enrs155.re.Mosmof e f Blance ted ta the Altar Guilti ant ilnl; Sidesmen, Mir. Gea. Web- f ern the ekAount $204ala44.Uniteti Thank-offering, onc of sIen; Suntiey Sehool, Miss V.B in teirBankAccunt 20444.their members, Mrs. Charles MeFeeters. Honor&ry member,h Ladies' Guild Report Betties, was installeti as se- Mrs. W. H. Densem. Mrs. M. Roenîgk preset' creta.ry of the Deanen y W.A.' Lunch was serveti turinga the rcport for the Ladies' The Guildelles, a graup of a reeess in the meeting by the I Guilti. A greal deal o! worki thirty-five younger women of' members of the Ladies' Guilti. TkeODrnaNew I wee aurcUay UvenqIUL v1isAito with Mr. and M]&s. Clarence I Avery. On Wednesday, MIr. and Mmr. Allen Werry ono United Churci were Saftutrday evening guests their annuel me( of Mr-. and Mirs. Tom Sobil, President Mr-. C. Taunton. presiding. Mr. O. Beckett and Arvilla, Secretary Mr. Tyrone were wiVh Mr. and Mirs. etthmiue Floyd Beckett. meeting which wE eti and signed. Mr. and, Mrs. Kenneth Lamnb, A most encoural Port Credit, were with Mr. urer's report wasr and IVis. Lorn.e Lamb. Sutton; after new Mr. and Mirs. Allen Werry, been secured 'andi Sandre. andi Sharon were Thur- plies paiti for left sday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. ance of $121.57. Jim Mchaughlin andi were Tu- Mrs. E. Rainey, esday evening tea guests of Mr. the f]ower fund, J. A. Werr.y. several members Mr. and Mirs. S. phompson, been sent flowersÉ Enniskiflen; Mr. Fra'nk Dor- stay in hospital:c land, Bowmanville, were Su,--nient in tihe famil diay callers at Mir. and Mrs. of appreciation w'a Clarence Avery's. Mrs. J. Rickaby. Mr.andMir. Sanly Tr- A vote of thanl Mr.andlVLs. taney ur-tended to Mr. Sutto ner, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. ilnycotte Fran'k Dorland, Bowman.ville wLlinr g contatei were Suniday guests at Albert td.e uicrdg Oke's. Mrs. Irwin and1 Mr. andi Mrs. Ray Van Meer, that a letter ofa Providence, were with Mr. and be sent to Rickabi Mirs..Keith McGill's, Saturday excellent engravirj evening. folders. Mi. and Mrs. Roy Trewin The following o. and Carol, Mimico; Mr. andi Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, were Sund!ay tea guests with Mr . and, Mrs. Earl Trewin. ~ e r STARK VILLE Mr. and Mina Da-r Shutka anti family, Oe-tawa, et Mr. 'M. Shutka's, Suntay. Mn. antiMira. Llew Hýallo- well anti Jini wene receat guests wilih Mn. antiMina. Han- old IÀttle, Canipbellford. Mir. anti Mis. Clifford Reid anti Elizabeth, Bawmenville, aI Recently a group of Voung fniends were entertaîneti by Bob anti Joan Falls et Vheîr hiome. Mn. anti Mra. Keith C'aswell andi son,, Port Hope visitet et Mrt. Brian Caswell's. Mn. anti Mns. Clifforti Fonk visited incat Burk's FFlls. KENDAL I ~Mr. anti M'r. Allait Fastes-, - WW Mina. M. E. Foster and Mra. jMrs. James E Richards, Editor Mret lf oi hldyi Mr. and Mrs. E. Couroux., Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Bran- Mxs. Albert E. -Morton spent, anti Mis. Roy Syci-. Cavait, Ray andi Marie visiled tiSînday ton, Paul, Bill, larbera end last weck visitiîîg in TorontIo. spent Stindey cvening with with Mr. andi Mrs. R. Moorel Bobbie, o! Windsor, îeturaet Mn. anti Mrs. Alex Watson' Mn. antiMu-s. Wm. Robinson- and femily, Toronto. home on Suatiay afler spenti- visiteti Mn. anti Mra. Arduîe Mn. anti Mss. Lamne Bowins Mina. Jack Neal, Neisha anti ing e fcw days with Mn. and U Watson, Betty Asîn anti Larry, visitet in CarlislIe. Kenny Mira. C. Langstaf!, Deb- Mrs. O. Cowan. iWatertiowa. Mir. Gai-don Loweny nclurn.- ii n id n .G Mn. anti Mrs. Bernîardi Lynciit, Mn. anti Mrs. Roy vMeGiilI d home lest week from Mem- bicanti Lispna anMa. G.e Downsview, visited his grand-ý anid Arniold, Bownaaville ori-al Hospital. Bowvnanvillc.Lng wtaf! spent Suîîti' avn- -.rents, Mu. and Mrs. Haiiv viaitet Mn. and Mrs. ChaIs.' Mr-. anti Mrs. John ' Roee sean.Wiehemnta Roc nSn a tclloorn. Taylor. io 1 , Vfr .Mi-anti Mina.; aiii the heme t Mn. Lyinch was gct o4 Mra. Caxmeit Coiaish ci. CIcadon Challice ind farnilyfr h hockey garine at New- ai Harmony United Churci,' terttainied about twenLy Cavan. Mn. ani ,Mrs. E. icsî. Oshwa o Suda mrniîgftientis at her homie on Fri-'Challice, Millbraok, werle' Miss Joani Reidi of Oioilo, and et St. Paui's Uniteti day aftennoon for -Mrs. Denni Sunday visitons with Mr. and apent Sunti'ey aflernoon wilh Chuirch, Bowmanviile, Sunday Gootie anti on Saturday even- M\I-s. Onville Challice ani Miss Cerolcyn Fastes. evening. img a farewell party Wvsl-2! ' family. M .Kendal friends are gladti ta Mr ad -s HllinI.O.OF. Hllfor Mr-. ad!Mrn. e rt Dîek Howe-i hear thI i-.et and Mirs. lk Minant Mn.h~nîs HllMrs. Don Gootie andi childi-tnîCountice, visitet Mi-. anti Mri. Alexander -ai-c feeling bette>- Tronto, apent Ihrcc dava lest Bak week with lier bnotlîeî. M-r.i' wlo have taken utir.csidene-c Le, Peans Saturday v veing1. onice egain. The W.A. ,,ent a i Wmi. Robinson anti Mrs. R ýi Lakefielti. Mr. anîd Mu-s. Milon Gray, plpant. Mns. Alexander celebra- lasn. oo-junMrnd utMus. HaroldtiSn iî Jatietville, Mu-. -nd Mina. Ken- ted a birthday lest wecký. Mn. rn.Davv ati n~INiagara Falls, visitet Mrs nedy Gray anti Davidi, C.d-~ We arne sonny ta hear thal Mr.Wm.Dav% ad Ms.Fred Temblyn. Mn. anti Mina. nuos visitet Mn. and Mira. Reg. »ene Founti visiteti Mia. Ma-r Chas. E. Miller ent sons. Sutton. Mira. Roy Little is e patient ln dison Hall, Mir. antiMra. Frank' Mr. and Mss. James Rick--' Mn. anti n oyPoes, Bwantill M inal . ee ,Artion anti Allen, Toronto, aby attendedti he funenel of caMira Roy Potthewe - Min. andviil Hopita ,n wednesday, Jan. 271h. her fathen, Mr. J. Tunnbull int with Mrs. Ceci! Powers. anti Jean spent Suntiay with1 Mr. E. W. Sch.uf!icn retura- Toronto an Jan. 251h. Mn. antiMina. Meahall Ch at- Min, antiMira. B. Thonipson. 9 eti home efter a leagthy stay Mis. Orley Chapman is vis- terton, Min. and Mra. Orvill Min, antiMra. J. Yentiinick,1 i Oshawa Hospital. Miss iîing Mîr. antiMra. Alan Wil- Chatterton, Canai anti Davidi, Wayne andi Terry, spent the Amney Schauffler is visitiiig bur, Taunton. spent Sundey with Dr. anti weckend in Hamilon visiting1 3m. anti Mr. Sehauffier anti rti. antiMra. Ken Syer. Mi._Mrs. Keilli Taylor, Bramnpton.lien mother and ti hen frient& Ms. Dave Schaufflen was also__- Mi. antiMira. A. Colon of E Hero Snay milton, spent Suncdey wîtht Congratulations ho Mi. anîd NI ~ ~ i MMina. J. Mierliné4l anti Mn. G. ( A,(s. J. F. Stevenson on thcîr E N MU MS KU L L E N_'Mentineil o! Roseneath spent ac \ 1SOh wcdding annivcrsery Jen.'P he finst W.A. meeting af with thie Theme sang andi Pray- few tiâys with hia moîher. - 251h. 'Mn. antiMira. H. Faste n ancfl Mr. W. L. King spent lasll 1960 was helti et the home o! er. Lunch was senveti by Gnoup Tommny, hli a birlhdgy dia-:c week visiîing iriindacsay. Mr*.L.WannTutayc-î nen with Mi. anti Mns.. R. Fos- ,Mr, andi Mrs. Gardon Lea-1 ening. Jan-. 26th. Mra. G. Yeo, Miessrs George Dewar, Sean- lier, t was Roy andi Hateher's men, Judy andi Paul,. Scerbor- apenedtIhe meeting wîth a borough, anti Bruce Genimer birthtiay lest week. ough. apent the wcekent wilth prayer, followeti by the Molto fi-rn the Teeacher's Callege, A euchre Party was hefl Mr. Wxni Leamen. an-d Creed. Mina. R. MeGilI Toronto, spentlalst weck with Seturtay evening et flic home à Miss Mac Glenn,. Toranto.,' gave the Seipture reating or Sn. Iecher, Mra. Taylor of Mra. E. Couroux with the' vistet Mi7. antiMra. Win. froni 'Proverbs" anti canlin- anti were guests for thc wcck Ladies higl going ta Mrs. RegC G l i1.ucti with the Devotional Theme witl M-n. anti Min. Fred Toms. Elliot, Ladies low te Miss Joy-s Mr , d Mra. Lornizo Trull at Payr Mr. and Mrs. Harolti Skinner, ce Elliot, Gents high going toa Baem U Mri- and, Mra. Fred The ral calI was aliswcreti Tyrone. were Sunrdey visitons Mn. G. MacDonald, Gents lwaw Panls. 'Oihawtt, Mrs. Gen. with the peying o! 27 feca. Mrs. with Mn anti Mns. Ross Sharp. Mr. George Mercer. Proceeis I Çrawlhcr, Cherles anti Jamie, M. Hobbs gave the 'Preasuren's Miss Sylvia Ryar anti Mr. goiflg ta the young lads base-d Newcastle. visteci Mn. anti report for Decembei-. A coin" John Thompson, Toronto, wcre bail tean. 3r. Chas. Wood on Sunday. inittee wves put in l'O in'vesligate visitons of Mr, antiMs-s. E. Mc- Mr. anti Mia. E. Couroux,S Mr. Tomi Lewis is a patient the ppnieao! new tables for Nair. RayandMan-e, spenut Frlday0 li Mernonial Halspilal, Bow- the ehurcli basement. A tona- eeigwt r n r.A jpanvi1e. tian o! $10.010 wes given ta ftic Mr. antiMina. A. M. Wearn, eoen PewterboMn.niMr.A .-.Mr. ntiMrs Orill Chi- ard o!Dims. eveal thank Claremont. wcre Montiay visiî oehiPtnonu'i .liice andi femily, were dinner you notes were reeti. Wor n~ a~Ma . Mirs. Gea. Mencer vîsiteti with 1 U>gests Friday evening of Mr. Yearly reports wene giveii by War.Mr. anti Mir. Cy Elsey of Osh- 0 4l nd Mrs. Harvey Aikeui, Milfl- the Treasurer, Secretary, Pan- Mr. anti Mss. K-eith MeGili awa on Prldey. t brook. sonage Board, Christian Fel- anti chltinen. venc Suntiay vis- Ms-. Bob Irwin o! Aylmer, isa , Mr. anti Mra. Jim Hardiing, lawship, Stewandship andi Chri- itors aI Mrnerd M-na. Fred Bih- vîsiting his sister Mira. Gor- g Cobourg, visiteti Mn. anti Mr. sian Ediîcation Committees. letI, Scarborough Bluffs. don Langsaff andi lis brother, p Gordon Loweny % anti family. Misses Betty Jane Werr andi \ Dr. ant Mira. Gordon Mickle, Mr. Allen lnwin. Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Ro)bin- Susan Wearn favoureti with Toronto, were with Mn. andi Wn anti Mir. Gea. MaeDan- t son, Newt"" visil '1 Mn. several delightful piano solos Mrs. R. MeGiIi. aid, Roy andi Treassa, lielpetir &md %'s. Woî. Robinson on tv--- t'- t 'whrbizis, ses- Mnir. 41- s. 1-eben-t Wri- 'Mýaster WIle Winn cb-t »Neay. sion andi the meeting closied1ght and faxily, Newmarkel, kils 3rd birthdy on Swiday. Jan. 27, Or- then appointet for 1960: Pre- ih Choir helti sitent, Mn. W. C. H. Mitchell; eeting, with Vice Presient, Mn. Donaldi H. ivtchell Staples; Secretary Treasurer, Mira. G. W. Carson; Sec. Fo- R. Sutton er Funti, Mirs. E. Rainey; i of the last brarian, Mirs. J. Rickaby. 'ere apprav- Soprano Convenor, Mirs. W. Irwin; Contralto Convenar, îging Treas- Mina. W. Cobbietick; Tenor reati by Mr. Convenar, Mx. R. Sutton; Bass v music hati Convenor, Mr. E. Rainey; Con- 1music sup- venora of Social Committee, a bank bal- Mina. R. Hancack, Mrs. C. Jones, Mira. J. Rickaby; Coin- secretary of mittce to secure music, Mirs. 1mentioneti Workrnan, Mira. Drunimonti, who had Mr. Fort. turing their Mira. Irwin extendeti words or bereave- of appreciation ta Mira. Work- ly. A letter man. On motion by Mira. Sut- as reat from ton anti Mrs. R ickaby, meeting was atjaurned. ks was ex- A very pleasant social lime on who very was Ihen enjoyeti by ail choir td Rickaby's membens at the home of Mra. .graving on W. Cobbledick when refreaii- Miovet by ments were senvet by the Mirs. Jones social commitîce. Mir. Mitch- appreciation ell expresset wortis a! appre- by's for the ciatian ta Mira. Cobbledick for ng donc on her kinti hospitality, bninging a delightful evening to a )fficers were close. gation ÇReviews L By Douglas Rigg Minor Hockey onc. Gary Preston accounted In the first Bantam, playofifofr the Bison' other goal. game the Lions tefealedtihe Banys Wercazcznski 'accountet tHuskies 4-3. Doug Nichais for bath the Barons' goals. scoreti three first perioti goals Kris Balson of the Bisons fan the Lions andi Bill Buday callecteti the only penalty af 1accountet for the winning the gamne for holding the tgoal early in the final period. puck. John Adams (2) anti Ivan Lions Midget-3uveulile League ,Milis picked up assista on the Ia the final Mitiget-Juven- jLions' goals. Bill Dcpew, l aneteCressoe rDaany Jones anti George Bell u aeteCressoe (John Depew) were the goal three limes in the final penioti getter for he Hukila.toefeat the Raitiers 3-0. Da- gettrs or hc uskes, vit Woolner (2) anti Don t a Inhe second Bantamn gaame; Bagnell accouateti for tlie the Braves scancti ii the lesýt'Cornets' goals. Don Bagneli minute a! the game ta tefeat' ani Lanry Pearce aiso calc. the Cubs 2-1. Danny Hughies ted assists on the Comels' anti Mur-ray Brown accoua t-1goals. The Raiders collecteti cd for tlic Bracs' twa goals. two o i hc eate John Hughes (David Kerr) handed ouI in the gai-ne. scoreti the Cuba' oly goal Ila the second Mitiget-Ji.. midway through the final pen- venule game the Orphans anti iod. Genenals, playeti toa e2-2 lie. In the tlîird Banitaîi gaine Lai-ny Welsh (Ted Brown) anti ithe Flyers tefeatedti he Ti- Lanny Samis.accounleti fan the geî-s 4-0. Pati] Pceeson (Geîîc Orphana' goals. Walter Gibson Balson), James Archer, Gene, (Rosa Turner, James Fintii) Bal-on and lnpCole (Pa-1ý anti Ross Turner accounitedi .lPctcrsoîî) wcre the goal gel_- for the Generals' two goals. ters for the Flycrs. PhillipI Tle Orphians colleclet twoof Br-agg o! the Plycra collecteti the three penalties han dt thc only penalty ai the g'ame ouI. 1 for hooking. ýGaines Sclieduied l'or Satur- Ini the fouirth ani finial Bani- day, February 6th. tam gaine thie Ter Pees de Pee Wee League fealedtihe Pir-atc-.' 3-0. Wayne eWeLag-AM Beckett led the< Tee Pees so- .0Gat s aain crs ~ ~ L bycletn w hirdl 7:45-Wiags vs. Bruins penioti goals. Tom Worden 83-ak s er (James Homeniuk) accountet 9:20 -ingcs vs. eafs for the Tee Pees' other goal., The Tee Pees collecctid two of' Baiatami League-A.M. thc thec penalties handet out 10:20---Biaves vs. Tigers in the gance. 11:05--Tigers vs. Lions 1 11:55-Huskies ý.s. Cubs 1 Inte frW ee Lea gaine Atom Leagtue-1>.m. la the iate wscae gup, 12:40-Bombers v-s. lildian:, o! te dy te Hwkscam up1:35 -- Rama vs. Baronis wilh their beat game o! the, season ta tcfeat the Reti Lions Mldget-Juvenile Wings 4-0. Jeff Giihooly led' Leatue-P.M. the Hawks scorers colleccig 2:25-Orphans vs. Menoons lwo goals andti wo assista. 3:10-Genereis va. Rockets Mchael Bothwell coilecteti a Girls' Broombail goal anti two assista, ButddYLest weck zaw the compte- Depew collectet a goal andti ion of the Girls' Broombali an assial. Jay Rogers also col- schedule. The league pIayoffsa lecteti an assial an Je!! Gîl- starI next Miondey, Februery hoalys' finael goal. AUl fouri8t.h. Hawks goals wcre scoreti in' In the finat broombail geme' the final periat. playeti lest Mvonday the Ava-1 I the second Pee Wce gamne Ion, defealedti t'i Boones 1.0 of the monng thc Gianlsa ant b vin the league tille. Betty Beans playedti t a scorcless ie. Lon~ Rundie (Sharon Bungr. Rick Banes ! te Ginîsaccouatet for the Av'alon'sý collectet the oniy penalty of wiîîning goal late ln the final the game for boarding. perioti. Joan Crawford o! the In the third anti final Pee Avalons ant i Geana Park o! 1Wee gaine o! the monning the thc Boones eceu collectet a, Canadiens defeateti the Bruina penalty for kicking the bail. 5-2. Chanlie Evens (2), Barry In thc second gaineli- Whileman, Paul Parken antith Chanlie Ewert were the goal Presîcys defeated the Fabiensj seoersfo th Cnadan. Gr-1-0. Chenyl Gill searet th&' sconers for bbc Canadiens.lGer-j aid McDonaldi, Bruce Mieedows APreîWoo'wardng o hal.Jo anti Nelson Fowlen ail col- An odado h a lecleti assista on thc Cana-iberr collectedti 11wonlY pen- Muttn at--o! the geme for kîcking, ,iens' goals,, Howard M the baIl. ýý (Rîck3' Bromell) anti Larry' The final broombaîl league i Simnpson (Randy Dewell> ac- standings are as follaws: counted for the Bruina' two jW TP1 gols Avalans .. 4 f 2 10 Atom LeagueP--c-s3I' Ini the final Atom gaine playeti the Hornets sconeti Boones---- 1 .I4 1 3 once in cach period 10 defeal ta'ns ci tie Rama 2-i. Danny Nowlan "-ur"8' accounted for bath Hornets First game -5:.15 p.n'i. goals. Alan Caiver accounted i Pî's1eyi vs. Boannes. fon the Rains' lone goal. Second game-6:0O p.mr.- In the second Atom game Febiens vis. Avalons. lhe Bisons tiefeâtedtheUcBa., Senior Citizens rons 3-2. Ran Webb led the' The membeeE ci Club 15' ~ çr~r'.~y~ w'wish to neminci yau o! the goals and assisting on the other' next Senior Citizens' meeting-[ Council Briefs A nequest from the St. John Ambulance Corps for a grant anti the cstimeled requint- nient of $100) for 1960 asked by the Bowmanville Plann i n g Boardi wea referredti o the fin- ance canmmittee et the meeting of the Bawma'nville Town Council helti on Monday even- ing in the Council Chemben. A letter wes receiveti fnom Hoardi Edimoatison asking Permission ta crecl a fence across thl-e roat allowance bel- ween his two properties on Hunt Street. Depu-ty Reeve Ivan Hobhs stateti thal if per- mission eau lti be grianitet on a yeerly basis so as ta retain the right of the town ta have it open there might not be any reason agianst granting Mir. Etimondson's requcat. He mav- ed that tIe malter be ieft in abeyance for funther invest- igation. This was cannieti. A le lIer wias receivet f nom the Planning Boardi recom- mending the rezoning of lots 34, anti 42 in Concession anc. This is the Charles Chiurchill praperty. Town waten la avail- able there anti there is e res- itienfiai anea north of this land, the letter statet. Council egreet. ftu concur in tihe recoin- dluring tihe snonth. 'by show andi sale. - ___ -J' UTrS HERE!, Chrysier' s New Economy *Car . . The VALIANT We invite ail residents of Bowmanville and District to corne into our showroom this week- end and see this new Canadian-bujit Compact Car.. in tbe Low Price Field. ;Palmer Motor Sales iCHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO - SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5487 THIS NEW HOME CAN BE YOURS. Makce That Dream CorneTrue! TIS HOUSE CAN SURELY BE VOURS WITH THE HELP 0F OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS If you are planning 10 build sec us smmediately... we have a fune Plan Book Library . . cen recommend a reliable Architec-tur-al Sei-vice *..can recommend severrel-iable Contractors -... and supply you with Quality Building Materîis that wilI give you ycars and yeans uf ser vice Stop in at our Courlice Showroom ai-d inquire this week We Specialize in SERVICE - QUALITY - 'NTEGRITY OSHAWA WOOD PRO DUCTS Dowatown Showroom 94 SIMCOE ST. S.-RA 8-1617 LINITED Main Office and Showroomn COURTICE-RA 8-1611 9 Oshawa Telephones ta Serve You BOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2,130 AJAX-ZL'NITH 24M.1 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRII>AY 'TIL g P.M. with Mr. and ght. Mr. aind Mr were with Nk Fergusoçi. Mira. 1loyd Mns. Ban Ti Fred Tenis, ai eral on Satuix tStone cd Colu 1lin, and visitei ele at the hoi 9Mira. rardon 1bus, and on th- 1led on Mira. 1music teacher Lwlien a younji Dr. andi Mr Toronto; Miss Bowmanville. visitors at Mir. Werry's. Mir. andi Mr Mrs. S. Vanvc with Mr. andi ore's, Oshawa. Miss Nancy spent the wet grandparenUt, R. Pethàck. National fil present picture, churoh on FFn., Mr. aind Mr were Sunday anid Mrs. Eti. Mis. Frank N.Y., Mrs. Wil Columbus, ar< their sister, M~ gar Wrighit. Mr. andi Mr TIM CANADIAN STATESWMi, OWmAnV!L oLEOTAM PAEIOIZ Mrs. N. E. Wri- j i ~ L .to be helti et the Lions Com-. biaru<e C ecuiing on munit>' Centre or% Tuesae>, rs alF'ruOýFebruary 9th at 8:00 p.m. C RE Cr.an r F ren-P o ec i nThe evenin. s entertirnent iH i flR Y CR E r.atiMs F ,lTwp. Fire P o ec i nwlJI eprovided muslcaily by I Sienion, Haytion, -1iMxs. R. Merkeley. The reading By Helen Van Dusen ewin and Mirs. ORONO-At the meeting o! 1 suggested a meeting be an-'ý grouP will be led by Mira. W. ttended thc fun- thie Clarke Township Council rengeti between Uic Toywn-i H. Carlton. Carda anti games Iday o! Mirs. John helti in Orono on Monday. ship Councis and representa-' will be heltiin he i main hall. The pleasune anti satisfac- One molies' 1 hearti of gut tion ticniveti fnam rnaking a a plain pictune franie wit-h imbus, at Brook- evening, Januar>' 18th, Reeve' tives a! thc Orono Chember If you requine transporta- collection is langeiy duc ta an casil>' removable back, for .d Ms-s. Wm. Ste- Eerle Wallcey appaintet Coun- ao! Commerce, the Police Trus- lion, please cali Mis. T. GaI- thc way il is kepi. If thinga irlls ilt iutlc mne o! her sister cillons Ernest Dent anti Joiun tees andtihte Fire Miarshall ta chell, MA 3-3574. are just mixeti up in a box or art efforts. Whenever shé- SCorner, Coluni- Stone ta the Finance anti Pro- discuss Passible nicana o! fine,, AutSimn draer thcy are apl la be came up with a new pielurd' ie way homne cal- penty Commiltîce andi Coun- protection.AUiSim na more of a unuisance than e Uic anc in the frame wra, James Pars, a cillons Russell Savery anti R. i The Orono Police Trustees Men>' members o! the Atul pleasure. If, on the other henti transfenneti toae screp book.' raof Mir. Toms A. Foster ta the Roads anti g girl. Bridges Committee. presentedi council with a roati Swimraing Clesa have been the collection is neatly inan-IQuite a gooti way to encour- -a. Clark Werry, Third anti final reatiing wa work pragrain which lheyv trying their Redi Cross Tests., ranget inl suiteble containers age a budding anliaI, I lhiaký! Elenr Lighongivn t th bylawsetingasked be ineludeti in Uic buti-. Lisîtid below are the suceesa-'ý on booksA ilcen becamne an ia- Eleor euhto gienla ic y-aw ettnggel for the year. R. C. Forres- fuI candidates: tercsting hobby, bath fan the1 Anollier mother told tue. were Sunday up Uic Orono Municipal, ten stateti that the township JUNIOR -Mr.Thm- collectas anti fon cxhibiling. she aupplieti ler young son anti M-s. E. A. Building as a Comxnunity sou- berIe ul oas! on is. , MiD otchlie-ie acletwith scrap book.s, ane for fttc Centre. Thnee edings wcr hudba h ulcs fsnMs .San r ) tcidre uket cet Itle atonies lie likes ta write given ta thc by-law appoint- Ucporu oraln niMarlowe, Mina. H.ttSwecc haabti hyd ae anti illusînate wuth cut-oeis, s. P. Euls anti ingH. E. Mlson Township chipatone. H. M. Mercer point- Mira. E. Bailey, BettyGoo<d- e special place ta arrange: nte n orhscleto olkcnbung were 'Clenk et a salary a! $4,750 acd out that anc quarter o! the dhilti, Mr. H. Baison, Mrs. S them in, anti just keep thei nathbnoonk sco lectio Mur. Doug Mo- year. It was decidedti t have population o! Clarkt. Town- Turner, antiMrs, p. Burk. along with their toys, ,the fmthbo aea îlebyla tase u tu oi~ship lives in Orono, andti Uat will very likely cnt up in theý The main lhing is la keep WodGulp, elow' al, rooasatherefore an expenditune o!f N MEIT'--~is a-tel e sjuk a collection neat andtlitiy an 1 ekod, Guelh, em Comui' HaCentre basheai$5,ooo on thc roada un the ne Caverly, Mins, Mary Town-ý ________-jo! easy aceess to look et. Min, ai Mss. S. before it is given a third andi village woul not be out o! senti, Mis. Beverley' Wigganso th-an'nclsacoetit the way in a total township Mia. Sally Cale anti Mi. Bili meadation o h Planning If ayoehsacleto final reading. bttof.e $90,00.Coekenton, Boardi. or sonie craft wark the>' are mi board ~ Council. receiveti two r--ue~ . , A letten of thenks waa ne- no lnger interesteti in, lîow ýs n Baseinent o! quesîs for action regantiing The Onono requcat was SENIOR - Mss. Beverley ceiveti froin tle Canadien Girl about giving it ta a shul-in? .Fcb. 5, et 7:30. the start a! e systeinio! fine turneti aven ta the Roatis anti Turner, Mis. Johann Cocker- Guides Association exprcsaing If you do not know of any rs. Atiam Shar'p protection for Clarke Town- Bridges Comniitîce to atutiy. ton anti Misa Aune Harrisonu. apprecietion of tle permission anc tr give il 10, fell us about visitons with Min ship. Mieurice Pcdwell, No. 9 Reeve Walkey stalet that the There are sîil a !ew open- given ta use tle Council Cham- il anti we will aites- it through *tog aei Sectian, spoke. o! the neeti. Roati Budget must be cOin inga for anyone intenesteti in bers for a training course. "Hobby Corner". Spry, Sochem.r Arthur 1McLaren on behaif of pleteti priai- ta the cnt O! jaining the AdulI Swimîmning1 The repart o! the Durhiam- Let us hear about your lob- ifrti Roanter, the Chember o! CommenceFebruen>'. _____ Classes. The beginners anti Northumberland Health Unit by by writing ta Hobby Con- "t' with ronative.net swimrning classes are for Ja'nuery was receivet anti nenriin cane o! Tlic Canadialn visidn.g ono U n t hurh fillet, but if you are inlereat- filed. Couincillor Rasa Stevenis Slatesnian P.O. Box 1901, ori Or n r.E- ron nieuhu c n awiunming the openinga are drew attenition la the alate- phone MiA 3-3587 -betwcee,, ~s.eo.rw **~~inlathc Receatianai Swimming meut thet five cases o! rabit 3:00 p.m. anti 6:30 p.mn. anti r.G . Din penioti from.830t 10:00 pm were tiscovereti in Duýhrli e 'gister il fan the' Spring Hob- eel 1 "Ilý :4ee- - mi

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