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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 2

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THE CANADIANq THURSAY, EE. 4th, 1960 STATESMAN, EOWMMiNVILLEONTARIO H is tory of Durham County Given -a! Blackstock W.!. By Mrs. Russell Moutjar Those of us wio were born ln Durbami County weillne- inember D unrhain County1 was lhe firsl map drawn andi sludicd in early gcogrsphy leasons. Il bas six Townships, eaci o! wbich bas several sinaîl villages and in eacb o! lic Townships along Lake On- taaotiere are bbc aid lowus of Bowrnanville, Newcastle and Port Hope. Cartwright Township formn- cd in 1816 was narned in bon- our o! Sir Richard Carwright, member o! lhe Executive Council o! Upper Canada. Mauvers was narned in hon- our o! Chas. Pierpont, Earl of Manvers. The Cavan Blazers Cavan was surveyed in 1816, took ils naine from Ca. o! Ca- van Free Stal. Ireland, !rarn wbcnce many o! ils early sel- tiers came. Tbey wcre sorne- limes calied Cavan Blazers. Dalinglon was named afler thc oid home a! sarne o! its selliers. A man by the namne o! Chas. Bowrnan owned inost of tic land an whicli Bow- manville was built. In 1958 il had ils Cenlennial. Newcastle naw gn incorporaI- cd village in Clanke wiici was named afler Mai. Gen. Clarke, Licul.-Gov. o! L. C. had ils Centenniai a short lime be- fane. Hope was gencrally thougit ta have been nanicd in ion- aur of Col. Henny Hope, a commander of Brilihfarces i, -inadla 1785. Tie final sel- icr was Peter Smith a trader and îunbter about 1778. Il had an. ludian village known as Cochingomnink. Ini 1792, Unied Empire Layalists began ta ar- rive and take up land. Mn. Myndenl Harris was tie firsl pioneer and Jeremiai Bit- ton opcncd the final store. .Along tie norlhwesl part o! Cartwright Township and a EtIle corner a! Mauvers is Lake Scugog on whici anc lie popular sur-nmen resorla of Caesarea, Williams' Point and Viewiake. At Cacsarea is aur Cornmunily Park, juat in in- fancy. Frdm Caesarea in by- gone days pienic boats went to Lindsay. $2.00 Fer Child Tjhe first publie sehool S. S. No. 9 Clarke was erected early in the 19Vh century, la- ter one - roorned ungraded Our Cleaning is Sure to PIe See us if you want a s to cleaning clothes! We S ..yet our superior int penny more! Try us soo Cliffcrest 71 KING ST. E. PHONE a foi PICK-UP. AND LOI sehools foilowed. Usually they i Trone. Hie eut enough trees were red buildings. Latelylto build a log cabin and ta* school areas have been formn-'make a clearng to sow his ed and pupils transported by1 first crop. Here bis eldest son buses and placed in graded'Robt. was born. The McLau- schools. At one Urne parentsghlins could grow much of paid for teaching neyer less'their vegetables, catch fish i than $2.00 per cbild per quar- the creeks and occasionally tqr. Now taxes and grants butcher and share a pig. They take care of teaching and had little cash left to buy maintenance. L a t e r High tea, sait, sugar, and flour Schools were at remote cen- which they had to buy at tres. Bowrnanville, haif a day's Made At Home <iothint journey distant. The only Early in the 19th century cash crop was the potash wolves and bears were corn- which they made by burnlng monindnewos uhf the hardwood they eut as they th lindesewos. mauch r-cleared the land slowly, acre ed and made in the home. byab r.A ona ot a Candles were also made there.able, hie felled trees to make Grandmother Truil mixed way for the plough and evld- herbs and served much of the ently liked it. When he was medical requirernents of Dar- about to b. niarried Grnd- lington.dad gave him for a weddlng lmgton.gift 50 acres of virgin forest The earliest grain was for his own. Hie then planned ground in a hollow log. In- a house for this. Ihiundreds dians traded baskets for pro- and thousands of cordsa o visions. Salrnon abounded in hardwood were eut, stacked Lake Ontario. and burned. The McLaughlins Oxen Were Cammon were very devout people and A Mr. Elliott later known attended church four miles as father of Hampton, built a away at Enlniskillen. Here, shanty and the place WiÀs Robt. met his wife, Mary known as Shantytown. He Smith of Scottish descent. started a mill in 1840. Business Axe Handie Business came from Manvers, Cart- There were no movies, ra- wright and Clarke. Oxen were dios or TV's and as travelling used. They were hitched ta a over the narrow rutted mud- sapling cut with a crotched dy road firm Tyrone ta the end and allowed to trail on village o! Bowmanville was the ground. A platformi was a large undertaking, between nailed on this crotc!i. Two his work hours and bis early days were spent coring and bedtime, a hobby was shap- going ta the miii. They slept -ig and making of axe han- in the rill at night. Mr. El- dies, raking thern so well liott also had a store and. the that'they brough.t a few more present Hampton Park is a pennies in Bawrnanville. tribute to bis memory. In the driving shed of his Nearly Lost Everything new home be built a fine big In 1832 Grandfather John work-bench, and in the even- McLaugbuîn carne from Ty- ings hie made dozens of axe rone County, Ireland, on a handies using the finest strai- sailing ship having been per- ght-grained bits of bardwood. suaded by an agent to popu- This was -an added source of late thie Peterborough area. revenue. Besides Robt. was Hie came on a sailing vessel anxious to put into being his and at Montreal transferred self-taugbt skill in working to a river boat for the haz- with wood, secured from an ardous trip to Lake Ontario. old catalogue, îllustrating won- .Grandfather nearly did, not dTous pictures of carniages and survive lb. His boat was wagons and decided after swamped in rough waber and mueh planning to build a mo- b is possessions lost. He land- dest sleigh. A neighbor called ed at Cobourg with a thin one day and wanbed hlmi to 1wallet, stayed in Peterbor- sell t to him. He said he ough a short tirne then took would make another like At up a 160 acre grant of crown and specified the time he land in the virgin forest six wanted it. They could do al [miles north o! Bowmanville the work tbemselves but de- ,Other Irish settlers took land pended on travelling journey- nearby and called the place men, blacksmiths and uphol. - sterers who were very uncer- tain as to their coming on ac- count o! roads, the amount of work to be done at the place, their teniperance or intemper- ance, ail decided how inaccur- ately they woul<q arrive, but the upholstering was done on tirne by a M~r. Mfceddie of e ase . Oshawa, whô brought with hn apprèntices, necessary equiprnent, horsehair, canvas and leather. The man who ure thing when it cornes was to get the. cuIter carne a round a short ime before the e guarantee satisfaction set time for completion ta se how tbe work was progress- ethodS cost you not a ing. Hie had forgotten ta say on. that hie wanted a picture E~fl.painted on the back of "King Billy crossîng the Boyne". Robt. was not an Orangeman, ,or an atist, but he set to work and produced a vivid C leaners and rdtbepcu ha mode July 12th farnous. Next BOWMANVILLE lime it was easier ta have hirn paint on cutters. The belated blacksniith dîd arrive but they U 3-061.ha'd to work bard to make lhe deadline. The McLaugIilifl Shop 0 DELIYEX lHe then bithson blacksmith shop and the up- tNi MQUARIE, rop. hoisterer was ta ive there as NE MQUARIE, rop. journeyman unlil the business _______________ moved ta Oshawa. The de- HUCKLEBERRY POINT At the beginning of this century some farrn land on Hfamilton Bay was called Huckleberry Point. This lanîd becarne the site of part of The Steel Company of Canada, Limited. Instead of farm land supporting a few families there is now at Huckleberry Paint Canada's largest steel.rnaking plant employing 11,000 of the Company's 16,000 employees. This year Stelco marks its 50th year of supplying jsteel for Canadians. What happened at Huckleberry point bas hap. *psed ini hundreds of towns and cities acrosthe country. Canadien manufactuning now ernploys nearly 1,400,000, personsi These turn out the materials for a growing economy while their farnilies provide markets' for th. producîs of Canadian farms, fanaIts, and miner. THE STES COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITID MONTRERL GANANOQUE HAMILTON IRANIFORD TORONTO Cmadian-made steel froms Canadian-.wned plantg 4 .0/lits an erolan. csse. .tries wbich are turliiig out tAactwr drawn vehides orarro i kn e 1H. eoia b.pron-; eroyed barnay indus- Ne e er l M t rs C rI Llvest'oek Raislnt pur- led n te ounry t i uct s uch as convei q grade, raisngpur e Def purnçofa! orious tasks have b.eWen t, bathrûom fixlur? grdaeraised extensively, êlt Pout .. . orns Poil Angus, Here- Mvany pople have gone intoi pressors,. corndensing unila, ~ ~ fod li prducion ggs kk-minrairefining, fertilizers, S.. ~ ......rd and for dairying, Holstein,. ens and turkeys in an exten- lacquers and paints, leather Jersey, Ayrshire and Guern- sive way. Since lie imnilgra- goods, food canning, aluminum#I sey. The Department o! Agri- lion o! lie Dulch te aur ccun- furniture, knitting machines, culture endeavours to inlerest ly Ibis induatry bas sprung Up uaim fe os ahn Young people in 4-H Clubs and along witb rnixed !armlng. toals, and furnibure. Junior Farrner's work. Blue Along lie sou ti part a! thec Goal Transportation Rbaon sales and lie winter County nearer Lake Ontario. The two ieading Uines a f and faîl fairs are g reat incen- large fruit orchards tbrive, the transcontinental railways, tives te raising better grades particularly apples. The trees C.N.R. and C.P.R., run hbrougli o! stock, are carefully pruned, in Win. th. southern part o! the Datrying Development ter, sprayed several limes county. M.any fine higbways ~~~i7 ,Dairingbas orn a in gduning lie fruiting season, b.-, have been or are under con- way rom hea ly daslobnginning before blossom lime'-rNon. Ib the early days, ra mlkwa srane i Ias directed by auliorities, as No ighway was like a rwmilk a s acolae inta tthe propen lime and kind paththrough the woods. Nuw mlecrap ans ie andooplaenfil o! spray. The apples are care- it and 401 iighway, nearing fully picked, sorted and pack- c5impletion, in lie cast, great- -..wasremvedwih a kinmered. Some are taken te a cord ly assisl tie truckers in the ¶ ~ '.~. o sîainra sial pefort-storage plant in Newcasle and lransportlng c! many products ed piece a! lin about 5" x 51y h aiu nutist Tus ws laer irprovd b~sold locally, lie inferior Of h aiu nutist theuseo! aican abu~grades sold la be processed any point in Canada or lie m12eethg ad8i .hsi for juice and apple sauce. Uie tta 2½ eelhigi ad 8inces flPears, cherries, pluins, aiso do Tic St. Lawrýence Seaway Newest car on the market is the Envoy, buit for General Motors Producîs of diamelen furnishied at the side 1 well in these areas. Tornate may later add la tie shipping Canada, Limited, by Vauxhali Motors Lixiled, Luton, Eng. The Envoy has a near thc boton wilb a nar- growing is aiso a profitable tacililies o! lie Counly. Port fou clide egie nda 8 nc weebas, ndfeluesluur ileios ndrow glass and a lap te drain idsr o ann.Hope on Lakc Ontario bas a fourcylnde engne nd 98-nchwhelbae, ad faoff theur inekios mdiofkte NexImlkcametcaveryustfafoiranharbour firwhicbr w willl a wide range of exlerior colors. This car will be available in four series: Stand- lie separator, a more cosîîy Industries lui Durham be enlarged foliowing lhe ard, Special, Customi and Sherwood Station Wagon, and will be sold only in apparatus but which secured Soin. man afacturing la don e completion o! t he Seaway and Canada. ail the cream directly afler in Bowrnanville. Some 600 future expansion o! industrial _______________________________________________________________each milking. At first the work in shifts aI lie Good' resources. Port Hope is a 90- mand for cutters and wagons Christmas trees. 1growin.g has been carried en cream was churned by band year. There lhey make con-âmnute drive tb Mallon Air- and lie surplus butter made vey or beits for ail makes of port where T.C.A. operate te outgrew lie Tynone place andl Thene are many acres o!.and in the proce'ss many 11fl mbo pound prints and sold. cars. fan-beits for ail kinds o!fî at !fi ol Rob' decided ta mave te En-_____partsof ____________ niailln. is anily ow asrnixed woods in tic newly plements have been uscd, final Creamenies later collected rnachinery, pump parts for _______________ J. J., e. Hs ad R. S. betterreated Ganaraska f a r e s t by iand, later by axen, hanses, the cream and suppiied the mines. ganden hase and base known te us as Sain. wiicb will bring much re- later tractor dnawn, such as needed butter la patrons. A for floods, curved radiatar i FARMq SERVICE venue aud provide empioy- bbc sickie, rake, cradie reain- few years a-fo the raw rnilk hose and bard tires.11 This new place was where ment. Tic prospects o! these er, binden, and cm Inl was collected daily in very Tbene la a foundry and lieVDAOD&CIPE lie Seed Cleaning Plant now commuity-awned projecîs are the iay aud c,o r n crap large cans for the manufac- Hollingsiead factary. Van- ~ FARM STOCK îa. There was a langer shop, bigit. The present value o! the scythe, rnowcr. foragen lune o! cheese. There was a stane's have a large fleur and Removed Free o! Charge and sepanate blaçksmiti shop. Lhese two torcsbs, Durham baler, have doue aud anc do- cheese factory jusl cast o! the fecd business. Immediate 24-Hr. Service On lie second floar they dried County 1375 acres, and Gan- ing Iheir duty nobly. Thnesi- village on bihennti side nean At Newcastle there is ai Ask Your Operator For wheels. Above was a tower araska 7500 acres, is pnobably ing was donc by mills witi tie swamp and another at Bal- wood-product business, a box with thc bown bell -in il. Wiile anc quarter million and will iorsepower, traction engine,1 lyduf!. Wicy xvas a bi-product factory, where cases such a s Z n 65 building cutters and wagons in due course be anc o! lie tracton, and bbe grain dlean-lused in !eeding o! pigs. Today cutlery cases, anc made. There Robt. decided ta buiid a- car- mosl valuable assets in tie cd by wind sud fianning miii iraw miik is collccted daily is also anolier faclory'wiere No ToIl Charge niage Wiich he exhibiled at County. Now for crop improvementý fromn many dairy farms in a desks and cabinets arcenmade. Nick Peconi- Peterborough thc county fain, Bowmanville, In ail le Townsips graùi- saine crops ar sprayed from' large tank as bulk nilk and Port Hope as 1700 workers____________ and won final pnize for lie MeLaugblîn phacton. From lien on he changed over ta carniage making. One day R. S., a Young lad, was Wander- ing about Ibis drying roomn, a wheel feUl on bis iead stun- ning hum and cutting bis head. His fahher 1e arrcsbtich crying prescnted him with a bnowu strippcd humbug. Af- tcr liaItich farniiy always said "Sam bad wheeis in bis men were cmployed and t.iey Robent baugbl a lot, built a smallisi tr-stoe building with a blacksm-ibh siop. He sold the balance ta bhe lawn,".W which built a jail on il andthri vca laler the ciIy hall. Robt. wasthB i;ca called a crank for quality and look ib as a complim nt.A .. . . .. . exîracl from a faded and boru journal in Robt's bandwriting was lie following entry datcd Feb. 10, 1875. H. Taylor, one ( n;aJ b u l and seven corda o! goad dry hardwood, maypole or beeci. ............... What confidence he lîad ln bis , mn ç ê iU fellowmen in Ibôse days! Only Last GMonths Two other carniage makers ini Oshawa voiced their opin- ion that McLaugblin would last six monlhs, and il turned out it was the competitors who disappeared. The McLaughlin business expanded and they had to add to their building from time to tirne. Reforestry Project Throughout the County a lot af forest has been recklessly removed, resulting in erosion by wind and water. Now, much reforestation bas taken place by planting liny ever- green seâdlings which used ta b. supplied free by the Re- forestation GovernrnnlSt- tion at Orono. Now a smail fee per 1,000 la charged. Several farnwrs have ïmail planta- tions. The trees grow quickly and after a certain lime some are sold as Christmas trees. Sorne Amenicans bave sucli plantations and ship the trees ta their own country. Acres and acres in North Clarke and Hope Townships 'have beexi xeforested and thus the Gan- araska project bas bad its enlargemient, which will bold the soul and safeguard prouer- ty fromt erosion and run off. Port Hope is in danger by floods f rom tbe Ganaraska area. The growlh o! trees lessens this danger. U.EL.'u Move lit Beginning in 1788 U.E.L.?s and people from the Britisht Isles began ta populate tihe Genaraska valley and the wa- tershed ta the norti. They nol only carved out farms but turned out many forest pro- ducts imb cash etc., materiaLs for masts for British and French navies. In .1850 there were several mills situated on the Ganaraska River which included saw, oarding, flour and shingle milis. Unfortun- alely many setliers did nol !arm lbhe ligbler souls well, s0 that soon it was depleted or blown or washed away, re- sulting in many farms being abandoned or semi-abandon- ed. 52 Million FH. of Lumber During the year of 1869, 52,- 000,000 board feél of lumber were shipped from Port Hope harbour. In 1928 Durharn County forest was started on tax-delinquent. land. It is sit- uated ýalong lhe Geanaraska watershed. Out of lthe early plantations there bas already been eut and shipped mnore than 750 cords of pulpwood, 1500 pales, with more th sbîp naw and more being cut. Firat Trees Planted In 1947 the first trees were planted on lhe newly conceiv- ed Ganaraska project. To date mare than lhree million trees have been planted on 7500 acres of tub-marginal land Surchaftd. These Ire.. il is oped wil help ta arresl the flooding o! the town o! Port Hope and stop soil erosion and slow down flash run-of! s as wefl as siilter ta prevent wind erosion. This will provide rnuch wood productsanmd eni- ploymenl. Scotch pines ta lthe value o! $30,000 lbave bc-i'n miarketed fro.m Ibis area és ear--ad iný;tiurnem pafld ta designed 1<> let you take in adl Finstrument readings at a glance. Integrates perfectly with Envoy's luxurious, weil-appomnted interiors. gfamou~r- aked with luxury. Tbere's a rich choice of upbolstcry miatenials in a multitude of patterns and colors. Super-cornfortable bucket scats ane standard on the Envoy Custom! t;bQ -Re -P I1ed Çheiwôod çtaLlor% wéaion For big family fun Ibis EnvoY Sherwood sets bhe style. With rerir scat folded down, tbis beauty gives you 451/2 cubie fort of load space. Big tail door can bc fixed in full open position on specially-designed himges. tLhe hi9h-fa:hioncart- w h -e Ikw pt--e* Neyer before has so much beauty, so mucli convefience, so much power-packed economical performance, so much honest-to-goodness value been offered for such a low price in a 4-cylinder car. This is the Envoy .. the new British car designed and buit especially for ('anadians!j The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to you in three beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. Sec the Envoy today! Admire its quality and cager good looks. Drive it! Then proudly choose the Envoy wbich meets your requirements. 9Siqge,çted maximum meail delvered price with 0i1-Bath Air Cleaner, HcaterandDefrosterandAntfreezeG< BOWMANVILLE prwces quoied include dcli vcy, hiea Iing charges, Federal Sales and Excise Taxes. Provincial and Local Taxes, where applicable, are additional. FUN.FILLED 51CR WOOO (IIuoaratd) ELEGANT CUSTOM (illustroe d) ABVENTUROUS SPECIAL (noti/lustroieo') EXTRA-THRIIIY STANDARD (»W lliustÙ.ted> $1154 $1045 $19469 E N N O V - nai~erGeneka i Motc vaiué MANUPACTURSo FOR 6LNRAL NOrONS PRODucTO op CANADA, t/M/TED 0), VAUX//ALt MO TOPS LiM/tirg LUON, ENL AND PARTS AND SERVICE PRO U COAST To COAT IN CANADA f1 ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMANVI LLE 'COURTI"

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