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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 6

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and that one new major in- materials would be bought E - D ters. eLag idBokfmle, dutr otn rigaadiioa through local suppliers, îhe E R O Mr. Edgar Pascoe, Mi1 n eio rda vnn nSl duty 'enbiMsadiioaMis. William Pierson,MraniaHl. I ndustrial (ColT lis siconer industries in its wake. "Dun- profits f rom rentai income r lop did flot bud in Whitby would be paid as dividends The annual meeting of the Miss Eleanor Mountjoy were Mrs. Harold Pascoe of Ohw, M.adMs odnSt unti seen ear ater t t loal hareholders, more cngregationoflKIl,,n hurch a,,n, Saturcay gue,,, of their andMi and Mrs. Harve a-droTrno i n ý bought the land. Wbhitby'sl, jobs would be created through was held in the Lower Hall on aunt, Miss Olive E. Luke, Tor- coe were guests a" a fml .K lvradSehn ta C greatest industrial progress new industry, and taxes paid Thursday evening, with Rev. onto. dinner party, at the hoe1 howr ekn usao P r v d s . & P Mm e s followed construction of theý by new industry would help R. H. Love in the chair. 'ml Mr. and Mrs. William SharpiMi. and Mrs. M. Walter.M.adMr.J lvr rk Dunlop plant," he added. -He to hold down the tax rate, lowing an opening -worship are parents of a baby boy born Mr. and i\s. Alec Mergr M.adMr.JHrvyPs referred to the 75 acre site the Industrial Coniissioner service, church secretiary C. F, o Fri,'ay, January 19 in Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Murton Wles o.M.adMs utnWl purchased by Johnson and advised the meeting. Werry read minutes. Reports'aaHsia-wih b.M.adMs PryMuto es~e~aog Tusa Wohsonh D etaiilsn of Hisitnotaw HoWoal-___ ht6 ___Mr.an__r. ereI Johnsn Linitedin Bo fan- "Let t no be said that we, from the various orgaflization 13 ozs., to be known as "Jim- were among those who ted fne uet fM.adMs ville and said it is possibe through fear, indifference, were presented and approve m"d.i rtesadsi-c h itrgttgthro .Pesn saa "We cannot exPect othersi Dedicated te Improvement Town Counicil, it was decide-d when this firni builds here, a false economy, or selfishness An______in_____un________5___hr ad is e tewite gt-o to place their faith and their' The town's Chamber of that cotincil would appropri- new era of industrial growth have left oui problems to be Annrepase in person ws un- destiny in Bowmanville if we Commierce is dedicated to the ate a rill a year, an office be wiil start for the towiI. solved by the next generation. der pastoral o00rinht Jas re- lack faith in ourselves. It isipromotion and improvement established, and a full time FuIIy-Serviced Sites Bowmanville has had a splen 19ortdfom 340 in January,0 up te, us, individu ally aldl0of the commercial, industrial, ernployee engaged," Mr. Mor- Most of the towns that are did past, ,and its future can 19thr 540 rineJnaso 196w. collectively, te do what miust ' agricultural, civic and social ris stated. He said a joint going ahead offer fully ser- be equaly splendid", Mr.Othenrdea. rtes lso ho' be done, to face the challenge welfare of the community, Mr. Council - Chamber committee viced industrial sites at rea- Morris said in cîosing. edtincss.there wt ere 3 of tomorrew by doing thosel Morris stated. While rnany of as formed tcb establish pol- sonable prices, theInustrial Mrs. Minerva Kerr moved 91pisso n the aRlster-r things that logic and carefiti its projects are directîy con- iey and oversee the woîk, hie Commiioner said. Whiîe a vote of thanîks to Mr. Mor- 9onheCade r. oisprta study tell us should be done! cerned with business affairs added. Bowmanville has several hun ris for his intcresting address. chuc e b rhJ.p, Dcebu .r today," K. N. Morris, Bew- it is also interested in par's rdarso odinutilMs icx the presidentS OAT OU manville Industrial Cmi-rceteplyrud;twd ears401 h.dihandrilalso expressed appreciation of 1959, was 148. sioner. told the dinner meet- planning, parking, and traf- the two railways Mr. Morris the enlightening and inspiring, Tribute was paid te the late ing of the Bowmanville Busi- f ic control; education, civic clamed that "it is absolutely talk that Mr. Morris had Harvey Crossman, who was ý ness and Professional Womnen's5 by-lawvs, and cvic administra- ' sls ausa oga t~ given. member of the Board of Trus Club held n St. Andrew's! in h pae explained. not serviced and available to Miss Wilcox congratulated tees and church trcasurer. a~ ~~m Sunday Scheol room on Jan. industry at reasonable prices." Mis ajre Cuh h h im fhssde asný 2<.The Third Chambnber principal of the new Lord El- in December. A brief "In Mem- Mr., Morris, the guest speak-, "Ours is the third Chambble H eated tha iteat mnt and lon theropenin- oriami" was conducted byte er, ernphasizcd the need cf in- of Commerce in the town'sHesae htitels mnadonhepnngfmnser dustrial expansion for the;history. Previous Chambers year a further section of land the school this week. Plansi Appreciation from the con-, tow, nd oite eu tatappear te have been organiz- was rezoned to industrial, andlt were completed for the In-1gregation wsepesdt there are te maorucondi- ed te deal with a specif ic proe one of the property holders terior Decorating Nght te be Rc. R H.Loexd rs. L oe tiens, plus a number cf miner jeet. or problern, and have set firm prices thatmeeypsetdb th Bora- for inspiring leadershtip, te or- irisa d gtDO ones, that mu.st be met through withered awiv once the job covers the cost Firm prces ville 'Biiqiness and Profession- ganist Mis. R. E. Lee, te choir1 t'he active co-operation ef pro- was done. We are confident ~ have been set in another area. al Women's Club on Thurs- dietr'is enn1Wry pertv owncrs, Town Counc'i I that our present Chamber is . Other owners have verballY day, February 4th, at the Town n eaIcormmers. Rey. and the rateýpayers at large. .H oeepesdtak destie fra og ndut imated prices acceptable to Hall Auditorium. The luib RHLxecrr~e hnsGOLDEN -TREE RIPE -CALIFORNIA lie dscried te wok ofihe'ul lfe,"Mr. ortiem.srtWe are at last able te aise decidcd te hold a Fash- for the splencud co-opcrationi LARGE SIZE 138%s 1-le (escrihd the ork cfthe fu lite, Mr. Mrris asertedoffer a variety of sites at pri- ion Show in March. gvnhmb h aiu f Bowmtnvfle Industrial Corn-1 Saves Citizens Moneyce agnfrilot vr-ie hmbtevrouo- mission. and also spoke of thel He *lfirnewîrrcesangig fboardst.aer aims and objectives cf the, rra W h rs-ae"fcesai bad.c Bomnil hme frange cf interé'sts cf tepe- thcn aclteekoa.r fSto ewa f of ,. c n g x Bomavilc Chmbr fent C. cf C. Local merchants FnnigFaiiisWESLEY VILLE DreBoarnfSe d, s lichaitm Commerce. know that they must work Another major problem is a word cf thanks te ail who TAT IGIG AC RD Ml-s Madlyn Wilcox, presi- thog the Retail Merchants' tefnfcfge nutil Fn itrwahri a-macde it possible te meet the dent - f the club, introducedi Secto ecutrtetra buildings, Mr. Morris asserted. ing happy days for ch'ldren Prope'rty Fund committmret . k 3b. L%- J th seke adstated that cf nearby shopping cnrs The policy cf an increasingly who may tunnel, slide and roll for the purchase cf extra land. IVm Cifl h Ai ples the members ;veue keenly in- and the public is incueasingly K .Mri large number cf firms is ta in snow o their hearts con- Th olwn we l terested in the welfare cf te awaue cf the usefulness eft teK .Mri rent, and in ail Canadian mna- tenit. Fields are tee well ccv- Th clwn eeeectedl LRE LCN muiiaiy n ecmdCabr n fjeu cities there have long ered for earth te blow and poion ofeaîrhpnEl. muicpait, ndweceedChmbran f the benefits Task te Secure Industry bencmaistcte'Omketd-tsetrmasa Kedron Church for 1960- Pce-C the opportunity ta learn more cf its operatiotis as an aff il- M.Mri i aighewsti een mante speoaer stO a- shiy whit everwhremexcept cording Steward, Ross E. LeO;, *~ of eait l iv n dstr nia tm s i e sM . Bureau M in le as t is de iadMor ekris t- -h nhee e v t he ra . en p TM oftewr en oeo t aeof the 'loronte Betta2r the tonan finali" entaded as te. ed cf h oa.E engnregaational secuetary, Clar- beaf yth ndsrilCO-BsinsBra, M. Mri ence F. Weriy; ___yey e1 DLCIU UA mission and the Chamber cf asserted. He refeured te the Seretary - Manager remnarkocd M&. Morris reconumended there, the high banks shoved presbyteuy îe DELrankUSC.ULAN; Commerce. lauge aon fmnysved Uîat hie cornmenced the job that a building and financîng back by the snow plow, look Missionauy and Mantna II P I ce c Pays Tribute te B. & P. for local people by the Cha'n- tram the outsct it was under- mnil.I ol ieCommnittee, William Wery P NALE Mr. Morris paid tibute ta ber thrh its reports on sodta i rnia ak~mivle twudgv Sprinkled here and tihere (treasurer), Grant SpencerAi- FRESH - TENDER theBow.anill Buines ad dore-doo anwoud be teisecrindualtsr local contracters werk, bus- along the rond are wisps cfbetWoMsE. ontc theBomavile usnes ad oo- -oo slemen an wuldbeto-eureinusryness would be stimulated as hay, evidence that a happy ant daltrs.-E MoN Io Puofessional Women's Club mail ouder schcmes. fraetwbtcudlws lîhn at hsSsn, alerDavis; Board of , nueac Jc fer its outstainding contribu-foth cýnbu urilwslegn.pay passed ti esoClarence Weruy, Al-1 BOCL tions te the progress and wel- Orga.nlze d in 1954 willing that any spare tirne B sns iel way. Last Fuiday evenin.g, Roy vn pencer, Howard Faundale, fare of the conntuity. Hel The- present Chamber of should be devoted te Cham -_____________________WateDvi,_RssLe,____CRSP- RU C statcd that Bowmanville is ai Commerce waii cuganizcd in ber of' Commerce matteus. A unianc at his home with about 25 pue-WatrDviosLe HrCRS -CRN Y botte mewneecaus of te Establlshed Liaison ACC0UI tI sent. Roy's dad puovided the oid Weriy. Mu. Everett Mount-. f E E VE DT a club. Chamber directors, and the The speaker said that he at RY . ILNslihanhoses, and ailr-adfýtflmmbro h E E Y H AT once established liaison with Certified Public Accountant turned for refreshments, mus- Session îequcsted relcase fro ____________the industrial development de- 93 Church Street i ndn cig-gahapy wa hs dnaeduan borihauy ei adHEN FAC Nrmd l ukNe llte partinents et banks, railways, MArket 3-3861 Su- nay cBESTa usBUYith-asSAVE a5e CASHy lde Naemd U ulk Sauve e lte and other agencies interested &.jeH - SISuray sayeola su al wnieet of the chuich. Stewards are ~I capsules Rail On Hair Creme Razor in Ontario's industrial guowth, WC h . eedACOGGnS MuinchrgyPe. supe erin47 nden Orville Selieck, Albert Wood, IlLiy eats 152.0 2fr9e 1.95 and with the Trade and In- C SreedAco unad Flhag. heewee 7r -Deuek Barnett, John Fuancis, 2.00 2 fo 99edustry Buanch of the OntarieoecndFo sent an-d Marie Austin read te Douglas Love, Ted Maidman, ___________________________________ Depautment ef Planning and Cor. Kia ilpernceSs moining seripture. Some drif- Robert Dale andi Lyle Noble. FRESH PORK - WHOLE OR HALE 8OZ I Co.Kn n emeac t.ted roads kept choir membesrusesarHwd unae Dristan Bufferili 39c-79c-1.23-1.89 Develepment. It is throush Phone MAket 33612 home fuomn practice, but Mus. Willieam eMow d, John-dGlv fr5 Tablet 1.25 Z.ZS 3.75 ayer hescontacs wthatprosecteli- YALE, FRIEiLANDER Allan Clarke and John Gren-Wila onjyJhnGv' TabetsL25 2..6,3. Boertheescs thatproscte . e Ross Lee, Everett Mount- H A M va STC Dristan Spray ---1.25 Aspirin 20e-32e-53C-87C dustuies are obtained, ai- HUNTER & CO. evelti sang a duet curing j Vics ins ;abet 6e nain--- 6C53-8c,.2 touh omtiespro'spects Accountants and Auditors cburch service. ý and Haroldi Werry. Vlk u -6e .9 instantine 25c-59c make a direct contact anti le- Licensed Trustee inMONARCPteHele fPrtHp Adtr aeHrvyPs Vick Rub 64c,1.09cal citizens furnish leads, Mu. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 spent the weekend wit'h Roy coe and Rodgcr Bishop, tellers, Morris stated. He alse men- Oshawa, Ontario Austin; Calvin Brown andi Art Lyle Noble, Eimer Perks, Har- GeritEICuh HaeBiol tioneti the industrial brochure B .YlCA Lawson of Port Hope, spentodWrî,KihTegna Q& s IpSLlpstlck he Fo-pld . Friedlander, B. Com., C.P.A. Friday evening wibh Bill Bar- flower committee, Mus. Ho0w- 1.T.-.9 .0.5 o1ld MONTEITH - MOTITH rowclough; Mr. andi Mis. Jack ard Brown and Mis. Grant S ITSPE IM-CyOVcWapd1L.PG 1 .S"29 Vlcks Formula 44e-1.19 1.0.5 Manager of Centennial RIEHL & CO. Kimbaîl of Port Granby visited Gover. WF SPRMU -Cr0VaWap 0.9 NyaI Creophos 1.50 Mu. Morris was the general Chartereti Accountants there the sarnie vening. Coilectors and ushers, under 2 - 3 LB. 1b71,4 fo 5 Buckly's ixtue 59-85emanager of the Bowmanvile 135 Simce St. N., Oshawa There was no school last convenorshîp of Albert Wood; C orn Beei AVERAGEIJ7 1.25le' ixue59-5 Centennial, 1958, and since RA 5-3527 Tuesday either in Port Britain reception committee, left te ______________ 1.15uy' Croup 'Syrup- 49e-75c Vacuum theit bas devoted 90 peu cent Bowmanville or Wesleyville, but by night members et Session; groundis FRESH - YOUNG - SLICEDBETBY-SV 3eC H ______ 5c125 Botes o hs ta industriel- de- Cail ZEnith 45750 ilIe snow plough was along to committee te be te stewards; BLPO' Shampoo wrde - 50c-85c velopment, hie said. In 1958 Partners: open the way. Observer secretairy, Mrs. Ever- u I 79e Owbr'es - 79che was appointeti Industulal Hon. J. W. Monteitb, FCA ett Mounljyvietro u .v r b'CIKNNOL Çom.missioneu. In 1959 the A, B. Monteith, B. Cein., C.A. sic, Miss Jeanine Wervy; or- TMT EEAL joint Town - Council - Cham- G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. PlTT~ ganist, Mus. Ross E. Lee. SWIFT'S PREMIUM - SLICED SIDE Spcas65e Palmolive Sh. Cream ber Industriai Committee was (Licenseti Truistee) COM ME' The njominatig committee Ba o INDLESS I 43 WlrotCra Ol disbanded anti replaceti li a G. E. Trethewey, C.A (nene for iast weeic) te be responsible for the next 6 98 S DEcilN3 Tdro ra formeal Industriel Commission R. F. Ligtfoet, C.A. M.at is uryOs- annual meeting wcre nameda1LBPAKGÀ TOOTH PASTE Bath For 6os5tigoctuemebu borne, Bruce and Dale visiteti follows- the clerk of ses- S ITSPE IM-BO N' EV 1 FLASHLIGHT FREE of council anti two citizens ap- C h i r o p r a c iiC cenî ibMu n i.sien, secretauy of consguegation, SWF S RMUM-BRW N EV pointed by Town Council, Mu. Arcnl ih r n r.JST HEAT AND EAT w r 63e GLEEM Morris pointeti out. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Harry Knox, Solina. secretairy of Board of Trustees,____________ TOOTH FSTE$BC Brlsk Tooth Paste FiacsOnOerios fie:Cupatr Lt. George Black, R.C.N. chairman cf stewards, the Sun- 56O g.j 7 ETBY-SV eCS Halifax, basCbeen ractor day Schiool superintendent and aus gez-CKpks MA0L MAIL SCISSOR FREE 1 Meta FlashlightHe explaineti thet the 15 Elgin St., cor of Horsey St. guest at the home of his lira- tepeiet rcarae O EPFY 2Listerine Tooth Faste Bath For 98c Chember finances its own op- Phone MA 3-5509 thei--in-law anti sister, Mu. andi the W.A. andi ail other ergan- 79e erations and the tewn's an- Office Hours: By Appointment Mus. Chaules Archer, prior tte ta tiona veTyi repsnied FETR -SV 4cC H ________________________________ nual appropriation cf one bis depaiture ta Europe for to mina veng rpreswh icso FAUR"-SV cCAHS ld c mîll is pn only on townDeniai two anti onc haIt years Vo stucly oianggupwhc.s- AYLMER STUFFED MANZANILLA HOT WATER BOTTLES (urned business. He saiti as a tewn D___ e-____n_______a in Paris, Belfast anti London, ul<> lau comm lojcioen 8oz.32Z.BTL (Guratee) mpoye te lmiedwor le DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.. after a brief trip ta Beiudia. oti partdculx omite O lives IcEB OX JAR 3 7i 1.29 - 1.99 - 2.50 - 3.75 performs fou the C. cf C. i5 Office: Jury Jubulee Blds Sorry io report Mr. Archie whose careful adivancc thought dune only when industriel 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Muir is in Oshawa Hospital anti preparatien, se greatly eAx- -SV lcCS promotion wouk peumits, or Office Hours: where ho is not too wel We pedites electionis at te annual HEARER - SA1 1cCtin SVaer office hours. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily wish 1dm a speedy recovery meeting.HE FOD - 1ozti Vital Need For Industry Closeti Saturday anti Suntiay The Official Board cf Ceur- . ABEST Btem- SAVEus8neCASH C O WIN' n dsaf ngBewmanville's Office Phone - MA 3-5790 tice Circuit met at 1Ebeniezer interest, the congregaitiîon CoiOI PURITAN BRAND C O I. I~ G Svita dicussng idusrielcx-House Phone - Newcastle 3551 on Fridiay evening. wer fscuse, n asoial "E T R" AE4 AH- vita nee of ndusrialex- our olloBeefjouStewt PRO WEFIT parsie M. Mrri reeruti ni.e.VW. SISS ON Mu. andi Mus. Wilf Brown, The Adult BibleACEa4s anSH * ~ ~ ~ ~~~ - G~teblneo f - u 1est DLM NT FNC also vices euireti by the commut- kcîec A3bb ppelle, who was absent. Mus. Several tables cf progressive SNEM- E.2e AE4cC" ing workeus' families." MISS APHA I. HODGINS Rudolpb Whenert gave the Leslt Heir weîe playedti îà UBA E.2c-SVE4 AH "ETR" -SV S ade a Late Start Barrister, Solicitor Sewing Convenors report. prizei given te Mrs-. Howerd I sKssG. 0F 2 uoom Notary Public Plans are being matie fou Brown, Clarence Weruy, Mrs.I i 12 ROLLs2 "Bewmanville macle a lete TemprneS.-BwavleteFte n obnutRs e n oadBon Hoses oli5 "Ba rn n C un rytrial developmnent proguem. E. RICHARD LOVEKÏiN te be helti this yeair on Satur- The committce fou next meet- Most Ontario cities anti towns U.E., BA., LL.B. day, Februay 20, at 6 p.m. in j i Ruel own Mr. H Frozen FoodsBA NAC AM BUFFALO BILL - WYATT EARP have been.conciuctirig aggrcs- Box 9, Newcastle Caurtice Unitedi Church loywer Brown, Alvin Spencer and Tarzan at 7 and 9:45 Western at 8:30 sive camnpeigris sînce the endi Phone Newcastle 2246 hall. Harolti Weoery. Cmbl ID Y Z I of World War II," Mr. Mur-1 Consultation by appointment Next meeting will beon Fet- Mu. anid Mus. J.Capil BRDEE - 6O.TNAS RED AF S ris saiti. The greetest period only. rur 1th at 1:30. entertained tuientis on Sat!.u-ý ORANGE JUICE 2 l'îor45 STAB RY REM MiN ~VV'~'~ FER. S of expansion wvas in tihe early W. KAY LYCETT, BA.- Home and School day evening with a Progressive Fuipnduechkg NECTN N.- E. FB 8 10 150's, he explaineti. Provin- Barrister andi Solicitor Thce January meeting et the Lest Heir pat. Prize w inBRDVE - 8 ZrSZ cial government figures show In the offices of West Cous-ice Home ansi Scho- includeti Mus. M. Morgan, Mrs.!Pe 3 ForY 8OZ SZ branch plants were estalish- Main Street, Orono, Ontario ly with Mu. Eric Dunhent pie- H. Pascoe ansi M. Morgan. ~~A os cd in 1956, anti only 122 in sidinîg. Mus. Wilson Neil rend Mi. anti Ms. J. Stanr anti mulami ht0ý1958, he saiti. M or1gages thse minut-es andersurDo'ald _______TUERE'CS RED A D W i cuetfhltrlOne Third To Metro oriag s mpon Igave\LJtAhND HITE STOR NEA YO KENNETII MUE ~~~~"Metropolitan Toronto cap- SADIE HAMILTON - ORO]NO report.~ pa<ro ieee- ~ O M N IL m .Tt KENEW OREturcs one third cf the nev FirstPhMe rtga16unIs ng, Du. J. E. Watt, was minre- TAIMindustries, anti another quai- Mresudens-Farma duceti by Mus. Deutg. Meisaur- johi ter locate i other cities Buies Pprts in and thanketi by Ms-s. EriceVAL O ADF CCVF - M ne Gae Gocgr Sudm,,'s ~tties. There are 335 munici- Dunham '"~ - 'lime palities in Ontario anti the Dr. Watt, superviser et en- M R GA E chances are anc in thrce, that 0Op 1oa et viro.nmental sanitatien, spoke1 O T A E is anc ncw inciustry i three "MA ILET on Public Health anti stated KN S AY S P yasThattsaeae:same for the 50 towns in Bow-1 Optametrist the difterent iby-laflw I KING ST.- EAST 0FTONLE __________________________________ ---_ manville's population gop"Ofc or:B appointment milk ansi meat. e aise spoke ilur>:Fvn toîeiineg R LHSJ ESM kt Coming: -VALENTINE MATINEE" Seven Years For Dunlop Telephone MArket 3-3252 of places which, mustbg n Barrister and Solicitor ORONO Cornish M reei Saturay, ebruay l3h at2 p.m itr.kesorry i e wrthhile 9 am.te S5 p.m. Hpctedth ha msges n, anO 1ý30 ]K.,ngSt. E. Osawandsytemrthnep Wiesas9te1 tse xclntefcio inA8-26B '.V),."r Byh la- la THURSDAY, PM. 4th, IDU THE CAMADIAN STATICSMAN, BO"LANVffýLX ONTARIO ."à oq'm orqp

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