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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1960, p. 8

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PAGE UIGHT TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIIXO THURSDAY. FEB. 4th. 1910 the awouIN of no printing bis appreciation and thanks Y L E T Nvr rtfladwr la of he mouirtofindividual frthe giftsalsstated i ey Y L E contributions oontained i the were sorry to leave Bethany snl upie orcie annual diuroh report. Anyone and that he would always re- Miss Darlene Necl ner una iioswt statements to every church "aî !S. aysCUd"$ -ber parents, Mr. àn r.Mr eee acna supporter sometime during the Mrs.lewrof cSt. apls C r n'Y &oln nWdesa Feb rua r 7 m13 19 6 0month of Odtober, so that they Ms awene so SIito ea Mrs teon an 27 Fe r a y 7 -3 ,960have an opportumty te make ade faprcaio oMrGII aJa.,27 As Canada celebrates Na-lit may be possible for the inipeur on waves whichivoltage transmission of pow- bring -many changes, but the up the balance before the end Mepres nttd Mtheirucet of a nU .edne o!memer tioal letrialWee, Fb. ofth bose a iscrdthat, will agitate the water. Al er fromn many of!the province's; ains of both Ontario Hvaro andtheayeer. 7-13, under the banner of Instrument o! torture, tne' types of garbage ivill be pUl-!more remnote sites. To carry and local electrical utilities members do h . rved Pogesie thee a pa at the C.O.F. meingo or «Eleetricity Sparks the '6GOs"0mnow shovel. He will merely verized into disposable paw-! the output from these isolated ebrofteWA.svd Pogsieeuh w pa aitizens of Ontario can look tMlp a switch and lean back der by a compaczt electric in- sites, (it is estimated that 2,_ wiil remam the saine: to pro- lunch andl a social hour was en- yed with Mrs. Morley McGiil Manvers No. 553 h aevle to Hydro to help theni achieve watching the anow meit as; cinerator. A smail electror±ic 000,000 kilowatts of hydraulie vide a constant and abundant joyed.an Morton Davis receiving due to clinuatic conc in.Bs Wt IO~I a, better way o! life during fast as it feUls, thanks to the' memory or brain may be; power is stiil undeveloped). supply of electric power to Vsr etn prizes for high scores; consol- imess inclucied gvn re sWIL 5iSt the next decade-through ani cables carrying electricity un- available to housewives to re-1 Hydro in planning an EHV the homes, farms, and factor- VSt a Mesing cnCud tion prizes to Miss Ellen Mc- of hall to local hokyclbt.D IID ebundance o! low-coat electrici der bis driveway. In the not tain and give information on network in Northeastern On- ses of Ontario. ca. . .dthi etr etigti Gregor and Donal MGregor. hold a dance toenorgth power.ditn uueh may menus andi recipes., tario, which will transmit National Electrica ekhc hi etymeigti local club as well l.Odn powerdett4n0,0u0vorts-e -u-yspressasna ree ndero! rue week inxthe ParishHl, ih Lawrenice Staples chairci ation to the club wrdse- be able to bring bis electroni- ypesn h pr pria e ra40,0 ot-ousevsaa eid fthwes Hlihie Homeownersand h onemak: ýcally steered car fron i hs ga- button, the housew f iIgtbetepeethgetvl- important role eiectriclty WUIithei Rector, Bey. G. E. Meades the program whieh includedtosfrhepa laesofin theroviens wl rae ta bis door without get- a punched carci with instruc-i age used lin Ontario. play imaklng the next 10 Presiding. musdcal elconswllpan o, ters lafor tue aye1 lae io! eai hea rov ticeout orag is chair. tions stampeci on it. She wiîl The comin.g decade will years the Successful Sixties. Printecd flnncial reports volnadcoranb Ms. laigafutinwh be oferedan inreasng nm- titg ot o!were distributed, including thet Walter Felils, Bob Todd and proceeds for re'tare hld ber and variety o! tume-sev- However, it is i the kit- insert thiS card inl tue siot of Eo! the Wardiens, The Parish Jake VanDam. Douglas Bul- was dîncussed forftrecn 'Ing, work-eiiminating electrîc chen that the real revolution ber miilti-storage cupboard TAY Hall Building Com-a., The Wo- mer sang "Fl Pam" with bis sideration. Distric uerio appliances and equipment. In will corn. The kitchen o! the andi ail the necessary ingre- B E E 1 anH AAliayNt Yuno own guitar accompaniment Sterling Silvertixr reetc addition, home impKovemnentà future will be built around dients will be automaticallyma' uliyteJno suc asultasoic lghlng for uits eah wth n eec-measureci out. An electrie mix- Mrs. Otto Spencer, Mrs. Rowan, alternate, Creighton W.A., tfhe Ladies Guilci arci and also gave three mouth-or- the Chie! Rffnger yustuy murhas l tvson ael lightnfu rclr efnieac i aer, er will then take over, and Thomas Jackson, Mrs. George Carr. Communion Stewardess, thie Sunday School, with ail re- gan andi guitar numbers. Way- with a nxonogrema dpern -eetotte dusting wands, for storing, preparlng and finally, the cerdi will instruct Wadidell and NIrs. Heniry Jake- Mrs. Elsie Cunxxiskey, Editor port0 înf aig a mstS Thing te Heaven"r andi "MYig new menuber hoh an lr-oenhaigand cooking the family's mea.ls. tihe oven on the cooking pro- man were representatives from o!f fnancial reports, Mrs. Boss censafl>e Shoes Keep Walking Baclc to beau. accepted 1nofx oa cooling systenis will probab«- Dishwsers will remove cedure. the Bethiýy Women's Mission- Cai-i. Rev. G. E. Meades appointed You". Janioe Timms and Ellen Order and for wihw r ly be ini general use. jaIl grease and niatter trorm There wlll be extensive use Scatyatte Presbyter- The reports heard from al ReJon Pae ta cntnues ____________ Before the Centennial of dulxes and ufensils withIn se- O omore freezers andl irradia- , metng eMii ak tups denoted a year o!f etrsWadn a tevs cregor usn two dts "Yo Canada as a Dominion in 1067, concis by nxeans o! high- ed foods, capable o! being1 Unitedi Clurch, Peterboroughx, progress andi an increase intr lete o! el'Woaoden.th glad I saw the Ligbt". Glenn Air, ]Rail orSemhl OTACUS j storeci for several years. Fb' on Tuesday. chureh alitendance. Mrs. Wal- pohtof e Sltb s Wapponte n an o-o gv W swetfers will be collected as Mrs. William Hanneix, who fer Rowland, thxe retiring lay delegaf e to the Synod, with accordian and guitar selections. TO EVERYWEERFIEATO4EET1 antiques, as homes, commerce, bas been 111 at her bomne for church freasurer, reporteci al Miss Winnifred Nesbitt as ai- Tne ladies of the lihree Consu OO AE EVC and industry, (especially large some time, i5 now a patient in accounits paid and a balance on ternaîte. cixurdhes, St. Mary's, Trinity .7LTR Y & LOVELL ..iJIOAPIN PR C E U AI E Ddairies), will use electrie fly- Civic Hospital, Peteriboroughx, hanci in the general treasury. Deegates to The Great anid St. Paul's serveci unh 15 King st. W.MA357 P I E 1 & 4 H Dtraps. Electric toilet systeins and wlll un.dergo surgery this During the yeer a new electric Chapter were chosen as John during the social hour that fol- Bowinaie will elimînate sewage dispo- week. Her many frienda are organ haci been purchaseci af Palmer, Noel Wood, Hector lowed. sel plants, while home preci- wishin!g ber a speedy recovery. a eost o! $1,500.00. A separate Mor-ton, Donald Smith, Chai-les -________________________________________ ONpitators will rid us of ail dom- Rev. G. E. Meacbes and Mrs. fund was set up for tis anid Smith, Miss Wininifred Nesbitt, ONestic dust and di-t, ftmr Meades nvdt their new the debf bas now been reduceci Morgan Bigelow and Robert row a radiant heating pad will day. Mrs. T. J. Jackson's report Mrs. Charles Smithx was ap- be. suspanded above the bcd Miss Marie Cari- spent the o! the MLssionery andi Main- pointed as envelope secretary- to keep sicepers comfortable weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. fenance funds noted that,$592. freasurer andi Robert Sisscn, .U SED C A R -S wtiout blnkets. TPhe panel at alya Bewdîey, r 7hebenfwad tcuc rase. 1 my iclue aTV onior MMWrignt went ta Owen heaciquarters, an increase ovel Hector Moi-ton was elected scren o nabe arets oSoud n Tursayndgtcal te Previ1ous Year, Captain, o! Sidesmen, who 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK 2-DR. SEDAN ke1 a lse.ac o jn ena erby ftxe Illnesi o!her Ms atrNasgave a willbenaniecilater. On.ower ar lo mleaeaircoditon the nursery. Electrical het mother, Mrs. T. McClelland. detailed eccount of fthe Wo-. Eev. G. E.Mead es was in- One oner cr, lw milage, ir cnditprovg i gad yarouind y es ien- There were eleven tables o! men's Association finances. structed fa obtain two copies f ie e -oundning. players et the progressive eu- Witix sponsoring a gerden par- o!f the canon laws of the dio- 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION ta i-odtoig chre pa.nty spongareci by tihe ty, towl quppen, cafering f0 ceses for thxe Werdens. with overdrive and air conditlonlng $1395 But behind fthe switchcs O! Ladies Good Luck Lodge. Pri- we&iin.gs, etc., they ha<i as- The Alter Guild are Miss U this wide array of new appli- zes for high scores wen~t to Miss sistec i wth donations fa fixe Laura Moi-ton, Mrs. G. E. Mea-.U " 1951 STI.DEBAKER V-8 anfces, important developments Laure Huechinson andi Harold Parsonage Trugtees, The Board de«, Mrs. Fred S. Gray. MissW 40 iwill be taking place Inx the Kincaide; consolatiion awards of Stewards, the Organ Funfd, Laura Moi-ton wil conitnue as automnatlc, radio, air condltioning - $45 supply of power fo fixe people te Mrs. K. KIrk nid Rosa Jor- sent flowers Ini cagas of berea- Veuty Clerk. ________________ o! Ontario. . veinent and Sunshine boxes to It was agi-ced thaft this Par- 1951 STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH Wifh fthe urban devclopment Thie Coveqytry sdngen ra tr sick and shut-ins, donations fa isix asic to cease It's affiliation ai onlloig$ 375 o! Ontario, the municipal elec- lPeterbor-ough will present a mission work, donation. towards withi fhe Durhamn - Nortixurn- aircoditonugtrical ut ilities associafed with musical pi-agi-ar in the Uni. a new Public ad1dresss YstenT, berlanci Deanery and make ap- Ontario Hydro in fixe dstribu- ted Chui-ch on Fniday cvending. cleanàng o01ftxe SundaY Sehool plication ta join thse Peferbor- M 1951CHEROLE SEANion of electrîcity, will main- proceeda wsll assigt infixe final i-cen andch iurcli kitchen as- ough Dennery. heater.- -- $ 300 tain a sfeady expansion of re- payment on the newly installeci sisting inx redecoruting the J'ar- A clecision was reachcd to ___ 195 PO TIC SDA vices. Bob. Foseer spent thse week- $1,066.35, expenns $801,18, sif o!fixhe Werdenus and heade radi su ai eodltonig, n nid-961 Caadas f-stendi witis his parents, Mr. and wifti a balance on hand Ofo!fo each onganization: John Pal- radi an airconitimng,425 nuclear-elecfric power will Mrs Burton Foster in Have- $265.18. Mnr. T. Jennxdng's sec- mer, Noël Wood, Chai-les SaIltix ont owuer $ f2 low into Hydro's Southcrn bock. reterial report aise snowed a Mrs. Morg'an Bigelow and Mnrs. Ontario transmission network. Manivers ToWng1ip Council ycar O! Outstanding Pi-ograms lna Palmer. 1947 STUDEBARER M-17 STAKE TRUCK Ti oe ilb nitn have punehiaseci a new ânow- in religiaus instruction, listing $5.00 wîll be donafed towa.rds Coripl.tely Rcniind duceci by presently conven- keep the ro"ci open wifix fie 1960. fortihcoming trip to England. symbolie o! the quiet revolu- anaeniaintainer and many aide- Mrs. Henry Jakeman i Rev. G. E. Meades expres-- OneninpoeOpodctonî roada have iean completely Mi-s. T. Jackson ouflinýec the sec i is gratification In the 195 N W TUEBICIL¼-on TR I pwerprducionInblocked. work of fixe Women's Mission- financial status o!fithe Parisix 1959 oN TdltolnBI ltA16 r Eiy16 Norman Lowes, Toronto, was ary Society, wbo bli sent $226. "There has been woruderful co. air ondtionnfine irt 1964-or al nu,îea home for fixe weekend with bis 90 to Presbytery tueaqueiters, operation in tube building of our power station will be In OP- Loes . adMr.Dnl allocation. WîVh a memnbenship venture hi !atth which ixas -'Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories eration. in Ontario. o! 17 they lied sent two bales been Indeeci rewardinig. The uranium, a minerai in wixich Congregational Meeting o! clothing andi quilta, spon- succesaful reports presentecl available at tixe province is nicix, will be At the annuel Congregetiasi- sored a delegate ta fixe Teacli- by fixe Wai-ens and fixe ver- useci as a fuel nuclear energy al di go! fixe united cixurch ci-'s Traning Sdiool et Whlf- io0 orgenizations inciicae the iMakesueyuaeakn rg begre s nta a imporant was gy vein r.by. They lied studied missIons iev tele resuif of a quieken- advantage o! properly-planneediab nadva plavin Hr'sgee a n -y Preston wspresenteci and coiditdons in Northx Amer- ing spiritual mtai-csf in affairs scientfll-eindfi -G a a ' G arage i ydo'bgneetn witix an ai-m chair in recogni- ioa, Kanea and Atrice. o! tihe hom. I menstha"yoi-lom flar. icn o! bis services as choir Mx's. 0. Spencer gave the ac- An evening of fellowship uulhueoe"masta ae STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE New ixydraulic developments leader. Mr. Heniry Jakeinan couxvt o!fixhe Sundiay Sebool1 was endjoyed li Sf. Paui's An- cm COlfar 3-2233 will ixelp ta meef some o!fixhe re«d the addnesa expressiîsg finances andi Murray Hlendter- glican Churcix Panish Hall et compeewingsistld n ou CIa 3-23power requircrnfs O!f txe th apprerlation o!fithe con- son, fixe seoretarial reports, Betheny on Fricley, wicn fixa will be1 mltl qipdwt g aydon RE, 1, Bwmanvil 10, n side by side with gregationi, witix Earl Weatixei'- howing ail supplies paid for members offixe Manvers Pr- enoug ii-utofesadsice fsues projeets wiIl be fixe in- ult end William Duff present- andi an increae ain attendance. isix gatixereci to honor their t a novation o! thse extra-lugh ing thxe gift. I-. Preson bas Eanl Weathei-it and Mervyn Retr Rev. G. E Meades and ahnl uur xaso n been a member of thse choir Porfeous are tixe joint superin- bis wlte, wixo are movling fa ette tri alytdyadnth -for 53 years and Leader for tendients, wiih Allan Beer as Bobcaygeon on Mondiay. ELECTRICITY futtue if a a ulhueoe over 30 yeerrs. Assistant. Teacixers are Mrâ. During hds four yea' min- SPARKS TH E fwilnw eusavsyo onui Taken completely by sur- Vincent Jackson, Mrs. Mur- 1sf iy here, Rev. Meades had Liel l'ami...,., prise, Mr. Preston expi-esseci ray Wilson, Mus os aic-ederc imeftoalfiecn bis tixanks, saying he baci been son,4 Mrs. Preston Neals, Mrs. gregations. Morgan Bigel.owhospwrfryu hme most happy luixhis association Mervyn Porteous andi Mrs. Eci- reeci an address expressing witixtfie choir, fthe memixers gar Beer; secretanies, Murray theli- appreciafion o! al ils bis I*U 5<Jlid always been co-operative, H-endenson andc John Jackson; bard work andi devotion f0 - ~hed been a bit rugged, wthen Clare'nce Rowan in charge O! bebal! o! tise congregatians of *E E thebeonfy means o! tvansporta- missîonary lessons and Mrs. O. St. Mary's, Trinify andi St.E M M M -R M*r tem Halves % fe r U.-4AVE se iai-ifi'om. his faiu home f0 the Spencer for Tempenance. A Paul's, Tho mas Loweciy and C- OM LL Si 1 Il ~~village, lied been by way o! new Young People's Clees lied Barrny' Staples pnesented therni hanse andi buggy, or siaigix, be been organizeci, witix Mi'. Al-. with a 'hroeler rockinig chair 1[- tin had enjoyed every hour of it. Ian Beer as Teacixer. and a swivei chair. Shirley 44 ICTNG ST. W. BOWMANVILMA391 [j C aEs.f24tn - 615 1000l.O Rev. William Duf! led tixe George Scott reporteci foir VanDamn presenfeci Mis. Meadi- P Colo Qu "se Cof 24Stle.2tinns 7o--AVE lieMe -de-oti-nai1perl d dreported tfie Hi-C group wixo have a es with a lovely bouqiuet o! NAT-rs m&aIONALMLECTI C É_AL E - EBà7 FEB 3 £7 M.. MM M I M E .V.U Congreg al ee t e ry, 1 embers infie ir with '$ r1V > n n I s fO I e L 9EariWeatherilt; CAngregation- an average effendance of 12. . ...... ais; Choir Leader, Mrs. (Dr.) i-ch work they had assistedi--- ...... S. L. Spelle-, Orgenisf, Mrs. special services et ot(her points Clarence Rowan, with Mrs. on fthe Manvers circuit andi Reg. Edmundsb and Mrs. Mai-- helci a special Christmas canal Lean M eat Butt "3 C g::tWhie ssitats. ivie. Se expressed pesue, h evc ru dhm f erfe Lean M eaty Butt 3 9 Missionary andi Maiintenance in thea new orgen installed on es rvc iou dh i Conwnitee: Mr-s. Thomas Jack- October 4th, 1959 and announ- Eaa4 Weatherilt, Donald Low- ta behi.eld in tisa ciurcix on Two pi of jeahs corne out of the puddles and value of electrict' o-otvestlt.I h es, Mervyn Ponteous. Fcbruary 5th, wbuen fixe Cov- fun of wet weathier-go into the careful heat of past few decadeit ishle stk hre PR*C P CA S Sexton, yet fa be appointei. aniti-y Singers o! Peterborough an automnatic electric Airier. And before you can our chores ... e hueor asoehn Delectabe Tropioal FrutNO DUCEGrad eCIALayUHers arel Wilown, ur- will t Ln payi.Pro-say «terrifie" they're ready to be worn aa.t.hat's alxnostenjoa 'n ele as u Chai-les Weatlserilf, Earl Wee- offthe balance on tue ox'gsn. This gentie speed and efficient servie are just standards to a newhgi thierilt, Edwin Cixallice, Will- Clarence Rowan i-eported t'wo of the dozens of benefits you get when you In the 60s itwildeenmr aepflau iam ShIeen, Dennis Chailice, for fixe Graihaim Cemetery cHaroldi White, George Scott, Boaird, whlo have a balance on put electricity to work in your home. working days wit laueadtr pr or B À NNS13 5 Donald Scot t. benci a! $1,076.78. More and more people every day discover tii t leisure. B A NN A 2~ 5 Parsonage Board: Mrs. Man- Earl eatherilt gave an e:; gtfrrida, Mausré ests No. I 1 trde, ie 9, Juicy, H.dufflaise inyM.T J. Jackson, count o! the Parsonage Boarà. EarlWeaherl nid Henr-y Major expenses ttirough fixe Ccm-etcry Commiftee, Char- an electric stove andi a new LV UTR *H TIAL G *R À P EF U IT 0 9ence Rowan treasurer; William deeorafing of Vte interor. AU RIESINTHS D les Wefnitciamn ; harbN- psurpm p owand amonewa G R A E FRIT AD l;Rs. peli~ ai t jb.wh:wmbeneed ft otNational Eloctical We.k- Feb. 7th - . t ýrAP - up rM u kGIARANTEED THROUGH Auditors, Ross Davidson, fthe discreflon o! the Parsnage etsGlennr Wentwoi-ti. Cubs ai-id Board. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1960 Scouts repi-esentatives, Edigar Thse finieo! Churcix-service Bear, Orloe Wrighxt. Represent- was «eti tor 11.30 a.m. If WB9 _________________________________________________ative to Men's Council, Ralpiu aloo agi-eed tixat i futumi PAM IUGHT TEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUL& ONTAPIO THUYtSDAY, PU. 4th, 1*0

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