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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1960, p. 9

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TffURDAY, MARt. Srd, 1960 THE ANAIAN TATSMAN BOMANVLLE ONTBIOPAGE NM jTeenage Bowling i 'Don Oke's outfit saw their T. Mason ________16 league-lead cut to one point, J. Rundie _______2 as Jizn McKnight's team took J. Phillips 0_____ over the ruinners-up position ignaBonsthepc on a 7-0 win over John Phil- ir oh gin ron e te ae lips' pointless cellar-dwellers. o th8,le5andu 13srola gae Oke pushed Larry Thomnpson's 6 8, 275pland 93 for0 a big crew to third by virtue of a 686 rpe . e Othdyert00 gme 5-2 win, while Howard Run- wgre r2crded by Beta Hig-, dle's club picked Up their first gn27 ua utn25 points, losing 5-2 to Tom Ma- Linda Brooking 218 and Mary sons tar.Lowery 201. Howard Rundie took high Virginia Brown's bowlers triple honours, rollhng gaines pulled off a 7-0 win over He- of 20,209an 23 fo a 65len Vanstone's team to take total. John Rundie had 222 o the os ner ariynpoore's and 221 to register a 633 tri-th oesMaiy Mor' ple, while Gary Griffin's 630 league-leaders defeated Bren- triple included gaines of 264 da Oke's last-placers 5-2 to and 234. Tomn Mason had a increase their first place mar- 603 serles, gin to three points. Linda Other 200 games went to Brooking's bowlers moved in- Don Oke 253, Tom Mason 243, to a third place tie with at "Mike" Charles 232, Ted 5-2 win over Connie Osmond'st Gould 222, John Oke 221, Tom oufit.1 Callan 221, Bob Hellam 215, Girls' Team Standings 9 Nor'man - Vanstone 214 and Ptsn Scott RudelI 205. M. Moore -------- -- 20t Boys' Team Standings V. Browvn . ---17u Pts L. Brooking 141 D. Oke-------- ____ 24 H. Vanstone-_ _ 14q J. McKnight - 23 C. Osmond Il L. Thompson 19 B. Oke --- --.-8 Goodyear Bowling Last Thursday night's re- the Belts, first schedulececl- sults left the Goodyear League lar-dwellers, pushcd the Com- standings even more closely ets into the cellar on a 5-2 knit, with only seven points win, and the Lead Press blas- separating the first six teains, ted the Tigers 7-0. and a mere 13 points between The Braiders vacatcd last the top and bottoin clubs. place as the resuit of a "real- The Office slipped out of ly big" 7-0 upset victory over the league leadership, losing the Combines to pus h the 5-2 ta the Hose, who ticd the losers to third, five points off white-collar men for the rua- the pace. The Machine Shopl ner-up position. The Belts edged thec Fan Beits 4-3 to and Lead Press took over the niove within seven points of top rung by a single point, as the leaders. - Farewell Blackburn burned ~.'"'Y T t--,NL up the alicys with ganies of fWEEKLY REPORT 311, 238 and 211 for a big 760 For Ine week of r eo. 22-28 inclusive: Admissions ----- ---------50 Births-4 male, 4 femnale ---8 Discharges----- -------- 61 Major operations ------13 MInor operations ----------20 Emnergency treatments - - il1 Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30 p.M. and 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Turn Old Furniture InioCash with STATESMAN C L A 8SIF 1ED8 Phone MArket 3-3303 triple. Other high totals were registered by Ernie Hansen 684, Frank Wright 664, Ron White 655, Bll Joil 640 and George Dadson 628. Blackburn's 311 took high single honours, followed by Ernie Hansen 283, Howard Bromeli 277, Ray Westlake 253, John Stainton 245 and Frank Wright and George Dadson, both with 241 gaines. Team Standings B elts - - ---- ----- ----- 27 Lead Press ----------- ------ 27 Office---------------------------- 26 Hose -----------------------26 Com bines ------------------ 22 Machine Shop-- ----- ---- 20 Tigers ------1-7 Fan Belts -----16 Braiders ----- ---- - 15 Coniets ---- --- ---------- 14 1 i c IV ai C) Golf Lessons The- Bowmanvile Recrea- tion Department in co-opera- tion with the Bowmanville High School are prepared ta give golfing lessons to begin- ners and golfers. If enough interest is shown two classes will be operated under' the leadership of Mr. Ian Turner, the golf pro at Southview Golf and Country Club. One class wifl be for beginners and one class for people who have golfed be- fore. Plans have tentatively been mnade for an eight week course to begin on Wed'iesday, March l6th. Classes will he held at the Bowmanville High School on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, starting turne will be 7:00 p.m. AUl classes will be limited to a maximum of ten people. If you are interested in tak- in.g golf lessons please con- tact the Recreation Office at M~A3-3335 or Mr. Ian Turner at MA 3-2816. Little N.H.L. On March l9th the Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. C'ham- pionship Tournament will be held at the Bowrnanville Mem- orial Arena, starting at 1:30 i.. Nine teains representing Bowmanville (3), Port Hope (3) and Cobourg (3) will be in action in th-ree different age categories. The age group- ngs are Junior A (Atoin) un- der 10, American League (Pee N'ee) under 12 and National League (Bantain) under 14. Ail ages are as of August lst, 1959.. Listcd below is the schedUle of gaines for the Tournamnent: (l)-:30 p.m. - Bowman- ville vs. Port Hope-Junior A. (2)-2:30 p.m. - BOWMan- ville vs. Port Hope-American League. (3)-3:30 p.m. - Cobourg vs. Port Hope-National Lea- gue. 6:00 p.m.-Exhibitiofl Gaie Girls' Broomnba1l. CLEARANCE SALE ai The Cnadian Stalesman NEW PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS AND NEW 01 USED ADDING MACHINES 3 REMINGTON QUIET-RITERS (Elite Type) Regular $ 137.50 SALE PRICE $9I .00 CASH 1 REMINGTON OFFICE-RITER (1111 Carrnage - Pica Type) Regular $ 139.50 SALE PRICE $93.v00 CASH 1 REMINGTON OFFICE-RITER (13" Carrnage - Pica Type) Regular $ 149.50 SALE PRICE $1 03.00 CASH 1 REMINGTON ADDING MACHINE Regular $ 145.00 SALE PRICE .10200CASH 1 USED UNDERWOOD ADDING MACHINE Good Condition ONLY $50.00 CASH 86 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I àR eviews By Douglas Rigg (4)-7:00 p.m. - Winer Gaine No. 1 vs. Cobourg. (5)-8:15 p.m. - Winner Gaine No. 2 vs. Cobourg. (6)-9:30 p.m. - Winner Game No. 3 vs. Bowmanville. All Junior A games will be two 20 minute periods with the lust five minutes of the game being stop time. The American and National League gaines will be three fifteen minute periods with the laut five minutes of each game be- ing stop turne. In the case of a tie game overtime will be played-the first goal scored decides the game. The winncrs in each of the three categories will take part in the Provincial Little N.H.L. Championships to be held in Huntsville, April 2lst to 23rd. Teen Age Bowling Tournamnent The East Central Zone of thec Society of Directors of Municipal Recreation and the Bowling Proprietors in the district have planned a Jun- ior Bowling Tournament for Saturday, March 26th at the Oshawa Shopping Centre Bowling Alleys. The Tournament is open ta each community in the East Central Zone including such places as Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Lindsay, Belleville, Coîborne and Peterborough. Each league wil be aflowed one entry consisting of five boys and five girls. The age lirnit for the Tournament is 15 years and under as of Sep- tember lst, 1959. A trophy will be presented to the wmnning teani along1 with individual awards for( boys' hig1h single, girls' high1 single, boys' three gamne total1 score and girls' thrce game total score. Choral Society The BownianviUce Choral Society lias acceptcd two in- vitations to, sing out of town. They will performin l Tyrone on Wednesclay, April 6th and in Hampton on Friday, April 8th. If you. are interested in join- ing the Choral Society please feel free to attend their meet- ings. The Choral Society meets every Monday eveziing in the Bowmanville Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. Mner Hockey The playoff positions for Minor Hockey Night are still very much in doubt. The next few weeks should feature saine very good hockey as the boys fig¶ht for the right ta play on Minor Hockey Night on Wednesday, Mardi 3Oth. There bas been a change mnade in tie sciedule due toi the starting time of the Lit- le N.H.L. Zone playoffs. Tic games scheduled. for Saturday, March 26th have been rnovcd up to Saturday, Marci lgth. 1'iere are a few changes in the turnes. Listed below is tie time schedule for March l9th., Pee Wee League 7:00 a.m.-Wings vs. Bears 7:45 ýa.m.-Leafs vs. Canadians 8:35 a.m.-Rangers vs. Giants j Bntam League I9:20 a.m-Cubs vs. Lions 10:20 a.r.-Flyers vs Tee Pees Atom League . 11:05 a.m-Indians vs. Rams Midget-Juvenile League 11:55 a.x.-Maroons vs. Gen- erals. MONDAY, MARCH 22ND Pee Wee League 5:00 p.m.-Hawks vs. Bruins Bantam League 6:00 pa.-Tigers vs. Pirates The Mug Series wîll tien be moved up to Saturday, March 26th instcad of April 2nd as regularly schedulcd. . Remember Minor Hockey is a family affair. Don't send your boy, take hlm to, rink. In the fourth and final Ban- tam gaine of the morning the Lions kept their playoff hopes alive by defeating the Braves 1-0. Doug Nichols (Brian Bradley, Larry Hately) scored the winning goal for the Lions. Bill Buday of the Lions and Brian Forsey of the Braves collected the only penalties of the game. Pee Wee League The Leafs chalked up their fourth playoff wîn in a row by defeating the Wings 3-1. The win nioved the Leafs into first place in the standings. Dennis Homeniuk (Kerry Dickens), Paul Meadows (Tonrniy Carter) and Stephen Wright (Kerry Dickens) ac- counted for the Leafs' goals. James Mclntyre (Dennis Mc- Donald) scored the Wings' only goal. In the second Pee Wee game of the niorning the Hawks scored two first period goals to defeat the Canadians 2-0. Jeff Gilhooly (Bud Dpew) and Michael Bothwell (Jeff Gilhooly) were the marksmen for the Hawks. The win mov- cd the Hawks into a fourth place tie with the Wings. In the third and final Pee Wee gaine of the morning the Rangers picked up their first point of the season by ticing the Bruins 1-1. John Connors (Peter Tordiff) scored for the Rangers. Larry Simipson ac- counted for the Bruis' goal. Bob Thonipson of the Bruins collectcd the only penalty of the game for tripping. Atom League In the first Atoni gaine the Barons and Hornets play- cd to a 1-1 tie. The tic gaine gave the Barons their fîrst playoff point and dropped the Hornets into fourth place in the playoff standings. Tom Cook scorcd the tieing goal for the Barons. Danny Now- lan <Brian Ogden) accountcd for the Hornets' goal. Paul Charbonneau of the Barons picked up the only penalty of the gaine for boarding. In the final Atoi gaine of thc day the Ranis defcated the Bisons 4-0 to move into a second place tic with the In- dians. Brian Peters accounted for all four of the Ranis' goals. Doug. Raby and James Scott each picked Up an assist for the Ranis. Lions Mldget-Juvenile Game In the first Midget-Juven- ile gaine of thc day the Ma- roons defeated the Raiders 4-1 only to lose the game by de- fault for using an incligîble player, and for irregularities in changlng tic lines. In the second Midget-Juven- ile gaine tie Orpians scored twice in the final period to defeat the Cornets 3-2. Larry Jarnieson <Don Smith), David Thompson (Paul Mutton, Jon Hlancock) and Paul Mutton wcrc the goal scorers for the Orphans. David Allison ac- counted for both the Cornets' goals with David Woolner as- sistirig on one of them. The win movcd tic Orplians Into a first place tic with the Corn- ets and Rackets. The Orpians collected thrce of the four penalties handed out during the game. Gamnes For March 5th Fee Wee League-A.M. 7:00-Hawks vs. Leafs 7:45-Bears vs. Bruins 8:35-Wings vs. Giants 9:20- Rangers vs. Canadians. Bantam League-A.M. 10:20-Tee Pees vs. Braves 11:05-Huskies vs. Tigers ll:55-Cubs vs. Pirates Atom League-P.M. 12:40-Indians vs. Barons 1:35-Horneta vs. Bombers Lions Mldget-Juvenile League P. 2:25-Generals vs. Raiders 3:10-Rockets vs. Maroons Girls' Broombali Bantam League In the first Broombaîl game In the first Bantam hoc- played last Monday afternoon key gaine played last Satur- the Avalons defeated the Fa- day morning the Tee Pees de- biens 1-0. Gertrude Cale scor- feated the Tigers 2-1 to move ed the winning goal for the into a second place tie with Avalons. Each team picked up the Lions in the playoff stand- two penalties during the gaine. ings. Bobby Sleep accounted In the second Broomball for both the Tee Pees goals. game the Presleys handed the Rickey Gay scored the Tigers' Boones their fourth stroight only goal early in the final playoff defeat by a score of period. 2-0. Beverly Sleep accounted In the second Bantam game for both the Presleys goals. of the morning the Flyers wonl Daisy Reader (2), Gail Mul- a hard fought game from the holland and Susan Luxton col- Cubs by a 5-4 score. Eric lected assists on the Presicys Fernlund (2), Gene Balson, goals. The win moved the Jin Hendiry and Ralph Cole Presleys into a scond place tie accounted for the wînners' with the Fabiens. goals. Peter Bothwell and Games scheduled for Mon- Paul Peterson picked up as- day, March 7th-5:15 p.m.- sists on the Flyers' goals. Da- Fabiens vs. Boones; 6:00 p.m. vid Kerr led the. Cuba' goal -Presîcys va. Avalons. getters collecting two goals and an assist. Taullie Thomp- Hobby Show son and John Gilbert accoun- It bas been decided to hold ted for the Cubs' other two a spe<ial section for Child- goals. Don Sweete, Bill Crom- ren's Hobbies f or the forthcom- bie, Alan Hooper and Ron ing Spring Hobby Fair that IRichards ail collected assists is being planned. on the Cubs' goals. If you have an interesting In the third Bantani game Hobby. or Collection be sure i of the morning the Pirates to register for the Hobby came up with their first pay- Fair. Any children interested off win by defeatin-g the Hus- in entering the Hobby Fair are gies 2-1. Walter Riekard and asked to get in ti5uch with the Garfield Webb (Peter Wer- Recreation Office by telephon- ry> were the goal scores for ing MA 3-3335. the Pirates. Bill Embrugh ac- Tentative plans have been counted for the Huskies' ony laid to hold tne Hobby Fair goal. Each team collected two early in June at the Lions penalties during the gaine. Commnunity Centre. Afternoon Ladies' Lge. Due to,,the storin last week Marion Crowe 187 only 23 ladies were able to Ena Etcher --- -___187 make it to the bowling alley Shirley Davis _____174 on Friday afternoon, Febru- Doris Holroyd 171 ary 26th. Consequcntly thie Hilda Simnick _____165 200 gaines were few. Alyce Alyce Hodgson 160 Hodgson managed a nice 233 Sadie Buckncll 159 game to take high single for Muriel Crough 156 the afternoon, while Shirley Davis took high double with Barbara Courtney 156 a 372 total for the two gamnes. Helen Rogers 153 Other 200 games were, Marg. Hilda Mooney 151 McDonald 227, Hilda Simnick Bea Sellers -148 227 and Shirley Davis 204' There was only one shutout Evelyn Large .___144 for the afternoon, this was Helene Rundle 144 scored by the Bluebirds over Betty Kelly 1431 the Blucjays and the other Bea Wilson 142, teams split the points. Daisy Bell -----_ 142 Team Standings Aura Trewin 142 Team Pts Wrens -..---.61 Canaries ~.5 Bluebirds 5 Sparrows 3 Robins ~ ~----3 Bluejays - - ----- 2 Averages Bannie McDonald 213 Ollie Patficld 201 Betty Richards 188 VelIma Kitson Ruth Goodwin Mabel Williams Marion Gibson ---_- - Marg. Coyle---- Marion Wiseman Marg. McDonald Jean Lobb ------ Nance Colmer ---- Agnes McColloch Millie White -- Marion McDonald Nellie MeFeetcrs Barbara Collison___ Fruit 6& Vegetables MUSHROOMS FRESH WHITE NO. 1 GRADE rà4 9 GALWORN4A NAVELS, NOW AT TIMEIR BEST, FANCY GRADE ORANGES .5-1 celo beg59 C Jozen 49C DELICIOIJ, ONTARIO GROWN, COLD STORAGE STOCK, FANCY GRADE APPLES 3-lb celo beg 29< FLOROA MARS14 SEEDLESS, SWEET AMO FULL 0F JUICE, NO. 1 GRADE Grapefruit 10fS5 5c BEST QUALITY. . . FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES 134!6 For Delivery .1321 AE 1t 129 PHONE OSHAWARA510 .128 126 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA . 16 122 .120 Jane Parker- Large AN GEL CAKE fane Parker Raisin Twist COFFEE CAKE Reg. 56o-eAVIe " d49C R.g. 45o--SAVEgo. .aeh39c EXTRA SPECIALS A&P Sk.i MiIc Pcod.c' Reg. pkgOOk-SA'E 3Me k NSTANT MILK "p79c sultana Rog. j»r35...4AVv h PEANUT BUTTER %.«29c Choie. Quatity Reg. 2 sS-AV h A'P PEAS _ w«"9 Case of 24 th» $&W - ON h" MitchoWs Vteminized Rm.. Un 2U-4AVE se APPLE JUICE 2À$.«49C çftu o l mmim- &Av£ s ameen GÇiant, Fancy Cut Io 2umn 2-*D4A GREEN BEANS 4l5«S49C Cam of 24 tins294-*AV£ Mo Green Giant Reg. 2 tise 35.-éAV! 4o NIBLETS _ 3 44.uW49c Cas of 24 ine3.9£ AW 26e Check o- Compare, Sae eon Duper-R ight HM t PORK LOIN RIB END TENDERLOIN END 3 to 31/-lb cu (ENTER (UTS ow CHOPS Super Rôght, Wing ROASTS or STEAKS For Braising BEEF SHORT RIBS Sweet Pickled, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS Pure, &màlI Link, Tray Pao PORK SAUSAGES Thiny Sie U OAcff -ýM . -. -.- . I .- àC-M 3 to 31/-lV.oet ib43c RIB HALF LOIN 't>59c TENDERLOIN HALE LOIN i33c ib39c 00494 Hot Dog Style ib79c BURNS WIENERS mbm.ftpk39< 4t pg 49e Sliced 1643c OLIVE LOAF m P4 49c Bonelese Trimmed .b39C BEEF TONGWS '>49c Maple Leaf l~pk89c CANNED PICNICS w44i.29 Essex Br.nd CANNED HAMS Schneider's 9-mz Ch"u LU VER 11 T mSchneider's 8-om Chob ^4pl P Ib i sbAd Guasant.d Tiwough Saturdaw, Mamhi .,,.RUSCWIE hEi-lb1.45 «.C23c (ecrea tio n h Sliced Macaroni and va33c CHEESE LOAF THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOV;IL&NVUJZ, ONTARIO . 1 --- - -- - -- - -- - ----------------- ý 1 ,,,, qud, while inth ean iIxed Leaguein contest, Bob Mitchell de. feated Pat Yeo 5-2. BowlingJ Onie Etcher turned ini a tremendous effort rolling Art Spicer's front-runners games of 340, 272 and 253 for handed Joe Nowlan's club ala huge 865 triple. The ladies, 7-0 beating to increase their following Onie's example, had league-leading margin to nine themselves a big night, sweep- points in a first place battle1 ing the next three high sn- Fridy nght t Lbt Bwl.glescores. Hilda Blrock had FriaynihtatLierty a 322 game, followed by Bet- The ls dropped Nowlan to ty Brough 258, Carole Rey- fourth place. A pair of upsets nolds 247, Jack Brough with pushed Bond and Brook, tied' the mnen's high of 243, Kay for third, ten points off the Luxton 242, Elton Brock 241, pace. Bud Edmondson's team Pat Yeo 239, Ruth Mitchell hung a 5-2 setback on Jack'1237, Lou Welsh and Bob Yake Bond's bowlers, and Jim Cox's both with 234 scores, Morley club administered the saine Etcher 233 and Dorc Mutton treatinent to Elton Brock'sý2l outfit. gte high triples were re- Cec Mutton's crew took gi'1stere by Hilda Brock 719, over the runner-up position, Elton Brock 642 and Pat Yeo by virtue of a 7-0 shutout vic- l and Bob Yake with 619 to-. tory over Fred Luxton's1 tals. I VUOR OIL CO, LTD.I 1 --

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