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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1960, p. 10

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PAGE 'i _______________TME CANADIAIi STATESMAN, EOWM NVILE, ONTARIO TUSAIMR r,18 lcordial goodbye to my infor- I r s ada Post office in the postal member8 joined atthmet prhsigaroh mant. Local R pPi n ade earned by Guides who ing. It is hoped thtû nte Only those who have been p ca ia 'dnostrate a knowledge of ten to fiteen membr ilPYatid ftepiemny atake yth nty e virus, k m~ ..A I ood xnIlng practices. The be obt.ained for 1910 wl ner trY marn engt hI' u e- h r ' A ppeaU Honors G ie desngandpacking of a-lIton a s eidt(efaept.u. wil nd t etdthe olengatsf I dantgeuas praper ad-i W85A T Tw or yri an Thi generous you make 1assistance your money nv rs ymatrpemtspoptac ta plant at the tieofheCMN et oor the sai nthea eThis ont ibuten t h arhsi epoisie. * Guidsary tes' operiti po 8mtanddî t ot A-R LE ~~ acast and I faund myseif stand- Canadian Red Cross yau' are help, hope an.d understanding. Ofie17th. Anyane who i neet ing fra mmn outside his sue that oar not aoe The Red Cross is always an A comniemorative postage Oficennuc.g th e bol cnac ancient hause. I was admiring Working with you, serving the job serving across the stamp will be issued on April s th e pastmnaster Gen ment of Agriculturi o eM te quaint dauble daars with with you, and far you, are street, across the natian and 20th, 1960, in celebration ofolstaidteGilGidscm hope that a number icr thei* oloured, etched glass millions of Canadians - yaur across the world. Thraugh the Golden Jubilee.of the Girl memorative issue is a tribute' w1ll go, and that b abn lf ~ 9 B OOH a Kpnlwhen the right-hand neighbours. your dolars you are there Guides movement in Canada, to ail who have encouraged ing in the cars we a u HI î doa pened and astoaped, el- Your financial s up po r t wRe roserves. he rthe wH oune Willia Ham-and aito the ho sanci iCation pobltem.tu derly gentleman with gray mean that you join a fellow- RdCossre.Tewr h onual ilaWa-adt h tosnso al ainpolm sideburns and a shock of cur- hpddaedtterlifa of the Red Cross is not direct- ilton, Postmaster cieneral. adian girls who have bene- The élection o offcrre There lare threthaîcnswhhpa Iwenmetheaonce bu thee wt iras s eme I f ashuman sufering. Your effort eci towards any single group The design ai the new two:fitec from its character-build- Isulteci in DelbertOMi- will alwys starta convera- ta wecome thechance t talk thre was smeone I as __ i tian among strangers, especial- ta me. With anly a short time Iooking for. It must have your contribution-becoms anaiane ie no r towarl. Th colour five-cent stamp will in-igacites brook, being electecashir l rvles hyaecida great, meaningful force be-an oeecnmcee.Te clude "trefoil" an a Nue back- man and A. 0. farml iyor travelles.dThey repchildbeen my frank "yes, you cause it is sengthen d dresponsibilities af the Red gon lne ytewrsArclua e ren, dags andi fancy work. ?i ettowreu apl~that sucheria gudh ,or sepreby manyothers wan Crosseare the responsibilities"Grlude Ansd citon"inwordwe L.uAgricil epes ntie:KUEFPA Continuing my trip ta thie subject ai how to brew tea pro- ed the door even wider and may serve. AUlmyb sevd dates '1910-1960" in gold let-'Bwavle a ertr east caast I was sitting com- 'perly, the regret that the rit- -mandbe served - English and Freanh and the taser. dd fortably in the train coach cra 'ual ai making tea at the tea învited me ta enter. I ~e t takes Yomeloousliad o eathe I asdcie ta te5 tblis lmst tingaithe Wha adelghfulaiernonpeople to carry an the exten- help others wthen you help the 1 Tlteaf, i th d ee-~Io e Bushel Club would aansp cheting a tea cozy. We were5be1ae ms hn fte Watadlgtu fen sive work ai the Canadian Red Cross. oe eai h ag fteT p W n e port 4-H Potato Clubwrkb just commencing ta round Bed- patad yerned about rare I spent toasting myseif beside Redi Cross Society. People af In any languagê the mnean- Association. Clu ford asinand te ditantsub iea caddes. his funny little Franklin stave, ail ages, from ail walks af lîfe, ing ai the Rd Cross is the The new stanip is the work "J U division, that laoked as though 1 became excited as a kid while he made tea in a staf- are happy and wiiling ta serve sae.T00ymo hsBenusCaada atitlHleubt- fridrosa bgh ctlycoorediat its first party as she related fordshire teapot wîth boihing as Red Cross volunteers. Their familiar ta residents in Cana- gerald, af Toronto, who de-I on the horizon, came into view. many ai the "finds" she had water heated on the hearth. interest and willingness ta da for over hall a century. In signed the "Associated Coun- The Annual Meeting of the N O W purchased in a well known He spooned the China tea irom serve athers must be support- 83 other nations throughout try Women oi the World", Durham County 500 Bushel New homes climb the steep Halifax antique store. But the a sterling silver caddy with ed this year by $6,350,913.00. the world it is a respected em- stam-p issued in 1959. Club was helci in Bet.hany on hill where hundreds were des- real thrîll for me was her tale its etching worn alnost flat That is the amount ai money blem and is symbolic ai man's The Girl Guides Association TusaafenoFbu trye n heeplsinthto f an aid sea captain who lives where it had been liited per- required by the Canadian Red interest in his iellow man. It was organized in 1909 in Great' ry 18th, with Charles Wea- orled Hwadrwmn iting îis yhmse, surroune withhPsatoan ieinuc Cross Society ta meet its obli- is a rallying point for people Britain by Lord Baden-Po- therit, ehntewne opositewh o d an tîyn treasures that would make a true hospitality. Outside, the gations in Canada and abraad who wish Ilta serve athers. Yaur ell, the faunder ai the B'joy atya' 0 uhlCu enoyd ie on oman al onoizer lach wtheny.surf baomed and a gale pried in 1960. Iihnaya hea himn the way down from Montreal, Thaug he asi nlivigdeal a- at wnow heei smtinunqe1 for iunds on Monday, movement was established in Guest speakcer hfoGREASE 'I tivesent a singe dealerhadaeveriwindow about the Red Cross. Because March l4th, will mean you Canada, the iirst Company be. - as Mr. R. E. Goodin, Asso- rnexpectsed me leane tward been able ta persuade him ta He sat in a winged chair that of the widespread valunteeri care and wish ta share. ing iormed in St. Catharines, it Dreo fth Fel me.n She akern merwhee I adp art with anything in his cal- looked as though it would fail ------ date Dis rechToroteo. l iMr.trcge 1oundthe aten fr hecoylection, she said. I made a men- into tatters where his rough On t opnisw lCrops Buranc h Tobron to r I a aig tai note ai his nm and the hands, knotted with rheuma- ns oehe n rgnz h She obvîousiy doubteci my, littie coastal tonmerehe tisý È e urns froni Chores in oher o mp naiso r tgte n raniz eh town where Red t e tur inape ra ti nOthAria ndmarketing ai patatoes. He LEM R epaainthat I had made it lives in retirement and said a armis as his seaîaring tales - ihnasottmih spointe d out that there wasa expanaionwere spun. When I admired ' f . t sociation had spread through- 1I ! TROUBmrketinFOtari an aId cane with an îvoryV ar f o1912t $ .4 at deomhroino Cncs. Ins provided the quality and con- handle, deeply oarved in dra- set1upadmiive yec arsae tinuity oi supply could be71 gon ashonhe andd i to In strikin- contrast ta U.S. cause ai a lower than average ste Cand i uîaciî ftei maintained. go nd ain, heeanded tares ar edonrinicm.teCainCuelofh! The winners in the 1959, 500 mean sid"kepitmyfamesdaryhed wnrs~ ncmeGirl Guides Association was! I -Cubwreanone ,trW pdear". Ontario are lined up "10-deep" Prod~uction Per Cow: The . BcherClb wre nnonce There was a tale abcýut the ur eurdfrahg noprtd nd the top prize went ta Mr. cane as well. It had belonged waiting ta get an D.H.I.A. producer (either milk or but- Canada now has the third' Delbert Olan afi Millbrook. 4ta a Mandarin, he saîd. The!Reason: they get cost ai pro- erfat) is lîttle mare than is largest Guide population in Due to the fact that Mr. Olari 4 sarywet tat isgradfth-ducio reord bsids needed for a low producer. the world, being exceeded only, is confined ta his hame due er was a guest in this vener- production. Feeding Efficency: Costs ai by Great Britain and the Un-! ta illness, Mr. Frank Malcolmi, abl gntlma'shom o oe TkeLamto Cunt, orwinter feeding and supplemen- ited States. The Canadiani Manager ai Agricultural y-aile istlans voaes on the e amAgrc outl ortary summer ieeding depend Guides daim, another unique Ohemicals, Port Hope made tOriednbis hip.eFr mondthsachent"We'hAbtaak reonrs:rtos.eep in mmtbald atthe most nrhryCompanyai the top award which is a C, turd his ip. Fo month he "W've ha to as 8 ownrs ratonstheepwirld.d The in hklavik, TN.AkcreditN.slipdi forip $85 $85 rththai wa ofne ohsbed as of purebred herds ta go On grass is our cheapest sumaner W.T., group was iutnded in' Agrico fertilizer. Second prize You just sliptecaofa 1 h i ntadwe ewas Record ai Production in arder feed and hay our cheapest 1937 and was the first ai the was Harvey Challice, Mill- omdeisr ti orges pcc ready ta take his frt steps, t iemr people -an appor- source ai pratein. far north graups, some ai brook; third Mel Wood, Mill- afigns the Mandarin offered him his tunity ta take advantage ai Labour Efficiency: Time- which have Eskimo members. brook; iourth Charles Wea- gn n o cane. D.H.I.A." saving barn and field layOuts The ideals ai gaod citizen- therllt, Bethany; fiifth, Earlgua yo'erdytgesenrocoy There is a legend that the Abrahami says that D.H.I.A. will boost labour efficiency; ship and the establishment! Weatherilt, Millbrook; sixth, any fitting. Tr'l owse fe Chinese lasgv o nreod hwdtane e hyr utaimotnasadmitnneo redy etOaMlboksv aril ftersyuamr.turns in Lambton County var- equipment. international relations prom-' enth, Luther Olan, Millbrook; Evienlythi gneosiy sled from a loss oi $276 ta an Capital Use: Along with la- oted by the Guides have been eighth, Harvey McGiUl, Ennis- m. Esso MPGrseHh qute biev Iae h t thcne increase ai $4,600. On a la- bour, take into account the emphasized at three national killen; ninth, Melville Strong, cartridges willsvyotmecrrdeante wu uie elevbletht hecaebour per hour basis, he says numrber ai cans oi milk ship- and one world camp held ;n Millbrook;' tenth, W il m otne a NOW! ed no mine, had been thi works out to"a spread ai ped per $100 oi investment. Canada. The îirst national Strong, Millborook. The aver- and protect yO vub1 ralitedm Captain's iamily formoeta orfrheiespn with is simply too expensive if and the second at Reothesay, was 407 bushels with an aver- eumn.Gv orIpra ay a century. What I wauld ever the herd". there is neît enough milk be-* N.B., in 1939. In 1952 a thou-' age percent dry matter ai 18.6. Esso Agent a ci do with it, at that moment He thinks these 5 manage- ing produced. sand Canadian girls and their Mr. Olan had the high yield You will be acting in your own besi did not puzzle me. I only wish- ment points are mainly respon- Size ai Business: Fairly oh.. guests irom countries ai the with 513 bushels. inlreiandaiIh sa e im b thought quickly sible for the difference in la- viaus. Usually an increase In Western Hemisphere enjoyed It was decided ta continue infres, ad a th sa e fme e eoug toadmire tewne bour returns. A weakness i the number ofcaws kept wl camping together at Ottawa. with the 500 Bushel Patate chi!1any one ai these could be the1 increase the in-come. Club in 1960 and thirteen helping your communily, if you gel verhaps there ninghop that in celebration oi the centen- Air, Rail or SteamshipAET evetulrall ir longing frlh- S eni t ri luo e ai four ord ca.p las10 oIpra o h et £ S your repairs, rm dlig inlerior filled, for the captain and "I an t S - m t i den-Powell was held in Can-ý T I C K E T. remed lodellingI pom ada in 1957 at Doe Lake, Ont., TO EVERYWHERE deoain aneac n la- ised ta return to his seaside l with representatives oi manyp Consuit Up work dne vilagbondiyng r ime S epac rn ntcountries among the hundreds St.RW. 3-3361 A, H. Suro k& S n 110rk dnenw. During Ihe viage the ve ry net t s li R p i eai ofgirls in attendance 1J1UKin SY.&. LOVE3 east coast. His loneliness and An interesting iink between Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE prsn easonasl luli, qualified my attentive listening ta bisLI L the Girl Guides and the Ca' Aret3-51 presel ~ qadventures, proved a fast bond -77: 7lW V se.. .., n beween two levers ai the oid .. . ..... workmen are seeking work a ad et rnifl.Soeday wUieing b serve you graoriather'0, id w iigfsev o.totter about asistdby histreets during winter in arder effective inhibiting additive. 11........................ yum tiok fr.R omns grndatersor soldIte xacilitate safe movement of The Ontario Department o a i xa l clas i c ............... sathe Mandarîn's cane. traific lias become such a Mat- Highways lias one ai the most M an and malrias ae aailble say ___________ ter ai contention the Depart- effective materials research M n adm frasaeaalbement ai Highways draws at- labs an the continent, staiied 1$ one .. space for you Vo srth ds a i i h a iyslg ae 'T'L t ' gel i... tentian ta an experiment that by experts. In their searcli for .L - 4 110W. ±ney may ue îîaru 10 Tu ri wey Vote edpin Rochester, an efficient additive they Economy is anou.iex *.:Op~ru ga~ rsevu. ~ l~~ Tu k y V t .th prsad l pointed up have iound in every case that y .I i~ t& -u netsu m r taisadcoso the sait either the material was net aSpet f:deiý . 'rou qeto.suiiiciently effective ta, be OL.4~LE 4 ......-. a s .......... Ontaie trkey predcers During one snewstarm thîs worth using or, if it had pro. hifa e~a n 'r Onai ukypoueswinter Rochiester, a city ai mise ai eiiectiveness, tecs wh tf ures you getas s and1v~~~.~ sr tcnnn.wcesrie W H Y W A IT , e * e an a recent plebiscite sait in its snow clearance pro- a U ta arr a uifciet m- 50,00 opuatin, se nowasproibiive fc lties. Ail these.tbngs add uptov Iu which would have permitted gram. Only snow piows were the Ontario TurkQy Associa- used. Rochester afficials, likelifta sw tô ù ý:p,î--.à tion ta set up a modiiied mar- rond and highway officiais 39f NewI hV~w &y~~~k~hi Qt~ iketing plan ailowîng the As- throughout Ontario, were con- . .. . D O i. N O W ~ ~~~~~~sociation ta levy a iee on pro- stantly under fire irom imdi- n orsac so~~Seyn oa ducers for the purpose ai ad- viduals and groups who ob- Ca nadia ,s vertising and otherwise pro- jected ta the use ai saît, coam- Vauxnaii ea-1: v ~ moting the sale ai Ontario plaining that it caused carra- P FOR INFORMATION CALL YOUR LOCAL grown turkeys. sion ai automobile metal asReceive P pers*. .'. was used. And the remnrks HSIleni Diamanci, Mrs. Magda ...... Il pks. emo Je-Oand statements ai individucuai s aKosowich, Demetre Kar: ' ~fi 2 cups Ilol Waler77Th order wns given ta saitmrPyj t Hoe rs testreets and, the report Maria Fîddler, Charles Hase continues, the hazardous con- iton Gus Poulos, Cabourg; - AC Iditions were relieved alter and'Mrs. Nanne Groot, Orona; 1/2 GLEMyonRae 'Esdrcodtonthchgv 1/~ up M yonaise*. one run ai the sait spreaders. Mrs. Helga Jensen, Caîborne; 1,' An hour inter the city was Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jast, Hanp- îsps. Horse-radish ~back ta normai. otn; Mrs. Charles Lambier, :<±.*S fsps Hose-rdis F.Dow Hamblin, the Gratn; 1&r. andi Mrs. John ilmissianer ai public works, ex- Vorsteveld, Carnpbelicroft; Mr............ 8-oz. pkg. Collage Cheese ilfltsthdbennutedun- and i.JseWiant h gui ~~~~~maxi mum possibiity for suc- A h ocuina h cIIss. ceremony, the new Canadians iNo. 2 can Crushed Pineapple "Yet in a period ai hali-an- were entertained in the foyer. houi driving conditions i the af the United Count4es Buildi-aj rfl0M0 citj deteriorated from gooci ing by the Business and Pro-F A.lmw' 'owslw to intolerabie," he said. fessional Women's Club aiofOu VP.iWlu.hd*FéL bdemi *.w*Wp Dissolve Jeul-O in hot water, add mayonnaise and beat well. ' ý,t We are convinced that sait, Cobou.rg. "dy Cuadm u PuuvCmt y CWJ iUiodprl sdwt poig .y Dip *OS-.Lb- *kdIii .puIe "a emCuin Combine remaining ingredients, mix well. Pour into mold and chili. liproperiy sed with ow ding, eyyarRdCosnuss aHdu&Aib I nst diescusfor s o n ice EveStaion ten he rohs s *HduscAsuda j ~~* ~ ~A Mn the dicusin s rrun - at Outpost Hospitals an di Nur - luS i & .WS UDIA M 8 CUR> $y <eIALMOT IS... SEIVICER miW am tNOITIAMERICAI haebeen irequent references ai 3,000 chIldr*en. OSNMI GLEN R E 1) IRY ~~t use ai chemical addi- Te* * CBuea f h UI~ 98 KING ST. W. N,~ 3-5444 tives ta inhibit the corrosive ThEnurBreuath ato ofsl.TeDep-art-,Canadian Red Cross searches Phon lib9 ]KN ST W.ment points out that for years througheut the world for miss- 1 6 K n St. E. r o e m 2 -~ _---- - since saIt began ta be ,îng persans. Hundreds ai these -q- -ÀL>--4L uedini an.y quantity there lias people are suaceaeiuily traced. 'J . ý 'i.-I de -- - -- 1. ý 'r . ý-- -- , -.- --, IK,

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