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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1960, p. 14

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i I PGE~OJR~W< ~ £11A% r1 aleq mu RAMutia .T.W é,V£ - Two Buis from Gloriadale Farms B ring Top Prices a! Virgînia Sale 1On February l3th. the! tarjo, and were as follows:number of bulLs had ever been out what kind of cattie S-horthorn Breeders of Vir- Scotsdale Neptune, bred by sold at one sale and it was i being bred in Durham C ginia held their first Atlantic' Mr. S. G. Bennett,o!Sts held in the Farmers' Livestock;t yepsnthmoa AM-Bull Sale, in which one, fS t-Exe-hange Pavillon, and man- t yepsn hmt 1hundred and seven bufls were dale Farrn, at Georgetown,.ae yM.H.W akr ro hskndweefry 001L This was made up of six-! Ontario, with the top selling of Iffdianapolis, Indiana. This Polled Shorthorn cattle ty horned Shorthorn buls bul of the entire sale selling sale was sold by Mr'. Pete being sold. Gloriadale MV and forty-seven polled (horn-' for sixteen hundred dollarsSwaffar, of Tulsa. Oklahomna, l9th was the first son of( Less) animaIs. ýto Pen-y-brun Farrns, at Mar-lwho is known by every Short- iadale Meteor 5th, to be Gloiadle arm wee ak-shahl, Virginia, which is mnan- rhorn breeder in Arnerica. and many Shorthorn bre( ed to send two polled buils' aged by a well known cattie-ý The three men responsible will remember that this to this sale and were fortun-r!man, Mr. William Davidson. for the success o! this first1 Gloriadale Meteor 5th, wa ate in having both of tlese The second bull was Gloria- concentration o! bulîs on th-e one that Mr. Phiip refuse bulis top the sale. Gloriadadale Meteor l6th, bred b, East Coast was Mr. Bill Jones, offer of six thousand dc Meteor l6th, shown on this ýGloriadale Farms, sellrng forýHome Again Farms, Marshall: for in October 1957 fron page topped the sale sellin g eleven hundred dollars. The, Virginia; Mr. William David.. O! the top breeders in1 foreleen unded ollrs rthird, Gloriadale Meteor 19th, son. Pen-y-brun Farms, Mar- land. Smnce that time, Gi Mor. J. Mcn neyWllas o selling for ten hundred and s hal, Virginia. and Mr'. Hank dale Farnis have refusec Easton, Maryland. The second seventy-five dollars. Fourth, Dav. Archwood Farms, The good offers from the Ui top selling bull was Gloriadale ýAberfeldy Account, bred by Plains Virginia. These three States Of America and Meteor 19th, selling for ten Mr. Reford W. Guardhouse,lmen are well known in the hast rnonth, South Africa hunded nd evety-ivedOl Milton, Ontario. selling for ten~ United States for their suc.. tempted to buy Glori. har d nd rs. J.MacKy Srnut'hunaired dollars. Fifth, Aber- cess in the breeding of Polled Meteor 5th. He was arley ars, Whacayitehos feldy Artist, bred by Mr. Re- Shorthorn cattie and felt that souglit by one of the big Firnie aMr. P hite wast'e&ford W. Guardhouse, Milton, more people would corne toj porters o! cattle for pvroud o! bVringngPhiows hon Ontario, sold for nine hundred a sale if they had a large Zealand. our to Canada as he has mi: -, and fifty dollars. Sixth, Aber-, number of bulîs for the fanm- It was announced by been breeding Polled Short- feldy Ambition, bred by Mr.irers to choose froni, and the sales manager of the sa] hiorns, as many people in this~ Reford W. Guardhouse, Mil-'sale was a real success ac- Winchester on Saturday, area know, at Gloriadale ton, Ontario, selling for eight cording to the sales commit- each year seven thoi P'arrns since 1952. hundred and eighty-five dol- tee. buils weoee purchased by lars. The one hundred and seven breeders and ranchers in The six top selling bulis in This is the first tume in the bulis brought thirty-six thou- state o! Virginia. These the sale were all from On- state of Virgmnia that this sand, five hundred and sev- animaIs sold by Gloria _______________________________________________enty-!ive dollars or an aver- Farrns makes a total o! s age price o! three hundred date that have been sol and fifty dollars. The breed- the United States of Arn For flest Resuits ing of Polled Shorthorn cattle Tw Plledbulis going to is comparatively new in Arn-'and s Hebb, at Butler, TRYOURerica and two o! the most rylandone heifer was sol - ~ ~ E ~ 7j & Lconcentrated areas in the Un- Mr. W. W. Jones, HomeA M Cç ~MN ited States are Indiana and the Farms, Marshall, Virginia RE ,MN uornaic state o! Virginia. the Toronto Area Saei TM FSTR ~IA um Gloriadale Fanms started 1959. The sixth animal t( I -tF.e<S TER~K V P~~ breeding Polled Shorthorn sold waG a heifer odt JICOULD RI.MAR I lcattle in 1952 and thought this Frank Herniott, Gree %AS WY The car wash that grfrpyo was a good opportunity to find Farrns, Seymour, Illinois 21/ Lb. Average Rindless DEVON BACON Christie's BREAD BANANAS Silver Bright - By piee SALMON - - that gleanilng wax finish. LUBRICATION WIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES m » m m - - - u.. 54C KEDRON Cancelcd 0vents have beer the ordor of the week past in Kedron community. The Ont. ario Couity Hoî stein Club, lwith sevenal Kedron members, found it necessary to postpone their annual bus trip planned for Saturday hast. Dairy farm- ors with tanks full of milk, a.nd iblocked lanes and roads pre- venting the tank truck pick. up, have been among those ad- versely af!ected. Sehools in the east Whitby area reniained closod on Fridray. The meeting o! the Kedron Young People scheduled for Thursday even- ing was indeinitely postponed. On the other side o! the pic- -ture, two five year old girls ,~from this cornrunity who at- tend kindergarten at St. Gro- gory's, Oshawa, cornpleted on thein own, the 312 mile walk home, when their school re- Imained closed on Friday. Un- aware o! the change, the girls had been left as usual for theii class, to b0 picked up after sebool as is customary. But when these very young students, Lauretta McDonnnell and. Jearfette LeBlanc, became aware o! the closing, they stnuck off for home, and an- ived safehy, rnuch later, after a veny long walk thxrough the snow. Needless to sayr, iheir veny surprised parents were h'appy thatb their young daugh- tors negotiatedt the lengthy and tining trek without apparent injury or mishap. Rev. R. H. Love conducted the regulaa' service o! worship on Sunday morning. Baskets o! munis and arrangements o! j red tulips lent their beauty at the altan. Albert, Wood presided as supenintendent for Su n d a y School with Eleanor Mountjoy as pianist. The Coninunity Club dinner after one postponemenit was held on Saturday evening in iKedroin Lowen Hall. Mi'. and Mrs. W. Rosnak, Mn. an'd Mns. J. Glover. Mi'. and Mns. G. Gbo- ver, Mr. and Mns. S. 0gle, Mn. and Mrs. W. Woodward were in charge with many other couples helping. The delicious buffet suppor was followed - by movies shown on the scneen Mode end Bottled by SMITH BEVERACEs LTD. BOWMANVILLE SPONSORING JUVENILE HOCKEY BROADCAST - CKLB - 8:30 P.M. THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd ri by Mrs. Douglas Branton o! I Osh-awa. The travelogue commentary on the places shown- the pra- irie provinces, Monstana and a some in Southern U.S., pnoved 1 most interesting. On behal! of -the club, Mrs. W. Rosnak pro- 1 sented Mns. Branton with a pot -of whit, chrysanthemums ta -tangibly express thanks froni - those present. Over $30.00 was icleared te assist in Commun'ity 1Club projects. Kedron Doubles Club have planned a St. Patrick's Dance *to be held soon in the Com- *munity Hall. There will be a *box social with pizes for the best decora.ted and most orig- inal boxes, and skits and fun for all. Columbus Doubles have accepted an invitation to join zin this ovent. The regular meeting of Ked- * on W.A. will be held in the church on Friday, Mareh 4, at r 2 p.m., prior to the service rwhen the ladies o! Kedron join in the World-wide Prayen i prognam. Mr. and Mirs. Murray Mount- joy and Miss Jeanine Werry are Kedron members attend- »ing the special practices being 7currenrtly held by the Ontario County Jr. Farmers'. choir, who wiU .present their annnueal mus- icale in Brooklin Township Hall on Saturday eveming, Mareh 12, et Uxbridge Music Hall on Wed., March 16; and Cannington Town Hall on Sat., March 19. Directied iby Mrs. Elsie Dobson, this year's pro- duction is entitled "Cavalcade o! Hoidzys'. Mns. W. Woodward, Mirs. W. Werry 'andt Mrs. R. Scott at- tended the W.M.S. sessions held en Wedn>desdiay in Osh- awae. Mi'. end Mrs. Grant Farrow, Port Credit, visited their dau- ghter, Mrs. Bsian Lee, and ot<hen friendis at Kedron prior to leaving on a winter vacation to Flonidia, and other Southern points. W. Spry of Periman's Com- munity, who suffered a leg in- jury before Christmas, is still a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mirs. R. E. Lee and Mrs. H. A. Werry'accompanied friends in Oshanwa to Toronto on Tues- day evoning for the personal appearan-ce o! Fred Waring o! New York with his orchestra and Glee Club, as they present- od a variety programn in Maple Leaf Gardens. Some o! the men o! the com- rnunity have been onjoying ice-fishing et Lake Sirncoe. Bill Rosnek and Jack Eliott have been among the succoss- fui winter fishermen. 4th Cub Pack Celebrates Parents Ni ght, The Parents Night held by: the 4th Pack Cubs in Memor-ý ial Park Club House recentlyi was a great success. Frank Os- mond, the Akela, presided at the delicious 'pot luck' suppern which had been provided by r the mothers o! the Cubs. it was served by members of the Memnorial Park Association. Interesting motion picturer films taken at the Cub Camp at Russell Osborne's farmn, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, last suni- mer were shown by Howard! Corden. A fine program of enter- tainment was presented by the boys for their parents. Ail took part whoie heartedly ini the rousing sing-song. A cie-j ver skit was presented by theI Yellow Six, and another am.using skit was given by Paul Kelly, Jerry Porter and Philip McDonald. Pnizes wore awarded as fol-I lows: For the best plaster of' Paris moulds, 1. Gregg Brook- ing; 2 Tracy Osmond, and 3 John Dodds. For the best bird Iho uses: 1 Gary Taylor, 2 Jer- ry Poterand a De old i Wereszzynskia tieoaryes-i Wa.1%, The Famous Gloriadale Meteor 5th usand Believe it or not, $6,000 was offered by one of the top breeders in Scot- y the land for this young junior herd sire being used at Gloriadale Farms Ltd., Port n the Stwo Hope. Other offers have corne from top breeders in the United States, New iadale Zealand and South Africa, but Roy Philp, so far, has refused all offers to ix to purchase. Meteor 5th weighs 1,950 pounds at 33 months of age and is truly the id. to pride of lraae eety lraaeFrsfatbcmnoeofheu- ýeica. Goraae ReetyGoraaearsfateoinonofteu- ýo Dr. standing Shorthorn breedîng farms on the continent, sold two animais at a large 1 Ma- sale in Virginia, both for over $1,000. Complete story of this sale is contained in Id to another column. ALai IBLACKSTOCK Another beautiful Monday Church met in the new Christ- morninrg a!ter the weekend ian Education Building Tues- stonni. Oh yes, Sunday was dey ndght with 26 ladies in at- beautiful also and a few roads tendance. Af ter the opening weri. open. It was passable exorcises, minutes and Treas- !rom here to Port Perry alI urer's report, the President tihis weekend, but nothing turned the meeting' aven ta more ihan a mile south. No Mrs. Richard VanCamnp, who in school Fridlay an'd no mail iii the Devotional period read a or out either Fnidiay or Satur- poemn "This is my Prayer", a day. Snow plows unable to passage o! scripture and a pa- move the banks, so we must per dealing with instructions wai.t until blowerrs or bull- to ohildron and parents, and of- dozens can get around to so !ered prayer. many places. . She then introduced Miss, Services were held In both chunches Sunday monning. 21 presont at Anglican anid 68 at United. By 1h arn. approxi- mately 85 had congregated at tlhe United; so the film 'I'll Sing, Not Cry", which the Ex- plorers had intendied to have at their affiliation service Fni- day night, was shown in the new C. E. room: If roads anid weathen are favorable by Fni- day night this week, the Ex- plorens will have their affilia- tion service thon and show another film. Lentein services Ore0 to be held in the Anglican Chunch each Wednesd'ay evening dur- ing Lent, commencing March 2nd at 8 p.rn. Monday noon- Road opcni to South and mail in. So 1we feel as though out of isolation . The W.A. o! the United The Margaret Pellow o! Oshawa,1 who gave a most interestng address on "Young People To- day". The roll caîl was ans- wered by a Teen-age Problern and an interesting discussion on each proyblem was led by Miss Pellow. Mrs. W. Archer thanked thel speaker. Mrs. Butt neminded ladies o! the World's Day o! Prayer service in Cadmus Manch 4th at 2:30 p.m. lMrs. ion Larmer. During the busi- ness period the Treasurer re- ported that the cupboardrs, dra- peries, tables, chairs etc., pur- ch'ased by the club, had cost $807.27. Decided te hold the Spring dance in May. The dis- cussion was- How can we show Friendainess and Fellow- ship in our church? Also what improvernents can ho made to church grounds? Games were played and lunch served. Miss Rota Harris attended the Tehephone Chie! Opera- tor's convention in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Thurs- day and Friday, February 18 and 19. Msds. Ralph Larmen, Lornel Thornpson an'd Harold McLau- ghlin. and Ralph Larmor Les-, lie Taylor, Walter Wright and Fred Trewin attrended th, Ag- ricultural convention in Tor- ointo, Thursday and were storn stayed, but wone fortunate in getting to Blackstock and some to their homes on Fridoy. Ross Duf! reported, on prepan- The Arnold Tayhors received ations for the Turkey Supper a phono cail Sundtay a!ternoon this month. Meeting closed from Mn. and Mrs. Roy Tay- with Benediction and lunch loi' saying they had arnived in was served by group two. Tampa without seeing any 1 The Town and Country Cou- storms. They left Blackstock pies 'Club met in the Christian Thunsday morning. Education room, Wednesday Mn. and MrUs. Ivan Thionpson night with 15 couples prent. and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Kyte Meeting opened with a song attended the Ladies' Night and service andi the Devotional was banquet o! the Masonic Lodge eonducted by Glenn and Mai'- in Port Perry, Satunday night. ,lten played a piano solo, Senior Cirizens Chopin's "Fantasy Im.promp- tu"'. These musical selections were greatly enjoyed b, al EnIo rrorampresent. Mrs. Parker then anotnte~d The monthly meeting of thelthat th e Red Cross Society is Senior Citizens' Club waslooking for volunteers to do held on Tuesday evening, sewing and knitting and won- February 9th, wit h 49 mem- dered if anyone present rniglit bers in attendance. be interested in this work. After registration o! mrn-, Card games and crokînole bers Mrs. Lionel Parker Jr. were then enjoyed in the au- j mistress o! ceremonies for ditorium whîle in the Green the evening, opened the meet- Room Mrs. Carlton delighted/ ing with a liveîy sing-soMqg.1the reading group by reading Mrs. Parker then introduced excerpts from a book by Gre- Mrs. A. A. Merkley who sangigory Clark. two lovely selections, "lMy The meeting closed with a Hero" and "Smiling Tkrough" dlicious lunch served by accompanîed by Mrs. Keith Club 15 members. Mr. John Blllett at the piano. Mrs. Bil- Tabb was winner of the iucky prize. Severai other5s had tickets but! were unable te get out their Last year over 80 cancer roads. ýresearch projects were suri- Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Bur-j ported by the National Cancer keton, is spend:inig some timelInstitute of Canada which is with Mr'. and Mrs. Harold Mc- affiliated with the Canadiaia Laughlin and family. Cancer Society. ,Y(maZing i f 0f Phïilips Week Trade-in Offer AS HIGH AS $150 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For Your OId Set on purchase of a new 1960 PHILIPS TELE VISION Large Selection of Models USED TV - Irom $75 Io $150 17" and 21" Screen Cowan Equipment Co. MA 3-5689 Now On Display ln Our Showrooms. Ask Our Salesmen For A Demonstration Ride High-Fash ion Car with the Low Price Tag Never before bas so much beauty, so much convenience, so much power-packed economical performance, so much honest-to-goodness value been offered for such a low price in a 4-cylinder car. This is the Envoy ... the new British car designed and buit especially for Canadians! ROY DO WNAN VILLE PROUE MA 3-3353 lIsmobile w. The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to you in thnce beautiful sedans plus the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon See the Envoy today! Admire its quality and eagur goo* looks. Drive it! Then proudly choose the EnvoY \vlicll meets your requirements. NiCHOLS - Chevrolet and Envoy Cart Chevrolel Trucks Corvair COURTICE PHONE MA 3-3922 i MAPLE GROVE1 Maple Grove GROCETERIA MA 3-à'921 SPECIAL TRIS WEEK: BARBECUED CHICKENS 99C Phone Orders Taken . m 0' lbh. 1Pkg. 49C m . - 2 aves 29c 134 King St. E. 2Lbs. 25c Nero Shopping Is Complote W itho ut Refreshing Deverages PICK UP À CARTON TODAY 1., i THE CANADUN STATESMAN. IROWNIANVrLLI!. C)NTARTC) ' .13.ML"IMA'U %JrAD qh..l Iltàffl 1 1

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