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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1960, p. 3

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PAGE THREE imnumàwTW T. C %mhalTID. VIÂ LJN~~.NJ If.L. THURSDAY. MAR. 3rdUI196 flower bat in muted blues and ra hl oeaeqiesnsfrSna v gres acorsage anCEsoiLocai Couple W ed in O shaw a ovelpwfiesn e:te Pupils Give o'frSu eei. wa$6 whhwatog greets, athoesindgvaccet resohc aeth slW.-hd a. oeo hyacinths. The groom's moth- aes ~ te~er Demo nstration hla eraymeigws Porn aaflo s sponsibility of W.M.S., other Wilson with 17 ladies e wore grey silk bravade with areas which they share equal- Ilpr wsas e se.W ieiogb ru i W e d ng Qeaci!nghtand ber corsage ly and thers iFone c er aiwcl aserdwiha'chre-"wetouo was mercanBeautyroe.F rT a h r rdfrasu-n Levn na wedding ti difference between ca-opera- On Feb. 24th at a meeting The meeting ope~ ~ Jhs rlcneto id- ta Montreal and Quebec, the tin and integration which has of the Oshawa branch f the the W.A. theme sanganthnMsKeSmes;hin49 buitdwresaithminlcgren sm-been the new palicy for aur Ontario Registered Music allAil rpeatedMithe bene sutmed chcolt bron ctm literature. In this revalution- Tecers' Association held a eetdte odsPae dcin r.O.Qaknul flowered latein ren cand ary Wrld, the church is in the home af Mrs. L. W. Par-.ifl ufison. Scripturewared oedaotoftnsto r. brawn tes handin rnn the middle as we deal, not rott, Mr. Ross Metcalf and Mr. by Mrs. A. Wilson anrs.E isnfrteueo e accessories. Her corsage was Wt mission tatios, ut WitThAll1 Reesor were the guest Mairs gave the DoIonl oeadas aMsMî Talisman rse. misinaryrfteor.thefspeakers. Hymin 15 was sung. gop Mr. Dff ba gratated rd n'uinar dr af epor of Mr. Metcaif spoke on Elem- Minutes were reedanda HANCOCK - PAYNE DUFF- WEBB fromn Emmanuel Coilege, Unf- presentec ta tue Dominion entary Schaol Music and told proved a nd correspnec iversity of Toronto, but be- Board and Council and .wlll Of its ideals, obstacles, and w as read. Our treaer e <,The quiet, but very lovely William Edgar Duff, minis- cause of fllnes.s was unable ta epeetdt h afr achievemients. He then gavel otdw a ae$70 nN wedding of Mr. William Ceciliter of the Manvers Parish (of be ordained at that time. He ecesentf ortdisCuson fre a asratinîlsso W tver we ad and ms $Oo Rancock and Miss Joyce Ma- th ntdCuc n ei last tedteodnto owe closed with the thaught pupils from Base Lmne School plastic demonstrationMr.MAVIBL FO dnin Bethany, was married this year. ta u ocensol eNa. 4, teacher, Miss Arnold.EmrnmveadMr.B - ri Pyn ws eroredonSaturday in the Church of the for God's work not our argan- The pupils were: Janet ers seconded that anilsb 'TG GE F'riday evening, February 26tb! Epiphany, Parkdale, Torontoiainadth pryrhtDon isDn, Shirley paid. ASp at 7:30 p.m. in the 'United ta the former Miss Mary Ani GRU HN we wil discover a newer lufe Pickie, Dean Worden and Church parsanage with Rev. Elizabeth Webb, a graduate Bouquets of yellow daf fa- of fulfilment. Stanley Faund. t a kep a rta ii es World' ayo of the School of Nursing in the dils and gladioli and glowing A h vnngssin a M.Rea pk nScn tCdu nMrh4 R. C. White officiating. HsitlfrSc Children, yeîîow tapers in candelabra pcaweom was given ta dary Sdxool Music. He teach- PrayerK.ALPH S. JONES The party entered ta the Toronto. formed a lovely setting in St. . -spcaweom.DnvnMr KSmesgveuar- strains of "The Bridal Cho-1 Rev. J. D. Patterson officia- George's Anglican Church, ~~.. Miss Muriel Stevens af Bow- es music et the new oea view on aur Study 1okwih Brite n oilo rus payd y r.R.C.Whteted in the double ring cere- Oshawa, an Saturday, Febru- ~... manville, who is attendi.ng the Collegiate and is organist and was most interestingi hr 3 IgS.E sav mony" assised by Re.r. A..ary.Othitat6:00 o'lock wben ~ Training School and plan- choirmaster of St. George's were four vîsits mad asc assnitgdta follow. Aa lifelong ar6:00 A'glican Ohurch. Oshawa. or siiut-îns. We recie an wba sang the solo, "0 Perfect Hubard. Lighted candelabra Darla Dianna, daughter of Mr. nigt '.o ieon m n LoeYn lou"surng the'ehand htechyane the csadm hrs idetof Gnet bi-tio aserve in Africa. Mr Mecal isSupervisor aiou RA -64 Lave an alo sag "'Iland whit cbysatheums nd rs.Wilot Sane be "~of Music for the South Dar- Walk Beside Yo"drigt,- '"ne hecacl fte aeth rdeo r.Gre The guest speaker in the lington School Area and is the signing of the register. churcb. David Geroux. The groom is evenin.g was Miss Dulcie Coo ak _______and________________________of_ Daughter or~ Mr. and Mrs. the only son af Mr. and Mrs. who went ta Japan in 1930 tO amoa Uni t d Cuch sh- 0f * , *Y Tbe groom was accompan- Stanley Davidson Webb of To- David Geroux. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet David Geroux are shown follow- teach music, Bible, English, aan.nie hrcOh ied by Mr. Max Lycett Of ronto, the bride was given in Rev. Croff was the officiat- ing their marriage in St. George's Anglican Church, and ta be an evangelistic mis- aa Bowmanvilie, and the maid marriage by ber father. She ing clergyman and the wed- Oshawa, on Saturday, February 20th, at 6 o'clock. The siona.ry. Miss Cook had a Besides his sehool duties and Two debutants were leusn of honor was Miss Carol Han- was wearing a floor length ding music was played by biefrerDraDanaSaehieh aghe fseial mesage for the C.G. cing puipesorgs i t Regînald cu ail, en onesaii cok f roo.gown of creamy white peau church organist. 'I.T. and Mission Circle girls Thebapy oule il nikede soie, the full skirt caugbt Given in marriage by ber Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Shane. Mr. Geroux is the only prsnassetldte*o G. Geen and is taking a spe- "yvaI n ftoeset their home in Orono. at the back with four French father, the bride wore a floor- son of Mr. and Mrs. David Geroux. fortunate tbey are ta be cial course in Choral Conduc- roses and continuing in a cba- lengtb white slipper satin young in this changing age. ting, through the University shy, unassuming girl. A long ta be remembered pel train. Tbe fitted bodice gown wbich feil into a grace- -I (LL A Japan bas the bighest stand- Extension Conservatory, Chi- Second Deb.: "Yes,Iknwa incident of tbe wedding even- was finisbed with vee neck- ful four foot train. The badice Celiebrate 6 th Annlversary ard of living ini its history, a.- cago, Illinois. real phony". ing was provided by aur "Win- line and lon*g pointed sleeves. was designed with a sweet- yV IItbough stîll far below ours, ter wonderland". It happened An heirloom crown of pearls heart neckline and lily point- but its literary rate of 98 per ,. H'mm - that seconddescas thet during tbe ceremony the and iridescent sequins held ber ed sleeves. Her pretty full Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potts of 119 Rodney Street, cent is bigber than ours.f are sbowing. And yuko snow plough came along and! veil of silk illusion and she length veil of white nylon net, Callingwood, celebrated their diamond wedding anni- Japan is industriel, partly c e c something? Yourcohear vaewy gneously filledte cridgreisadseh'wihetne vrtetan versa.ry on February 6th. Mr. Potts and his bride of by inclination, pertly by the sbowing, too, whenee o gatwayse hatwhe th anotis. was caught ta a Pearl crown 60 years ago, the former Frances Denby, were bath fact th.at only 15 per cent of me orpbi.I o o' bridal party left the parson- Maid of honor Miss Bever- with side sprays of lily-of- the- bonm aesetterlvsi oln-isae a ecliae aaw ee l as wublelgroeda age, the ladies were carried î ae oe aegen vel lley and she carried a hou- br nCollingwood, havrs of the low-ca.lorie diet ta you'd like ta . . . then start hig'~inth ainsofth ci-vet with three-quarter length quet of red roses witb white wood and since their marriage have resided at the produce just oer tbree-quar vaios ai scrt a he seesad nke egt sir.carnations. The bride's gown same address. feed its 92 million people in sençling your clotbingt u o waded weist bigh, and it was Bridesmaids Miss Mary Duff was fasbioned by her great- hyhvfiedu trsMs.TmP rrn aae oehr fOtro.ag V soe withah geatshotetat teyofuTronaaistetofthegromTrondontro, s.Airturril-The haeefverdoohers Mr. Tm Perymn a ara ac thrd f Otara. arg.Vanton faltlss dyd ceanng are broke througb the snow bar- and Miss Eleanor Biggar of patrick Sr. (Alice) of Granby, Que.; Mrs. Harold Perryman Since the war, Japan bas done and Dave Milne Expert dry cleaning de aeE.Lsi rier.____________ Ottawa, wore sinilar gowns The bride's aunt, Miss Pat- (Dorothy) of Dapp, Alta.; Miss Frances Potts at home, me aot r ntonTr heeare We te ta forl t ta you a difference! of peacock blue velvet and sy Kilpatrick, as maid of bon- Mrs. Frank Kennedy (Helen) of Collhngwood; Mrs. 700,00 hrisatians.moTly unatWetentobt a o allil ow uv. flower girl Deborab Wilburn, cur was in a cocktail lengtb James McDonald (Betty), Toronto, and three sans: der 35 years of age. Tbe chil- (or sbould know) exams be- UIUI in jee te.Ab ri e a - a lsonbit e and aue loerd William, Collingwood; Jack, Bowmanville, and Ronald dren work bard and despite gin somnetime during the week ching velvet beadbands and Bridesmaids Miss Lynda Lun- at home. There are 18 grandchildren and il great- the Japanese traditional res- of Marcb 7th-likely the lOtb O D Y N R H 11 shoe of atcing olos. Tey ey ad Miss onnaTayor gandhilden.pect for ages, there is tension or ',,th, and will be finisbedmo shore o hitemfatcbing cl rs.T e e niss Dnnam ay lbor rndhldebetween parents and cbildren by tbe l5th for sure. Tbat's <iU ~ ~e'Wm' carid white ftbedwe cdcntaimae silk bro- Guests were welcomed in the afternoon by Shar- as some confuse democracy less than two weeks eay. If The, gromums. he eon det ock-tail holegtb gOWn on Kennedy and Lynda Potts and in the evening by with licence. ell of you in grades nine and of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Duff Tbey wore white feathered Dorothy Potts and Frances Ann Eagles, all grand- Miss 'Cook pointed out that ten study really biard for this / < AL!of Toronto, was attended by ats, elbow length gloves and daughters. The daughters of the family, assisted by the new areainnmissions is in approaching set, you ray be 0~" ~ 5~W M - ALL ~~John Branton. Ushers were slipper satin shoes and car- Mrs. Charles Thompson, served tea. prnrhpbteno David Duff and Richard Webb. ried white and yellow 'mumns. Mr. and Mrs. Potts were recipients of many younger churches with equal mended in your June exani- FUEL LAD9 Afull choral service was Flower girls Miss Kath lovely gifts, flowers, plants, cards and letters from status in the World Council and that is surely worth S conducted by organist Henry Kilpatrick, a cousin of the . f Churcbes. She showed workirLg for! Rosevear, the choir singing bride, and Miss Pamela Anne many relatives and friends in Collingwood and other beautiful sldes of the quelity If any of yau are wondering the processional bymn "Fraise Sbane, sister of the bride, centres. A letter received from Mayor Gordon Bran- goods that are not exported, whet bas become of your My Soul, the King of Hea- wore dresses featuring bend iff extendeç. the felicitations of the people of Colling- of man-made parks, of snow school magazines, we van as- 'oU CA: PT YUR TUT I yen" and the wedding psalm sniocking ta the walst with wood. banks that looked like ours sure yau that its on the way. iu * ____Be_________________Us_______________________One____ witb tree branches propped ta The material bas been select- and Bess Us". Following the in turquoise end the other peetbekn fkne-esrecekdadcm cee yth rd adgominpn[Thi tawfoee garten cbildren pleying with piled-so now is off ta the ' took boly communion, and bats, glaves and socks match- Pr sDV1ra W M .. H rabbits, of young People en- press! Just bold on ta your ai ter this the choir softly sang ed their dresses and their jyn ineatrBbeht n eptetaltl "God Be In My Head". Tne nosegays were pink and yel- suy fa sre ihawielneadi h en __________________anthem "In Confidence and low carnations with 'munis .9'dr A nofual N4eeti n g At hdgeonantte Urne, you could be writing or 47 M Trust" was sung whlle the re- The floral bouquets were ail2 r n u lM e ig A otta sdt urudtikn of somjetbing for the KING ST. E. 358 gister was being signed, and designed by the bride's moth-< the royal palace. lest edition of this year's ________________________ HETNG0 S tere.sinl hm ws"0e hows omh mpo-Screecb Owl. ~~J7"~EAIN 0L7 terect ess "n.hyner wy howsfe rlngwy employ- comSt. U itd Ch r h The deliciaus noon luncheon OINE-MOTOR I efcLLv"Sd yteKigwy an1o was served by the afternoon Girls' Houseleague Basket- LEAN - SWE PI LD__ ~I G S OL~ The reception wes beld in Claralee Flower Shops. Fine weather and newly Holy Spirit". and evening auxiliaries ta 160 bail has been *going strong __- motherareeiv hegi i des ofrbe taathei ushoers were plougbed roads brougbt a A chair of evening auxiliary when greetings were brought for about tbree weeks now, lb > softhegreeinin raa dres e swt m an lyd M and thM rr large gatbering ta the 32nd members with Miss Hazel Run- by the Rev. J. Kr. Moffatt and and I tbink is nearing the end CohItDI sot ren il bocde Gah rydMillrdM. annuel meeting of Oshawa dle at thc organ sang "Living the Rev. J. M. Smith a Wiit- of the schedule. We'll give Thry roeept on westbeld W.M.S. i Sim- for Jesus". Another interesting by. you the results of the play- Tercpinwshlincoe St. United Cburcb, Osh- musical feature was the tape of able. TEasERLOINaLEAN LOIN Memorial Park Club House aa rsdn r.M .o fia ui rprdb EDR A. H 'B RT'wbere the bride's mother re- able.sdn Ms .C f rcnmsc rprdb cAived inaEpT)telblue lac Fisher of Newcas'tle, opened Mr. Anson Moorbouse, as well YELest Tuesday morning, ailý PORTION seath ithappnktelessaies the meeting and presided for as the duet by Mrs. Lloyd grdetwlv sudnt tro- representing shad crsae o pink cernai t ree sessions. Miss Mul- Down and Mrs. Murray Os- rd wlestdnstru T ho London Life Insurance Cm en chose a pale pink gown, mat- wecm ro h otesax "hnst Thee" by Dr. S. 'YelXerton S. S. No. 1 beld STO e Test.SThilsic Ato -kePOfk 15 Concession St. E., Bowmanville ching accessories and wbite iliaries. R. Collins ini which all joined. its Postponed VaIentine party about four tests which tb2y Roa st lb.4 c Ch p Bowmavill MA -367 - OhawaRA 34681 carnation corsage. Miss Janice Beech was ap- The election of two new af- on Friday evcning, Feb. l9th will be given this year. The____________ Bowmnvile A 3-675 Oshwa R 3-681 Following the buffet lunch, pointed a delegate ta Sebool ficers% Mrs. K. G. Werry, re- despite moat inclement wca- results of these tests are com- ________ ______________________attended by approximately 100 for Leaders et Wliitby, Aug. carding secretary, and Mrs. terd itb s eow.Lokdo-re ebolstbrouhout ro. ther gucsts, a dance was bcld. Ca- 22-26. An invitation was re- Robert Humpbreys, sccretary lied Ftc' a with sno.Lo e mor cc lt see ut bwte dîam burgvRUNS terers Mrs. Florence Knigbt, ceived ta bold ncxt year's of C.G.I.T., and the installa- lk ahrsDywt e-ic osejs o h i- H m u Mrs. Millie Bates and Mrs. nmeeting at Trinity United tian af officers was in charge eral papas present et the be- ferent scbools stand with anc Belle Falls wcre responsible Cburcb, Bowmanville. An- of Mrs. J. H. McKinney, past hso n xibiad t sephrd t eir lit- ulsre lompae td ith te- 0 . 1for the most attractive bcad nouncenients includcd Con- president ai Bay ai Quinte tne îîocks sfeyboeard on Junit-esults r f bar i grade FARM or CO( TYRNDESSD table with candelabra centrcd ference Branch et Brockville, Conference Brancb. tsufch aley dayia car, otwue el ndgraehi re- 1)*** by a three-tier wedding cake Marcb 15,,'16 and 17, wben uhabutrdyvactwlendgdehien xST I Ie U p c 'l made by Uic bride's grandmo- Mission Band Missionary Mon- Reports of courtesy com- on highway and caunty road; axus.STL ther, Mirs. Irene Kilpatrick, thly and Stewardship Presby- nuttees wcre presented by via team ai horses and sleigh, D and decoratcd by tbe bride's terial secretaries will be dele- Mrs. Stanley McMurter ai and on our own BrOad Roed S u a e(C )13ALF SLIPScousin, Mrs. Helen Vivian. Or- gates. Tbe post-executive Bwavle and Mrs. H. . only oter masaibitansporrt- ""leon au da 9 chetra for thc evening werc meeting wiil be bcld et St. Smiith ai Ajax. nyohrmasftasp- Size S -M -L ~F Mr.Bud irtu's or rundAndrw's Unitd Chi~h Theaftrnco ~~~st pcak tsian cft-"s-nk-si-r"- -. ,d -r.1Chs.4r.ggtt, 1 IeE fawards on their year's work rural arees. CA A A P ITiwt n electric kettle et Gen and these were prcsented ta 0T WONDER Pepsi-Cola geLS the play CAN DA AIN fburton.di learn that the mayor of the is neyer heevy, neyer too sweet. Il« Il~IStimulating discusi on g ith thillaughter.inrefreshes without filling. Keep pienty C A N A DIA W ALLP PERS M i ch ell'groups werc beld in cbarge W -kPorurig ht e irry ufrd agher tinof Pepsi handy for those informai II~~~~ll~o AN DA WA LA E S 111M th ls ithe Presbyterial secretar- . hmheard slat prolonged Pattck y ffrecny. ai join inevenings j 1'byterial was shown, as Mrs. Wlsat about musicians who play wishing bima a spccdy recov- S upe K EM TO N H&S See Fi Pl Fisher wclcomed thc new or- ,,ind instruments? 7ould th ery. A speedy convalescence Mathig clors orwals nd eiing 'IjThe Februery meeting af, ganizations whicb includedc onstant irritation ot th, as wcll ta Mi. Wesley Wright M atc ing col ursfor wals a d cili gs i thl' Corners Home andtwo Federations, one Mission mouh pece cause li a cr who suppred a similar t- ScolAssociation was held'Circle, four Mission Bands, A. Players of wind instruments tack. recently with Mrs. William and three Explorer Groups. are prone ta develop lip and Congratulations ta Misýs Eh-. 11114I E/ V- L OC Nemis presiding. Mrs. Arthuri The "In Memoriam"' service mouth sores but there is little cvi- zebeth Rowan wba passed ber Peigread Uic minutes of1 by Port Ferry Auxiliary was dencc that there is a tendenIcY Grade 7 piano recently at Port Th MraleAky Eamlthe lest meeting. Mrs. Harry in charge of Mrs. Edgar Leask towar cancerous changes. Mu- Perry. Deepest sympethy is TheMiace lkd naelOyler gv h raue' e and Uic evening warship ser- siclans who have very much hiP extended ta Uic Gcrald Mc- for Woodwork and Trim Ij port.gaeter- vice on Uic "Mission ta the oGot rulesol os i lU family of Yelverton in Mr._ChalesAn ersono_________________________a_______for p ssicldeatrecaon theaeadhso m oraer, mBuyr, tu int i het ehandy Il Mr. Cheles Anderon ai Uttemost" preented ~of tootb irregularities that mightMr.Rad ciliLn- OshawaM showed films an ar-! Dorotby Fisb, Key Wallace contribute Io the difficulty. lso M. Roland McGiU id btl carton CHOSEMACHIG OLURSFRM ifi lrespiration. Mr. Ander- and Carol Alexander of St. s 6-bottiMreRlad cGl OUR OLOU HAR ONY UIDEson lso enswercd questions Stepben's Mission Circle. Dur- Qusto direced îl Science Eâfi-Of Lindsay, and ather members ____________________________________ t'after Uic films. sl ing Uic day four fine vocal1 lors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. af ber famnily, Muriel, Carlyle, A, Itwsdecided a bake saeduets werc heard. Mrs. Sam Stae, N. Y. 10, N. Y. ilil be in- Dewn and Velma, and grand- A RUE be hcld during open Cawker and Mis. Onr Jeffrcy corporoied àt she#e coluauu wheu children and ber brother, Mr. bouse et Uic achool in March. af Part Ferry sang "Some- poil Ernest Stacey. A B ER N ETH Y' LiIIi, Th meeting wes adjourned body", Eilecn Corbsnan and Gled ta report that the par- SPONSORING JUVENILE HOCKEY BROUAT-CL :0PM P A NT W L P A E I ywith the singing of the Na- Helen Laxtan f A lbet St. B U 3-3361 e t ,t e R e M l o m ,a r v Il~~~~ Phoe A 3541 Antheni. Mission Circle sang "My Tak"dsaendsud itth THURSDAY, MAIC r 33 King St. W. 0"iciae Nemisz1i1Si11o1Even- l8 e Florîaeadsudwt h Rereshments were scrved and Miss I.enore and Mis esi Wigt, n lntCiy by Mrs. Mche- NmszadZhlls lsso SmoeEen OWN*.VILLEFlriewhere thev will spend cmite igAuxi ag j ', tenxtfwwes SMITH BEVERAGES 1.TD.. 124 ChurhS.BomnilOt BOWMANVILLE, UNTAMO

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