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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TME CANADIAN STATMAN, Dow LNVff LE, ONTAmO THfuRDAY, AmE. 4th. lIo" Births 1 Deatbs BANNSTE-Gwe an Da-1BALLANTINE, James - In Id are happy to announce thejToronto, Ontario, on Monday, birth of thieir son Barry Dean, April 4, 1960, James Ballan- 6 lbs., 8U ozs., on Thursday,1 tine 242 Highfield Rd., Toron- March 31, 1960, at Memorial to, ieloved husband of Wmni- Hospial, owmavil .A fred Preston and dear father of littie brother for Derrick. 5-1 J. Alfred of Erindale and E. Hector of Bowmanville. Rest- DOWN-Wes and Greta (nee:ed at the Danforth Chapel of Snowden) are happy to an-lMcDougall and Brown Ltd., nounce the birth of their son 1491 Danforth Ave., Toronto. Scott Wesley, 7 lbs., 15 ozs., on Service was heid in the Chap- Sunday, April lth, 1960, at el, Friday, April 8 at 1 p.m.1 Oshawa G encrai Hospital. A Interment Mount Lawn Cerne-j1 littie brother for Paul. 15-1 tery, Oshawa. 15-1* GEISSBERGER-Well folks 1 EDMUNDS, Patricia Ann-Atj final]y arrived on April 4th. I Smiths Falls on Monday, April - weigh 8 lbs., 14 ozs. My proud il 1960 Patricia Ann Ed- parents are Hans and lVargaret!munds of Ferndale Ave., Ka-1 (nee Wynan). I arn to be eall- wartha Heights, Peterborough. ed Garry Hans. Many thanks Beloved daughter of W. Don-j to Dr. W. H. Stanley and Mrs. aid Edmunds and Marion A. Frank Parrinder, R.N., for mYlMcMullen. Dear sister of Ross,j safe arrivai. 15-1*lRickey and Kenny. Grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How-,V SLOOS-William and Louisa ard McMullen of Janetville and, Johanna are happy to announce, Mrs. Bessie Edmunds of Miil- the birth of a son Richard, on!brook. Great granddaughter Thursday, April 7th, 1960, aû,of Mr. and Mrs. James McMul- Memnorial Hospital, Bowman-ilen of Janetville and Mrs. Wes- ville. Special thanks to Drs. iey Campbell, Nestieton. Serv-11i Austin, Rundie and McKaY. ice was held at Comstock Fun- 15-1* eral Home, 356 Rubidge St., Peterboroughi, on Wednesday, PRESTON-Lloyd and Helen April 13 at 3:30 p.m. 15-11 Preston are happy to announce1 the birth of their daughter, HENDRY-At Strathaven RestÉ Kolleen Grace, on Monday,IHome, Bowmanville, late Wed- r April 4, 1960, at Memoriai Hos- nesday afternoon, April 13, pital, Bowmanvîlle. A sister 1960, Annabelle Hcndry (nee for Gary and Bobby. 15,1 Erskine), in bier 72nd year, be- loved wife of the late JohnC Engagements Hendry, and mother of Robert f and John E., Bowmianvilie; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Shaw's;1 wishto nnouce he egag- Alec W., Newcastle; Mrs. Bruce ment of bis daughter Velma Murray, trig n rhes Arleen, to Robert Charles of Ot twa.rling atNd orche 1 Stunden, snoMrad .1fcutt &Smith Funerai Home, v C. Stunden. The wedding wliBowmanville. Service at the- take place on Saturday, MyCaeStraArl1t 7, 1960 at 2:30 p.m. in Ennis- a :p Satry, pril 6thF kilien United Church. 15-1* at 3:30 p.m terment1o-1F Mr. and Mrs. George Sund- L berg of Newcastle wish to an-IHOSKIN, Eva Jane-mn Toron- L nounce the engagement of theirlto, on April 11, 1960, Eva Jane eldcst daugliter Grace, to BenWickett, in lier 74th year, be- Malda, onfly son of Mr. and loved wife of the late Richard- Mrs. John Malda of Newcastle. J Thomas Hoskin; dear motherC Wedding to take place Aprili0f Gwen Hoskin and the Rev. 29, 1960, at theRehoboth John Hoskin and grandmte Christian Rcformed Churcli iniof Ann, Dick and Douglas. Il Bowmnviie. 5-1Rested at Northcutt & Smith 0 Bowma ______15-l Funeral Home, Bowmanvilie. r Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark Service was held on Wednes- rr wish to announce the engage- day April 13 at 2 o'clock. 15-1 p ment of their oniy daughter,ý Helen Alberta, to Mr. Charles. PHILLIPS-At Toronto West- gi Lewis Biekle, son of Mr. and cmr Hospital on Saturday, a' Mrs. Charles R. Bickle, al of iApril 9tb, 1960, Edward (Ted) E Bowmanville. The marriageJPhillips, agcd 50 ycars, 78 Di- r will take place in St. John's 1vision St., Bowmanvilie, beiov- C A1n-'icanChiirhnl a tir1av r,,-I, ,a nf Tillian ordn - k s 1: F MVay 14, 1960, at 4 p.m. 15-1* and dear father cf Beverleys and John, Bowmmnviile, andt Marriage Connie (Mrs. Don Hughes),, Belleville. Service was held FRANKLIN - MeMARTIN - in the Morris Funemal Chapel, United in mamiage by Rcv. G. Bowmianvilie, an Monday, April Wein in United Churcli, Alton, llth at 2:30 p.m. Interment Ontario, on Fridiay, Apnil 8th, Bowmanviiie Ccmetery. 15-1 1960 at 2:30 o,'clock, Annie Me- Martin o! Hamilton and Rus- TE I-Sdel a e seli Franklin of Caledon. 15-1*" nesidence, 621 Harvie Ave., BODD - MSONThe ar-Toronto, on Tuesday, Apnil 12,1 BODD - MSONThe ar-1960, Adelune May Broad, agedi riage is nnounced cf A. Bea- 81 years, wife o! the late Sulas tnice Mason, Oshawa, Ont., Trcwin. Resting at the Mon- daughtcr o! Mn. Frank Cryder- ris Funemai Chapel, Bowman- man, Bowmanville, ta John ville. Service in the chapel on 13oddy cf Toronto, on Satur- Tbursday, t33 ..Itr day, April 9th, 1960, at Chath- met , esat :3epm. Inter- amn, Ont. 1115-1 etcdaCeetmy HARDING - EWERS-Mr. and Mrs. Robent Ewems announce Tenders W anted E the marriage o! their daugliter ,Arn Elizabeth, ta Mr. Richard TENDERS wiii be received byB Edward Harding, son cf MrjDurbam County District High _3 and Mrs. Richard Harding, Sehool Board for the construe- C< Ilaliburton, Ont. The mar- tion of a High Sehool at Mili- e riage took place in Central'brook, Ontario. e United Churcb, Wcston, Ont., Drawings and specifications r( Apri 2 at 4 p.m. Rev. Ralph peparcd by Barnett and Ried- $ E. Spencer officiated. 15-1cmr, Architeets, wiii be avail- fE able at the Architect's Toronto ir Reception office and reference copies wili be placed at the Toronto Build- b, Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Rundie er's Exchange and at the Ardui- F will bc at home ta their friendstect's office in Port Hope, On- v] and relatives on the occasiontario, on Monday, April 11, a! their Golden Wedding, ati1960. Hampton Municipal Hall, Wed- Tenders will be neceived in the nesday, April 20, fram 2 - 4 and lr chitect's Port Hope~ Office, 7 - 9 p.m. l4-2*sent by registered mail post- Smrked nat later than 5:00 p.m. Mn. and Mrs. George Hcnd- Mody pi 5 90 nd erson of Port Hope will be at'addressed ta: borne ta their friends at thel The Durhamn County Districtý home of Mm. and Mrs. Arnold; Hizgb Sehool Board, Wade, Newtonville, on Sunday, ec/o iiarnett and Rieder, April l7th on the occasion of Architects, their Fiflieth Wedding Anni- Roorn 301, versary, forn 3 ta 5 in tbel Budge Building, aftemnoon and 7 ta 9 in the Part Hope, Ontario. evening. 15-1 The lowest or any tender wll not necss3arily be accepted. ComingEventS A deposit cheque of twenty- Dance at Tyrone Hall, Sat-,reciuircd for dnawings and- urday, Aprîl 16. Clara Nes_ specifications. 15-1 bitt's Music Makers. Sponsared by Tymone Orange Lodges. Ad- mission 75e. 15-1* TOWNSHIP 0F - -- DARLINGTON Easter Dance, Stunday, Apr. TENDER FOR 16, Coidsprings, Ontario. Jim TOWNSHIP GARAGE Fisher and Orchestra. Evemy- one weicome. Dancing stants SEALED tenders plainly mark- sharp at 9 p.m. Admission $i.ýed "Tender for Garage" wili 14.2*lho eceived by the undemsign- Euche cad gae attheed until 5:00 o'clock p.m., Meure c arkgam at heWEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, 1960, j MeAprial Park90 Clubhauseo for the construction o! a ne-ý Apni 14,196, 8 .m. rO~inforced concrete and concretei ceeds for the Cerebrai Palsyloc aae h aaei ehacsi mn Cini. ood piz-. 44'-0" x 90-10)". It will be la- I Ads, s nts doo pize.cated at Lot 18. Con. V, Town-'I Adion c..14- sbip cf Darlington bcing atý WoV iew Çommunity Centre! Hampton. -Monster B i n go. Twenty iPlans, specifications and tend- games-twcnty dollars; fiveer fommns may be obtained fromý gams-thirty dollars; $150Àthe Road Superintendent oný jackpot, and twa jackpots atýand after Apnil 18, 1960. A' $250. Door prizes. Next'deposit o! ten dollars is requin-! Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn. cd fer ecd set a! plans and& Oshawa. 46-tflispecifications. This deposit , % wvill be refunded upan returnn Notices cpf the plans and specifîcatians ________ ______in goad condition within tbirty The wvinner cf the Club 15 days cf the elosing o! tenders. Easter Dinner Draw was No. Emeli tender must be ac- 461, A. Murphy, 60 Jackman ýcompanied by a manked cheque Rd., Bowmanvulle. 15-I for 10% of the amaount of the -1tender. Financial iLowest or any tender not UNLDIITD LOANSnecessaniy acccpted. Ù:-LiffË MO - NEY ON R. M. SHIORT, To City and Farrn Folks Road Supt., Money for anythlng and any- Dariington Township, where. Phone or write now. Hampton, Ontario. g( W. E. RUNDLE, se OPS INVESTMENTS LTD. Township Clenk, si 99 Avenue Road, Suite 310 Darlington Township, $1 Toronto 5, Ontario. WA 2-.2442 Hampton, Ontario. Ni 14-41 15-2 il Aricles for S l Aricles for Saile QUANTITY of hay and straw. QUANTITY of cedar posts. Phone Blackstock 78 r 4. 15-1 Phone MA 3-3394. 15-1 ONE thousand bales of good GOOD mixed hay, about 1500 hay. Phone MA 3-2595. 15-1* bales. Phone CO 3-2579. 15-1i GOOD quality baled hay. Tele- IHT WO , t 1eoi phone CO 3-2024. 15it! lengths, $10 a load. CO 3-2275.1 - - - -.8-tf WATER for sale. Delivereci.1 Phone Cliff Pethick, COifaxj 3-2131. 36-tf COOK stove with two oil burners, also two oil drums. Phone MA 3-5534. 15-1* ONE man's extra large hand- knit heavy sweater, red, $25. Phone Orono 1642. 15-1 GREEN studio coueh, like ruew. Phone MA 3-5904 or after 5 p.m. MA 3-5991. 15-1 REBUILT electrie motors, new guarantee. R. D. Morton, tele- phone Orono 14 r 16. 6-12e OUTBOARD motor and boat. ýwith trailer, neyer used. C. V. Cooper, Omono. Phone 1521. 15-1*1 THREE h. p. Chore-Master garden tractor with cultivator, in good condition. Telephone MIA 3-2283. 15-1 KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 46-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from null to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17 r 11. 13-tf GOOD selection uscd TV sets for reasonable prices. The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond St. East, Oshawa. 1 1-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt service to electrical appliances, arge and small. Lander Hard- wrare. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf PAINTING and Decorating. For quality materiais and gu ar a nt e e d workmanship. Lander Hardware & Eiectric Ltd. 9-tf DO your own floors and rugs -Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner <shampoo meth- od). We sand floors. Lander Hardware. 5-tf NSULATION, biowing meth- od, with rock wool. Work- nanship guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf VORK boots and shoes at bar- gain prices, brown anud black, a11 sîzes. Bowmanvilie Shoe Repair, 80 King St. W., Bow- ruanville. East of Bowmanvilie Cleaners. 42-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and camplete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electnie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanviile. Phone MArket -3305. 7-tf TIRES New -Retreaded Used JAMIESON TIRE 10-tf GET the jump on summer. S§ec us for free estimates on "Car- hayes" Aiuminum Combina- tion Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how econom- ical they are from' Cowan lquipment Co., 134 King St. E., 3owmanviiie, or Phone MArket 3-5689. 15-tf ON Sale - 3-piece sectional chesterfieid, $169; 2-piece bed- chesterfield, $99.50; 3-pcc .bed- room suite, $89; space-saver, $44.50; Arborite step and cof- fee tables, $9.95; spring-fiiied nattresses, $19.95; used refrig- erators, guaranteed; odd chairs, beds and springs. Murphy F'urniture, King W., Bowman- ville. MA 3-3781. 14-1* a a î See the new German STEREO HI-FI SETS Beautiful Swedish Walnut LOWEST PRICES THE Duich Nerchant 171 Bond St. East OSHAWA RA 8-6051 A.B. STURRGCK &SONS LTD. MA 3-5516 BO WMAN VILLE Personctl WYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, ealed cnvelope with price iist.' Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- iton, Ont, 1-52 400 BALES of dry oats and1 whcat straw. Phone CO 3-2524. 15-1 APPROXIMATELY 400 bales of mixed hay. Phone Clarke 1602. 15-1* CHILD'S 2-wheel bicycle, suit- able for 5-8 years. Phone MA1 3-3939. 15-.1 WELDER, 260 amp., complete with cabies, helmet and trail- er. Phone Clarke 2811. 15-11 SCOTCH Pine seediings and transplants. Sam Manetta,N Pontypoal, Ontario. 15-2*3 QUANTITY of good used pine1 lumber. Telephone Newcastler 3876 or 4128. 15-2c YELLOW and white Gendron( carriage, in excellent con-3 dition. Phone MA 3-5741. l1. 1* ONE door and frame 2' 8" x 6' 8"; girl's C.C.M. bicycle, pail- a-day toilet with tank. Omona 1247J. 15-1* BUFFET, table, 6 chairs, rug 7 V2' x 4 %' with rubber unden- pad; large jacket heater. Tele- phone MA 3-3727. Harvey Hardy. 15-l1' LAWN and Garden Fertilizers (with or without Dicîdrin or Aidrin for Cut Worms). Lawn grass and'bulk ganden seeds o! highest quaiity, iowest price. Visit your seed headquarters. Stewart's Seeds, Division St.. Bowmanville. 14-tf FERGUSON tractor with Horn loader, John Deere Model B tractar, Minneapolis Moline tracton, Massey-Harris 3-fur- row plaw for 3-point hitch; Oliver plow, pull type. Virtue's Garage. Phone CO 3-24131, Tyrone, Ont. Oliver Sales and Service. 15-1* SPECIAL-Kitchen suites, in beige, plus settings for 4, stainlcss steel eutlcry and china, campîcte, $89.50. Va- cuum cleaners from $59.50; 2- piece bed-chestenfieid suite from $99.50. Trade-in aliow- ance. Murphy Fumniture, 47 King W., MA 3-3781. 15-1* SUMP PUMPS Complete with 25' Plastic Hose $50.00 PARTNER Plumbing & Heafing Orono 1782 Tyrone CO 3-2281 BARGAINS.: Singer treadie sewing machine, $19; West- house refnigenator, $39; Easy vacuum cleaner, $12; boy's side- walk bicycle, $19; Fond deluxe scwing machine, like new, $89; mantel radio, $12; Congo wall eovering, 54" wide, negulan pnice, 69e ft., on sale at 55e ft.; wasbing machine, $29; Worid Scope encyclopaedia set $3.9. Lavety's Bangain Centre, 59 King. St. W., Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. 15-1l Complete Garden Supplies LANDSCAPE DESIGN Lawn Fertilizer wlth ALDRIN SPREADER ON LOAN Van Belle Gardens 3 Miles West of Bewmmnville Highway No. 2 MA 3-5757 Work Wcmted PART-time job wanted. Phone MA 3-3091. _______15-if LADY desires housework by day. Phone MA 3-5512. 15-1 CUSTOM made draperies. For idformation Phone MA 3-3283 or MA 3-3857. 15-1 FOR ail your painting and wailpapering, call MelleRaz- ema. Phone MA 3-2584. 15-tf BULLDOZING and excavating. Gordon Strong and Son. Phone Blaekstock 118 r 12 coliect. 15-2* HAIRDRESSING. For your Spring hair style Phone Mrs. Yvonne Cowle, 25 Church St. 15-2* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COifax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR chimncy work, new or repair or any brick, block or canerete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cali L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf flerman Van De B ell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick, Block, Concrete and Carpentry New Work and Repairs PHONE MArket 3-3694 7 Mill Lane 5-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK ý54 Kin R. L. TAFT ýng St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf KEITH DAVEY Livesiock Shippers AND GENERAL TRANSPORT Phone CO 3-2639 46-26* BACKHOE WOIRK Trenchlng - flackfllling Septlc Tanks New Equlpment IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 87 r 4 before 8 arn. or after 5 p.rn. 15-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowinanville CORNER KING & ONTARIO 24-tf (Ted) Arends Electrie Motors REPAIRS to ail your electrical equipment REWINDING Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. Bowrnanville .-tf OSHAWA TELEVISION AERL INSTALLATION & Phone Bowmanville MA 3-5919 BILL AND BOB Anger Consir- CONCRETE -1 BLOCK -CIR ROY ANG MA 3-227 Pets for Si 133IRRESISTIBLE Bor USED FARM MACHINERY, puppies (maie). Guaranteed - Tractors, Mas- Harvey Malcolm, 1 sey-Harris 101 Suiper; Masscy- Janetvillc P.O. Harris 81, Massey-Harris 30, - _______ Masscy-Harnis 22, Ford tractor Articles for with Loader, Allis-Chalmers B, *Allis-Chalmers VF with scuff- RED Coat strawberi lers, International W4, Farm- dwarf and standard1 ail H, Farmali M with scuffie rssbubs, trees, rose Farmali Cub with mower and plants, lawn and gari * jlow. Delhi 81,ý ft. Cultivator izers, ail garden accE _9n steel; two Massey-Hamris' A. W. Rundie GardE Drills, 13-dise; International 1015 King St. E., Oshz 13-dise Dmil1; International 15- For Hlgh Vieldlnt marker double dise Drill- John Deere 3-fummow Piow on Maturity - Plant rubber; Case 2-furmow Piow,H-re 3-point hiteli; Massey 2-fumrowHi-r Galin Plow on steel; John Deere Sub (Best by Tea Soiler; International Ho rs e Spreader; Case P.T.O. Com- Phone Colleet W, bine; Case motor driven Com- PLaza 3-2281 or write bine; International motor driv- ven, Port Hope R.R. eBaier; New Hoiland motor R drvnBaler; 2-row Hoiland T UR E Mechanical Planter; Interna-K tional 22" Mill with Shedder; CHOICE QUAI Massey P.T.O. Sprayer, 17- nozzle with P.T.O. pump; John 12 - 16 LBS, Bean P.T.O. Sprayer with 2- cyl. pump, delivers up ta '7 G. P.M., like new; 1947 Ford MA35 1 Truck, good condition, excellent farmn truck; 1956 International PHIL FINN 3½-ton Truck. c u. ft. Freez- er, Cowan Equipment Co., 134 Jvai r King St. E., Bowmanvilic. MA M peGo 3-5689. 15-1 SEED GRAIN Sow Pedigreed Seed TRilE TO VARIETY - HIGH GERMINATION - FREE FROM WEI TREATED FOR1 Garry and Rodney Oats Brant - York - Parkland and Herta CERESMORE FARM - Bowmanvil] PHONE MA 3-7150 1 Cars for Sale >1957 BUICK 4-dr. hardtop, fautomatie transmission, radio, $1,495. Phone MA 3-3394.i- 1956 FORD 4-dr. station wagon. Gaod, dlean condition. Custom radio. Phone MA 3-5115. 14_-2_* 1956 BUICK 4-dean handtap, excellent condition inside and 1aut, low mileage; pnivate. Tele- phone MA 3-3102. 15-1 1951 3/-TON Chev. pick-up truck, 1949 21/-ton G.M.C. truck with 16' body, new tires. Phone MA 3-3394. 15-1 ALLSTATE- Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For persanal service at youn hmc aUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf $975 CASH, 1956 Ford six sedan, new battemy, new tires, spotiess inside and out; per- fect meehanical condition. Spe- cialty Paper Products Ltd., Bowmanville. Phone MAmkei 3-3381 9 -5 pm.. McGee, MA 3-7114 after 5 p.m. 15-1 BUYING ORtSELLING- SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Iust East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-t' USED CARS-1955 Dodge 4- Dr., 1955 Pontiac 4-Dr., auto- matic transmission; 1956 Ford 2-Dr.; 1956 Mercury 2-Dr. Hamdtop, automatie transmis- mission, radio; 1958 Meteor 2- Dr., 1959 Ford Fairlane, fully equipped; 1947 Ford 2-ton, good farm truck. Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bow- manville, MA 3-5689. 15-1 USED CAR SPRING SPECIAL 1957 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Very dlean, 10w mileage FulIy Guaranteed $1495 1956 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, VS Automatie, radio, cornpletely reconditioned. White wall tires. Two tone. Sharp Car. $1375 1953 METEOR SEDAN Radio. Good running condition. $450 '52 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY Motor overhauled. Clean body, perfect delivery truck $325.00 '51 BUICK SUPER Convertible New paint and tires, power window and top. Automatie transmission. Really a sharp one $495 BLACKSTOCK MOTORS PHONE 70 CASH - TRADE OR TERMSI 15-1*1 AucionSd Auctian sale 30 high Holstein cattle, team Case tractor, implement grain, furnitume, prope Mcl Morgan. Lot 35,1 Darlington, 1/ mile nc Taunton, on Saturday, 23md. Terins cash. S onc o'cioek. Harvey ' clcrk;*Ted Jackson, auci Durham Farmers 6th Spring Stocker Sale v held on Thursday, Apri the Durham County Amena, Orono. Sale tE mence promptly at 2:0 This sale offers the best quality cattie for grass. included in this sale wil number of registered buils, serviceabie age cows with calves at foot, ta attend this auction. Reid, auctianeer. Massey-Harris tractai propclied combine, bali tor seed drill, Intemnatic 110 truck, fulli une cf r farm machinery, the esi the latl Russell Virtu( by pu bi auction on Sal Apnil 16, at 1 pan, at h nesidence, Lot 9, Con. 7, ington Township, in 1J Furthcr particulars, sce les IRecrl Estate for Sale rRearl Estate forS Il ,i grade TWO ehoice lots in Village of LOT for sale. 90' x 2501.'rIU hanses, Hampton. Phone CO 3-2672. fui level and dry buildineiRt~ ts, hay. _____________7-ti on south side of Higliway No. erty cf- 2 at Mapie Gi ove, Darlîngton Con. 5, Peter Feddema Township. Priced for quick )rth o! sale by axwner. Cail RA 5-8198. .Apnîl REAL ESTATE BROKER ____ ___ Sale at 100 acres with 10 room mod- Petr K:~ Pascoe, cmn house, L-shape barn, ex- Pe r o a tianeer. cellent location. This is a veny REAL ESTATE BROKF.R 15-2* prductivedrm. Owner must1 GENERAL INSURANCE Annual 34 acres, small stream, some 99 King St. E. Bowmanville wiii be bush. Close ta school. Pnice Telephone 'NA 3-5868 il 21 at $100.00 per acre. Terms. 1 Box 817 Sales 10 acres with barn on Scugagl Salesman J. A. Barton ýO cam- Road, within town lîmits cf' 31A 3-3093 D0 p.m. Bowmanville. A real bargain Bargains! Bargains! u n top at S3,500.00.1 6 roomns, l'2-storeY, close ta ;.Also 6> room fully modemn bunga- Isehool. Ail cons eniences. 011 ibe ailow, decorated thmoughout,1hcat. Only $6.5(0-00. Low 1 beef good location. near school. down paymcent. l-urrv! cand Asking pnice $10,500. Terms.. 6 rooni new~ bungalow with L.Plan 6 room 1 'i2-storey home, very garage. Truly first class work- Jack central, near schools, large lot, mnanship. Nice location. 01nlY 14-2* garage. Price $8,500. Tcnms.l$14,500.00. Ternis. 5 noom semni-detached bouse,I 6 roorn bungalow under N.H. r, self- central, garage. Price oniy tA. finacing $7i. 8 per inonth r, trac- $6,500.00. Terms. includes intêrest, principal and onal S- Sevenal building lots, some taxes. Priced at $12,900.o. modern on sewer and water. ITermis. ttcf19 ScogS. owanle New 4-bedroom sPlit le\-ei ;ae. Sd9i uogS.Bomnvlbungalow, 2-car garage. On tunday, Ci A334 70 ft. lot. Possession on June as r a Salesman: G. Blyleven 15 ýDarl- Phone MA 3-5300___51 r'yrone. "-'1 Leask Real Esiate Tens cash. No reserve. lje Wifil ineai Estale 5 room modern bungalow at Lae~rence Harris, clerk ; Jack ICaesarea, oil furnace, bath- Reid, auctioneer. 14-2* 50 Acre farm. 40 acres work- room, sun porch, extras. $1500 able, stream, 70' x 32' bank cash. Balance easv ternis. Im- IMPORTANT AUCTION barn, 2 garages; 7 rcomed'mediate posselss'in. home, heavy duty wired. Price' 4 roomn bun'galow, oul furn- 30 Registered and high grade $10,500. ace, landscaped oomyi lot. Ftu Holstein herd and farm ma- 90 Acre farm on No. 2 High- price $8,400.00. chincry, inciuding 2 Interna- way, 76 acres womkable, strcarný 2-storey brick house, cent. tional tractors; ail machinery 122' x 32' bank barn, water' mal. Finished recreation roorn, in excellent condition. Loca- bowls, drive shed, etc. 0ýattachcd garae 5390.o tion: Charles Frank Farrn, 3 roomcd brick home with ail Choice building lot j()() mules north of Bowmanvilce., modern conveniences. Pri 150, found:îiion built. $1,.500o on Liberty Street N. and corn- and terms arranged. lfuli price. Terins. er of Taunton Road East, Lot 185 Acre farm near Miil-l We have income homnes, 9, Con. 4, Darlington. Turne: brook, 120 acres workable,' bungalows, lots, etc., too num- 1 a'clock sharp, Wednesday, strcam, L-shaped bank barn, erous ta list. April 2th, 1960. Sec sale bis. water 'bowis, steel stanchions, M. E. LEASK Temms cash. Ted Jackson, auc- drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed brick Real Estate Broker tioneer; James Blair, owncm home with ail modemn con- 65 Ontario St. Bomnie and sales manager. 14-2 veniences. Asking $17,000 with MArîmeî 3-591 $7,000 down. Akt3!1 Old Orchard Herefords Ltd., 100 Acre farm iocated 5 mie Sales Staff: Miilbrook, Ont. Opportunity from Oshawa, 95 acres work-Imrs. Ralph Ames - MA Ô-3406 Sale, Saturday, April 23, 1960, able, 80' x 36' bank barn with____ 15-1 1:30 p.m., at Peterborough water bowis, milk bouse, etc.;l Exhibition Grounds, offering 40 7 roomed home, heavy duty J.VnN s lots consîsting of 14 bulis; sev- wired. Asking price $25,000. REA EVanTe BRKE erai are by WHR Lord Vern 8 Terms arranged. RA SAEBOE which sired the Grand Cham- 100 Acre farm, near New- 118 King E. MA 3-3230 pion bull and lst prize get-of- tonvilie, smali barn, lien bouse, Bowmanville sire at 1959 Royal Agrîcuitural etc.; 8 rôomed home with ail Prince St. Weil designed Winter Fair. Others by WHR modern conveniences, new ail brick bungalow, miodern Con- Lord Vern 53, Old Orchard furnace, etc. Price and ters eins.Akg!.1250wt Avalon Flash 7 and WHR Cox-larranged. r $5,venieces.Asng 250 it ,swaun 7. Govcmnment Grant 100 Acre farm, noth-east Liberty St. N. 9-moom home on 5 Tested Buils. 26 Females; Bcwmanviile, 98 acres work- with 4-mooin apartment. Con- many have caives at foot bY able, pond, L-shaped bank barn, veniences. Four fruit trees, WHR Coxswain 7 and somte drive shed, new garage; 10 on nice lot. Askinj $li,000 wiil be rebred by sale time. roomed brick house with ail with $2,000 cash. Herd Accredited and Fcderaliy modemn conveniences, new oul 27 acres east *of $JýWcastle. Listed. Auctioneer: W. S. fumnace. Pnice $26.500 with New five-roomn brick 'buf1g - O'Neii and Son, Denfield, Ont.* $5,000 down. low Askçing $12,000 witfl For catalogues write M. W. 2 Bedroom, well buiit home $5,000 cash. Anxious to seJ Cornish, mgr., Millbrook, Ont. in Bowmanvilie with ail mod- inspect and make offer. 14-2 ern conveniences, full base-- 7 room insul brick on higli. Co.ment, modemn kitchen. Down way near Nextonville. Con- Auction sale cf valuable cl $1,500. Price aranged. i veniences including new ail lection of Importcd Antiques, 6 Roomed brick bungalow furnace, aluminumn windows. 5 miles north cf Newcastle, in with 27/½ acres land, iocated Priced $6.500 xith $1,000 clown. the Armouries at Orona, On- near No. 2 Highway. Price.Quick possession. tario. Sale on Fniday, Apnil 221$9,000 with $2,500 down. endlitgs at 6 p.m. Sale on Saturday,j 3 Bedroom bungalow - i ene itns 1 TV Livestock for Sale Apil23 at lp.m.nd v.omancl ewih llmoern uy asten blS. 151 TWO-yean-old Hfereford_ bull1ifuruiitune, deconative china, tule floors, modern ice. y~ 1 AL SALES Ivan Mountjoy, Bunketon. 15-1 c h o i e e giswae teln, sig i,00 emsamn-r. iLil 1-____ -_ Sheffield plate, dlocks, bas d RP RS8Yo RKHRdpg,8 ek copper, etc. This is anc o! tic 8 Roomed frame bouse in Fmi-ms, 50 ta 300 acres, froni ai.Cyril Rundie, Bowmmn- fincst shipments cf rare an- Pontypool with 4-piece bath,$1L),000 ta $60.000. Oshawa ville. 151 tiques that we have ever had, running water. Price $4,000. Supentest service station on R 8-10FIVE grade Landrace sows- direct fromn Europe. This fine Easy terras. 35 Highiway North fron i Lnd- LEASK Rodney secd aats. Phone CO collection o! antiques wiil be 4 Roomed cottage in Beth-tsay, large gallonage, only me- 39-tf 3-2544. 15-1 an display at the Armouries in any with running bot and coldipairs for- ) miles around, na op- TWO gradeHosensrgr. Orono on Thunsday, April 21 water, full basement. Prc Position in village. Living 'uciion Hono AslstinsprinR. at 2 p.m. and in the evening $2,500. quamteî.s and snack bar. Wiil Vremnon.Ase1ti5,R î at 7 p.m. Terms cash. Abso- 13 Roomed brick home in trade fon fuumi or good bouse. BRICK Buktnluteîy no nesenve bidg. Cata- Newcastle with extra lot. New- 100 acres choice land, 7 room REGISTERED Angus bull, two logues on necjucst. Contact: ly xired. Asking $8,000. Easy brick hanse wîth conveniences, IIMNEYS yeans, aise qumntity o! baled H. Bruce Snider, auctioneer, terms. bank barn 40' x 60', ail seeded hay. Phone COlfax 3-2338.. Phone Odessa 195, Ontario, Cnat down. Only S11I,000 withi low - 15-if (pnivate line), on Mn. Jack conac:lown l)ayrnent. RR TO rgiseredbeales onjRei, Pone5 r18, ron, O- . acres un No. 2 1lighiway in ERle T on estcm$d5beales, larido ne5 15-noo, ; John F. De With village witli heautiffîl bunga- puaep ml, twoltauia. ______$5______ Realtor and General Insurane low~, a Il modern ionveniences, 73Phone Orono 1642. ___ 15-1 He pNte ewcastle Phone 3341 ebieken es good terrns. 15-tf FOURT'EEN Hereford and - __- Salesmen: castle, $4.0001, witlî sînali clown ý Durham yearling steers; six SINGLE man for daimy fanm. Donald Mountjoy. Bowmanvllle paymnî. ;aie Holstein yearling heifers, vac-ýPhone CO 3-2019. 15-i MA 3-3950 6 roonnouse in Uîono, al -derColicuated. COne or2sec Rm-1hBOY ta help on dmiry farn. M. Ross Davidson, Bethany convenienees. I acre of land, demColieDvisC 3-284 151l. Pedweil, Newcastle 3851. Phone 21 r 6 $7,500. Terms. Telephone 1- 15-1 6 roorn hotîse willi acre of lackstock, HULSTEINS ---______- land, bathi, one mnile from No. 15-1 ALASKA. Ballistie Missile F rR n 2 Highwavý, :3 miles froin New- -il ya ae th mnke fr pojeet constr-uction. Long, top ca-ie $~4.5(00, vasy teris. S aie 1 high quality foundation stadk'pay job. "Job News" 30e and STORE at 55 King West. Applyi 2 acre vacant lot, suitable for _____-_- or profitable milliers for daîryjacdressed envelope. ELCO, W. Pmower, MA 3-5907. 14-2ibuilding. on a gond road in a ryplants, herd replacements, 1 amn sure Box 373, Houghtan, Wash. U. -- --!fast building section. $800 or fruit trees, we ean assist you. S.A. 151*TWO heated apartinents, fotîrbest offer. es, boxcd Always a number of Springlng RWEG bsns nw ooms and a bath. Phone New-, Mouîy ta Juan .den aetl Cows aud Hcifens to choose un BWrnaH uiessTrad open castle 3136. -- 4-2*j . esnentrfreesn.ished. Excellent oppor ýTIIJ-EE-rooin apartment ith riç Dro Centrebthcenesta ocaed Phe Ne- Lawa. 15-7 Dplualtunity, Fui] time, Write atba .etalylctd.PoeNwca'stle Phone 3856 and Early Te hvn~ once. Rawieigi's, Dept. D-140-'MA_3-3740. 1.571- 15-1 L-whve arm 189, 4005 Richelieu, MUontreal.SX-omd artet a/!il ouho BLACKSTOCK'1-1 Tyrone, pnivate entrance. Tele- c uyadKd i Corn on Scîigog Rd. or Phone S.one OU3-256. 14- st) Blesok2Wfr R TfTCTI7T'P RE - noomed apantment, Mmes of Oshawa & District elcome~h HOWARD TREWIN Do You Have Spare Tirne? heated; heavy duty stove, cent-lMme saelor , E. Weaeawruhathiiyl Do You Need Extra Money?ma.PoeM We have been appointed Cix- 3. 15-7e Must for your success and ours., You can earn rlght iu yourBRC ulig enrl pcuie Bowmnanville Agents awn neighbourhood, contactlng proximately 400 sq. ft, $30 perýfar Modelaire N.HA. Homnes YS We also BUY - SELL - TRADE ivnesoes etanyu month. Phone MA 3-5996. piannecu for M\odern Living hy SPECIAL-Three young eowAos csomr. ,etai ou 5-tf fFred R. Joues Ltd. Down puy- LITY fresh April 7, 9 and 11. Listed, Write today to FIVE-roamed bungalow inýments as low as S2,000. (Xour vaccluated, R.O.P. Prlced to MISS K. MacKEAN Bowmanvi]ie, ali modern con-! present lot may apply an this .. 529 GilmorSt.,Peterborough veniences. Phone 3341 New- daxvn p~ ot - 28 mur ~ 151castle. 15-i. Central -ocated 2-storey 18 ]Re______15-l' frame housýý (in large lot. Ask- 8 RparsTHREE rooms and bath, heat- ing $9,500 with reisonable RADIO and television repairs, \Vanted cd, heavy wiring, self -contain- down payaient. 1~T Prompt service. Pick-up andcd May lst. MA 3-3186, 2.05 Omono--Nekvbrck11 L.storey deliveny. George's, 85 King St. DEAD and crippied farm stock,. KingEast. ________5-1*jhome, $8,000i wth$1,50F0 down. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf picked up pmomptly. Telephone FU -ma--met ha 112 Acre farm on paved road, ve GUARANTEED -eeiio n COifax 3-2721. Margwilla Fur FOUR-roe a atrnenthat3- 2-storey bouse, barn 10.i' x 30', 15-1 radio service, te ail makes. Farm, Tyrane. 3 7-tf icd, btht.m dwtn aate cneek. Pnice $19,000 with reas- Same day service. Television MARRIED man with family r- PioeMAh.-707nto 15-arca. onab e .downpaym n ic Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883 uines work on farmn or te---- 49-tf wisc, part tirne, with bouse-BUNGALOW at Orono, 5 Lake. Must be soîd t ,clJose REPIE ad ewidigan supplîed. Write Adventiser 32,1rooms, bath, hydra, heavy wim.,estate. Full price i a J ing EaRs nd tewiai m- c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O.I ing, tule floors, spaciaus clos- mli fuu-niture, boats, etc:'only elecnie otos. Hggo Ele.ox 190, Bowmanvilie. 15-1* ets. Milton 'ramblyn. Phone $15,000. - - ____os.Higo Ee- MA 3-5794. 15-1* Cottage at Bowmanvilîe West ERDS trie, 38 King East. Phone MA - Beach. Furnishied price $3,300 DSAE3-3305 7-tf WaneLe to Rent FOUR-noorn apartment and with $400 down. DPIR o ilmke o ew TRE Bw bath, hcated, newly decorated, Cottages at Pigeon Lake, EPIng oal machns.F e pickup and . bedroom bhouse in iO-1tiled floans, hcavy duty wiring. Lake Scugog and Presqu -ile. divmes . avety's Ba d manvulle, on an after July lst. Apply Samuel Annis, 10 Du- We have a large selection of Centvr, 5 KinvW.Telepagin Write Adventisen 27, c/o The!vision St., Bowmanviile. 15-1 famnis, acreages, homes arld,ý1 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box, - businsses eyMA 3-7231. 44-tf 10 omnil. 13-tf! NEW 3-bedroomn home with ijess REPAIRS toa li makes cf ne- _____ - garage attached, ail heat, mod-jCl Ifrigerators, domestie and com- Piano Tupdine-r ern cupboards. Hrdwood and, WALTER FRANK LU I.mercial; milkimg coolers. Hig-- tile throughout. Immediatej 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 gon Electrie Limited, 38 Kingf ARTHUR Collisen. Telephonepassin M. H. Pedwell, Bowrnanville 15-1 St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. '-tf MArket 3-3900. @-tliNecatl 3851. 15-11 13-1 1 - ý 1 .1- 1 1 1 - 1 -1ý Ll- -1 : 1 i NI 1-

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