PAGETOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANv[.L, oNTAiuo EDIiQRALS TmJRSDAY, AP"t. U%.1% Ed. Youngman's Column If the saddest'day in the history of huankind was the Day of the-Crucifixion of Jesus, certaînly the most joyous day was the Day of the Resurrection of our Lord. The Resuri-ection of Christ brought the assurance of immortality te eager men. St. Paul said: "OUI Saviour Christ Jesus. abolished death and broughî life and iminortality ta light througb the Gospel." The faci that Christ had risen frorn the dead and was seen alive by bis disciples. wvas in- deed, thrilling news of great joy. Throughout the ages men have yearned to know pbsitively Ihat there la life afier death. and that they will mneet their loved ones again. in that better land, xvhere there will be no more partings. nor tears. In the charming letters of Edwirn ]Booth, the greal actor, there is one writ- ten in 1863, a few weeks afler the dealhi of bis beautiful. young wife. wicelie- presses this yearning. He w-rites: "I lie awake ai night and look for ber in the darkness. 1 hold myý breath and listen. and some times fancy I can heai' heî- speak away in somewhere - in my soul perhaps:, for 1 knowx that if il is possible for ber 10 corne back. site xxill corne ta zne some night. She is in beax-en. they say, and I must live Io meet lier ihere. 1 know al this at leasi as well as thev know it, but 1 do ueed sorne sign froini her. some huitle breath of wind if noih- Ing mare, brin.ging comforting words from her. .1. who have laugbed ai such thiîigs now- teel mystified and haîf believe thal such ihings may be. If Mary should corne ta me 1 feel thal my sou] would become purified. T shall no longer have douibis.«" In the hour of berea'eînent. of cr-uel ceparation and ineffable loneliness. the words of Colonel Ingersoil. the greai inidel. are none 100 melancholy. AI the grave of his brother he cried: "LiSe is a narrow vale between the mourntain peaks of twNo eternities.. The skies -give back no soLund... We cry- aloud and the onlv' answea- is the echo of our xailingcr' Oh. how often hav'e we, also. stood in oui. sorrow and despair beneath lte sky and 'have cried aloud. and the on1Y answer bas been the echo g our lamentation. But it is flot onlv the death of oth- ors that makes us ask this question: "1,ç there life afier death?" We realize that. sooner or laier, we too must die and we are anxio>us ta know, our destin v. The question of Job. therefore. is still à vital one: "If a man die, shali he livé- WTe must off er a sincere compliment te týtP mcm bers of Bowmanvilhe's Library Board wvbo participaier] in the projecl last week o! drawing attention to N'ational Libt-at-y Week. The Wedinesday aftirnootii display of unusual collections and exhibits xvas a wonderfui idea. Our only regret is thtmore people didn'l. take advantage of the opportunity of visiling the library tb see whal other residenis are doing for hobbies. Nexi i-car. %ve anticipate that te pro.iecti wil] be expanded int an even more interesting end attractive show which xiii atiraci great crowd., from their bornes. Iu this connectiait. %e would like Io draw attention to a column in thîs paper, calied "Hobb's', Corner" whîch has been xritten by M\,iss Helen Van Dusen in an effor't ta organlize an ex- panded hobby show titis Spring. Now that the iar Board bas made a start again?". or, ini other xvards. "Is man in'uortal?" Does the human self sur- vive death. or does the event of death put an end to our existence as persans?" Now, the resurrection of Jesus Christ ansxvers all these questions in the affirmative. Thomas Arnold. the ramous scholar, educator. Master of Rugby, declared thal "the resurreclion of Jesus Christ is the besi attested faci in ahi history." Therefore, we knoxv that the dlaims, declaralions and prom- ises that bie made were Irue. He xvas the embodiment of lrulh. and by bis resurrection God set his seal of apprav- ai upon al of Jesus' words and deeds. and upon bis whole life on earth. Jesus taught bhis disciples that there is anoiher state of being 41ter dealh ini definile mor-al continuity witb the pres- ent. He saib: "Let tiot- 'our heari be troubled . .. -[n nîx' at her's bouse at-e maux' mansions.:iif il xeî'e not Sa 1 %vould have tld vou. I go ta prepare a place for yau." (Jn 14:1. 2) Again. lie said ta Maîtha. wxhen bier heari was breakinQ nlith t2riel' aI lie deatb of fier' bî'other Lazaî'us: "I arn the resiu'uection and the life: lie that believeth in me. though he weî'e dead. yet shiail be li\e. And whosoever liveth and believeth ini me shah] iex-er die." (Jo 11:25. 26) Again be said: "Because I ive. y@ shal] live also"- (Jii 14:19). The doctrine of thie Patherhood of God compels us ta beliexTe that there is flfe after deathi. If a man here is a wvortliv obJect, af divine lov-e, bis aîî- nibilation. b v lte law ' o a God of love. is inconceivable. If the eternal purpcîse ut the Fatber lias tbî'oui, measurei ages broulght ta pass bis creation. total destruction b v deatît coîîld not be a frustration anîd contradiction ot that purpose. stîcli as ri earthlv father %vould tolerate. Il' s simply impossible ror uis ta think iof (;-)d as content la wý.alch an elci-nal ftineiîel. There mnust be- some other spieelfo the manifesta- tion of justice and the ltîn svrpathv wbicb are insepai-able fr-arn tatherbood. In answer b t iie questii' m. "15theî'e liJe after deailil ". xvt- au tru1v sax': "Yes! There is life afte!' death for al who now ive in feilowship wilh, Jesuis Christ, our Living Lord and Sax'îour. fisen from the dead. M'~ai is imnmoital and thî'oughi 1aitlh in the Risen Christ we have the precious hope of meeting again tbose wbom we have lo,,er] long since and hav-e lost a ivi ilP. on pî'esenting the efforts of local cilizens to the public, we expeci that others wil become interested in making the effor-t to fallow su-it. Hobbies cati becoîne even more fascinating if ailier people have an opporlunity of seeing theni. In this town and district, there are many folks witb wonderful hobbies who should bring them out I show others. Tbey ivil] find inspit-ation bv hearing the comments of others. and. who knows. sorne pet-sons îtnighi be encouî-a&fed to start lhobbies of theit- owtî. Nothing lîke à hobby 10 keep 111e interestingo. Our thanks ta the Liba'ary Boa'd for- a wondeî'ful job iveil done. Tlheir efforts and -the expendil-ute of energ3- by the hobbyisbs ai-d collectors iu pi-e- senting Iiheir exhibits certain] '- drcw many people ta the libî'arY 10 se lte ever-expanding eplilecion of fie books available. Only Two Packages Just when maiiv of us were begiri- ing to feel sorry for oui-selves and. ,even a bit bitter over the ever-increas- ing municipal tax rate. we received a joit that IAroug1ht LIS 1.1ou- senses. Botli The Toronto Star and The Ifinancial Post look, up the issue. Theç pointed oui that the average city rate- payer pays bel ween $250 and %300 a year in municipal tax\es -- about 70e a day -- . oiwoiackages of cigarettes. [ni return for that amount which manv farnilles, part witih for the n-ootiu weed. the rnnnicipality supplies fire pro- tection, police protection. roads. side- walks. scliools. Ihospital's. wvaIer and sewvers plus !ýarlbage collection andi a host of othei' failities includin.i recî'ea- tion facilities. an industrial commission, and a heaith unit. The Bowmanville Newr, the. Newcastle Independ-ýnt nd The Orono Newý 1Otb Yecx: of Çontinuous Servicp to the Town 01 BownonviIIe andi Durham Couint% & SUBSCRIPTION RATES S4.0 c Yecn, atrictly in advance s5.00 ciYecu in the tUnited StateF-j Auhorized as Second Cans. Mea Post Otihce Devartmont Ottowc Pubixîqhed by THlE JAMES PUBLISHIING COMPANY LIMITED. Bowmanville, Ontario FOHJV M. lAMES, EDo aDay 11,'s aI te niuticipal Ici-cl that tas: mauey uoes futtesi.. sas-s The Finatucial Post. We can see immediatelyx- whei-P. the monev goes because it is spent locally, wbiereas at the federal lex-el we don't have too much oppoî'tunity of viewing a Bomarc missile and so01on. Looking at the pltre fram titis point of icîx' should prox'ide uts îxitb consîderabie comfoî-t. Oui- local taxes pi'ovide, iin a tangible w' y. ai. leasi. lte mechanics for satisfacta rx living. TheY ar-e noi Io be begr-udgcd. Fi's shocking. in a countil i -v tift l oui ;tandat'd ai liv-ing ui. tat cut- i rrrtici)-îuuJ ser-vices at-e ofi ea so p'irniitiie -e iud t! a t otîr municipal appeai-ance offeis sut bille for- the senses. Il is ini ouit îus and cilles fit. mor'e aîîd mor'e Canadianis ]lue. Life shouid be maie titan satisfacto r-t-in them: il should be plcasuî'eable loa. Titis takes moîie.'. Gettin-g hhtat rnev takes local polîlicians xîibh guis. vision, imagination andr a flair for lead- ership. Theî-e hs ia place for needless ap- pieliciasioti about whal the electorate %vii! say about rising taxes. Gripe the 'v may. but, pay them must. Life is for, te living and citizens gel mare value oui of their municipal tax dollars thàn tram aiiv otlher. Tliev wiil be wise ta pay maie. -Sa, if you ar-e lîax'iig dîfficuity ti saving enough money for vaut' taxes and those bwo small packs of cigarettes a das', cut out the smokcs and your taxes xiii be paid. M,,ost o! us îotîid be much healîhier- lo wil boul even one pack a cIay. The error of a moment becontes the sorrow of a whole life. Ceremonies differ in every country, but true politeness is ever the same.' NMake yourself necessary. and suce- cess is certain. Hione ' vbees a'-e xwied mer-hajts -they celi tîteiit hon'ey. Is There Life After Death ? An Easter Talk By Rev. R. R. Nicholson Cobalt- l i)en ,nua fe-xdavs i at boite befni-e teax-,ina2 Mrml,-.lo!uuî iElford andMm- 'Norîtta Eiforé ihave ri-urn ieti front ýpendtijibuthue xx-luter îxxitiu R-cv. and NMrs. H. A. Strike, Campbeilford. l'he e 'uurPower COa.. are 1iklce- 'i- oc r lue iPlan' onMtav Lb. 'rA aone. Toronto. uia, :purclîased te fie brick resi- idelî-e aofNMt. George J. Roxve. Church St. - Mr. Leoîîaud Cux adidanu- dyiive urtc'euox'ed ta WliiFîv. j i.sFlore'nce . he-oîlaý i -eiui-ued f1o'î1-0111 uî te tîIi4C,- -ini Lbd -ax anîd Otit- niee. tlile muiuaiemt Dr.i-iitt Il ix Cmu;. 'i t.- -- i - i - -- uu hi, c- il iu iu - i - Coî ,ri- e Alu-- :-h gic :iu il dceb,-î-ux auiva.- îî w u; - et-eutni ig laines of var- To; i itulu: The Is-omp-i-i brkil!) ai enMai'gt -c- ouîpei. Tah ra-ia.x-- iiu tai-s ai a C. Iiaoper'1. V 1 iak Cort i-t- ti - Joih-.Sirt wo- el~n -ît mi- - a iumîiuict- habîx i-pt-ii ii ntoi Mr.f tarii- iOnS itiid.- lieiie-catituit' biok ]- a, t ai 'ltv ý itirn2 iii xci-' pleuî'i.t tuitJ .t dlloig teîic.X .Ci Et homeid niN -tiaîtiSc-î'- Wee'td d!tut- a-rt-ci lcr hîl-oui 1tcuadbx;î luifor condm-t teai 1- oristi- .1 uuu a te. dlCLtiUe 'ver-x-successfui sîineiled il. an'd uiade out a, Box-s'Rex-icxx alt lie Opera seledjje xxlei-e-bx- 1 xx-old cal _Iotîm-,e astnix îd Fi-- une square a da'- for eigiuî1 day. -daYs. That nig-l i Ivi tutinbcd' Soîule of ituse takîuug part';tiuiihug ec-erousi ' of itv utlite B ocvs' Rev i ex-tv-ere bar.'.1i w-aS aver-coljUte Fr'at., George Torciti. fHeur ' vWight- :suna.ch1ed il romt uu:deu- lteý utani. Nextiont l-ackuuey, Alanpiilow, anc! giawcd anud snai- Kitigit, Aibevm Culley. Jack cd muy xvay - Iluio il. I I. lle- Roacli. Hari Depcw-. Chartie accompaniiîiciîof olteau.s .)eo- ('awxkeu-. Dot o iacki-îaiu. Ar- lesi.s fi'omnt m rooitiuates. l tioIt!Daunaîti. Doitn iliiîs slou':v and iost lins Box- ýd Slenucîî and Alex Mc-'xxorks. Io ttej- detigîti. Buti I Gre-gor. laves neyer becit <asLtaiabout Me.SbdLitie u a eicte food sitice titose datis. pi'esidieît of ffie Ladies Cci-ý tu-ai Ontar'io Softball Leagcte Beiides tlis. 1 havec a feel- fi, a ireetiitg held inthlie tawn 1itg. intstiller] iii tue a.s a chljt. luill oit Wediiestiu*iv. Apî'il 12. litai xasbe bs a sit. Tiiere ir. H.W Poiuitei i vtg tvas iO iteal o1t11- Uoin p t'i Iiii . a' suis etx uPîui e.fiexani - i ii ii i ui Ci lge. eit pie. x\eiui bitotahe bibp pot ou> flî< . omIllte West \vlieu-e soîi aavys -imeuuurinug, aime' S te ucî>ii- cii filc dop -lu Oml, \f ,d Mtt Nii tn it-. uîîv i ic- i mvetuteru a lie\i - ' *ýI - - lI '- xxoi - ---miset-or --. iI oft --. - n t--t t t - - -- - -mand v --pi i . i *xt bl e i - i - so aj ii of'- - ' - - - oi <i.o - ;am:m î. \ L ie itt-i x-b' i .-i. '~i l or 'a d.le . -- .ne.t ofai: u .li o er, g the dg.H' a-cvoiSo bit. mFsA. ut ýias popit la'adsgud et-bts o ittn xvoî itisEt k dse. afi-d buI aitiuoui ule. uîtr li -îliome aîîd ice Braxîi tok e in b it! ftellitd mnadc Coiutimîx- ie ai eti'ibuiiu-sîm i' ni ieit. Noxx-. o t. iI.nt- . ,o ~-ike ni-. fm-incoflic. tit ntlciii- iic'îe luie n a r )t- f- .îx .- '- ' n 'loia-ea t wbIit îci e g valuî.t -li l ui- i t a at .sciuîîe dnu-.uuc ti - ewc'.a.vle: fý. A.îW.reaF leu.îî kso ac' N-.Sa i- You s heunî Iied]is eti ' uii- thelt- nue 1t.;ii lsi x-ek. l aiIbiiit oflik _»iii)Ie B u i x lt x: home oni IVhiatiaxaeiii bbuiie lit tht arI Od1)(10i. PDii. valuaîileexx-as-taketi.eîuil'tmt ed x casTorto:M. 0A.UW Me. - * Exa-- aui xî'i ,arli.'- H ' lirt>-x e i it- gî- lu t-IQ.I t-n. o- lathrvD.ita -he sedmîan:.'Tiiet- te tb'a-rtmr- hlmt, iane o imî WCi M xxa1 -' - as mt'imn -Ilia. Pe-an c4id iiln Ti-au to oui- aareoui, cît0if 'lui r :îîc-a M i-iîC. siuc-mai:1Ha0--,iri ît let gesj ecad î Fra'k Hahi r De. Dsocol utat.- im i fîuîr a 1-nptoi i - .q 11PCIvor' r t' b 'iLso Lm x eu ttc a'i Ilindsor. iike îirici1ehag:s. ILadies caîîld ,tave tteirs cox'ered in mhî.k,! il' tîtev' xxisluedAIthlie end. of lte tuial. evcî--tliung we iuad; paid toi' but tadt't caten. front sortp Ia sherbet. Nvould be dumoDed Ïmflte saddlebags, viuielt xx ould then 1--e strapiped an uder aur ceats. XV-. nigîut slo.s'and gurgie a tut wiîemu xxe îaiked. but it xvoe1-J put an euîd ho xaste. leutail/e rny social x'te. and xve'nt have a whabe of a tinte goi îg tron gli our ga rbage wx'em'i we gai. lante. Boxx'îtaiville. Oî. d i'.mîî.ii Il. ail, il - ilm -1 t, i -'un--V iii 'i ii e-Y id. ii t2 OIP~tt 1 i ôi t lii ii i ftiut il)*'. [Lit (Lis xx-- coi i - 1ît -ne,ut a ame ut tit ii--t- \ii -ilta -cilou i -îhax-e Leaî'd is tuu. XVx îmaxa-t-aeee-cii xiiîessed thiruiî actiont. Nex'ertiîeless by telliiig soineolie xe are heip- iîîg ta dest-oyt- iai citaracter. If aîîy inan aitang yau secîn lo be religions and buidletît mitl [isls ongtue, but deceix-etît luis owiî hteart. tii man 's re- Iimianit vabin. laiues 1 :26. Et-il sîîniising Ptiitapl xx-c -icc a peu-son doiuug soîîuetlîîug xx-iciu oi thie -ici miace loo.- sqtestiaiiabie. We t lic-iu ai ibbote ex-h inolives ta [hitut u,îîci î-oustdier i' hi quil". of xl i iugats. But 'sitceive (Io imot kia - -is leaîi - ue (Io ni. have uîlI flue tac-tsut tih- ta-t belore us. Let uLSsts'- I us one xvluu !i :Io exettuîtfi-un)iltiitfailli.fIl ie xvouid on] 'y stop ta coûidte, the peu'sonai sufferntgxî'licii lias r-cied fi rn gossip ilucît w.e %-.-otîld tiitk tvice before eoinr'iittiiig ti- malicious sin. 1 inake ntuîerýouai accusa- i lt-i but alm oîîlx defein'ding ihoý has xx avatciitffýrecj 'iiu ' i- 1) ce I t CNI.rSie --I- Food Processors Honor 9Rg' Lovekin ,~oi~On His Retirement Since T w as knee high toaa grasshopper people have been saying that. I'there is no sen- timent in business". Maybe so! But that news isn't known te the Ontario Food Processors' Association. or they would not have thrown that big, screwy, costly testimonial dinner, on Apnîl 6ih. in fhe Seaway Eo tel. Toronto. for Reg Lovekin, who is retiring from activei C. ýservice April 501h. 1A unique feature of this I clambake xvas, two hundred, and fifty bard headed. inde- pendent. successful businessl mnen of Ontario, forking out; 'S ~ten bucks apiece te attend a1 N ~"retirement" d1ýner for one of their natural eneinies. a governmenit food inspecter wvho is also a civil servant. Moving about through the audience. 1 heard many nice commnents about, Reg*s everl ready helpfuiness above and, beyond the cati of duty in tun- ' itangliiîg red lape. his resist- dom ~anee tabullying,- bis proper gulations. Many members ex. f -" pressedl regret ai losing their "best inspector". %vho xvas strict, impartial. helofii. self-I Ed Yottngm in pays tribute to honored guest To prove theu' respect and Rcginald Lovekin sitting at left. affection. t ypresented hiYuxii oxhnxokiii cci nsig aPi with asolid -(-)Iciwatchi. l-"eg ouwl o-lewr-flced nstotePi scribed "Ili apprucition. Oin- ing tor peaiiuts' EVi~cs itor of "Food in t ario Food lndustry, 1960." That 's the v7aý- in waZ;ail Canad'a". who leaned axer I Another gift was a scroUI con-'evnin. cRk\,Iard to procure a photo- tainijig the signatures of every- awI ognied» ai iler bni Park :Laiie Stu- aie adlte diinner. A third, of iiifornialitý. ainuseneni. àdb. in te Royal York Hote], ga ift a regislered twýO Iand gaod felloiwshiip. wt a viiîhe learnied that the %veeký- oid 1-oisij heifer. ta bunch of good scouts xvho Slatesniaii. and the Lavekin be delivxered ta Itle Lovekin know bow ta kick the gonig faîitix were joint pianeers in frnai. Nexx rastie. Asa i around. The clever organiza. Ileie evelopuient of DurhRm 'gag'. wheil 'he ,*Al-reý -tionai ability reflected t teCoutiity ADRIFT - ___tration paP-er.s xVeie PI'Sent- higlidegree of intelligence ofWieprig h i rg brouiti n. l haue'ed wliareprsen man raial ,r-iail.peanut (Austin) between broglt, n.bulillia),>eiec ý%Ii rereentmay rcil'o- a Buick and a Cadiilac. 1 got ta be a hý,oleac2lToistelhi igins. religions. poliis, be- sc aeu lrsia caif thai bac! ' veci ior a wel: sides controlling imany iibnukalav anglpired be- e atter birtli. *î-ii heen stiifl'îd lions of dollars' xvorth 'of bus- side awa nî d abt redie -:SUGAR a nd SP ICE .0 it'toIotei. n nnulbthrughtueî 1afe w-heu the nul- t-r of cere- 'intieresting ta rneel, and chat 1i hope that Chairinan Ed monies gel hi.s e dy ye on with sane of thiese people, Smnai't wii] pass on ta the en- el-ou. and his sweaty hauds on jsuch as Elizabeth York, head tire O.F'.P.A. miembership.ntý' A lot oft womn smeil their tnose plates piledi with sliced îj-nLLggle soani lves anïd ce- the microphone. 1-le gave each Ibuyer tor Eaton's "Hostess appreciation o! the prix'ilege husand 'oeaî tven e eat thse tacs o frsh eî on ofa o~h esaurailt, guesi. at the head table a real Shap'. xxhich caters ta gour- etf being a guest aithiis unus- cones honte afler a nighi. out. homne-ruade 'read, and she But. site draws the ine -hen "aggng" uc'h ta the de-lmets îvho indulge in sucb ex- ua]l tnction. xvhere the ser- Net miv vfL-. sic n t ra wxaiî'hed me likze a hawk. 1I Itari. secreihug hui-ks 01 ligl 0 f the audience, suitably ,otic delicacies as chocolate vice wxas excellent. the food Ille fotru oui. n)xL'a 1 . :F. '~steak aor egýz o!f riuci cenieen primied for such shentanigans. covered grasshoppers. tiinned delicîous. the iîospiîajiiîv -gen. she doesn'î lniake a big fu's. Final . Iitad ta gel tricky-. tiiat are lefi. Antid eYnt :lldnergus.rceve raitlesnakes. iîark's f e rans and the xx-ecom'e sin- She qiuietlv takes the butter-!,I'l slise a kncotIonl.v hîîmiiiated bhut forio;uS Ilîree tickeits entitling him toibird*,s nesi sonp. etc-no on cerç'. ecd b.nîis. t-ie b.t of cheese, said, uoiiitiîg ai a voag lady xvhen 1 ask :i v c for' a ltailtant' libations of Meilow' 'der lte idie j'icn det'elop gat. and tiie stices . f ineat, wrap- h was i. tie;3vinlg. No ,vo- jar in wîich fe ai",al-: ilIe (llv Ancient Koff Killer. and Miss York is offIta oeit ped n îriiî.trx~ na a eit okn. ilereîiiis of the chxv nî'in. wore a ape] badge bearing 1siores. ou a buying tnp. lisu--eai les themn in the garbarie. and ýeads lier head was lurned. 1 cram- afler a big Chînese meai. j bis iiane ai-d the wards "Regtbis is beiiîg written. Shie was ed to publish lte foIlowing of ebd.'c sc !beaIl li*,.Lo'kus red"j ý~~î~kîxs1it of those who ,vere inciud- ileoftabd das-eofbedi-om 1'oei' ied wriinWlsadkoj7 et! ou the caininihie which pocket. But she frisked me asý;ToiIIin(,ii.l-ita* otpo ut Twaitflenix. ii î~lîfe; Reg's l.wo staiwart m 'ht"Pnyoo&uonsi.aiane iîsuîcjpe i Wpe wre a' a c saiord n iv eanê e olbe. h d hadI t 'a eiishbt f rîe-were at ite head table: jim!She itas entertained evervo saPerreeub' ~joîsre b uîrpireafbrad ad adtaing aiîx'spare food. Sinoe 1 )Iuysoke briefly. ai-d preseîtted1fritibuins ta royalty. lit te Keith Aîc\.Stakciy ian a 'woneti's orgatizationi. The setItle for a piece of ber mmnd. pisa;nèr-of-war- davzz.I'xe al-Icuddiesoine Murie] Webster latter categorx:. xxas Pî'incess Camp: Zleadi.'e Old Girl xvas as nerxous a;z *ways ]lad a rlecp-roated fear 'wiîhl a gifi fram the Lovekin Alice. for vhant'_Miss Yoi'k!1h.'s Prodiicîs: Frank Atidrii. I ihe teli-tale glibier inn ivy ves toierai of titis aberration ai m-Id- 'î-' 1 -ica iuabniea hrunin I~fi ill ~Iirtiim- PYalix 'imrk FnInu- Ray B-t.Bcc lwlîen 1Itwas eonfîonied b-,- Imiue. Soretintes sit e ts neCk u ot ic- . -mn -rb n8t. 'otflCe0flieri ip- .: -Food. : C. 'iU ' C. ne n i ' 't i.-Sex ral l teioauty i'vere Il waxvi(.(,j Io j\\i îî ht ~C'" ib( Ci).:lr.' (2oilins, là Q, 1 oI h r ii i--d i ranli lu luentiial pe~ople. xerr.- halîdsonîc Bill Z' i~~i tr od t"' i Jac. i j1 Wi)t iii<>1' t-il ior %Ài.hii ic hegucst o oo! oîai' i as, iit I>A ii i* Hn Il 1..>i.iit " g~~1ooci heaitit and happiness struinenlai îil ii ina rkc- iuî ami u ia, 3 T reliienber oni(!rc;i f: ur'ig lus retireement, as well million dollîrs xx onth oalP'n uSI)Aian.T O-itxv ani coup i i ie 1ilis 'a" telegraitis front blsb agiculitural producîs in1IOut.tumebo Fnd PIersrs, and ~iler?-. 'rstarted xx "n 'liccx hritslî chov. "if."e" a ad dby virtue of bar- j sOiiitrio Food Pt: (.r,.\.os ( m:I'z.if fiî,- ' .FiF-'l& nd '.u0l notables. ter' i'îramgenients. sel lta Spain &C. -' nî.8t" liii i ii. - &-LC: S B.mucaGhn iz~ ~ ~ ~ x1 % va, l'y ,ilîî c' ff covere-d the rI e(ipVncal amaunt of Cati- mi i.. l ,x V, c,.1 OýIl . 111 i'wWî,xaîl i )lbis xx îi4. sa leadi:îu .Ialuin nainioniuni FodPîS. nB :Pu d a WKSc. bu(trtacd tiha l*for, vas î'equested ta reitiove bis suiphate. tcat and otiîcî pro- Editar. Food iu Caitadai: Don F'rom ltir ýtle,,man F'ie% :a cheap shbît anud ua:m- o jacket. wliereuuoii. the M.C. duets. At preseni..lhe is Caît- iiîro. Carmphell Scops: Pitil glo1ves, lte gobi ca-cul te siceve fron a efc-1i. Cousu] [or Nicaragua. ieîi-.?lCîcii Ses - - -jete.-.1 h c -aett1es fiatl adwiesitan elýo ir bu iNJe,,crsiiky. C Sales.u 25 VEARS AGO .th ononloi- a botte pomo ad Reg wondering hoxv iii a future colunin. rîîcs dSnît îai rs 4q 49EARq AflO Z YAR A0,f ;touteinade flooo'h anid the lie ivas goiîîg ta explain the: hrs dSal in& rs lino i oi'a Bd (î,S cui-o-moftudon a bs wfe.If pictures ao' the siîudîg,11 ;'ItFiiiel ueOntario (Aj>ril or ' Re.Cr1s1vi)c (Aprillat1n tahi935)e.are obtaiîîed for this paper Food Termîinal. bArl' 91 Api 8 95 ateliai'. Obîeî' "giinm--icks". included j - \r. Citas. h o:n . t1lie NI;. Ed. Fi. Dexitt of Boxv-*** a hundred poviud bag of pea- j Rovai Batik, Weliin nti. lias been mta' ixille fi2i- Scltol staff, 1i oîîd ed te -i.x-oiet. i- nuis. beariirg, a large sign: lm trusi-,i r-'tit a tO i rue ara mc l u I - Inii____________________,j_..-"_;,_-_----_-_-_-_-_-- -_--_____.__-q1 So mething New in Town THERE ARE SOME DESKS AVAl LABLE Up ta the New Year. the Oshava Biistness College w~as filled ta capacity - successfîîll 'iidents coin- pleting their training and acceptiîtg po>itions have created a îew~ vacancies- - - TIIESE ARE RESERVIED FOR A31BITIOUS PEOPLE ONLY! NEW .EASTER TERM roin it e n ce Tuesday, Auril 19, 1960 ai the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE (oiven iuail ear) Choose from ihese 8 Career Courses: CLERK TYPIST - STENOGILAPHIC JUNIOR SECRETARIAL - JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT - PIIIVATE SECRE- TARIAL- BUSINESS ADMINISTRA- TION SPE('IAL, GRADE NINE - BUSINESS MACHINES. Expert antd inclividual instru-tionî on ail miaJor nktil %uih.iret',.modern equilamelu i at -'o, tra-hmnK mcmth.-d-.. 'l'hu-re are positioaa'- fier tho ia-,- li. [lied laohuadie themI iperial u'Iasse: for Iîi.-oi.*,, Si~itt~orkerg! Tegage Typîliz! P'hîne - x%rite or %'r,iIt te (Sollege - get the tacts Prcpaî'e for a inonderful future! Frîee Liteî'ature and Counselling. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO) 1~ I PAGE rOlM