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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 5

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TH'URSDA, APR. lth. 196oTE CANADIAN STATESMMq, BOVîhL&NVILLLP, ONTARIOPAEu,2 0f 136th Bn. Attend Legion Vimy Dinner The well-known 136th Bn. in the First World War, which was IStephens, George Crombie, Lionel Byam, A. Josh Stacey, Fred rnobilized in Durham County in 1915 was well represented by this 'Mitchell, Jack Graham and Howard Masters. The 136th saw con- group of "old sweats" at the Legion's f irst Vimy Banquet last Satur- j'siderable action at many spots during the war, including Vimy day. They are, from lef t to rîght, Joe Childs, Hap Hobbs, Tommy iRidge. Hayes, Ernie Brummell, Percy Greenfield, Charles Gerrard, Bobj Represent Navy West Durham Disi. Plans Annual Meet At Blackstock in May The West Durham District Womcn's Institute executive met in Memnorial, Park Hall on Thursday, April 7th. Re- presentatives wcre- present from Nestîcton, Blackstock, Solina, Hampton, Maple Grove, Bowmanvilie and Newton- ville. The purpose of the meeting was to plan the District An- nual which wîll be on May l8th at Blackstock. Mrs. M. Wiseman, president, conducted the meeting and Mrs. I. Munday, secretary, took the minutes. After the prograni for the District Annual was planned, several topics were discussed: The Conference at Guelph for Public Relations Representa- tives on May 5 and 6. We ex- pect six branches wilI be re- presented there; The Sixtieth Anniversary of our District in October; The Summary of the Rug Course to be held at Sol- ina Hall on Tuesday, April 26th. There will be approxi- mately 30 rugs displayed. This will begin at 1 :30l p.m. Social time will be enjoyed. The Blackstock ladies wish to assure everyone what a pleasant day we will have at the Annual. They have plenty of accommodation and an at- tractive program is planned. Bring a question for the ques- tion box. At the conclusion of the meeting the Bowmanville Branch served a dainty lunch. ford, H. Reeve, Carroll Nich- ols and E. Barrowclough re- prcsented the wornen of this church at the Easter meeting of the Port Hope W.M.S. on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Nich- ols sang two solos, "Open the Gates of the Temple, and Just as I amn". The speaker, Miss Dulcie Cook of Japan had a most intercsting story to tell, 'and illustratcd ber activities as a missionary there with col- oured sldes. This week had ha'ppy events and brough't its -share o! trou- ble too, we were sorry to hear of the serlous illness of Mrs. J. Mitchell, Port Hope. Allan Brookinýg, tao, formerly of this place underwent surgery in Port Hope hospital and we are glad ta hear hie is doing well. Another kind of trouble came to Mr and Mrs. Roy Bcst in a neighbouring community and aIl here felt sympathy for them in the loss, not only of their barn but of so many animais as well. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough attended the funer- ai of 1\W. R. Wilson at Perry- town on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and Berniece Best werc in Tor- onto on Thursday for the home show. Mrs. Gwen Couehman of Ro- chester, arrived last week ta spend the summer with Mrs. H. Brooking. Ail hier friends are looking forward to pleasant times with an old neighbour. There were 59 at Sunday School on Sunday morning with :Murray Payne in charge. Clarence Nichai rcad the morn- ing Scripture BROWN'S Master Cory Call spent a day and night in the hospital last weekend with a threatcn- cd appendix operation, but the attack was warded off and he was allowed to return home Sunday afternoon. Glad to report that Mrs. Wil- da Simpson is recovering nie- ely following an eye infection. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Simpson included Mr. Frank Simpson and cblîdren, Mr. G. Simpson and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Balkind, Mrs. Caîl, who remained with At the dinner meeting of -~ te Durham No. 1 Unit o! the Federation of Women's Tcach- ers' Associations o! Ontario gro up were in the Naval Forces during the First World iweek, MrS M. llcy n andMss War. -There were no representatives of the Flying E.. Knox were appointed dele- Iae othe Regional Spring Corp4The Navy Vets e: Ted Belsey of Newcastle, Asseaibly ta be heid in King- stan on May l4th. ,k1ft, and Robert Davies of Bowmanville.-,-- There were 27 teachers -r' B c4~ present, and a delicious din- ner was served by Mrs. Os- borne and lier graup. On be- haîf of thc members of the Durham No. 1 Unit of thc F.W.T.A.O. Miss A. Carru- thers thankcd Mrs. Osborne and hier assistants for the ex- cellent catering. The sccretary's repart was submitted by Miss M. Stev- ens. In the absence o! Mrs. G. Black. the treasurer, the sa- tîsfactory financial statement was read by Mrs. Myra Hopps, who movcd its adoption. This was secondcd by Miss A. Car- ruthers and carried. Miss E. Knox, the presîdent, announced that the Ontario Education Association Eastcr Tea will be held on Tuesday, April l9th at the Women's Art Association, 23 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto, from four to six p.m. The president aise, told the members that thc application cards for attendance at Can- adian Confercnce on Reading to be hcld on June 30th, July 1 and 2, will accompany Neckiaces and cari-ings pins, and ,rariîinguý , « 1mte zvarcl-txpriINews tL vI.~mpo o eR Gold, silver, coppt r rneiai oloî s t aiIorri (I1 ,Ki ter. Miss Laurie Campbell is semi-tailorcd, aurontora noth, rAnuneen wsalostaying with friends in Oshawa filigre -- also peisango n Im h i 111ifiisli. made that the Annual Meet- until hier mather and baby sis- .&rother triumph hI RI\)irn .tî n !te eeaino o ter return from the hospital. - treendo~ xauc smcn Teachers' Associations -aeavnaeh' ~~ tremendous d, i N of Ontario will be held this Mr~. and Mrs. T. Wilson at- Takeadvntae, uý nanN setýoi(- aide- ----year in the Royal York Hotel tended the funeral of Mrs. .for future gifts. m nTaronto on August 24-th. Austin Harris in Cobourg on The principal speaker will be Tucsday. the well known newspaper H oope s J w ell ry Fcorrespondent and television Hooper's Jewellery persariality, Max Freedman, PEMUTAL adhssubjeet will be "Our, RMU AL and ift hopThreatened Values." 29 Kig ~ ad Gif ShopThe meeting was infarmedE GS 2KigS.E. Bowmnanville that the Teachers Federation Summer Seminars will be .held at Queen's UniversityE GS __________________________ Kingston, frr August 14 to I20th. The courses will in- that are not even 24 h!ours old clude Moderri. Mathematice, at the time of deliryo Educational Measurements, stores: i The Cultural Background o! Buy theni at... New Canadians and Educa- ALLIN'S MEATS tional Philasophy. 9 King Street E. Miss E. Knox annaunce d BOWEN ,S GROCERY that Cartwright and Man- 6 cgo d vers will he in charge a! the, 65SuoRd We wish to express our sincere t hanks to ail our May' meeting o! the Durhami DAVIS GROCERY No. 1 Unit ai the FW.TAO. 125 King Street E. -1 IJMiss M. McGregor suggesteci DYKST RA'S new friends an-utmr h ad savs-drn that more explicit directions VARIETY FOODS andcusomes wo piaus viit rîn Ibe given to those forming a 77 King Street W. our Grand Opening. We hope if will be our pleasure b tamenving.the F ingWA treetO E Miss R. Gibson, Mrs. E.I KnSretE n FIRTH BROS. 'I meet you aan and help you with your home furnish- Philp and rsenT aive s p47 inltr eets 1 wee chsento formth inr needs. Special thanks Ioou friends who sent for the coming year. Presi- NEIGHBOURHOOD STORE AAA p urdent Miss E. Knox thanker 87 Ontario Street the Bowi-anville Commîttee or eat them served at: fiowers. foir oiganizing the April din- BALMORAL RESTAURANT 'ner meeting. OOAINRS UAT Miss P. Jackson introducedCRNAIN ESUAT 41 " wis ~ hank L o i h F.F. " Cola number of the meinbers, i OLYMPIA RESTAURANT ve ie 1o0ta memuers ofjYjF F orris Co each o! whom gave in inter- FLYING DUTCHMAN esting art idea and demon- RESTAURANT who so graciously assisted us ai our opening, and since strated how it was donc. IHS OLCAERA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL iaking over this business. 'Il will be our endeavour to WESLEY VILLE They are the freshest tableý continue the courteous service which the F. F. Morris shofr iw of the oraHoe odcdb ,ICancer Society was donc last W.K N WA S Co. has given you over the pasi 80 years. Monda after .noon when six W.I KE N FAIM ladies met at the home of Mrs. F under the direction of Mrs. H. Winners o! three Silver Cupý MR.±AND MIlS. .A. KRM P evAIVTohisan nayIis pi The May meeting o! the Mor- Tohe n ayfrtpie rish Womcn's Institute was for the best eggs at CNE. A elAA At the home of Miss Clara Phone COlfax 3-2567 Dark on Tuesday afternoon. R.R. 1 Bowmanville Fe A ,, K RLA M P LUm t di Several f rom here called at We specialize in producing only HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS home on Wednesday afternoon, in the most hygienic and sani-ý 01 the occasion of their golden tary way in totally mechaniz- (Successor to F. F. Morris Co.) wedding anniversary. V er ylcd hen houses. We producei MA 3-071 j~est ishesadco)ngratula-1 white shel cggs only, gradcd 37_____KING _______ST.______E._____MA____ 3____7071___ tions go to thern from ail their under . Canadian Governmcnt, __________ J~friends and neighbours. supervision. - ~ -J Mesdaies A. Austin, G. Tuf-1 Veterans I. New Short Open Sisevo Fushions Make Gloves Cons picuous This Sprng A. Graceful long glove., pair 8. Shorties, 2.951 poir 2.001 SIeeves in new shorter length moke gloves- on important accessory . . . you' il wont a glove wordrobe of classie shorties or graceful long gloves . . . these in eosy-care nylon corne in sizes 6V2 to 8 . . . White and colors to match or blend with your sprlnq foshions ...At Walker's. - - SKIRT AND BLOUSE SETS In Petit Point Sharkskin Wrinkle Free SKIRTS $8.98 No lroning BLOUSES $3.98 Lt. or Mod. beige tones. Sizes 9 t. il MICRO MISH 400 needie 1S denier PLAIN Kt4W 400 weedle li denier 1.29 PAIR (3 1 TEMRSDAY, APR. 14th. 196n Booth convenor çm liMm Memoral Pak' sEdith DeBoo, and 1i. Kitty M emo ial arisShredd was her assistant. 14r3. Mary Dadson was the conven- or of the GoeisBoh n Annual iea o zaar rs. Annie Clapp was the Annu i T a Ba aarconvenor of the White Ele- phant Booth, The Candy Booth was con- 15 Success fui E vent vened by Mrs. Helen Park, and rs. argBradley was The annual Daffodil Tea stated. her assistant. Mrs. Annie Dill- and Bazaar held by the Mem- "On behaîf of Bowmanville ing was the convenor of the orial Park Association on Sat- I thank your association and Fishpond, and she was assist- urday afternoon was most en- you ladies for ail you have ed by Mrs. Ada Adanms. joyable and successful. For done and are doing. May good Mrs. Margaret Jeffery was years one of the leading events luck attend this bazaar and in charge of the doorprize, a of the season has been this yéur future activîties, Coi-n- lovely daffodil cup and saucer. springtime Daffodil Tea and cillor Hughes said and then which was won by Mrs. Char- Bazaar, and again on Satur- cut the ribbon to declare the les Betties. day fteroonMemorial Park Daffodil Tea and Bazaar open. The first prize in the Spe- dayhus afternoontr ofcial Draw was a large three- Cluhoue ws te cntr o! Two lovely bouquets of yel- tiered fruit cake beautifully attraction for a steady stream low daffodils in ceramic urns decoratcd with white icing of patrons. The president, adorned the beautifully ar- adpn oe.Ti ihck Mrs. Vi Thompson, was the ranged serving table. Mrs. K. adpn oe.Ti ihck general convenor. Stephen, rsdn of the Cub whieh had been made by the Counilor Glenholme Hu- and Scout Mothers' Associa-SeilDa cneoMs ghes, who officiated at the tion, and Mr.Genom Theresa Chittick, was won by ~~~~Mrs. Flnom r rank Osmond. The se- formai opening, of the Daffo- Hughes presided over the tea- cond prize a basket of fruit, dii Tea and Bazaar, said he cups. was won by Miss Donna Wil- considered it a great honour Daffodils and pussy willowstIcx. and indeed a pleasure to do in pretty pottery vases cen-' _________ so. tred the tea tables, and the "The Memorial Park Asso- dainty serviettes were decor-In he " ciation is a big asset to the ated with a motif of dfo Ins. he U1ifors Mvai Town of Bowmanville. Not Mrs. Yvonne Edmondson only have you substantially was the tea convenor. She Morgan's Road, Clarke. improved and wcll maintained was assisted by Mrs. Greta Dear Editor: the best park in town for 15 Luxton, Mrs. Frances Bruce, We have a good location for ycars; but you have built a Mrs. Wyn Barrett, and Miss a dump and a reliable man to handsome and spacious hall Ada Dadson. The popular take care of it, but the Board which bas providcd meeting teacu.p reader was Mrs. Su- of Hcalth are holding this Up. places for Cubs, Brownics, sie Grahami. Why should the People of Guides, ratepayers, and many The kitchen convenor was Clarke Township be exposcd other organizations that work Mrs. Nell Wilson, and her as- ta diseases fromn corruption for the good of the town, and sistants wcre Mrs. Leona Et- ýlike this? Sureiy, somcthing for the youth of the town. cher, Mrs. Shirley Cowan, and ýcan be donc about it, right "Evcrybody looks forward Mrs. Muri el Tcrry. away. to your fireworks display on' The Fancy Work Booth was,; Mrs. J. M. Thompson, May 24th. Your hospitalitly is convcned by Mrs. Betty Rich-1 Morgan's Road. renowned, and so are you ards, assisted by Mrs. Rose! P. S.-Sure hope we can get Bingos," Councillor Hughes Cowan. The Homne Baking [the reporter to take a picture. REAL ESTATE Bowmanvillo Residence MA 3-.5493 s -z x Short Si.eve Styes for Drems-up Occaions--Dressy Blouses in Arnel* and Cotton 0 Se. these two ond severol more styes a White only 0 Sizes 12 to .18 At Walker's Pretty blouses you' Il love to weor and care for .. . <are- fully tailored of Arnel* ond cotton fabric that keeps weII groomed morning through evening . . . washes easily- dries quickly and needs littie or no ironing .- . they make such grand gifts, too . . . ottractively boxed for the occasion. Sizes 12 to T8, at WaIker's, oach 2.98. *Rec'd T.M. Walker's Own Brand Top Quality Nylons Among the finest of nylons, produced expressly for Wolker's by one of the lorg- est mokers of nylons . . . Note their fea- tures then shop for your favorite sheers of Wolker's Nylons. " SIim smartness assured with fine, fine, seoms " New non-run top ond toc feature means longer run f ree weo r 0 Seomless micro-mesh lost longer becouse they're [f rsstn Z//j0 Seomless full stretch tops assure comfort and good FOR THE TOTS ... EASTER BONNETS AIl Styles - AIl Sizes si$1.9 HAT AND PUISE SETS $2.98 FULL FASHUONED Lt. or M.d.'Beige tonos Six., 9 t. 11 WALKING SHEER 45 gouge 15 denier DRESS SHEER 51 gouge 15 denier SETTER WEARING SHEERS 60 gouge 15 denier nnIFlowers Under Vinyl I dIV At Wolker's a PAIR Dy Jli us R.snick f Q from New, Yo.pk Um"EAcH Vinyl cavers Spring's prettiest flowers on lineni,-. protects the delicate lace ond embroidery... these in handle styles--sorne with a change purs. or a zipper pocket . . . You will carry one with pride . , At WaIker's, eCh 5.00. WALKER'S of BOWMANVILLE 5 KING ST. E. MA 3-5451 budget (bujet), n., V.,9 to plan an allotment of funds,' Vwher you're buying gro.-* ceries, a car or a bouse, budgeting makes it casier! Same with insurance. With our Premium Payment Plan you get the insurance pro- tection you need-for youi family, home, car, business -and budget the payments. "~ Give us a cali and we'll set up a convenient Premium Payment Plan for yo&. STUART B. JAMES vJvJ/L<E P. Women Teachers HoId Meeting Last Week, BOXED SETS -2 SET ý.4w4vfAd to &Om 4 ! 2m98 SEAMLESS SHEERS 1 INSURANCE King St. E. PACM Office MA 3-5681 4

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