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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1960, p. 7

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THURSDAY. App. 14f h, 1960 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SIIVEI tr, Barbara June, and Mr. made the celebration of his onation ta Camp Preto.ria1~D r c o s IîdltrtruhteOA 9e so aa ilip Brad okin Ti-20 yasa aselrc wsapoei tv nited Church on Saturdav. an outstanding success. suc UU itofl as prde.T R nioî oss Jacknan t t1eGoerrnnt t hv Mrs. Wilbert TeLpcorrected. John Gibbs, sont of Mr. and lie also voiced his special ted on behâlifof G raîîp tw F.,:iocs yroAto *MrS. Rav ib ad*nni appreciation o h support mmCls Mrs. L. G:fford of Oshava S ou Flm YIe W l0 ~K mer. 's n o M r d a r. g ven him by the com o)a nv S 1 -pr- Ivals .a m bc -a te P hone M~A 3-3303 1Cad iîmer. recent1v crm- r fettiehsstf R Continued from page one) uldbe ue.st sp~eaker at tho w w m. *pleted teni--week courses at the the shop, and bY his family the Lake Ontario Develop-aY iieiitiopic Cuta e tncdM i C shpgeQe peettie fHyr.a DoinonIntiut o Tadsespecially bis wife. ment Association enclosing an ta the ladies of the Chrîsin Ohw n istritaovn osd Farna Mngmn be atearaatmtn Exenîv rkar s u ro eeen vsior ~it M ornt. oh rceve nr.-, lerîihank -%ou' ta Mr. invoice for the 1960 nember- Reforrned Chur[Ich ta attend. Club recently lield a inost in- Plan. He' saidhc ad ento 'ae etimts i in auto nmechanics and wiII tain Bro\wn ifor the finle entertain- ship for Darlington Township ifaer-lurs Wha had refused tassu gress bthe ýcbr;ck wûî k anid and Mrs G. Badgcr. King S*_ lsfit. i h rg bs-Iin nMrs. Ste'vens vouted her an- terestîng itrcu ih nraoal sue hti 0 aestimn nfi îii steeple af SI Paul*s United East. %vere the formers bro- fte nte~'rg ui ctejoYed 1y the audience bascd on seveiu cents per- cap-peito omnbr ,'- Il LosComuiyC-nrefarir OIdb Dr. Mar% L. Northwav aid Mrs. A. Badger of Orillia. tea-week courI-e and lie îs -3a borne. Ebeîiezer. He lauded to the Legislation and Bv- unteers fram the W.A.iig hem. Over 1.50 memnbers aad'for a fouir xear yîoA yr n apprentîce with Hliggon Elect- Mm. Braxvn*s achievemnents laws Committee for study and t'or thieir help in seivîg uevisitors were present for thieplan Lt)cld c('Oiliiicl ooe-1w adAqiiinCm Miss Flora'Morrison of Toronito Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nîch-; ric Ltd. Tuj become a qualified !and his wonderful record of %vill be broughit up with next Lions dinncrtuic prevîntîs occasioIln ith Trenton Clubiate Januamy tîrst 91 u-mte fteOtraFdia were Sunday visitors with NIrs. ols and Miss Halle Milligan, electrician Kenneth will be ait service dîîriuîg bis 20) years as nionthi's accounts. . iîht. Grotîp 2 str\ed irefi'esli- memibers coming the greatest Igestjin xas mat( htme-to fArcluehv a N. S. B. James,. K'ngston. and Mr. and Mrs.1 apprentice for four vears arnd an J. I. Case dealer. Oshava Fair Grant ments for the social haur. distance. îngs be held later i h ersneîotshm ngtaîî Mr. andciMrs. Rui.,cil FtIý- jj Frank Legree. Oshawa. spenIt \vil] take shoart term irse: - fr gan wPrograni director George t0acauciaint farmtsfil fbsctrso eteetai ]in, Caledon vc , '~~Sudav wî,tiîvIr. L. BN ichol> ' wzIl tam l "to Irbseap-Prize inîiers A îetetfragan \ i'hahrprvddafn c- the benctîts of tlîplnasoai'een sas\t ,Visitai'5 wîth M. -odfM H arIleAve prntiesbpfortunate .prîze wnnreceived fî'orn theSouthei'n Tea hers e i fiscedailaloeLadrhp tIl)) be ad t eutn Frncs ndD nd jI-s r. anti Mrs ArteHo prte . ____nteLik î'wwîe .OtraAguutrlSceyea l aIftîin.scelas piea - I w Leesip eîe cii ntepî fl~tr C. xv. and Mr anti Mrs Ray Lathan- ~L. Tuirner buggy top. C. Rab- The communication also ex-strfo'teiee. Conab er'nthcl-dî Cburch St. rettirneci this week ~gue attended the Toronto andi Il * .:Firetalttira oîîeM. icd neLeadersbip oassehefilm Van Dyke:dig thGrintormon-ardtria Jowîleis' arantest forVa196'0 55 McGrgithHrattentiontg dn-ai for 1t60So Id S ssion wit"attntinsenti ta gndtterHaalopro- t rs pdn t B h v I-)i m -i Di s t r ict ev e ller i l leR o a î xare. le ctr îr tea k e ttle , N rs. , vo I d ot b e Iss th a n ad a n d b atd al . o M o da . Aurel s. t b s la D a -tî a e a h. î n i d . S tî rt a v v c î niin 11WRd R . la ll mi a i: a tiî B e lle G ai b e e n g iv e i n p i e v i a cu s v e a rs .fr o n t ifsaa1ti o n. W'ckîd ~e~~v XiYaor kHotel. Toronto . G ponetJottI:tl tsuir t ýrtAfilm af thc Rose Bcx c-îû stritit t sis1n ýVekei,' ucs v1ýIýM1ý va ue f helukvden- Gift C ui'icaites. Mms. G tpite i 0 Ji A P r o e Parade bv GeorgeYomn ule anar iav o iqfcr, and Mi-s. Harrv Akev ; c. Ga:ý :S. B,îi'rie. Uerb Scott, Ever- . . îac . . Ciii StiX i.iia titiit lceSWownrie.Oshawva. v-as %wll receiVeti. expeci tc) liold epishedtlcoslnh vM' cî were Mr. anti \rs.* G iln c- -s !cxi ric.(CoJli iiuc fri an nage (-Il ttCî,-dcliman. and A Ian sOc'ict.\'s priog;In1 1t is Nveaun asJcza îesnchIpstci i ugiirin 1letemetn t orc nme Xeown and family of Nap'aaee. Tluefaîîoviag memibers 01:. ~ hr aIcu Etiret Dpt-cx nhrBa- '1 ic ucîî cit\t fl GacFsig 0 Ont. the Canadlian Legion. Bowman-ixspi oo of' ie qtiaîit' Wc rc"î"lcomrquepxnt-îlltvdRevl Atitr lcîti-e b\' invitations on its ne-t i'ed isýp- built into al Case pout.pî<xpercolator, Mrs. 1. Mua- chard inioved fliat the i'equest tfileOS.S.T.F.(Onitaio Sec- ift. im"oeFsigirgai M.ArhrJJoe.Suovi.lle Bî'aach. atteiîded the Dis- He poiiîted onttha flc ti. dy T'cka Tractai' I td Ib efr-Yt h inne oî iSciîol Tcachc i Fedrle xxhic-h. pcrhaps, wasavcrshia-,tics aiof ofjicer, iepniiîy clî ae ayS tSlt M x . A r t l î c î r J . J o i î e s . S c u g o g ~ F c dc1.1t i o , a e d b .\ i s u î u s u a l a n d i o f c e m mll i i t t e e s . m t i t s o u , a t e h i e a r î î ,Street, ieft Mondav iighit for a, Me aDsoot at opn s h letcoiuolings. F. V. Astles: Hr omte.The imotioni ws 1 aîi sponsuied a Fdrtos 'Vacation in England vhiere lie Sudv oîae .M-firiin i-Ii r Quipiîent stislî oi sn Matois, tractarso addb oî'lo r N1uli t foDrt Hp ici 2. h.stire o evr'iiîtu cau'toîî ancid i'in inîs uî wy Ms BofeTylî. .R.r will visit his sisters anti bra- Knigh-i. J. Adams, J. Firth, R. doiiig business Linderi'its arîg-li,0 - ' îngs nîoî'e effective. Leader- - ______ ---- -ding is suff- in thes.RiharsE.Clpp.J.Wod- alnae.son Supply .Ltd.,. îîcînter"s lan- - Couicil discusseti a ieqUiest 1Apu'il 7?th. 'TlMai' do iîig bise satufis'?, nre xard. E. Rundie, A. Mavîn andt teili. Cliarles Giikcs: MacNab eceived fî'om Hlarvey Brooks This miîîiiig îîovtcIet ila aycusdrtitecito lip iil be provtei ytt M .adMr.RvJcýojcoîtesi mateî'ial. Ontario Fetiei-tioîa Aîi Mr. ntiMis Rov JacsonG. Graham. An inîformiative motionî pic- Watl*iîs Products, lîaid lotion, that bis Mapie Grave pi-oper- aOppOrtcniîv foi' all teachîcîs The Double Eiglît's P'jc utue nu'oDprmn L anid Bî'eîda Jean. Nlari-nora. -ttîme. "What Th e Farneî'r F r atmnFr a ty be i'e-zoned Io Residential i teîiîc apoic'ncnPru c'ce h iî' itscul~iture.mOntaic le o spent the weekend xciii re.a- ai-r- aindiMî's R. G. Stapley Waîîîs ii TEcas, vs cio'v-teiFr ît. MAa.Tliîdi at sn zu ' thedbne t re i bbc rwousr!c. "Plîouî-ne uî'".f braryLltre tives at Bowmanville, COLrti2 nilv, fouiîei'lyof mn- indrunîty Pî'ograi3.Thsianîîîicsesntzo Boi te eterenandie ro laniiv, liavîî.il tltiut a extil-Yellocc lees: Petilai' People Ltd eti Agicultural. It waus stat- lCssi-îui Bill' Coî'v. presidtiita flcffic eafnitaidc- anti Oshawa. peg. are xvtb MsStaplev's sive andtithoi-ough scîm'Vev vuý'a i.Ptî dtha u lnig Boad1ab iof ec-euv meîtn lîbceiîet hed Detin. Aîîccî ia eî h- rn-itlici, Mrs. W. Hi. Bi'ks. Mn-. mteaonwuncusbl -av- ,DPiteri Lloy-d. d liat h cane Pied thut tlîe Mi. Rb.-- iSertrv rn o lu ocin Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Clarkse Stapley lias been traîse me adJ.I. ase oîanîv. Ythe C,- - - lter dispenser, a eomne httegv 1 in lvn a &Petit the xeekeid&idxît t1liri Toronto anti thev xiii emain sIs a us iict~- -R. Bal] andtiMî's. George pî'opoi'tv uîaot ticre-zonct. gvea îîonaiv tti-1 hi im.Nx n h roruîseoluîc 'gituiniiîv Cnandt i-unpaeOe cousinis, Mr. andîtirMs atewt rs. iksutu hlpadtoftht inestiatioin 'i n JiCs opt a motioni by Deptityr- onile t'o irt\-,c ai-s' cf Fecier;- xas a t 6nm film riouiactivitieS bc mari(e cilîlic eeay aî isAdr1Sie s On tiauî dec'elopiiLitil hecuît.vd tat bisersuani- :iJi1.aaboys' caniaeeveBtakhard bycnBedlI iCla eveuice etAiIiiiad-Nncavoya'cani.takn uYBitiCla'nce llin fammers ,wuStnheani Mixniastcm Mns.C'.eueBaaI;îd ecicibytieshe inlihiîtet ile consutanît 'Sniais. Bill thcuîdemnioitmut-sstjisc'ug G ilbert, U xb uitge, an ti isited f 'uiniture amies from flic pow er-, reasauab e p uc s. ase T inti: XVestern Tir'e, tir' a~ CO uaîcil i 1 ' Min. COtncil de-,iiccl of du-cc-floforucai Mi's. LeanautI i.îî-drw at oflier fientis. West. af opei'atiauî. prîce peu'-lîoîse-1 fee Jlu anc:dti'ock&ciit îîtafu hnsliiCa l iî xiica or -e-k daniepalit uîcc'ae (ljnInutc rsJ.W. Willis lias î'etcu-n- i- tubes apJohnesiuiaver:fuuisled lîi pa'tia a îlit î'c'eît iiioaie "axaict- ipa aiBoxmauvNe Oif edto ta er home in Part Arthui.r MVr. and Mrs. Peu'cc'Sîîac- poccer. o tiuîîb1r cC f for\\ -ri'Sons.2'4 tiiautu af ail, Jolîî imte'bnmteb lîî' a 'es asti ciuieseli0ffieoa candiinciithu' ortiionig l lia eet io biîcgî u i -s clca sitn îi aiter spending the cc- ekeuidtii Mr'. M'and Mns. A. W. speetis.atIcigt.TeflaStc: lCticiî a.LiLgaio andd y-lws Cuîî- T-hiikî" ,î th' Eiciaiiauliii eveiiug byshox'iîgCa.'î ilat fnijcruxc he au andSclîool.ili wt e jse.Mr.N.J u-ToinadM.ad rs cnshowxedthe11wgi-eut nsaci ci"percolatar. Glcu Pic-k-mittee. ,I Ficîtin.h Eua ifile iî uîîbutshicat tunicu b ue icxv pati;g ni ruire ledlcoî 'aiuaî chinsu, Kilg St.West. Liciît\ -al ai Kitcenerr Ms wr oe fi .1 a ci ' onayRa il.flimd as urmrb s!nw l go Witbheî'sisai'.MrsM J.HutThouiian aie'.an Mrs. îCork dlv o by tule J I ase cl: apmnauîLazv Susauî. Sit- ofuuîdary Road ofihieequipnîîcut. coult l li îlaiuîîibi satp iiiycae o'tefuxc- eblisî, Kîîg St. Weu. H î'b Hoîev. Banle. aui Mr Coipa~- a i'uci h e tai tclair R bertson: Boxvi uuville A.letbcn xas receixeti iOni A iieuiig ai f(s,îa iiic- Lunch-lî and a social visit tl expeuse uîca i epeit ueprd b tti ns a Mn. anti Mms. Art Hcîmpage. Clarence Shaemaken ai Smill aoe ie-Auo tsstloîs ces dutce. cevvthire e-'a ttecveniuig ta a cloue. lit lin ils 'eturn. Tisvsfl oeEooisDputîe Beverl.v anti Jean. Kîtceeu. Fajls xxeme ceekcîd guests aif iaou-dsx qiemnsfrArthicur' More andt De LavaI 'askiiig fou- a icvisioii cf the - gc ssýl edno n lcîti pnt h (tiih)ttiîc-uttiypstitalMsMrget rotisli Ont., -pent the xceckeid xitli i li. and Mu-s. Charles Bickle ceuu-t'clt-c . uudi 'ageel'liii'ele aiîtuî I .tihi)n. reliigc-h b t b aî iîu-uceaudanna-utBovaniie igi c'iol herpurnis Mn ani Ms. '. IConcessioîî Street, anti atteuiti-- ýThe district scipcrciuor af Bug.u c f Swilîts' fcntili-,e n uce ai the Tc,-n Line Roadi . Rc a Pî- -lp iha81 h-au-pinluie Lions Couîî - DouglIas Kcuîîp*aîî u eue lct a hsdprmuî R. Hooper, Carlisle Aive. cd the xvctduig of thelu' daughi lic heJ, I. CiseC -- lvJohI - ý onb' peu.. Âî ] ýIl o dtbat Oshawa uii-;, holthatîketiMrs. Robb for 'InuiiyCenr.Vstr r aydatar lHooker, atitiesse thli gatb- bei-t Quiuîuîcy, M'S. Wil'liam Iden-take fli coc-uîpicte mîainî- ilus message. maut welcome. pî'eseuîtedti tîoughfiZoeer cring. He spoke aiflice years'Btillock, Mrs. G. McCtîilougb. tciiaice of iie Towxnu Liîîc i he ipti kioxc-uî Mn. Brown- .andtiMu-s. Percv Snecll, Mrs. D. Roat aund bill Daniiuîgtouî foi efeuredti 10 is kiowlcdge ai Qtiiuicev, Wallace Boughcui. hlaI lic cost. P entecosti I C hurch theauin giess and his oferi- - Weuor C nDavid i-enauCi oui fiat thiis is a oot ie but 21 ONTAIO ST. EV. G.E. LENO ation t give hc Clifffou'd [RobRnone DRidkared saiti hliethfeistaCOMPETITIVutECMRICESIE PLUSEPELUSONALON SERVICEC 21 OTARO ST RE. G.E. ENO vit-e ta lus-cucstoniers. 'Bull. Beuxl Thioupson, Etigar betore si.gioig au ugmccuîîcutý "We ai thîe Case Conipaiî'- Wî ghI't. Mi s.Miltiret Quin- Daî'liuîgfou Couuic'i shocîltiob- 11EV. FRED G. POTTER ai-e prLIota- scî ch a ttinu- hc n uha tnBcc au an esti-ie 'aif x'at ocut licie fluis ceii.anîdu cc-cMaitgomnerv anîd Mrs. Miltomiaioai îig be spent. De- kuîow it is a special tnibLtfe ta Elluott.îuty-Rceve Blanîchardi agneeti -~~~ Easter Crusade. Mu-.B Mrc-. u Hook-cn tat- - - that it ývoulti be xise ta take ed n eiafofte .1.CsF sfcps ta receive au; idca-ai the N A 8 ..tiiltComnpany iandorMn. Bu-ow-ni *cats first. H-e scîggcstcd that M.Hooker iviteti evei-t it n teCLIClinp teTw prescuit la go anti sec th bceRod 8 P.M. SPECIAL GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE complete fllue ai 1960 Case A d e s sThe Recve pî'aposcd liat Equimen. Ad reses the Townshiîp Couuîîcil take 11 A.M. SUN. 7 P.M.imui. two daYs witiiin ftie uext tv-a,, Enter the Stranger H & S b wecks 1anîd go uroui alî uIc SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIIS WEEK *'EASTER" An aa-iISing inicident dtIIiiig H & . l' u tawuishiip roauts. Duriuîg tflinu- (4îIca] andti cia ofxc i sinîpiuig anîd iiîstî'umeituls) thle showxx-ccurrc-d cx henu a spection the Toxca, Liuîe Routi Evcrvstî'uuipenm arcue lrcuiite ucai- Mix R. Salxcax' presiticti t coulti be look-ti luto, lie saiti. Ex i on Wlccîedicuice andîti c-ile pretendîuîg thie seconud regtlar moablul'xv Couuîciilor Cornîju, second- to bc a Ciase muanî xcalce ti ccimeetinlg of flic Southi Cocîrtic-e d by Dep)uuc--Reex-e Blaî ~ aud acxii hie î~ ls diti'icui-Hotme andcîSchioul Association ,clîau'i îoce f1tlcoc-î 00 ing Piif.ts to tiîchelchieuî. Cali- lîcîti Moîîtav e\-euiiiîg, April ship Clenk. Walter Ruuîdle, be W M "A T R I T 4ed ut) ta ihe stage Ix tht' M.C.. litii inIllhe s«îalistructedti rt e--uthe Oshi- e,___T I G F -'41Miss Brown-u. the st ranigerre- Ms anc i-l e c awa Citv Eiipiiceu- aundiasic S T. maxS' t iu d -tîs iîîoî-tr ceaL uie îîîtîe. sevrbcthat aatlagreemenut 1regardi- U NITED HLJRCH #tache andti lcnet and.a;rove;: hîstnmeetinîg.Mrs.AI -' 1cTxv L itiRO P OP Boxed Chocolaies - Fancy Nl EFSI ta be Slexx'tcau vhislhi. tht' Puats.iu'eascuuer, gave he'- T' Pi o arigln o '/1I stei Pc- R v.H.A. TurnerB.A.,B.D. f;Tire Stoure. Bocývîîîuîuc'ihe.xvliri lx'pa nt. , teiiiaiii!iiousl._______ . 4 m:rarie a preseuitafion iif a pif! Theic iiiiitOi ii lil cf tihe' A comniuîcation wcas ic-1 1. Orgata Muss B RetaDcdlu, AT<un11lieu'C.C.fa. eie Mireveiniilo paniu\ccas a ibiici- cic-eti tran;D. A. Gonu-îe, ' .LerUflle --- --Sec-m-nl e îte u'l cingî sq uar , g i r v k n d r s n Po t H p .s b itn h u - "C la acter B uidiu " bv thie hue or' a brief regaî'iiug a e a lwa xs acceptable.~Y f ~ N 9:51) a.ni. - SUNDIXY SCHOOL 1ý tinutcs xere ptunbti b.v aeoîig'cpa ycigî 5uCRcv. . H. Sfaiîîtoî, "UC. gnach ,scpaiî-atioîi. A letfcî- fiotlNSUfE 3I' Il OUa ni THE XSTF BELI îramtht' at' Lîî i; ii-.tcn uat Couitice. flie Board ai Transport Coun- **,* iDrop lîto oui store anid see ot c wdelc Rgz ~iTlese box-s cnd ir guls cec Mir. Staiiitoi ccas iiîîrodtuetimissîone's ccas reatid0i oon- îdShlo oucuus a Loom 10 7:00 p i -*'TER DEATH -WHAT* > /oldci'thiai;titose cyia octa othe' large eutiiernig by M, uectian ciîbtlîte piapased to.Yu1 idSutnTiere 4part li hue "Bu'occ-'s 1960 Ross Haxxke. At flic uuîiCLtsioIioxerlicati buridge utthficCatir- UA"itculai ly appt upu î.fle iorboth ii ma i »,Sua' Dof's tthib-n. aibe adtircs . Mrs. il. i'xîuckic e, R iialv~ -îasug f,* PIOSPHO-PLEU I wornu. Gales ai lacipitet- cc-re ia uk cd Mn. Stainiciu on bebuli asseufeti thut 20, trainis peu da:., Good Friday ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o f.'hcuitu'cgloî hetn' ile asseîîblcd cacuibers uund Pass Ille crossiuip andîtifla taino lîe oinP cins. trufieaxerug.'s 325 c-chicles B 11:0 .n.-SERVICE IN ST. PAUL'S /tafiouu ai a uc-cen utioîî pic'- - - aldicLisin 1IlieC -utirRd eci R e x. W . K . H o u s a n d e r 'i ii p re a ch . u c ' p - d c i î l h t p i h- i r u e a t e t a e p u g - u i h - - _ _ -1 B ur g-". xc-ic l cas a W alt D is- abo ct wxc*uv s an d nica us to a Mv.S v n g SEIL FRWNE Ever~ouîe Welce#1 ,nu uîber af aifo getabe s uite- hlicavs illoced. D cîîtio s oai .. -n. ine. ý i1mcD adA.oorBranid nof..4.'ablets -lReg.49c, 9! Bruuclî iiaiagtn ii thî' j Rctncshî îîeîî u xcerc sencecu bc- Case Co uii au;v. , calleti M nr u. Keitli Orisnoiant i hîT n. l-f f,., l .i.'.. Brand - 16 & u32 oz. - Reg. 45cr7-r Milk of Magnesia - - 29c, 49c I.D.A. Brand - Pink 'o, W'hite - Re'g. 2 l'or- 29c Toilet Tissue - - - 2 1 -- 27c i rinity Uinited L hurch derfuil 190 o Bi's Case Miistei'-Rc'x Wm .K. HoLSlauidci B.A.,B.D. "Ml a- c-ilac-'î-ecitAi c-car-;cf ext-cpu ioial iy goodi Ot'gaîist-ilàî. Arftur Collhson, Mýlus. B., L.R.S.M.i sercice M7. iH. (Nlici B-ccî lias gît-ci as a C-use ti'a 1cr. fl rccogiuu tuonî uithi i servce(u 1o fle uiii ci-u iiuilii i t s EAST R SU DA I'eat. pile fil t preseuit Mn. Ia.ni. - MORNING 1VOR'IIP Bro-1v1i wcx'uthiis 2-) Ycar Plaque," Mm. Bai-ke slatid "The Glory of the Cross" wanîii y. A beauîtucîbuutof' ciAn- 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSIIIP ienicatî Beaut.vrases cc-s hic- "What Shall We Do With This Man" ncltMr.W .Bcî-î ia If oi thie J. . I C. ,e Cîîîî- 8:05 p.m. - YOUtNG PEOPLE pauiy. Otlîcu's onî the stage ducr- iuîgIlle pî'escîîlaticîîs ccene: Good Friday Service - Il a.M. Russ Wods, Eti Mu-G ii, D Hanîuui, K. Fitzgerald, Jolii Si. raul's United bnurchCyeEalAdrsnnfi ciaIs ofItlle Case Ccînpan 'cv. Speaker: REV. W. K. HOUSLANDER -anti Hau'ny Vau) Belle afIltle "Wha Dos Te CossDo? Van Belle Gai'ciins. "Wha Dos Te CossDoMn. Browcnigiaieftîilc\, fhîaîk- cd Ille coiipuui*v iepi-esenta- -- --- --- - tic-eýstoi' tli' lia)nol'oiie '-0 ycar Plaqcue anîd fou'Illie gorgeauls Sfioccens ihaf hacnbeeuî gtceuî to lin citc. le expressefi lits appî'ecîatiouu ta Ille uîi'; REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN frfu uetnîu ha it REFORMED CHURCH .Scugog Street, Bowmanville PORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. Enzlish EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. Dutch Sunday School imincdiateIN' after Sunday morning service. "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKUE. Oshawa. at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 arn. every Sunday, CFRB ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Holây Thursday 4:730 P.11. - (Cood Friday 12 Nuon b :.3 pan. - THE THREE HOI'RS Preachler: The Rex'. R. A. Sharp St. M1atthew's Church, Oshawta Easter Day HOLY C('OMMNION CH 11,1) R EN'S E ASTER SERVICF 7' EV ENSON G The Salvation Army THURS.. 8 p.rn. - "?cýlomeuîfs Au-oundid te Cr'oss" Half-Nught of Prayer and Meditation GOOD FRIDAY, Il a.m. - Speaker: Major -.M. Raîîkiîi. Oshiawa- 'Go1d ai Golgothia" Mtusic: Oshawca Vocalettes EASTER SL'NDAY, 7 a.m.- - Stînrise Service 11:00 a.m.-"Chrî-st us Risen" 9:30) P.m.-Sulida %,Scliool î.00(1 p.rn.-You-ig Peoffle's Singiîîg Comnpany Filmstrip: "BeholdthieMa. Public cordially invited toalal these meetings -I (contîticucrl fi-o U uaceii'(l cou-se oi illîuc s. Dauî Brocîgl Res MeKui'4uît tue Bî'uuît'h Service Offîcen. also utitîesu- ed flie gailîumig. Ht' îcuiuîd- cd flic xeternsus itsiiocîlt ilic urqîxîrr' mî*xvlicI1; iini-e- gardIotilpeuisui;. tlicr-Dupa 't- uîîe. i ai, Vctei'ais A li s, cm xcitlî ailer pi'uubleuiis. tii c-aII ou; liia. antI lie \xcotcl([o ail ii luis poxc-cnfa as.ist fiîeîn. A mcuicî'a bIc tapceîrecordi- îîug x'as piaYeti by Keni Gra- iain. Il x'îcichiv tit'îic-tcd tle actlcîîBattît' oi Vinîy Ritige. luicls Iathue iî r tci-- luin c-eîuuîîaies cf the Viiny Excellenit eîîlcutaiuuîîcut was preseuifetib' v Toumumy Har't, agenit for Labati 's B'exverics, an accomplisheti amateur' na- giciauî. ccho gav'e a mîarvelous performuiance ai sleiglît-of- hanti and cardtr tic-ks. Pîuîîist Geai-pe Gilu-noie, Oshiawa, piaycrl a acunber uot paîîulai' sclectiaîîs anid WontId Wau- Ilsoug. A suig-song was also etilayeti. What Have (Couîtiuud irouîîpage tuile miîse-LaeI1auîî witl u iai- cc-uss. The Rîseu Christ spcaks ta tus aîîd tbrocugb tus iii prayer. meditatuoii public woi'sbip aîîd ichiowshîip as well as ini ai the beautv anti xvudeî' iininature. "The Eastcn Wuads" andc *'Mac' 1 Rcmnembeî" cceme uIwo lovelv pacaîs neurl bc Mms. Gal- braifh. cc-litottereti a bcauiîi- fut Easten pra ' er Mrs. J. Baccma nepanict ou; the Leadership d ut- a f i o n Course ai Five Ouks. ant i l additionî ta inf*ormnation about the various doux-ses ac'ailable stresseti the thLîati1,,itéttvc nîcusf ccait oui the Lord ta h-mid Hîs pui-pose ion îiý andti tathe abiiîies ofai a. large or small are needeti. We mcust ad.îust lu fhunk iii tern- i atm nr espou- tlianoaur persanal satisiac- Dcurng the busiuices session ----s--W "gy" Wa.y.,. RUST 11RU INERvEs 4" lb-i- ;nn J.' iii xc' ILQI f. -r, Il'. -- - i, h. - t PI-I O S r' n i o - r' LE X de ,,;~ r - - r ~., le' ti- di n - - ni ;,,-tis Il Inn- 10 PHOSPHO-PLEX TABLETS Wit* 8 compournd îfomjns $4.25 50 TASIfl $2.50 1 6 OUNCES $2.50 AFKILTI4REE WEEii TREAlMENT Oh" IL WF* & .m*m b.nded * Pehkomtit STUONGER TOC WNEN WET OR DRY SECAUSE ITS MELOBONDED! REGULAR 2 1 ter 43c MA N.SIZE 2 lr65C 1' asi-GlIoss" - 1 Mb.tin -Rieg. 59e Floor Wax - - 45c Sueae -uri - e »ua -î 69 Lady Esther Face Cream 8.5c~ 69C 2 Reg. 65e tubes Lustre Creme Shampoo - -98c 2 Bath Size PaJmoliv'e Soap ccith 98e size Colgate Dental Cream - - 98c 49e size Mennen Skin Bracer %ith 1.25 size NennenSpray Deo dorant 1.25 - 2 i1 r 89C Nomzma Skin Cream M an's Hair Brush %.vith 6.ie sî,e i 2 5 s iz e - - D e s e r t F lo w e r D ,"D E O% -'RýA ,r 2 r 1 .2 5 2ot 1.09 30e OFF - Reg. 1.69 Save 51c - Tvo 75c Bottles White Bain Lotion Shampoo 99c WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It'sT1onic time. Wmnter's coughs undi colds ore just aiound the corner. HeIp your fumily to befter healti, this winter, build Up their resistance #0 colds ... give them Wampole Extroct reguloly.. . %tort todoyl 1S OUNCES -$1.59 34 OUNCES - $2.89 E(ONOMY SIZE 7fl SAVES YOU I PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drulgs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 PA(M SEM voumu AUW - - - 7-ý -1 98C » 65c 1 pol"- 1.39

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