PAGE EIGHT TEE CM~ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, APE. l4tb, 190 sliowyou liw easy itis to travel free froi wyonryith TrawJeffrs' «'Travellers' Cheques are the sensible way ta carry the money you need on any holiday or business trip. They're easy, they're convenient, and they're iafe. In fact, only your signature can convert them back to cash. Here's how Toronto-Dominion Travellers' Cheques work for you. Betore you set out on any trip, visit your nearest Toronto-Dominion Bank and exehange the amount of cash you'II need for the same amount in Travellers' Cheques. You can convert them back te cash again as iiou need it by merely signing your name. Travellers'Cheques are negotiable anywhere and completely free yau from the worry of loss or theft. It's good business to pur- chase Travellers' Cheques before any trip. It's also good business to take advantage of the many other excellent services you can enjoy when you bank regularly atToronto- Dominion. If you'1l drop ini to the nearest branch of "The Bank" soon, I'm sure the individual, per- sonalized service you'I1 receive will convince you that. . !# peope mae the dfference at TORO%TOm DOMINION B. U BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch Dy DOROTHY BARKERi I Poets have written Inspir- lyellows and blues blended ed stanzas describing it, com- 1 witti strong purpies and pinks posers have become lyrical in a massive spectrum. and natives have exaggerated For an untrained moun- about sprinctimve in the Rock- taineer, the dlimb left me les. They needn't have, for slightly breathiess and I paus- Vancouver in April needs nu ed a moment ta perch on a exaggreration ta seil tourists huge chip off the. old moun- the idea that they can gain tain. a weather bonus to add ta It then 1 noticed the summer's short season by littie crippled boy poking at a planning ta visit the west clump of flowers with the end coast at this time of the year. of one of his crutches. At first Sure it wiil rain. It did the I wanted ta chastise hlm and day I quickly unpaeked my then I noticed be was trying train case ta hurry makeup ta firrm earth around their repair before embarking Onl roots. my first jaunt ta West Van- "Let me help", 1 said as 1 couver. It beat a tattoo on my approached the ynungster, my plastic raincape and big fat tub tcig drops tricklod off the edge ofgre the hood and down the bridge "Thaiiks, but they corne pop- of my nase. I was obliviaus ping out every time we have of this discomfort for I a a heavy ramn, like last night. enchanted with mv surround- Then my mother lets me corne ings. I watched the bus that out of doors when it stops a had brou,ýht me across Lions littie and push them back un- Gate bridge disappear around derground again", he said. a bend in the road as I start- I asked him what the small cd a slow climb on foot to the flowers were and he replicd home of a friend. in some surprise, as if al Thesmel o we eath asaduits should know every hauntingly faîniliar. I paused flwer Job's Tears htte just for a moment to watch w're Job'swe ad atedU the red mud lither frora the Wlittl e h afcly ackinth roots of a huge pine tree a litterbuld ofgodel arth ie bulldozer had recently uproot-Iterb-. fgo erhh ed Io moke roam for another1 asked me if I knew the story home. This was one of the lof how the fiowers got thcir most beautiful residential de- name. He was sa cager ta tell ve]opments in ail Canada. I me that 1 for;-Zzt my luncheon wvas taM PEr-Itizh capital hal engagement and settled down with the brace on his little been poured înto the projle perched on the rock be- admonth after month, newc and side me. homes clinib higher and ever In dramatie, husbed tones higher up Grouse Mountain. only a child can use when en- Floxvers cverywhcre re-thald ittestrhes minded me of a quilt I once thleli ihtestr ei made with mv grandmother's tling, mv ncwly found help. When the sun peeped fricîad recalled the entire Book through a wandering cloud, of Job. He told of Job's their brigh l urweevn wealth and large family which more intense. Unbelicvable wcre ail taken from. him at _____the height of his power. "Whcn Job had Ioat evrr- FINE QALITY thing be held dear, his faith FINE QALITY in God was sorely tricd", re- MONUMENTS AND lated the chilid prccociOusiv MARKERS in phraseology far beyond his years. His round eves fairly 4" 9i$*bmsd.mfylupopped as ho related Job's RI 7[k PI""- strug.-lc and how, when the OF STAFFORD Lord blesscd hini for bis sus- tained faith, Job put bis hend AEBROS. hi bis hands and criec with joy. His tears fell on the1 earth and flowers grew wbere thywere. Mv granny says that for centuri es Job's Tears have multiplied in anyonc's Siafford Bras. garden who believes in Grod", said the boy. WWI T he tale was finishcd and Monumental Works te little lad hoppcd down from the rock and started tai 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby hobble toward bis bouse.1 Phone Wbitby Then he turned and came1 11Ohawk 8-3552 back to where I was standingý.1 1 1 think you sbould bave] SUITS m COATS DRESSES DRY CLEANED AND PRESSED BY EXPERTS! Have that NEW Easter Wardrobe look the inexpensive way! We'11 revive your clothes t. sparkling Enster newness! Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-7061 PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LORNE McQUARRME Prop. r somne o! Job's Tears.Iar sure they wiil graw for you., Withth Ui p o! lis cruth elileK pried out a littlc« clump andHe& S p u c a tissefo my pocket. Will they grow in my garden? I am sure tliey will, for the a s'asi l B d ed mine and gave it aar atemosn.sectonB ecause of Tension ENFIELD Which S ha kes Child Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckett and Miss Minnie Beckett werc in Bolton on Fri*day, April 8tb to attend the funeral of their sister Daisy- Mrs. Chair!es Truscott, wha passcd away on April 4th after a long painful llneos. Mrs. Truscott bad a major operatian in Orangeville Memi- anial Hospital. Complications set in and she was removcd ta St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- ta, whcre she pa'qsed awav. Mr. and Mrs. Truscott once lived at Roscberrv Hill and were well known in this com- munity, moving later to Cale- don, East. We extend our sympathv to Mr. C. Truscatt and family, the brothers- CGeorg-e of !-a- gersville; Roy of Toronto; Har- ry of Morrish; Sisters, Mary- Mrs. J. Simpson; Rieda- Mrs. M. Ailiston, Newcastle; Kay- Mirs. Eanl Inch, Welcome and Miss M. Beckett, Marrisb. It was a great sbock to this community wben word of the disastrous fine on the farm of Mr. Roy Best, Zion, became known on Wednesday, Au)ril 6th, when the large barn cara- taining a number of cattie, pîgs, feed and g.rain was coin- pletely destroyed. We offer hlm our sincere syxnpatby in this great misfortune. Mns. Frank Anderson left on Friday to sDend Eastcr with relatives in Detroit whcre ber son Neil of Windsor will joJn her for a few days, returning to Morrish with bis mother to finish out Easter vacation. Palm Sunday Service with Sacrament was held at 10 a.m. Thene was a good cangregation, the Rev. A. W. Hardin,, off;c- ating. Hymns fitting this oc- casion were sung and the chair sang an Easter anthemn. Mr. Harding gave the las't of bis Lenten Sermons, his subject being- "Christ's Conflict wi4th Popularity"l, on Palm Sunday, Christ was bailed as a King- hosannas filleci the air, but in a few short days those same people wcne sboutinge "Cruciy -lim!" Populanity is but a tran- sient mad of the multitude or a smaîl gathering and is neyer lasting. Mr. Dawson Beebe as- sisted Mr. Harding during the Communion Service. In a few montbs we expect te welcome the Rev. E. Non- mlan of Newfoundiand when he takes over thc pastoral bharge of Welcomne. Tbe neyer- end gentleman is married with ;hree small chidren. p r s ia c s THAT'S MY DRINK!z Yes, Most people Choose Relroshing . . . Satislying SMITH BEVERAGES 6 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS- *LEMON LIME 0 ORANGE *GRAPE 0 GINGER ALE 0 ROOT DEER 0 CREAM SODA Mode and Bottled by SMITH DE EEs Lus BOWMANVILLE He deplored sballow maga- zine articles on TV written as 'pot houlera' by writena, who are rnainly intenestcd in mak- ing a fast buck. These auth- ors bave the presumption ta consider themseives experts after watcbing televisior ian- tensively fan ponrhapa a month, he assented. They know noth- ing of the tborough CBC an- alysis made oven the years, Mn. Ciao pointcd out. Study 4,000 Chiidren The bast book on television waa publisbed recently in England. It was sponsored by the Nuffield Foundation, an enormousiy wcalthy onganiza- tiori, and a study made of 4,000 childnen for more than four yenra. Vast information was gathered conccrnirig the likes and dislikes of ail these cbildren belonging ta ail classes of society and living in London, Bristol, Sunderland anid Southampton. Four Haurs a Day "It was found that in Eng- land wbere television pro- grams are only on the air from 4:30 îî.m. until il o'clock in the cvening that the average child ivatebes TV between Il and 13 hours a wcek," Mr. îCle said. "Ia the United Stateq the average cbiid vicws television between 20 and 30 hours a week, mare than four hauns every day." Influence lis Great He poiated out that in Can- uda childreri on the average ,vatcb teievision for threc and ahaif bours a day, and five -ind a haîf hours on Sunday. The influence of TV. is great, Mr. Clee admittcd, but added bhat it cari aiso be beneficial. Cutting Violence Shows The question of violence on the sereen boing banmful was nentioned by the speaker. He assertcd that normal, stable hildnen are complctely unaf- cctcd by it. However, the BEC in England la cuttiag the via- lnce sbown because although bt as no reaily bad effecta, acere are fan more picasant tintact watch, Mn. Ccee Accepta Westerns "Children accept Westerns. 'bey do not wonry about them e),cause tbey nre higbly sty- zcd. The Plot follows a pat- ;rn well knowri ta the child. ind he watches it as be might! isten ta a fable as something at in bis worid at ail. Chiid. ,n are only affected by any- hing near themscîves. They iate ta sec animais injurcd. 1person in a Western shot at Sdistance mens nothiag, but tclose-up of a mari being abbed cari be really fnight- îing."1. Lassie Is Bad Mr. Cice expli md that the *puian pnogram "Lassie" la ed because the dangers ahown re close tu their world. He ointed out that the films in is senies ecri prescrit about 0minutes o! maunting ten- [n, and then are so quicklv soived that a child is left aken by the horrible wonry fthe realistie scories be bas aen. Television doca flot affect r Praises Television tionally upsets chidren. presented by the Monday and Wednesday li May will be the Mr. Cîce pnedicted that tel- Tuesday Special Chairs coin- date of the Blood Donons' >n. evision wil have an increas- posed of children from Baw- ic it was decided nat ta trfve ingly important place in manville's Public Sehools, un- the Bowmanviile Home and achool curriculums. While TV der the direction of Murdoch, Schoal meeting on the saine can neyer provide the super- Beaton. The Special Chairs date, so it was set for the fol- vision, or supply Uic same for- entered the spacious hall sing- lowing evening. mation of character as a tea- ing "Do Re Mi," and the sing- The May meeting wiil b. cher doca, it stil bas great ing af other loveiy numbens dvtdt nomto e value in presenting informa- werc aiso rewarded with gdiathe o chfrain t e tion memorabiy, he said. mucli applause. faccd n h chianesn l e- Ration Television Mrs. Charles Burdett, the Public Sehool for Higli School. The speaker advised par- treasurer, presented a satis- Mrs. Ames stated that several ents flot ta deny television tu, factory financial Pepont. The High Sehool teachers will be their children. He suggested president, Mrs. Ames, announ- prescrit ta expiain the Secon- that if they ration at, they do ced that $26.30 had been real- dary School prognam, and alseu4 so with care. He also warned ized from the Travelling Bas- ta deacribe the shifts that will agairiat making TV a source kets. Mrs. Ken Summeraford, be necessary for classes li the of friction in the home. "At Uic secrctary, read the minutes autumn. least let a child finish a pro- of the last meeting.. The election of the officers gram. It is wrong ta tel him, The next meeting of thc and executive membens of the 'go and watch TV', and then Home and'Sehool Association association for the camlng hes eave he iset taetmealnss will be beld an Thursday year will also be held at the hat lavfrtra sting, ama' evening, May 5th. Mrs. Ames May meeting, Mrs. Aines an- tale," lie uraged. reason- explained that as the finst lnouneed. 'Be selective. Tell the chli- dren, ' it is ail right if yau watch this pragram, then you watch the next anc wîth me!.' O R Do not watch televîsion an the dark as daing s0 could cause eye strain". Mr. Cîce pointed Tu oncougteugd htpr elent nculca e tiondas i lpol theirg he fr abttpr f- etrculr them and ors An ipi enthusiastie question period E S foliowcd wath many people takiag part. The speaker in answering the inquiries pro- vided mucli valuable informa- s tion. Miss Marjorie Coucli, the Ie principal of Lord Elgin Sehool, on behaîf o! the audience,iijî thanked Mr. Cîce for bis in- teresting add.ress. Also for al j bis researcli and work for bet- ter television. y Speciai Program Items An enjoyable program of lovely vocal selections was The W.A. met ln the churcli last week, witli a fair attend-1 ance. There was a cansiderable amount of discussion regard- ing the dedication of the chan- cel and planning for the event which will be early in May. Mrs. R. Simnpson conducted the devotional. The pragram con- sisted of a piano solo by Mrs. G. Bowers, an Easter poem read by Mrs. G. Bowman and Mrs. W. A. Logan read a very interesting letter fnom fniends on a mission field in Africa. Mrs. G. Bowrnan is accepting used lothing for the W.M.S. Mr. and Mns. Harold Ormis- ton visited with Mr. I. Puck- rin 's. Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Eben- ezer, attended church service and had tea with the G. Bow- mans. Mn. and Mns. Elmen Lee, .udy and Norman wene wi Mr. and Mns. H. Cawling, Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. Edgyar Prescott visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibson, Taunton, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahm, Richmond HIi. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowmon and Roland had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davcy, Ty- none, Tbursday, on the occas- ion o! Elainc's birtbday. Television increases the gen- sehool work very mucb, Mr. eral knowledge of chîldren, Cice claimed. He explained and stimulates their interest 'that it is up ta parents to eni- in a wide variety of subjects, sure a quiet time for the chli- David Cice, B.A., M.Sc., To- dren ta study at home. Also ronto, told the members of that it is flot fair if parents the Bowmanville Home and watch television when a child School Association in an in- is tryirig to do homework. formative addrcss given at the pT aet meetng eldin te Lons The idea that television 15 Community Centre on Wed- a sleep stealer was scotched nesday evening, April 6th. by Mr. Cice. Children wha The* special gucat speaker suffer froma insufficient sleep was introduced by Mrs. Ralph do so because of lax parents, Ames, president of the Home hie stated emphatically. If and Sehool Association. Mrs. these cbildren watch TV tili Ames told the large audience al bours tbe parents are to that Mr. Cîe bas won rcnawn blame. If their youngsters in two fields. She spoke Of were flot at the television set bis outstanding tcaching ca- they would be allowed ta stay reer in the UJnited Kingdorn up anyway, he painted out. and in Toronto where he as tmlesIert the lecturer in social studies Stmaesnert at Teachers' College. "Te brightest chlfdren en- Mr. Clee has also achlcvcd ioy televisian. It is a faIiacy wide recognition in radio and ta tbink that only those with television bath as a producer a low I.Q. find it entertaining. anda srip wrter Mr. AesLibrarians are ail for TV. Thcy aond sout t. he sai tat e find that it stimulates interest waste aontvSe Wcsa hawho an books, and after a good pro- was boratine eSmana.H a-gram on a certain subject te rn ineSwcnserableesuc- there is an increased demand te casaiLod ondengand, buc- for supplementary reading on fore caming ta Canada nine tesbet years ago, she pointed out. The fact that cbildren best Made Scapegoat enjoy adult programs was stresscd by Mr. Cîce. He com- «Television and the Child" mended certain programs. was the topie of Mr. Ciee's "Father *Knows Best," always interesting address. Television bas a goad moral, and the Lor- has been mistakeniy been etta Young Show is ideal, be made a scapegoat by many par- stated. enta and the popular press, be Down With Dennis statd. nacurat AdgesHe condemned "Dennis the Inacurae Adges Menace", because the yaung He mcntioned same of the star docs flot tbink as a chiid." trite and inaccurate adages He is represented as an im- used by many in this regard pertinent youngster in poar such as: television is a tî*me situations. The acting is pur- waster, a sleep stealer; it bin- ported ta be cute, but ia pain. ders reading; addicts become fully so, and the humour is introverts; chiidren lack self not natural," be said. expression because of televa- Supra agru sion, and their interesta be upraDngou corne limited as a resuit of He, also said tbat "Super. watching TV programs. He man" is dangerous because remarked that it is sometimes yaunger chiidren bave many surprising that the people who times tried ta copy the star's hold these erroneous opinions, flying feats with resultant in- are often giad ta tell their jury to themacîves. He also children ta go and watch tele- candemned the Captain Andy vision when thiey themselves program froua Hamilton. In it want ta be free froua inter- thie tcaching of social studies ruption. is terrible, and the stars' grain- KnowsTV's alue mar 1s« atrociaus, yet cbildren KnowsTV's alue feel that it must be right as "I know the value of tele- the man la supposed ta be a vision. I admit it is my second teacher, lie stated. inte.èest," Mr. Cîce said. He *He eomnd Mgl told the, Home and School . recom "utMedry"Maggie members that he had initiatedMggn" JsMayTh the BC pograi "JniorFriendly Giant" and the "Mie- Magazine" five years ago, and key Mouse Show." Alsa Jun- also stited TheMic ior Magazine in the main. Mr. Mouse Club", "On Safara, Ce To si ta BveI and "Cirtoon Party", among oo cae" is atcury otber programa, and bas been -od He again warncd par- associated with the presenta- enta againat "Lassie" as a tion of owy Dod. show that disturbs and ema- MARYELUU- Canada's most popular mater off. For aun gaso. line-powered tractors and many diesel units - premium quality- higla detergency - cleans your engine and protects it tee. ESSOLUME HDX - designed for diesel engine service - extra high detergency - maximum engine protection and cleanliness. MINERALUME - a top quaiity economical, straight mineri ail for lower compression tractors and many special applications. R.P.M. DIELO - for heavy-duty, high-speed diesel srvico. Stands up under toughest working conditions. MOBILOIL - another popular, general-purpose lubricant for gasoline tractors and smaller diesels. ALWAYS LOOK 10 IMPRUSAI FOR THEbEST Esso) A. H. Sturrock oS BOWMANVILLE erkt -5516 AVAILABLE FOR NGRTGACES RALPH S. OIES Barrister and Solicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 PAGE ICGHT THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWM-MIMLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAT, APIL 14tb. 1900 MORRISH