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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 11

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TH1JM5DAY, MAY fflIMÎ '~<1/oePewcadte Y;4peux4vî3' Gordon Agnew, Editor Ilewcastli? Social uni £Personal, Mr. and Mrs ThoInpson Mns George Smith aecam- Taylor of Bowmanville n anylng Mr and Mm. P. Kesa- and Mrs. Alden Pollard of 1rer cf Starkvilll viulted with OJshawa and Mr. and Mis. El- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ogden and Mns. snr Pollard and family of Stoe in l Oshawa on Sunday. Courtice, were Sunday visit- Mr.ad Mr&. C. IG. Gould ors with r. and Mrs. H. C. and family spent Bun<lay vWs Venriis.- iting with relatives in New- The many friends ofMNI. market Ioward Toms will be sorry te, earn that he is seriously ill Mrs. Ben Hooglcamp and Pnd is a patient in Memorial son Brian returned home last Iospital ln Bowmanville. week frorn a month's holiday vlsiting with relatives and Mr. and Mrs. George Honey friends ln Holland. They made of Fenelon Falls were Monday the retura trip by air return- visitors. with Mr. and Mr$- îng via New York. Wellngton .iarrow. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow and Mrs. Brenton Farrow cf $tarkville, accompanied by lYrs. George Smith of New- castle, sperit Thursday in Pc- terborough. Friends o! Mrs. Barbara Grainger will be sorry te learn that she is a patient in Mem- criai Hospital in Bowmanville. MIr. and Mrs. J. E. Capp of Montreal visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare last Tuesday. Be Prepared for Spring Thaws with a DURO SUMP PUMP Wlth 25 ft. of 114" plastie pipel .eji "BRER M( $43. ZACK WLUMBING Jvollen KA 8.5615 Community Bowling Resu Its AtftmruoouLeagua The Wednesday Ladies lea- gue completed their regular schedule Iast week with the Gum Dropt finishing on the top cf the it with 97 points. Those bowling more than 200 in the final game of the schedule were Jo Zweir Z41, Bessie Fenguson 217, Jean Me- Cullough 210, Ruth Couch 203 and Aresta Williams 200. Final Team Standings Gum Drops -____ 97 Jelly Beans 89 Alisorta _----- 68 Candy Canes-------- 54 Those rolling over 200 in the Saturday Teenage League were James Rlckard 288, Wayne Flintoff 277, Bob Brown 276, Brenton Hughes 262, John James 238 and Rickie Pearce 218. Monday Ladies - Marilyn Coucit 285, Eleanor Perrin 265, Marilyn Martin 232, Lou All. dread 221, Dorothy Mercen 213, Edna Darling 208, Carolyn Garrod 207 and Barbara Al- dread 204. Tucsday lIen -(225 sud aven) Biali Rowe 256, Deug Walten 256, Bqb Brown 245, [ODELS FROM Stan Powell 24,î, Hon Hockin 233, Mult Brown 238, Lonne .00 up Johnson 231.s. Thunsday Milxed - Ruth Couch 263, Mary Garnod 237, Bian Rawe 202. BROUGHFriday lIixed-Stan Brown snd HEATING 289, Jean McCuflough 242, mrv. McCullough 241 Ken Btreet Soutb Dean 241, Bil1 McCrackcn 253, DOWMAVILLETed Belutey 238, Donothy Wbit- BOWMAVMLEney 233 John Rlckard 209, Velma e'anler 209, sud Don 'Parker 208.____ Notice to Dog Owners AUl dog ownens in the Village of Newcastle should procure their Dog Tags front the Muni- cipal Office on or before May 2th. The Municipal Office is open each Tuesday and Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. and license fees are the same as asat year. OWNERS 0F DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE, WITH OR WITHOUT TAGS, WILL BE PROSECUTED UNDER THE TERMS 0F THE DOG CONTROL BY-LAW. ~FW ~AWABTAW £¶'ÂTPAMAW. UÔWIIANVIUAE. Ot1TA~O PAGE UiEVW Phono 36211 Mr., Mrs. G. Henderson Mcarried Fifty Years N;ewcatle-_About 75 friands ing. Others assiating were Mrs. and relatives called at the Beverley Henderson, Mra. Fred home of Mr. and lIns. Arnold Henderson, lIns. Cecil Hender- 1Wade, Newtonville, on Sunday aon. lrs. Harry Wade and lIra. ApM 17, ta offer thelr congra- C. M. Jones. Mtons te Mn. and lIns. Geo. Mr. and Mi's. Henderson ne- Henderson on the occasion cf ceivcd a framed scroll front thein 5Oth wedding anniver- the Provincial Government. a Sary. letter of congratulations front lIns. Carlton Payne, lIra. the Prime Minister o! Canada, 1Wm. Marvin, and lIra. Brooks the members cf Parliament for Cowan poured tan ta a- Durham County, and many ternoan. Mr. Trumnan lIen- gifts and carda cf congratula- derson and Mrs. Morton Hen- tions. The family presend denson pourcd tea in tha even- them with a 400 day dlock.e Associa tes Hon or C. Reg. Loaveàkin at Retirement Luncheon Newcastle-MIr. C. R. Love- kmn who retIred on Saturday was honourcd by bis associates in the offices cf Uic Fruit and National Health Branch cf thei Ontario Department of Agri-: culture at a luncheon at thei West Point Motel on Friday. Barber Shop Being Built In Village Rowe Brothers cf Bowman- ville started work on the ex- cavation for Howard Quin- ney's new building on Tuesday morning. The new building will be situated on the north side cf King street, east next to the News Lunch. Murdoch and Welsh of Bow- manville are the general con- tractors for the building which lu expected te be completed by July lst. Mr. Quinney plans a barber shop on the main floor cf the 18 It. by 32 t. building with an apartrnent on the second floor. The new shop when con- pleted will be a welcome ad- dition te the ever growing business section developing east cf Mill street on King. Mission Band Holds Meeting Newcastle - The Golden Rule Mission Baud o! the Un- ited Cburcb held its montb. ly meeting on Menday alten. npon, Apnil 18. lIns. Gertrude Gray told the story te the childnen front the Study Book "Baleji sud the Hippopotamuu". The Worsbip penîod was couducted by lIns K. Powell witb Easte asu the theme. The effcing was taker by Margie Zweln sud dedicat- cd. lns. Wilda Johnson kind. ly sbowed the fiimstrip "The Easten Song", which the chul. dren enjoyed very much. The business period was conducted by President Gar- don Allun, sud opencd witli the nepetiugo! the Missian Baund Purp ose sud the singing of the Mission Baud Hymn. The Secrctany, Judith Powell read the minutes, teak the Roll Caîl, wbicb was auswcn. cd by naming a Spring Flow- er, sud aise gave the Treasur- cr'u Report in the absence of the Treasunen, Beverley Rick- ard. Whlle sarne cf the girls Iinished the beau bags stant- cd at the last meeting, the othens played some gamnes, After a candy hunt sud the distribution of the Wonld Fnieuda temeeting was dis- aiissed. - I eln bebaif a! tbe maie mcm- bers o! the staff, Mn. Bert ýRusseil, bis successor sud Mn. W. F. Grabamt the superviser, made presentatieus te Mn. Lovekin, o! s stable fork and shovel, ail deckcd eut lu a garland o! daisies. Mn. Love- kmn said be is not quite sure whether bis office assaciates figurcd he would want te do some gandening in bis retire- ment on whether after 22 yeans iu the office the men bad came te know him well enough te knaw be wauid have othen uses fer the implements. On behaif of the ladies ou the staff Mrs. McClure pre- sented a bain toiletnies set ta Mr. Lovekin, feeling ne daubt he wouid necd tbese il other people gat into bis bain the way hie had wîth the staff in the office duning bis 22 years. MIr. Lovekin bas bis gilts on dispiay in the Sheil service station owned by Mn. George Fergusan on the cerner of King and North streets, dai- aies sud ail. Dogs Facing Grim Summer ýOn a Leash Newcastle-Dags have been having the nun o! the village for the past six months but accarding ta an advertisemcnt appeaning elsewhere on this page the dags bave had their day. Many people teed that the way they bave been cluttening Up the streets snd mcssing up gardens duning the past few weeks, it is about time they werc tied up. Tags which bave been avail- able at the Municipal Office since eaniy in the year bave been haviug an exceptianally slow sale se s warning is is- sued that ail dag ownens must procure tags on on befane May 2tb or lace prosecution un- der the viilage's dog centrai byiaw. This byiaw aiso farbids owners of dogs fnom ailowing their pets te run at lange sud this part of the byiaw will aise be enfarced to the limît. We feel sarry fer the dogs being ferced te stay tied up ail summer but other peopie's propcrty must be pratected and ownens o! dags wil bave ta make same arrangements te exencise their pets witbaut ailowîng them te run on the pnaperty cf others. MORRISH a Family Day Service was held lnstead of Sunday School on May lst. It was thought best 1te take this date in order not -to interfere with the longer church service on Mother's Day, May 8th, when Uic Holy Sacrament o! Baptism wili be conducted by thc Rev. A. W. Harding. This being the first Sunday in Uic month, most o! the assistant teachers were pre- sent, Mrs. Harny Beckett con- ducted Uic Worship Service. Sot music during the Cali te Worship was supplied by Mrs. Helen McHolm on Uic organ. The Scripture verses were niccly read by Jane Harness, prayen was given by Mrs. Frank Anderson. The address was in charge cf Mrs. William McHolm, the text of which was taken from Psalm 68, ver- se 6, "God Setteth Uic Solitary in Faniilies". To illustrate and make intcresting for the child- ren, this was given In form o! an objeet lesseon- the hand re- preseuting the home; Uic thu- mb la the mother; index fin- ger the father; the longest lin- ger thceider brother or sister; the little finger, the youngest in a family and Uic in bctween finger, other children making a perfect whole cach one help- ing in turu on pulling together when necessary. Durîng theinl- terval Miss Joan Marvin sang as a solo the beautiful family hymn "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind forgive our féol- ish ways" acconipanied on the organ by Mns. Helen McHolm. The service clased with hymn "O Happy Home Wherc Thou Art Loved the Dearest" and the Bcnediction. Master Phiiip Rarncis, son of Mrn.sd lIns. George Har- ness, was nushed te Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, suffer- ing from appendicitis on Wcd- nesday, April 27th. An opera- i tien was quickly performcd and we are pleased te say Philip is doing well and wifl be homie very soon. Tiree long Unes of geese pae ver MorzLish on Thumn1 KENDAL Mr. Rosa Gay bas been ln Memoniai Rospital Bownsanvil- le several days with an inece- ted arm. cantracted several weeks aten beiug eut on Uic elbow by s piece e! steel. Mn. Ronnie Gay bas been home a week front achool with aveny sore eye. The first week of lIay la hene but snow banks are stili visable in gullies ln the.bills nantit cf Kendal The wcathen- man did net faveur thie open- ing a! Uic trout season but Uic local eneeks wcne well stocked with fishernien-. If not fiîh. On Friday evening 'a grup o! oun local nesidents had excell- ent luck anteit iishing nean Newcastle. Mr. sud Mrs. Jo. Yendxikk and faml.ly were lu Hamilton for Uic wcekend te sec lIna. Ycndriek'a mother, Mia. Gra- haut, wbo lal i he hspital there. Ab Colon, ]Roger sud girl fricud o! Hamtilton spent Sun- day with lIns. Martinell sud lIrs. Colon. Mrs. Martinelil I allowed te get up pui t ime if site se wisltcs. Guests wlihMn. sud lIrs. George MacDonald tan bbc wcckeud were ber siater, lIns. Callan, ber husband sud !am- ily of Omemee. Mrn.sd lIns. Bob Wàm msd imuil weu day evening -at times a per- fect V, then, as though dis- turbed, ito wcaving and ws- vcning lines only to terni again with but ane objective~ to necd their chosen ncstiug gnounde iu Uic distant North- lands Spring bas reafly rivcd when ges fly North. The interior of aur Sunday Sdiool la graduafly wcaring a new appearance, but titane la much more to do until aur Suuday Sciteol la ready tan its affointed une. Nesletoa Staton Mn. and Mmns Oliver Bah- rer aud Douglas, sud Mn. sud lIns. Ivan Rohrer and fanuly wene in Mitcheflfor a tamuly 25tb wcdding annlvensary ccl- ebration. Sympathy la extended ta the Howard Lee famiy in Uic loas o! bis fathen, Mr. Edward Lec cf Brookliluisat week. Mn. sud Mns. Cecil Wilson and Miss Gwen, wene Satur- day visitera with Mr. sud Mm. Gardon Rodman and Mr. sud lIns. Herman Rodatan, Little Britain. Mn. and lIns. John Doyle aud John Jr. of Taranto, are taying with Mrn. an.d lIs. Ed- die Le Micre, while building thein honte in the village. Mn. and Mrs. E. Hernon at- tended Convocation o! Knox College on Tucsday, Ap nil 26, in Convocation Hal, Univer- sity o! Tenanto. Congratula- tiens te Mn. Henon who suc- cessfuily passed his 2nd year Theology examinations at Knox Coliege. Mr. and Mns. T. G. Lang- leld neturned fron a winten in their Florida trailen honte on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hanry MeLau- ghiin aud Lawnence and Mns. Jos. Fonder, visited in Toron- ta on Suuday with Misa Flor- ence McLaugblin. Miss Mary Ellen Downey wbo spent the weekend with the Harny Mc- Laugblin's, retunned home with them. A surprise presentation was made on Friday aftennoon when the merubens o! Nestie- ton Hooked Rug Class met at the home of Mns. Malcolmt Emerson. Iu a fcw weil chosen words Mrs. Cccii Wilson ex- pressed the pleasure of the ladies, wbo took the course, in baving lIns. Vine as leader and Mns. Bowers as assistant, te teach the making o!boock- ed nugs. Mrs. Davison had fasbioned corsages front ber owu garden for the two lead- ens and a cup and saucer was pnesented te each of the guests of honoun by lIns. W. Jackson and Mns. K. Samnelis. lIra. Vine and lIra. Bowens tbank- ed the ladies for their kind- ncss and ail sigued s card cf appreciation te the caretaker o! Nestîcton- Presbytcnian Chuncb, Mn. E. G. Lennard, whene the classes wene held. Mns. Davison sud lIns. Wilson assisted the hastes. with a dainty lunch. Miss Margaret Smith sud her father, Tarante, sud Miss Ina Malcolmt of Dundee, Scot- land, were Sunday visitons with Uic Grant Tbompseus. Mr. Smith will assiat Grant wbile yours tnuly attends the Public Relations Wemen's Iu- stitute Canvenens' Conlenence in Guelph this wcek. Fourteen ladies o! Nestîcton Institute attendcd Summany Day in Salins Hall on Tuesday afterneen, Apnil 26. An ex- cellent display of hooked rugs made by Bethany, Blackstock, Morrish, Salins sud Nestîcton greups were viewed by all. Miss Liilycnop opened the program and introduced the Chaîiady, lIns. Murray Byers. Mrs. I. Leslie who couductcd the Training Schaol for Lead- ers, cammented ou escb rug neganding design, colour sud heokiug. The leaders sud thein assistants were callcd ta the platfarm, and are te neceive badges fnomn the Departmeut. The prognant follows: A pi- ana sale by lIns. Langmaid, Solina: a humorous reading by lIns. Jeunings, Bethany; sud an original recitation by lIns. CIhas. Bcightou.Marrnîsh.The aise dinnen guests Sundey ev-1 enig. Rer brother, Mrnd 1u m.rs. J. Sdileck and Iamily o! Toronito wcre down during thec week.j Mr. and lIns. Bob YoUngman1 spent Uic weekend witi )&.C and Mis. A. Levere at Corn- wall. While there Bob was1 Judge at thie dog trials and un- tortunstely hurt his ankie. Debbic visited Art YaungmWE' at Tyrane and Gale stayed with 3M. 1. Thosapson at Countice. Mr. and Mms Jack Neal and faily spent Sunday with Mn., and Mis. Ken NemI, Orono. Miss Ray'Howeil of Oshawa and Scaa-boi-ough, spent thc weekend witti Carolyn and Patsy Poster at their home hmn. A banquet for those report- ing for the Ontario Agrieultun- al Fara Accident survey wus hcld at Salins Thuruduy even- ing, April 28. lIn. Reg Elliott, MtLeansansd Mrs. Hatdier Pos-i- ter, Kendal school section were among thase present for thie Ooccaion. ME. and Mrs. Ned Poster and Ma'. Joc Popovitoh were in Ton- anto and called to see Miss Susan Foster, nurue-in-train- ing at Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, but who is atow spcn- ding tIrte.montAeisnla rainrl at thie Sick Cluldrens Hospiir Tarante. Sue was aise honme for the wcckend. About 50 friends cf Mn. sud Mrs. Taom Danchuk and faniily gathened in Uic Sixth Line uchool asat Tucaday evening for a presentation aud larewell Party. They ilt the latter part of the week for their new home at Delhi. Mn. and lIns. Dan- chuk and faniily have been on the tobacco farm built up by John Bailey. Kendal friends of Mr. and Mns. John Bailey. Castîcton, were scrry that they had the rnisfortune te have their large tobacco barn and contents burnt cariy Thursday niorning, Apnil 21. Ris tractera, tobacco growing implements, stripping equipment, fertilizer and pois- ou for distribution had ail been in the barn. Sonte front hene attended the funerai of William Cochranie Monday afterneon at 2 p.m. at his late residenoe, Kirby. Anothen of aur former, wel liked residents, Mrs. Charles Undcrwood, passed away in Mémiorial Hospital, Fnl d a y night after months of iilns aud suffening. The funeral was held fron Barlows Funea Parlours, Orono, Moniday, May 3n4, with Uic fu.neral cortege pnocecding to Millien for thel Saturulay, April 30 WINNER: NEPWCASTLZ i interment Our sympsthy tuiex- tcnded to Elsie (MIrs. Ted Waodyard> amid Margaret (Mmns Howard Linton) and their fam- ilues and to her sistmr, Miss Edith Epringhaxn and lIns. R. Cochrane. M1&. Reg Elliott had thc mis- fortune toecut the back of his fingera with the chain saw but was lucky that thie bancs were net severed. Church was held as umal Suadaymrig at 11:15 when Rev. R. C. Wte gave sanie oI the answers te the neasonz why some people nemain outsîde the chuncli. The choir sang "Bics- sed Assrance Jesu s i Mine"' very pleasingly with MM. Swarbrick at thc organ. It was good ta sec se niany young folks in Uic choir and we aIl hope -they will continue te ote. The W.A. was held Wedncs- &aY evening at the home of the president Mmr. Garlandý Cathcant The meeting opened with singing "Iesus Calia usI Q'er the Tumult," foflowed by a talk and prayer by lIns. Ca- theant. The Bible Teading was given by lIns. w. Mercer. bira. L. Greenwood gave a veny ln- teresting t0pe an "A Garden of WIld Flowcrs". Sente of thc many wild fiowers which. c an make a beautiful aho'wing in our gardens are hepaticas, Blood Root, Adder's Tongue, Dutchnian's Breches, Triil- 1iums, the violets, wild colum- bine, Jack lu thc Pulpit and Marsh Marigolds (if you have a damp cerner). Wîld flowers 1are neally gardening with na- ture Amn. Stoker gave a talk on "On the Bridge", a chapter fron thei study book "Africa PRESTON VAN MOVING and STORAGE 1 HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE STORAGE Specializing in a. . . STOR-Â-WÂY VAULT SYSTEK FOR YOUR VALUABLE POSSESSIONS ALSO COMMON INDUSTRTAL STOIRAGE PINE NArkoi 3-2493 Free Estimates on Local and Nation-wide Movlng Personal Attention Given Ail Your Valuubjee AUl Gooda Fully Insured FOR Prices Effective May 5th, 6th, Mt We resrve th ritht ta lmit quantities. l SUPPORT THE NAVY LEAGUE TAG DAY SATURDAY. MAY 7th ALL IGA MEATS ARE GOVIÇRNMENT APPROVED FRESH, GRADE A PRE-flRESSEI) ROASTING OR FRYING Chickens 2v2 to 3lb.IL Average IL.4c C TABLERITE SMALL LINK Pure Pork Sausage pl'b: 39c SHOPSYS WIENERS i lb. elflo 49C Pkg. 3 Talis 39C J5 9c I10 os. Pkts. 4 9 C leu 10& Jar 1,019 A Salad Favourite U.S. No. i Grade - i14om.celle 1kg. TGMATGES - - 19c A Hearty Energy Food N.B. Canada No. i Grade - i10lb. bat PGTATOES - - 55c The Chlldrcn's Favourite Extra Fancy Grade - B.C. Winesap Apples 96 e29e FROZEN FOOD FEATURE WATCH IGA'S TELEVSION SHOW REDSTEER Chipsteaks P Kz. 49c ROMPER ROOM DAIRY DEPT. FEATURE CHERRY HILL - MEDIUM Daily Monday Through Friday. Check your local C hese olourei A49c listings fm Umtintesd chanuel. SHOP AND SAVE AT.0 Bowmanvilfle IGÂMarket lDG av = IIL aoNTifio I Toms' IGA Market nwcEWCSTiLTIo ~(~di~! 4 Take A Break During The Day And Enjoy one 0f These Refroshing Smith BePWvoag--s *LIMON LIME *CUEAM SODA *«GApt *ROOT DMU *ORANGE *oma GAGU Mode end R.ftbd &Y *-a SMIH EVEAGES LTD.à DOWMANVILLE IGA - SAVE 4a Evaporated MiIkc MIRACLE WIIP - SAVE 20e Salad Dressing SAVE 9e Cheerios Qat Cereal IGA Instant Coffee LONG SAULT Mr. and Mii. Wmi Clark and faniily, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Har- per, Mrx. and M.rs. John Saw- Disturbed". During the business session it was decidcd to have the Sun- dey Sohool rooirn re-decorated in about the sanie shade of greeun as the cliurch. New màt- ting is aloo to be ordered for thie church aisles. A box la be-. mng placed ini the Sunday Scho- ol room for good dlean used clothing to be sent ini ta the United Church for distribution. Sane bas alse been le! t with Mmr. Foster. The weddings be- l ng held ln the church, in June > ad July were noted and fur- ther plans will corne up at the naxt meeting bemng held Wed., evening, May 18. A hearty vote 1af thanki was tendered Mrs. 1Cathcart and ail enjoyed the ideliclous lunch and social hall ,heur. Shearling Lamb Bug coniesu was drawn Tm CMADIM STATUIL4R. BOWMANV= ONTAM - den and ma., Witby, wetu Saturday evening guests of M and lIns. James Sawden. Mr. Stani y letcher, Tor'. onte, apeut Uic weekead wilt his parents. Mn.. sud Mnm Allan Bake and fanly. Bannie, wenc Sun. day visitons of Mr. sud Mis. G. Baker. MW. and Mms.K. Murphy and family, Mn. sud Mm a.- es Woodey s&M faznily wu Saturday evening guesis of the Kovacs. Mn. and Mm. F. part- nan and Mnr. Keith Gabie wee Sunday supper guest ansd M&. and Mis. G. Baker sud Mm. .Johns werc Sunday evening guests. Mr. and MmIR oy Spry sud laxnily. Tyrone; Mises telsa and Corry Hortensius. Wliitbyr, with Mr. Robt. Si. Last year more tha 17»0 hosPitaliedveterans pantici- pated in thie Arts and Crats progr6mme cd!te Canadian Red 4Droma & m Ob çn

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