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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TKCNDA TTSAEWAVLE NAI TInJRSnAV~ MAV ~fh iom The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor ilr. and 'trs. Wm. Miler anniversary on Saturday. Interment was ln Orono Cern- spent the weekend with Mr., Mrs. Howard Walsh, Mrs. j etery. and Mrs. Howard Miller. 'Russell Best, Mrs. Harry Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Kingsville. iRowe and Mrs. Geo. Cars~on, Mrs. John Bigelow at a Rest Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn attended the W.C.T.U. Con- Homne in Port Hope on Mon- left on Sunday to spend the vention and Dinner at New- day. summer at Windermere, Mus- castle on April 26th. M.adMs o ad koka. Mrs. Edna A. Underwvood and.fandmi vsi Todmrd M\r. and Mrs. Gary Vasey widow of Charles Underwood, Mrs. Reg Skelton, Oshawa, on and family. Bradford, Mr. and passed away in Memorial Hos- Sn y Mrs. Albert Garden and fam- pital, Bowmanville, on April udy ily, Lindsay, Mr. John Gai-, 29th. in her 77th year. Funer- Mr. Harry Rowe attended braith and Miss Marilyn King.i ai was on Menday with inter- a Band Concert in Bowman- Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. ment Ebenezer Cemnetery, ville on Saturday. NV. L. King. 'Milliken. A service for the baptism of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. M11iss Lillian Archer. Lindsay, children will be held at Orono' Cýirlos Tanl],ni and Sharon, and Rev. Geo. Shawv, visited United Chureh on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas Miller, Lar- Mrs. J. E. Richards on Sun- morning, May 8th. ry and Wayne. attendt'u ,ý dayv. You are invited to Orono Cryderman Reunien at Hamp- Mr. and Mrq. J. Carlisle of Fuel and Lumber's showroom tor. Hall on Saturday evening. Owen Sound have rented the on Friday and Saturday of Congratulations te Mr. and lu o c rccently vacated by the this week. There you will see Mrs. Hensry Cantreil who cele- Robert Johnson family. the revolutionary oil-fired brated their silver wedding Mr. William Cochrane, bus- Iron Fireman Custom Mark Il band of Grace Cochrane, nec furnace that will amaze you ýVirtue, passed away very sud- with its dlean, efficient heat- cenly on April 29th, in bis 63rd producing operation. Door cear. Funeral was on Monday prize and refreshments. We'îl frorn his residence near Kirby. sec you there. us YOUm DEST BUT for HOUSE NOTHING DOWN Easy paymnents over 5SVEARS on monthly gas bis $14-60 foreedsa-r fmurnace,sin. cluding labour and ma- * teniais tec Onnect wth nearest existing base. fient duts. * . 0 monthly installs ài A" conversion borner. Fte mot furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS U tnits for ail types of home heatini FREE BURNER SERVICE e Your Gas company dues flot employ fo-to. aï dour saleumfen roi telephone canivasseru. For - Information about dealers lcensed by the Ontario Fuel Board to seil and Install natural tasarequipment cati or write the Sales Cepagent of 59-38 PHONE ZENITH 1-1700 No Payment 'MIi Septemnber Support the -Oshawa-Hospital Fund Produce Specfils Fineat from the. Tronca, No. 1 Grade Bananas J. p29c Ideal for- Lunches amd Snacks, Fancy Gradg, California Valenicia ORANGES ceo bg 5 5.C Bowmanville Firemen Try Out Special Air Tanks May Include Tobacco In Orono Fair Exhibits When directors of Durham attention o! the Directors by Central Agrieultural Society the various committees at the held their meeting recently in next meeting. the Town Hall, Orono, a full At a further meeting of discussion was had of the fair. Orono Park Board held re- Several new ideas were sug-' cently, the building o! a newl gestcd and tentative plans pool was favorcd rather thaný Fog nozzles and air tanks played a big part in than a minute. Water was obtai made for a number of features, attempt to make neccssary re - the fire demonstration at Newcastle on Saturday. As of pump situated at a ncarby crec cspecially those for Friday. !pairs to the present onc. 1 soon as the interior of the house had reached a pre- lines of hose at the same time. Th Mr. Dane Found reported' Following a report by E. H. determined degree of heat, f iremen equipped with air manville Fireman Joe Kilpatrick h that his committee had met Sme n .C orse tanks entered the building with the new nozzles throw- the mask that is part of the air e( with tobacco growers who had tha t a 25 per cent grant fori ing a sereen of fog ahead of them. Amazing resuits Chief Walter Hackney keeps an l showvn considerable interest in w ________n___________th_____________________hi me atthecorectti a dis.play at the fair. A motionîa swimming pool and other ex- erotandnetrgîhgtefr vthnlsjeptchsmnatheorctt :was passed by the Fair Board penditures at the park would that the prize list be extended be- available under the Cornm à%P N YP O hsr this year te include a dcpart- munity Centres Act, the Board chestrasao nf rc ment for tobacco exhibits. Ioe O r n P a s to E f rc O TY O LHalx imvdthat the necessary by- (Intended for last week) Prd It was also stated by r.'lw e reardan sbmt-S ftrspndngth Intr1314 wa: Found it is hoped ta have a ýawue repae1anu w ith F nAfotersendsnT thro ntoMrRber meeting Scommercial exhibit sponsored ted te the Township of Clarke F n otsu ootM.Rbr ing. The by seme of the larger tobacco Council te set the park up abg a rve eb ol eabu &0 twsHalboran returned te his home in, wa. companies. This display, under the Act. inthailag.tors Rui which would be open Fridayl a problemn in our neighbour-1suggcsted if this actien was Ms- and Mrs. S. Darroch Curtis - evening. would include suchý It was found, after discus-!ing village of Orono. Orono taken, that dog owners be 1adbb agtr osAni h demonstrations as tobacco tic- sien o! estimates of yearlxr Police Trustees reccntly com-!first warnied. ý andeaby rtdauhtr ospnn lSeveri ing' and other praeessing steps.1 maintenance costs, if wouîèî pleted arrangements te have! G. E. Simpson presented a r eurmndtrspend-h Sev A Tobacco Queen may also be i be nccessary for a charge te a Garbage By-law passed and, letter from the Department of vrlmnh ihhssmeît fis chosen. Ibe made te hele) defa-ay ex- this is te be prcscnted te the:llighways outlining the pro- parents in Toronto. good re As n riayevein lstpenses of operation. On Sun- Township Council for passsng.r cedure te obtain a 50 percent Seves-al from here attended iUanvx vArs hnessriac ving il be days, alene, last year over 600 Households and commercial grant te construet a sidewalk the funeral of William Armn-aSor .fetucd wih thr etetan-persons used the pienie facili- establishments will pay 50e a 'alng a County Road. It was streng of Ballyduff held from henor ties an~d pool. The park wasmot frga-gepkus moved by H. M. Mercer and Lindsay on Menday. Deeeased Wed., M' ment in front of the grand- de"pded te the Township i, Default aceounts will be Sp- 1G.E. Simpson t.hat two street was bighly respeeted and aur Hall Bf stand during the races. .1929. plied ta the annual tax bill. 'lighîs be erected on Division sympathy is extended to those ved thf A Cal! Seramble was su- Te gvrnet gat As the Township of Clarke street for the time being. whe mourn. Supt., f gested for Saturday by Mr. would amount toa atotal o! ast:byit wndRp . C. Forrester reported on' A geedlv otîmber are expec- 30 Ye31:_ Jack Reid. It was deci ded te 1o 0 vranme !yas was suggested that a gate be tets rligeeain n tdt tedLOL ac n Ms g'lve this event furtîier con- $1,00oeaubrfyrs put at the County road toe the tt diln ptosad tht th ftttedd . .L.Dnc - M i!sdeatinbutitisexpccted I was pointed eut even with Orono dump te better control sac dtat te frst est 5i Friday, April_29 in the Orange Curtis te be a feature at the local the grant and manies avail- dumping. It was decidcd tîîat net prove satisfactory for a Fall air.able from the Board, if the the Trustees meet with Ceuni- municipal suppiy. A second Fal ai.cost of the pôol with waîk- cil befare- ereeting a gate. test is naw being made on the Autorty asgiven Mr. araund and fence was $200 eas !dgcthrE Jack Maffat praperty, just Carlas Tamblyn ta purchase it would still leave $6,000 te be Leamnen's inability ta catch west o! the Orono Fuel and four open bleachers ta seat raiscd. If the cosi was $l0,000, dogs running at large upon Lumber. 120. Two will be fer the cat- then $4500 would have te bel reccipt of many complaints, Mr. Forrester stated th-,t a tIc ring and the others will be.raised. the Trustees supported the price of $290 had been sub- used te augment the grand-, h r1 Cabro suggestion that the by-law be mitted ta paint flhe auditorium stand capacity. Commerce xiii be asked by the enforced under the provisionscfteMniplBldg.e A field drap campetitian Board te assist in raising the Of the Summary Conviction word had been receivcd freri will be held again this year. necessary funds. It is hoped ta Act. Under the provisianst the Department as te a grant Aiiy revisians felt necessarylihave defînite prices and plans dog catcher lays fhe cemplaint for the building. affer sfudy e! their depart- 'o! a desircd pool when the 'with a Justice of the Peacel In the hydre meeting, ac- ments, wilI be brought tal the Board nexf meets.i whe. in turn. issues à fine te' caunts were passed in the si -----the person allowing their dog!o! $2,283.06. The question o! toru a lrg.IfthYfneiihrig_ fl-£meemloe if then gaes ta court. The fine Hydre repart is rcceived. WESLEY VILLE About 60 neighbours gathueu- ted a very goed original poen ed at the church hall on Fr1- on the makLng o! these mats- dayeveingta ffe thir est Mesdames A. Austin, E. Bar- wishes te 'Mr. and Mrs. Ha le rawclough H. Darke and Gw(cn who have sold their farm after Couchman attended the annual 34 year's residence, and moved meeting o! Cobourg Presbytery te Port Hope where they will Waman's Association in Port live on Harris Street. An ad- Hope on the same day. The dress was rcad te the guests of speaker was Mrs. Rose, fermer honour by Truman Austin president of Dominion Coun- whieh expressed the regret of cil W.A. whe spoke on the coin- the community at their depart- ing rearganization e! the chu- ure. rch grouns. cRoy Nichols, closesf nei gh- On Saturday merning, sever-j e ur, spoke a few words of ap- ai ehildren fromn here, aai preciation, stating that in aIl tooki part in Leuise Gu'_s theïr years o! association heo "Cliildren's Chioice," on CHUC had neyer a.ked for help i'James and Phiilip Nichols pa 'e vain, and said Mr-. and Mrs. yed a piano cluet and PhiIlip a Hale ri'ghtly dleserveri th2.f solo. Gloria, Joan and Ru{hi won-lerful name, good neigh-ý Nichols sang 'Among My Sou-_ c bou r.jivenirs". c C ifis cf a fleor lamp, andi niatching table lanip with. a 1 eghor welcomed Mr. sto-uptabe wu-epre"'I'lida Toppin back homne last stby fli onttae e Mc an- Mrs MndaY a nd hope she will be Rv ehuls aitteMr. and M lr.jhere for sonie tue. Mss. Mary Pose,- icîlon ehai of Toppin is still in Welleslecy comimnitv.ý. Mr. and Mrs. Hle pia,,oono thankcd thelr neighbours and Mr. and Mrs. H. Barrow- the whole party. san g "For clough and Mrs. E. Barrow- They Are Jolly Good Felows" clough attended the funeral cf te cover tu) the lonesome fe- the late Mrs. Ted Milîs in Port in-,. Truman, actiri- as ma,-ster: Hope on Friday afternoon. a!of mnis czillecd on Bar-1 Bevesrley Heyward of Poril bara Dinner and Gloria Nicî-1 Hope spent the weekend withi ois, who sang "Whisperi ngj Carol Thorndyke and Bobi Hope" as a duet. Barbara Dmn- I Kimbail o! Port Granby wilh ner, Sharon and Linda Thor--IRoy Austin. The boys teck ad- dyke sang some amusing sangs, vantage o! the epen season toi and Gloria, Joan and Ruti slip away te) a geod spot and' Nichols sang a trio "Among returned with several fine Mv Souveni-s", break freut. Mr. Eu-n Bowen, who wîth his Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibsen sister, Mes. lleldaway lived and Eileen a! Coldsprings, vis- next door te the Ha les for ited with Ma-. and Mrs. Tufford many years, recited a poeen aof on Sunday afternaon and they, bis own composition honoringi ail five, had supper with the the departing friends, and xvenf Harold Austins. on te give another original 71 at Sundlay Seheel on Sun- poemn. These works Mr. Bowen day marning aimosf made a neyer writes down but keeos fulbouse. There was a Bible themn in bis mernory and rc- class o! 14, ineluding Mrs. E. cites withouf a slip. He is 86' Vagclgcsang. T-ne first daffo- years yoong and his entertain- 1duls from loala gardens were ment xvas enthusiastieally re- brightly golden at the front cf ccived. The usuàl refî-eshmnents the church for marning ser- breught the evening te a close, vice. Mr. Harding's sermon in- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hale were terpreted seripture in the light present from Toronto-, aIse tiseo! modemn diseoveries, al fend- Hale's txvo daughfers, Mrs. J. m-g te discaver more o! Ged's Demille and Mrs. R. S. Smith ereatien wenders, and hope with their busbands, children that the instruments would bel Jacqueline and Judy Demille, used for bis giory, net man's' Vaughan and Ronnie Smith, o! suffering. Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown cf Newtenyille; Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster o! Part Gran- Cs oa by. Getlah oa Last Tuesday, Berniece Best Marion Holman, Mrs. H. Hel- For OId Appliances man, Mrs. C. Beighton, Mrs. Vera Anderson and Mrs. Nich- through ols attended "mat diay" at Sol- 8 T A T ES MA N ina wer the hocked ru gs AS FE S made by memobers of the Instî- CLASS1F1EDS tute durin-z the wue were Phone MArket 3-3303 - 'displayed. Mrs. Beighton reci- A&P Special Blond TEA BAGS Betty Crozker RKCE CORNFLAKES bn <Pectin Added) STRAWBERRY JAA 3 Fja'c £;- - c Cff Deal1 PEP DOG FOODÀ Jane Parker Res. plcu 2!c-SAVE 4c pkcgof 30 25C Reg. pkg 27c-SAVE 2c iO-oz pkg 2 5C Re. jar 27c-SAVE 2c A 2ozan25 R-?g. 2 tins 29c-SAVE 4c 2 26-oz tins 2 5 C Reg. 49c-SAVE 6c eac! . r:' Super-Right Qualif y Meat Feafures BEEF ROAST SALE Poneless Round Steak or Roast Boneless Rump or Point Sirloin Roast pà77c %mail Link, Pure Thinly Sliced -#ORK SAUSAGI tray pack lb 3 9c COOKED HAM 1-lb pkg 89c Fancy Q iýiY Jeliied $LICED BIEF LIVER ib 49c PORK HEAD CHEESE 3-lb tin 89C Mil d Cure, S ioked, Sliankless Grade "A", Oven Ready, Broir Type PORK SHOULDERS 1b43c TURKEYS 5 t.7-16 average lb539c liccdC:,moj<od nd Breaded ý,;àF 1BOLOGNA ibkg39C CQÎD PORTIONS lb49c Bjtcc and iverCoc' cd and Breaded SAUSAGE By the Piece lb 43c HADDOCK PORTIONS lb 53c _ AIl Good, Slcod, SCINEIDER'S COLD (UTS ... RINDLESS SIDE BACONb 47c SLICEO PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF SLICED MEAT & CHICKEN LOAF SLICED LUNCHEON MEAT LOAF &LICED PORK LOAF WITH DRESSING y dI 4 6-OZ picgs 9 9c Ail Prices In, ibis Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, May 7th, 1960. ied f rom a new type ek. It operated faur his photo shows Bav-j helping Bill Lyle iuta. equipment while Fire eye on the flames toý urne. ith Jake Van Dam*s Or-! ain attendancc. eo! P.-)nt *vpool L.O.BA. ýs xvell attended at their tg on Wcclne,ýdav-ex-en-! le ilit of the even-j )s a presentaÉon te Sis-1 îibv Bradley and Gwený whe are te be married' ricar future. -ai from here have been shin '- at Newcastle withý vers Township wsll holô3 il Evenjrý and Dance toe Mr. Aiban Sîsson on! Xay 4th in the Township! ýthany. Mr. Sisson ser- iTovvnshsp as Roadý [aithfullyý for almost 1-1. M. RielharidS(n, Mr. MuKay and Mr. arîd- Mrs. R. J. Payne represented Pontypool at the official Board meeting of the United Churchý held in Janetville on Friday evening. Starting May 22nd, church services will be held at 10:30 a.m. D.S.T. at Ponty- pool United Church. Mv.r. and ivrs. ilsl Nîmegon of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Sid La.scombe of Oshawa, were weekend visitors in his com- m munity. The pulpit was taken on Sun- day by Rev. Steed of Peter- borough, a retired ininister. This very able minister exi pressed great joy in bein oh R y able to visit Pontypool. Back in 1907 he resided in Pontypool, Wales, Monmauthshire, and . f hiad worked in the mines there. In his opening remarks he re- called reading in a Welsh Pa- per of a visitation from a Pon- typool Couincillor soi-e years ag-o. This writer had that hon- ORANGE or in April 1943 when he re- Ali the goodness and ceivc-d a great welcoîne from flavor of big, juicy the Pontypudian Gordon Fred- erick of Peterborough andi Califormia oranges Keith Porter of Bowmnanville aise enioying WeLsh hospital- ity while having leave in Pon-' typojol. This tewn is a bit larger than its namesake hav-1 ing a population of over 40,000. Members of Manvers Coun-ý cil made their Annual tour of the roads in the Township thei Past weekç. Believe it or net we were held up temporarilyW03 in a snew drift. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil UY THE HNDY 6 BOULE CARTON and fam ily of Milverton werel recent visitors with his parents here. John is Principal of the High School there. Roofing . 0. 90.Eavestroughing ALL TYPES NEW and REPAIRS SELBY GRANT Heating 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3771 Now's the time to entuire T'nto ',ýerfcction-to drive flhe superlative new TurbineDrive Buick and fiud vales s Mae lis~dung BUIK 6o Uays Smc your local Bitjck dmre 166 King St. E. ROBN,-MOTORS - LIMITED- Bowmanville MA 3-33211 For the best in draina, sec 'Generai Motors Presents' weekly. Checki local TV listing for lime and chiennel THE CANADIAIST STATESMAIÇ, BOWMANVffJýX ONTARIO THURsDAY. mAy 3th. igm v

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