PG OREqTEM CANADIAIi STATFSMAN, nOWMAIiVHLE, ONTARIOH SAMY t.90 ~~I > ~ Iof Hilsburg, Miss Carol R __ W W E~ ~ ~ crath of Port lippe, and Mr. eceive M n it recent guests wt r n r.idvdasbtIwud1k S . P u s C l b a e ercy Greenfield of Bowman- SlMsr. aMs olyRbn hc ui nshose patient in Menorial HospitaL, E g.E Ns ad fM. eedn ctstesuenee jh S. b.,. ~Bowmanville. IYe'Chancel at nfie II Unj itied The servieatSiowscinFrsofilteese- April meeting of W.A. was, well attended heid Wednesday evening April ISuda wthte aidicilientisda vr I- believe that the youngi respansibility of parents ta 127th in the Sunday School j 1 6 J *Ç Westheuser an CariTrnth bnd nStuayngt epelofleaitaday have mare an educate their chilien ta grow hall. Donation was given Can- DIf'(iTD u rinlim p res sjV gnen ucha ineperormnc the all than we give them up ta love their home and livej cer Fund. Plans were laid for ica e ve S e vi e de ith messg ncnu rciigdsiln -Atkinson af Albert Streýet Un- Sunday School Superinten- tising for saine to be the week story about"BnyOvsM-sniadasaropSen, Ite d C u c , O h a. H wa de t M . W iid Carruthersaw abefore. Tickets. talfrbe printedr M any m onths af effort and standing n the threshold ai should ne er lose sight ai the te n, the g it of M r. and M rs. t e " T e C b a g t o s l - t e r a g t c o e ai n ~fisdpreahe at St. Paui's was ln charge ai this special and sald bycembe r ith lnig yteEfîl o-the chancel, dedicated it and reality behînd the symbols- Fred Samis, were ail made in ter.To wihe MsLewHl- hrCeausadcealns VntdCurch Sunday School service and introduced Mr. At- group led ym bers ros iforgreanin aithe nted nits furnishings te the giary ai the reality that h Cuchittewrkhp iMrsa sws hwnbiter pt Anniversary last Sunday. kinsan. He came ta Canada their group. Price $.OfrChurch came ta compietion Gad. Mi. Fred oSam is esn- uiGod-wtheHispecaplerv nield. Th ree n boae li st. The speaker went on ta say'from England as a boy and'aduits and 50 cents fo - -1 hdtespent the weekn tM.Br perac.I hi rvl that we should net criticize worked on a farim in North' dren, the saine as last year. with an impressive Service ai behaîf ai the Chancel Coin- was enhanced by the new communion table, the chancel thy us e aa sats te cur yaung people but encour- Nestieton. It was while there The 'pastor reported a speak- Dedication on Sunday after- mittee, ta the cangregation. eiectric organ, capably played carpets, the pulpit lamp and _________ ag-,hr elv odlf.that Mr. Bowles encouragedil er had been pracured for An- inoan. The littie church was Aiter the furnishings were de- by Mrs. Godfrey Bowman. Un- the stacking choir chairs, were wt epeadt hn i. TOQ.many ai us go araund ta- îhlm ta fuither his education niversary Services an May 22. fiiled ta the doors with mem- icte d, the choir and officiat- der her leadership, several an- the gifts ai the Enfieid Wom-muteanhw agtalg daY- wearing dark glasses, and 'and later became a member The Worship Service was in bers, visitors and former re- ing minîsters entered the thems were sung by a maie an's Association. The Pathfin- gigt ea au ate en1y7 seeing what we want ta ai the ciergy. charge ai graup leader Mrs. sidents, wha returned ta see chancel ta begin the first ser- quartet, a boys' quartet, and ders, a youth graup, donated I fU I astegoutaernalvg see, ,the sordid side ai lufe. Let The Junior Choir under the Wilfrid Wood, assîsted by the remýaîkabie change in the vice ai worship in the new an inspiring duet by Miss Mary the Cross, the pulpit Bible, the admk hi oilcn Us apPen aur eyes and reaily direction ai Mrs. Ruth Gi- Mis. Reid Wood and Mis. Don furnishings -and appearance of setting. Helen Bawrnan and the guest twa pulpit hangings (antepen- tcs see the beauties ai nature and raidi and Miss Bertha Coiville Vinkie. Mis. (Rev.) R. C. the new chancel. Thiven by t r e r .mow a reai boys was capris.Te dioak)cairslthechnelpwTeegvn jteach aur childien ta see and'with Miss L. Osborne as or- jWhite sang a sala "No One gvnb teRv . elwq re fboyh g'it iedoa caisi.A.hJ.cambelyn LST FEENEer urende live ioî the glory ai God. Look1 ganist led the large congrega- Ever Cared For Me Like Je- The rresident ai the Bay ai ai N orith mi n ste r United ai Eric aowman, Roland Baw- the gINDof r.h. Jbt i ll areS I beYc5nd the wicked things and tIon lu sangs ai praise. Pri- sus". She also introduced the Quinte Conierence ai the Un- Church, Oshawa, and the ser- mari, Albert Samis and Henry Twa generaus baskets ai gai- Bowmnl n noigwa hytesle see the great and noble things mary Depaitment delighted guest speaker, Mrs. Stanley îted Church ai Canada, the vice was canducted by the Schaonderbeck; the aduit qu- den chrysanthemums on stan- May 90aedigwie te r that. aur yaung peaple can do, ail present with speciai seiec- Gray ai Garden Hill. She Rev. M. C. Fisher ai Newcas- minister ai the charge, the artet inciuded Mr. Wallace dards, gave a glow ta the new Dear Editor,lanig adare doing taday. Use mare tiens accompanied by Mrs. O. spoke an the story ai Jesus tie, îeceived the gits ai a new Rev. W. A. Logan. The wor- Pascae, Mi. Godirey Bowman, chancel, that reiiected the piiual eyesight and take in Bragg at the argan. 'and His disciples feeding the communion table, pulpit,' lec- shippers were enjained ta re- Mr. Bruce Bawman and Mr. glow in the hearts ai ail who May I use ths easide Ioethtiliyu a jthe goodness and glory af aur Scripture readings were tak- multitude in, the desert. She tern, pulpit Bible in the Re- member that while the new Wilfred Bowman. had hoped and warked for the livering a blas ttemi isdthstetwl aea yolang people today, for this en by Bob Lynch and Ann said the hungry multitude are vised Standard, Version, dos- adornments ai the church The memoriai communion ta- completian ai these changes ference shown ytectzn g uronHg calBn goodness far offsets the ugll- Ferguson ai S. S. department. stili with us bath physically sai curtains and hanging oak shauld iead them ta deeper bie presented by Mrs. J. Stark, in the sanctuary ai their ai Bowmanvile n urudadterdrco hnte ness. Five boys ai S. S. took the and spirituaily and Jesus is cross, and other adornments, iellowship and devotion, theylthe matching puipit and lec- church. ing district ta he temtmkehir pernc lte Mr. Atkinson then went on afering. stili cammanding His disciples md yv ta 1;tress ta the young peaple ta feed them. This is urgent as the club they had led and provide good msefrteryusie htpr iyu that the green fields beyondTU Y doors are one by one closing PAD NR l c r . Wr yterogxraiencte.litorm le, aiten look greener than at fRTta Christian teaching. Deliciaus rganithfonofw O Stud hôthebut tht thrugh exer- OBTUARYlunch was served by Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Cý D. Hodgsonmru eaig n Tw alw utlthra th e ilWoangrough exper- ,wee una;Co a ian C lub H ead piano sla were given by ed ta hear an xeln corne ta realize they were THOMAS LYLE BURDEN ad rap.Boinanr get were?&. nday anadis etayan oin.vaidprga wîong and that home will be- Thomas Lyle Burden, a re- Ciem Raltm's. Saturday even- Mis. Kenneth Werry was Madame Rolland emphaticaliy Plans were discussedabuofteese corie mare dear than ever ta tired General Matois em- ing visitais were Mr. and Mis. re-e ected president for the denied the uninioîmed asser- fuither courses for next year. the province conutdb i ______He_____________ the_______ sse awa at he H YDO Mervin Nelson and girls, Osh- coming year at the annual tion that the people ai Que- Tea and lunch were serveci George HousiadraiSoe Ajax and Pickering Generalf wek awa. meeting ai the Canadian Club bec speak an entirely difier- in the lower hall by Solina la- Creek. On evî had ned .I1 WL HoptlStraApril 30, (Intended foMli we) 1. and Mis. Haroaid Wright, Of West Durham heid at the ent language than that spaken dies. hears and reasctism f U. UI7 V MI UIBITUARY 1960, in his 70th year. bi u Mi. Delbert Martin, Wells- Oshaiwa; 1Mis. Ted Read, Tor- Lions Community Centre on in France. a The District feels that -this the programswhc arpo- TeN anP n The deceased was oni ville, NYi visiting his me- onto, were Sunday visitoa Wednesday evening. Dr. Gea. There is no such thing bs as been one ai the mast suc- vided on Televo, ye MRS. RICHARD F. BEATTY Bowmanville, the son ai Chas. ther Mis. W. Martin and Mi. Mr~. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. W. James was appointed hon- Parisian French, Madame Roi- cessiul Local Leader Courses something good smd vî asouray president. land said. She explained that conducted by ur Womnen's In_ able at a veryresnbecs FO SON."anhap F o ll a w i n g a n i i n u es a i t o n d a r y in B u r d e n Hle a s d M is. J. Ptt a s o n a n d f i y i. N l o a g , B h s d O th e r o f f ic e r s e e c te d f o r w h ile th e a c c e n t a i F r e n c h s titu te . T h e e f f o r t h a s b e e no n y a e wa kt htr u l o s y t a t bu i nt hN r a Surldy, pri lOh, 960 i- Buffalo, NY. Ms et .as sdfri- Rickie, Mi. Downey, Thorn- 1960-61 were: ist vice-presi- Canadians is a bit difierent very worthwhile for ail the ta avail themseie ite~ lnfraanot aels ria p 1t,16.end, and Rickie Daswson, Or- hill; Mi. and Mis. Bruce and dent, P. G. Newell; 2nd vice- than the accents in various branches taking part inth portunity ta eait Ony itenponsIdn'knw i r- .Baty0 ?fu er 92: nd 19c1s3 ahBomanie. Lthi e ,were Sunday supper gue- iamily, were Sunday visitais at president, Mis. Nelson Os- parts ai Fiance, this is equal- Hooked Rug Course. t I arn very a F.Bat inhr9n hksno omnil.Tessat Mri. and Mis. R. Rahm's. Mi. and Mis. M. Bertrim'is. borne; carresponding secre- ly true ai English.sPeopie in re the disappointeta pe- aos yea . famiiy had lived in Oshawa Miss Blackeburn and Mis. Saturdy visitois were AU. and taîy, Mis. Laine Allun; assist- difierant parts ai Canada have frîgt ml uinepasdwt <u rde n The deceased, Nancy Jane for 32 yeaîs and Mr. Buiden Caie, Bowmanville were sup- Mis. Meivin Chivers, Simron, ant carrasponding secretary, variaus accents according taeA cangmpthe an catiyarreo enigitary 'Vie, as bain of JElizae th- w s an epoy aiGenrlper saiat Mrand Mis. W. Louisa, Windy, Scarborough, Mis. Wilbeît Teeple; record- the part ai the country in St. A ndorew s on Saturday nihrhs h rad. .Adsn RFr vill , d ught r a Joh3an Maais . H eu t eb d y sha19 forB l acki s' Sunday. and M s. C livers' parents, i. ng secreta y, M s. G. Edwin w hich they liv , and eve yone did attend w ar o taEa s, O t Elizabeth White, and was a SiiigaetoMr. and Mis. Peter Singer, and Mis. George Mogn ai Mann, and treasurer, R. L. is aware that in England the  ÀA lî eidnta t laeters, Milded (Ms. Robert Swansea, spet the weekend Englad. Mitchell. accent is diferent, the speak- VV .iyiand of her birth. She marîied Wut.H ld"a' icad .Betywapi-Buinside) ai Whitby and Mar- with Mr. and MiTs. D. Camai-on. is. F. Osmond, Mis. Earl The members ai the execu- er stated. a had hae asyare Ridasd F.Be y hope r.Ge Topo, al- hm*n n iny oget talent frterme-hv o clcae e.guerite <Mis. Thomas Miller) i lnTousn are hmsnsdCny Bow- tive committee will be Mis. R. However, French speaking IA eing s and this dospoien-Èlta e u Leitta oui herpasifg Aj ax. tnPae vstdhsmother, mauvile; Mi. and Mis. Elgie G. Cowie, Mis. R. E. Lovalpn, Canadians are starting ta lose iReg. e tig cessaryexrenefryugszHwoenhv Or- ara t o sanliert nd e eainrstd t heMis. W. Thoison. and Tonry Thompson, Toronto; Ross Gilbert, Mis. A. L. Hoo- the purity ai thair languagepaoresbtw nitcnssoedarduautgvnpbe Ciaenc aiElzabthvlie anew William Sherrin. Funeral Miss Penny Brown, Mi£. An- Mis. Walter Brid'gett sud Dan- ey, Russell Best and Gardon by injecting English into their Thpeua oti eet rabyn iktfor aco-cas a irngeeria rstr sister, Mis. Peter Sowden, Os- Home, Ajax. dy Wilson, Lakeiield ware ney, Bownmauville, visited Mis. Martin. The club pianist isspeec hMdame Rolland told ingaStAnrwsWMScet ndecugigtscvio disToad hv &ca; a brother, Hauk White Funeral services were heid Wed., visitais with Mr. sud W. Thouipson. Ross Metcaii. teCanaian Club members. was held at the home ai Pie- young people asagop e-fudtatteei nessf ai Elizabethville; four grand- on Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Mis. Clemn Rahni. Mi. and Mis. Russell Ander- The intermingled traditions, As a rasui of constant contact identSMiss F. M. Galbraith, pie seem ta beveyrucat anafciewytagtida childicu; 15 great graudchiid- chapel. Rev. T. Rex Norman Mr. -sudMis. T. Smith and son, Allan sud BilUÀe, Port aspirations, and efforts ai the wîth Engiih speaking coin-King t. East, on April 19th We hear a gîct eaaigi- nshtyf.Prvitoyu- ian and four great great gran- pastor ai St. Paul's United iamily, Buiketan; Mi. and Mis. Hope, weîe Sunday visitais at Engiish and Freuch speaking patriots French Canadiaus ai- with a gaad attendance. ing about thetaewhcar slitythNraPantay dchiidren. A sister, Mis. Wal- Chuîch officiated. Intermeut Aithur Trewin and fami1y, Mi. sud-Mis. Arthur Tiewin's. peoplas ai this country add ten substituta an English word Cali ta worshiýp, Seripture being used foriilsnedc-yudrgith tsdItu tai, Barkwail and a brother, was lu the Union Cemnetery, weîe Sunday visitais with Mi. 1Mi. aud Mis. Ken Riahnsd ta the strength ai Canada, Ma- for a French ane when using îeading and meditation were tion, anae iwic smsiosf wtç noe ak urn James J. White, predeceased Oshawa. and Mis. J. Patta. familly, Tyrone, were Sunday dame Solange Rolland, Que- their native tangue, she ex- given by the presideut, iollaw- sccording tae ayoiios e.Watcnyulaerahn the lata Mis. Beatty. The palîbearers weîe Rab- Mis. A. MeNeil having spent visitais at Mr. sud Mis. Ron bac, a wcll known journalist, plainad. cd with prayer by Mis. A. Of course iesvr(îh u egt The funeral service conduc- art Buruside, Robait St. Mar- the Winter with hier daughter, Rahm's. assarted in an interesting ad- The speaker strongly uîged Campbell. ted by Rev. George Wright, tin, Thomas Miller, William Mi. and Mis. D. MïacKeuzie Mis. A. Read, Mis. C. Gar- dress. that Euglish spaakiug children The regulai business aud Canton Pastoral Charge was Burusîde, Jack Dodds aud Wil- and faily, Toronto, icturned raid, Miýs. Lloyd Siemon, ivns. She painted out that Can- be taught ta speak French at reports disposed ai, Mis. L. hald in the Ross Funeral' Cha-liim Duncan. ta her home ou Saturday. Alfred Gariard, Mis. j. Jones ada is not just "Itwo solitudes", an early age, and vice 'versa T. McLaughlin read two gems FoBetRst.. pel, Port Hope, on Wedues- Mis. Cisyton Read and Rob- attended the W.A. Conventionr but tan. Each province is in A young child easily icains ai verse by Mis. M. Cunning- Wfl1U~ia 1. <~Y, April 13. Interment was bePterboiough, visited Mi. at Part PerTy on Thursday. awyasprt sltdb-aseodlnug, s ham; ana ou Spring, the other TR OU lu Wecoe Cmetry NE TflVT~Tansd AMis. A. Read aud fasmly. Mis. W. Martin la vlsiting cause noue really kuows spared the sali cansciausness on aster, which were veîy - ý'.u)ýaîers were the deceas- II1 ~lI Mi. Bert Ashton and Brad, with Mrs. George F'ruo enough about the others, she that poses difficulties sanie- iitting for this season ai theAuorat ec rnsn osBat, Ms. Wm. Uglow are at the Read fiom. Mr.JonPtsa çinng he budt Rolland emarked. Ms lis, Trearallios M Fî trndteh a wn home f- oroua ei udy alrdOhw.Bill claie.tebdttmsfradiplMdmea\r. E. Crawford had the lin, great r andisonsMLeFai- urdtabeAI. aud Mis. Fred Ashton, spent lthe we n ih *supply aifrapple telun hs n Quebec -children are topic-the first chapterofur ee Aln Topo an Rosthea mer Mr. and Mis. Jim Madore, sud Mis. T Potts, Co.. rwod. country, Madame Rolland said taught ta speak English eaiiy study book an Afines - aund >e/,"1 Rass sn r.adMr.Lonr ay-Tronto, at their cottage n Mr. suidMs. Chale ar- that she has aten thought but not early enugh, sd this took us back ta the ou ctivC R vi-esr Ihatpo.hurst sd son Ray ai Oillia Sna ad were Eda luait Mat that Canada is lika a large is tue ai the tume childen in in Aines bfore the Boer warTHM spent -Monday with Mis. Gea. Sns. MriMs .sdMa .M. I the roats ai s trea ather provinces are given the Wig.ViMc or WggaiMak-Mrti deeMrin.Pots. W.eîe stock fýnsBlack: r.I 'adup ta the present ime. q1J911l Mr.Vco ag fMak atnadM.J.Ptswr tc.grow frinan property ta oppaîtuuity ta learu French, Aiter discussions, Mis. A. G. NE g thtlamn wa fii. harix apent a few days with Suuday visitais aifMis, q.orge W&&'A, n' eeting wià ha a aihbu u at.MdmeRolad stae n Tect t closed the meeting with n Farguson, Oshawa.heda imiseTyo, sides~ the trea is stili owned pulse ai a nation dosnt prayer. a ~~iîiicMÈ: sud Mrs. Sid Brown. ss Mr. sud Mis.. J. Potts sd hurdgy theianseo one :30,by the person an whose pro- beat lu either lauguage. The Mis. Scott sud the pesiden t CR AS C o n g r a t u l a t io n s t o M . R s n h r d y a r i o t 2 3 p e r t y i s , s r a m a r k e d . in d iv i d u a i r e m a in s s in g l e i w e e o te s s o0te s a i OéH A G Sauder aiNewouvii su Mi Debei Mati viite Mi Ma l2h.Mis AihurTiO..Canadian childîcu should seul whcther or not ha or she hour that followed. 7L.i. Year ~~ Miss Ruth Hillier ai Oshawa Bei-t Ferguson sud Mi. Herb in's gioup lu charge, al ha taught bath French sud is bilingual," Madame Rollaud ________FS IE is e e wha were married lu AlberÏ SaintOn, wlho-rare patients at Suudaiy School Sunday mor- English, the speaker stated. said iu conclusion, St. Church, Oshawa, ou Sat- th- Oshawa -Hospital. iu at 10:30. Special Mather s IStatistics shw that approx- urday, April 30th. M.sdMs imRh a evc u atsa e- L N visited Mis. Delbeit Flintoft LTV.ILLE imately 100,000 farim people Mi. and Mis. Leunox Vasey visited Mirs. Melville Joues, vice Suuday eveniug at 7:30. LO G AUT'I',o Sndy r are iujurcd avery year in ai Port MeNicoi speut the Onfienee, on Sunday. The girls' meeting uudei the iML5UJHarolKediottlonandunday accident acrossCanada-. weekeri witMasternd BrianiHMrcandkrOsh. Mis.t Hndawad LittiehesudkeLau- accdens aios Ca ada we ken wîh M. s d M s. Mis L. nne Read speut a leadership oi M is. Toppie s dManu i. M K etsd a ,s pe an H week ,nd sat rie, Caîmpbellféoid,visited M is. ~'o ma baan aithee! Wm. Stapleton. few days wlth Mr. sud Mis. Mihison was held Thurs- family, Jauetville, wei-eSriFedC eî's Llew Hailowell hast week. Yuma eoeo hs! Miss Mildied Moise ai Port Caytou Read, Peterboraugh. day aveuing at Lynne Rea dayvsiasaiM. SunMis. Mi.aud Mus. AlnFihr Ms wnSak rua fyoweehrleaacietHope, spant a few days with Mis. Arthur Read sud Mrs, home.,r.aE. Peuwardshrens.Ge Sar, érono yaumiht av t pa smeMi. sud Mis. Sid Lancaster. C. Garrard weîe appointed M\r. sud is. Alfred Gar- visited at Auchie Parîindaî'ssetteweede oe enatado hechresfo ~ Mi. and Mis. J. M. Thomp- delegates te the W.A. Conven- raid vsîited Mr. sud Mis. L M.sdMs .BousdMrî,o aturday night.' Mi.ud isCh-laHt ohne tadthe res raul ason o ora's Corners have tion ta ha held at Port Pari-y Grijfin, Blackstock, BonlSunday.VvinfasieryndBowontouville, waraF Bton ai Margad Nemre Alvin FîsherSsudàTorontalvisitedaMis.lF. Stan mnlcal bills ta pay. sold thair prapeîty sud maved on Thursday ai this week. Sunday visitai-s ai Mi.thedAMi W. Bî sio Hofy Mr.rattnded te Aurecently. ino ar a te oue it Miss Ina Beryl Read had the nual meeting at Township Hall, M.sdMs .Lpa u CIA', Accident and Sickness Mis. Wm. Uglow. hanour ai being chosen as anae W L.Mi..and Mis. Robt. Camer- Hampton, ai the Darlitcî daughter, Bowrnauvihle, vis- à 2t O ERa u -iuac ol eptd o _Mi. -sud Mis. Chas. Watters ai the Princese t h Ta.*oqsdfaqy ee uda ocerLageouWdusay Ms.Jm trksd e wr ti e a e q u t b d fo ra a l- u r. M s. B i- ay a H ap- în d'o s , ce atF . a a W ..f( S A T U R DAest8Darmam-Distrmct isjut asdo titheCLBzsrw awere Suuday visitois at Ray Women's Institute was eda ul co esdTh seci-ata-y Scott's, Kedron. Salins Hall ou Tuesday, Apr. Imagine an oil-fired furnace that stats ea Cuddahee ete min- Th Suuday Sehool eilidren 26tb. Choral Gro up 'utrs Of he last rneting, and R~ave comnineed anniveisary Mus. Murray Byers of Black-. and stays clean. That is what youwilm ea submitted the finaucial stste- Mr. sud Mis. Keith Stainton the aiternoon. Miss Juna Lii- T "'meut. Mis. Young also gave visited their snaisI son, Scott, iyouop, Home Ecaooi-st lead- Mark IL. . o '.0om pete ier report as cateing cauven- at Oshawa cloueral Hospital ci, sud Miss Isobel Leslie, Rug N »U To C m e ou the recaut banquet held on Suuday. lie is imPravîng Demoustratian teacher frorn O~ 'U Everything I n Festival by Court Venture, Indepen.. niceiy. the Extension Branch aite NOSO N K N from'A'la " ~ ~ OnAprl 2th lsttdentw- wasdeidoe that the AU. and ?s. Wes Cameri Dept. ai Agriculture, took mia- from à%" o 'zOn Apil 2th lst, te Bo- Itwas dcide tha thejor parts lu the afteruoon'sNO iq D O manville Choral Grau'p gave CWL will ester for the Hoiy l, schedule. a concert at Ebenazar United Name Society Communion Oe 0hoe uswr Church. The Group was span- Breakfast ta ha bheld on Su- oveuru50 haed ru were tsow da for your daily " ~ . soied by the choir ai Ebene- day, May l5th, iu St. Joseph's j ie itehl.TeeIRdcsSrieCs zer United Church. Ral. Mis. Martin Malloy washdbe sin adok-euc Sr Mr.allh meedle, hair namned convenor. The Baw- O ed by the ladies takîng the wiepoiiguioi mkl helhnesman o bnzrcor wel- iiinville Foundry Banquet HEATING O N9~E course. Five Institute branch- wiepoiiguiomsoeeso etfrnwcmot comed the Choral Group sud will ha held in the Lions Comn-, A PROBLEHC911.1)? es had rugs exhibited as fol-' See how steady, warm air circlto aegad elh intraduced Mi. Martin, dirac- rmunity Centre ou Friday OU 600 Lsp a Ms.M.Fndeysuadr Perhaps you are not aware ai the thousands ai toi. Mis. Stanley rPayne was eveng, May 6th, sud the OU C O L Ushplows: Bethanyunr ladr athe piano. C.W.L. wili ester with Ms MAICE UT WOR Mns. M. White; Blackstock, led RF E H E T items we regularly carry on aur shelves. Froni a The concert was Weil re- Young as canvenor. . by Mifs. Murray Byers sud E ES M R- esseutiais the average iamily needs for fiist aid who enjoyed the sing-sang heid in St. Jaseph's Hall were r ish, led by Miss M. HoIman Coffee, Coca-Cola and Christie't iciswl .sre canducted by Mn. Martin. A campleted. The next meeting rsnd Mis. P. Arden; Nestieton, <and daily bealth care. This, ai course, ini addition deliciaus lunch wss sai-ved the ai the C.W.L. will ha held an I led by Mus. H. Vine sud Mis. LcyDo rz 0 toormdm ul-tce rsrpindpr- visitiugc singers by membeus May i7th. There wil ha an George, Byers; Salins, lad by LckDorPze-00GlnsfFulO taarmdoful-tcedpec-pindpn- a the chuîcb chair iollowing executive meeting at the re- isPalLac n r.R meut. the concert. sidence ai Mis. Young on Radovic. KNCSAO ILB NHN The pragram presented at Manday avening, May 9th. Over eighty ladies turned KE CAS OY IL BE NHNDWT CLBSM IEUI, this concert was the sanie as out for the summary sud tho- BROADCASTING DIRECT FROM THE] H WOMFO o5PM givan in Hampton sud Ty- raughly auj oyed the achieve- O RDY rnn. Ou May 4th the Choral Sirice 1947 Canadians have niants shawu sud pragram'O RI YOTJR REXLL STORECburch. batties ai biood ta, the Cazia-* gve.T The Chral Aaup iScORE diau Red Cross Blood Trns Miss Isobel Leslie from the SEEING IS DELIEVING - DE S R TheExtension s om-Brancb, cougnatu-CO E T 15KN T .BOWMANVILLE peting in the music Festival fuiil Sei-vice. Canadianeeyoewh hdtae singing at 9:40 p.m., May le. Since 1922 the ________il ____________ RLScammnted briefly on thel R O N O FU EL A Nà ME * ~~~~~ber ai the Group, is sîso coni- ,reicai aesdtramn Leslie gave a damaustrationLmid patiug esîlier lu the evening for over 60.000 handîcaone hooked rug speed methods.Lmt lu a sala class. land crîppied cluillren. tlEach branch leader toid about