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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 2

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- -. t..-~ - -. PAGE TWO sa.., n ,mnn. ~ .A.LA...LCa, ~flN .LflI.flS T111 CANADTAM ~TA'ra~iÂM ~flUfl.R A ~J1ffi T V ,~-M'~ A their grandiparents, Mr. and 1 Study Book was given byM-. -flTnV A sh ou Mrs. J D. Hogarth. t Bert Snowden. " la G o d C n e e c e o t !Mrs. H. Smithson, Caledon. Lagistafim C u rA fMauter Arthur Doyle gavel was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. a humorous recitation and iast week and attended ter USAPRL2 -Oshawa o n lc le o trbr hc eeget (~II tagolden wedding celebration. P avinqben rikn.lyejye yal.Vryitr G iveJ Ey R o ta ry eVEbE e r , Mr. and MrUs. Gordon Wake-ý Failing to stop at stop street, You aebi orfn lyToono, iste M_. ut-; speeding. 1; noisy muffler, uhv a orfn Now esting motion pctures f thebDT h s ur ,n e Lcellent reports on the Ro- Ruggle" reported for the di- Conscience Cruad Sarah Allun on Saturday John no chauffeur's license. 1: care- aegigt iei hsara yM-.Vco oko sailie er Allin and fami]y and Mrs.iîIpoe îcnepae,1; 1 wre awî l e the un re. yLo u algai-y Stmpeed esown urne 4aMr' District Conterence held trct nomnatîng (onmittee William A. Royston, a Ho- Iand Dorothy returned home tl ess rtng, 2 fchlure ~~ ou w. a are gi teyR the ,ite n hre.M et flic Royal Hotel and Ar- that G. Xrthie Turner. Cooks- tar.v International Extension with them after spending îast tfBeatetofcag fk. a i agitreatdedR.B.auc17ws srvdIf hwas announe tteth osrcin fhsîas 'louie, in Guelph on April ville. was thr soie noinince Counillor gave an inspiring! week here. voads, 1.Teet23 ciharges; year old youth to his maridbrayS.le rrand Mrs.Dick eWoodeviletnguclhl nte Adlgto fSuha 24t, 5t ad 6t wrcgi. or heofic o Dstic-6~-address on "~The Consciene Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Sam- produced fines and .0costs n hag of brther ni May 3lst. arried B en at the luncheon meeting of erncr for the conlifg ycr. MNr. Crsad*'. which had been un-:'cls ý;or Nestieton. visited Mr $298 on Tuesday morning. The Chief Constable objeet- meeting. Apil 26th that th1 aîgad- the Bowrnanville Rotary Club Turner was thrin declarcd Dis- dertaken with marked successj and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy. Three charges of having 1i- cd to the boy being placed onlcrigo iet tetwl hepooe ntlaino et the Fiying Dutchman Mo- trict- Governor Eiect. by the 49 Rotary Clubs in Ms Norval Wotten, Solinaqo napaeohrta rbation at this time. "This' ubengcofLe hssme.som ee hr Gog toiHote on rid y. H spo e ofthe comp eliei- w ste n Pe nsyl ani ," M .' 0of 1 oy ould hahave b lmee believete and Mr. Kenneth Pearce. Or- residence brought fines oflbo1 oJi Mayor WilfridCartesnd nihwste pemnfo K. N. Morris. secrctary Of sive report on his years wrk DeGeer aid. and added that; angcvilie, were visitors at Sam $39. A Nwcastle youth was 1 that he is nearly an alohocc C rrup eteail members ofth conitegou.Te onCuci the~ club was the first speaker. giv,,n jby District' Gov rntir the Rotarians taking part inlyDewHetl's.t He told of the arrivai of the David Keine, wh vlo also con- the project had induced 275 e l's remanded two weeks on a at 17 ycars of age. H tells e psnta Bownianvilîe delegates on gratulated the mnhcibr. on theother service clubs in the area Mrs. Gen. Arinour entertain- charge of being in possession i 'l that hie was drunk on the Sundav afternoon, and the civmnso hi lb oriiae ed a number of friends on of a stolen automobile. gtta i wstelo-M aratho w eslto nîgheetso hi lust atiiae ot frtht brea-iasteloo- On Twoureslton erpsed ayDi. coffee party held informaîly dtiring the iast 12 months. Gvrnor's Dinner and Bail Thursday afternoon. A 7 year old Orono lad was ouf osrag.Cnt iad the break-eattGar in the 'Hou se al Friendship' Mr. Morris toîd of the brief Gv Miss Carolyn Baîson, Oshi convicted of car theft. He had ItnsGrg.Cnt îad b oni ob owre o rm-M ayors and REee Asoi- anii TonCucl il of the salons for the duration ,past president of Rotary In. president of the Bowman- spent several days with Mr' Wm. Baluk of the O.P.P. Iden- idicate that. He stated thatlhe intbe el ternthewhocpokeon th re- ille Rotary Club. told his and Mrs. Harold Blo . tification branch at Cobourg lhad been drinking. Cornwall, to theOnaiMu- ay th t ghocoki- C>' S u n dayv evenimig the soluitions and enacttnents to feilow members of the Gov- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke. who picked up a radio mes- "etcdy ini Cobourg ThanulMrtoBidecplAscainf0b hedtadfonheist ody ]3o\wmaniviiîc Rotarians werc be decidcd at the Rotarv Il,- ernor*s Dinner and baIl hcld Greenwood, visited Mr. and sage West of Newcastlc that court, this boy told me the held, by the Bowmianvillc Wo- in August, and f h aa ftemnh among the guests al the Early ternational Convention to be mn the Guelph Armories. He M s .Cyema n ted the car had been stolen. Heiname of an Oshawa man, and ýmen's Hospital Auxiliary com- dian FederafionofMyran- Birs ineran eJoyed flicheld iin Miami. Florida. Mr. dsrbdth xtiit eo-cd the Rundle's reception on drce he ohrcr nsaid that lhe was the one who pefd iseeth suessfual uicialtis Cnvniouti finen nfrtat menrbyBill Morispoinediutltat 'eore atomî wbch iclued lpak- eda daypblckin thlesapenout ohseteirefapbs croouteeseafn1itlinreeoyble hbehecatri sumer.hr.Rai or teash1 O*Connor. and Jacky Duffy. Vice. president of t he Bow- Iing founfain surrounded by r n r. aiHle the car and the lad was ap- monrning that this offence oc- Oerslto Mr.andMrs Kal Hlebruig aty aente on Tus Com- two popular television stars. manx uic Rotarv Club will be:beautiful flowers. the bannerst iTICKETShae On Momî01day morning the ifs \'oting delegate af this con- ;Of al the clubs iin the dis- (nec Jeran ntiitcan tai-hprtheedbchidne ourrd. sedim wyar ny-mnCetereThrda"nersouio sk ha fir.-t Pienary session Of the vention. tricf, and the windows effec- iT fMrhm aldo r-hcrstHote r lon bt e swouldet is mcdar o ie9ieenig Arl 21f rs geatr sareof e csso OEEYH comference was opened with an Anotiier iinterestimîg address tiveiv draped i in leadgid, cdshrelatwek.Te crct rithe roatand ue 1aid be i a fmreoarcc .Msn tepeeuaio 0b adbyfi osl bleadg siden t, gave the weîcominjgi provincial goverien. Te JURY&LOVE .Ivcatinzie a embeArftepres ien oftheOli rangl pechw. ntfed"Bidigand Gene spent the weekend ws. fge o the femîder, with his wife and hie doesn'fýaddrcss. and provincial gvrmnsBwmniî Mci Huntsviilc attenfinhethr grilltanf bheper.nTheiboy'sslikehif. ecauseeof"tuesdiMrs.. grillNandibuvaipthe Thepayylargereamounts towards ______1__________O'Neill___ Acf on Rofary Club, Mr, Mor- Rta (lu.rhospke IBridges of Friendship," Dr. 111 Hniîtsfie atNH.L. tur: o a lrera ris said. He also told of the'a student exchange projectIRudel said. Poica itl . . tarnts oewoGiobu hrg n h rmk rbegnricnco-frfu a official address oo weccm aet eks .wo and the boy il fel this boy should have 'rathon Bridge, and flue com- oficaIadrssofwecoecarried ouf by the Orangeville H lofl fteslni aet had no supervision.the strong discipline of his miffee members wcre Mrs. given by the Mayor of Guelph.'Club for several years and of program of enterfainmenf giv-' Sunday callers aft A. W. Pres- He was rcmanded info thc father available at this time Lloyd Ayre, Mrs. W. H. Birks, Past District Governor Ed 'its success. en by the Schneider MaIe coffs were *Mr. and Mrs. J. S. csoyo i aensf oadftelmunb 0cm. r. .W ipi.Ms theJuenleanormiytoutea dncrsan te reena- rs R Edye.nJaic ad resefecereorLi.pe-Wor.iedbi divr' lceseAure Sif. ndM E. eo "JudgeC. LeRoy Austin of1 Choir, a pair of Arthur Mur- Edctyvean, Orono; Mr. and to Galf witbh them while a Another Oshawa 18 year old Hoar, Mrs. T. Rcbder, ýirs E E j Guelph, based his talk on the tion of oid time fiddlers ar- Karen, Spokane, Washington; .pared by Mr. H. Bigeiow. and the ownersbip of his car Young- During the winfer * philosophy exemplified in the ranged by the Rotary Club of Mrs. J. W. Bowman and Mi.ss A 25 year old Darlingfon to the Magistrafe until June monfths six groups participat- I adage f0 look up, flot down- Shelburne. Laura Bowman, Enniskiflen. man was fined $25 and cosfs 28fh. He had pleaded guiltyed in the Marathon Bridge. ward, orwardnot bckward. Preident epor ; Other cailers recenfly were, of $20 for sboofing two ducks to obtaining liquor wbile a OnTusa vnnga h h c " wad frar o bcwad Peien eprs Miss Marion Prescoft, Enfield; on a farm Iust oufside thoendfi ocain O in s mmmty engatre' 5W I& and ouftflot inward. This ad-' George Vice. president ofi Mr and anH feff and îng a moC eiomiii ne ity Centrea16CTses Au Kit« M .... mot fo of service above selfi ed on the third plenary ses- RgeEnniskilemî. stable also camclled his pr-0fl ofeie ;itha0dfc ntive fa luwr nplayanvd a de vic coule wfhth Rfay He oc lotar thlubreport- oep--mfirat10 lc ntelic-bus lnhwssre ys à~poI.ere would mnake a splendid rule ofjso etl fterpr Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, mit for carrying a ýfirearm moruiig. the commitfee members prior L 1 life," Mr. Morris asserted. gîven by M. Biggar of the Un- I rva: 'Mrs. E. Anthistle, Tor- and gave public notice thai, Commcoited the Magistrafe. f0 the presentation of prizes. L FAI Vi)Fj/Walter DeGeer, a pasf Dis- iversity of *Toronto on inter- oI MissA. Ev a eo a a patie usenyaf t le rmiange for1 T hîe s olonme wayfaT hedf fo h trict Governor told of the 2nd national affairs, and of the -Mseor e sa aianlse f a terag flie pTiis foolislîness. f o Teprize wn* cfoete plenary session. «'Dr. Jim Sch- Frenc-h and English students i nm ar Hospital, last week Bowmanville Revolver- lub-s.O season in the dicfrent groups Far Le roder, co-chairman of the con- iwieudron ugr.Sei h ono omnil are goiîug fo abuse the Liquor were as follows: Group 1, Mrs. i exebange movement. hcu'wbleuron srcy h n h om f omnul.Control Acf amud your drivcr's Nelson Osborne aiîd Mu-s. ference and a pasf president Mr. Vice alo fold the-clu is now at home and bier many Tbey are nof good n ay1 license. you w ill not be a dri- Ralph Ames: Groupn 2. Mrs. __ TIr a p jp t ftepnldsuso ead friends are g lad fo know she other municipality. ve.Yuwl oe akJnie.Yun n r.C . sring fak on the affainments ing Rotary International 18 convalescing favorably. "You are nofta odrive, yo ver. Youand Ithcorne ac-k Junl e Gaweo Y ou and Mrs.C.W R hy that can be achieved tbrough Foundation Fellowships with Sorry fo report Mr. W. Chap- are not fo owmî a c-ai-al'2t and thibtw e p nalty5wilorbe Cawer; Grupnd Mrs. Rex.H' A planning and a concentrated Everetf Biggs, Toronto, Chris man is iii having suffered a arc comfined ta your bousebcwn$1 rd 50or3 Wat-sadMs.A A.Hf effort of ail the members of a Currie, Christchurch, New bearf aftack on Safurday mor- until you go ta work. Do you ýdays in gaol or bof h." Strike, Group 4, Mis. L. T.: club," Mr. DeGeer stated. Zealand, and Miss Marie Ge- ning. His many friends hope uiîderstand') Vou cao c-al] il, The Chic-f notuficd the court tMcLaughlin aand Mm-s. M. Fer- He commended the Bolton ork, Maiton, taking part. for him a speedy recovery. bouse arresf or whatever yotiî tat Aoe hlaven'f bad any trou- guson: Gioup 5, (the mxcd RoitionClb o ahswmming pol 1,9Felwhp i Mr and Mrs. Merwin Mount- like, but you mnust be eithc'r bIc with this lad since lie was graup). Mr. and Mrs. Nelson _,.opleton f a wimmng ool ,195Felowshps ijvyaffended the sîlver wed- at work or ai home unfil May 16. At, 16 if, was liquor charges.. Osborne. 49'ienic- ground and park. Mr. Fellowships given f0 datej ding anniversary of Mr. and 31sf. If you don'f do this. if A Toronto mari made resti- As Group 6, wiîich lias beeîîn~ )eGeer then spoke of the con- number 1,195 and amounf toi Mrs. Fred Dayes at Blackstock. the polic-e cail af your home fufion for a $35 bad cheque 'playmng iii Orono lias nof yet ÎLCR TD. s J.rmafion by Bob Mavie, a little more than $3.000.000,"j The C.G.I.T. Mother and and x-ou are not flîcre, thuere, and was remanded ouf of c-us- i finished the sciiedule. Mrs. A ~ONTACîNe n R; chairman of credentiais, of the Mr. Vice said. He also spoke j Daughter banquet w-as hield in will flot be any probation ini fody.L. ooyacpdflc rie_____ elec-fion by acclamation of G. of the report given by Dr. A. 1 the Christian Education Centre 'on bebaif of these players and Arc-hie Turner's election to the L. MacKinnon, chairman of a'o Easfer Monday eveniu.A _ will prescof if to the winners BC GRAIO-EL TR C post f Distriet-Governor. He special committee in regard to Th e fables were tastefullye- there later. NMO- SALES -SERVIC also told of District Governor a special district sponsorsbip M Aaedwih afodis ndptss TV.-RADIO--AppLIANCES David Kennedy's introduction of suc-h students. Registrations illw u -Daw sJ -L Mr. Mavie who is president at the conference numbered wlow.(lntended foi- lasi week) Bcech Pori. Hope. LukerwwslId and ftle e :o j of the recentiy cbarfered Rex- 630, Mr. Vice said. The niothers, daugt e r s, Mr. amd Mrs. Anth n i s n Mr. amd Mrs. karl Paterson, winners were Mrs. D. Rigg, dale Rotary Club. Walter DeGeer on behaîf oft guests anid leaders saf down f0 the, Oshawa. vi-ted Mr.at'idi Mu- and Mrs. Francis Pater- Mrs. C. Birtwistle, Mrs. Hl.; _______________________________________ -those who bail attcnded the a bountîful repasf whichl was iVrs. Harry Windsor and fam- son all of Upper Kent. New Goddard, Mrs. M.J. Hutchin- District Conference, voic-ed'prepared k- flie leaders and ily on Safurday evening. 'Brunswick. spent Eastci- holi- son, Mu-s Tonm Rebder, Mrs. appreciation of the' outst;nd- girls. Donna Wilbur, President. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ilermr- days wifh Mr. and Mu-s. Milton C. Barre t, Mis.J. Darcli Mu-s PR] CED J. SATURDAY EX ffre tle extended a wclcome to ahl pre- ing, Oshawa. visifed Mî-s. Ayi-ý Paterson and fanuily. E. Hobbs Mis. George WJ CUR ION ig hsptaltyoffre ~JemJamesC. Barref f and H. R AS LOW AS SATU DAY XCUR IONSby Mr. and Mrs. George Vice,i sent. met- Beec-h on Saturday. Mr. anud Mrs. Fred Lamîgilie (Bud) Moses. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Mor",s. and 1Mu-s. Reed bîrought greetings MisssMr n ol.Cr n aiv saawr ut toDr. M. R4lpstpresident from the chut-h. Darlene Hall oIe sses ary Ann Dy le. Carand famiDelOscomte inre Sumi tf» Club, gave the weîcome to flue mo- Brown were contestants ln the Hendsbee Sueae OT1tniD.W. M.fiiers and w&% replîed f0b ao wrig Fsia n1 Mrs. Har-old Cooimey vusifedi O EYb 4fclub. Mrs. Kcitb Smithî. Dianne Mac- na_7t _cdis Hamilton last weck. Mr-. and1 relatives in Trenton duringl Pel loxv of Odshs Margaret MsSeeDye r md'msIlasi. week. adLidaVAABElR T lpic-fuies and commenfed ami ber fi hwfo u itict ney entertajncd their fiieids, yearspen in Jamica andto celebu-afe their birthda@ys,ý g rid Study(Itnddfr aiIsadsrl swsdurmng last week.NO E -MM! PROMI Mrs. Ed Anthistie, Toronto., vec-y much en.îoyed by ail pc-e- H. Boot at Puslineti. 'Mu-s Jirn Laverf v amd familyj jLI fou-meuly of Hampton, was a; semnt. At, the close Miss Pellowl MciP 1 Lvrv omdr leteile .$465 Bowmanville .81 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ar-j led ini a sing-somîg. spemuf a few days last week, R ALPTDEAKS JOEN&ESRIC mour for a few dy atwe Sandra Ma amîad Darlenei with bier sonu and daughtem- ii- i-otelMis . aonSTDB Cobourg 2.90 Oshawa 1 .40 and aftended the golden wed-ý Fowlem sang "The OId Rttg'ged lyandMr.amîd M. D . -Trno rsP .Lvct.1rr~ n oiîo ding rec-eption of Mu-. and Mrs.; Cross." A word of appu-eciation OhaaMy.GadomJmes 10ainiStiîy.ha Port Hope. 2.65 Whitby . * 1.25 Her'b Rundie. She also calledIto Miss Pellow and the ladies Mc-. and Mu-s. Tom Mc-Gtiii-k 1 oroawa. MRAoronJaes-162in4S6F Osaw Clfx o21 on a number of former friends who served was given by Car- and famiiy spemît lasf week, Mr- and Mu-s. Ranidv Harm-i- Mi-. and Mu-s. Hayes Woodleý, bcought f0 a close by singing Mac-y Jane Laveu-fv has mc-1 awa vîsifcd Mr-. aîmd Mu-s. Mii-J FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS of Ancaster. were guests of lit4~i "God Save the Qucen". hsed om afe spnui1 ton Paterson ami Suilday. sister Mrs. F. .1. Reed and MI. An iîîspiming GooCI Fciday we nNwYr iyai Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodmur- LIA~IALI Reed last week. Mr. anîd Mrq î service was beidin flic assemn- Mbad rs. GronCl ~Ohwvstd M- n CArIADIAIN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC Gordon Martin and chiidu-enby hall and was comdncted bv y .ai i. odm al-Mrs Roui Rogers on Saturday.1 .&w. Riohm-ond Hill, also visited ber aur pastor. The service openeÙ laTrmf,\mie c.ad Mi. amd Mu-s. Bihl Hawksha'w parents Mr. and Mr.Redls by ah ,ioining bearfily in the, r.C useiaifail.janîd anilv. Kifceewr week. sinrgsing oftehyo Tbere Mu-s. T. Colîiss anîd ErnestlIween hniwr andl weco-ee hmn wekndguesfs of Mr. and Daidan Rîfî.Erc ndis a Green Hill fac- Awav" Sndyaindos ifî Mm-.'us. Alami Suowdemî. - MararetdSandkRuton Siand alas foiiowed by flic love1vy Charles Besf and Buia n.Po..t~' leu-iv Russell spemit Easterj enjoyed a visit wifh fheir saue1atrCntta;aa ol holid'ays with bis grandpac-ents "Claudia and fhe Firsf Eastcr". Mu-s .Ay hînci- Bccbimi coni-, Mr amîd iMu-s. R. Westawav. grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs'paA, >t or. BndMr.auîvil.C Yov'reRoland Shackleton, during the byyosso hswsgvnPn ihM- n r.As areromi.1 Easter hoiidays. l r ed rcdn ah visited Mr. and Mrs. Evireti r îdM-.Faî iucj - uisi~e mwds Mss iads dwads T ;-'separate act as foliows.:, j" Toronuto, visited wifb Mr. andi AcwdFiaymu-iî Mrs. Tomn McGuirk. 9th ~" o orn 's H sic onfo, was a weekend guest f A roi i lc Plc u ra i b m w îs aî u ds B ITH AYY0PM:tIoSpt~Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Wilsmn, tius i he aceofu- ie-1 Thi e silmîr o okies ami Sat-uide audiene roo '/'IcÉ ti-day i oui-au-ca Picae guv (solo by Mr.s. Keifb Smith);j Maple Grve Chureh ion Sun-'ý ai .iaceo irc,"(,oobrýday. Chair leader Donugla.:3 For thnmp in trouble, The SalvationAmcep "Mrl acl oMec-c-"Hoanna-N Chutp sang a solo andi towardanoe orInishtlbvi Harld alon) - osmima"NOTHINO DOWN the tasf of the .ser-vice Mu-s a pndo.I tshaes aes ontsadh'm~ I(fumll choir): "Thev Led Hlim! Forth f0 Die" <by choir uinac-- Easy paymsnts over W. Hl. Bi-awiî cead a short. ad- workers wbo undprstand the humanhat in M eo i l Hs klcmaid.dress fa Miss Muriel Stevens, that hread alone la not enough. "He Seemed A King" (mnius VEARS who wmli be going tD Angola Whiile the body ig eared fer, the s irtlheedai M e m o ri l H o s ita l ompani&t. 0 Mac- monthyg:sbIls ~ as a: missuonarýv in tbe near uplifted by the message of hope. 1In oe n hlr' ýinn"(choir): "Jesus of Naz- Of future. are "made wbole", and shcwn thewytaovn B w a v leareth deb r.K miiih at4the UnitedaCh nu-cluTraining 1 service cf God and man. il jand Mirs. Lewis Trunl> :WcCluI1log laor and M-a h nie, rhTriig1I h-iswork cf mercy you c-an shar.Yu onrbto Sohf a LilieCI Garden" <duet; toils te comhect i .dsSchool in Toronto. Hec- manv i wull bring the glow cf happinesa te orhat Effetiv Ma sf 960 yMr CavrlvamîdMu-. L ment Ot bae-fuiends wish heu- success un' j ITi-u11: "h ve YeaThaks. =wthî es :a her endeavours. She waspc-e- ifor Vicfou-y' (full choir); "Be- Mt"vrI. ore. sented with a loveiy brief case hold the Man" (solo by Ger- Mosttfumnas., on behaîf of the church mcm- The underumfandîng heart and tehmntoc P IA EB O S 10am o83 ..adBaison)- and conidn bers frv Mr. Howar-d Foiey. PRIV TE OONS 10a.m b 830 ...i n '"Al Hail the Power- of DCHNE-NAVER CAN TheCirce Meeting IJestis' Name«DNEINi FWTHUR April meeting of the SE I-RIA E ND W RD j.ongegtion and choir thien' Units for ail types of home heating L.N.O. Circle was helCI at the SEMIPRIATE AND WAR S jinedin ingng Jess Kepi FREE BURNER SERVICE home of Mrs. Steve Doyle wifh Mener heCrss. hespeak-i Yw rati compar o na:ot empioy door-to- ten members and one visitorl THE SALVATION ARM 3Io 4 p. -m a p 'ng parts w-eu-e well donc and, door utesmnen nor tetePhonO canvassOrs. Fori present. Seca-etarv Mrs. CeCIrlu- j heit~- ascfe-tvey -n ff~ination about dealers licensed by the E HEL .FE Io83 .dte niu. Niddefect'v - - Ontario Fuel Board t0 soliland ristali nsural I Russell rcad the minutes of the'RE SH LD PEA dee.Miss Mac-t'ddrý wasi1gai equipment cali or write th. sales previaus meeting. Tvo Visitors OnIy for Each Patient at One Time in chreo veral foprmn o 9'R Peien r.Br ni speaking parts assisted by '.%r.j dcn thanked everyone faor' Ifonourary Chairman - WilfrdD aruhr ReeC w'no aise looked afteu-rl EEEU".J their help mn making hi t FFro hewthe reoftbepatent peasfmaehyur iattient.ssag arangmens ad the PHNE ENTH -170 PtrcksDaysuper sc-1Othctie 4,50.0OMbjecttivet Cairan,5Jh50.-Jme IVAN HOBBS, defails which ahl confribufed1 cess. Mrs. Doyle, Mu-s. Stcphenj r .L oe apinHaqatî~-.5Dv~o t to heplasig reentai1.,No Payment 'tif September 1Jffr- n M-. .Snwcasurer-A.L oeCapi ~~~~Chairman of the Board. t' teîî s ing enj enain bas 'an rs B node.Telephone MA 336 c--i~-m'un-hfvorable m- ),-run . ~ ldte Devfian p-ati onrbmtî, may 1w sent to Canadian Ban f....~.'o~nnI, ment. ~~~Oshawa Hospital 1und 'theme. The chapter fi-am the _________________________________________ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 1ROWlWANVn.1-r- nwmAllrte% TMMSDAY. MAY Sth. Igfin

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