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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 3

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TEURSDAY, ?MAT th, 1960 had been brnleted ini pairs, 4w tfleet H. S.- Bond went home with, their respec- tive hosts and hostesses for the night. At 8 p.m. they were D ights Audiences a ac t h eg Sho U*nthe Senior Commercial. It was At Weekend Concerts a complete sucoess, with many iucky Sait Fleet studerits wmn- Last weekend, ADril 29th Creek, and after a delicious iiing prizes., ýfed 3th, Bowmanville was lunch in the High Scbool caf. The next morning, Saturday,' enoured with a visit just a eteria, the members were everyone slept in late. At tte out of the ordinary - taken out to Orono to e noon, threbandtembe g ainhoo that of the Sait Fleet High a tour through the Fosretuor neo the igh uschoole School Band from Stoney Station. When they Forietyfraohrdeiiu inr Creek, Ontario. This band, di- back at 2:00 p.m. they wr Then, it was a bus ride out to rewere a the Ontario Boy's Training rectedby Mr. George E. Hous- tired lot, but their concert was Sho hr hi oèr .adr,9 probably the best presented to the High Sh School w he reefo the coner tknownotf High ehool bands students just as planned. The was pTreee for thesecon across the province, having enthusiastie response of the ctie.Theeswere a ew iffi- woomnto adsinton thewaudfin, a certainly grati- small, six band members were Tornt MusicFesil. tha- yia the was with regret prevented from playing. The ls Msic estials.thattheconcert came to a afternoon proved to be a hot The band arrived Fridayý close at 4:00 p.m. and tiring one, but "the show lnorning by bus from Stothey The Sait Fleet students, who must go on" and the response of the audience was again worth ail the effort. Then it was back to town again and at 8:15 p.m. Satur- day, the final concert was pre- 4~A~8M Bsented in the Town Hall. This W proved to be the best of ail. gramme featuring selections by such well-known compos- ers as Tschaikowsky, Ernest mu Caneva, G. Rossini and Peter W de Rose. #00 Throughout the evening the band featured soloists such as the Oboe Solo by Margaret Norton. Margaret, who has COT ON SLIS 98 p Hay three concerts with the $ %pj~.7 Hamilton Philharmonic Or- Sizes 32 to 42 ------ - --- ---2 9 chestra, was a fine example of the excellent musicianship of each member of the band. The novelty tunes of Leroy HALF SLIPS 19 Anderson, h Sn ae Sizes S., M., L ---------------- ---------- . 8 B a l' a d the "Sand Paer, were well receîved. Marilyn Guyatt received, perhaps, the biggest ovation of the evenîng, wîth hier vocal solo of "Tam- GO N $19 to $5 9 my" and "Bali Hai". She was Sizes S., M., L. --------- accompanied by the band. Another featured soloist was Carolyn Houslander, who play-r DUSTERS d "Deep Purple" by Peter Det .8 Rose, as a piano solo. It was SizesS., ~, Ldone exceptionaily well and of applause. r Under Mr. Houslander, thet band worked well as an en- A (j~jj'!~~ LADIES' semble. They kept a dlean JAI CK CH LD WEAR steady tempo and a good pian- issimo. So many bands are loud and coarse. Certainly 37 King St. W. Bowmanvlle much credit is due to Mr. Houslander for the "polish" in their playing, especially whenI haîf the band was from Grade IX and X. The audience of over 300 ni showed their appreciation of Li the evening with loud and AI long applause. It was 'with R efre sh rlcac htteBwa-W band left for home at 11:00 a > tion was given for our High Schooi band to return the vi- ai sit with a trip to StoneoCee in the not-too-distant future. We hope that this wili be possible next year and that M we do as fine a job as was ec presented to us. An at Buy the family carton of 6 big boif les Smith Beverages Ltd. Bowrnanville Authorized Distributor FBARBECUE KING INTRODUCTORY O1FFER! BAR.BUQ CHICKENS *$1.o09 THIS WEEK ONLY! IMothers Meet1 For Study on Their Children The Mother's Fellowship group gafhered again on Mon- day evening from Burketon, Enfield and Enniskillen, to make another exploration into the complex world of chîld study. The series of movie films depicting I'Ages and Stages" moved this time into the area of "The Frustrating Fours and the Fascinating Fives", and the excellent film started the young mothers off on warm discussion of their own four and five-year-old problems. Rudeness, temper, behaviour in churcli, televi- sien, and several other impor- tant problems of raising chul- dren were informally broughf before the group for assess- ment and comment. The group decided to form a phone committee to contact possible new members, and agreed to procure for the June 6th meeting, the next movie in the National Film Board series, entifled "PFrom Sociable Six to Noisy Nine". Plans were started for a family pienie in June, possibly at the Serpent Mound Park at Rice Lake, in order to let ail the members of the far-flung families of the three churches meet and be- come better acquainted. A discussion plan outlined in the increasingly popular "Christian Home" magazine, published by the United Church, was examined for pos- sible use as a study guide for next year's meetings. Mrs. Keith McGili and Mrs. Ross Sharp served lunch amid con- tinued and animated conversa- týions centering on the absorli- ing world of motherhood. FRESH KH-11ED, OVEN BEADY Chickcens lb. 3 3 c 2% t. 3 lb. average Thes. chiekens have neyer been frozen Legs AND Breasts L 5 9c Haif Chickens lb. 3 5 c Let FIRT139S FI Your Nomte Freezer! THE CAKADIAIi STATILSMAR. BOwsEA?4VTT.T.U ONTMIO - ~A U'~U~ 'pu~rnU Cancer Campaign Returns Pass $3,,000 Mark Affl With quite a number of rural communities te be heard from, the Cancer Campaign passed the $3,000 mark early this week and those in charge are confident the objective of $5,100 wili be reached. They urge canvassers to submit their returns as quickly as pos- sible. On blitz night a week ago in Bowmanvilie, these members of Court Venture of the C.O.F. were kept busy at the Town Hall, totalling the returns which Eléci Mrs. G. Alichin !nst ilut e Presîdent The April meeting of Bow- Bowmanville to provide a îanville W.I. was held at the reading and a musical num- ions Centre on Thursday, ber. .pril 28. Mrs. Goodman presided for Mrs. G. Alîchin, president, eleetion of officers. Mrs. G. veleomed the members and MeCoy, convenor of nominat- )resîded for business. It was ing committee, read names of lecîded te have our meetings new slafe of officers as fol- Lt 2 p.m. instead of 2:30 be- lows:-Past President, Mrs. T. inning in May. Members Buttery; President, Mrs. G. )ease note change of time. Alîchin; list Vice President, District Annual is te lie held Mrs. M. Wiseman, 2nd Vice Bt lackstock Uinited Churcli President, Mrs. S. Buttery; n May 18. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. D. Mrs. R. Hefheringfon and Park; Assistant Seeretary, Mrs. Irs. S. Corden were appoint- R. Webber; District Director, d deegats toatted saie.Mrs. R. Webber; Assistant Dis- Ln open house wilil be heldtrc Director, Mrs. D. Park; tCerebral Palsy sehool and Directors, Mrs. F. Jackman, [nie on May 4 from 7 te 9 MH. L. JtMr. G T, . But .m. at 387 Simcoe St. S., Osh- H brehMs .Bt va. The W. I. would like as tery. iany as possible -te avail Convenor of Standing Com- emselves of this opportun- mittees-Agriculture and Can- r. adian Industries, Mrs. E. Pas- Mis Lilieop he omesant; Home Economies and MissLillcrop the omeHealth, Mrs. A. Richards; Ci- ecnomist fer this districttznhpad ucio Ms .ve a short talk on 4-H Club t.iRebshtp and Educa, Rs. rich is being formed of 15 waRobeandts; Histriai e- irs with Mrs. Wm. CordenserladCuen Evt, sleader having as their po Mrs. G. Bagneil; Public Rela- ýct,"Cotons ay sprto. tiens Representafive, Mrs. M. nume "C ftonstay le pisare.Wiseman; Social Convenors, nube rdee nsifo empins areMrs. L. Rundle, Mrs. R. Pat- be odere formembrs.field, Mrs. R. Candler, Mrs. The oufsfanding programme B. Metealf; Visiting Commit- )r the year \vas the Christ- tee, Mrs. R. Relibins, Mrs. F. ias meeting when Mrs. M. Moore, Mrs. L. MeMahon; Hos- iseman conducted a short pital Representafive, Mrs. R. if wif h several members Hetherîngfon; Resf Roorr, Mrs. ting part, about Christmas G. Jones; Auditars, Mrs. S. Lether cauntries. Corden, Mrs. R. Hefheringfan; We have an invitation te lie Pianisf, Mrs. S. Butfery, Mrs. fh Solina W. I. for their G. McCoy. ieefing the secend Thursday Mrs. F. Jackmnan very cap- LSeptember at 8:00 p.m., ably installcd the new officers. Mrs. G. Alîchin announced I ~ AIÂ the numbers for programme .aumus VV.M for Mrs. G. Bagneli who. was *absent fhrough illncss. V'.v~S. Pla Rilcaîl was a urn A(.M .S Plan .eventand pay your fees. Mrs. H. Summersford gave a very fine report on motte: ýctiVt1es"Indifference is tlic rust thaf The Aril eetig orCad-' crumbles aur civilization."f us W.A. and W.M.S. met Mr.W oets and Mrs. uesday evening, April l9th G. Pritchard sang two pleas- the home af Mrs. Gea. ing duets, "Church in the ffnsan. President Mrs. Sam- Wildwood" and "Juanita" ac- Is presided and there were companicd by Mrs. S. But- Smembers and two visitons fery. The Public Relations Re- ,esent.presenfative will attend Lead- tsenf.ers' Conference at O.A.C., The meeting was opened Guelph, from. May 4-6. Lunch th aur theme song "Let the was served by Mrs. Bagnell's aauty ef Jesus Be Seen in greup and social hait heur fol- e" and the liymn, "Christ the îowed.____________ )rd is Risen Teday". Mrs. c.i am ify Ec ga w] gi: as Jec A te tei ME Wi ski tal in in c y A Tu, at Jo] 18 pre wit Beý Me Lei Samells led in prayer and the devofional was eanvened by Mrs. Milton Gray. Roli caîl was answered with a t'hought, on Easter. Business for the evening ineluded plans for the annual garden party in June. A commitfee, namely Mrs. MacKay, Mrs. Samels and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, was appoinfed to look after the entertainment for the garden Party. It was decided we have a bazaar that night also. The ladies agreed te give the young people permission i te use the tables te play ping- pong, providing the chureh1 board allowed fhemn to use the church basement. The roll caîl next month is to be an- swered with donations of used clothing for the overseas bale s. The meeting was closed wîth the hymn "Must Jesus Bearý the Cross Alone", and the Mizpah Benediction repeated in unison. Mrs. Milton Gray introduc- ed our missionary speaker for the evening. Mrs. Carnaghan of Blackstock, who gave us a fine talk on the Olé;erver's Tropic Tour f0 Bermuda, Trin- idad and Barbados. She gave us some very enlightenîng facts on life down in the fro- pics. A short program consisting of a reading by Mr.1% et vocal solo by Mrs. Mvanderson and a reading by Mrs. L. Mc- Kee followed, after which a delicious lunch wvas served b y Group 4 and a social hourj 1; AUCTIONI SALE SAT., MAY 7, 19601 1 P . M COURTICE UNITED CHURCH PROCEEDS TO LANDSCAPE CHURCH GROUNDS COFFEE - HOT DOGS DONUTS HOME BAKING Auctioneer F. STITEVANT came in from ahl over Bowmanville. They are, from left te right: Mrs. Mabel Williams, Mrs. Elsie Prout, Mrs. Jean Gibsen and Mrs. Jean Devift. An unexpect- cd, but mest welcome donation was aise received from the Walter Cochrane Safurday Nighf Euchre Club which added a sizeable amount te the individual dona- tions. MAPLE GROVE Sunday visitors with Mrs. ish Isles. This was mast in- Robert Jarvie were Mrs. Wil- tencsting as were flic pictures mot Prause and Charlié, Os- shown of flic many interesting aca; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ben- places. Miss Stevens closed hler nett, Base Line. addiress by teliin-g about becomn- Phillip Jackson, Lindsay ing a United Clhurcli Mission- (formenly Maple Grave) lias ary andi how mucli she wouid refurned home affer spending miss her home community. a weck's holiday wifh Mr. and Two sangs "Now is flic Hour"y Mrs. Robent Bothwell and Don- andi "TII We Meet Again" were nie. sung by *Mr. Gordon Beecli Mr. and Mrs. Jack Illidge and Bonnie and Mrs Ted. Hoar and famiily, Tarante, visited *and Dianne. The programn clos- Mrs. L C. Snowden and Bob cd' with ail singing missionary on Sunday. hymns, with Mrs. D. Baiiey Miss Mildrefi Snowden spent leading and Mis. Ted Hoar flic weelkend- with Mn. and Mrs playing the Piano. Mrs. Harrýy Robent Stevenson in London. Locke thanked those on the Mr. nd rs. im ave pnolgnam. and Mrs. Greenham. Mr. nd rs.Jim Lavrty thankefi the hastesses for flic and family were Sunday din- ner guest s et Mi. and Mrs.lavcly meal. Irwin Beer, Cobourg. Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mis. MissIsobl Mcrthu andFred Stevens voiced apprecia- riss Isooo ertundytien, on beh-alf of those pre- fiedToroto, Mr unday ssent t te iguest ef honour for visnW.torsbile r and Mrsy. -lier most iiiteresting talk A JohnW. obl andfamly. short business period followed. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. The supper meeting closed Ewald Wihlidai wcre M:r. and with "Blessed ble flic Tie That Mrs. Manford Goodmurphy, Binds" and the Mizpah Bene- Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Laverfy, Mrs. diction. Ann Wihlidail, Mr. and Mrs. David Burpee, Mr. and Mrs. New Church Members Cory Van de Burgt, Mr. and The following were received Mns. Don Smith, Mr. and Mrs. into membership at flic churcli Michael Hickcy andi family, service on Sunday: Carole Linda Calvert, Mn. and Mrs. Greenham, Betty Lou Snow- Glen Powers, Paf Cýox and La- den, Barbara and Joyce MlIs, wry Gailant, Oshawa. Donald, Bro'wn and Donald Mi. andi Mrs. Len Good- Fole.y. m-urphy, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Dunring flic special Baptismal Sam Snowdcn and sens Black- Service, Reverend Harold Sta- stock, wcre supper guests of inton baptizcd, the following: Mn. and Mrs. Ron Rogers on Scot t Ernest, son et Mr. andi Saturday. Mns. Harold Stevens; Manie Mr. Mac Laverty, Dunnville, Kathleen, daugliter of Mr. and was an ovennight guesf of lis- brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lav-- - - - erty, Thursday. I Mr. andi Mrs. Harny Snowden and fa.mily, Rowmanville, vis- ited his parents, Mn&. and Ms.' Alang Snowdcn on Friday ev-11 , Mr. and irlls. Pency Gould" and Nelda, Mrs. Johnî Morrow,I Bowmanviilc; Mr. and MrsI1 Vernon MacKenzie and family, Port Hope, wcrc Sunday dinner ,guests of Mn. and Mrs. Jamesli GecIdes. Mis. Toým Colliss and Ennie Colliss spent flic weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Collîss at Minden. Labrcqu Large Selec tien of Mn. andi Mrs. Bob Larcu nlihBn hn and famiily werc Sunday visit- gihBn hn ,ors af flic home et hen brotherft 2 MrCdbour. CaresD viso, Cu p Corg .ChnsDais .Mr. and Mrs. E. Wihlîdal a.nd l family visited lier parents M r. and Mns. Sam Michael, Pick- ering, on Tuesday evening. SPECIAL FOR MOTHE Mn. and Mns. Alan Snowden S U E and Jim werc Sunday fea, CUP & S U E guests et Mn. and Mns. John~ Aitcheson, Blackstock. Girls 4-H Club li The second meeting of the l Royal Albert l-and Pair 4-H Club prajeet "Caftons Ma y Be Smart" was held at thie Fine English Bone China hme ef Mrs. Ron Brooks with ' ~ S U E seven members present Presi- CUP & S U E dent Carole Greenham prcsîd-~ ed for flic business period. If was decided te eau liche group flic "Hi-Teens". Secret- iI ary Verna McLoed called flihel roll. Leaders present wene Mns. Brooks, Mrs. Ken Kulinke and Mr.R. Dubeau. î 111 COSTUM E Measurement, pre-shninkingi1 and posture werc studied dur- I Bracelet and Earning ing flic evening and pointers! given on alterations. Next me-'1 or ting will bie held at fli cehurcliI on Safurday, May 7, at 1:30 l Brooch and Earrings Evm. n Auxiliary A goodly number were pre- i ,ent at the Evening Auxiliaryý eot luck supper whidli was! eld l inchechurch basementl, LARGE SELE last Tucsday evening. Presi- II lnt Mns. Steve Doyle welcom-! FE 1,d fh crnmbers and gucsts 'lie ladies etfflic atternoo Auxliay o W..S.were sup -I per guests. 1i Affer supper Mrs. Cliarlesi ýîreenhalm, Presîdent eofflic Af-' ernoon Auxiliary, prcsented a te mcmbcrship to, the W.M.S.1l M flihe special guest, Miss Mur- t eI Stevens, w'ho told o et lier43 King St. W. rip toniany European coun- I._ - a nus and .speciaU.y the &it- A man walked lu to the uied car dealer's and approached the salesman. "'Remember me? You sold me a car thre. weeks ago."x "0f course, sir," the salesman replied. "Wel, please tell me again all you said about it then. I'm gettiag discouraged."1 (mr. lBon Brooks; Sandra Bar- bara, daughter of M~r. and Mrs. John A. Noble; Julie Alice El- izabeth, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ed'wards; Pamiela Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chute; James Harley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hariey Hayes. PONTYPOOL Postinasters and all mail carriers were a bit upset the first day of fthe change-over te truck delivery of mail from western points. The schedule time of arrivai here was te be 11:15 arn. but the first days mail came in around 4 p.m. However as the week progres- sed things got better with Saf- urdays delivery arriving about 12 noon. The present train schedule is flot encouraging much travel by rail. We are aIl hoping te see an improve- ment there aise. Several from here attended the funeral otf Mis. C. Cain. Deceased was the mother ef Mrs. Cari Porter and Mrs. Al- vin Mitchell of Batlyduft. We exfend our sympatliy te those who mourn. Tree growers have a hcavy damage from mice during flie pasf winfer. Heaviesf damage was wliere the grass was long- est. Some plantations had a 50% loss. There are very fcw foxes ini this area since the rabies killed off se many a few years ago While foxes wcre plentiful litf le damage was done by mice. Some grow- ers have pastured their tree land with littie or ne destruc- tion from mice and aise re- moving a lot ot fire liazard. This community was shocked by the sudden passing of Mr. Dave Sexsmith. Deceased own- ed and oper.afed a fine res- taurant here for severai years. We ext cnd our sympathy f0 lis aged moflier, brother and sisters. A Kirby resident in the per- son of Bill Cochrane died sud- denly of a heax-t attack on Fri- day. This Young man was well known here and was a former ball player with Ponitypool bahl tcam. Another former citizen pas- sed away recentiy in Oshawa in flie person of Bill Wilson. Deceased farrned at Drurm 5ev- eral years ago. Q, Y kwwe afutn swmde'refJÏ svhether thse fingersailx grosO1 inaipuris or a£ a stendy rate.ý Any comrnenis? A. The rate of nail growth varics considerably in different persons but for any particular nail. growtà 5is more or less constant tbrouigh- out life. The fingernails of a healthy adult grow. on the aver- age, about '/à inch per nionth. Varlous things seem te affect nail growth. Pregnancy is said to increase tlic rate of nail growth as mach as 25 to 30 per cent. Growth îs slowed in certain chronic diseases and in mnalnii- trition. It as not known whether a completely uncut.nail would ontinue to grow or eventually stop growmng. Hair, which isé atbuamy similar to nail tissue, stops growing when it reaches a certin length cbaracteristic foi the. indivklual. Om p wmdptoasrvioe la m* omîdsI bte y the pride MA 3-3361 DSeSNCHU AIS q99TOU bOWMAWLU You'Ii neyer be "discouraged" about the results we get when yeu send your garments te lie dry cieaned te us. We live up te ahl our promises et finest workmanship. Andi I'd just like te remînd you that regular dryI cleaning cane wiil net oniyI make your ciothes look better,, but iast longer. For finest dry cleaning cane you can trust us. a. e. Yleslie The Salvation Arny Red Shield Appeail May 2nd Io 31sf iAUCERS each 9 8 ER! Inscribed 'Dear Moteflr" nted Flowen of the Month 'i 't JEWELLERY by Con, Boxe& $ .0 Sets ;CTION 0F MOTHER'S DAY GIFTS I OM WHICH TO CHOOSE ~ JEWELLERY & RR S GIFT SHOP Bowmanville ,4 - UALITY MEATS 47 KING ST. E. - MA 3-5081 day evening was poorly attend-. ed due to otiier attractions& Those present enjoyed the music of Jake Vau Bam's or- chestra. Another opportunity to enjoy this music wili be coming in the near future. MWr. Arthur Waite of Wadina, Sask., was a recent guest of his neice Mrs. R. J. Payne, Ponty- POOL '4edical Mirror The Short and Long ot Fingernails 1- 1 1- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvni.,z ONTARIO - 'PAtIMP IRIR

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