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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 6

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PAGE m Zone Commander Gives Legion Here Considerable 'Praise Zone Commander, AI Sur- dent Nundi. gald. Tb@ au!fi Fr was present at the meet- tors received a round of ap- s f Branch 178, Canadiaji plause. Lelon held in the Legion lial! U. hms 38t1i. "There is no need for 3,,oanv 78l ram aroid me ta worry about the Bow- th No. 1,7or; Bon uzanville branch," he told his Byng Branch o ,Trno audience. Re said be liJced to meetng.waa wolc onby h- talkt about this branch because meig ertr oiRc It vas one of the I,.,t operae ards stated that the renewal lu te Zne. reudentEd f membgrghigg for 1960 was RIn l hne the Zone suai B mot satlsfactoi. Ed Runde Comnder n ehefoneaUannounced that a joint Legion Crosentndor hs onmphlimentaryand Ladies' Axiiary execu- renark omlmetaytii'. meeting would take place Nearly 70 members attend-on ay5h ed4 this meeting at whlch th A letter was received from audtor, AickLyl an Clr-Captais Tlielspa Bennett (Mrs. miers O k umite d heir re-Harold Bennett), thanking the port on finances for 1959. This brnchfl o thepresetin wth was one of the rnost complete mWorl lagCoan , ir l o and satisfactory statements vie Compfigand Gir *ver t.urned over to the branch Gie. Ti lg n h by an auditcommittee, Presi- Union Jack whieh vas donat. oct te Third Copmpany of Guides r ~by the Bowmanville Ladies' HILF N Jf SJ uiçiHM ,rta the Canadian Le- mi , grni, waU 1ie dedicated at a BYGENR FDI ceremnony at St. Paul's Cuc at the evening service on Sun-' - day, May 8th. President Run-ý 'dl* WUirepres«nt the Legin Treasurer Jack Rice gave a detailed financial report for -the firçt Ibre. monthu of 1960. On' motion by Ross McKnlght Sho was given a h.arty vote of Xthanks. After the moeting Ted Bel- "eY showed a film o! the farn. ous Indianapolis 500 mile au- tomobile race. Stewart McTa- vish, who arranged through Canadian Tire Corporation to brlng the film to Bowmanville, gave a short description of this *... -. aimouo race before the film "?wons hown. 9318fen toutes And uile guys YELVERTON E- Dristan Tawets 1.25 2.75 - 3.15 Pristan ne dise Vacuum Spray JBotten 1.2 J2 fer Poe 790 SPECIALS SPECIALS 9ge sise Brisk Tooth Faste $Se mise Lustre Creme 79e 1.10 ni. jar FREE Flashllgbt Lustre Creme - 0oc 63o size Pepsodent Faste le es. sise Noxuema 1.35 PREE Paring Knife Sec ise Noxema Brusbleus --- 75o 2 tubes Ipans Patte 99o 1.14 value Wldrot - 73o Clearasil One-a.Day DAIR Ointment Multiple Vitamine edrn 1.49 - 2.75 - 4.49 - 8.75 Deorn 690- 1.19 1.25 Geritol - Vitamins & Iron 1.35 , 3.29 - 5.49 Absorbîne Paramettes 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 5-Day Jr. Halibut 011 Capsules - Roll-on e1.19 -2.39 1.15 - 2.29 - 4.29 930 NEW SUMMER SHADES PRE VENT Hfasel Bishop LIPSTICK MT AAI 1.00 koth KIller, 1 lb. - Sec Lsrvex Spray 1.09 , 1.09 NAML POLISH q * à oMéth Proofer -___1.35 Man Tan Afler Shave $3. Sir Tan $3. COWLI NG'S au 3569 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES BOW1A>nVlMLg ROYALMA358 TRIS THURS. TO SAT., MAY 5 - 7 "Face of a Fugitive"' Color - Western - with FRED MaeMURR3AT $lu 1#001 Arabian Nights" «W.term s«4 7 and 9:448 uNigt. .t 8:30 MATINE UATURDAY AT à F.M. NON. TO WED.I MAYT8I- il "Love is My Tu.TProfession" IBRIGIMTEMADOT . JEAN GABIN al». "Escape (rom San Quentin" thse bouse, substituting hlgh- vay for trai, Il lot immol- ested. The first o! the Dept. of 11ighways aaisnsmt vith representatlvos of bath church and school boards in a prelim- inary bout recently. A carload o! hog praducers o! Ibis comniunity accornpan- ied Jack Wilson ta Kitchener 1- recently ta vlow soute innova. t ions in the pig raising indus- try «(and chase misplaced overcoats). Can youImgn d eall60 an 70 soya by n their firsI naine, not knowlng 1, bis ovn ovencoat? Just goes , ta show that counting bhe L- buttons down the front lu ual & reliable way ta identify an Sovercoal. eMr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- ' colmn and girls I.!t worries be- 1- hind Easter veck for an ex- e tended motor tour o! U.S.A. -trust bhey left ail their Am- a enican silver south a! the bar- 3der or deep in the heart of e Texas. e Master Pal Rowan spent 1- aster weekend with lits par- 1ents hers. eMr. and Mrs. Sid Cook and ,Daug wlth Aunt Em Henders. sDoug stsyed for some holidays during Easter week. Th Jack Wilson, visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Joshua i ]vans 4t Oakwood on Easten Sunday. The Balfour Moores witb Mrs. Annie Sedman af Whit- by on Easter Suaiday. The Harvey Malcolms, the )Roy Werrys o! Hull, witb the Aldo Nasatos and Hank Boons1 Jr. at Port Credit. Mn. Clare Robinson vithà cousin Jay Malcolmi n Peter-1 boro- Misses Karen and Cin-c dy iicolim wlth Judy Rab.c Inson a! Yelverton. Wc are particularly happy ta repart that Mrs. Wilbert1 LMalcalm is home again after1 a lopg ordeal la Hospital. Yelverton Family Club met1 Fri. night In Chunch Hall withr Norman Wlson presiding.1 Following opening exercises,g secretany Lorna Wilson read lasI montb's minutes. The president welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Hjarvey Graham repres- enblng Blackstock Tawn andi Country Couples Club. Mission collection amaunted to $3.25. Emnestine R~obinson convened e bbe devotional in ber custom-% ar capable mannen, opening 1 Ibis portion a! the meeting wibb a medley a! Easter num- bers folowed by a poem "Givet Thanks". Haward Malcolm1 reaci bbe Sçrnipture, Luke 24,c and Isabelle Wilson contribut- ed a pocm "lSuccess" (not bhet waxy version). The topic ons an Easter thenie vas conclud- ed by a poem "Our Hands, Your Tools and Prayers". The Jack Wilsons, hosts anid0 reereation corivenors for the5 evenîng, provideci several nov-C elby games and cantests. Lunch t vas served.E Il is a pleasure to reparta that Manvers Tawnship will be holding an "'Appreciationd Nigbt" for Mn. and Mns. AI- ban Sisson on May 4 in Bebli-a any In honour o! Alban's 25 years plus, a! devoted service S ta- Township o! Manvers as t Road Superintendent.9 Weleome home bo Mn. and Mrs. Hugli McGill wha have returned home aften a winten's C hibernation aI Part Penny. e: D eepesî sympathy ta Mr. and Mms. James MeMullen and Mr. andi Mns. Howard Mc- 13 Mullen o! Lotus in tbc death i o! their grand-daughter aýd I great grand-daughtcr, Patriciab Edmunds, dauRahtcn of Mr. and c Mns. Donald Edmunds. IWEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEEKL REPORT Fer the veek of Apnil 25 ta May 1 inclusive: Admissions----- -54 Births-3 mi.4feae-7 Discharges --- 8-- 7 Major aperations 13 Minor operations --- 23 Emergency treatments -7 Vlsiting bouns 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. andi 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m._ MOST HOT WATER at LOWEST COST with a RENTAL WATER HEATER ON1LY $1 JMONTHLY' **' < s extra) FulIy Guairanted SEUICE, MAINTENANCE and INSTALLATION <lusoe ues thremay be Water hoats 3 timos fastor Costa Iosst Too! ieur Çm cmpay dmu o apo orl doo salesmennum1r teI¶home oanvasar. luormtion abed t h ense y*àe OubioFul " àuna lsu ltin aturali eqUlpEfl.àaor n uite the Sales! PHON4E ZENITHl 1-1700 tupport the Ouba seNspAW SuIAi G al ti ti Welcomes New Supt. John Bain Staff Presents Man te! ClocA To BTS Supt. John Morrisoný Who Joins New Parole Bd. John B. Mrisn uperin- tendent of t"he Ontarl Train- ing School for Boys, Bowman- VIL, for th. laat tva and a hal! years whose promotion la the iiew three man Para!. Board for the province became effective on May lut, was made tbe receipient o! a beau- tiful gift from the staff of tb local BTS an Fnlday afternoon, April ZOU'. The presentabion was made' at a reception held in the staff dining-room. This event was a combined farefeîl to Mr. Morrison and a welcome to the new superintendent, John Bain, the former superinten- dent of the Ontario Training School for Boys, Guelph. Mrs. L. M. Densem presided aI the attractively arranged bea table which vas centred byaen exquisite bouquet of pink and rose carnations in a crystal bowl. Vases filled with rose and yellow napdragons effectlvely placed about the roomn gave added colour to the festive scene, The gift for Mr. Morrison as an expression o! esteem from the staff wau a handsome ebime mantel dlock li rich dark walnut with a silver plaque? bearing the inscrip- BTS Ctaff, Bowmanville, 1960."1 H. A. Cuthbertson, a mem- ber o! the Teaching Staff, miade the presentation on be. bal! of his fellow workers. He extended the best wishes of BASE LUNE Monday aftcrnoon several friends and neighbours a! Mns. Sam Babbams wene enterbain- ed at aftennoon bea, camplete with birthday cake, at the home of Mns. R. C. Hopkins. The soutb cincle o! the Ma- pie Grave Unitedi Chuncb beld thein monthly meeting at bbe home o! Mns. Roy Van Camp on Monday evening. Mns. Mabel Bennett bas ne- bunned home after spending several weeks with ber dau. gbber aI Leamington. The Gond Neighbour Club held a succcssful 'Violet Tea' on Wednesday aflennoon. Mrs. 'Sam Babtanis, president of bhe club, greeted the guests at the door and Mrs. Kenncth H{opkins paured tea during the afternbon. 1 Mns. A. Tnimble spent a few days aI the home o! ber dau- ghter, Mns. Mike Faryna, Osb- awa. Mr. Mike Fanyna, Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis daugh- ter Sharon, at thc home o! ber gnandparents, Mn. andi Mrs. A. Trimble. Mn. Russell Leach, Man. chester, Ont., spent bbc week- end, the guest o! Jimmie Tnimble. The concert put on by bbc Bownianville Choral Society in Ebenezen Churcb, on Wed- nesday evcning vas enjoyed. by those attending froni this communlty. Mn. and Mns. A. Banne., Grace endi Ted wene present il a &Vanieîy Night', in Don- evan Coliegiate on Friday evening. The Sait F'leet District High School Band Concert held inl Bowmanville Town Hall vas well worth hearing. Two o! the young ladies, membens o! th. band, wene billeted at the hame o! Miss Dorothy Foley. Mn. and Mrs. A. Bannes, Grace and Ted visited Niagara Fails on Sunday. Among the points o! interest vislted wene, Sir Isaac Brack's Monument and The School o! Horticul- ture aI tb. Niagara Panks Commission. Nestieton Station (Intcndcd for last veek) Mns. Hofward Sutton, Launie and Debbie Peberbono u g b, spent last veek vitb ber par- ents Mn. and Mrs. L. Hylanci. Mns. Sain McRee retunned ta ber home in tbe village after spending bbc vinten months in an Oshawa apartment. Mn. andi Mns Rupert Byens o! Bowmanville visited witl' Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pfieffer and friends o! Toronto called on ber grancimothen, Mrs. Dovdmng and auait, Mns. Hon- ton.- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Will- iamis, Port Hope, vere veek- endi visitons with the Arnold Williamis fasnily. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon MéCabe a! Torornto, vere Wednesd'ay visitons vitb tbe Grant Thonip- sons. Miss Joyce Grabamn visibed Sunday vith Mns. Hcrmaxi Rodinun who vas spending bbe weekeaid with hon parents Mn. andi Mme. Cecil Wilson. The 'Wilson f anily wer. Sunday supper guests vlth Ma-s. Her- muai Samehis. A. anid Ma-s. Edgar Horn, Oshawa, vlalted lith Mr. andi Mns. Marvin Nesbitt. Miss pat Payne. and friend o! Toronto called on Kitchener Burton on Sunday Mr..and Mas. RichardDavi- son bock Arthur Hulbert ta visit his son PoMe in Doctor's Hospital, Torontoa, on Sunday and found hian iromvlpg nic- %. 41. Isy Suppla and Christ- !ne of Toronto, were vistors' mn the village. iMa-s. Adeibert Beacock un- dea-went sua-gcry in Toronto last voek and frlends art visis- ing ber a speedy recavery. Mr. and Ma-s. Jas. Harris ar- rived home f=on Madoc on Saturday. Ma-. Annandale, John andi Bob brought thein au far as Nestleton on thulr vuor homei to Tomçtol the staff ta Mr. Morrison for given hlm by the staff durlssg every success in his new posi- the time he had been aIt the tion, and also stated what a school. He stated that ho pleasure It had been for all would always have most hap- to work with hlm. py emories of hi s stay h.r Thanking the staff for the andmadded that the beautifui fine gift Mn. Morrison also dlock he had been given by spoke of his appreciation of the staff would have a place the co-operation and support of honor in his home. Business and Social Expenditures to Rise Says Bank of Commerce It's the business man's turn social capital expenditures are to lead the way to new helghts expected to rise this year, but, in capital outlays this year. ln contrast with the past year,, That, gays the current Coin- when it adopteci a cautioug at. mercial Letter published by titude . . . business . . is re- The Canadian Bank of Com. suming its stimulating role. merce, is the most significant while Federal Government point in this year's capital in- outlays . . . are being beld vestment prograrn. down in the Interest of bud- The Letter notes that the getary balance." Departîment of Trade and However, the Letter gays Commerce forecasts 1960 cap- that the increased spending lby ital investment aI $8,770 mil- business has one unfavourable lion, the highest on record, aspect in that smre of the and comments: new invesîment will bein*n I"Tii significance of this ported machinery which lest year'a program appears bO year w as d'a significant factor rest . .. in the differing rates in our adverse trade balance." of increase. Both business and Manufacturers, espectally pa- pers, steels and cheniicals, Duinesu uirectory wlll spend the otmny ______________________but wlll do so for different reasons. Pulp and paper hopes Accounfancy to keep pace with apredic±ed Ydoubling in world demanda by RAY . VILINU 1975 steel is trying to, broad- RAT J T)ILING en its range of products and Certif.ied Public Accounlant meet foreign competition atpd 93 Church Street the chemicals are just trylng MArket 3-3861 to keep abreast of nev devel- WM. L. H. COGGINS opments. Chartered Accountant The Energy Board's decision Second Floor permitting export o! natural New Llbrary Building gas will mean heavy e'pedi- Cor. King and Temperance Sîs. bures for pipelines, gatherlingi Phone MArket 3-3612 systems, plants and new re- serves. YALE, FRIEDLANDER With the exception of the HUNTR &CO~ autornotive trades, ail classes Accountants and Auditors of wholesale and retut! distri- Licenried Trustee in Bankruptcy butors are planning new or ex- 64 Ring 5St. E. RA 5-1021 panded facilities. Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. P. Frledlander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accouritarits 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monbeith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Ligbtfoot, C.A. C hir0p ra cftic 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor of Hlorsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office îlaurs: By Appointment D entfal1 D&. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldgs. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile Office Hours: 9 it.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saburday and Sun day Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvifle Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesday - Sundays DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 Ring St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 i Legal r STRIKE aud STRIKE 1 Banristers, Solicitors Notaries Public 3 W. R. Stnike, Q.C. 1 A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvifle Telephone MýA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 1 Residence MA 3-5553 MSS APHA L RODGINS Darristen, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowrianvlille IL RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barristes' and Solicitor In the offices o! R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario M ortgages RAD R AMILON - OR0140 Phione 1 r 16 FIrsI Mortgage Funds Remidences - Farms Business raperties Otm et1r K HA. BILLETTI .> Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment Tel@phone MArket 3-32àâ imonday ta Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.ni. Wednesdays: 9 te Il Tbur3day ovenisigs Schaols, Iao, vil! be afber capital, and bospibals are plan-_ ning a 25 per cent increas. in autlays to $201 million, Total govennment capital in- vesîment lo expected to b. Up only 1.8 per cent, vith prov- incial and municipal govern- ments replacing bbc federal government in tue llncup for John Q. Publie is about tbe only anc wbo may b. pullng in bis horns a bit. New hous- ing is expected ta b. anly $, 696 million, $63 million less than hast year. Ontario vil account for about 60 per cent o! bhe In- crease In expenditures and about 36 per cent a! the total. The Letten notes bbc absence o! an increase in capital out- lays i Qucbec. The Letter also notes that thc volume o! ncw capital as- sets vhicb yl resulî froni al tbe bonnowing this year vil b. slightly above last year's in terms o! constant dollars, 4'since upvard pressure on pnices is expecteci ta macer- . OBITUARY GEORGE WILSON IonthsGerghealsonfpssedea Iont Georighealsor psea away Apnil 7, 1960, aI Oshawa Genenal Hospital. The deccased vas boru 84 yeans ago in Cartwrigbt Town- ship two miles west o! Black- stock, the son o! bbc late Wm. Wilson and Anne Jane David- son. He vas a memben of lbe An- glican Chuncb. In 1903 be vas united in manniage with Lena Hadges. They farmed fan sev- en years at Columbus and nearly 50 years on thein farm a bal! mile soutb aI Raglan. Sunviving anc bis wife; a daughten, Stella (Mrs. Rein Lamb) of Columbus, R. R. 1; tbnee grandsons and tva great- gnandgrandsons; bhree brath- ens, William and Joe o! Part Penny and Leslie of Oshawa; a sisten, Winnifrcd <Mrs. Rus- sell Sonley) o! Pont Perry. He vas pnedeceased by tvo brothers, Albert andi Samuel and ana sister, Alicis (Mrs. Wm. Irwin). The funeral service vas helci Manday, Apnil 11, aI the McDenmott-Panabaker Chapel with Rcv. E. W. Fuller o! Port Penny and Rev. R. Love o! Columbus offlatlng. Interment vas made at Pitie Grave Cemneteny. Palîbeaners vere hie four nephews, Murray Wilson, Keith Wilson, James Wilson and George Irwin, and Iwo neighbans, John llowden andi Harry Howden. The many floral tributes spoke o!te high estecmin l vhich the deceased vas held. OBITUARY MWR$. BILAS TREWIN The d.ath accurred sudden. ly on Tuesday Apnil 12, 1960, at 621 Harvie Ave., Toronto, a fMrs. Sulas Trevin aged 81 yeans. The decessed vas boru ln Haydon, daughter af the laIe Wiiliam andi Grace Eroad. In 1902 she manricd Bilas Trein, wba predeceased ber, and ne- sided in Haydon &H ber life vith the exception of th. last Mm .Tevin vasa moinher TgE CMiAN N VrTÀ&UM, NOWBLU;V= IDOTTABTO Jresli &Procluce PALM GARDEN SELECT - No. 1 TOMATO ES GARDEN FRESH LETTUCE 14 OZ. CELLO TUBE JUMBO MIE HEAD CRISP REFRESHING M"L - CALIFOIRNA GREEN ONIONS SPARKLING ROSEBUD RADISHES 19C lforI9c, SIZ 2for 29C I LARGE BUNCHES 19 s OZ. 2 for 10.,. PKG. TASTY - CALIFORNIA No. 1 NEW POTATrOIS 10 Ibs5 75. ST. LAWRENCE COlIN OIL 25 oz.49 BEST BUY - SAVE Ilc de OFF DEAL - SNOWFLAKE SHODTENING ri.: 2 For 49C DEST BUY - SAVE 6oe FIVE ROSES Ahi Purpose FLOUR 7 lb. bag 55C BEST BUY - SAVE 17e ICLENEX TISSUES Regular or Chubby 6 pg.$ 1.00 BEST BIUY - SAVE 18o CHEER DETERGENT 10e Off Pack f Gianî Pkg. u69C FEATURE - SAVE 17e Waustaffe's JANS Grape * Two Fruit Red Plum Apple Jlhy 24 oz. Jar 3For$10 FEATURE - SAVE 2c CLOVERLEAF SOLID WVHITE TUNA %FISHR 7 oz. 'f FEATURE - SAVE 2o HEREFORD CORNED BEEF 12 OZ. 3 Tin43 FEATURE - SAVE lie BETTY CROCKER Layer Cake Mixes White, Chocolale, Honey Spice 3 Pkgs.$10 STATURE - SAVE 4o DYSONIS BILL, PICKLES Jar-29 &ÇresI2 Ileats TENDER-GROWN SWIFTtS PREMJUM Chickens j _ OVEN READY ILf GRADE A IL1.- 2/3 LB. AVERAGE 3 5 'SWIFT'S BONELIESS Pork Rostb.49c SWIFT'S SLICED Beef Liver ILb3J9C SWIFT'S Dutch Lunch Salami Chubs ILbt."5C SAVE 7e - FEATURE - GERBER'S ]BABY CEREALS 'Pk.2. For Q3 FEATURE - SAVE 4o LEMON JUICE FEATURE - SAVE 9a YORK BRAND BREAD' PI1CKNL ES FEATURE - SAVE 10o RED & WVHITE - ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS - TREESWEET m Ti. 4 Tine 35c "NI, BUTTER Jar 2 Y 48c m Faor49o FEATURE - SAVE 20e - HICKORY HILL WHOLE CHICKEN 8Ibl., 4 Os. 99C FEATURE - SAVE 15e - RED & WRITEg INSTANT CGFFEE 8o.990 "For Mothers Day" SUPREME Assoried CHOCOLATES I'B.x 89c SUPREME BRAND il5 Gauge 15 Denier NYLONS - 0 m *Pr. 89c "SUNBEAM FRESU", - RASPBERRy DANISH PASTRY ig.35a Plastic Garbage Cans '« .9 FRoZEN BIRDS BEE FOOD French Fries 9 3 for 49c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO BLACKSTOCK mWm. H. Tate * Maple Grove Groceteria sCornish Marketeria - Blyth's Market .1 1~ THUMSAT, MAT M , U o! United Church, the Wom- nmade many friendm and was phews. an'a Association and organist loved by ahl. Each sumnier, Rev. W. K. Houslander of o! th. church for many since moving to Toronto, se Trlnity United Church, Nov. Yemr. Several years ego she spent several weeks in the manville, conducted the er- Pleft HaYdon to live with her country with her ncphew Ce- vice held in the Morris Funer- cil Shemaon, and vas abie to al Chapel on Thur&daj3eiI1 1< isce, Mis Violet Broad, To- visit her many !riends and ne- 14. Interment vas in BMesda ronto, vhere she jotned Tnin- latives from there. She vill Cemebery. Ity Unlited Church Toronto, be greatly misscd by al vho veenpw anid became a MeÏler o! the knew ber. FPalibrthr Tre evin W.A. there. No immediate family re- Cliffard Trevi.Jh imn A frlendly, quiet, Christian mains and bhe dcceascd ta Dr. KeitiiSeo n o n%!%u the late Mn. Trewin survived by nieces and ne- Scott. 1 - 1 31-

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