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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 May 1960, p. 8

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PAGE lIGE? - TRI CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO ~aimaflAV ~DAV *~ lB~ flO OSO, *WU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B SPORT0piCS 1F'muk Mohun MA 3.7m3 MASTERS 5-PIN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP J. Trott's 2481 10-gamne total, bowled à week ago Satur- day, dldn't stand up to the assault of the 45 bowlens who werc ln action Saturday afternoorr at Libenty Bowl I the second section of the 96-mnanrral-off.1 The winer la M. Reesan of Whltby wlth 2542, six pins higher than W. Sowden, Port Hope. Trott's score gave hlm -a third place finish, followed in order by the next 10 bowlens of the finit erles, reponted ln last week's column. Frank Samis, the bone Bowmanville entrant ta make the top 20, was an lBth place finisher, with 2319, bowled in the first division. Others fromn the second set wha won prîzes were: L. Sabins (Whltby), 2341; D. Bryant (Ajax, 2337; D. BRowden (Whitby>, 2327; D. Adams (Whitby), 2326, and H. Ayres (Cobourg), 2270. Reeson wlll advance to the Masters 5-Pin World Champlonshlp the week of May 23rd - 28th at O'Connor Bowl ln Tononto. As rcparted last week, first pnîze is a sparts car, a replica af the Sportsmnan Cigarettes Trophy and $1,000.00. .BOWMANVILLE UPSETS NEW TORONTO Bowmanville Goodyear bowlers edged thein New Toronto Goodyear counterparts 10-8 at Long Brtinch, Satur- day alternoon, ta win the Goodyear Bowl-ing Challenge Traphy, la the ilrst 3rean of what promises ta be an annual compétition. Wif h the locals first team niable ta match New Toronto's top bowlers, thé heroes were the law average bowl- ers who posted a sliutout win ta clincn a Bowmanvillc vlctony. The flrst clash the pneceding Sate'rday cndéd ln a 9-9 tic. Now New Toronta have lssued a challenge ta Bow- inanville's top seven bowlers tr compète in a five-gamé rail- vff at Liberty BowI against thcir top seven. The best in each plant should present a prett- l'air match. However, we don't know yét if the challenge nas been accepted. t t . *1 -TOWN LEAGUE SOFTBALL Following a papt.lar revival of mén's softball last year, It appeans that this se.-.on wil be even more successful. Ken's ".Men's Wear will be holding their first practice tonight and we understand that next Thunsday, May lZth, Ken's wll play -thé champion Ster« ten Fuels in an exhibition contést - a né- peat of last séas" n'à Town League Final. Surplus Sales wil again field an e~ntry with a ncw club, Snuffy's Body Shop, as thé fourth tcam. Decre alion (R eviews By Domugla. Ig On April 28, 1960, thé negu- ian meeting ai the Bowman- ville Recreation Departmcnt was held at the Lions Centre. The -iollowing members wene present: Messrs. Stutt, Hughes, Chant, Kilmer, Rlgg and Miss D. Purdon. Mr. Rigg réportcd that Bow- manvilé Bantam Alistars lout bath games played ln the Lit. tic N.H.L. Tournament at Huntsville. A large numnben ai parents atténdéd from Baw- manville. The boys played very well-all wère proud ai thém. The Récreation Dept.'s 9th Annual Trophy Night will bé héld Wednesday, May 4th, at Bowmanville Mémorial Arena. Mr. Don Gilhooly will be M.C. for the cvening. Due ta cancellation ai the Community Picnic, bécause of a reducéd budget for rècrea- tion programme, firéworks not usèd in 1959 due ta nain, have béén donated ta Memorial Park Association for their dis- play. David Milne and Murray Walker were successiul in passing Red Cross Swimming Instnuctor's Course held in Pe- terborough duning Easten hall- days. The Recreation Dépt. sponsored thé boys in this course. Bath boys will be help- ing in thé swimming programn this summen. Mn. Rigg expects ta, make LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE LINZ Alleys Available for More Open Bowling OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phono NA 3-5663 W. are lnstalling autornatic pin-setters in the very near future. R.R. 3, BowmanvMle Apnil 28th, 1960 The Canadian Statesman: On behaîf ai the Bowman- ville Hockey Mothers' Associa- tion I would like ta thank the staff of The Statesman for the wonderful cooperation you have given us this past year. Wc sincerely thank you for the wite-ups you did for us, and for the publicity. It was much appreciated. Thanking yau again, The Bowmariville Hockey Mothers' Association. Sec'y, Mrs. H. Bradley. VAUXHALL GIVES YO-U VALUE SECOND TO NONE VAUXHIfLL DIVESTO 5-PASSENGER COMFORT With Vauxhali yo@ ni p peniy cfhead, lez and shoulder room for 5 =eol.* ** a cvciy YAW(AL IESm YOD STEERING COLUMN SEAR SHIFI Nathin g new to lests! Vauxball's sîeing columu Sear shift bas the 3-spe-ed action t"atyau ame faimlar wiU. VAIJXALL CIVES YOIJ COAST TO COAST SERVICE 'Wherevcr yau drive ln Niorth America, parts and service are aiways chos a 1II0S TrHE BRITISH CAR BUILT AND BACKED BV GENERAL MOTORS... OERVICE EVERYWFIERE ON THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENTS Robson Motors Lumited 166 King SI. E. Dowmumll NA 3-3321 & 3-3322 final deciuion regarding play- ate for seven weeks beginning ground staff, April 29th. There July 4th. Speclal activities will be 15 supervisors helpIng planned for summer are: Day with the aumnmer programme, camps, archery, swimmlng, The Bowmanville Skating baseball, soi tball, physical Club hopes ta resume pera- achievements, tennis, golf, tian ln th e fali of 1960. Ther e cratts, theatre, and minar soc- willi be further details about cer. Ail activities will depend thiW roject at a later date. on lnterest mn participating. Te Tot Skating group wIll Playgrounds will be, Lions operate again on Mondays Centre, Central School, Frank- from 3-5 p.m. under direction lin Park, Memorlal Park, On- of Bowmanville Recreation tario Street School, Vincent Department. Massey School and West The Teen Town Sprlng Beach.- Prom held April 22nd was Ontario Recreation Associa. very successful. The next Teen tion Conference wlll be held Town dance lu to be Saturday, in Cornwall, May 6, 7 and A. May l4th. Delegates ta Conference will Mr. and Mrs. Glenholme be Miss D. Purdon, Messrs. Hughes represented the Re- Rigg, Chant and Stutt. creation Department at Mem- T he next regular meeting anial Park Daffodil Tea. of the Recreation -Committee The playgraunds will oper- will be held June 2, 1960. Teenage -Bowling Boys Don Oké's leagué-léaders trounced John Phillhps' celiar- dwéllers 7-0, on Saturday, ta clhnch first placé, with thee weeks nemaining in the second schedule. Jim McKnight's sec- ond placers saw their slim chances go down the drain, when they wére upsét 5-2 by Tom Mason's tèam. John Run- dle's outfit shutaut Larry Thompson's crew 7-0, ta tie the lasers for fourth position. John Phhllips rolled 641 on games ai 211, 216 and 214, fol- 'lowéd by John Rundie 637 and Howard Rundié 635. The 210 bowlérs were led by John Rundle's 259. Other scores wént ta Howard Rua- die 256, Larry Luxton 242, Don Oke 237, 210, Lee Rack- hum 202, 236, Larry Taylor 231, John Rundie 220, Bob Mc- Manus 218, Randy Beaupnié 211, John Oke 208 and Don Brown and Gary MacDougal, bath with 201 games. Tcam Standings Pts D. Oke _____75 J. McKnight _____-52 T. Mason --_______4o L. Thompson 42 J. ]Rundie . ______42 J. Phillipa 16 Girls Virginla Brown's bowlérs picked up twa p oints on Lin. du Erooking's league-leadérs, trouncing Marilyn Moore's club 07-0, while the pacé-set- ters weré posting a 5-2 win ovén Helen Vanstonc's third placers. Brendu Oke's base- ment-holders dropped a 7-0 pasting ta Connie Osmond's team. The girls had an unusually nough time, with only thnee 200 games being bowléd. Vir- ginnia Brown set the pace with a 247 score and Marilyn Moore notchéd thé other two 212 and 204. Marilyn Moore had a 567 triple and Virginia Brown came up with a 550 total. Tearn Standings L. Brooking 62 V. Bnown ________ 5 M. Vanstone_______5 M. Moore -_______42 C. Osmond ______32 B. Oké --________19 Check Your Bout Now For Fine Summers Fun Thé Ontario Saiety Léagué Cléaning, scraping, sanding says a good sailor always arld repairing takes more time knows thé condition ai his and patience than thé actual erait from stem ta stèrn. This painting and varnishing. But la thé timé ai yean ta find out without this caréful prepara- any weak spots in your boat tion, the finished job will not and maké thé necessary ne- be satisiactory. Neyer apply a pains. Rémémben, a storm ai- heavy coat of paint or varnish. ways finds thé wéak spots Two light coats last langer even If you don't. and give greater protection ta Hère are somé suggestions: youn boat. Ail boats should bé thorough- Safety Equlpmént by inspécted, insidé and out, Check ail ropes and inés before launching. Always re- for wear. Twist open stnands mové faonr boards or gratings. af nope and check inside for Fibre Glass and Métal HuIls signs ai notting. Replace if Fibre glass and métal boats doubtiul ai condition. Be sure shauld bé chèckèd for damagý- life jackets, safety cushions, cd on wéak spots and néces- oans paddlés, anchon and an- sany népairs made. Steel boats chai: nope, fine éxtinguisher should be scnaped, sandéd and and navigation lights are in painted. good condition. Be sure safety Woodcn HuIlîs quipmèrit is authorizéd by Woodènhulîs houl e Dpantment ai Transport and scrapd nd usanded t rémovmeéts wth nequired régula- scaé r faky an to and vntions for your boat. This is a nish. Give spécial attention gond tlmésta buld ain racks anound nibs and between nibsand ipsnta Thiid alesate and planking ha lap-streak eupet hsslé h construction. Wash with dé- dangérous situation of havîng téngnt nd lushthoougly.it cluttéred about undér your terentandflsh horughy.féet. You can also sée at a Check for dry rot or spongey glance whén you stép into planks by tèsting with thé blade ai a peakniié, èspéciaîîy your boat if aIl thé required along thé kéél, ribs and tran- equipment is in its place. sam. Areas wheré thé bladé Outboand Matons sinks in èasily indicate détér- Unléss you are an expert jonatian ai thé wood. Replacé yoursélf, havé your outboard défective planking, knees or motar checkéd by a campe- ribs. tent méchaaic and overhauléd The transom on outboard if réquired. hulls takes thé strain ai mo- Propér spring inspection and ton thnust and vibration. Check overhauling ai boat and mo- boit and screw fasténers. ton takés time and cane but Build in extra supports, if will pay off in many hours ai nééded and replace défective safe and rane-fre pleasure mutenial. for you and your family. ,"LONE STAR" FIBREGLASS AND ALUMINUM 1BOATrS -4-4deh& MONTEREY Fhoenme.ds1gned hu for flashing speed, eoft ridai Seect yeur Individuail meeting arrangement fr. over lfi pw mm ueo. 'tubs up Io 40 hp,. -AT - LAE SCIJGOG, PORT PEuTY FRIAT, MIAT Bih OSHAWA, ONT.I Mixed Bowling Leaguel Three ai the top four clubs lost in the final night ai the Mixed League'.ssecond ache- dule, Friday at Liberty Bowl. The two points gannered by Fred Luxton's team, despite losing 5-2 ta Cec. Mutton'. crew, wene enough ta enable the lasers to capture the pen- nant. Joe Nowlan's runnero-up wene unabie ta take advantage af the leaders' dci eat, drap. ping a 5-2 game ta Art Spi- cer's tèam. Elton Brock's bowl- ers were aiea uflable ta aven- take the pacé-setters, in fact falling from third ta fifth as the resuit of a 5-2 setback ut the hands oi Jim Cox's club. The only member ai thé top four to win was Bud Edmond- son's squad, who edged Jack Bond's outfit 4-3. In a game with nothing at stake, Pat Yeo's cellar-dwellers wène on the short end. ai a 5-2 score ta Bob Mitchell's team. Lau Welsh took high triple honours with a 765 total, made up with games ai 266, 263 and 236 . Joan Brunt led thc ladies with a 733 triplé, whilé Onie Etcher had a 704 ta clinch the high avenage. Othér big ta- tais wene nolled by Jack Bond 687, Ken Luxton 660 and El- ton Brock 650. Jack Bond nackèd up the night's high single of 347, foi- lawed by Jim Cox 294, Onle Joan Brunt 256 and 254 and Etchen 283, Ron Mutton 267, Lou Welsh's fine scores. Thé Mixed Bowling League e 1ayofis will be bowled on riday, May 6, et 7 o'clack sharp. The firat four teames wili bowl in anc division and thé remaining six teams wili bowl in anothèr. The overali téam standings are as foliows: Points Pins1 Splcér 112, 78633 Luxton _____ 112 77674 Muttan______ 112 76533 Brock _____ 104 771851 Edmondson - 100 775001 Nowlan _____ 98 756641 Cox_______ 91 749931 Bond ...______ 90 759351 Mitchell_____ 70 730361 yeo 56 710351 Final Standing Tèam W L 'Pts Luxton _____ 25 17 57 Nowlan_____ 24 18 55 Edmondson _-__ 23 19 54 M achine Shop Wins 'BowI-off By 40 Pins Thé Machiné Shap took a brief lead, feIl 152 pins bé- hind and thén came on with a noar ta win thé Goodyear Leagué Rail-off by 40 pins, at Liberty Bowi, last Thursday night. The runnér-up Béits, aitér rahing thé night's high ai 1205, faltéréd ta a 901 in thé final contest. Thé Machiné Shop won with 3186, followed by the Belts 3146, Combinés 3020, Braves 3004 and Office 2908, with thé othér fivé téams fan behind. Floyd Bnadd took high tri- ple honours with 691 as thé léagué ènded actuai bowling opérations for thé séason. Bill Nicholson rolled 688, Stu Car- son 678, Howard Edmondsoa 673, Art Spicen 672 and Char- lie Vanstane 671. Stu'Carsoa's 308 game was hhgh followed by Jack Bond 304, Walter Goodé 294, Floyd Bradd 287, Howard Edmond- son 284 and Jack Géddés 275. Locals Down New Toronto At Long Branch Bowmanvillé won thé bowl- ing battie ai thé Goodyéars, downing New Toronto 10-8,1 Saturday atrnoan at Long Bnanch Bowl. The opening match here thé previaus Sat- urday èaded in a 9-9 thé. Once mare thé New Toronto A team turnéd la a gréat bowling display, nolling a tre- méndous 3588 total ta soundly trouace Bowmanville's num- ber one éntny 3-0. Russ Clark continuéd ta be a big gun ha thé loser's attack wlth a 781 triple, whlé Mike Prhnsvisser turaed la a 735 to- tal, Ran Maynard was the banc Bowmanville bowler ta hit 700 In bath matches, with a 715 mark, Fred Smith had a 695. Archie Cawéy gave Bow- mnanvillé thé only Individual high ai thé home and home sériés, smashing thé pins for a 345 game. Nhck Dévernchuck ai New Toronto was close be- hind at 341. Thnee boals took thé next thrée positions--Fred Smith 299, Rau Maynard 284, and Bill Shottér 281. Rua Gurrell présented Frank Mohun with thé Goodyear Bowling Challenge Cup, which ta ta be compéted for annual- iy. New Toronto (A) 3-Bow- munvhllé '(A) 0. Bowmunville (B) 2 - New Toranto (B) 1. Bowmanviilé (C) 2-New Toronto (C)I1. Bowmanville (D) 2-New Toronto (D) 1. New Toronto (E) 2-Bow- manvillé (E) 2. Bowmanville (F) 3--New Tononto (F) 0. 1Splen 22 20 63 Mutton _____ 23 19 52 Brock . 22 20 62 Cox ___ 21 21 50 Bond ______ 20 22 49 Mitchell______16 26 37 Yeo . 14 28 31 Final Average@ Gaxhes Ave. Onle Etcher - 42 223 Elton Brock 42 218 Ha p Palmer 42 209 Hilda Brock 42 207 Jack Bond .. 42 204 Bob Yake ____ 42 202 Pat Yeo -_____ 42 202 Duke Brunt - 42 200 Jack Brough 39 198 Joe Nowlan 42 197 Cecil Mutton 42 191 ArnoldSleep - 42 191 Art Spicer 6 191 Lou Welsh 36 189 Gordon Wilcox 36 188 Gordon Stringer- 42 185 Em Stringer 42 185 Ron Mutton - 42 184 Dot Bond 33 184 Mary Wllcox 42 183 Ken Luxton 35 183 Morley Etcher 42 182 Howard Bromeil 42 181 Jim Graham 39 180 Joan Brunt - 36 179 Mike Heenan 25 179 Jean Evans 42 178 Emma Bromeli 39 177 Fred Luxton - 39 177 Dorc Mutton - 42 176 Jessie Heenan - 31 174 Doug Reynolds 27 174 Jim Cox _____ 39 170 Carole Oke____ 39 170 Essie Cox ____ 42 169 Amy Winacott - 33 168 Pat Bartels 42 167 Ada Luxton ___ 36 167 Bill Charles - 42 166 Ruth Yake . 42 166 Marg Perris ....- 33 163 Carole Reynolds- 30 136 Audrey Sleep 42 162 Ruth Mitchell - 42 162 Rick Gould 39 161 Cliff Evans 42 160 Walter Rundle -36 160 Bob Mitchell - 42 159 Ferne Bradley - 42 159 Don Bradley -___ 42 158 Duaine Palmer - 40 157 Leo Curtin- ~ 39 157 Evenett Winacatt - 27 157 Marie Yeo- - 36 142 Kay Luxton ___ 39 14à Betty Brough 24 145 Doreen Charles 42 144 Marie Curtin - 39 144 Ivy Rundle____ 24 122 Ruby Spicer - 39 109 Kay Graham 36 107 Ladies' High Single - Onie Etcher 283 Mcn's High Single - Jack Bond _____347 Ladies' H-igh Triple - Joan Brunt 733 Men's High Triple - Lau Welsh 765 Any way you figure it ... Our Prmium Paymsnt Plan is best for pour budget Nowyou canget theproperty insurance yau need-because our Premium Payment Plan enabies you ta divide the premium convenientiy over a period af mots... just as you budget your'rent, béat, téléphone, etc. Cali us today for detaiJi. STUAIT B. JAMES INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Afternoon Ladies' Leago On lriday afternoon. April Volmna Kitson_____1 29th, ln thé Aiternoon Ladies' Mabel Williams 137 League, Marion Crowe took Nance Calmer _____137 high single wlth a q:ue 233 Aura Trewi ____ 3 gaine, while Alyce Hodgson Marion MacDonald 133 toak high double with a 374 Ruth Goodwin - - 133 total for the two gamnes. Ail Agnes McColloch 13s one e% soththe ?Wrons BO& Wilson - -__13 à and Robins are stili tled for Barbara Collison lao___13 first place ln the baeA, ai- Jean Lobb- 129 though the Wreno utifl lead ln Marlon Wiseman ____127 Pinf. 200 Piames wene: Marion Elsie ]Richards -____ j»12 Crawe 233, Earb Courtney 222, Nellie McFeeters 128 Alyce Hiodgson 21*, ]Ruth Cozette Neads _____12&. Goodwin 214 and lielen Nlch. Mle White ______128 oison 80p. Rose Cowan ._____120 Team Btandings Ruby Munday 120 Wrenu _______1 Robins __18_______ Bluebirds -16 Canaries ___14_____ Sparrows _______7 Bi:asAverages 18~LFA 6 OUePatfield -- 8 Ena Etcher - _ .. 183 ___________ BettyRcars--- 181 Bannie Mcflonald - 177 DIAR 4JM& Shirley Davis 171 OUR NjMBi Doris Holroyd 170 Alyce Hodgson 164 Betty Kelly -_____ 160 Marlon Crowe ______160) Bea Sellers -- -_____157 Helen Rogers .- 157 Sadie Bucknell 157 Muriel erouglh ______156 Helen Nicholson - 153 Hilda Sininick ____ 151 Daphna Sprague 149 ' Marg. Coyle 147 Daisy Bell. - _____146 PLUMBING-HEATN Barb. Courtney = 145 Marlon Gîbson 143 <j LRE EIRIj Marg. McDonald -- 142____________ Helene Rundie _ 142 * * * *- Hilda Maaney_ - 141 Too Much And Too Many A young couple came ln ta see usafw days a go. After some .~ '4talk and a look at a couple of cars we have on the lot, it came Iout that they had been in ta the jcity. The more they talked, the Smore 1 was sure that they had seen so many used cars at sa many places that they didn't know which way ta turn. Con- fused was noa naine for it. Now, I'mflot suggesting that Bill teven you can't buy a used car in the Bih Seven city. 'Yau can ... and you can bUy a good ane if yau know what you are buying. But ta buy a car in the city, you should know quite a bit about used cars ... and on some of the iots, that deal in used cars only, you have ta know s ;l of the tricks that some of the dealers can pull. to make a car look and sound better than it usually is. When you cone rlght down to It, the best place to buy a used, car is front a new car dealer. And when you live ini a smaller town, you are in a good position to know the repu- tation of each dealer in the town. In a town like ours, your new car dealer HAS to live up to his reputation . . . even on his used cars. In fact, many of the used cars we seil are cars that we sold new, serviced, then took in on trade. Even when you pay a littie more, those are the best buys. And when we take in a car of a different make, we really give it a going aver. Do you know what we do with the used cars we are net sure of ? We wholesale them ta the city lots! Sa when yau want a GOQU used car.. a car you can depend on for miles and miles of econamical transportation, come and see us. We'I1 be glad ta help you find just the right car. O3iltpuen, Phone MA 3-3321 for appointment to HAVE YOUR CAR CHECKED for Sulmmer driving. >G uardian Maintenance For convenience of Oshawa customers Phone direct RA 5-2712 New Car Sales are above ail expectations consequently we have a good sciection of A-1, reconditionci, guaranteed USED CARS Ail Colora - Ail Models np to '59 It Pays t., Buy frorn an Authorized Dealer *1 1 1 -1 - TM CANADIAN STATESMAIR, DOWMANVn£At OlfTAMO À.IqffmcmAv- MAV RIN lý m PACM max-T

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